Who are the Githyanki from Baldur's Gate 3?

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hello [Music] istic [ __ ] touch nothing without knowing its purpose his eye your favorite hat I'm Antonio D'Amico this is pojarat and welcome to DND with a Twist this is the show where I take a DD thing or a d d video game adjacent thing I look at it for a while wonder why it looks like that I tell you everything you need to know about it and then I gave it a funky fresh twist that you can use in your own games for a hundred percent certified pointy hat or get a great free so I've been playing Baldur's Gate 3 a normal amount [Music] my back don't tell anybody I live like this and I keep running into these ugly ass guys their deal was as I was so today we're gonna talk about it so what I think of GIF I think of I suffer from ugly syndrome just like many of you th are the rates for people that wish they were playing Star Wars instead of d d and the blind because they can't tell what the GIF look like give our DND space-faring race they are intrinsically connected with a lot of the Sci-Fi content in this little fantasy game of ours from their culture to their history to their face normally this is the part where I tell you that whatever I'm covering has little to no lore but this is sure not the case here the GIF have a lot of lore oh God do they have a lot of lower so let's get appearance out of the way before we Deep dive into what these guys are all about and also do not worry I'm not showing anything from roller skate 3 that isn't past like the first hour of gameplay there's a couple of clips from later on but just act one nothing from Act 2 and onwards in the video and what I show has no context you're safe here no spoilies don't worry okay let's judge these guys outfits now it's time time for the judge's critiques appearance wise gift are what's the word yeah I think the technical term is ugly ugly before we get super deep into the video let's lay down the bias that your humble had brings with him I said this before in my my flavor video watch it or else not to toot my own horn but the fact that that video came out a whole year before Baldur's Gate 3 is you know pretty wild based on the contents of it I don't want to say because no spoilers but you'll see anyway like I said I'm someone that cares a lot about the aesthetic of whatever fantasy race I'm playing or using in my campaigns as a DM and oh God do the gift not do it for me I guess beauty isn't the eye of the beholder and no Beauty found in my eyes when I look at these guys kids are said to be particularly emaciated looking although it's not stated in the text if they just come like that or if they are hoarding all the fantasy Oz epic I would like to start a group chat with a girl the skin has a lovely jaundice look to it they got that liver failure glow their faces are described as having deep set eyes the weirdest possible ears in existence and what is kindly described as flattened noses I would go for nightmare backpack from hell but you know two weeks their own I found absolutely no writing on this but they also have these like warts rough spots of darkened skin around their eyes and body lovely oh and they also lay eggs and thanks to Baldur's Gate 3 we know that they're Anatomy down there is very human so that's a fun Vision to have thanks for that larion so yeah in my book the gifts are not winning any beauty contest anytime soon and apparently not even in the game they are front and center in but hold on what's that attacked on at the end of the word gif well that's just one of the gifts let's get into that tasty tasty Lord because it's the reason these guys are actually interesting but since we're talking fantasy mix with sci-fi what if we took a detour and talked about vehicles in imagine mixing the thrill of d d combat with a sort of Arcane Punk racing Vibe Chase scenes competitive racing the high octane melodrama of competition sounds dope doesn't it if the GIF makes sci-fi with fantasy in the context of d d why not makes other things with DND well the guys our only crit are doing just that with Gail Man's Guide to speed and they've sponsored me to tell you all about it the founders of only crits were friends since Primary School playing with sticks as broadswords in The Frigid Woods of the cold waste of Northern Vancouver in the Kingdom of Canadia I'm a hard climate hat but to each their own they worked in video games just like me Twins and then tabletop found them and now they found you and are ready to fill your games with crits and other things these guys have been working hard bringing to completion tons of products like books and dice collabs with creators and now it's time for Grill mans quillman's guide to speed is a source book that gives you everything you need to bring the high adrenaline feeling of racing to your table the book boasts a complete set of rules for vehicle creation which sounds insane I want to make a watch he races car in DD but also more than 30 pre-made Vehicles racing rules for actual competitive racing a whole bunch of new spells new races four new classes and 12 sub classes this bad boy can fit just about everything in it so if that sounds fun the link of the kickstarter is in the description of this very video and it's live right now they're working towards the 60k goal legendary Racers but they've unlocked a ton more so go check it out so funny story we don't actually know where the GIF come from because their history has been lost even to themselves the reason for this is you guessed it yep it's it's this again it's the Indie Lord so I guess they were forced at gunpoint to do this with like 70 of their catalog from the very beginning of their recorded history the gift were you