The Problem with Warlocks in D&D

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Have You Ever Wanted Untold magical powers but studying for them sounds way too nerdy for you not enough of a theater kid for Bic Arts not enough of a nepo baby for sorcery well warlock might just be the class for you warlock is the most evocative class in D and D when it comes to roleplay giving both you and your DM amazing blood hooks to create a story for your character so why are they so boring I'm Antonio Deo this is pointy hat and we're going to answer that question in this episode of DnD D with a Twist warlock Edition so when I think of warlocks I think of warlocks are the class for sugar babies and those that think all the other casters are not edgy enough for them instead of working out at the library or learning how to paint with all the colors of the wind warlocks no clip out of bounds of Arcane tradition and speedrun their way to being a full Caster asterisk next to full Caster we'll get into it warlocks don't get their magic through main character syndrome like Sorcerers or by actually working for it like bar and wizards but by making a pack with something in terms of gameplay warlocks are bailed they are sold to you as the build-a bear class of all build-a bear classes with not just your choice of subass but your choice of eldrich invocation and packed Boon warlocks are extremely customizable and offer many many options to build your character in theory yes as you can tell this is where I have a problem with them but there's a thousand things I think that warlock does better than any class so let's get deep into warlocks well no not like that I mean whatever let's talk abilities so warlocks are full casters just kidding they're not just kidding they are just kidding it doesn't matter fun fact for those that are D and D YouTube poisoned like me forcaster is not even a thing in D and D 5 it's a thing that people that play the game use as a term to have civilized and edifying arguments on Reddit so whether warlocks count as full casters depends on how you define them because warlocks are different from any other spellcasting class very different they are not like other casters they love beer and pizza and sports and they also literally don't have the spell casting ability they have packed magic instead packed magic is what makes warlocks not like the other girls I mean casters instead of having normal spell progression warlocks get like two and a half spell slots ever I'm kidding kind of warlocks get significantly less than other classes are considered full casters while Wizards Barts Druids and Sorcerers have four level one spell slots and two level two ones by level three say that three times fast for a total of six spell slots warlocks have um one sec let me crunch the numbers uh yeah y they have two warlocks get significantly less spell slots only going up to three total spell slots at level 11 yep 11 have fun to mitigate this warlocks regain all their spell slots on a short rest and not on a long rest like the other classes Oh you mean like the Wizard's Arcane recovery sh don't say that out loud you'll make the warlocks player sad again don't listen sweetie the size of your spell slot list doesn't matter it's what you do with it and warlocks overcompensate for their small spell slots by blasting their magic all over the place the moment they cast it I mean way too much fun for this warlocks don't choose at what level they cast the spell they simply cast it at the highest possible spell slot level all the time this means that they benefit the most out of spells that either remain active for a long time like summons or scale in damage and effect by spell level so that's the bread and butter of warlocks and their signature ability but as I said before this is the build-a bear class to beat all builda bear classes so of course they'll get a thousand things to pick from namely eldrich invocations let's talk about them but in order to put any eldrich invocation to use in combat you need one I guess I bet you won't because it's so important and so crucial to gameplay it might not even come to your head right now you need a map a battle map or your DM does did you know there are people out there that specialize in making Maps like you've never seen some cartographers are content with duplicating what already exists in the world on parchment but there are others that don't stop there with magically loaded ink and lay weaved parchment they go beyond portraying and actually create completely new spaces through expert brush Strokes legendary cartographers conjure from their own imagination impossible scenes from underwater palaces to tax agencies and the depths of Hell the most famed of these cartographers being none other than the two that have created more than 4,000 of these impossible locations their name cheku that's right I'm impossibly proud to say I get to talk about cheku because I've used their Maps before I had a YouTube channel at all cheku is a patron that gives you access to in my opinion some of the best maps for D and D or Pathfinder or anything for five bucks a month you get as I said more than 4,000 of these 4,000 and they range from stuff you will always need like roads and cities to truly incredible stuff that might spark a whole encounter or Adventure just by how beautiful the map is you are bound to