CLJ Conference 2018 session 2 Dr Bruce Allen

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[Music] let's remain in the presence of God as the worship team goes finishes its wonderful presence of God is here thank you Lord we bless you Father God for your wonderful presence thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord hallelujah praise the Lord God is good amen so we are here again for the next session I'm sure you got blessed in the first session little bit of fire was there but awesome I mean God is good so I was really blessed when the first session finished some of the brothers sisters they came and say hello to me and I know they're there diehard diehard fan of brother saddle and but for them to come and tell me that we are here because we want to follow Jesus and and they said we are here too we follow the Jesus in brother Sado and we follow Jesus so we are here amen so we are all here because we love Jesus Christ amen not for dr. Bruce anyway dr. Bruce a little bit and bit bit upset dear not for me but not for dr. Bruce not for anyone but for the Lord Jesus Christ amen so just for the announcements I have been given some announcements our our team is so good that they stick all the announcements here so that we don't forget you know just in case I forget to tell you where the toilet is so it's fun to welcome you all again in the name of Jesus Christ thank you all for coming tomorrow and and then the after tomorrow Saturday we'll have it we'll build up more and more as we enter as we will enter in the Tabernacles which is the rest the book of Hebrews says and God will lead us in a wonderful way amen do you believe that yes yes so tell your friend yes we will enter in the tabernacle tell your friend on the side speak to your friends I'll meet you there here main so just for announcements this time really I will speak the announcements this the front rows are for the pastors I from different different areas of Australia different different areas of all how many of you are here from us from Sydney pastors from Sydney how many for Melvin Oh we welcome you ha how many of you from Adelaide or other parts okay okay how many believers are from Melbourne Wow actually I should say how many believers not pastors pastors believers because once I was preaching in a Korean church and I said from the pulpit I said Koreans don't go to heaven there was a big silence then I said only Christians go to heaven there was oh yes yes so how many Christians are from aro age God bless you brothers welcome you or any other parts of Western Australia and anybody outside Australia Wow hallelujah praise the Lord we welcome you again God is beautiful he's uniting us we pray the psalm 1 3 3 the blessing of 90 flows on all of us amen so uh coming back to the again the housekeeping things number one is you know we have the front rows for the pastors and ministers please it's a reserved for them so first and second row first row especially and then second one is I think sitting down listening to some time messages for nearly one hour can be a little bit heavy so after that you would like to have some coffee right oh you are so good you don't want any coffee you want to continue till ten o'clock no break sometimes people love coffee so we have some coffee machine a coffee man they're like after this like after what's gonna happen is after the session finish we're gonna have prayer so please don't go away after this session we can have prayer so we gotta lock the rooms doors the security key is in my hands you can't go you have to pray amen because it's a prophetic conference right so after that there is a coffee you know van is there at the entrance catering food also there I think you have some catering food today in the afternoon yes okay I think that costs around ten to twelve dollars and in the lounge area you can have and please take the rubbish with you and if you want to know about conference timetable not who is preaching but what time is the session it's I think it's outside posted outside the wall you can have a look and then we have a offering box at the front desk for people who cannot attend the evening session because evening sessions we're gonna collect some offerings because this is a free conference so I believe you've been blessed so please if you feel in your heart you need to bless bless it in the evening or in the afternoon if you are not coming in the evening or in the morning there's an offering box at the front desk you can drop your blessings there and then otherwise if you want to bless us with the wow so fast thank you yeah I like that so it's a online and check offer you give on this address this details there please you can take you can take the details there and yeah so after the message please take all your things from the hall don't leave anything and then please you will come back on the next session but that will speak after the message is finished so also one thing is when the session starts please keep your mobile phone on silence or aeroplane mode it is better to go an aeroplane mode because you'll be flying the Holy Spirit mode so you know I love playing mode and because others will disturb and if dr. Bruce is either taking us in translations of you may get stuck in the middle so we need to come back so please okay keep your mobile phone silence and please don't take any photos and please don't do any live YouTube recordings alright please don't take any any videos alright so yeah this is my announcements I want to bless you with this and also now the session is dr. Bruce all I can say is dr. Bruce is he looks very serious but he's a very funny man and I just love to hang out with him and he loves cookies [Laughter] so let's welcome dr. Bruce [Applause] I think he likes cookies more than me [Laughter] please be seated good morning how many years have we been coming he you still don't get that early in the morning on the third day in the seventh day prophetically it's morning good morning well that was underwhelming before I get started just so I don't get in trouble later let me introduce my sweetheart this is Reshma stand up and wave she always says you just ignore me you didn't say my name or anything so praise God you know it's been hot are cold everywhere else now it's warm in this room what happened I'm not gonna call for the fire then cuz well I've been praying and actually I was doing a lot of praying before we came I've been talking with the Lord this has been a very unusual year a good way for the encounters and the things that the Lord has been speaking to us and showing us and you know how many of you felt that this year is a tremendous year of transition I mean it's it's been a transitional thing and I see I mean it's been happening to so many of God's people that the Lord is beginning to position his people where he wants them to be and talking with brother Neville and brother said do and they send their greetings by the way but we hope we all have a sense that we're coming into a season right now not only of acceleration but acceleration into the fulfillment of destiny and it's a it's it's a you know we use words all the time because we don't have a better way to define this but it's a quantum shift there's something so important about this fall that your spring but this season that we're entering into where we're about to see launched after this feast cycle a Great Awakening release throughout the earth don't get too excited how many of you know Pastor Joe sweet awesome brother dear friend but you know the Lord's been speaking to him for many years but in particular this year about a great move of God a Great Awakening and a revival in his church but throughout the nation's and he's he's really hesitated to travel at all because he doesn't want to miss what God's going to do he just knows in his nowhere it's about to break forth well he just got a video from a woman from somewhere back in the US that had a dream and in the dream she was taken by God into his church where a great awakened and great move of God had just begun powerful word and so then brother said oh and Bobby Conner were there and Bobby Conner prophesied this fall this great awakening begins so it was a it was a confirmation and and that's something we've been feeling all year so I know we're shifting back in April May I had an encounter with God that I you know there's certain times that you can share things in certain times that you don't share things but this encounter I I was standing before the Lord in heaven and I saw two companies of angelic beings behind them and I'm massive numbers and I they were different one had look looked what it was asked as if they were they were ready to harvest something I said Lord who are these he said I'm about to release them now listen to remove the chaff from the wind not to harvest the wheat but to remove from among God's people the chaff that which has been a mixture within the body of Christ and when he said that he turned to them and said now go and they vanished judgment has begun in the house of God some of you pastors in here you know I know a couple of stories firsthand but there has been conflict in the church this year rebellion and and sectarian how many people are rising up and trying to destroy look rejoice because God is bringing to the surface the dross I know it's it's always baffled me how people think they can rebel against the set man that God has placed and they're gonna take some people and start a church and they think God will bless something birthed in rebellion that's the height of ignorance God doesn't burst Rebell you are a blessed rebellion in any form doesn't happen and so lives are shipwrecked but God is revealing the hearts of his people because judgments beginning in the house there are Ananias and Sapphira things happening in the church right now I won't get into those stories a day we've got to understand the season we've come to and then this next group of angels I said Lord who are these he said these are the harvesters gonna reap the final harvest and he didn't say now he just sent the first group of angels and I was quite surprised because you know the study of eschatology when we start studying endtime events there are so many interesting fascinating theories which is fine we cannot be dogmatic because the truth is the first century church that was far more knowledgeable about Torah Hebrew and prophetic things missed it completely but God revealed it to Shepherds in a field and two wise men from a foreign nation not to God's people do you understand that and I still think God's about the show his people and released to his people profound revelation that's going to establish us in the new thing this final move of God that he's about to release we cannot be dogmatic except for on the basic fundamental doctrines of the scripture or Hebrews chapter six so we have to pay attention so I you know I did a lot of study wrote a lot of notes I do that anyway and the Lord said