Dr Myles Munroe How To Identify Your Gift

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when we talk about real men one of the most challenging things that men are facing is that the male is struggling with something he doesn't even understand and when a man is confused everybody is confused so I want to talk about why why males suffer identity crisis it has to do with not understanding their gift every human came to earth with a gift and they must discover that gift and refine that gift for them to be fulfilled when a male especially is struggling with who he was born to be what his gift is it affects the woman so I'm talking with understanding true manhood please read this statement down you were born a male but you must become a man being male or female is a biological reality you didn't choose that but whether you become a woman or a man is a choice but it's connected to some critical issues and that lead to the point number two write this down what is manhood the average male is struggling with this question what does it mean to be a man a real man what is real manhood another question that we struggled with as men is what makes a male a man what actually makes him a man and why is man it important to a woman you know when when men don't know they are women are in trouble manhood is not defined by the rules that you perform the key to a man's matter his work everybody say work the key to man's manhood is his work man's work defines him let me say something about work if a man is not happy with his work he won't be happy with his home work is more important to a man than woman if a man isn't working he's disoriented he becomes disillusioned he becomes confused God gave man work before he gave him woman that's why we have a nursery you know it this is going all over the world it doesn't represent us too well God gave man work before he gave him woman work shows up in the Bible in Genesis chapter 2 verse 15 woman shows up in Genesis chapter 2 for his 20 for God didn't make woman until man had work so the most important thing that a man really needs is not woman it's work a woman can never make you a man work makes you a man this is so good listen to me God made the man the male then God gave him work then God said it's not good for this man to be alone I will make him a help suitable to help him to help him with what work women were created to work but they were created to work with the work of the man so if a woman was created for the purpose of working but her work is to work with the work of the man and the man terrifying his work then when the woman shows up in his life you got two problems she comes to help her do nothing let's read Genesis 2:15 here's what it says and the Lord God took the man that he had made and put him in the Garden of Eden first statement to work and then to cultivate and to take care of it unto God the garden and the Lord then commanded the man do not touch the tree this is all the instructions God gave to the male in this one sentence work look at the list he says work cultivate protect teach work cultivate protect teach the word Eden is the place God put in work is what God told him to do so Eden is an atmosphere of God's presence work is what God assigned him to do in that presence then after what God said I will give him a woman to help him you know nothing it to me is more beautiful than watching a man who found his work have a woman in his life helping him do it it's the most beautiful picture I have a little secret joy in my heart good secret joy and I'm I'm so glad please I'm not picking on people because they're here or whatever but you think it's such a good example I look at my son Ken back there Christian massive you know when I went when they singing it am I looking at you know he's his wife one time I saw them singing on stage and she had the baby in her hand and she was singing I kneeled front bouncing up and down jumping a benign but she was there I'm a beautiful picture singing she's helping him work even with the child that's the most powerful part of his ministry knowledge songs it's when people see that picture work okay what does work the first commandment God gave man was work and work is defined as but I was shocked when I found what it is and I said have it the men yesterday and I simply want to show you how to find your work today and then you're gonna go home the word work means to become I thought it meant to do something but the word that God uses is another word that we don't think about it means to become the word also means to manifest yourself the word work is also defined in Hebrew as to reveal yourself when God took the man put him in the garden God told the man reveal yourself that's work another way to put it work means to fulfill your assignment let me see what's on the inside of you show the world what I hid in you that's work work means to become yourself in other words work means to perform your function when a bird is flying God calls that work when the fish is swimming God calls that work when I see that the coming a tree God calls that work let me ask you a question man if a boy was born to fly and the bird begins to fly and that is called work do you think the bird is enjoying its work sure in other words when you are working you are at the greatest level of fulfillment work the male is commanded to work which meant that he was command to become himself let me give you another thought on this and though you're writing but write fast every human was created for and with a gift of value and I'm reviewing this for the sake of their men who were not there yesterday because I want to show you how to find this gift every one of you male and female was created by God with a gift of value and that is raised opposed to lead in that area of gifting and your fulfillment is in that gift therefore the male was given first of all a gift and you can never lose a gift but the Bible says the call of God is about recall 70 the call of God is without recall in other words once God gave you something to do he never takes it back even if you misuse it if you use your gift of music to sing garbage God allows you to keep the gift here's my point whatever gift God Garrard and you to come to the planet to manifest you still have that gift now even if you never used it before why is that important because you didn't come