Dr Myles Munroe Solutions To Financial Problems

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kingdom solutions to financial problems I want to focus on specifically one of the most important keys in the kingdom for living financially free I'm going to give you a secret one of the secrets is have talked about when he talked about I will give you the keys of the kingdom one of the most important kingdom keys is the principle of Management write that down we're going to talk about what the principle of management management is probably the most absent component in churches the average pastor in the city graduated from a seminary or a Bible School and there was no class on management and they told him or her you are ready to start the ministry that is why most churches are suffering broke or attracting broke people and that is why most of the people in the churches in the city are financially embarrassed they quote scripture but don't experience those scriptures they claim God owns the cattle on a Thousand Hills and they still renting don't get quiet tonight this is embarrassing to God they claim that the wealth of the wicked is made up for the righteous and for the last 2,000 years the wicked still has it and the reason is because they have avoided the most important principle of Kingdom life and its management the average pastor can't even spell the word management if you ask me what should you study to prepare yourself for the ministry my answer would be study business management not theology because a kingdom is a government and the Kingdom is administration a governments are in the business of management of resources and the key to good government is the effective management delegation and distribution of resources religious people you're sitting in front of one right now don't look back believe that God operates in emotions so somehow they believe that if they can just get God to feel sorry for them they can get anything they want and that's why they still broke let's talk about the crisis right now and everybody should get a copy of this CD or dvd please because you won't hear everything I say and listen hard but you won't get it all what caused the crisis right now according to the analysts in your country and around the world well according to them the cause of the crisis is grieved do you remember that everybody agree now they are correct so I think it's important to define what greed is write this down greed is really the mismanagement of resources for personal benefit that's green what is greed the mismanagement of resources for personal benefit that's greed in other words a greedy spirit will manipulate resources so that he or she could be the ultimate benefit only Jesus said something about greed one of the kingdom killers Matthew chapter 7 sorry mark chapter 7 verse 22 she said these are the things that destroy a man greed malice deceit lewdness envy slander arrogance and folly now if you read those words carefully they are all related a greedy person is using an arrogant person and you arrogant and greedy you gotta be foolish but what folly means you got to be foolish and to be foolish you gotta have deceit he said all of these evils come from where inside and make a man unclean inside means they are in his mind Luke chapter 12 Jesus repeats this sentiment concerning greed he says watch out be on your guard against all kinds of greed he says watch out that means it can get you unawares you got to watch yourself Greta's is so sneaky you might think you are holy and righteous and really you simply greedy because you guess it can sneak up on you what shot he says these are evils a man's life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions Jesus a I think of mr. Madoff tonight simply greed he lost everything that he thought was his nice and now his life consists of twelve feet by 18 concrete is that where you hit it trying to get money we're talking about solutions to tonight uh let's talk about God's Dominion strategy because this is the foundation of you becoming financially smart Genesis 2 verse 4 now you never read this verse before ok I know that so let's read it again you'll know whenever you come into my presence I normally find voices you never saw before this is one of them right here Genesis chapter 2 verse 4 it says when the Lord God had made the earth and the heavens and no shrug of the field had yet appeared on the earth and no plant of the field had yet from up why four means because the Lord had not yet sent rain on the earth why because there was no man to work the ground now let's not rush to this verse this is a powerful verse about you and about the earth first of all we got a record of God waiting the heavens on the earth and then it says there was no life on the earth can you go back and imagine a massive planet spinning in space with just rock-hard slush no trees no animals no grass no Beauty no plants he didn't allow anything to grow he didn't allow anything to grow he didn't allow anything to grow no if it says because God had not sent what rain in other words God refused to let anything grow and it was his fault stay with me so God was withholding growth pretty carefully he was holding back progress and stopping development he didn't want anything too advanced he didn't allow anything to come to life he kept everything bare it he didn't allow anything to grow why because he had a problem what was his problem come on students tell me was the problem last line there was no man okay he the Bible says God didn't allow anything to grow or progress because there was no man to work the ground what you see here is God's motivation for the creation of man I just gave you something to write down I'm gonna say it again God Himself says he didn't allow anything to grow anything to develop he didn't allow anything to progress because he was lacking something what was he lucky he said it he said I was lacking man a species that would work the ground I thought I would help you and do your research for you and I discovered that the word work that God used here is the word ever gone it means management shocked yes you are God says I refuse to let anything grow because I don't have a manager to this verse changed my life I was a teenager when I understood this verse because I was complaining to God concerning why I was poor I was living in the island I still lived seven miles wide 20 miles long living in a wooden house on four rocks sleeping on a dirty wooden floor on a mat and I became angry at God because my parents took me to church every week sometimes three times a week and we was still poor and I said God you don't exist you can't exist you only like white people I was serious about it I was 13 I became angry and I said forget all this Sunday