The Problem with D&D Gods (and how to make your own)

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hello disciples gods in D and D are very much a thing and there sure are many of them from the god of baby showers to the god of gaslighting to very much not big J we swear D and D gods are a dime a dozen and they take up a ton of D and D lore but are they actually good for the game and more importantly is store bought fine or should you make your own I'm Antonio Deo this is pointy hat and we're going to answer that question and many many more in today's episode of D and D with a Twist God Edition so what I think of gods I think of I knew you would come but you've come I have come gods are the concept I guess for people with delusions of grandeur and card holding members of the Catholic guilt Association so talking about D and D Gods is hard because there is 3,000 of these and let's make one thing clear I'm not going to talk about all of them this video cannot be 70 hours long I checked actually and YouTube would most likely snipe me out of existence as a warning and make it look like it was an accident so let's cover the basics in the beauty pageant that is D andd Heaven gods are divided along the ranking of powers think of this as a tier list because that is exactly what it is there are lesser deities the lower of the actual honest to God deities um how do I make this information digestible to brain rotted viewers lesser Dees have noat alz and get mogged by Sigma intermediate and greater Gods skibidi if that was somehow not clear to you leard dieses are at the B bottom of the ranking of powers but you know they're still Gods so they can still snap someone's neck if they look at them for too long D andd Gods work by Tinkerbell rules which means they are more powerful the more people worship them and leres have followers in the thousands but no more than that they tend to serve other cooler Gods like the Divine beta orbiters of Heaven to the Holier stasis and Chads of the Divine Realms a Lesser God for example is milil which is condemned to lesser godhood forever due to his silly little aim he is the god of poetry and song reigning over the SoundCloud Divine realm and looking over listen to my mixtape rappers and impossibly talented musicians that were Gone Too Soon intermediate Gods which is somehow a less cool name than lesser are mid mid gods are of mid power and midf follower count in the Divine cloud game they have more power and more worshippers and lesser gods and less than greater Gods duh A lot of these guys end up being quite popular because they have enough power to feel cool but not too much power so that they feel way too removed from anything that actually matters to the game in intermediate here you get Gods like underwater girl boss evil mermaid queen umly or you know D and D Jesus that's right in this game he only gets up to intermediate somehow moving on to the top of the food chain I don't like that that implies they eat each other we have greater deities these are the big boys the impossibly powerful guys whose scale is literally impossible to comprehend for puny mortal minds they have millions of followers and are literally above everything they are the stars of the show this is a place for Legends as modius chanti alander LOL evil Gods saber even if you're only barely familiar with d and d Gods you have probably heard of some of these they are the big boys so that was a lot huh glad we're done we can now move on to no of course not we needed more Gods you see the more Gods the better the game it's better when there's a lot of them there are not only lesser intermediate and greater Gods but also demigods your Hercules's of the world honey you mean Hercules these are um well you see when a God and their cleric love each other very much that gods are Quasi deities which is yet another sub subcategory I am God's toughest Soldier for making this simple and easy to understand believe me they are less powerful than even lesser gods and they are sometimes maybe depending on the day kind of not really Immortal not only are demig Gods a thing in D and D but there are also dead Powers dead powers are you guessed it the edgy option but also you guessed it again dead Gods Gods cannot truly be killed or can they but they can be inconvenient for a long time which is what a dead power is death to a god basically comes when another God pays them a visit in their home plane and brings them a foot basket and you know death Only a God can kill a God or cand day but it can also happen if they get canceled and lose all their followers rip in pieces When Death like actual death happens to a god the bodies of gods will drift into the astral plane and become Islands upon which beautiful Land Development projects can take place and the ganki can build strip malls and bowling alleys upon their carcasses neat honestly whether a God can even die is kind of contradicted several times times in the text and that we have literal cabers of gods in the astrop plane but also it is also plainly stated that Gods cannot die and several gods have died and then gotten better so yeah theoretically possible but also actually possible but also not possible at all this game is 50 years old people Cannon was bound to contradict itself at some point okay so that's a rundown on how D and D Gods work