How to Use Adobe Firefly

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you hello and good morning everyone good to see you Paul here and uh yeah this is uh basically like Adobe live how to use Adobe Firefly that is the goal it is our new uh tool allowing you to it's in beta by the way but it's our every our tool for enabling you to use everyday language to generate extraordinary new content so everything from AI generated images to fun text all this cool stuff and I'm just gonna dive into this so this is gonna be a lot of fun and I'm glad you're here so welcome everybody feel free to say hi in chat I would love to hear from you and also I'm keeping track of uh there we are oh nice chat over on uh so I want to say hello to froza Muriel as well from Argentina awesome Mariah um uh is the beta open to everyone uh yeah everybody as long as you are over 18 and it is U.S well it's not us-based it is english-based by the way uh but you do have to submit so let's kind of go uh jump back just go to and let me show you what all this looks like let's jump in there right now my friends and here we are boom uh switch over here we are that's where I'm at right now so this is the beta so um this is where you're going to um submit for Access um once you submit for Access we have to go through so many different applications and all that stuff it's a lengthy process and I apologize for that but also you can join the Discord so I'm encouraging everybody to do that that's what I have going on right here which is talking about this live stream so hopefully valdere and uh actually let's jump over sorry oh there we go um uh sarri and Laura and everybody are joining me today so uh those are two ways to get involved request access get in the Discord join these live streams so uh Penny Doodles I see you there Penny Sam's in the house Yasin as well Marsha yeah I want to welcome everybody um oh here we go I've I've been I've been describing myself with keywords to see if it can figure out what I look like just keeping it weird into it uh also lastly if you're joining me over on YouTube I'm going to do my best to keep track of Chad over there but uh you know lots of chats going on so I'll do my best okay so actually I got three different chats let's make sure this one's working all right let's get this party started so here I am um I already have a plan for what I'm gonna make uh but I'm going to show you a text to image first so this is where you describe in sort of natural language or in prompts how to you know generate an image so you can see a number of these you could try any one of these prompts um by all means like this one is really fun right we could try this prompt what did it take to make that we'll click on that and all it is is five words fairy house in the woods wow that's pretty cool not quite what I want to use for my project but uh it's awfully cool and let me switch myself over to the other side of the screen there I go so um I can kind of add to this I can say you know what I like this but let's go ahead and make a steampunk version of this so I'm selecting that steampunk style it adds it right down here and then I'll click generate and it will generate sort of Steampunk version of this so typically it'll might alter the color but look at that it actually did a really good job having adding all that all that detail and that's personally I like my favorite I would love to hear if anybody is using um Adobe Firefly like let me know your favorite style totally interested in what you're what you're interested in I personally like steampunk because look at I feel like it just added more detail and I'm just like I'm a sucker for detail so fairy house in the woods um you know and we could add more to this uh fairy house fairy house inside a tree in the dark woods let's just try that uh inside a tree I don't know what that's going to look like we can roll with that and I'm just giving you an overview so here it is in a tree at this point oh much better right so it's like part of the tree trunk very cool and we get different versions of that which is awesome what's up Gustavo hello from Brazil good to have you here uh feel free to throw out some prompts for me as well Damien and and and Garth and everyone um somebody says dimly lit and dreamy dimly lit dimly and dreamly lit slight fog to add something very nice to the image ooh uh what a great idea um lit slight fog let's see what happens so I like how this is live and we can just you know experiment together is the idea right ooh so this looks to me makes it look much much more mysterious totally totally into it so from there I can take this and I can download this image um it adds content credentials just FYI I'm not sure if you guys wear content credentials but it says hey you know what this was AI generated I didn't make this in Photoshop I didn't paint it I don't claim to do any of that stuff I just claim to write the prompt that's all this is essentially saying so it applies it it downloads the credentials uh right in here we can see this in finder if you're interested we can go to content authenticity dot org forward slash inspect and let's take a look at this when we drag this into this URL and I'll try to copy and paste this for you guys if I can but look here this exposes this is all the metadata saying hey this was created in Firefly 1.0 um it's AI generated tool blah blah blah um and the date and things like that okay so that's pretty cool for me um I'm trying to be as transparent with my work as possible that's my whole goal all right now that's one aspect that I'm working on now let's get into my project is that okay because I'm going to spend the next 45 minutes creating something