find either the thing you're looking for or something that inspires you and brings your tabletop games into the next level and I'm really talking Next Level maps come with variations for Seasons time of day weather effects everything for each of the maps so you can use them whenever not only that but some of these maps are actually animated imagine the immersion of pulling that up on a VT or printing any of the non-animated ones for IRL play and talking about immersion they also have a completely separate Patron for scenes not battle maps but scenes that you can pull up for Ambience and to increase that immersion so now all those exploration and talking scenes that take hours to play also get incredible immersive visuals so whether you are at DM in need of maps or scenes or a player that wants to get your DM a belated Christmas present go check out their patreon below it's the first link in the description and now that we have a map to actually play our Warlock on let's get right back into eldrich invocations as a warlock studies Ault lore which is code for cosplaying a wizard warlocks learn eldrich invocations you get two at second level and keep gaining more as you go up in levels and they are really really fun they're extremely varied some mitigate the warlocks basically no spell slots problem some change the way you play completely and some make the class less fun but all of them have that good edgy coat of pain that all warlock players love let's look at some armor of shadow no allows you to cast magic armor on you at will no spell slot required making you a bit less squishy eldrich mind gives you advantage on concentration checks so you don't have to take the war cter feet as a hexplate this is it this is this is the one use this one take this one this is a good one mask of many faces allows you to play as magic James Bond and cast dis guy self at will beguiling influence makes you hotter giving you Proficiency in deception and persuasion skills and reminding you that this is indeed a Charisma based class in case you forgot not nothing more charismatic than being culu sugar baby and those are some eldrich invocations there are a ton of them and most of them are super flavorful allowing you to really give your warlock a unique vibe to fit the idea you have of them in your head oh what's that I haven't talked about the good ones the ones that make your eldrich blast better oh don't worry I'm getting to it but the pick and choose aspect of warlock doesn't end with eldrich invocations it only starts there and continues with a warlock's packed Boon a packed Boon is basically a second sub class like a baby one you choose between four options and these really change how you play your warlock so listen up you pray to the sugar daddy of mystical power you have decided to lend your soul to for God knows what reason and in return he gives you a boon fact of the blade turns you into an anime character complete with magical sword of darkness and pain any anime abilities a weapon could have your packed weapon has you are super mega proficient with it it's magical so you can hit ghost with it and get this you can summon it to your hand from whatever pocket Dimensions anime weapons go to when the protagonist summons them out of their hand this is for a very specific subsection of players but God does it hit just right for the people that want this pack of the Tob allows you to further cosplay as a wizard and kind of sort of mitigates your micro spellcasting issue you can pick three extra cantrips from any spell list and cast them at will as long as you don't return that book to whatever Library you stole it from this gives you more canant trips than basically any other Caster though so you can stick it to him who's the bad spell Caster now huh who said you need higher education and the other two are in in technical terms worse back of the chain gives you a slightly more powerful familiar you get the spell to summon it and you can cast it as a ritual which I mean you still need the components but at least it won't take one of your two spell slots The Familiar you can cast is stronger than like the chicken rat or octopus the normal fine familiar allows you to cast giving you access to an imp a pseudo Dragon a quasit or a Tinkerbell and they certainly can be useful in combat kind of for lower levels but their usefulness is going to sharply decline the moment monsters get up there Inc at which point it's just basically just as useful as any other familiar honestly only pick this if you really love it and there is no wizard in the party or the wizard just doesn't cast fine familiar for some reason it's one of the best spells they got but anyway and finally packed of the Talisman yes I know you forgot about this one and for good reason this gives you guidance allowing you to add a D4 to a failed ability Check Yes only to you and also it's somehow Capa to your proficiency bonus our version of a can trip cool so you could take this or hear me out take pack of the Tomb and just pick guidance something you can cast as many times as you want and on other people other than you and if you tell me that the fact that it doesn't require a verbal or somatic component to cast makes it worth it I I'm just going to banish you for being a liar and a contrarian you know it doesn't make up for moving on okay so that's all warlock what there's