school stuff and all this Bible stuff because there ain't work in teenager God said something to me as a kid I never forget God says I don't make rich people nor poor people I only make people some become rich some become poor son depending on how they managed changed my life and then I found this verse 16 years old I was reading the Bible and I read this verse it says God didn't allow anything to grow anything to spring up anything to progress because he was lacking a manager to manage the earth so why did God create you not to have worship services not to sing in the choir not to be an usher he didn't they should have been a preacher on a pasta no apostle no deacon nothing he wanted a manager sure go ahead stone me I don't care I'm giving you the most important message you ever heard in your life that's why you struggling from dollar the dollar you are a bad manager take a deep breath good God says I don't allow anything to grow until I find a manager and God actually stops growth where there is no manager he stops it let's take it a step further therefore this verse in the first section of the Bible tells us God's primary assignment for men it actually tells us that the principal motivation why dart rated you was because he wanted you to dominate the earth okay we know that in chapter 1 but he says he wants it to happen through management of resources God created you not because he needed a singer he didn't need a preacher you know people ask me how did you build an organization from seven people in your apartment to a global organization affecting over a hundred countries I said not because I studied theology but because my master's degree is in business I run a business why I work for the government [Applause] your primary assignment is God needed a manager write this down the divine goal of mankind is the extension of the culture of heaven on earth and that requires management and therefore the divine strategy of God was for mankind to dominate earth through work everybody say work there was no man to work can you imagine the Creator was held up because he had no manager then some things we learned from this very important passage and that is number one God protects his resources from bad management number two God withholds resources from bad management number three God won't allow growth weather is bad management and before God will never answer a prayer requested by anyone who is a bad manager can I put it another way please write this down I've come to the conclusion that the principle key of Kingdom on earth given to mankind by God is this management say it - you say it again management now I know somebody having problems with me right now because you are so religious you never heard this word in the church meeting and that's why you lost your house that's why you working for someone else all the time that's why you can't pay your bills because you never heard this word in church and it shows up in the Bible in the first chapter religion is a killer it destroys because it takes away the very thing you need the most management let me tell you something management demands work and religion makes you lazy this is why Christians love miracles above management management lorem let me don't touch that miracle cancel management some of you think God likes miracles he does not miracles destroy a principle of management miracles are like the lottery you gain without effort that's why I hate gambling gambling is an attempt for you to gain without work while you do to get quit on me now I'm a warm down there and prophesize I discerned that you buy lottery don't get me mad I call your name tonight all right now yeah lottery is ungodly because it cancels work take a deep breath everybody's in management say it loud one more time you came here to learn how to make money tonight and that's your problem money runs from the one who pursues it the Bible says money is attracted to management I'm going to prove that in a minute from the Bible do everything I'm saying it took me 30 years to prepare for this one session so don't worry I ain't crazy I got you all set up i setting you up I'm about to dismantle your idea about miracles miracles are for lazy people do you remember in the Bible when the people came to Jesus and they said show us the miracle we want to see miracles you got to read his answer his answer was only a wicked and adulterous generation seeks for miracles don't look now but there's a bigger poison right behind you yeah and that's what's wrong with us okay something I want to define management for you you've never written this before and if you work for a company write it down take it back to your department management is defined as write it down management is the effective efficient correct and timely use of another presence property and resources for the purpose for which they were delegated with a view to producing the expected added value back to the person please buy this CD so you can rewind it 10 times management is what it is the effective efficient correct and timely use of another person's property and resources for the purpose for which they delegated it with a view to producing the expected added value that's management management automatically implies you don't own the material management also implies that when you bring it back it's supposed to be better it goes up more value that's management God says I won't allow anything to grow because they don't have anyone to add value to what I'm about to create and I wanted to be used effectively efficiently and timely for the purpose for which I gave it to them that's why God is upset and lazy people you know I tell you what y'all taking too long to write so let me just take this I got so much to give you tonight I want you to get it right now okay everybody say management on prayer take a deep breath tell your neighbor something's coming so sit up straight all right watch this this principle therefore teaches some important things number one God will never give you what you pray for only what you can manage here you are praying for a thousand bucks and God's wait a minute I gave you a hundred yesterday you can't even pay ten dollars tied you pray for a big house and the house you'll renting you keep it dirty you can't manage another person's property how dare I give you prop of your own don't get quiet now you pray for a bigger Church and God says you know something you can manage the church you renting you pray for Souls Oh God give me Souls and the people you got now you can't manage so God protects them from you if you get the million dollars you praying for it will kill you you cannot manage 500 dollars you spend 200 bucks on a dress $150 on your your here I put 20 bucks in the offering and ask God for a