to the earth with a job or with a career that's why they could fire you from your job take it from you or they can cancel your career by shutting down the company or making you redundant but they cannot take your gift and the Bible never says your education or your job shall make room for you in the world your gift is your source of significance do you know what every male in this room wants he wants to be significant in the eyes of his wife or his family do you know what men call that respect the number one motivation of a male is to be respected to be respected means that you are perceived as being important significant well gentlemen I'm telling you how to become respected find your gift because your gift makes the women in your life have meaning it gives them meaning it gives you meaning but it gives them meaning also and so your gift is the source of your significance what makes tigerwood significant not as education what makes him important he has a gift what made Michael Jordan significant wasn't what school he went to or you know his parents are it was his gift the powerful gift craters down whatever God calls for he provides for God will never demand from you but he didn't put in you that's number one I call these the key principles of gift number two whatever God demands he supplies number three whatever God expects he injects number seven whatever God assigns he designs number eight whatever God calls out he puts in these are important truth principles number six birds were made to fly so God built flight into birds birds never attend flight school fish were made to swim so you never find a fish attending a swimming lesson the swim is built into the fish seeds become trees but you never find a seed going to a convention to learn how to grow trees it's built in here's the principle whatever God created you to become it's not outside of you it's inside of you let me tell you something why that's important you can take a a seed and plant it in a bad economy and it still becomes a tree listen when the hotel closes down the birds still fly over it do you care what I'm talking about no you don't usually get it see this once you realize that your future is not around you or ahead of you then you become peaceful because God put your future where you know he can't you can't miss it and we go looking for it everywhere except where it is when a human finds their gift they will make it anywhere you cannot fire a gift this is important for men because you see when a man loses his job he loses his head why he confused the job with his gift he confuses the job with his work you don't go to work you go to a job and the job might be there or might not be there you need to ask God what is my gift do you know that the greatest entrepreneurs in history like Steve Jobs who created the laptop computer or Bill Gates who created software they created them at home in his garage the guy built the first desktop in his garage what you doing with your garage well I'm waiting for opportunity the opportunities in your body think man you know God never gave Adam a table never gave out of a chair never gave out of my house even ain't given clothes why God hid the tables in the trees I wonder what's hidden around you right in your yard if your wife just knows if you ain't married yet man listen definitely if you have a woman in your life you get married if your wife knows that you can never get fired she'll always be secure how do you become immune to firing find something they can fire the gift when I first read Bill Gates story I was shocked Bill Gates used to work for IBM Jonathan yes and IBM swaram Jesus real employee and he came to this idea of this software remember dos dos courser das das foolishness he was working when they had that and he came with another I'd ever says let's take all that Doster stuff I'm putting behind a thing and make it super just a click they said it'll never work so they released him from the job his gift was right in the middle of their Factory now they buy and from him I wonder what your gift is you go into work tomorrow are you going to a job the place you go should tap into your gift not just give you a salary are you growing are you are you using your talents where you are right is down please the key to success I give the Mendes yesterday want to give this to you again this morning the key to success is first of all not to seek success I keep repeating this all the years I never stopped repeating this is very important number two the key to success is to become a person of value that's why it becomes successful in the human terms the more valuable you make yourself the more successful you become in life so stop trying to be successful and try to become valuable why write this down please everybody write this down money is attracted to value say it if you want plenty money don't go after money make yourself valuable money even find you when he's attracted to value the more value you give yourself to the world the more the world will pay for you I ask you what are you business I'm a lawyer I says second question what kind of lawyer you see being a lawyer don't make you rich you better be a special kind of lawyer and then if there's too many of them go do another specialty to take in other words you got to keep reducing yourself to becoming let me just give it away to become value but here's what you need number-one significance number two you need uniqueness and number three you need originality how original are you in what you're doing if I open a shoe store in the Bahamas I'll become successful you know I know how to become valuable first of all I won't sell on all the oil issues in the world I might decide I'm only selling shoes for nurses I'll become a great way every nice mom will come right to my store we bypass your store come to my why I became unique I became special if you sell everything you're gonna go broke that's why I'm most people in this room uh still struggling with success because you keep changing your jobs every three years changing your vocation we didn't know what you are matter of fact the last one is important specialization if you're going to become successful yet your gift makes just listen you ever seen a bird trying to move like a cow and then the next one in the debate you know the dog I mean that the boy trying to borrow a dog no