more okay no we we got to speed this up hey everybody lightning routee now lightning roundout ability score Improvement it improves your ability scores NE moving on eldrich versatility an optional ability bars it's basically a resp whenever you get an ability score Improvement you can switch out a can trip return to the store the packed Boon that your sugar daddy got you and get a different one because he's old and doesn't understand that you're going for the clean girl aesthetic or change the spell you got through Mystic Arcanum what's that Mystic Arcanum at level 11 you have proved your talents as an Elite Class sugar baby and you are bestowed with one six level spell you can now cast this six level spell once without using a spell slot and then it's time to mimir until you can cast it in this way again if you didn't get extra spells to cast this way at levels 13 15 and 17 and the 17th one is a ninth level spell cool ability shame it comes literally after most campaigns end and those are all the warlocks abilities as you can see the class is structured around choice and warlocks as a result end up feeling extremely different from one another or they should be but their abilities are not the only reason why warlocks feel so customizable and unique it's their sub classes so why don't we take a look at those all warlock subclasses are based on who their Patron is as we covered warlocks get their magic by making a pack with something and what that something is determines their subass this makes it so that warlocks get possibly the most flavorful sub classes that influence the character the most out of yeah all the classes honestly so let's take a look at what these have in store for our potential sucros infants first off the OG the blueprint the pink print the goat not really it's the feied if the whole make a act with a thing for Untold power sounds a lot like what Devils do on the regular you are correct the warlock's poster boy is the pack of the fiend and fiend does cover not just Devils but also demons and the other ones nobody really cares about making a pack with the Devil is such an iconic story structure and it has been done a thousand times for a reason it's exciting it's fun it incorporates tons of drama and basically gives your DM a ready-made antagonist with a deep connection to one of the players from the word go it's cool cool but what does Pao the fiend give us in terms of abilities well it's the fire type of the Warlock subclass with spells like burning hands scorching Ray and the everpresent and meme to death and back other than fire you get stuff like dark one's blessing which makes it so that you gain temp HP when you steal kills from your party members real talk I understand the impulse of Designing abilities like these but I think they more often than not lead to bad behaviors at the table like everyone waiting around so that the Warlock can kill the guy or whatever don't love it dark ones only look is also there and it allows you to go cry to your demonic sugar father whenever things don't go your way as in whenever you fail at saving throw or ability check you can ask the devil of your choice to give you a d10 to add to your role it's a Once in a long rest ability so nothing to write home about but it's very flavorful and goes with the whole theme of the subass so points for that fish resilience gives you just resistance to a damage type you feel like having and you can change it every long rest and short rest you can pick slashing bludgeoning or piercing damage from this by the way so it's even even more powerful than you thought it was and finally hurl through hell which what a name is one of the funniest abilities ever made what is it with early 5 and making unintentionally funny abilities anyway whenever you attack a creature you can choose to send them straight to Turbo hell casel style that's right you just send them there free falling into hell for 6 seconds no save for this by the way you just do this at the end of your next turn they come back and they are so scarred from whatever happened during the those 6 seconds that they take 10 d10 psychic damage flame Flames flames on the side of my face 10 d10 no save this is up there with way of the open hand for I touch you and you die abilities 10 out of 10 very funny tell another one but what if the sugar daddy of your choice is not that scary Lobster man from The Powerpuff Girls but the most unknowable daddy of all well the great old one is the subclass for you this is your resident I love Lovecraft subclass in the warlocks fer of daddies the great old one signifies a pack with an unknowable entity that lives outside of reality impossible to perceive or understand we're talking big eldrich Vibes Cosmic horror and tentacles being very possibly involved a cool detail about the great old one Patron is that it's so alien to Mortals hell to most Immortals in D and D World and so impossibly alien that its motives are often truly incomprehensible the patron might not even be consciously aware of the Warlock at all the pack being basically a product of its existence to the Warlock their P has changed their life and forced them to perform completely unscrewable rituals but the patron is so impossibly powerful and cosmically big that they might not even be aware of the Warlock at all cthulu is directly mentioned in the subclass description so