hopefully cool I want to create some gold and black roses um uh let's go gold rose petals and let's just see what happens we're gonna keep this steampunk and we'll click ok because I have a plan and use a lot of gold and black I don't know where this came from I can actually tell you where it came from but I really like sort of this sort of gold look look at that so cool right really cool so what I can do is I can say uh white background no Shadows and click generate and see what happens there and there it is awesome love this this is what I'm going for this is what I want to generate just so you know um okay so yeah fideia asks a great question about if AI is going to take our jobs nah man it's like saying photoshop's going to take my job Photoshop isn't going to take my job who's running Photoshop like who's running the AI it's going to be me so continue there we go downloaded that and just so you know what I'm working on let's let's show you guys oh it's a little sneak peek let's turn that stuff off I'm gonna I'm doing this concept of um sort of like love conquers all so it's gonna be very sort of neoclassical it's gonna look like here's all my resources by the way uh you know black and gold ancient Egypt reliefs this is the best reference I have for what I'm working on okay so let's just kind of do a quick search just so you know it's like I'm kind of driving the creative at this point I want to do stuff like this I want it to be like this but I want it to be more of this this woman in this classical pose and she's surrounded by flowers but you know me yeah she's surrounded by bones and skulls right so it's this whole thought of um I think gold and black like the colors are very seem like a little bit more eternal to me and um the subject matter sort of like is also very like about love and and sort of the Eternal um view of love so that's why I have this phrase love conquers all this is it in um Latin so that's going to be part of my design as well so here this is first off check this out Marsha um check this out I'm going to turn on content credentials boom content credentials I'm basically going to turn this on says hey you know what it's going to attach all my information say hey to this for this Photoshop file this is Paul's content this is what he's working working on right here's all of it let's preview it it says hey you know what this is the data that gets attached to it right so here's Paul's information and then keep in mind by the way there's already assets over here off to the side so ignore those for now but um this is what I would use like so check this out like I'll take that file here it is remember this guy I just made it now again this is for personal use but I'll take this and I'll drag it in here there it is now it's in Photoshop okay let's go to preview we could see my information but if you scroll down right here this shows the attribution has this asset has attribution and history data so I'm just keeping all of this metadata saying hey these layers were created with AI and then there's other stuff that's created with stock Etc so that's what I'm doing all right so that cool we're gonna make gold so that's the idea right that's what I have cool here's my flower showing some magic of Photoshop jumping in here this is why I made this a white background so I can go into the properties panel select remove background Bingo removed the background again personal project I know it removed the water bark it's personal project it's personal I'll take this and I'll convert it to a Smart object and now we have our uh Rose roses let's call it roses and there it is beautiful roses and then we have some text which I'll get into in a second or even now shall we let's get into it now huh why not so let me know what you guys think um I'm basically gonna make be making a ton of assets that are gold and black and it's gonna be awesome so uh would love to know what you think but I'm hiding everything else that I was working on so I can make some more assets there's one going back into Adobe Firefly uh you know what I'm gonna do next gold and black skull uh you know uh embroidered let's see what happens with flowers with with flowers gold and black skull with flowers gold rose petals white background let's click generate let's have some fun let's keep it personal we're keeping it personal today because it's personal project yeah there we are look at that pretty much what you'd expect I'll modify this a little bit by the way let's just go uh skull with flowers generate let's do this a couple times because that's typically how I work okay so not not bad not bad let's we could play with some of the Styles in fact that's what I'm going to do right now I want to play with some of the Styles just so you guys get familiar with how this all works okay color in tone yeah keep it warm lighting we want uh dramatic lighting let's throw a little composition in there we're going to do um close-up right so those are the three properties that I've edited and now we'll click generate and see how this changes all right let me know yeah so this is this is uh looking pretty cool you know in general this is great you know works out just fine this might help my ideas I think this one here shows a good idea of the dramatic lighting the warm tone and close-up right so it takes all those properties pretty straightforward right cool cool stuff all right um let's take this a step further and um do some other things in fact I have a number of other objects let's do um a cherub and Vines there we go golden golden black cherub with flowers and Vines let me know if you have questions I'm keeping an eye on chat look at uh look at this look at how awesome this is