One D&D ain't looking good...

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bra bra bra the much anticipated revised core Rule books just around the corner there's a particular image floating around Twitter right now which has caused a bit of discussion to take place it's this image of two dwarves who seem to be in a relationship with each other's beards tattooed onto each other's arms who are currently serving bread now the whole homo dwarf thing set off an entire mob of people and in turn set off the counterpart of that mob as well the image itself is is not what I'd like to discuss however it's more about tackling the essence of the game and the issues within one D and D that I'm seeing the certain aspects uh which the changes stand for now just to be extra clear what this video is not is the tiate against change it's not a rejection of new Concepts and it's not gatekeeping a franchise against new audience what this video is is a cautionary of where the franchise is going the art of 1 D and is not the subject of this rant either for the most part the art is pretty smart and relatively tight this is more of a rant about specific changes that the Wizards of the Coast are doing Additionally the contents of this video should be directed towards established g& D Cannon the sword coast fyon and the Forgotten Realms as a whole that Cannon if you create your own versions of these worlds homebrews and such go bat [ __ ] crazy it's your table your world your creativity do whatever the hell you want when Gary GX and Dave onison created D and D in the 1970s they created D and D to be something which dwelt in the spirit of Adventure to satisfy that innate desire which is within every human as additions came and went from the very first Advanced second edition Third Edition 35th Edition not you fourth edition and finally fifth edition they all kept intact at least the visually provocative idea of wo look at him or her or it and they're so cool and rad and gnly looking the main attraction of the franchise being the concept of an entirely Fantastical world separate from our own world of unknowns backwards and forwards people slimes and evil races who are irredeemably evil and must therefore be faced by the morally righteous lest they defeat the light forever with the Advent of stranger things in critical role however D and D went through a massive surge in popularity which was only bolstered by by the um is that word still censored on YouTube okay let's play it safe it was bolstered by the 2020 crisis event which forced everyone to stay indoors and find a release in some other medium hobbies and franchises are defined by the people who play them ultimately as time passes those people change in their interests reflect that therefore it is logical that franchises hobbies and TTR RPGs like D and D reflect their player base in order to maximize the entertainment value of these products because at the end of the day as Hasbro was so eager to remind us with the OG nonsense and The Wizard the coats layoffs D and D is a product to make them money and a lot of it and and in order to do that D and D for them needs to reflect and accept as many people as physically possible before we do continue while this is a noble sentiment and I believe Hobbies should be open for everyone to enjoy the hard fact is that there is a balance to strike between maintaining the original vision for these worlds and diluting them for the general public and ultimately this decision to open it up is not for the moral righteousness of it it's to make them as much dough as possible and in order for them to make that dough they need to soften the content water it down to make it more digestible for the masses away goes a very real feeling of danger and grit that some of the originals try so hard to paint for you preparing you for what type of game lies within and here comes instead Californian Barista dwarves and cowboy Orcs who do not look evil at all um what the [ __ ] is going on here I mean I get nice chilled out off of characters during the downtime but like I I mean it's a nice change of pace but the very attitude of this new form of Dungeons and Dragons not even strictly from a visual perspective but from let's say a general attitude towards for example as mentioned above we have this entirely new representation of Orcs which portrays them as literally humans but in slightly bigger frames before pressing on I would like to point out that the removal of half races like half Orcs considering we were just talking about Orcs are in my opinion lazy but fair it allows more character customization rather than having to say map out the potential racial benefits of every every single hybrid race in D and D I'm not going to begin to address the whole [ __ ] game journalist argument about races like the Dr and being racially motivated oh who am I kidding yeah I definitely am the argument that Orcs and other such races in D and D are racially motivated is flimsy as every article I've read on the matter in order to understand this approach is Bare Bones and short there was a game designer of sorts that I saw recently who was a proponent of this argument and after asserting his point he refused to engage waved off any tried to understand where he was coming from or ignored them