know about YouTube and saying bad words we're gonna use this Channel's favorite euphemism interns you know the type of internship where you can't leave and you do work for free and belong to somebody else the gift formed the bulk of the Mind flayer's entrance during the Great mind flayer Empire that basically encompassed everything mind players ruled basically all the inner plates the ones where normal people live from the astral plane the astral plane is dnd's version of space in this Empire Guth were forced into internship to such an extent that their Origins were lost to history completely the reason the git look like that might actually be because of their internship there are theories that the gith actually started as humans from a very long time ago but many players Twisted them into what we know today through selective breeding just like humans did to pugs except my players didn't only use selected of breeding and tasty treats but also their powerful psionic abilities Sonic says telekinesis we don't have time to get into it what's the mind for you to know more if you don't know what that is moving on now like all DMD internships and like most internships in the real world this was considered to be generally a very bad not good deal for the gift which is why they constantly rebelt against mind flayers and that worked out for them about as bad as you would expect but that was until some of them started to develop their own psionic abilities and general resistance to the Mind flayer's Powers using their Newfound psyotic gifts the gift struck back against their mind for your oppressors and actually succeeded just wipe the floor with them utterly literally toppled the biggest empire in all of d d history in like less than a year they did so under the rule of one specific gift that orchestrated the revolt and rallied the gith under her command and her name was GIF that's where the gift Rays got their name neat give led the gift to get to read and that's the story The Gift dealt a crushing blow to the Mind flayer Empire that's submitting their population and putting them well on the their way to Extinction and then she turned around revealing the universe card in her hand and said let's do the exact same thing the squid guys were doing to us to everyone else surprisingly many gifts were super down with this face heal turn from their leader but many also weren't among them was oh God these Fantasy names zirthamon that's what I'm going with that's that's my guess cerseman Paragon of reason tolgath with facts and logic to maybe not do that Daddy chill and that's how Civil War started among the followers of these two and the remaining mind players had enough time to Scurry away to the little hidey holes in the underdog and now we still have to deal with them thanks YouTube thanks for that these irreconcilable differences between those that sided with GIF and those that had two brain cells to rub together is what created the split in the race of the GIF the ones outside it was earthaman and opposed gith were called githzarai which literally means those who spurn GIF and the children of gift those that sided with her were called the gith Yankee Civil War get Yankee curious the split between the two is more ideological than biological and yet these two are treated as their own distinct races so let's take a closer look at them first off the Yankees me can you see yeah the Yankees true to their American inspired namesake are extremely militaristic that's their whole thing basically every gift Yankee that actually participates and gets Yankee Society is in some way as soldier following the fight between GIF and zirthaman the Geth Yankee and their leader went to the astral plane and upcycled the old myflare colonies into their new homes becoming expert diy-ers there's no way I'm getting into what even is the astral plane exactly but all you need to know for now is that it's like I said dnd's version of space or rather one of dnd's versions of space the astral plane is particularly weird in that it messes heavily with time making it so that people in the astral plane just do not age at all and don't need food or drink I'm not drinking water this month thank you so much this is probably why farmers are tweeted so poorly in gift Yankees cast Society because DND loves cast-based societies almost as much as they love interns all gethianki casts are basically in service of the biggest one the military cast get Yankee military is structured in increments of 10. strap in because I'm about to throw you a whole bunch of made-up sci-fi fantasy words don't worry I'm cringing harder when I'm saying these than when you are hearing them a group of 10 gift Yankee Warriors is led by a sarth tend sarths are led by a kith rack 10K racks are led by a supreme commander got that no me neither give Yankee nights I like that word I know what that means also belong to the military cast although they are separate from the actual military hierarchy since they're basically acting like superheroes in the Yankee Society they are able to meld their psionic abilities with their hit stuff real good swordplay they wear these honestly garish and ugly silver armor with like these big red rubies on them and will these equally tacky but actually useful silver swords that allow them to do both physical and mental death since Yaki Society Is So based on Merit and honor and individual get Yankee striving to go up in ranks Knights are basically there to give them something to work towards the other two casts are less flashy they are the builders who craft weapons and ships and buildings for the military and they are the farmers who make food grow in the astral plane where nothing grows because time kind of gives up on doing its job