and that's all well and good but before we talk about gods and their problems we're going to meet our cast so we can have some concrete examples so let's talk a bit about some specific specific Gods but what are Gods most known for creation of course and their domains some Gods reain over underwater cities in the plain of water some rain over deserts of Crystal where the sand is made of glass and some rain over nothing a swirling void where the only place to stand on your own feet are the carcasses of other dead Gods if you seek the favor of gods or you seek to fight them you'll end up in their domains and luckily cheku is here to give them to you that's right cheku is back and so are their Maps I use them in my actual game so they come personally recommended by me why because there are more than 4,000 of these bad boys more than 4K handdrawn beautiful fantasy maps and d and d battle maps to really bring your players wherever you could ever want to bring them and getting these Maps could not be easier just head over to their patreon in the description of this very video you're watching choose the master cartographer membership level and you can get your grubby little hands on their entire stock of maps maps come with variations like different seasons for all your fall aesthetic needs but also weather effects like rain and snow and much much more including time of day which is fantastic because I'm such a stickler for the map actually reflecting stuff like that so if bringing a new level of immersion and just outright Beauty and stunning craftsmanship and polish to your table sounds like a good idea which come on now check out their patreon in the description of this very video and thank you J peku for sponsoring the hat so once again we're not going through every go because I love myself and I don't want to be trapped in this plane I mean video for a thousand years so I'll just do some Heavy Hitters PPE up in the comments if your chosen Divine daddy made the list first up Patron de of goth girlfriends of all Plains of existence lady sha lady sha sh literally called Dark Lady Lady sha or Mistress of the night alvara is quaking is the goddess of darkness and night in Farin yes another one they're honest to God like seven of these and they are basically indistinguishable from one another which I guess is what happens when you put so many gods in your setting ebony Darkness the menal Raven way no no no that one yep that's the one embodies all evil aspects of night and darkness whereas salune her sister yet another night themed goddess embodies all good things that come with night like Halloween parties and Anime endings with fireworks in them whereas the lady sha embodies Secrets concealment and more importantly loss she's Darkness not in a let's catch some z's way but in a hide in the dark quietly and wait to strike those you want dead kind of way the lost thing is big really big if you played balers G three Char is lost in the absence of light but also in the literal absence of everything including memories sh can make you forget anything which might seem like a nice thing but she's literally against healing if you seek out sh to forget what breaks your achy breaky heart you will never truly heal that wound you will just forget it's there become numb to it in other news play balers G three if you haven't gathered by now she's what in this industry we call bad which is yet another aspect of D andd gods that is very much present D and gods can straight up be meanies openly and unashamedly which is more of a thing in polytheistic religions which DD it very much is a lot but you know not that much of a thing not many cultures have an evil God and it also doesn't even make that much sense in D and D because how many sickos are you really going to find that openly worship an objectively evil God because apparently it's Millions because there are many many evil greater deities weird to me but anyway next up the god of Bros it tchs and the sad little people that insist that they are artists when a machine vomits up a mess of stolen art after they typed anime girl big bonga longas into it Primus the god of mechanus kind of a deep cut I know but I wanted to include this genderless guy to show just how many gods there are in D and D so many anyway Primus is literally not the god of anything but mechanis the Clockwork outer plane of neutrality and Order that's right their portfolio is just mechanus the place Primus has a lot of super computer God Vibes which I wish it went more in that direction cuz that's so sick to me they sit at the top of the modron hierarchy modons I honestly don't know if it's modons or modons so I'm just going to guess and you can scream at me if I get it wrong I'm trying my best moons are being that live and are created in mechanus and they would be really really cool if they didn't look like this e mechanus runs like a machine and so do its residents there's a finite perfectly control number of modons and there shall never be one more or one less if a modon dies another one will rise to take its place modons are divided in super rigid tier lists these minion looking nightmares are at the very bottom and we go through several new fun Abominations as we go up with duad drons tri drones quadron pentad drones pauldrons squadrons and cauldrons to name just a few and at the very