million dollars is that stupid or what [Applause] [Music] [Applause] all I want me to teach you on money and management you know why God will never give you your own business first never he'll always give you employment first because he wants to watch you handle other people's property including their time write this down it gets easier God wants you to be an economist what's an economist to economize means to get the maximum out of the minimum the average person in this building is not an economist because they don't know the value of what they have already in our telling the folks in Baltimore yesterday or the day before I call them look you have the audacity to tell God that you are broke planned employed and in your house is an oven that you only use twice a week that's abuse that's bad management you got an oven sitting there idle for six days of the week you only use it on Sunday you couldn't leave get some flour and water with some raisins bake some cookies every day put them in a plastic bag and make yourself a factory of your own kitchen that's management no you laid your saying you're looking for a job that's your problem Oh take a deep breath please bad management write this down so economize means to get the most out of the least you got clothing in your closet you don't wear and they've been there for 10 years and you put on too much weight they'll never fit you again and you tell me you ain't got no money take a deep breath alright I guess he's here to economize means to add value to your gift I put it this way ya answered prayer is regulated by your capacity to manage God will never give you what you pray for he regulated answer by what you could manage so he watches your management to see if you can handle what you're asking for never pray beyond your management money money is easy to get money supposed to come to you so if it keeps moving away from you it is telling you something you can't manage I'm serious about this let me show you some scriptures here because God does not encourage waste and that's God's problem and most of us we don't manage we waste things I put it to you this way the reason why God created tithing tithing has nothing to do with given God money can I say it again just for the CD purpose tithing has nothing to do with giving God money God doesn't need nothing from you you could even give God everything on the earth already belongs to God he don't need nothing from us so when God set something up is not because he needs it tithing and offering is God's management training program for mankind for this is so important God doesn't need a penny from us and yet he tells us 10% of everything is mine we only think of money and that's our problem if you get 10 pairs you one of them ain't yours you get 10 dresses one of them 80 or you bought 10 oranges one of them is not yours if you got 24 hours in a day two hours and 40 minutes don't belong to you I got no time to pray what are you talking about you got 200 hours and 40 minutes that don't belong to you you're a thief every day when you don't use Oh 2 hours and 40 minutes for God's purposes you are a thief a tired thief sleeping on God's time you spend 2 hours 4 hours 8 hours watching cable television and don't give God in 2 hours and 40 minutes that belong to him 10 percent you can't even manage two hours and 40 minutes you trying to get money hearing money money your problem management is your problem God could any time of day command you to give the dress away in your closet one of them made yours so tithing and offering is not about money it's about management can you consistently God says put aside 10% of everything for my purposes that's guising can you consistently not let me let me tell you something doesn't do 100% of everything belongs to God what did I say no no say it again what did I say okay so God blesses you with a paycheck of a thousand dollars how much of that belongs to God okay you're doing good you're the smart now how much did God say to put aside for his work 10 percent how many's left 90 percent which one those belong to God oh you're getting smart okay all right so then why would God if he owns all 1,000 want you to put side 10% if all the silly long saying why because it's not about the money it's about your abilities to put it aside your will your control your discipline to put it off i he's after your discipline if you can manage the 10% properly then he is happy to trust you with the 90% of left but because you've been unfaithful in the 10% you keep losing the 90% so you end up with no percent that's why you're broke so you tell God I can pick eyes this week things tough real crisis right now god you got to figure this out these things too rough we gotta say what are you talking about your salvation is in the tribe let me take you one step further this is what tithing does to you number one with the first word accountability write it down now each one these words is management if you keep paying your tithes giving your offering you automatically first become accountable what's the second word discipline for you to put that aside every single time it takes control what's the third word honestly for you to be a Kaiser that means no one's watching except God and he knows if you paint it or not you can lie to everybody else but God knows if you pay 10% that means it makes you honest and managers must be honest what's the fourth word diligence does it mean that you work at it constantly to make sure you don't steal that 10% that's what managers supposed to do what's the next word oh my god that's what's wrong with managers they are unfaithful and it takes faithfulness to tithe what's the last one trustworthiness for you to manage a tithe God got to trust you every time I just gave you the characteristics of a manager they are accountable they are honest they are diligent they are faithful they are trustworthy Jesus one day showed top class management one day he had 5,000 people in a field and they were all hungry and it was they say plus women and children so it must have had about twelve thousand and he is about to to distribute some resources to them I want you to watch him at work okay Matthew six with 40 it says so they sat down in groups of hundreds and fifties that's administration organization then he took the five loaves and the two fishes that's the resources looking up to the one who owns them he thanked them for letting him use them at the pre she asian that means it'll belong to you someone else's property he broke it then he gave them to his disciples and they gave it to the people delegation management delegation watch him he also divided the two fish among them all and they all ate and was satisfied that's customer service give God a half of their customer service