there but the kids still need to eat when they leave the astral planes so that's why they're there as far as Kaz Bay societies go though they get Yankees as not the worst they are a very meritocratic Society so you can move cast and you can move up in rank if you work hard enough because of the hole reproduced from eggs thing that gets Yankee do unfortunately because Yankee don't really form families and generally live either alone or with roommates and they were roommates never really making like households as they are too focused on going up in ranks of whatever cast they're in they are big on Merit and serving their society as much as they can because once again they all work like they are in the military 24 7. you're just respecting a future U.S army soldier this weird obsession with military is obviously because they are well very aggressive that's the whole reason why these two guys split if Yankee are Intergalactic Raiders they raid either because they live in the astral plane so they basically just plop down on an unsuspecting world and take whatever they need from it the other reason for the get Yankee to pay our housewarming slash waiting visit to your town is mind flayers surprisingly they'll get Yankee have not forgotten the whole reason why they Rebel give Yankees still hate those that put them in internships or are committed to hunting them down forever they regrettably don't really care what happens to the world where the Mind players are currently though so collateral damages A-Okay for them they'll just show up wherever they smell a squid and start blasting how do they do that well with astral ships of course these are so sick they look like either the ships from Treasure Planet with those cool sci-fi old sailboat sales or like weird fish boats boats that look like fish anyway there are like a bunch of these there is the actual Skiffs that are like small and can carry like a dozen oh yeah they also ride dragons can I go one video without talking about them you have impossibly cool Treasure Planet ships and you give these guys dragons whatever I hate dragon dragon free Channel I'm not talking about them anyway you might think that they do the whole rating thing for fun and I mean I'm sure that they are enjoying themselves but like anything that gets Yankee do it's to gain more honor and Merit but also to service their queen vlakis or more specifically also known as black cat 157. black kid 157 is the current ruler of the Geth Yankee there have been 156 blackheads before her but this one has been in power for a minute and by a minute I mean a couple of a dozen of many centuries and that's because she's a lich and even if she's dead they still felt the need to dress her like this great if you watch this channel you know we love glitches around here I make a whole series about making new ones and let's get the Yankee one is a fun one she's certifiably gone insane after I don't know how many centuries of ruling and is now trying to become a god an actual Undead Maniac in charge of a large empire of telekinetic Raiders nice the reason why she's called blackhead 157 and not Barbara or Leslie or Susan or whatever name she actually had it's because the first blacketh was chosen by gith herself to succeed her after give and zerthman couldn't fit into their get along shirt he gives dramatic ass went all the way to hell to ask for the help of okay whatever fine I'll talk about dragons but I'll keep it short give as for TMS help Tiamat is the goddess of Bad Dragon no no no stop stop it no no get killed yourself as a sacrifice to Tiamat and in return to Yammer allowed giveth children to get the Yankee to ride her Red Dragons and that's why they have both ships and dragons and also why we can't have nice things all because of gifts sacrifice or was it the original black cat was the one that brokered this deal but there are those that said that black have set up a trap for gift and that gif never made black at her official successor at all the drama the Intrigue anyway black had died and like 150-something Replacements have come after so ultimately who cares get the Yankee have what can be called an absolute devotion for their Lich Queen vlakive they enroll in the military because they want the honor and the Merit but also to serve their Queen and hopefully one day become Knights who are basically the most well-regarded members of give Yankee society and the equivalent of paladins to the Lich Queen and that's it that's that's a whole lot of lore and oh God we still gonna talk about abilities and the gizurai okay I'll make a quick lightning creature type ugly size not friend size speed normal okay on through the actual interesting ones astral knowledge through the power of tarot and aesthetic astral Maps you learn things you get a proficiency and a scale and a proficiency with a weapon or tool of your choice and you can change it at the end of every long rest I feel like people don't realize how good this ability is it's amazing psychic resilience it's what it says on the tin you are resistant to psychic this goes with the lore of the gift developing this and using it to topple the mind for your Empire psychic damage is rare but all monsters that use it are high level baddies so it can be clutched but only if you play at higher levels and finally the big one give Yankee psionics give Yankee get invisible Mei Chan so you can pretend to be telekinetic but also you get the jump spell and the messy step spell at level 3. you can only use them once before you finish a long rest but Misty step is like one of the best spells in the game perfect for positioning yourself amazing for both Marshall and casters and now that we're done with the Yankees time to go look at the give zarai these