they are not shy about the inspiration the great old one has some cool psychic themed spells like dissonant Whispers detect thoughts or the obvious ever black tentacles for the sickos in the audience and the abilities reinforce this with awakened mind giving you telepathy or thought Shield be gone F not that spelling and makes it so that if anyone deals psychic damage to you they take the same amount of psychic damage back great old one like good warlock hop classes is very flavorful but in terms of what warlocks bring to the table story-wise it runs into what every cthulu esque narrative runs into if your DM understands the assignment you're not really going to meet your Patron or talk with it or actually learn its motivations if you did your brain will melt out of your schull or something if you pick this and your DM is actually familiar with how these guys work you are basically relegated to only interacting with ctis for your Patron which is a bit sad for what a warlock has to offer but if you're picking cthulu as your sugar daddy of choice you are probably 100% okay with this so it's all good and finally for one of the weird ones there's the hex Blade the hex blade is not particularly interesting in terms of lore but the fun in it is that it's one of those subclasses that changes how warlocks are played the hex blade Patron is confusing it's technically tied to the shadow fil although most people just completely ignore this side of the hex blade and they're right to do so and make it about what actually matters your Patron is a weapon a weapon made out of Shadow or whatever inscrutable Shadow fell low they added to this but a weapon you have made a pack with a lawn mower and now your lawn mower is going to let you know exactly what you got to do in exchange for being able to wield a cool lawn mower in battle hex makes the Warlock into a melee fighter allowing you to hit with Charisma somehow makes no sense but we're going to move on because it's cool the big thing here is the Marshall aspect that the subass brings not only is melee fighting possible to you now that you hit with your spell casting ability but you also get medium armor Shields and Marshall weapons you also get a cooler version of Hunter's Mark because Rangers had it too good apparently with hex blades curse where you select a guy that has looked at you funny and now you deal more damage to them you kit on a 19 against them and you regain head points if they die the hex blade is basically screaming at you to pick back to the blade and makes it that much better with a ton of melee combat spells like a bunch of smite spells and stuff like Shield I love any sub class that completely changes how a class is played so the hex blade is a okay in my book but of course there are many other warlock patrons the celestial Patron the genie and the inherent eroticism of the sea take me Mommy okay so we have taken a look at warlock abilities we've taken a look at warlock sub classes and that's all well and good so how about we give warlocks and you twist so I've been alluding to the whole warlock issue throughout this whole video and then me make one thing clear actually two things first clear thing I love warlocks warlock is probably H scratch that not probably warlock is to me the most conducive class to role playing remember that Fighter video I did if you haven't watch it because Mr Al Gore Rhythm was not particularly kind to that one in it I talked about how Fighter's biggest issue is that it's built as the beginner class to play but it does not help you at all coming up with interesting characters for it warlock is the opposite in that regard it's hard to make an an interesting warlock because even if you go for the most basic wide breed version of it back to the fiend to gain more power or whatever the patron aspect of warlocks gives DM so much to work with it's so easy to tie a warlock into any campaign and it comes prepackaged with not only an extremely interesting character dynamic between Warlock and Patron but also a ton of potential NPCs for the Warlock not just the patron but other warlocks that serve that same Patron are they working together are they competing for the Patron's favor what about other competing other worldly patrons it's a veritable mind for a DM to pull from and despite that I never play warlocks how can it be how can this class that offers so many threats to pull from for roleplay and storytelling not be my favorite well because I hate how warlocks play like mechanically let me explain warlocks issues gameplay wise are much like my talent multifaceted and complex the first and most obvious one is that warlocks are the class that is the most reliant on short rest and as we touched on the balers gate video this is a generaliz problem in 5 the designers thought that people would be short resting much more than they are so some classes rely on this and this assumption was very very wrong because people are not short resting as much as the designers thought they would classes that rely on very frequent short rest are not getting those which means that if you play a warlock and you want to use your Spells at all you either beg for a short rest when the rest of your party doesn't need one which feels like ass and makes you feel like a liability to the team or you won't beg for a short rest at all because you know that narratively