all work satisfied now watch his management kick in it says and the disciples he told them to pick up every crumb ladies and gentlemen I want you to imagine this twelve thousand people in an open field breaking bread and pieces of fish from the wording on fine pieces of bread crumb and piece the fish bone and stuffed in the glass he says pick up every club in the book of Matthew that actually says it he says and he said to them pick up every crumb and bring it to me I don't want to waste nothing this country is built on a culture of waste and it is in the church who go direct to the buffets after service you and what do you do at that buffet now you know the plate is too small for what you want to do you pile it up sit at the table and half is left in the place you're a bad manager and God takes notes Cheryl waste food today buddy he made them pick up the crumbs it was not the crumbs that were important it was the less than he was teaching you don't waste the crumb when we started our ministry we had a building there smaller than this man I would teach as if I was teaching to a million people we had our one camera set up in the center we would clean everything we had offsets speakers everything I tell them this is this is this is God's property no paper in the bathroom I said that don't call no janitor for nothing if you find it fix it what the gods watching us and if he can't manage this little building that ain't eyes he'll never trust us with one of our own and we began our national television show in that little building means to convert the stage in to assess the TV and we took our one camera and we'd move it and shoot a different way so we can have different cutaways and we'd record every inch we used and our program became the number one program in the country for ten years and when folks came to see where we shot it they went into shock did you shooter here yes we out a big studio no we don't we got a big mind give God a hand for management I remember in our prime minister came to be a guest on our show he had to come to a little shopping center all the police and all the guards and he came walking he says how the miles is this way I said yes sir this is it this is a studio he they thought you had a big place I said I got a big mind he said you managed as well and there was the head of my country sitting in the devil building on a stage for one hour interviewed by me and that show became the highest viewing show in the country's history from a little place that we managed today we built the largest meeting guys in the country we own it we have blocked the block property the whole block is ours we own fifty seven acres on the beach when you are faithful over another man's property God will give you property of your home I want to say the great search make this as if it's yours God's watching you you watching are you park your cars into people's parking spaces is watching are you kind of the back room on this tissue on the floor he's watching how the kids right and marks he's watching everything can they handle the big dines God is watching for can handle the big times management he made them pick up every crumb here's from the remember by management everyone write these down please management is simply diligence with resources you put another way properly 1322 says these words a good man leaves an inheritance for his children's children okay but the next statement is only one you quote you don't go to the first part a good man leaves Manhattan through his children's children and the wealth of the now this the probably don't like see it says but as Phyllis wealth has thought up for the righteous notice they're tied together a good man it was a good man if you're good man certain things show up in your life oh I feel like staying here for two more days because we got talk about this madness just go save you in the crisis ain't no Crichton the good man's life a good man has so much that he has enough to give to his children's children now you say it's slow a good man has so much now that he has enough for his unborn grandchildren already and he said that man is the man who will get which store up by the sinners can you stay here for a couple minutes let's just say for companies either the good man these are inheritance to his children's children a car it's not an inheritance because it can last until the children's children's are alive so don't tell me you got a car for your grandchild clothing is wearing out every day it can't be clothing the only heritage that the Bible really teaches as generational heritage is real estate now write that down quick what is it real estate god never gave Adam shoes clothes house you never gave Adam food never gave Adam desk and chair he gave Adam real estate came a garden god never promised Abraham food and clothes and cows and heard he gave him real estate there's a land he says God never gave Isaac food and clothes he promised him real estate God never gave Moses food and growth he promised him real estate god never gave Jacob food and growth he said I got a land for you that's why they call it real estate it's the only estate that's real I'm getting that something you are not wealthy until your own land I'm giving you an assignment tonight when I come back next year I want to see proof that you got a deposit on a piece of property hey listen to me that's real wealth let me quote what Jesus said but some of y'all are so spiritual you completely useless not you the one sitting behind you don't I'm not talking to you now okay not you I'm not talking you kids dead this way Jesus said blessed are those who are poor in spirit for to them belongs not a religion but the kingdom of heaven because a blessed are those who have been mourning Matthew five all their lives looking for the answers for they can now be filled the kingdom has arrived then he kicked in blessed are those who are meek for they shall inherit heaven but that's what you preach that's not what he said he said blessed are the meek for they shall inherit real estate am i right yeah you want to go to heaven do you want you to have hearth write the word Mick down weak everybody say meek say it loud another one week if you look it up in the Hebrew language it is the opposite of what you've been taught the word makes me write it down controlled strength controlled power Nick means self-discipline so now let's quote it in the original text concept blessed are those who control themselves discipline themselves not buy expensive clothes and karna can't afford they take lunch rather than buy it oh yeah y'all don't like this stuff I'm talking about let's let's also uh self control who will not do it every night to eat and go to the crowd and waste their money on fine FUBU there are those