that's what I'm talking about that close-up a little bit of a blurry background totally into it uh if it's steampunk great question where are the gears and Brass goggles that's awesome so your goal is to really play with some of these settings by the way because that's what I would do jump in here right I can make this look more like a photo um I watch what happens if I say for instance turn on synthwave and turn off steampunk we'll get an idea we'll get a splash of uh let's remove dramatic lighting tune we'll remove warm tone and we'll click generate synthwave is probably going to give us some blues and some pinks but we'll see how that interacts with our gold color and uh yeah it's it's not bad there we go so this this is may be usable but that's what synthwave does uh that's what vaporwave will do largely but you get the idea so I encourage you to kind of play with all of these and uh yeah that's that's your goal just play with these and have some fun and generate new content um all right there we go that gives it more of a cartoon look it looks like maybe see it gives it a cartoon look it's it's actually outlining some of these lines so that's what's happening there okay cool let's turn that off yeah that's right we're going back to SteamPunk we're gonna add our white background uh no Shadows generate yeah uh today us you're a bit confused how AI will look in the upcoming years that is a great question it's gonna shoot coming months actually it's gonna just get better and better okay so I've downloaded that cherub we uh I thought I had a skull so we'll just go back to skull but let's take our cherub we'll open up Photoshop we'll have some fun with this we'll drop in this cherub what did I do earlier by the way in Photoshop I did a magical remove background so right in here remove background it removes yeah almost everything and uh this is a case where yeah I need to do a little bit of cleanup so there's different ways to do this I don't know what you guys like to do I'll probably use just the quick selection tool and then I'll just start clicking or even the magic wand tool and make sure it's sent to contiguous and just start clicking in some of these areas and then filling with black so I'm just doing some cleanup right now if you're so brave if you have that sort of dexterity you could maybe use a brush and we'll come over here and just kind of eliminate some of this we'll make sure that this is a hard round brush and then kind of trim that up like so do this one more time there's our cherub I'm sure there are spots I've missed I can fix those but we have a couple things that I can work with now right smart object cherub there we are our text what about our text this text is so boring can we all agree you guys need to call me out like this I know I just started on this but this text is just you know not working it's not doesn't have the decorative look that I want and I could still use Photoshop to try a beveling emboss and give it some satin overlay and then you know sort of color tint it somehow right I could try to make that gold it's probably not going to work out too well right so rather than doing that I want to take this one word and we'll show you the next thing we want to do and by the way let's grab let's grab the skull wait for it download yeah General Kenobi yeah cherubs are always they're supposed to be chubby and just you know really well fed really healthy really well taken care of this one like you said this one works out look at this one this one definitely works out for sure okay drag this in here boom same process let's get it going remove background and there's sort of like just three elements to play with as I start to add text so let's work on some text um just checking us okay ask ask for a bright green screen to see if that would work let's do bright green screen background see what happens I've picked white because I know I want gold and uh I know I'm using black so I'm I just picked the opposite of black okay so this is what we get looks like in this particular situation since it's a metallic we're getting a ton of a reflection so yeah green screen isn't going to work okay my biggest feedback for the team right now by the way is like give me some transparency watch what happens if I jump in here just do transparent background background and let's turn off um close up let's do transparent background you guys ready for this Sean you're probably not gonna like this but please team like so it tries to so it knows that transparent squares are light and dark gray so it gives you this that's not gonna work either so it's like please can we have true transparency and can I download a ping file let's try this it's not going to work by the way Daniel I love where your head's out what's up Daniel good to see you um avoid I mean at the end of the day we're still going to be just downloading jpegs so I'm not going to get transparency it's something that needs to be fixed on the back end but avoid background right doesn't avoid the background okay there are a couple things that we could still do um so yeah it's that's why I'm showing you all these tips for removing doing a background removal cleaning up images things like that so even right in here it didn't do that good of a job right double click let's double click on this layer mask now we're inside here and we can use this brush come in here and just paint just with Reckless abandon honestly a lot of this stuff is going to be really small even right in here yeah I'm just using the refine Edge tool to just jump in there and get all that junk right you know I could get a little bit more exact right in here and probably won't actually paint that black but let's just go