top sits their God the Supreme modon Primus what's fun about Primus is that they can die that sounded weird but Primus can very much die and it it's fun when a modon dies the one directly below the Dead one takes its spot in the hierarchy and a you monod drone is created if Primus dies which they have several times the highest ranking modon will just take the place of Primus so Primus isn't Immortal but in practice yes they are this keeps the minion Army healthy so they can fight demons yep they do that look how long this video is already we don't have time to get into that maybe one day we'll do mechanist not now we're going to talk about about one last God and we've given the goat Gods a ton of shine so let's do a smaller one umly literally called the Queen because she's the coolest God is one of the 1700 gods of the sea and one of my favorite gods in all of D and D Cannon because she's just fun to put in games umly is bad in an uncomplicated Disney villain esque way she has worshiped quite a lot not because she's well-liked but because people are scared of her but they still need to sail and she will sink their ships if they don't pray to her so Sailors are forced to embrace Sim Hood out of fear which is fun she's fun I love her her domain is the sea and more specifically anything bad that happens in it storms that's umly tsunamis that's also umly a weirded up fish that looks like it hurts to be him that's most definitely also umber Le's doing another fantastic thing about umly is that she's not pretty which is a novelty among D and D goddesses and the cumer design convention behind their design but it also feels like she loves being being just the grossest she's set to appear to Sailors in the middle of a storm as there's like several stories tall woman who smells like the world's worst fish market and looks worse or sometimes when she's feeling flirty I guess just a guy with the head of a manity and a seaweed wig umly best God Academy Award oh and also she could just straight up turn into a kraken fun personality-wise she's insufferable 100% certified guy duh she takes immense pleasure in being a pain in the ass of everyone that sails the sea lives next to the Sea looks at the sea weird is vaguely aware of the concept of the sea and she'll make you pay for that she also loves gold and jewels and treasure and wants it all the time forever which in my world means that umly temples are surprisingly very rich due to all the constant flux of tribute Sailors need to pay this ass pimple of a God to let them work in peace this is surprising because in my world you wouldn't expect a numberly temple to have anything valuable in it since in my games they look like these gross water locked monstrosities made out of Shipwrecked carcasses of ships and the bone and lard of beach whales and of this beautiful neoclassical thing they went for in balers Gate 3 I'm still upset at this let umly be gross please the outfit you get there does laugh though good job on that okay so we've explained how the god tier list Works in D and D we've talked about a whole bunch of gods but what if we gave Gods a new twist so you want to make a god Jesus was seen where Rachel oh my God show me to me please send it to me Rachel so I'm just going to take a wild guess as to how gods have been used in like 99% campaigns out there most commonly they just weren't that's it gods were basically non-existent in your campaign other than like the one time y all went to a temple second most common is one God was the god that the cleric or sometimes the Paladin worshiped and that one got an impossibly large amount of screen time compared to literally any other God to the point where it felt like it was the only God in the setting and definitely the only one that even cared about whatever world-threatening event the party planned to stop somehow the last one is that three or at most five of them were involved and this is only reserved in a campaign that is literally about Gods either each member of the party is somehow connected to one or the main conflict of The Campaign is about Gods not getting along which is 99% of what gods not just in D but in any polytheistic system do the other gods that were presumably also there were just never seen they they didn't have that much to say I guess maybe they were shy did I get it right though was any of those a one you experienced you owe me I don't know a cookie if I did okay I'll get to it here's the thing I'm getting at Gods as they stand in D and D are like a constant and everpresent source of plot contrivance first up what is a plot contrivance I'm not a massive fan of the World plot hole it's one of those words that used to mean something and now it doesn't because it has permeated the wider word sphere and everything that isn't explained to the audience like they are five is a plot hole which I love this I love this so much I love it when in movies people explain everything to me because people can't just assume things now it's it's so fun anyway app plud contrivance is just a thing that feels a touch to convenient yes if our heroes need to do a daring Escape it is possible that someone left their car unlocked and the keys in the ignition so they can get away safely that's a possible thing that could happen but just because it's possible it doesn't mean it's not contrived even