no open your Bible I want you to do something else first Corinthians chapter three he said and I brethren could not speak to you as spiritual people but as to carnal as to babe's in Christ I fed you with milk and not with solid food for until now you were not able to receive it and even now you are still not able for you are still carnal for where there are Envy strife divisions among you are you not carnal and behaving like mere men the day of carnality in the church is about to be arrested by the presence of God that's going to be conferring conviction holiness purity and the fear of the Lord I wasn't here this morning I heard there was a disruption I got excited I said yes then amen if we got the devil riled up right out of the gate wigging something's going to happen [Applause] not an individual mind you the spirit behind understand that so the Lord is saying that the church has been in a position of carnality infancy I call it we've got those in the pulpit that promulgate pablum peddling preaching pablum is a baby food in america and canada i don't know what they call it here but for centuries we have given the body of Christ nothing but baby food we haven't trained up a people in this hour to move forward into the fullness that God has let's see that's what the fivefold ministry is forced to equip the Saints not to entertain not to be culturally relevant not to tickle ears not to put on a book good program where do we equip the Saints of God for the work well I don't want to work I just want to hang out with Jesus well you better re-evaluate your heart because you cannot be a part of a kingdom movement without paying a price well Jesus paid the price Jesus paid the price for entry into the kingdom of heaven but from that point on you have a responsibility and again having been a pastor in ministry we've got to look at the fivefold ministry for hindering the people of God from growing up but God's not going to allow it anymore he's just not going to there's going to be a shift in the church where God's going to set some down and establish others and it's not gonna be through rebellion it's not going to be through charisma as a matter of fact some of those that God's about to raise up the world will look or most of the church will look and say you got to be kidding that person until God fills their mouth and they speak and then all they saying will be shut it'll be over you know I'm amazed how many of you heard about the the of the street children in Brazil some of you but you know these little children getting saved on the streets they're orphans and they're the vagabonds and gods visiting them and they're getting saved and they're going to heaven and learning about Jesus and being filled with the knowledge of God and then they preached the gospel and they're pastoring churches at 7 8 9 10 11 years old and they've got hundreds of people coming because they're speaking with such profound wisdom and maturity and insight none of us would ever have chosen that but God takes the foolish things of the world to confound the wise therefore you all qualify so do I but God's not going to allow carnality any longer to just to see than to brood and to fester in the church that that day's over yes he's a loving God do you know in this generation we have a warped comprehension of what true love is true love is what you never spank your child you don't speak hard you don't say don't that's that's humanism that's demonic your Bible says if you're loving to your child you bring correction as a matter of fact I'll tell you a story on myself one day the Lord I was pastoring and sitting in my office and you know studying and the Lord said hey how you doing today Bruce and I thought well you know pretty good God just he said what are you doing I said well you know what I'm studying your word he said good good he said had any problems lately and I thought no not really Lord he said why not I said what do you mean does not my word teach that those who live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution oh and he started showing me in my own life how it was more important to me at that time to not ruffle feathers to kind of blend in to be a chameleon so you don't offend people he said but you're offending me that's offensive to me I said lord I am so sorry I'm so sorry Lord I repented so he did a work in me that's why I can recognize it in all of us to some measure and I'm not judging you I but we all do this but see the Lord takes us through a process of maturity he said if you don't run into the devil every now and then is probably because you're going in the same direction it was a good meeting this morning helloo yeah so Rosh Hashanah we're coming to the end of this feast season on the 9th we were praying at home I have a prayer room at home that I like to pray in and as I was praying and seeking the Lord Jesus appeared in my room I was wearing a red robe over a you know his white garment there was no conversation whatsoever but instinctively I felt to embrace him I don't know about you but when he shows up I just I used to tell him long ago before I had my first encounter Lord if you ever get close enough for me to grab hold of you thought you had a wrestling match with Jacob you ain't seen nothing I am never going to let you go and so I'm just hugging him boy I can't even describe that to you you know my dad is 82 going on to 83 he's he's challenged right now with a modern-day disease called dementia and so every time we go we hug I hug on him I never know if it's gonna be my last hug from my dad and you know what that feels like your dad or your mom that hug will magnify that a bajillion times with Jesus I mean the the impartation of love acceptance freedom joy I can't even define it so I I just like to don't lever let me go so he held me for a time which time in the realm of the Spirit is meaningless but I mean the only way I can describe that it could have been a moment it could have been a lifetime but it was never enough it's just not enough so as he was infusing me with his love his strength his peace and there's surance I felt something begin to shift in me I I can't describe that Network let me just say this Rosh Hashana these visitations are what he's releasing to the church this isn't about me I can only describe to you what it was it like for me because you're gonna have your own experience and I'm building expectation and focus in your life this belongs to you and so this great peace and assurance and then he brought to memory a verse that I had studied some years ago in the Song of Solomon chapter 8 verse 5 it says who is this coming up from the wilderness leaning upon her beloved the next instance I found myself standing beside the Lord and we were looking into heaven and the paradise of God it was like a portal or a doorway had opened we were looking into this realm and it was awe-inspiring and here's what he gave me to understand in this new year fifty seven seventy-nine were entering into a season of ever-increasing intimacy with God it's this simple you make a choice Lord I want this that's it yes you you know you can't make it happen but God the himself wants this for you he wants to be with you believe it or not God wants to hang out with you remember in school in elementary schools in that you need you've had teams and you make a captain and they pick players and here's always this poor kid that was the last one to be picked because everybody thought nah he can't throw a can't run can't jump can't do anything well no you're the first pick did you hear me God's picking you first every one of you that's how dis serious he is for this this season with you that that you can grow in such intimacy with God that you'll never be moved by the things that are taking place in the world and because of this infancy intimacy we're gonna be greatly comforted in the days ahead infused with his love his strength is wisdom power knowledge and understanding the world is desperate for the love of God the church is desperate for displays of the love of God I mean you go into some churches and you see how they treat each other you think dear God I I'm better off hanging at the club down the road they have greater respect and they care for each other better than the church does especially if you're from another church don't hang out with those people don't you dare go to that meeting we don't know if those people are of God well they're born again and saved but we don't agree with them get over yourself maybe God doesn't agree with you I'll tell you another true story back in the early 90s again pastoring in Seattle and there was a real stir a real movement taking place in the churches and and people were going from church to church and this saying came especially from the pastors and leaders you know they be careful of those people they're nothing but church hoppers they're unstable there's there no foundation no root you know and and I said Lord what are you saying about that because they're wonderful people but I mean they sell yeah we're coming to your church and the next week they're gone he said well the truth is they're going from church to church looking for me and they haven't found me yet what they're finding is religion but they're really looking for me because I put such a hunger in their heart as I'm changing this season to cause a people to come forth that it conformed to my image that know me intimately that walk with me side by side they're hungry for that and they haven't found it in the modern day Church no that was in the 90s it's not quite as bad but we still see it there are far more people not going to church than are anymore why well we better get Madison Avenue marketing techniques we've got to make it more relative more loud more light shows more no you've got to make it more real the question is is Jesus there that's what they're looking for and that undid that that unrest in your spirit that hunger and desire it's because you're really looking for him too because you know he's calling you to something you've never been in before a place we've never gone before but this fall something's shifted this Rosh Hashana this feast season something is shifting and I mean is shifting fast amen then on the second evening on the 10th I was again in prayer in my prayer room and rest man was praying down there also and as we were worshiping the Lord I had an interesting encounter I saw vast multitudes in the heavens of saints I mean more than I could number as well as legions and legions of angels and I saw chariot of fire in a a being that that was a friend over the years it was he looks like a horse a white horse I've been in the chariot he carried me all over the universe in different places before and and I was really happy to see him I went up and hugged him said boy I've missed you I'm really happy to see him and there was that chariot of fire and I yeah I felt the warmth of his lovers accept us you know they communicate heart-to-heart