are sub control and they save their money and put deposit on property for they shall inherit the earth II that's why you still writing you eat too much food you can't afford there's a book I want to recommend it's called the automatic millionaire go to the bookstore buy one read it in the next three weeks and then call me the automatic millionaire and made my son and daughter read it because it it describes what I did with my life my wife and I say when we got married no we did we got married had no money we came on a college broke and I said me I'm gonna be just like God said I'm gonna be a good man so my wife's mother and father said you could stay with us as long as you need I said thank you and I lived with my mother-in-law and my father-in-law in one bedroom for years what we wanted to save our money we are going to prove to nobody you had a vision we took our money we bought our own property in a fantastic location whether the the value keeps going up and we built our own house with our own money as we stayed with a mom and law and now we got a house worth over 1.2 million dollars all paid for three cars or people including the Jaguar be getting the property that were two million dollars all paid for and you surprised why I'm too proud to be my mother-in-law no it's called discipline you know I got some time sense crisis to send you back to the class you missed I gotta go back and live with my momma does it yep you missed that class go back I want to show you how to save some money stop competing with people who ain't worth competing with the Joneses are living on credit so forget the juices tonight and follow the plan of God everybody's a management you got a business when that money comes in don't you spend that money on yourself put it back in the business grow the business manage the business why because if you are disciplined you will reach later by the way oh I tell you I need more days I got thirty two sliders our slide number four I'm in trouble now listen we need this verse again King James says the wealth of the wicked is later for the righteous the New International Version it says the sinner's wealth is started for the righteous the Phillips translation says the wealth controls wicked that was a mopped for the righteous okay let me tell what they all say this is amazing God says to his own people hey y'all guess what the wicked has all your money not not never take this ain't funny you should encode this verse as some claim the same you should be ashamed of this verse don't you ever quote it again this quote is a mark of disgrace for you as a believer you should never be proud of that verse God says the wicked has your money you don't quote that you should be ashamed of that they put it another way God knows who has your money so wicked you never asked God a question about it here's the question I asked God years ago how did they get it it was mine how did they get it cause if I gave it to them that's how I know who has it I said why he said because they are better managers for you you speaking sounds too much you're singing the quieter much you shout too much listen to me God doesn't give money to worship us he gives money to managers that's why you are employed by ungodly people this doesn't make sense you are God's Son God's daughter and you work for a killer something wrong with that I'll get you something wrong with that baby well that means you got to study what's going on here if you've got people who love God and you have to get paid by a sinner something wrong with that how come you don't own the company and they were three Wow take a deep breath so you want money huh money's easy he knows who has it he even tells you who has it and he tells you who's stuff they have I believe the worst thing that ever entered the body of Christ is this strange philosophy and doctrine of money coming let me tell you something you don't stand in the middle of life and say money come it to me I'm not attacking anybody but you got to watch these doctrines these stuff that I claim it you better be that's why you still broke you been claiming since 1982 you still a oh no how you ain't got no car you catching the bus and you still claiming how long's on take you to figure it out hey boys a management the Lord teach me to manage please he gives it to the wicked not because they're holy but because they manages he withholds from bad management I thought it'd be good to read this verse probably 10 read out loud please boys forgo lazy hands makes a man fall but a diligent hand brings wealth judge' means management not a voice I thought was interesting probably 1227 everybody read oh the lazy man does not roast this game but the diligent man crisis of profession that means he tastes kill of what he has maximizes it proverbs chapter 13 for read the sluggish lazy man craves and gets nothing but the desires of the diligent are fully satisfied craving yes I'm a gambler today I'm going to pull the lever you yes I desire more money imma buy me some lottery numbers yes sir as they put the number tonight here you get a godsend you desire and you crave and you get nothing all the money on earth is still here so when they tell you to the credit crunch don't believe them money just hiding event into hiding why because some guys on Wall Street miss managed when you miss manage money it runs away tell your neighbor you broke tell them that's a sign a sign probably 2421 what's five read the plans of the diligent lead to profit as surely as hate leads to poverty when you won't quick money goes away but if you're diligent manage it leads to what profit that doesn't say PR o s TR o P n TT that says P ro f IT God wants you to have plenty you don't get profit by prophesy that's what he's saying you get it by management I say the Lord icon says he shall bless you with much money that's a lie you can tell you some idea to go to work only go tell you oh man I'm about to get myself in trouble every time you pray for money god I give you an idea write it down don't give me money he gives you ideas and your problem is you're religious you know what ideas you won't cash get ain't money you like it's management of ideas that's what you're lucky I'm going to come back here and do a three-day business management seminar feel let me tell you now you're gonna pay to come in I'm telling you right now oh I don't give itself away free you should never give anything away free because it loses value you know so sad it is so sad that when a church puts on a seminar like this and they say you gotta pay $150 to come in and all the saints get mad they shall in the gospel Sunday coming I'm flying to Nigeria and I'm going to do seminars five days one of the companies are doing seminars for any paid 10% down $50,000 before