bird Stephen being birds they fly you know find a bird trying to say pick today and try swim they stay in their gift I saw a picture one day you know sis I saw a picture of a bird I was sitting in hotel lobby and I saw this big picture this bird this big bird it's a real picture big cage in the lobby of this hotel in the Philippines and this bird was a beautiful bird and the boy was there all the days we were in that hotel never flew anywhere and the bird would fly around his cage land the same place just fly around the cage non the same place and I sat in the lobby many days I come and I just look at the bird Wow a horse princess you see that that's that's how humans are he said that that cage is its most of their jobs they actually fly in there every day they open the door for them they come in and they lock the cage and even though they could fly anywhere in the world they trapped in this little space but here's the beauty of the bird even though the bird is trapped in the cage it still could fly the cage doesn't take away the gift it just limits it I don't care where you working right now friends they might let you go next month if it doesn't matter anymore after this session they could never take over your flight you know sometimes the Lord will actually break up the cage because you don't want to leave you know pastor Richard and I used to work for the government and they told us what time to come to work Randy what time to leave and how much we are worth and I remember we came to the point where you decided to come you know full-time into this this vision we because we can build this thing and there's no limit to how big we can build it the boy there's a security piece you know the cage at least I know where the cages oh and I know they can feed me in the cage it's all a bit of rice in there what's in the wild you know so we got this thing now I'm not saying that jobs are bad because sometimes a job is the place you go so you can develop your gift until it's time to fly and Evan say don't fly too soon but if that the prior want you to get is no your gift so in case they move the cage or put you out the cage instead of getting depressed and falling on the ground you fly higher just go take the other very much for the time and then just fly in the name of Jesus that's what a man needs a man needs to give security to his woman if anything up is baby I'm still gonna make it good why what I got big but what you're married is in me baby you didn't marry what I do you marry Who I am say Amen somebody you didn't marry that the career I have because I might lose that you married a gift that's in your baby boy yeah you know sometimes we think you know that in the Bahamas you be always at hotels no man there's a problem he had this pungent fish in he better start collecting more ideas your gift maybe fishing and they trying to make you an IT specialist what is your gift you become successful when you refine your gift refinement in the name of Jesus the powerful gift the Bible says this in proverbs chapter 18 verse 16 read out loud please it says what a man's gift makes room for him and will bring him before great men and kings I told you that I'm leaving here in a few hours to go to South Africa I'm not going to a crusade of a million people I'm going to the guy who make decisions for them and he's not invited because he knew I was a behavior born in Beantown even can happen juju he invited me to get the gift let me tell you why it was important to me yes Mike is important if you know you have a gift and everyone does it's just a German founded you know properly but once you find it you also become very protective of being manipulated see once you know your gift you come and you can be manipulated by people no more people don't threaten you if you have a gift anymore they can't threaten you you know I'll fire you you can find me you are privileged to be working at this place at this time to use my special gifts in your behalf to improve you so behave yourself and pay me live with more money you can't expect a person this is very important what I'm saying now see your gift protects you from manipulation yes what I mean with it when you are who are aware of your gift then you know that people don't love you because of you okay you can get there some other days it's very important see having a baby because I not I say this ok listen to me all he goes help me okay listen 99% of the people around you everyday don't like you settle that what they like is what you got that's not meanness be honest y'all don't like Michael Jordan don't know the fella in the world but you like that gift he got and we would shut down every Monday night when he was playing no one could disturb us hey buddy look yeah yeah yeah go go go go go go I mean he made us shut down we didn't know him listen you don't have love with your dentist you mean in love with the surgeon they got a gift so you need someone to give you surgery listen we're coming to fall in love with you son just fix me you come for their gift so when people applaud you make it like water off a duck's back when they come in are you such good you don't trust them they they don't what your give you ain't talking about you it's their gift they talking about so don't take it personal you understand me it protects you from manipulation because people would manipulate you and make you feel like you need their approval but you'll get protection yeah gift shall bring you before kings why don't why does the king want you you don't want you he wanted to give when the man found out in Egypt there was a crisis by the way this is the greatest time in the world for a gift to be developed right now in crisis you see when crisis comes the world looks for gifts I'm gonna say this again please write this down when crisis comes the world looks for gifts Pharaoh was in trouble the economy about to collapse he know he's in trouble he says look there's a gift in jail he don't know Joseph s don't know his mama Papa North he said but I understand the guy can interpret dreams he meant for the gift was a gift to read of which it brought him before Pharaoh but nobody that it made him prime minister say gift never confuse what you study in school with your gift they are not the same thing most of the time so that when you went when you finally come to God you realize he