ahead and hold down the option Key zip option key zip yeah I get enough they're much better okay all right let me show you something so awesome are you ready for this Carol and everyone I want to do a gold and black flower pattern so that's what I'm typing in gold and black flower pattern check this out generate I said make me a pattern make it good and there we are check this out this yeah this is usable this is going to be awesome click continue it actually made this repeating pattern which just blows my mind check this out bring that in there boom what do I have to fix I do have to fix this part right down here so excuse me command T flip horizontal whoa invert brush White good enough so there that is let's convert this to Define this as a pattern and there's our pattern let's just see how it worked out provided that really fast let's go into our patterns let's take a look right down here let's click on that yeah it made a pattern we do have some ridges in there which I'm not crazy about but horizontally look it did a it did a pretty good job right here looks like we're off a little bit but again that could have been my my issue I made this one earlier let's turn this one on this one again almost makes the perfect pattern some some little spots right there but overall pretty good so I'm pretty excited about it cool cool and we're back let's adjust the scale of this like that there we go oh yeah fancy background we're doing things all right uh so yeah to answer your question hopefully that answers your question it can generate images that are tileable it depends on a number of variables obviously I picked a pretty hard case because it's like you're using anytime you include reflection and and lighting and stuff it's hard to if this was just a flat pattern that wasn't gold it would do a much better job so I can share I can make this a white and black flower pattern in fact we'll go in here I mean you guys happy to try this let's do a vector look generate you'll see it do its thing right so there it is right and we can test that out but it's going to be uh better off that way okay so uh we showed you patterns show you how to generate images by the way if you are using um Firefly just hit the back arrow and it's going back through your history so I can actually go back to those previous elements that I was working on here I tried transparency here as I tried the green here's my chair which was my best example right and then from there we can do say wings and that's how I would generate a bunch of elements for the design that I'm working on okay look at this come on now people look at how cool this is look at this perfect for what I want to do all right fantastic created that so cool cut it out like I've done already you guys have already seen that process so let me show you where I'm at today with a lot of this is here we go here's a bunch of flowers all done that exact same process here's all these Gorgeous Flowers I decided to make a heart so here's a heart right and here's all my elements here's another decorative element that I don't know what to do with let's talk about one more thing and then I want to get into type because if you do a glow golden black um uh uh beautiful woman so let's talk about people um with flowers and Vines let's just see what happens so thank you Marsha says you know sometimes there's bizarre noses and teeth here's what it generates for people it actually does a pretty good job so far the more complex it gets it's just going to get a little bit awkward right gold golden black beautiful woman um [Music] Gold Crown let's give her a crown we don't worry about the white backgrounds let's go with highly detailed and we're just gonna have some more fun with this uh let's do full body um gold and black wings highly detailed full body and let's click generate and see what happens I'm trying to break it is what I'm saying but I'm also giving you a vision for ultimately what I'm going to create which is something like this like I like this look do things get a little wonky yeah 100 percent look at that gets the eye gets a little wonky there but otherwise this is not bad let's add let's turn off close up thank you so much Daniel Daniel said remove the close-up setting good call um and let's click generate again I think that anytime you have a close-up it tends to kind of like blur the edges gives you the shallow depth of field but this is more along the lines with um kind of what I'm looking for full body uh gold and black flowers and vines in the background you guys are so smart I love it you guys are over on YouTube just keep in mind I'm I'm keeping an eye on the behance chat so look at this this is what I'm going for like this just gorgeousness I'm gonna download it like yeah face gets a little funky but overall you know it's gonna mean sort of maybe using parts of these or just using these as a way to kind of storyboard right or conceptualize what I want to create so that's what I'm doing with this sort of Step all right actually this one is not bad let's take a look jump out here Photoshop drag them in there they are cool what size is it outputting the images as great question let's take a look uh image size 1024 by 1024 what you can do and that's a that's a great point because I often think about my subject matter will sometimes determine the aspect or ratio but that's 10 24 by 10 24. if we go to widescreen um gold and black large wings that's what I'm talking about look at this let's take a look at this now widescreen is going to give me more resolution and uh let's check that out uh 1792 by 1024. so I personally think a clear giveaway for most AI is its lower resolution right but that's going to go away with time