I even arrived and the Saints don't even want to give an offering don't love 9:00 talking to you it's the one behind you're talking to see you want everything free you know understand business management if you don't put something up or value on something it's no value to you that's why you charge you charge to put value on it those books over there listen I could give them away free I'm really good I don't need no money from now but if I give away free you won't read them they lose their value don't you ever ever again pastor tell anybody salvation is free that is a lie it is not free he lost his life over that it costs them everything that's why for you to buy it it costs you everything he takes your life that ain't for you let's talk about this one more time funny hey where's the money I didn't notice I thought you said money you get a smile at the end say it again money money let's read some of of money probably thirteen eleven read this honest money come on read it dishonest money dwindles away but gather money little by little makes it grow to freeze again dishonest money windle's away lottery but he who gathers money little by little makes it grow that's in your Bible saving just to live did you know I can't go for lunch this year because I got to take lunch from home I got to save that five dollars a week you know five dollars a day that's $60 a week man can't do that that's over a thousand bucks a year over ten years or 10,000 bucks down payment on a property man just from lunch little by little do you know everybody in this room was a millionaire already me repeat it again everyone in this room was a millionaire already times over the money that went through your hands already if you calculated the number of money about your hand you a millionaire many times over and you can tell today where that went here's I want you to do okay want to try to go home I want you to calculate how old you are by days and then multiply it by five dollars just your age five dollars a day your age you're living it if you had say five dollars a day and you were born you'd be multi-millionaire right now at age forty just five bucks the price of a coffee you're drinking your wealth every day in a cup because you won't save it little by little look at this verse probably 1716 read of what youth come on reading together of what use is money in the hands of a fool but since he has no desire to get wisdom what uses it another verse that's always interesting Matthew 6:24 read no one can serve two masters Jesus says either he will hate the one or love the other or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other you cannot serve God and money financial solutions oh boy Ecclesiastes chapter 5 the good one first Henry whoever loves money never has money enough whoever loves wealth will never be satisfied with his income this is meaningless you put you and money you never been officers it keeps running from him now here's the verse I think is the real killer found in Ecclesiastes 10 verse 19 breathe a feast is made for laughter and wine makes the life merry but it's money that answers everything so you never hear mean love Roger Taney them he said again he said no matter how much you talk you got to bring up the money afterwards you can speak and dawn prophesied that is all over you better pay that light bill I like that for you before as I'm in the dark is this money answer it what poor thing it's a very difficult voice to translate the word answer it actually cannot two meanings one of them is explain money explains everything you know it's amazing for example you see somebody having problems any part of their life according the Bible is traced back to their capacity of money the church in doing well causes well you to pray all you want some - there's something here to do with money you gotta check out the money problem I may need your research you'll discover there's either miss Lancer money or someone stealing it with appropriation or bad delegation of money marital problems you check it out stress staff and money it explains everything you got a good idea but you still broke what's the problem money I doesn't make you rich you need money to make the ideas make riches explains everything so the key is how do you get money well Luke 16 I'm not finished but I'm going to close on this because some of y'all can't take no more Luke chapter 16 Jesus had a management seminar in Luke chapter 16 it's a management seminar here's what he taught jesus told his disciples in the seminar these words jesus said to them that was a rich man who was manager was accused of what wasting his possessions so he called in the manager in the office and asked him what is this I hear about you give an account of your management I'm reading the Bible now because you cannot manage any longer pause for a minute Jesus says God is people let me go Mia didn't believe me reviewable isn't real again sometimes expect God is faithful Noakes God will fire you read the verse he says you would be manager not longer give an account he said show me what you did with what I give you I tried to protect myself you try to protect yourself you don't try to be the pastor you're tied to protect yourself because God's watching I don't want going to fire me I don't I buy things I don't need just to impress other people bad management you know we were it was somewhere last night no night before last no last night I don't know anyone we were in the restaurant and he pulled this restaurant in our driver puts a positive return on the limousine and there was a long line of kids outside a store it was 11 p.m. and they were out in a cold long line in the dark and I actually what are they doing is that they're waiting for a new game that just came out I shook my head I said mr. caught he they're about four hundred dollars I said this is there Christ in America these people need revelation again this is a store on open till 7:00 a.m. in the morning and they're waiting all night I said oh god these are the poorest people I've ever seen give an account it says but you've done in my possession then he gets a little bit excited I got excited too because I don't know what's going on oh my professional technician getting put the plug in that's bad management get my hand for fall management now God took away my whole series quick quick move don't you move it this low now Nick give an account of your management give my hand for his faithfulness one more time I gotta go any unfreeze go oh man anyhow let's read it from the Bible says this you know trying to Luke 16 I got a close on this is true good stuff tell your neighbor I'm glad I came tonight I repent I'm going home to clean my room Luke 16 everybody got it that's really very important chapter it's about