things are explained in the narrative can feel like a plot contrivance if I tell you that in this horror movie that takes place on a dark dark Road or something no one has signal it doesn't matter how many times the characters go oh my God my phone has no signal it still feels Mighty convenient that it just so happened to be that way that's a plot contrivance so why do I say that gods and d and d as they are set up right now are just a constant source of them because and you might have picked up on this if you're a True Detective with my extremely subtle hints at it there are just too many of them D and D has a god infestation and it only keeps getting more and more bloated practically everything has its own dedicated God to the point where Gods share domains and they rule over the same thing making it doubly confusing and doubly silly like do we need these many seag gods and Sun gods and moon goddesses do we and I'm not even talking about the DLC collab ones like Anubis or Loki I'm not even going to touch those but why is that a problem well it's complicated and complex like a salad or my talet using even one God of the D andd Pantheon directly implies that all others are also there they also exist you know floating in The Ether doing whatever gods do which creates this weird thing where you got to ask why is only one God or like two or three helping where the hell have you been all this time there are a lot of other planets in the universe either by empowering a cleric or by getting down and dirty themselves by manifesting a small part of their power in the material plane if the evil wizard apostrophe hyen name is threatening to destroy the entire world as we know it why is only the cleric's God helping it seems like this God is down to give this random guy magic powers and premium best in slot swords and perform actual honestly God divine intervention why are the others not helping is this God the only one that cares about the world why why are not the other ones doing anything since there's 7800 hundred of these guys floating around snacking on prayers and here's the thing you can answer these questions sure but it often leads to you coming up with plot contrivance after plot contrivance to keep the Gods in the god pen in order for you to tell your story or more commonly you just don't address it and hope the players don't notice and then inevitably someone will and we have a why don't the god send us some Eagles to go to Mortor situation on our hands but it doesn't end there having these many gods makes it extremely hard to implement them in your campaign because you either Implement them and make your entire campaign revolve around gods or you ignore 99% of them and focus on the ones you want to involve which once again asks the question why are the other gods too busy in the great Casino up in the sky to do anything about this while this one God the DM likes is out here busting his rear end to help these four weirdos save the world it's also extremely hard to actually know gods and understand the lore because there's a thousand of them which makes the game harder to play for newcomers which isn't great either and leads to some players at the table having a lot of knowledge and some having none so what what do well I know this might be a very unexpected Solution please do not gasp too loud as you experience the shock of your life just put less gods in there take them out keep your faves and throw the other ones away or make some of your own store bought is fine sure but you can't just make Gods you have that power seize it I know revolutionary surprising please use the word brave when describing this incredible Revelation in the comments but okay Hur me out because there's more to this first off if you don't want to do this I know it's hard to believe but you don't got to if you care about Canon and you don't mind hand waving why the 78,000 gods are not coming down to play or picking some clerics to do it for them or if you don't care about making up contrived reasons as to why they're not that's perfectly fine but here's the thing you do not need a video to tell you that you know who needs a video the people that want to make their own exactly funnily enough gods are pretty easy to just remove from the fabric of D andd and replace with newer shinier GS literally no class needs them not even the cleric which can apparently worship domains themselves somehow but guess what you also don't need my video to commit decide or I guess you do if you want to commit deide and put some new Gods so let's see how we go about making new ones to not run into the problems outlined above we're going to make our own Pantheon I made two methods because I felt like it one make many and make them less powerful yes that's right this first one is essentially to make a ton of of gods but pointy didn't you just say that one of the problems was that there were too many gods let me cook okay so yes there are too many cooks in the D and D kitchen but if you want a ton of gods there is a way to do this a good way to make your own pantheons and basically anything else is to stop looking only at fictional examples and start looking at how actual religions have their Pantheon set up in real life animism is the belief that everything has a soul from Plants to rocks to animals to even stuff like the weather