but overall this is cool so it's like this is just a good like concept that I want to use for my design all right um Let's do let's go back to what we're working on we're going to get to that woman in a second but I'm gonna have to do a lot of work we'll go back to our text Amor let's take the word of more I want that to be part of my design well what can we do in Firefly is we have text effects as well um question about the use I understand that we can't use it for sale no you cannot use it for sale what if you want to use it to generate an arm and props for this sorry I'm mumbling um Anna so it's it's not for professional use you could use it for personal use what I would say if you're going to add it to your portfolio what this is what I would say I would say hey I got these images from Adobe Firefly so if you're transparent with your portfolios and this is where this is generated you're good like but again I'm just so you know it's stuff that we're just you're not allowed to really use this um uh professionally but yeah you you could I would call talking I'd use it for your portfolio be very transparent with how you created it um that sort of thing all right so let's type in some text again we can use any one of these oh we could take have I used that one yet let's try let's try a fun one let's try this one selecting any one of these it'll generate um colorful Shaggy fur from there you want to change it so you want to change this to Amor and what are we doing actually let's do all caps amor this font is absolutely atrocious for what I'm working on I'm gonna go old school with the John Warnock fonts one of our founders and have it generate that fur not again what I'm going for so what do I want to do I'm going to do um uh shiny gold and black Swirls and flowers see what happens generate okay so Silent Sound says it's nothing as Revolution as you thought I think you're probably just seeing this right now which I would argue let's have a race like show me any other product out there that does this look it did the spelling correctly oh imagine that like this is amazing and there's nothing out there that does this correct me if I'm wrong I'm sure you could do it otherwise but I literally did this in like 15 seconds all right I'm not crazy about the background let's go ahead and oh look transparency thank you so much but this is amazing so this is the groundbreaking part and I think this is what you're looking for Silent Sound um uh can you change the font used after file Firefly has done the done its stuff uh you cannot it's this is your selection right again we're only in beta the goal is to hopefully open it up what's nice and since this is from Adobe we have the entire Adobe font Library disposal 17 000 plus fonts that we have able able for you to use as a Creative Cloud member so so this is only the beginning so yeah sure but it's not commercial yeah good luck using anything AI related commercially like good luck with that uh so nonetheless I like this I like these swirls by the way let's um let's play with some of this text effects right over here and again we have all these settings up here if we wanted to try any one of these other sample effects but I want to go to this is my favorite is going loose maybe it'll work for what I want actually before I even do that I'm going to download this so I just end up downloading a lot of images but I'm going to try this now loose loose is going to mean all these little Swirls and stuff is going to kind of pop out of there yes uh Stan there's no Comic Sans how dare they not include Comic Sans what can we talk like real talk here um this Postino this is freaking this this is the this is the serif version of comic this is Comic serif that's what this feels like to me this is such a ridiculous font that's all I'm saying okay so look at that we get all these swirls gorgeous so nice let's go ahead and download it it's pretty cool all right uh highest resolution possible is not that much you know you might be thinking a print let's take this some more and I'm glad you guys are asking all these like great questions uh size is really only going to come down to 10 24. it's gonna be that 1024 range that's why what I was doing is um I'm doing each I'm doing each of these like one word at a time so let's put her over here turn that off put her away boom so I would do just one word at a time because uh if it's um you know the whole phrase I'm not gonna have the resolution that I do now and yeah I wish the resolution was higher and we feel you I feel you um you know what I'm not here let me show you a pro tip you ready for this I'm going to show you something awesome so this is why I'm glad you're here Sam Marsha especially our regulars and everybody especially your new if you're new outline strength there's a couple a couple a couple prompts that you can do a couple of variables that you can do you could do outline strength equals one this adjusts the creativity on text effects higher number will give you a tighter fit to the outline lower numbers will give you more swirly effects so this is again something that we are not have not told you about but I want to try so again Lower numbers are going to get give you more swirly effects so let's try that right down here this is bonus content uh they said lower numbers we'll do one outline strength generate see what happens foreign what's up buddy good to see you man uh we got to get you an invite we have to get you look at that talk about those crazy swirls so there is more you can do than than just these three buttons in fact personally what this needs this needs to have a slider from zero to a hundred but look at that that is crazy and that's why I'm glad