you can't beg for one the moment that you're doing anything time sensitive show resting for a whole hour is just impossible so you are either annoying or you are just not using your spouse at all fortunately or unfortunately if you ask me the Warlock has an answer to this and this is my biggest gripe with the class believe it or not the answer to this is eldrich blast I understand I'm once again on the minority opinion here so let me explain I'm really not trying to be hot take Master pointy had here this is truly a problem to me eldrich blast is the strongest cantrip in the game for the simple reason that it deals 1 d10 Force damage 1 d10 is a lot of damage for a cantrip it's the highest damaging cantrip at its Baseline but that's not why it's so good first it's because it does force damage which is basically never resisted by anything so it's extremely reliable secondly it's because of how it scales most canant trips just add more dice to their damage a cantrip that does 1d8 of damage does 2 d8 of damage at fifth level then 3d8 at 11th level and so on eldrich blast doesn't eldrich blast adds another attack rle this means that at fifth level warlocks make two separate Attack rules that each deal 1 d10 fors damage for a total of 2 d10 it sounds like there's no difference but the difference is Big the difference here makes it so that you are just more likely to inflict some damage because you get more chances to hit and you also get to choose to spread that damage to different targets but the strength of eldrich blast does not end here because the true issue with it comes with how it interacts with eldrich invocations I told you we'll get back to it so eldrich invocations are in theory what makes you your warlock unique two warlocks should in theory feel extremely different because they get to do wildly different things there are eldrich invocations out there that allow you to see the aura of magic at will or communicate telekinetically with your party members or be able to read thoughts as much as you want or read all writing regardless of the languages you know except they don't because the best option you can ever take is to take any of the 3,000 eldrich invocations that Empower your eldrich blast read anything on War Lo online and everyone will tell you to take agonizing blast as an eldrich invocation because it adds your charisma modifier to each of your eldrich blasts that's 2d1 plus 10 of potential Force damage at level five and it's not just that one you have stuff like repelling blast which is also touted as the best Aldrich invocation because it allows you to push the enemies you hit with Aldrich blast 10 ft away each blast does this and there's just no safe to this you just do this if you hit at level five if you hit an enemy both times you're pushing that them 20 ft away and if any of you have played balers gay 3 you know how strong of a strategy pushing people off a cliff can be but even if there are no suspiciously available Cliffs you are basically forcing an enemy to dash to get to you if you do this and it only gets better or it guesss worse at higher levels there are even more invocations that make eldrich blast stronger there's one that gives it 300 ft of range so you can spell snipe 36 no scope from across the map there's one that does the opposite of repelling bringing them 10 ft closer there's one that reduces their speed 10 ft for each blast there's one that heals you when you score a crit what what and there's one that allows you to cast Fireball as a bonus action with a hit you got to be kidding what the now you may be sitting there going oh so your problem is that warlock is overpowered what are you a league player which first of all how dare you accuse me of such a thing second of all I liked Arcane and KDA at normal amount and third of all that's not what I'm saying my problem is not that warlocks are too powerful it's that eldrich black being so powerful and having the capacity to be even more powerful makes warlocks dreadfully boring to play to me the fact that you can cast two spells for the entirety of 90% of campaigns is not really a problem because nine times out of 10 you're not going to be wanting to cast the spell at all nine times out of 10 the best option you have is to cast eldrich blast again constantly forever every single turn it doesn't matter how powerful it is I find it dreadfully boring to do the exact same thing every turn bur this point has been raised before and the common answer is nobody's forcing you to pick those ELD invocations and my answer to this is simple if you give me 20 choices and of those choices one is the clearly Superior option that is not a choice at all if your answer to the problem of to play warlock optimally you have to play it boringly is don't play warlock optimally that's not an answer at all I don't want to Nerf myself and objectively be less useful to my team because a class is designed so that the most effective way to play it is to play it in the the most boring way imaginable some people somehow make this about roleplay versus combat and I dislike that implication so much I guess this is a good spot to say this as any other so I'll say it here being bad at combat doesn't make you good at role play being bad at role play doesn't make you good at combat you can both be very into storytelling and role playing and still enjoy building