AI to 3D Technology That Will Break Entire Industries (AI News)

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there have been a lot of updates in the AI space especially regarding 3D and video technology and today we're talking about three major projects these projects are more than just productivity tools and the creators and early adopters are going to make a ton of money because these tools can reach way more Industries than you can imagine these projects are some of the earliest to the show and I wanted to share my research with you AI is changing business every single day and if there's anything that I've learned it's that you really really want an Etsy store challenge update video which is coming just be patient I've also learned that with any new technology the early adopters are usually the ones that make the most amount of money so without further Ado let's get right into the video now to me this is one of the coolest projects from a company called blockade labs when you come to the you can immediately start exploring some of the worlds that they've created all you have to do is click and drag your mouse around now this project will come more full circle in a minute but I just wanted to mention it now because of how easy it is to use but instead of explaining what this is let me just show you what it does so I'll just click on conjure your world and they've got a few art styles that I can choose from so I just have to put a prompt into the prompt section so I'm going to start with a frozen frozen waterfall accidentally typed froze waterfall but that's okay and just hit generate and after a few seconds it loads a completely unique World we'll just let it generate and as we can look around you can see we get a not exactly what we prompted but a very beautiful 360 degree view image based on our prompt now we can actually click this little drop down and select one of a bunch of different styles so maybe let's try a surreal style change it to Frozen waterfall and generate a new one now from here you can see it's a completely different vibe from the last image partly because we modified The Prompt but also we gave it a new styling so let's try a mushroom landscape mushroom landscape with burning planets in the distance and then let's do a different style let's do the fantasy landscape and give this a second to generate as well and here you go so we can see a beautiful an honestly very beautiful mushroom landscape with some planets in the distance kind of a Sci-Fi Vibe now as of right now this is only a 360 degree image and it's not actually a 3D World meaning your character can't walk along the paths or do anything like that they can't interact with the environment now what's going to be really cool is when we're able to take something like one of these scenes and actually transform it into a 3D world that a character could explore think about what this could do if you're creating things like video games or applications for the metaverse when we're able to combine these blockade renders with something like virtual reality video gaming or even just Video Entertainment knowing what it is and how to use it is going to give those of us who are staying ahead of the curve a significant Edge when this technology is officially released now implementing these kind of 360 worlds into any kind of usable media isn't here yet this is completely just a proof of concept it still could be a couple years out but even considering how programs like chat GPT have grown in just five months since its release hopefully you can see where applications like this are going to now this next project is from a company called spline now they've been around for a while and that's okay because you don't have to know everything about spline all you have to know is that you can use it to build 3D shapes animate 3D objects and add physics to those 3D objects they've got a lot of examples and different projects that people have built for example this kids playground if I just click on it and wait for it to load I can click the play button and using the keys on my keyboard I can kind of drive this ball around and interact with a lot of the other 3D objects I can knock over blocks I can get pushed around by blocks and I can go through tunnels and different things like that now they also have some other examples like this truck that I can drive I can drive it around and knock over a bunch of the trees I knocked over the tent and then they've got a different example showing off some logic where if you get close to the door the doors will automatically open for this bunny and he also does a little bit of a backflip when you make him jump so people have used this to build games make product mock-ups and all kinds of 3D projects now these are all really cool but you do still have to have somewhat of a 3D design skill you have to know how to bring your ideas to life using their 3D tools which are very simple to use but that doesn't mean that there isn't a learning curve now that's where spline AI comes into play they're introducing the spline AI which will allow you to create similar scenes to what we just saw in the demo just by using text prompts in their promotional video you can see that they ask it to make 20 random cubes and spheres in the x and z plane so it generates that for them and then it makes all of them meshes and makes them smaller and then it moves the meshes up then they tell it to rotate all of the meshes randomly the meshes are just 3D objects and then it adds a it adds physics to all of them and then it makes a plane on the bottom and it drops them and you can see how they interact with that plan that they fell on now it tells them to make a star make the corners round and add a bevel to it so this can be very practical if you don't know at all what you're doing instead of trying to mess with all the tools you can just use text to convert your idea into shapes and objects on this next example they ask for a car next to a tree again they go over this so fast but they build this car and tree scene and then they add physics to the car to actually be able to drive the car around they really highlight this color palette changing ability where you'll just select everything and change all the color palettes and here I thought this one was really cool as well they delete all of the color and then they add just a specific area light like a purple area light to their text so that's just another cool feature now on the announcement page they show a few more examples for example they prompt it with create a grid of eight cubes and it pops up eight little cubes on the right hand side so you can see it kind of working in action and they show the edit ability randomize the cubes so this kind of just randomizes the location and orientation and size of the cubes and then they add physics to the scene and all of the cubes just drop to the bottom and then finally stylize your Creation with AI textures and so they're using a text prompt to just create or add a different texture to their objects so they show a few fire grass water concrete brick all different kinds of textures using Ai and if you've ever tried to do something like that before you'll know what an absolute headache it is to try and add textures or anything like that in a different program like blender the AI side of their software is brand new and so I'm just thinking about what happens when it reaches its mid-journey version 5 stage and it's creating super high quality 3D objects from a simple prompt now for a little comparison I generated this red car in the first version of mid Journey which came out just over nine months ago and it barely resembles a red car however when I ran the same prompt with mid-genie version 5 you can see that the results are at least slightly better so just after nine months they were able to improve from this red car to this one so a very decent Improvement now the reason that we're talking so much about Ai and 3D technology is because of how many Industries it affects besides the obvious Industries like architecture TV and entertainment the automotive industry