they don't need words that would do us well wouldn't it because our words fail us ha far too often if you're married do you don't need words too often you just need to look rush miss always saying I can see it on your face never be a good pick poker player here cuz I'm pitch new and so I'm hugging this horse and in I felt his love and all of a sudden he communicated this is what he said shortly now and I instantly understood the final harvest is about to be released it's going to be not only the angels of heaven not only the church in heaven but the church on earth we're shifting into that in this season something extraordinary you know I just heard that you guys have a change of leadership in this nation I was so blessed and so excited you have a Pentecostal Christian a Messianic Jew Wow I remember last year y'all praying God don't let this happen help help help and they said that law passed anyway but look what God did he answered in a way you didn't expect can I tell you don't you dare let down praying now you better start praying like you have never prayed before because they are moving targets but God wants to establish righteousness in your nation you've entered into a window of supernatural blessing don't let this pass you by because you don't enter into the prayer closet and uphold those leadership but just as in America you guys probably get the wrong news over here the communist news network or is that the Clinton news network or the listen don't believe what you hear it's all it's all lies he's doing extraordinary things in the in America no he's not perfect but you know he's newly born again and there's a vast prayer movement undergirding him and praying protection over because you know the witches the the occult in America they all said every week we're gonna gather together and they coordinated this and we're gonna cast curses upon that man so the church better pray cuz I tell you it's not gonna be any different here but he's winning I don't know if you've heard about the swamp but the swamps starting to be drained now the Lord is doing something in the nations where people have prayed we're entering into a profound season of destiny and I don't know how long that particular window will remain open I don't know how long they serve it well they serve at a whim here right I mean one day they're in next day they're out because we don't like him unless you stop it you have you have authority and prayer now in Luke 13 Jesus is talking in verse 22 about the narrow way the narrow way and he goes on to say up to verse 32 well verse 31 on that very day some Pharisees came saying to him get out and depart from here for Herod wants to kill you oh isn't that sweet they hated him but they're trying to protect him really you ever faced that somebody that reviles you but all of a sudden they're on your side don't trust them this is what Jesus said go tell that Fox foxes the you know little foxes spoil divine behold I cast out demons the very first thing he did is say Herod you get near me that demon in you is gonna be cast out I perform cures today and tomorrow and the third day I'll reach my goal I'll be perfected I'll finish my course that's what perfected means I'll reach my goal I'll finish my course the finish line is in sight here's why I say good morning all the time you have to understand the third day in the seventh day the third day from Jesus a day is a thousand years a thousand years as a day where early in the morning on the third day and on this day according to biblical pattern Isaiah 46:10 God declares the end from the beginning we're going to reach our goal now it's not about going to heaven nice try it's about being like him mature sons of God that's the goal that's the place God's taking us that's what the Lord created you for and all of the earth is groaning same word if you scripture if you study a word that word it's the same thing that speaks of the travail the groanings of the Holy Ghost through you in words in articulate speech it's such a heavy travail in the spirit that's what the earth is doing right now so that mature sons and daughters will come forth that's powerful you have Jesus who ever lives to make intercession for you you have all of creation travailing for you it's a time of prophetic fulfillment so that you come to the fullness of the stature of who you're called to be in Christ a mat or son or daughter of God he's the firstborn among many brethren you're the many that's gonna attain to that what is that going to look like in this hour there's an old song I remember we had an Indian missionary when I was a youth pastor in the 80s and he was in attach to the church and he would always sing this song I shall not be I shall not be moved I shall not be I shall not be moved just like a tree that's planted by the waters Lord I shall not be moved you're not gonna be moved any more circumstances are not going to move you victories won't move you defeats won't move you Jesus will move you you notice in the life of Jesus whenever he was faced with the circumstance he didn't sweat he didn't father he didn't call for the yelled he didn't call for it he was totally at peace and rest all the time because he had the voice of the Father saying this is what I told you to do do it and he was at rest he had peace because he knew when God spoke it was finished we're coming into this season we're coming into this season very quickly the Lord is about to perfect that which concerns each one of us he's going to bring you to the place of completion the place of reaching the goal your destiny see the carnality that's in the church is about to be replaced by mature sons and daughters of God I saw this clearly in that vision clearly visitation access into that realm you know what Samson's parents were longing for Samson longing for a child let me read that just to make certain I get it right in the book of Judges the story is recorded of Manoah and his wife who received a visit from an angel the angel promised them a son Samson the thirteenth judge of Israel so manoa offered a lamb as a sacrifice upon the rock to the Lord and according to the scripture and then the angel stepped into the flame and ascended to heaven that's significant last year on Rosh Hashanah some of you might remember me sharing this with you I was taken before an altar in heaven an altar of burnt-offering sacrifice my custom was because I prayed this way for years I would take everything that God had given me and I place it on the altar all of the gifts all of the successes failures all my wants hopes needs desires everything all my members I would lay it on the altar and I would stand back and I would pray and allow the fire of God to consume the dross and remove those things that would were not of him for years I'd done this and I would pick up what was left but last year something shifted I did that the fire came and blew and I thought okay it's done and it stopped it's like somebody hit the reverse button and the dross was back I thought what in the world and I'm Lord what are you saying and all of a sudden I got the revelation and I went and I stood on the altar with all of that then the fire fell now this was for the whole church when that fire fell this time not only was I close then light like all of you are in your spirit man but all of a sudden now I have a covering of fire over that garment of light and he said last year this is the season of the coming forth of my burning once that angel stepped into the fire and he had access to ascend and descend into heaven it speaks of a place of consecration a place of purity holiness a place of being like him so that you have access to where he is at all times how difficult is it it's as easy as breathing but some of you we might need to pray for we don't want second nature this has got to become our first no this has got to be who we are the mowie how do I say that years ago as the Lord was developing in me this sensitivity to the things of the Spirit he showed me a big old fashioned RCA radio the old fashioned radio just when they came out with the AM FM dial in or they have all these numbers on there when we stole it and he said this is how this works the powers on but you're not tuned into any radio station the moment you start talking about the things of the Spirit or focusing on the things of the Spirit you tune that dial in until they you engage that station it's a it's more frequent now than it ever has been the moment we start talking about the things of God among friends just by myself with you the moment I start sharing the word it's like I'm tuning in to a different frequency and all of a sudden my eyes are open I'm seeing I'm hearing I'm tasting touching and smelling what I'm seeing is extraordinary it's it's really that simple scripture says to set your affections on things above not on the things of the earth well you know you're so heavenly minded you're no earthly good that what a life from the devil the more heavenly minded you are the Murli good you become because you're conformed to his image jesus said in John 5:19 of my own self I can do nothing then he says in John 15 apart for me you can't do anything I said that's the truth I've tried didn't work so good so we just rest in him so what I'm seeing dancing upon every hedge in here are these amazing colourful orbs I don't know what that is I know in the past and I'm not gonna go based upon what I've seen in the past that could speaks of angelic presences but I don't know what it is dancing hand of God gifts revelry I don't know let's just see what God does amen brother thank you I know on this side he just told me on this side there's healing if you guys need healing anywhere over there you just close your eyes and grab it we're not gonna have to contend like we used to contend for things the Lord is releasing something how much time do I have son stand still okay so the Lord is removing the dross from our lives and positioning us one of the aspects of 57 79 is the favor of God being released what does favor look like I've told you the story in my life when the Lord had me study favor what he did in my life just me being here today with you that's the favor of God in my life get to hang out with all you wonderful worldwide Ozzy's I mean there's more people here from other nations than from Australia right I like it I live in America but I'm Canadian I'm Canadian by birth American by choice and a citizen of heaven by grace so the Lord started showing me what he's truly releasing he's been having me study endtime events based upon beginnings Isaiah 46:10 God declares the end from the beginning and I've taught a little bit about this Elisha generation what that's gonna look like for us and I was overwhelmed I'm still meditating on this I'm still he still keeps adding revelation upon revelation upon revelation if you've ever written a book I've written a few by the way yeah I was supposed to do that my new book is now on Kindle I didn't get it printed fast