guys are not on Baldur's day 3 so you might not have heard of them at all in which case let's see what their deal is so as I said when gith pulled her face heel turned and decided she was going to become the raiding Queen of the gift and also literally all that the gift fought against xertheman said nah to that and then they both started a civil war so the key thing to keep in mind here is that gith Yankee and gizurai are the same race biologically and the split is an ideological split but in terms of mechanics they do get different racial abilities so they are A different race in d d mechanics but there are different race in d d lore confusing yes there's overall Less on the gizurai than there is for their Northern counterparts so this should be quicker after the split zirthiman took his anti-bullying Brigade to limbo where they could concentrate on their no bullying efforts limbo is yes yet another version of space in DND but this is chaotic space so it's different it's basically just a swirling Madness of different elements that constantly shift from one state to another without any rules at perfect vacation destination the guess or I made this crack house or the plane I crack home by concentrating real hard and literally creating order out of chaos with the power of their massive wrinkly brains and that should tell you the gist about them gazurai are aesthetic monks no not aesthetic aesthetic because of the play they chose to inhabit after the Civil War and because of their controversial stance of maybe we should have become the very thing that put us in mind control internship for centuries the gizurai have chosen to follow the teachings of zirthaman and embrace the peace tranquility and boringness of monastic life the society is of instructor around monasteries where gizurai monks trained their psionic powers to Greater degrees of control if they get Yankee are martial and militaristic using their psionic powers to make them better at combat the gizurai used them to bring order to chaos and I don't know unlock their third nostril off mystical power or whatever compared to the Yankees gaudy tawdry Taki vivarachi Ruby encrusted early 2000s tribal tattoo aesthetic gives Ray are more like Eastern Asia coded as I said there are often monks another Jolly donut haircut beer brewing kind but the wusha movie long beard and mustache flowy ropes kind they drain in martial arts they forego indulgences such as dressing nice they levitate around while sitting in the Lotus pose you know all that stuff and Namaste becoming the masters of the Eat Pray Love lifestyle has not stopped them however from hunting down and doing a tiny bit of a genocide on mind players gizurai is still hot illifits just as much as githyanki do why did they pick that name anyway the only time gets Yankee and gizurai will not shank each other on site is when they run into each other while trying to shank a mind player it also hasn't stopped them from erecting as psionic undying god king as their leader yep these guys also have an undying King too but this one has actually met it should become basically a demigod xerith man you're a gift my God why would they do this to me that guy is the successor of zirthiman and he has managed to actually attain immortality by unclear means not lichten like blacketh it seems like he just became that way by I don't know reaching the DND version of Nirvana he's completely immobile forever and doesn't talk or open his eyes but his psionic powers are so insanely strong that he's able to interact with his followers and basically everybody else from any plane from the comfort of his own sarcophagus zereth manager whatever I'm not putting myself through that again Michael Jackson magic man doesn't seem as evil as black at 157 he doesn't seem evil at all he just chills in the middle of the city he basically holds together in limbo through the force of his raw will and leads the gives a ride to do yoga a lot and haunt might players and stuff they get the Yankee from existing but you gotta be at least a little suspicious of anyone that is literally an undying god king to his people looking at you blacketh but at least this guy managed to do it something that the gizurai didn't manage to do funnily enough is get dragons the getzerai God real jealous of the Yankees lizards and try to tame Chaos Dragons it's a chaos dragon my God it's the exact same thing it's a red dragon it looks the same all of these look this the 17 th Dragon [Applause] anyway they failed miserably at taming them so we don't gotta talk about it all in all the kids are I are clearly the ones in the right in the gift conflict they are level-headed orderly non-violent and also boring they are boring there is a reason why these guys don't appear in Baldur's Gate 3. they give Yankee with their insane militaristic society and constant ambition and messy history of Devotion to Mortals as gods and Lich Queens vying for power are Messier and flawed and inherently more interesting than no fun allowed Mr Monk over there well adjusted doesn't often make for fun storytelling opportunities and while gizurai are certainly much more well adjusted than they get Yankee we can't help to find the messy School of drama more compelling as a concept and as I explained before these guys are mechanically at different race than the GIF Yankee which means they get their own abilities oh God okay once again let's get through these quick lighting rounds creature type speed sides exact same as gift Yankee moving on Psychic resilience Yep this one is also the same mental discipline a new one you get advantage on saving throws to avoid Charmed or frightened this is straight up worse than astral knowledge but I guess good if you don't have a paladin with