his final words on the matter was simply that he was on the Forefront of the matter when it mattered the issue is done and dusted and he was there since to the beginning supposedly and so any engagement now is useless surely educating all of us who remain curious and want to understand should be given time but uh alas the straw man employing was too self-absorbed in his own imaginary battle which you had already won spare us the time of day and the reason behind this is that there is no battle no reason no rhyme no argument it seems the implication of there being quote unquote canonical irredeemable creatures of evil who are not even humanoid mind you and never were but are monsters are a particular demographic again if you would like to make changes within your own world go ham but canonically these are the way things are supposed to be the only semblance of a real argument I've detected amongst the useless war of words is the echoing of tolkien's work and its effects on the development of Dungeons and Dragons indeed its impact is undeniable upon the very Foundation of D and D but and this is news to me token's work were apparently incredibly racist damn guess he was waffling about hating the aparte and after emerging from World War I's Horrors and witnessing South African aptide it seems his opposition to the Nazi regime was entirely fabricated cuz he was also just a racist all right yeah no enough of that bit delusional takes based off fabricated stories and a misunderstanding of token's tapestry what whatever foolish notion that Orcs were derived off of racially motivated boundaries can be silenced by a legit the whole story is based upon the idea of unity and good overcoming hatred and Division and B that Orcs were the only exception of the rule because they were not good or even people they were [ __ ] monsters derived off of people who were good and Twisted by Mor goth so that all good were forcefully stripped out of them leaving nothing but vile creatures of hatred moving swiftly back to D and D we can see the similarity now Orcs were created by not morgoth but Grump the oneeyed god Grump grum whatever he reveled in Warfare and barbaric destruction to this end he created the Orcs not as people but as disposable foot soldiers creatures of Destruction who existed for conflict now is it a cool idea to have unique Orcs who rebel against their nature creating interesting player characters ABS [ __ ] lutely that [ __ ] is badass but these are the exceptions to this world I've said this before in a previous video but let me Echo it again here quick side note I'm getting real tired of slapping positive connotations on evil like inherently deeply malicious titles and entities again vampires are nasty pieces of work and werewolves want to rip you to shreds and no to all you vtubers out there they don't want to have sex with you I find this distinction to be crucial in the Indie eroding the differences between the race sorry species in the upcoming 1 D and D sucks Away part of the fun of it no longer are you playing a mystical elf ancient beyond your years or the hearty dwarf with a love of gold wine and only a minor distaste towards the elves by the way helping give your DM ways of making different cultures interact as they would in this independently functioning fantasy world now you're just an elf in name but a blonde human who doesn't need sleep or a short thick human or in our context with the Orcs just a really [ __ ] ugly human who's stronger than usual this however seems to be the direction that one D and D is moving towards touching back on the point of making money it seems more more and more people prefer to be coddled into these hobbies and in order to do this it must be as inoffensive as possible nothing to challenge nowhere to go you're perfect as you are you do you Chief you're perfect in this world of Perfections where everything is exactly how you ever wanted it to be so you might as well just self-insert into the game because what we're looking at isn't fyon anymore we're looking at our world with the same people the same cultures same Traditions just flavored slightly as to not tackle any of the issues of our world just to keep you familiar familar enough to drag you in and keep you perpetually in a state of Wonder without actually venturing into anything new political parallels drawn within our world can be effective when used by a dungeon master to accentuate and hook players in to ground the world of high magic and Epic Fantasy with very real Stakes but they need to be used wisely enough to keep that world intact rather than risking it becoming a caricature of our own reality soon enough we might as well just have a campaign book with Donald M trumpet as the final villain I'm not going to lie I went on a complete tangent in here and forgot the original point of what I was talking about but to be honest this is just a spew of worries but let's see how it goes end of the day you run your [ __ ] how you want to took me too long to learn that lesson um subscribe or I'll turn you into an orc see you
Channel: Just Hero
Views: 6,306
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 9min 41sec (581 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 05 2024
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