enough to get it here but it's called foundations of glory you can get it on the Kindle app at Amazon I'm gonna take it as your really intensely focused and so I've been studying the life of Elijah who's been a favorite of mine for years and years and the Lord said no look at and he had me start from Genesis all the way through and I'm still going through this because there's a lot of firsts in the Bible and it's okay to pull out every instance that something was the first but until you get a revelation of what's God's communicating for the end of the age it's just a nice list but he started showing me in particular with Enoch and Elijah and some of the the patriarchs who were forerunners in their generation firsts what he's about to release in this generation of their mantle and their character and and what they carried in the earth because you know a seed unless it falls into the ground can't bring forth the harvest some a hundredfold and every one of them that was here prior left a deposit of God that they carried and it fell into the earth because there was a harvest that was going to come in a generation yet to be determined by God and we've come to that generation and so we're seeing a release of extraordinary things profound insights profound revelation you know they long to look into this day you yeah I mean the Saints of many of them in heaven they wanted to be here at the end but God chose you you think about that well God what have I got to bring to this game nothing and if you don't figure that out you're not gonna get anywhere the only thing you can do is yield yourself to God and he does it I was taught when I was brought up in the church and we when I first got saved at 14 you know thank God for those who went before us but they said you do your part and God will do his you do all you can do and let God make up the difference that's not even scriptural no wonder why I was frustrated for years how was pounding and labor and implying and doing everything he said God come and he said no I'm going this way but we do that that's called religion I learned finally my only thing is to wait on God and only do what he tells me to do the rest is empty work dead work but you know that means that we've got to be able to hear the voice of God so I have to do something I have to spend time in his word so I know what he sounds like that made life so much easier I don't have to try so hard I just have to hang out with Jesus and he says hey let's go I said okay shifts everything so he said I want you to study the New Testament model of Elijah I said excuse me John the Baptist now here's what's interesting when talking about John the Baptist he said Elijah has already come and then he said John the Baptist wait wait wait wait wait you mean the spirit and power of Allah no Elijah has already come you'll like this study so I did I had to research that it wouldn't me Elijah already come I understand that we can look at metaphor we can look at idiom we can look at type and we can look at the prophetic but what he was saying now listen to me Elijah who's already gone on and is in part is part of the cloud of witness came alongside John the Baptist the church in heaven and the church on earth began to function as one in the life and Ministry of John the Baptist okay that's one aspect of what he was saying we can even say it this way how many of you met my friend Ragnar here not yet all you're in for a treat he's gonna minister tonight I just told don't know he's been having encounters with Jesus since she was four years old in heaven so it's like this he lied you could stand up for minute rigna elijah comes he can't see him because he thinks it's a mantle that elijah himself places a mantle upon him he says okay let's go minister that's what it looked like the Lord clearly showed me that I went Wow thank you how many of you have ever felt the presence of God next to you sometimes it's the presence of God upon somebody he sent to you an angel or the church one of the members of the church of heaven well one church and there seems to be a great difficulty with wrapping minds around that principle that thought it's because of religious indoctrination and look it's it doesn't matter we don't look to see them that's irrelevant I'm just telling you how this operated so the Elijah already came but Malachi says there's a coming again of Elijah before the return of Messiah so here's where we got a look at in the Book of Kings chapter 17 through 19 we see Elijah come on the scene of town on that many times he has a tremendous impact in ministry on his generation incredible incredible miracles some failures I mean the failure is he I mean he ran from Jezebel went hid in a on Mount Horeb which means desolation and despair but God was teaching him something the reason he went in fear was this throughout his whole ministry that from in first Kings he said I alone am a prophet in Israel I'm the only one left that was spiritual pride because God had seven thousand others but he had this this proud I'm the only prophet he's an amazing God still used him that amazing God still uses you and me I've learned through this years ago I'm never the only one going through something and I'm never the only one learning something if I'm God's giving me a revelation he's giving many others the same revelation so so then when he was faced with Jezebel because his armor had an access point for the spirit of fear he ran he goes to Horeb he scissors wind and fire not the band and he he's the prophet of power I mean he calls down fire he commands that you know he raises the dead but God was in none of that I mean the Lord was singing Elijah I'm not always in the spectacular but it was in that place of brokenness of despair that he he finally was able to hear the still small voice the voice of intimacy and you want to get to the place of intimacy through brokenness joy but it's true then he says okay I still have seven other seven thousand others see when he finally got to the place of brokenness now God can communicate truth to him because he was humble enough to receive it and you know the rest of the story he finally says okay he did a few more miracles and and then if called fire down on captains of 50 I used to think Oh God obviously I wasn't ready for that was I probably going to burn myself oops missed I've got the targeting down he chooses he'll I should to carry on for him how did he choose Elijah by the spirit I want to show you this this is part of the ongoing revelation but this is so pertinent to us right now in second Kings as Elijah is ready to ascend to heaven excuse me Elijah Elijah is following him and and it says it came to pass when the Lord was about to take up Elijah into heaven by a whirlwind that Elijah went with Elijah from Gilgal now isn't it interesting he said he's going up by whirlwind not by a chariot of fire yeah I'll let you study that then he'll I just said to Elijah stay here please for the Lord has sent me on to Bethel but Elijah said as the Lord lives and as your soul lives I will not leave you that's the same determination that Jacob had when he wrestled a jeddak that's the same determination that you've got to have in this hour we say God don't you slay me I'm still gonna praise you I'm not letting go I don't care if everybody deserts me I don't care if we look you've got to make your mind up and you've got to stand the worst the world can do is threaten you with heaven and that type of perseverance that type of functioned God honors that as the Lord lives in your soul lives I will not leave you so they went down to Bethel now the sons of the prophets are we're at Bethel came out to Elijah and set him hey you know that the Lord is gonna take your master away from you today he said yeah I know shut up I mean keep silent it's a modern version they were trying to discourage Elijah yo dude he's gonna die just you know be be quiet that's a picture of the church trying to discourage you from your call and destiny and God brother I'm a prophet you should listen to me you can speak but I will choose who I'm going to follow sometimes don't let him speak amen then Elijah said to him Eli should stay here please for the Lord has sent me on to Jericho and he said as the Lord lives and as your soul lives I'm not gonna leave you so they went to Jericho now the sons of the prophets who are at Jericho came to Elijah and said do you know that the Lord will take away your master from over you today yeah I know shut up I mean be quiet then he'll I just said it again stay here please for the Lord has sent me to the Jordan now Jordan means death and descending and on purpose I didn't tell you what Bethel Gilgal and Jericho means study it every place in there is a place that God contends with issues in your life if you're gonna fulfill your destiny you must persevere through certain things in your life you must allow God to do this beat deep work of sanctification and setting you apart amen so the two of them went on and 50 men of the sons of the prophets went and stood facing them at a distance while the two of them stood by the Jordan 50 is an interesting number 250 of them are bearing witness to this miracle we're at the place of 50 right now I'm not going to give you that either study and don't ask me afterwards some people always come up for wait time you could tell me ask Ragnar now he lied you took his mantle rolled it up and struck the water and it was divided this way in that so that the two of them crossed over on dry ground here's what God showed me this year and I have been meditating on this ever since Jordan means death and descending it speaks of a transition from a natural life to eat the eternal life the anointing that was on Elijah that mantle when he struck that river opened a way for him to step into the eternal realm as if it was normal and the two of them walked over again that's like me saying Ragnar you want to go see Jesus at his house come on let's go and then that heavenly chariot that heavenly limousine came for Elijah now the Lord Elijah had told Elijah if you really want a double portion you're asking a very difficult thing but if you see me when this happens you've progressed enough in your spiritual growth and character that you're ready to have this mantle so he saw him go up and he threw the mantle down and he likes you picked it up now he's in a different dimension if you will he walks back to this barrier called death and descending he strikes the water he said where is the god of Elijah and he crosses back over so we not only have an Elijah mantle which is a double portion on Elijah which is a um John the Baptist and on an endtime generation the picture is this generation has access like no other generation that's gone before you have access Jesus himself said where I am you are you could be good father let them come I want to show them where I'm gonna be rated in the Gospels he's giving you access now this this type of message back when I first