an aura in your party it's fine getzerai psionics here's the difference these guys also get mechan for magic tricks but at third level they get shield and detect thoughts okay both of these are really good choices whether they get Yankee jump and Misty step is better than this basically depends on your build I would say that gizurai psionic are slightly more usable by more builds because who doesn't want a plus 5 to AC for a turn and to read the surface thoughts of NPCs but Misty step is once again a really really good spell so pick your favorite I guess and that's it that's the massive lower dump of the GIF now you get them congrats okay so if you're new here at the end of the videos I always give something fun that you can add to your game related to the topic in videos about classes they give you a subclass in videos about monsters they give you a monster in videos about DND races that give you sub races some exceptions do apply I sometimes go for something different but that's the gist so this video should give you a gift sub race right well about that these guys are copyrighted oh boy are they not up regrets for creators like me we can't make specifically GIF content because they give as a concept are a wizard of the coast original and we can't touch that but you know what isn't a Wizards of the Coast original psychic abilities all gears are born with them and they train very hard to master them this is an extremely common plot in basically anything that involves having psychic powers they awaken either at Birth or adolescence and the character has to train to harness them and control them you know what I'm talking about your matildas your Jin Grays you're not so Ravens hear me out what if you could add that to any D character it's basically the total opposite of my sciotic transformation rules once again what's that mind flavor video link in the description these are basically meant as two sides of the same coin in that you were Infested by something that gave you psionic abilities and it started off extremely easy to control but the more you gave in the more you use them the more powerful the thing that was giving you psionic Powers became until you couldn't control it anymore what if this one is the opposite you are born or otherwise developed psionic Powers but you have to train to control them in the beginning it's extremely hard for you to even lift a fork a couple of inches off from the table but as you hone your abilities you become more and more Adept at controlling and harnessing your psionics that sounds cool and guess what it's very here in the description of this very video and don't worry we have a sale going on right now so the psionic training rules are up for grabs for a hundred percent off that's right it's free like all of my content enjoy did Baldur's Gate 3 regular sleep and work schedule and now you're finished and want to try the game that's actually based on are you already a DND nerd and have always wanted to play a spooky child with psychic powers was elf indeed affirmative but also mildly traumatic experience for you because you watch it at 13 when you were definitely not ready for it and also it's just a bad show all around but anime was not as widespread in the west as it is right now and you would watch literally anything with big eyes in it this is the twist for you so go out there put on a weird helmet to measure your psychic waves or whatever hide your powers from government agencies and become Raven foreign that's the video on GIF another lore heavy one I haven't done one like this in a minute where most of the video is actually explaining the DND concept but give are obscure enough even for DND nerds that I felt it was just the best video to make for this all around I really really struggled to come up with a Twist for this one because of the copyright mess but I think the psionic training rules are actually really really cool like a cool twist for players to use it's such a media Trope that we're all so familiar with and it goes so well with the psionic transformation rules of the Mind flayer video funnily enough it's kind of similar to The Werewolf rules I also made for the werewolf video I just love that kind of thing that allows you to work on something for basically the whole campaign just chipping away at it little by little every time you long rest or every time you have like down time until you manage to control it it feels so earned and such a good use of downtime in general anyway enough rambling I'm off to play Baldur's Gate again more it has consumed me completely expect probably more content inspired by it I have some ideas bouncing around in my head alright enough rambling take breaks while gaming rest your eyes you can do some real damage from staring at the screen for that long raise your hands too we don't want any carpal tunnel business take it from me like us don't because I don't have hands because I'm a hat okay enough bye-bye bye love you bye [Music]
Channel: Pointy Hat
Views: 550,997
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DnD, D&D, DnD with a twist, 5e, TTRPG, How to, Illustration, Dungeons and Dragons, D&D with a twist, d&d battle music, pointy hat, animation, rant, hat, homebrew, trailer, D&D trailer, OneD&D, one d&d, onednd, OGL, SRD, Wizards, wizards of the coast, WotC, WOC, baldur's gate, baldurs gate, baldur's gate 3, baldurs gate 3, baldur's gate III, baldurs gate III, gith, githyanki, githzerai, lore, dnd lore, psionic, mindflayers, mindflayer, illithid, tadpole, baldur's gate lore, baldur's gate 3 lore
Id: LZG3s3Q1ND8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 50sec (1490 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 27 2023
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