e-commerce and then running simulations it can actually affect other Industries like video game creation since I mostly do e-commerce this could actually result in a fair amount of changes for example doing a 3D augmented reality for people to try on clothes before they buy it or augmented reality for furniture to make sure that it will fit in your room Amazon's already been doing this quite a bit marketing and advertising is also going to change quite a bit and I'll show you an example of this later in the video the project we just looked at called spline isn't there quite yet and so that's why we have to talk about the next AI project called Luma labs first let me just show you an example of some of the stuff that they're doing now at first this kind of just looks like a cool fast video zooming around this red moped but don't be fooled this isn't an actual red moped this is actually just a 3D object as you can see from his prompt he scanned and animated this completely on his iPhone now I'll get into the technicals in a second but here's another video where they're kind of zooming around this little Park area and it kind of looks like fpv Drone footage if you've ever seen any of that but what's cool is both of these have been 3D scenes here's another one of a guy playing pool kind of has this cool zoom in effect then it pans around him it goes down and through his arm which is just a pretty cool style I guess it zooms around him and it hits the dart board so it's doing all of this camera motion just from a single 3D set so here's an actual McDonald's ad that they ran and it's kind of going around this little McDonald's playset it goes through the guy's arm and then it goes through the McDonald's half Happy Meal box up onto the other side where it's a real video so it kind of goes from a 3D set into a real video and that's how they create the ad and honestly a very cool effect so what those videos are is just a 3D environment or 3D objects and then they're using a software from Luma to keyframe a virtual camera around those objects so the first way that you can get these type of scans is by downloading the app and you can use the capture anywhere to just make a simple scan with your iPhone then you can keyframe your virtual camera and it can spin around your object like this picnic table or this castle that you see so some of the community submissions are this park Cube which somebody scanned and thought it looked cool and it turns it into a 3D object another example from Luma themselves is the simple chair so they just took some photos of it or a scan with their iPhone and they uploaded it and now it's a 3D object they've also got a text to 3D option for people who are out of the waitlist and join the beta so you can type in and I prompt like you see here and then you'll get a rough 3D object based on the prompt but probably the coolest way to get these 3D objects is by using their video or image to 3D API so if we look at some of their examples for this first example they've just taken three photos of a Lego set and it converts it into a 3D object here's another example of a chair so they just uploaded these three photos of the chair use the Luma API and it converts it into a 3D object of that exact chair they do it with another chair so that's the chair that we just looked at and they even do it with this type of neighborhoods they upload three photos and it's able to pretty accurately recreate a 3D version of the whole neighborhood which is pretty insane and for only a dollar per scene that's really not bad at all some of their ideas for how to use this are for game art obviously you can create 3D characters and import them into a video game or eCommerce and AR so they kind of mentioned the same idea get lifelike 3D models in unmatched quality for your website an AR experience in minutes for your entire inventory so obviously a pretty good selling point it gets even crazier than that because on luma's main page they have a feature video from the corridor crew on YouTube you should definitely go check them out their video is dope they just have a video going over a bunch of different experiments with this new technology a couple of the ones I wanted to highlight were they showed off how to use their iPhone to scan their room and then they're able to replace what's on the other side of this blue door using luma's AI to make it look like a portal to a completely different space they're just mapping it out using an iPhone and then they even go on to show off if you're filming your footage like a circus clown because you're transforming it into a whole 3D scene you can just reposition that vertical camera or the virtual camera rather to get perfectly smooth footage I'm not going to spoil their whole video you should go check it out after you're done with this one but before you go to that I have to talk about one more announcement that Luma just made the other day the most know notable change that Luma has just made is their announcement of the Unreal Engine plug-in so in their promo video they show off a little bit of what it can do with this robot walking up the stairs and then sitting down on the couch they've got a couple different scenes to show you how easy it will be to edit add motion and what some of the renders might look like they even include some casaba needle lore honestly besides the robot that promo video didn't look too great but I think this is going to change into the future if you don't know what Unreal Engine 5 is it's a completely unrelated and not AI software company that allows video creators and game developers to render out very highly complex and realistic looking graphics on their computer if you've ever seen fortnite or baby Yoda that's what's making it look so nice so here's why I wanted to share all of this with you these types of tools are going to make people a lot of money instead of looking at it from the perspective that AI is going to steal from a lot of people I actually think it's just going to allow for more creation a lot quicker if I come up with an idea for a video game an animation or a show if I'm able to quickly generate some 3D characters or a good scene for it that's a lot more productive than just giving up on the idea because I don't know where to start this type of technology is going to bring a lot more ideas to life a different example could be if you sell in e-commerce you can snap some photos of your product and people can try it on virtually using AR or place the table in their living room to make sure it will fit using the augmented reality or even interact with those objects virtually in VR or different example could be if you have an idea for a short video or movie you can use AI to create some of those 3D characters and scenes and down the road once this AI software gets good enough you'll be able to actually use those 3D assets that you're creating in your projects the ideas that I've mentioned in this video don't even scratch the surface of what you'll be able to do with these programs so make sure you check them out for yourself if McDonald's is already making ads and unreal is already allowing plugins they this is the type of stuff that you want to pay attention to so yeah I just wanted to make this video to keep you up to date on the research that I'm already doing I hope you found this video helpful make sure you subscribe and follow me online and I'll see you next time
Channel: Alek
Views: 309,705
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Chat GPT, Mid Joureny, MidJoureny, ChatGPT, AI, AI Art, Making Money with AI, Money with AI, Make money Chat GPT, Make money using midjoureny, make money print on demand, midjoureny print on demand, mid journey AI art, Make money ChatGPT, digital products, Etsy digital product, digital product, Etsy digital download, ai digital download, AI logo design, sell logos online, passive income logo, ai generated logos, midjoureny logos, midjoureny logo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 7sec (847 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 05 2023
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