got saved would have got me run out of town on a rail they'd say kid you you're a little wacky there I'm a lot wacky why because I choose to believe Scripture I've been to Bible College and cemetery but I've been through the school of the Spirit to the things you study in the by the Spirit of God and the revelation of the Spirit you take back to the word and you compare it to the word this is the plumb line scripture you don't try and find things to fit your argument you make your argument conform to the Word of God and you sometimes that means you got to throw away a lot of things you thought you were right about so I said okay Lord how do we apply this in this generation how do we get to the place where this is normal experience for the remnant that you're raising up it's it's nice to hear about this it's a great theory because if it's not practiced if you're not walking in it then it's only a theory to you it could be a promise could be a provocation Lord I want that but really on the whole it's a theory that well that's good maybe that works for you know it works for everybody the thing is we've got to be a people that are saying Lord I'm willing I want this kind of life with you I want to walk in this I want to know you even as also I am known Lord Jesus please reveal yourself to me in ways that I've never even dared to imagine because you already said I has not seen ear has not heard neither has it entered the heart of man the things you've prepared for those that love you and we prove that we love you because we keep your word that's what he said we proved that we love you because we keep your word you know there are a lot of his Civic Jewish people getting saved right now having visitations from Jesus some of the rabbi's from the early 90s Holy Spirit said stay in hiding and study the scriptures and when the day comes I will tell you now you can stand forth and proclaim the truth but they're starting to come in quite quickly now we are shifting into a season where we're going to see Israel saved what does that mean that means the day of the Gentiles is almost over well let me define that for you you've been grafted into Israel that means the gospel of salvation is going to be more effective to the Jew than it will be to the Gentiles who are giving themself wholesale to the darkness that's in this present age there comes a time when you've so invested in that darkness that you won't choose the light but something is shifting the signs of the time I'm going to share that tomorrow I'm going to do something I haven't done for a long I've never done actually I've got a PowerPoint that'll be interesting but Jesus when he began to speak of the end of the age he focused on one thing more than any other thing more than signs wonders and miracles more than falling I mean there's one thing he talked about more than any other thing and we've missed it we've missed it and it is prevalent in the world today it's prevalent in the church today it's so glaringly obvious when you see this you're gonna go oh dear God the time is far far shorter than I ever dared think that's a good thing that's a good thing because you have a promise see some of you went all geez my family you know this that here we give you a promise if you believe you'll be saved in your family rejoice because if you see the end of the age guess what their time is up they're coming home you got to believe it that's what he said I've told you that story I've told it all the time because I'm it's so awesome that this woman came to us in in Malaysia said I want prayer for my husband he's not saved and he's very abusive to me and my daughters well I asked the Lord Lord what are you saying he said remind her of acts 16:31 well I guess she was only saved a couple years she really didn't know it but I told her what it is and I said okay Lord now what he says ask her when she wants her husband saved said so when do you want your husband saved and she really got confused Thursday I said okay what time and she went one o'clock I said father we agreed together Thursday one o'clock the scales will be removed Thursday one o'clock he got saved this has been happening more and more not because of Wow look at the anointing no look at the word that's what scripture said gave her the promise the Lord showed me and I said Lord how do we apply this to her life said that's why it's so important in this hour to be led of the Spirit you can't give her a count you can't give anybody a can formula you can't do that it's not gonna be fruitful it's not gonna be effective doesn't work doesn't work something's working something is shifting so let's go back to Luke chapter 1 we're still friends John's birth was announced to Zacharias there was in the days of Herod the Fox the king of Judah a certain priest named Zacharias of the division of Abijah his wife was of the daughters of Aaron and her name was Elizabeth they were both righteous before God walking in all the commandments and ordinances of Lord blameless Wow to be blameless walking under the law you Wow but that's the that's the testimony of the Lord put about them Elizabeth's name basically means the Lord remembers it fits with Zacharias his name that speaks of God never forgets his promise so they've been praying for a son for years and nothing's happened and their past that's you know child birthing age but God doesn't forget and he remembers his promise God doesn't forget and he remembers the promise he gave you for your life we're coming into a season of fulfillment of promise some of you have walked around in the you know well I guess my time is over it didn't happen and it's because we have a preconceived idea God here's how it's supposed to work you gave me the promise let me tell you how to do this but God's ways are not our ways his thoughts are not our thoughts yet we're getting there so it was while he was serving as priest before God in the order of his division according to the custom of the priesthood his lot fell to burn incense when he went into the temple of the Lord and the whole multitude of the people was praying outside at the hour of incense now that's interesting if you were chosen by lot once in your Hope priestly course of duty to enter in and burn incense you were highly favored and blessed very few ever in history ever did it twice and the process of entering into that holy of Holy's to burn incense before the altar of God was very arduous I mean it was the cleansing and the purification and the prayers and everything he had to do prepare and then they would tie this 18 inch rope onto his right foot so that is he went in if he had not gone through purification correctly and he fell over dead they'd pulled out a dead body this is a terrifying thing but it was the highest form of I mean this is what they all wanted they wanted to be able to serve God in that holy place and it would be touched by God you can't help it in the presence of God and so he's taking an incense which is a picture of the prayers of God's people and I find it interesting as the prayers of God's people are being offered to God everybody's outside praying think about that in other words he emptied the cup he's taken in what's there let's fill the cup back up we all want to do the works of Jesus don't we here's the first work of Jesus after the resurrection he ever lives to make intercession you want to do what Jesus does become an intercession learn how to pray so while they're all outside praying an angel of the Lord appeared to him standing on the right side of the altar of incense and when Zechariah saw him he was troubled you think and fear fell upon him of course you're not supposed to be in here now he did he didn't know if he's gonna die or live because he's in the very presence of God and this wasn't a a reverential fear this was a carnal and the angel said don't fear don't be afraid Zechariah for your prayer is heard and your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son and you'll call his name John you have joy and great gladness and many will rejoice at his birth here's the point I'm making in this so far God's not forgotten the promise he's made to you you've come to fold us a time season hello even though it seems like it's passed you by you've missed your Kairos moment you haven't God is about to restore and redeem what you thought you lost and in restoration and that redemption of those things that you thought you lost it's gonna be as if you never missed the mark and you never failed and you never you know went a different direction for a season God's going to restore it as if it was always established and you've always walked in it you're gonna be completing him study complete that means every mistake is gonna be remedied how do you just say that I know about the erased art that's not what I'm trying to communicate this is my Greek Bible here you're gonna have fun he was a good teacher it says if I was supposed to do something today that would have given me increase and I didn't do it and so that moment passed and now I can never do that again but God when he redeems that moment of failure is going to be as if it already you did do it and the increase is yours that's what redeeming restoring is I mean it's it's beyond comprehension so this coming forth of an Elijah generation is supernatural it comes through visitation it comes through interaction it comes from respect in the fear of the Lord it's a supernatural thing God's doing in this generation there will be joined gratis and many will rejoice at his birth for he will be great in the sight of the Lord and will drink neither wine nor strong Drake he will also be filled with the Holy Spirit even from his mother's womb isn't it interesting most of you know Sidhu ji how he teaches I mean he had a television show where he's actually preaching the gospel of the babies in the womb and they're leaping and getting filled with the spirit the mothers have borne witness to that that's powerful it's bearing witness to this promise even from their mother's womb even when we've been in the process of growing up into Christ in all things something is shifting within us something is happening you know you can be filled with the Spirit of God every day if you want the pattern was very clear in Scripture in act the book of Acts on the day of Pentecost they were all filled with the Holy Ghost and began to begin to speak in other tongues began began began that was a beginning then in Acts chapter 5 they prayed because of persecution for greater boldness and they were again filled with the Holy Ghost I see the response was right not God they're picking on us kill him make it easy for us give us a different location to minister from no they said God give us more boldness they responded correctly and God filled them again with the spirit you'd have this every day boldness says of a lion you should see these lights dancing in here this is fun especially over there something's happening now he's gonna here it is he