you're part of this live stream because this is new content that nobody knows about and I hope it's okay that I share it so Jason asks is there a list of usable prompts for us to copy from just so you know that stuff is always changing and we're literally like developing the AI excuse me the UI as we as we as I speak so there's not a list there's only a couple that I could share which is this one and this one avoid you know Green that's what I could type in there so there's the avoid and then there's the outline strength those are the two um that are available for public consumption try some other prompts maybe they will work FYI they might but really where our goal is to make it easy because really I don't want to be a prompt like a prompt engineer is that going to be the title of the future I don't want to be a prompted engineer I want to be an artist I want to be a designer and uh I just want to use prompts as my tools so um so there we have that hopefully that helps this has gotten really crazy did I download it I don't know there that is I'm going to now take the strength up to let's jump it back up to [Music] 70. because I think that's just going to be a little bit too crazy I could be wrong and let's change the word ah that one's kind of boring isn't it all right let's take this back down 20 and do its thing yeah thanks so that so the UI does help there are other Pro uh uh you know other variables that you can play with but um give them time one thing I also didn't show is right down here we can kind of pick from different styles as well at least what I've done in the past is I will do a variation of a number of these characters and mash them together let me show you an example really fast let's go into say this for instance so you can download those thank goodness they're they're ping files for with transparency which is awesome but you know here's one that uh got a little nuts but that's the idea into the abyss so I was using uh uh all these different little letters sorry this is really confusing but let's just go ahead and do that there's my S here's the other half of those letters and uh yeah just a fun little concept all right back in here we have a more it's looking good this is not for commercial use this is just for fun uh let's grab some more text download it you get the idea yes uh good old Skipper you you mentioned there's more there's more value to it than just saving time it also has the ability to expand your creative input like based on like what you're working on which I agree 100 100 and that was the goal of so Mina that's that was the goal of uh this design right here it's like I know what I want I want this like goddess-like figure kind of think Venus um you know Aphrodite this goddess-like woman that means eternal love sort of situation I wasn't expecting this and what I I'm surprised about here is like all this jewelry and kind of her outfit so um Omnia did I Omnia sorry Omnia sorry about that I misspelled that okay so oh brother thank you thanks sir thanks bud I clearly Omni I clearly misspelled that what was I thinking let's download that so yes it's it's only as good as your spelling how about that uh uh Vincent is that correct hopefully that's correct should mean basically what we're saying is love conquers all oh it's so sweet such a sweet demo today man I wanna I just I want more time give me more time there it is taking our letters opening up Photoshop there's our storyboarding image if you will take these two drop them in there they are work it work it work it I must hurry amore so remember this one I really had a lot of the details expanded so right over here the outline strength was pretty strong for this and more and you could start to see it does get cut off so that's a situation where it's like it seems like I'm gonna have to do some cleanup on this so I should have that dialed in a little bit more just so I don't have that situation going on but otherwise it's it's pretty neat okay there that is we have our text um and uh our elements let's take a look let me know if you guys have questions oh it seems like an ad for perfume Penny you nailed it you're you're here you are right that's exactly what it seems like um this is what I'm working on like so the thing is like just to kind of talk about limitations here's some wings that I was working on there's going to be some limitations let's actually turn on some of these Concepts that I was working on this is what I used earlier and every time you every time you download an image The Prompt is the file name so here we can see that this is a gold and black beautiful woman Gold Crown golden black wings highly detailed full body all that stuff so that's why I was just dragging those layers excuse me those images in here and dropping them because it's going to retain the layer name therefore retaining The Prompt so that makes it just a lot easier for me right so there's my Concepts let's turn on some of these here's some additional assets that I was working on so we have a heart right here we have a ton of flowers that I get to work with all generated from good old Firefly and let's take a look at some more elements that I have in fact I like this one look at this heart sort of wanted a realistic looking heart that uh is going to be inside of say the ribs let's take a look at the ribs here's the ribs so now it's sort of my job as the designer to kind of come in take these ribs and start doing my doing my compositing that's essentially what I'm going to be doing for this project take this drop it in there right put it in there you'll hardly be able to see it but you know what I'll know it's there good old Firefly right I know Jan I thought it was new too oh