management Jesus said these words verse 2 you cannot be manager any longer verse 3 the manager said to him himself what shall I do now in other words watch this my master is taking away my job come on Pete this is good stuff in the Bible unemployment yep God unemployed people there are folks who lost their job the last six months and God was behind it can I tell you how I know some of them lost it because of God okay when a company needs to let people go they normally look for the ones who are the most negligent tardy lazy always coming late to our lunch times go home before time this off and then drinking coffee while they should be working reading newspaper while they should be working they the ones that let go first that's called miss management there are some companies who are happy for the crisis they finally got justification to get rid of you because you they would want to do a long time ago and couldn't find a reason now to give God thanks for the crisis hallelujah I take the dead weight off I'm telling you listen to what he says he says my masters taken away my job i watch this he says i am not strong enough to dig in other words i used to work in the office now I gotta go work in another company and I my fingers ain't built for that retooling your skills because you mismanaged you got to get a job you didn't even want because you're mismanaged to one you hang to the Bible and then he says and I am ashamed to beg pride I got to go back and out to my mom to let us live there again I got to go get some money from some friends and now just to make ends meet notice it is because the devil you know miss management what the devil I've never seen the righteous forsaken year but I sure have seen some bad managers forsaken this gets real good what's this are you ready first of all the guy begins to change his mind he says I know what I will do so I would not be fired when I lose my job people will welcome me into their houses he just I'm gonna call each one of those who owe my boss money and I'm gonna collect the money for them for him take it to him I'm gonna do what I was supposed to doing from the beginning let me go back and start organizing my life restructuring my life let me go and do it on suppose we do it I would delegated to invest and collect and I've been neglecting it let me go back in other words cause I go home and clean your room go home and stop wasting money and take lunch in a bag go home and tell God you don't pay your ties from now on every single Sunday no matter what I'm gonna pay my tax lord I'm going home and fixing it here Eman fixed it and that's why I said me here you know it's amazing you becomes it there we go into a money seminar oh no no no no you need a management seminar money is attracted to management you don't pursue money it comes after management this guy with other lose all of his money because he mismanaged now watch it the Bible says he acts the first one how much yield the master and then he collected it 800 gallons of olive oil the manager told him okay take the bill sit down quickly make it 400 so he acts in other words he negotiating now to get the man's money he's a good management this is Jesus telling the story here I'm talking about Jesus Christ you're telling a story he is the seminar on management not speaking at tongs and falling on door he goes it's management a whole chapter he says manage I love it it's then he asked the second one how much do you owe to master he says a thousand purchase elite he's okay take your bill and let's make it eight bushels just give me the money man and the master commended the dishonest manager why he corrected himself because he had acted what shrewdly the white shrewd is not an evil word here it means wisely wise oh I'm about to shut up by myself now write the word wisdom down the word wisdom it differ from the word knowledge and there are three words that should make your life work three words one wisdom knowledge and understanding write them down knowledge is information write that down understanding is comprehension write that down but wisdom is application write that down you can have knowledge and understanding without wisdom and only wisdom works that's why the Bible says all you're getting get wisdom why visit is more important than knowledge and understanding because you can have knowledge understand dona wisdom listen is what application if you don't apply what you know it doesn't benefit you and so jesus said this manager had this knowledge all along he is finally going home and applying it he is managing now the next statement is what I want to shout off it says Jesus talking now he says the people of this world are wiser than the people who claim to have light but it's wisdom application he says the people's world are with you people the Lord yes are they getting this way he says look you got the information and the comprehension but they got the application you talk about it they do it you prophesy they profit wrong with this come on you pray and they working the world is wiser than my own people who say they are applying what I taught my people they get about 6:00 a.m. you get up at quarter to 9:00 rushing to work they leave office at 11:00 p.m. you want to go home to watch the movies so he gives it to them they willing to manage I have no working hours that's why I'm debt free I gained about while you sleeping because you may be a little bit lazy IVA says a little slumber and a little sleep and poverty will take you like a bandit listen to me son if you have a job from 9:00 to 5:00 you're poor because a salary is someone's estimate of your value listen to me jobs are good I had many of them but your job is not your work your job is what they tell you to do your work is what you were born to do you will never prosper from your job because someone else controls your value that means listen to me carefully you will never grow from 9:00 to 5:00 because they control what you do the only time that you own is after 5:00 o'clock and that's when you need to grow so you become wealthy in your downtime I listen the exact from 9:00 to 5:00 you are employed from five to 12 midnight you are deployed and if you ever become deployed you'll never be unemployed it takes more work after 5 o'clock to be deployed management when we say buy those books let me tell you why you don't buy those books because you don't want to read it takes too much discipline to shut that TV off that TV is your poverty why don't you turn 2009 you get nine more months left why don't you make a change tonight and say this is the year that I turn my home into a university this is no longer an entertainment center it's a center for growth and development this house listen that that's why the only you are only which you made