will turn many of the children of Israel to the Lord their God see this coming forth of an Elijah generation we're moving back to seeing sons and daughters of Israel come back to Christ your ministry is to provoke them to jealousy listen it's not about preaching a Christian gospel to a Jewish remnant it's about modeling a Jewish God to a Jewish people when they see the signs wonders and miracles when they see the intimacy you have with the Living God you don't have to preach they're provoked and they come up and say what is that you know Sid Roth he does this all the time he holds meetings in Jewish communities but he says you know we're gonna talk about science and miracles or something like that and they love that they're automatically drawn to the supernatural so they show up then he starts talking about this is how it works who's got this people come up he they're instantly healed instantly healed and would so many of them have been healed or delivered then he shares Christ and they get saved because they've seen it you're not just shoving it down their throat that's how you approach this and we're going to model this they're gonna recognize the spirit and power of Elijah they're very conversing with that they're very versatile with that I love this part he will also go before him in the spirit and power of Elijah to turn the hearts of the father's to the children and the disobedient to the wisdom of the just to make ready a people for the Lord turn the hearts of the father's to the children that's so necessary and the disobedient to the wisdom of the gist so there's room for the church in here make ready and prepare people for the Lord here's Zacharias well how shall I know this is true for you know I'm an old man and my wife is well advanced in years give me a sign my name is Gabriel I just came from the pray you mean an angel showing up and talking to you is ensign enough oh man of God what's the matter with you we all do God that way what's the sign remember Hezekiah isaiah says you're gonna die get your house in order he turns around weeps and repents intercedes before isaiah leaves the house God says go back and tell him I'm gonna give him 15 more years false prophet you should stone him because that word didn't come to pass oh that's excuse me that was religion he said you you're not gonna die he's gonna give you 15 more years and he's gonna heal you here you're healed and he says what's the sign that it's gonna go backwards 15 degrees or what's the sign I'm gonna go up to the house of the Lord excuse me after the sundial is gone back what's the sign what's the really see the sign boot back 50 we're all like that I need a bigger sign Lord I flee hey I need another confirmation just one more confirmation but okay that would how about another one I've done that so of you all this innocent stuff I never did it here's what the Lord says I'm Gabriel who stands in the presence of God and was sent to speak to you and bring you these glad tidings but behold you're gonna be mute and unable to speak until the day this takes place because you didn't believe the words with which I spoke God's gonna help those who walk in unbelief he's gonna shut their mouth so they cannot fort the work that God wants to do in your life he did the same thing at Jericho with Joshua you know they were battle hardened people but it was a new generation that need a deeper work of sanctification so they were circumcised and he says now we're gonna go across the Jordan death and descending and we're gonna take our promise but here's the new strategy shut up don't say a word because the only model you had was murmuring for 40 years complaining bickering backbiting it's the same thing I'm gonna shut your mouth so that you become mute so that you don't trip yourself up and what I'm about to release in your life don't be surprised you're gonna begin to see people in the church all of a sudden unable to speak it'll be a sign that you'll know that God is doing what he says he's going to do shut up you're kidding and the people waited for Zacharias and marveled that he lingered so long in the temple when he came out and could not speak to them they perceived that's funny that he had seen a vision in the temple for he beckoned to them and remained speechless so as soon as his days of service were completed they departed and Elizabeth became pregnant we're in a time and a season of acceleration of restoration of Transfiguration the Mount of where God is going to fulfill the Covenant promise he gave to you he loves you so much that if he has to shut your mouth he'll do it that's the correction of God some of you will receive instruction through visitation some of you are going to be required to spend time with God on your knees and pray and receive instruction because you know God will God will birth something in your life through the weakest point of your life if you're not given to prayer he's gonna make you pray and I could go on but there's a shift taking place we're about to see extraordinary things this fall do you know on I forget what base that was in the United States on a u.s. army base revival has broken out among the troops now listen you don't know how big a miracle that is this is why the chaplains were not able to pray in the name of Jesus it's offensive but let me tell you something they are preaching in the name of Jesus and this being allowed and revival is breaking out there are revivals breaking out in remote villages of indigenous peoples all over there are visitations of God taking place at an accelerated pace in ray we only hear a little bit I keep saying God - now I want to see this from your perspective and one day he showed me from the perspective of heaven I saw fires beginning - to spring up just little flickers of flame all over the planet he said there's one there's one I said yeah I know I see it Lord one what he said I'm visiting there's an awakening taking place and it's happening in the most out of the way unlikely places but he wants to do it here I said Lord why isn't it happening then in the church he said the church is carnal they've hardened date with those that should actually know better have hardened their hearts again first Corinthians 3 I could not speak to you as spiritual people but as to karna list of babes in Christ we've been feeding on the milk of the word for generations and where we should know better and walk differently we act as if we know nothing and so these people that are just being introduced to Christ just believe him so we've got to come back to the simplicity that's in Christ only believe lord I lay all of my preconceived ideas on the altar Lord I'll lay aside everything I think I know cuz I don't know anything as I ought to know Lord all the religious protocol and the garbage I've adhered to all of my life forgive me for putting that in place of you forgive me for judging others a based on a standard of works not on a standard of love we've got to get back to the simplicity amen cuz he's about to move I'm so encouraged with Australia I just see I see fires all over the place [Music] the dancing hand to God is all over this room father what do you want to do with this what do you want to do with this father No thank you Jesus really hmm this is what he says to do everybody stand up I know I I know thank you I'll go until I'm done like I said I see these what looked like orbs they could be precious stones I don't think they're that hard but they're dancing all over over your heads in that just stick your hand up some of you're gonna feel this it's gonna be a burning it's gonna be a solid weight some of you got to do this by faith that's okay when you feel as if what the Lord's been releasing over you is now in your hand take it and eat it just put it in your mouth some of you cannot gonna you can't chew some you can it's all different for everybody ingest this deposit of the end time extraordinary infusion of the kingdom of light within your being holder lord thank you lord this day as I call you out of darkness into my light I am removing darkness out of you and I am replacing it with the presence of my son that will infuse you in a way that you have never been filled before it is a day of our greater baptism of my presence and my fire than you have ever experienced for I am doing a complete work in you that is going to be manifested in the hours ahead that is going to be borne witness to because my presence will be upon you in a new way and that which I have begun I finish and so I am finishing the work I am bringing to a conclusion you are reaching the goal of the first deposit of my spirit the earnest that I gave you when you accepted me now you're moving into the season of mature sons and mature daughters and that earnest that deposit is about to come to a maturity in you and you will now be released to the powers of the age to come for I have deemed it time that my people will walk in the fullness of the manifestation of mature sons and daughters for the world has been travailing all of creation has been travailing and I have heard the cry of my creation this is not by might not by power but by my spirit it's not because of who you are it's because of who I am and I am the keeper of covenant I am the one that keeps my promises from generation to generation and every past generation in your family line that missed the call or missed the mark I am redeeming that and restoring it into you every past gift and every past mantle is to be received by you this day for your gonna model it throughout the earth and you're gonna see the greatest awakening this world has ever known so when you hear my voice speak be obedient to what I say be obedient to the command be obedient to the whisper be obedient to the vision and the dream walk in love walk in love they will know you by your love walk in love and understand that I chose you for this day in this hour I chose you specifically out of every tribe tongue and nation out of every past generation I chose you for this hour so I release you now receive the fullness of the promise that I have for your life hallelujah thank you Father thank you Father okay as a sign to you that my word is truth there will be felt a shaking in this nation you will see and hear and experience an earthquake that will show you that the shifting time that we were entering into is ordained of me trust my word trust my word trust my word for I am God and I do not lie thank you lord thank you Jesus rabisu thomas ET le llama baba Robbo sharaba CTR Amanda Reba Xu Robison Barabbas and Arabic Abu rabu - I thank you Jesus I thank you Jesus thank you lord thank you lord ramachandra BTL Adama recetas and Arab of shorabak Oh hmm Thank You father-son angel just came in he's got I'm just gonna say it the way I see it he's got a basket and he has body parts in it he has ears eardrums livers gall bladders I doesn't matter everything God's gonna meet the physical need in your body today father I thank you teeth yes Lord father