thank you Garth thank you so much so yeah by all means like train the image even as I start to take a look at some of these oftentimes the hands like this this situation right here we're losing her arm so this is where I would come in and say hey you know what that was not so good um I would probably you know missing an arm and it will have issues with different body parts but you might find one find one that you like like this image might be one I actually want to use so check this out you ready for this Varun check this out buddy I want to use this image click right up here use this as a reference image so that's going to be my reference image it puts it right down here and then it'll start generating based on this as being the layout right so now we have all these different versions that I can work with again the hands are always going to get a little weird so check that out Isn't that cool and again this is like brand new as of last week so very cool what you could do you could adjust the sort of more strength to The Prompt prompt or more strength to the reference image and it'll adjust accordingly which again I think that's awesome usually this is where we get out like why can't I own can I upload my own image I would love to be able to the problem is we know people are going to be like I think what the problem is is people are going to be uploading artwork that is not theirs trying to regenerate something and calling it their own so how can we like do our best to protect artists like that's the thing don't use other people's artwork like I can't come in here and I can't add uh you know any sort of uh Thomas Kincaid I don't know why I'm using him as an example it's not gonna suck it's not going to use him but uh yeah it probably ignores it all together I'm surprised it doesn't flag it but I can use Van Gogh public domain it'll do its thing you get the idea okay so that's that how did you make the reference image I did not make the reference image I well I just made it based on this prompt right here so look what it's doing I added Van Gogh in here and look at these flowers even though it's respecting the gold and the black these flowers start to look more Van Gogh like right more um impressionist if you will right so that could totally work and I'm totally into this image right here so cool let's go ahead and download that image right so I'm just kind of getting ideas for what I'm working on yeah so yeah you'll just keep hitting refresh refresh Andrew in the house what's up Andrew good to see you buddy I'll be live streaming with him live streaming with him on uh Wednesday FYI yeah uh Jan Jan to answer your question yes we can take responsibility for how people use our software right we could do our best like you can't you can't load up an image of of uh of money like a dollar bill because we don't want people counterfeiting money right so we could do our best to be you know a responsible company as responsible as probably possible uh while still giving you creative freedom so yes we're not gonna just let people go nuts um if if we can help it because we're here ultimately trying to protect artists is the goal uh yeah top left let's use select similar use as reference image copy to clipboard as well so we could also do that come in here paste it in there it is and keep in mind we'll open up content credentials which is again just another way to say hey you know what how was this image created yeah because when I publish this I want everybody to know exactly what I did to make it and all the hard work and all the images that came that were used in this as well um oh it did not keep the content credentials for that one but you can see right here for my text look at that there it is that has attribution and history data and stuff like that so I think that's just like really cool that's all it's just really cool man I just like I want to uh you know people I want people to know what I did versus um you know what I had the tool do I'm sorry I don't have a great image but I have so much to work with right now it's going to be absolutely amazing and I'm so excited and really my job is to you know work in Photoshop and still sort of execute based on the vision I have for this project uh to make something cool and yeah does that look a little bit like uh it's starting to look like a what's that Affliction brand it's like Affliction clone that's what this looks like if Affliction that Affliction brand made cologne this is what you'd have but uh anyways that's pretty much my time I guess I have 30 seconds left um yeah Marcia you're so awesome I'm so excited for how this is going to turn out by the way I'm excited that I have all these assets and then I just get to go nuts I don't have to do all this heavy labor of pushing pixels around and I get to be more like the art director in this situation and really make something awesome so I'm super excited about that so keep in mind uh just keep an eye out for me on the social medias and uh you'll see what I end up making thanks so much for watching Everybody appreciate you guys and we'll see you on Discord too thanks bye thank you
Channel: Adobe Live
Views: 51,936
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: illustrator text, Editing type in Illustrator, adobe illustrator, illustrator tutorial, illustrator, graphic design, editiing text in illustrator, adobe illustrator tutorial, typography, type, illustrator text effect, design tutorial, satori graphics, logo design, adobe illustrator text effect
Id: iDf6m4xct4A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 5sec (3425 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 27 2023
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