and making a strong character that is good at combat I deeply resent the implication that making a character that takes advantage of the abilities that a class offers somehow makes you worse at telling a story or at embodying a character and conversely I also think that making a character that is deliberately bad at being their own class somehow makes that character more interesting narratively regardless of this little Soap Box I just got on top of this is my main problem with warlocks I've tried them a thousand times and I get either bored out of my skull or frustrated bored when I build one to be as strong as it can be and turn into an eldrich blast spam B every fight or frustrated when I know I could be dealing more damage and helping my party more but I decided to take one of the cool and flavorful ELD invocations instead now now before we move on to the fun part of this section I little mention a thing called multiclassing that sort of somewhat mitigates this Warlock and sorcerer but warlock more than sorcerer is seen as the multiclass class it's particularly well suited for multiclassing with stuff like Sorcerer And Paladin by virtue of being one of the 3,000 Charisma based classes and also by virtue of literally only needing Charisma and not a secondary stat like decks or strength warlock ability scale well in levels without needing specifically warlock levels and wait I'm going to stop talking here because multiclassing is way less common than people think it is if you run in D andd Reddit circle after you after me as well I am also in that Penance walk you might think that everyone is out there sore locking and lock it in around these D andd streets but the fact is that very few players are actually Theory crafting ELD P Chad loocks to keep resis mogging all into toids I'm a poet bottom line while the Warlock is useful in multiclassing that's a niche and not reason enough to overcome the problems I have with it if I tell you this class doesn't work for me and your answer to that is that's because it's not meant to stand on its own I yeah I don't think that's the Goda you think it is so what do in this show we take a thing and we give it a Twist and it would be remiss of me to just complain and not do anything about it despite that being what the internet is for well we can't do much because the problems I have are literally baked into the class and we're just going to make a subass but we can do something we want to keep what makes warlocks cool the role-play opportunities baked into the class because of the relationship ship between Petron and warlock while fixing the eldrich blast issue the alrich blast issue is complicated to fix but we can sort of fix the spell usage issue and the eldrich blast issue by giving warlocks something that is an eldrich blast that would be a more attractive option for them to use than just spamming eld's blast tall order I know seems complicated and a lot of work oh God it is a lot of work um human familiar warlock now okay so here's what I have what if we take a page from the half casters to help the Warlock with its over Reliance on eldrich blast especially what if we look at Paladin for inspo Paladin is another class with access to spells but most of the time they're not using them in combat because they're busy sming sacrificing their spell slots for big damage what about a warlock that can transform their spell slots into something else to do in combat something that will change how the Warlock plays like how hex blade makes them melee combatants what if this is an ongoing effect to make it useful for warlocks and also different from Smite which is once and done this would be something that you use once at most twice per battle or once per short rest it's not something you rely on for every turn but something you want to keep for key moments of the combat warlocks don't need a subx to fix damage for them they have eldrich blast we need a subclass that gives them something to do that isn't eldrich blasting but we can't just ignore the best part about warlocks which is their roleplay potential so what's the Patron for this the problem here is that warlocks have a lot of ground covered already they have F Patron Celestial patrons Genie patrons culu dads and whatever the difference is between Undead and undying so what can it be here me out dragons isn't it crazy that we don't have a dragon warlock yet dragons are basically the definition of extremely powerful magical being even a dragon not enjoyer like myself can see this is a massive hole in design dragons fit perfectly with the class being these extremely longlived extremely powerful extremely magical beings we literally know they can have this effect on people because draconic Sorcerers exist what if a dragon could choose to have that effect on people instead of passing it down through the Bard getting lucky we've been talking a lot about this whole burn spell SLS to trigger a state that would help with the over Reliance on eldrich blast what if this state was a draconic state what if you could give yourself draconic characteristics and if you're a good little warlock that does what their Patron tells them to do and go subit on time and eats their vegetables what if you could literally turn into a dragon even for a short while and all become because of the gift given to you by your Patron but dragons have a ton of