we're having weather a pretty big animist religion that is still in use in use being practiced whatever is Shintoism Shintoism Hells from Japan and is both animistic and polytheistic which means that they believe in several Gods that's what polytheism means and animistic which I already defined a buff pay attention little boy this will be on the test the way this works is very different with how dweebs that went through a mythology phase as teens are familiar with because those people mostly focus on Greek and Norse pantheons but will be very familiar to dwe that went through an anime phase instead in Shinto there are an innumerable number of gods way more than in ancient gree and these Gods can be gods of like the literal Sun but 99% of them are gods of like a specific tree a specific Mountain a specific Village these gods are called Kami and are worshiped at public spaces or at home and only have domain over the thing they are a cami of so over their specific Rock Village tree Mountain Cliff storm whatever okay religion class done tricked you into learning yet again how do we put this in practice where it truly really matters our little play pretend games for our purposes using this method would make Gods relatively common in our world and most of them would be very much not that powerful a gun of a specific tree might literally die if you cut down their tree or turn into a vengeful God of that dead tree if you free the mountain that a specific God rules over of a demonic presence the god in question might help you out this approach is way less about Concepts and way more about specifics you can even extrapolate this into Concepts don't get me wrong but here's the key keep it small there is no God of I don't know blacksmithing but maybe there's a particularly powerful deity of swords and both Warriors and blacksmiths pray to that God when they use or make a sword that should be about the maximum when it comes to how vague and Powerful your Gods should be when you use this method also in this method there are no gods of races like in D and D but gods of specific tribes gods of a city gods of a village they watch over all members of that City or that tribe or that Village but not every single member of a specific race all over the world keep it small why is this good well it solves literally all the problems outlined above this makes it so that Gods can come up in your story when you need them making them so tied to the material realm that it makes even more sense for them to act and interact with the story but also gives you a believable and non-contrived reason as to why all gods are not helping you defeat the evil wizard apostrophe hyphen name they are literally the god of some Mountain 2,000 Mi away they can't help I'm sick a fun side effect of making gods less powerful is that it allows you to do the great DM sin of killing a god jrpg style without actually committing a sin at all because killing the god of some Stone in the forest is much more believable then your level 20 party killing the god of I don't know the concept of magic but while I feel like this is sick and I would love to play or run a campaign like this it feels cheap to use this as the way to fix the problems with d and d Gods because it feels so different from D and D God as they are which is why this list has a number two number two make few and make them powerful this is the compromise between something like the Greek pantheon and you know um that one make very few gods and make them impossibly powerful as s bit on fire or as people that don't live in pain of waiting for it every single day call it Game of Thrones is a great example of this most people in westers worship one single God and many people in ess's worship another God and those are the big players in this world other than the old gods but we don't talk about those in order for this method to work there cannot be 20 Gods there cannot be 10 I will say limit yourself to two or at most three Gods like the ones made in this method represent extremely large Concepts or many Concepts at once and are often times more powerful than D greater deities there's no one big god of magic there is one God who has magic as a part of their portfolio which includes like seven other things they represent extremely large Concepts and many Concepts at once and are so incredibly powerful that they remain distant because they are extremely powerful or another reason but it's easy to come up with that reason because there's two guys to keep away from the world not 700 if you're thinking that sounds hard you would be right so why don't we actually make some Gods here in this video you're watching to show you how to go about it for my example I'm going to do two gods and to start I'm going to choose something that is more of a symbol rather than a domain many civilizations base their gods on celestial bodies so let's do that right now in our world oh God I need a name for this examplea there are two Gods the sun goddess and the moon God there I did it just kidding it's much harder than that let's pick some themes since we're going with two let's go with dichotomies life and death extroversion and introversion inner world and outside world magic and might War and Peace these are all aspects that we can take and graft onto our Baseline sun and moon Gods to start building them