yourself the children of this world jesus said there was but my own people they got liked and don't apply it don't they know that'll never applies my management principles I have to give them the wealth from the wicked applies them I gotta give it to them you don't believe me hey okay let's read the next verse he said before I tell you I'm instructing you go and make friends with the world now wait a minute now wait a minute he just messed up your theology stay away from them don't mix her down John not touch not God said go made friends with them I don't want to mix it I want to do he says look make them your friends why they got your money find out what they do and to get it I'm holy holy Brooke he says look Freda Bible he says go make friends with them and use worldly wealth to gain friends yeah it'll be okay man that's why you were here tonight change your thinking so somebody in your city is doing well don't become jealous make an appointment yeah what a what an instruction goes against all your Pentecostal teacher don't make certificate God said go mix with them they doing something that you need to learn what are they doing he tells us the next statement he says sir when it is gone you will have welcome you'll be welcomed into eternal dwellings as well he wants you to well now unwell later look at the next verse he says now here's what they know whoever can be trusted with little can also be trusted with what much and whoever can whoever's dishonest with little will also be dishonest with much so if you cannot be trustworthy with handling worldly wealth then who will trust you with true riches if you have not been trustworthy to manage someone else's property who will give you property of your own management last part no servant can serve two masters I'm glad you here tonight take a deep breath he says look if you cannot manage a little you will do the same thing too much if you cannot be trusted with little who will trust you with much listen to his words now you're missing it in other words much is attracted by little still and get it okay it is look you don't ask for much more you manage little first and then much comes so so if you effectively manage the little then the much is attracted to the effective management so I told you you religious now if you cannot manage other people's property like this place right here who's going to give you the rest of that I've meant people who've been asking God to give him a car you know praying for a car and they ride a motorbike and the motorbike is dirty so does it slow car you can't even keep a motorbike clean see you asking for much and not managing the little you as someone has the department the light fixture brokes you know the plug doesn't work and you get mad or custon and everything hit people does it look I'm watching are you fix it let me see you fix their blood feel like it's your own on each other people's properties is that's why God gives you a job please can you come on time to someone else's job I want a business cause they don't know no you need to manage some of the business first and then I'll give you business of your own every job I've ever had they still want me back thirty years later they'd see me they say and ever you want to come back your position is there well you are see you were still our best worker in 1975 you still remember you never wasted time never read the Bible on the job you were always on time you worked overtime never acts overpay we said want you back you need more people like you they say if you manage the little you make a rule over much I think I want to show you one more thing if you'll allow me I don't think you could handle this - let me see yeah I want to show you this here from the Bible the benefits of management the power of Management write this down please just write this list now now I'm going to pray for you and then I'll come back soon and I'm going to call the leadership management meeting I want everybody to come and bring all your children because of your teenagers knowing this now they'd be richer than you write this down number one management is the primary goal of mankind number two whatever you fail to manage you will lose number three God's primary measure of trust is management number four God will give to effective management he'll give more to it number five management attracts resources number six God will not give you what you asked for only which you can manage money resources people products facilities equipment easy do you know who is going to benefit from his crisis right now those who are managing those who's got money put away they come by up all the cheap houses foreclosure is a blessing to those managers they're going to buy the companies a lot of crisis for them to harvest because they managed over the years remember the Lord said to me one time and he talked to me in the Senators you know he said what happens to you will expose whether you were a manager or a mismanaging whatever happens to you will expose whether you were a manager or a mismanaging hard times will always reveal to us whether you're a good manager or a bad manager hard time so today you can fake it for a long time until hard times come then you get the scene with a bad manager who was a good manager so I want to pray for you tonight first I'm going to pray the first prayer on this list of you that God will bring in your mind that you were sent to earth to manage his resources secondly we're going to pray that you will repent of the areas of your life that you failed to manage for some of you it's your marriage for some of you it's your children read number two aloud together go that's why you lost your kids that's why you're losing your marriage if it's why you lost it already didn't manage it if there's a managed your body you lose it you don't eat the right thing exercise stuff that you know already sleep vegetables water five tens of coke a day come on this is poor management every coke can has forty tails and spoons of sugar in it white say that every can forty tablespoons in each can five cans of coke a day two hundred tablespoons of white sugar you already did bad management so you lose your body you fail to manage your ministry you lose it fail to manage your friendships it was it I want to pray God will give you the spirit of management fear to manage your money you lose here's a manager time you wonder where it's gone so pray for that management spirit you want God to give you more I'm gonna pray that the Lord will give you management voice
Channel: alejandro boccini
Views: 419,750
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Length: 98min 59sec (5939 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 13 2017
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