as each one has need you brought this basket in from the warehouse of heaven to release to your people the healing they need in their physical mortal body so father as they receive from you that which they need we command healing be released restoration to come creative miracles father oh yes we thank you for a father what is that thank you Father yes Lord spirit of infirmity is now defeated in Jesus name in your life you have contended you have interceded you have believed now you win now you win the manifestation of the victory is yours now the manifestation of the victory is yours now thank you Father [Music] we won a long time ago but the manifestation is now thank you Father thank you Father Jesus father I pray that you would release them to encounters to visitations to revelations it'll be evident because it'll bring humility not pride release them to it father there's a young lady here you've been getting some strange dreams lately you thought wow what is going on but the Lord says he's B he's trying to speak to you you need to begin to journal that because he's going to do this more and more often in your life so as you learn to hear the voice of God in the night season through those dreams that will begin to increase to open visions and even trances now if you don't know what that is that's okay God will show you you can you can study it but God's doing this there are some younger younger people in here and in particular the Lord is beginning to activate within you your spiritual senses to a greater extent thank you lord where there before there was a stirring now there's going to be a reality check I mean you're gonna know that you know that you know there's somebody you thought it was an imagination where the Lord is taking you by the spirit into the counsels of even government leaders and you're seeing things and hearing things and and when that thing is over you just think wow man that was maybe I should write a fiction book that was amazing but God is beginning to show you just as he took Ezekiel into the chambers of the kings in different places to see the massa Nations and the wicked devices of the enemy you know the Lord is beginning to raise up a company of believers like that you're called spiritual spies to spy out the land so know that this is going to increase also you're gonna need those that have walked with the Lord for a while to be able to help you and steward that and mentor that you that in you and encourage that gift father bring along side of each young person the one that you have that will help them increase in the gift not control the gift not try and you know make them submissive to the individual but fathers submissive to you only thank you for that Lord I see one grandmother you have been praying a long time your heart has been broken for your grandchildren well the Lord says he's heard the cry of your heart and he's collected every tear that you've cried he's heard your prayers in the night seasons and you're about to see the fruit of your prayers spring forth oh that's good yeah that one will be a preacher and an evangelist yeah no more running no more running no more running thank you Father 'lord released to them creative ideas now we are they head and not the tail above and not believe it's the time in the season of increase it's the season of the wealth of the wicked coming in for the heirs of salvation to promulgate and promote the kingdom of God release it to him father I pray hallelujah Hosea Stella would you come up here for a minute do you have your oil yeah come on just so you know this is a super natural oil you could go on YouTube and look up Johnny Taylor and they have it coming out of the Bible about eight to ten gallons every Monday it's been tested by others and I said substance not found on earth and they see an amazing miracles now I don't you I seldom ever annoy with oil unless God tells me to I don't care if it's supernatural oil you only do what God tells you to do God's gonna strengthen you for the days ahead supernatural infusion of strength yeah come on man supernatural infusion of strength vitality of a man half your age and a woman half your age and reordering of the organs that the whole body because you're gonna walk in divine health and he says this because you have been faithful in the little how I can release to you much father I pray this release on them I thank you they'll even begin to look younger father that you're gonna do this new work in them as a forerunner couple that each day in Jesus we can be invigorated and go younger instead of age because there's a forerunner company of believers that are not gonna taste of death release them father I break the curse of the fall-off of their life and release them to the blessing of the body of Christ that they are thank you Father hallelujah Wow thank you Jesus thank you Jesus Soubirous bossy take a what are we doing father Subhadra by CJ thank you Father thank you Jesus we only do what God tells us to do if he's told to do it later he will thank you Jesus thank you Jesus so we have a worship song the worship team left the building just make it a nice soft worship song father I speak over your people awake awake awake out of slumber thank you lord [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] Oh [Music] yeah [Music] he was [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] where is your name [Music] chair [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] my [Music] [Music] [Music] Sheila [Music] [Music] ha on my [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] see [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] for the me ah [Music] alone this remain in the presence of God we have been so blessed today I will greatly encourage you to come before the Lord in the front [Music] and to lay down just come freely just come freely to the front while you're doing that I want to share something with you [Music] I will she is obscene a vision that I had a little gave me while I was waiting to hear from God [Music] I bought this thing about Australia what is in the heart of the Lord for a stronger and I saw myself in a valley surrounded by mountains there was a group of people it is folly and they've all just stupid down this is Lord Buddha Steve's most of them were young people some people were older and said what is this Lord is this Australia and I hear clear Asahi my own forces begin to you the Lord says to me begin to worship Stella begin to worship me so say yes Lord I love Ian I began to tell him how wonderful he is telling him about Allah Muhammad I made him and I began to worship and this being of alarming had to take over me and I say the more I praise God and I sang song his book than you sucked like sobs coming I saw one young man from his stooping like this began to straighten up and he stood and he look at me and I just kept up race in the Lord as as Keppel say thank you lord thank you for this valley thank you for this mountain thank you for everything unless I continue the young man began to be lifted up float apples he was floating he was coming up and I was I couldn't hear I was amazed when I saw but I kept up worshiping and the more I worship the mother yet man lifted up and he was reaching the top of the mountain hannah0 Lord what is this then or said in my nation in my nation of Australia my young people and my Saints have been oppressed they have not been allowed to rise up but I'm doing a new thing of bringing a new sound the worship and within New Sun of worship my sons and my daughters will rise up my nation of Australia will rise up for the Lord said to me I've had a dream for Australia I dreamed of this nation being in love with my spirit and with me a night dream almost got aborted their enemy what this nation to seem so high cannot bless it but I'm doing a new thing I'm racing out the people to play a cry for this nation you know before we start pray last year in this conference God gave us a stern warning by the prophets and immediately the day after the conference finished as we were instructed we have a prayer meeting for three days we fasted and prayer for this nation of seven hundred people was abundant just under two hundred I call her the prayers and we were praying that that we would not have same-sex marriage but lo and behold we did we did this and this is what happened in this nation the Lord show me the churches voted yes I was heartbroken I began to pray for the Lord change the hearts of the believers everything that is being said today has something to do what God as he his art which repented we had week after week prayers of repentance for what had taken place because love Truelove was confused I remember being told past Estella is not about gender is not about those things is about love and I say yes it is it is about love but true love will no lust after one another to love will follow paths world true love will not the secret the birdie or somebody else for personal pleasure [Music] true love will not tell the young ones that they were born wrong because of God decides who will be why am I saying all these things because they are issues on the heart of God of wake of the brief there were prayers where we cried out Lord we weren't at Donald Trump in our nation we weren't the righteous man in a nation we weren't a righteous woman whoever you choose that will not compromise so today we gather together to thank God that inspite of the decisions were made from above in our nation from them the high places of a nation God granted a righteous man for our nation alleluia so there's a few things I like us to pray first of all we were told today I was so blessed to pray for our leaders that the Lord will surround him with men and women of righteousness that even if he has to be with a blessing God will remove the wicked from the places of authority the fire of that will fall on the church and whoever is preaching demons demons and Devils things that go against the Word of God win a blessing that they be removed God will put righteous men and women that will teach the Saints how to walk and be ready for this lust as a man [Music] so let us pray first of all prayers Thanksgiving the Lord gave me a scripture today here while I was here that says I will enter your gates with Thanksgiving in my heart and I will enter your courts with praise regardless of the circumstances we are around regardless of the situation let us thank the Lord with all of our hearts let us thank the Lord and give him prices for who he is a Pakistan hallelujah the next thing we are going to pray the blessings of the Lord over Scott Morrison our new prime minister that the canopy of Angel will cover him and all the believers that are with him the light of God will come and expose every plot of darkness I will expose it and destroy the men [Music] hallelujah falen lore says blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord some today we are going to declare that the nation of Australia belongs to