up a good way to go from here is to then take a look at clear domains which are like an actual mechanic thing that involves the ND gods and check to see if we have them all covered with our little baby Pantheon we need to cover a ton of stuff Baseline stuff like life and death but also stuff like Forge nature order and Graves okay how do we go about this do we just randomly cram one of each domain in these two Gods no because that would lead to them being very thematically inconsistent and therefore boring and Bland and bad we're going to do aspects the aspect of a God is basically the idea that one God can manifest it itself in different ways to embody a specific part of that God in Greek mythology these are symbolized by an epithet literally just adding a thing at the end of the name to point out that this is a different aspect of the same God Aphrodite pandemis the people's Chad versus Aphrodite urania the holy Vel this sounds complicated Until you realize it's literally how the religion of the seven is set up in Game of Thrones people worship one God who has seven aspects and each of these aspects rules over a specific domain but they are all aspects of the same God that's how we're going to fix this two God problem okay let's get to it let's use my tried andrue method here the kiss method keep it simple stupid each of these Gods is going to get three aspects and one main dichotomy to Define them because it's easy to remember the sun goddess is the goddess of creation through her domain of creation she rules over the outside world and everything that is brought into it her three aspects are Sunrise Zenith and sunset see easy to remember easy to understand simple as the god of creation she is the god of of action of manifesting of doing of making the sunrise aspect rules over the beginning of creation this aspect rules over children but also parents birth and all nature On Solid Ground as it's the source of creation that most living things enjoy art is also considered to be ruled under this domain like song dance and painting are seen as being created from nothing she's associated with inspiration which is seen as Divine in origin it's also the aspect most commonly associated with light worship as sunrise is when light is brought back into the world worshippers of Sunrise are usually Farmers but also Druids teachers expected mothers parents and many artists looking back to our domain checklist real quick with one aspect we've already covered Life Light and nature solid isn't it weird that there's no art domain it's just strange anyway on to the next aspect the Zenith aspect is the aspect of the Sun Goddess that rules over maintaining creation it's the hard work that comes after something is brought into this world it's the magic of routine it's the aspect that rules over medicine prolonging life and ensuring that it continues but it's also the aspect that rules over cities politics and everyday life maintaining the order of things worshippers of this aspect are extremely varied ranging from nurses and doctors to politicians and ambassadors checking back on our domain list we have added order and peace to our list of domains that are covered and literally double down on light and life and arguably grave although don't worry that is coming hot right now finally since the son goddess is the goddess of creation she also rules over the end of creation through the sunset aspect she's the aspect that ensures that all that is created comes to an end including life but not exclusively she's also the end of War and the end of Peace she's the disruption of a through line the one that ensures that what begins ends so new things can begin in turn worshippers of the sunset aspect are endof life caregivers and morticians but also just as many politicians soldiers and Generals pray to this aspect but also peaceful protesters and the downt at who are wishing for an end to their suffering she's the aspect with the most varied worshippers looking at our domain list again the sunset aspect covers grave peace and War just so you're aware that the only domains we have not covered yet are death Arcana Forge knowledge Tempest trickery and Twilight that's seven out of 14 wow would you look at that it's exactly half the list it's as if someone put a lot of thought into this I wonder who anyway the aspect of sunset is the aspect that is the most different out of the three because she's the aspect that leads onto the other God at the end of the day the sun goddess dies over the horizon line and the moon God is born out of the opposite side of the world if we made the sun goddess the goddess of creation the moon God is the god of mutation the moon God is the god of change the god of transformation while the sun goddess through her domain of creation ruled over the outside world and its Creations the moon God rules over the inner world of creatures and the changes in their lives it's a God that rules over the inner lives of people and FES all to change and grow and as always we're 10 toes into the kiss method baby so he gets three aspects too the waxing aspect rules over the beginning of change he's the psychop Palm aspect this aspect fairies and helps dead Souls that just saw their lives end with the sunset to transition from the world of the living to the world of the Dead the waxing aspect also rules