history with being good evil or anything in between so you got plenty of options as to what the relationship with your Patron could be it doesn't have to be bad or good okay that's enough theoretical let's make a character based on this let's make a draconic warlock the goblin speculates the reason he was abandoned as a child is simply because he was weak most likely born a runt he was found alone as a newborn by a group of adventurers in the middle of a bog they affectionately refer to the gobling as bog baby thinking they'll soon find the tribe that lost him or a new home but they found no tribe and when the orphanage they visited refused to take him simply because he was a goblin the adventurers made the unanimous choice to raise him and the name stuck bog stayed with the party the wizard taught him to read and write the ranger taught him to light a fire and find shelter and the fighter tried to teach him to fight but as much as he tried B could never get it right he couldn't live the sword much less swing it he could barely walk for 5 minutes before running out of breath and any sort of physical exertion would cause him to break in a coughing fit despite his obvious physical shortcomings bog tried his hardest to make himself useful to his adopted family he carried the bag of holding and tried to contribute to fights with his slingshot as much as he could which wasn't a lot but the adventurers always appreciated it despite life on the road being seen as many as particularly harsh bog did not mind he was happy to tag along adventures and no threat felt impossible to overcome as the party became stronger and stronger besting each and every foe they encountered until they didn't after Whispers of some nefarious cult activity reached the party's ears they decided to investigate and this would prove to be fatal when they reached the location they were told the cult had made their layer they realized it was an ambush as dark spells rained from above the party turned towards bog and told him to run and bog filled with fear and Powerless to do anything to help ran he ran until he could no longer hear the screams of his family behind behind him and collapsed to the ground he had felt powerless all his life and now his weakness had made it so that he could do nothing but run when his family needed help the most he wished with all his heart not to be as weak and as useless as he felt at that moment and something listened a dark-winged figure reached from the heavens and landed before the Y gobling and a PCT was forged that night under the full moon bog is now a draconic warlock a servant to a powerful dragon and part of his horde in exchange for bog service the dragon promised great gifts and the dragon delivered on that promise draconic magic older than any other Magics known to men courses through bog now channeling the gifts of his Patron Gob has not only made up for the shortcomings of his weak body but exceeded every limit being able to embody even if for just a second the true power of dragons most of his time he travels alone on missions that his Patron assigns to him but he has a different goal to find the cult that killed his family and make them pay but what will bog do when he finds out that the cult was a dragon worshipping cult none other than the same cult that he has joined now forever in service to the dragon that ordered his followers to kill bogs family oh the drama the Intrigue the bog of it all give this guy High Charisma for warlock Powers hick because of goblin powers and Presto you got yourself a goblin Dragon that's not something just any subass can say but at least the other sub classes can say they exist this little draconic warlock subass will have to live in the limbo of this little YouTube video you're watching oh what's that you would like this sub class well how about this let's make a pack I will put the link to the subass for 100% certified free and you leave a comment telling me what you would make a pack for yes exactly 100% certified free and now that you have agreed to this pack you are now under my command you pey mortal anyway the dragon otherworldly Patron subass has been written to work with your normal D andd Dragon but man wouldn't it be nice to have a dragon just for this subass you know a warlock themed Dragon that' be neat in a completely unrelated note here's the beginning of a series I just started that is all about making Dragon themed after the classes what you look at that what a coincidence and here's the one we made right after that a sorcerer Dragon wow I wonder which one is next I guess we'll see bye
Channel: Pointy Hat
Views: 611,741
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DnD, D&D, DnD with a twist, 5e, TTRPG, How to, Illustration, Dungeons and Dragons, D&D with a twist, d&d battle music, pointy hat, animation, rant, hat, homebrew, trailer, D&D trailer, OneD&D, one d&d, onednd, OGL, SRD, Wizards, wizards of the coast, WotC, WOC, OGL drama, class, classes, warlock, warlocks, patron, best patron, best warlock, worst warlock, best subclass, worst subclass, best warlock patron, worst warlock patron, necromancer, dragon warlock, warlocks in DnD, warlocks in D&D
Id: VMC_kcUKdhw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 33sec (2013 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 09 2024
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.