The Problem With Adobe Firefly Is BIGGER Than You Think!

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hey everyone so Adobe has stepped into the AI image generation game and released Firefly which they are billing as an ethical AI image generator but there is a problem with that and we're going to dig into why but first let's take a quick overview of firefly uh discuss what its strengths are where it falters the problem with its ethics and then ultimately where I think all of this is headed which is actually more problematic okay so in Firefly we have a handful of modules uh the text image module or typical AI image generation text effects which I actually think is pretty interesting considering how terrible uh AI image generators are at text those were the two that were available to me I have seen some other people that have had access to modules that are in Exploration for me that have in painting I guess you can train images some text to Vector stuff out painting so I'm not doing a full review here I know that there are other videos out there that have spent like a half an hour delving into you know each individual element that's not what this is I just kind of want to give you a quick overview so where I think that Firefly does pretty well is generating sort of like stock Imaging photos for example this was a prompt that I ran in mid-journey which is a stunning mountain range next to a tropical island Sunset as a storm is brewing off the ocean this was for a joke that I made on Twitter when V5 first came out where I said that I want to vacation in V5 getting the same results into Firefly gets us these results which look pretty good I do like that you can change the aspect ratios via this pull down and it'll automatically regenerate for you so that's pretty cool and for the most part generation does happen very quickly Additionally you can change the lighting via this tab although there really isn't much that you can do with this particular image considering like I if I hit golden hour it already is in Golden hour so it's not going to really do too much as we can see yep still golden hour further you have some more controls on the side for I guess ease of prompting for example this prompt is a dad relaxing at home it rolls up these four Images I think this dude has like a do you have like an earbud in there that's interesting huh so for example this is photo if I hit graphic here it changes this now just to be clear I had actually already pre-rolled this it does not actually generate that quickly um let's try art which yeah so art I didn't do let's take a look at how quickly it generates here I just want to show that it's it's quick though I I hate filling these things up with dead air like there it goes okay so not bad um actually are these the same it's a relatively yeah so it's almost like it's adding a style so I guess it's just popping a style layer on top of the base photographic image Additionally you have this composition drop down down here where you can change the angle of your shot um I actually haven't really found that this does much so this is a businesswoman walking down the street with wide angles so let's turn that into a close-up which pretty much looks like the same image so it's sometimes broken like this is shot from above where it does work so this composition tab you may or may not get results out of so I've mostly stuck to fairly benign prompts and there's a reason for that and that's because that's what I think that Firefly does pretty well it does lack a lot of imagination for example in mid-journey when you ask for a cyberpunk samurai you get images like this which is an example that we used in a previous video whereas in Firefly you get images like this which look I'm not saying is awful or bad or anything but yeah I mean it's not quite up to Snuff right so text effects are actually super cool uh that's something that you know mid-journey really can't do that well anytime you can try to spell a word in mid-journey it's just going to end up just pretty garbled but this does work pretty well uh for example I've been meaning to update the channel header so you can either prompt for the texture effects for example this is Rusted Chrome or there's a series of presets over here uh let's just try out wires and it looks like you actually have more options on texture Styles down here so yeah very cool very briefly I am trying to grow and expand the channel so if you're enjoying the video thus far or just really looking forward to the Adobe bashing that's about to happen please do take a minute to hit the like And subscribe button it would really mean a lot to me okay let's get into the problem part now a lot has been made about the ethics of adobe Firefly that seems to be a narrative that they're very much pushing and you know a selling point towards the service you don't want to delve too deeply into the topic other than to say as an artist on the one side I get it and as an AI Enthusiast on the other side I get it I mean I do have this channel after all but honestly never trust a corporation's claims of being ethical and I get it because a large part of adobe's user base is either anti-ai or fearful that AI is going to completely destroy their income so they've made a big deal out of the fact that Firefly has been trained off of images in Adobe stock problem is that there are mid-journey images in that database I know because I've uploaded some and just as an FYI you remember like a month or two ago when there were like 100 videos on I'm uploading the journey images to Adobe stock and I'm making hundreds of dollars a day yeah that's not true what actually happened was that there was like this Rush of people uploading stuff to Adobe stock and the verification system got completely overloaded so it was taking up to a month before anything actually got through I was actually surprised because I just logged in and found out that I've made 33 cents so far so um yeah you know it's a far cry from hundreds of dollars a day but yeah 33 cents whatever I'll take it I will go buy a stick of gum going back to topic Adobe has our is requiring contributors to disclose and tag their images as AI generated but that wasn't always the case and I know for a fact that people are continuing to upload AI generated images without disclosing so so no matter what the Firefly database is already compromised and while that might not be adobe's fault it is a bit like claiming chicken nuggets are 100 chicken meat uh they're still delicious but I'm under No Illusion that it's a hundred percent me but the larger question is what is adobe's end goal for Firefly going to be we already know that it's going to be rolled into the Adobe line and you know I can see a lot of potential in Photoshop for example by masking one model out and swapping it out for an AI generated one problem is once Adobe Firefly is up to Snuff what happens to Adobe stock I think that most of you know that if you're doing the full-time artist gig it's important to diversify your income streams as much as possible and you know while I don't think anybody's rolling in cash from Adobe stock you know that additional 50 bucks every couple of months you know it adds up I mean money is money even 33 cents now that adobe has Firefly uh any income that was generated off of adobe stock NOW goes right back into adobe's pocket and Adobe being Adobe you know it's pretty likely that we're going to end up paying a surcharge for it as well and hey I'm not trying to bash Adobe here they do that well enough on their own all I'm saying is that anytime a corporation says trust me chances are they're the Scorpion and you're the Frog so yesterday I released a video about my daughter having an AI nightmare it was not sort of the typical type of video for this kind of Channel like it wasn't a prompt tutorial or I wasn't looking at you know cool video technology I thought it was a pretty good video and even if you don't have kids or if they're already grown up I think it's a pretty worthy watch it's coming up next so I do hope you check it out thanks so much for watching my name is Tim foreign [Music]
Channel: Theoretically Media
Views: 35,749
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: adobe firefly, artificial intelligence, AI Art, ai image generator, ai image generator free, ai images, Midjourney, Theoretically
Id: s5sBhfU_ujk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 18sec (438 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 24 2023
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