over the passage from day to night he's a transition period before new moments the divine inspiration that kickstarts change worshippers of this aspect include many priests as they conduct the end of life rights but also entrepreneurs and those starting big Journeys that will bring great change to their lives including many adventurers on our checklist we can cross Twilight off but also order and Grave for a different flavor of those neat the full moon aspect is the heart of change he is the time when something anything is in the middle of transformation he rules over change that is ever ongoing in anyone's life which is why he's most associated with academics and archinist since they are the one that spend their lives constantly changing as they see can gain more and more knowledge and since magic is at its core about changing and influencing the world around you through your inner well he also rules over magic he's the god of Crafters as they dedicate their lives to change creation into whatever they desire to create finally he's the one that presides over the aspects of nature that is in constant flux and change such as the weather and the Sea as such most worshippers of these aspects are Scholars wizards but also blacksmiths artificers and of course Sailors that is Arcana knowledge and Tempest domains in the back baby and we just have one last aspect to take care of the final aspect of the god of the moon is the waning aspect he rules over the end of change as in order for change to exist it must at some point end if the waxing aspect is the psychopomp the one that FES the souls into the Afterlife the waning aspect is the one that rules over this afterlife the end of change he's also associated with Darkness the end of light and anything that must take place in the dark most often this is associated with crimes and deceit but he also rules over sleep nightmares and dreams and you know what happens when you turn the lights off birds of the bees God Edition you get it as such worshippers of the waning aspect are extremely varied some are necromancers spies and criminals but also inke Keepers and Pleasure House owners and just so you can double check my homework that's trickery and death as new domains which means we did it Joe we checked all our boxes now the last and final ingredient is the most fun one and it's flavor who are these gods are they lovers are they siblings are they enemies what if they are lovers who constantly chase after one another in the sky what if they are the same God and it dies at the end of each day and is reborn at the beginning of each night only to die again as night turns into day flavor is important because we got to answer one last question what is stopping these two weirdos from fixing everything or conversely mess in everything up yes this is the source of contrivance we talked about but you'll find that it's much easier and much less contrived to come up with something when you have to account for two gods and not I don't know 739 maybe there's a third God the god of the Horizon the god of the sky and it literally stops the two Gods from meddling into the material plane confining them to the sky and only letting them nudge the events of the material plane by choosing Champions and exarc kind of like aod dos and D cosmology but only kind of maybe these two are love birds who are constantly chasing after one another and the material plane means nothing to them their Divine energy is what powers up Divine magic in this world literally just by having them exist and they could actually care less about what Mortals do and don't if you want to go for that puny mortal literally too small for God to no this Vibe this is the one so we've severely limited the number of gods in our setting yes but we've made them complex gods that feel much more tight to the setting itself that we have a good reason both for existing and for not being constantly ever presentent and meddling in everyone's problems with resorting to like extreme competitive contrived reaching and you can pick these two and plop them into your world and give them a Twist to make them fit your setting or as you know store but is fine but you can make your own using this method but what do you do with a god you make a cleric of course what if there was a cleric that fits into this perfectly well it just so happens that my video on cleric has a free subass in it and it's the creation subclass perfect for the sun goddess if you decide to use her and if you're a big fan of paladins as holy Warriors my Paladin video has a free subass and it's the oath of love perfect for the waiting Moon aspects okay video done allise
Channel: Pointy Hat
Views: 443,874
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DnD, D&D, Dungeons and Dragons, DnD with a twist, D&D with a twist, 5e, TTRPG, How to, Illustration, D&D battle music, Pointy Hat, Animation, Rant, Hat, Hombrew, Trailer, D&D trailer, One D&D, Onednd, OGL, SRD, Wizards, Wizards of the coast, WotC, WOC, OGL drama, Class, Classes, Best subclass, Worst subclass, Gods, God, Gruumsh, Corellon, Lolth, Cleric Domain, Cleric, DnD gods, DnD pantheon, Divine, Celestial
Id: 1AwT2GC2pe4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 4sec (2044 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 20 2024
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