the Lord for a chance was given a child was born unto us and the government of Australia is about his shoulders and of his government we will see know him so we are going to not only pray for our prime minister that we'll always keep him in post regardless of the opposition but also we will help them in the government of this nation into the hands of the Living God I declare that Jesus is Lord of Australia thank you Jesus now I need your help fulness this is not going to be a prayer time when I talk and you listen this is a prayer time where you talk and godlessness amen hallelujah father in the name of Jesus we ask you to renew lean least know the spirit of intercession open every flesh in this place Lord will ever save to your dear son let your heart let your wisdom let your words come upon us we thank you for who think that Ramana we thank you on what everything will have God's law oh we thank you thank you you're mighty big hurry up please Oh is your name hello we pour them and ID's 235u lon we acknowledge you panting we're naughty to pass the only one who can solve everything in this nation our lives together [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Omaima Calaveras and Ayako we give you gara Lord we give you honor well as we play see you as we worship in Yahoo we are waiting on you release your angels Walker to assist us to bring our decisions to heaven let me urge other flights in the scroll take note of every heart and every prayer and every tear father yes [Music] let's watch it [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] the salt of heaven in a very hard that every law receive many words of worse [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] the reefs are so heavy I mean every one of us even if the tapes ever be gratitude allowed just release that song release the same [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] who the hell's [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you thank you [Music] very snail this is a new thing with a new thing let me give you some you may be wonder what is all these got to do with Blair but there are many flavors a plan that many smiles is Ammon and his rejoice evasive things we begin to take place sales support 77 a ship from yes you'll achieve thank you [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I see the spirit the spirits we get their heads [Music] what else [Music] [Music] [Music] the church let us come before the Lord and offer at his feet the church let us offer to Jesus our leaders let us offer to him the decision for their lives and our expectations for them let us offer before Jesus a blessing to the pastors in the church to the leaders in the church let us bring before him all these things have been happening let us cry out that the Lord will rise up David's and Abraham's Moses righteous men and women who lead this generation to the bridal chambers for we have come short of the glory of God my God is merciful and true son of us our leaders and pastors we have come short of the glory of God for some of us is about forgiving for some of us about asking for forgiveness so I sleep at dawn [Music] we are going to do this together when I say let's pray every mouth prays to God pray in tongues brain your understanding pray with your heart by be no silent bring your church to the Lord bring your life and your family to the Lord this is before Satan will be the father Telemachus and Anya - nobody oh mighty God Almighty God you gave us a vision God our Father in the body of Christ many have not been allowed to rise up in that's been a burning up he found the floor setting Cardinal church Lord all religious period metal orders to rise up father we pray today that every chain upon this week at down there every rock they speak at Lowe's you saw that worship that the people will be set free to worship us build that in true director the portal as a prophetic ministry will relish and a yacht or a beret forgive us Lord the leaders love father that if he loosing the people that in fear of father that they become more spiritual and Astrid we have held them back we have held them back forgive us father forgive us Lord now pray Lord that you lift up the - thank you Father [Music] thank you for our table thank you more than your promise if we confess out see your aggression or purchase tofurkey father in the name of Jesus and in the court of Gabriel asked you now you make in the season or a favorite of God and then you will most appendage of the people I want to walk with Jesus a father laws that define your church Santa fire binds the hearts of the memory of your people Lord and everyone will make counters with God so many encounters da-da-da-da-da-da da-da-da-da-da-da - Thank You Holly God Karuma pauravaraj Sandara thank you Father we pray local that you will release righteous men of women to leave the church - the church - the [Music] church [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you Father father we pray that every dividing wall in between churches will fall down that you will assign your angels to keep those walls that were built by man alone I pray that every stronghold that was built by trade arrogance by religious spirits dr. claim had declared that their church is only at the best we expose it on when it come to your landlord like those polyester Jesus day curriculum anomalous Santa Maria to Provo noon two Koreas are America T area sarahvani Sundara Oh hallelujah Jesus Thank You Holly God call a parabola Palace and a yacht or a parabola keep your eyes upon Jesus keep your eyes apologies if there is anything that each individual as to ask forgiveness to God for regarding our place in the church that is ask for forgiveness right now for indeed God pastors criticize pastors sheep criticize pastors pastors criticize shake we are guilty wrong we are guilty Lord we judge them Father forgive us father Suda macoraba Charlotte Adama receiver Yaga forgive us Lord thank you Jesus Coria terrible or sutrayana barakatuh Suda Makarova - and area - de la Jesus Holly spirit holy spirit we welcome you love take home a lot take over Jesus [Music] thank you Father Buddha by that's Italian thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank your holy God this is just the beginning brothers and sisters when you go home God will talk in the corner of your home God will talk to you if you're willing God will reveal things to you pray about them pray about the church in this nation there will be such a change in the church it will never be like it was before and anyone that tries to continue on the way used to be will miss the fire will miss the move of God so pray much for the church I will encourage you not just to pray for your church pray for the church in the corner of your street pray for the churches of your friends pray for other churches and other pastors and ask God to give you revelations hallelujah thank you Jesus shall we pray for our prime minister now one thing I've heard recently is that our Prime Minister made a good stand against this move called saves Church brothers and sisters school sorry yeah more or less the same thing with a church still going in the church as well safer school is not safe it is not safe at all for all the kids that want to have a straight life they find the troubles of being pushed and bullied into wrong things I don't want to go into many details you can search it yourselves but our prime minister as stood against it I said no power and intercessors in Australia saying Prime Minister we stand with you and there's been another move which is the same move with different name and he stood up and say that's the same move with different name we don't want it so what we need to do now is be the voice be the voice and take authority the Whitaker says I have given you authority to trample and snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of your enemy nothing will harm you nothing nothing will harm you okay he's out of tune but I learned it when I was just a new Christian in a scripture songs and never left me and the reason why I never left me because God wanted to notice you have authority in Christ it's time for us to take authority is time for us to kick Devils in the rear he's time for us to take the world and cut asunder every plan of darkness hallelujah the who is with me Oh reactionary eternal body thank you Father velocity Omega innumerable rational at all thank you loving father thank you thank you Father we thank you up racial or God law that you have given us a man that is righteous the man that he says spirit-filled but knows what it is to release himself into the hands of your spirit or they can embellish under D at all we thank you Lord we thank you Lord that we are ready got proof that this man is standing against all the powers of wickedness that have been operating in a nation already a parabola see wherever national lottery off we thank you Father we give you all the glory anon embrace for your record Galleria Europe I think [Applause] every day yes in heaven in this time and in that times to come you're a sovereign God on their weapon firm against this nation will prosper for everything will be exposed by the light of the law with a clear command for the same for the angels are preferred light into every corner of darkness in the name of Jesus call Rica Rivera Sandara karappa yes Sara Bareilles and ara ara bara Santeria Tarawa Raqqa this enemy return of Aras and Aras now I want you to consider the power that God is given you we know that the enemy is been playing with people's emotions with people's thinking playing in the families in the marriages trying to bring immorality in the household now it's time for us to get cranky against the devil it's time for us to take the Word of God and begin to hit the powers of darkness now we have a prime minister we got to pray much that God not only has called him but he will keep him that every power opposition will be exposed every plot and assignment and design of the kingdom of darkness will be brought low amen the Bible says when they evil comes against us like the flood their holy spirit will rise up as standard and crush like sand under our feet the words of Satan alleluia alleluia so when I say let us pray we all pray hallelujah are we all together in this one hallelujah let's pray hey America demolish under yeah telomerase era Kurama pea de la vaca say today or rather perish and Allah who seek a yes at my grandpa for making such a prosper against the children of God or rape and robbery Sora macelli laureate arabic allah or receive a developer all glory to the king of King you're a party one of Israel within the glory the victory certainly were pollyali Allah God so
Channel: The Ultimate Spirit Warriors
Views: 11,494
Rating: 4.7658539 out of 5
Id: 2r55MrVlTcw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 150min 16sec (9016 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 21 2018
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