studied around degree because he shows you your gift and your gift it was not what you studied so you reset for years and $50,000 that's why the Bible says many other plans in a man's heart but the Lord's purpose will prevail over everything that means once you come back to your purpose you've realized boy prevail over my degree my degree will be the time because it's your gift that makes room for you not your education Sayla you were born with the seed of greatness trapping in you men and your seed is your gift your gift is your leadership you were born to lead in that area of gifting that you have and you must discover your gift which becomes your assignment in life and that's what the woman comes to help you with the reason why a lot of women are working on their own and doing their own stuff is because many in many cases they cannot find the man who knows his project do you know the woman really wants she want to help a man succeed she does but most of the time the man don't know do you want to do or in doing it Oh ain't got no interest in doing anything haven't discovered anything so a woman is frustrated and she got all this weapons and all this anointing all this intelligence all this wisdom all the stuff she brings and she meets this person who don't know what they do it I want to show you a little verse then I get again oh no the other son after they let me share the first time if you will to the book of Proverbs chapter something what I worried you I just heard something just now my voice it says oh you crazy acid is chapter you never sounds proverbs ecclesiastes Sat Psalms proverbs Ecclesiastes to get it so fine Psalms and then go all the way you'll find it crazy as it is after proper okay we can look at chapter 11 look at verse 6 by the way I want everyone to listen to this because this is so important I've seen people violate this verse and go broke and destroy their families here's the verse everybody got it ecclesiastical chapter 11 verse 6 so your seed in the morning and that evening let not your hands be idle because you know not which one will prosper or succeed whether this one or that or both will do equally well that verse saved my life as a teenager it still is doing it today let me let me interpret every ways for you sow your seed in the morning that means could go to work on your job and in the evening don't a chance PA that means find something to do after you get off or we start another job do your only thing he says because you don't know which one will succeed God doesn't want you to have two jobs when he wants you to have is one job and your work comprende comprende fresh play here understand please please understand this that means you shouldn't leave your job before you are secure in your work he said to both Bahamas fake ministries was built while both of us was still working main pastor Richard that's the Henry we're all working in different places we didn't come into this ministry full time until it was already able to handle everything we put another way you start work after you leave your job I'm talking to you man see your job tells you how much you should make your work tells you make him what you want what is important see to get the CD get the noin to this see if you let your job become your only supply you're in trouble because they ever take that from you you collapse Solomon says go in the morning plant your seed and in the evening keep working you don't know which one will prosper he says or even hey man you got a wife and kids you can't experiment with an idea and walk away from a job that could take care your rent and your stuff use the wisdom of the Bible the Word of God since you do both and tell one of them outgrows the other you can experiment with your family ago decision yeah you gotta but you need and yeah thank you all for being me today I gotta go when I come back we can find over the gifts how to find a gift okay close your let's go home one o'clock father thank you for the word today bless your people they don't find a gift amen that's Richard please close the meeting I passed away close to mean prosper give us with to the hand I love you all I want to encourage you to make sure you get a copy of that CD today amen amen let's stand together [Music] I won't also encourage the men if you were not able to make the session maybe their sessions that you made some that you missed I won't encourage you to get a copy of all those sessions that you missed there was some very very important sessions that we had during this man's conference and I want to encourage you to take advantage of those amen oh Lansford your neighbor next to you if you will it's Bauer heads I want to encourage you to take the words that you receive today you know the Lord had a lot to say today he said a lot take the words that you received today into this week he reassured us the day that he will take out you take that word with you an adversary comes and tries to tell you something else take that word with you this week let him be your sustainer he's not limited by your job or your lack of a job the earth is still the Lord's I said the earth is still the Lord's he didn't give it up continue to trust him that's your faith being him take that word that you heard with you this week take the word that you heard this just a moment ago seek to discover your work man get a copy of this tape listen to it seven times [Music] hallelujah if you here today and you've never made a decision to give your life to Jesus Christ before we go we want to give you that opportunity we would be remiss if we did not give you that opportunity today maybe you thought about it for a long time maybe even went to church but you really never made that decision to give your life to Jesus Christ for him to become the lord of your life savior of your soul I want to give you that opportunity today if that's you just ask the person next to you to just excuse you now I want you to slip out of your seat and come come join me up front we want to pray with you today you want to pray with you if su just slip out of your seat maybe your older person may be a young person doesn't matter if you've never made that decision this is your day the Holy Spirit brought you here today to keep an appointment with him he wanted you to keep an appointment with him if that's you I want you to slip out of your seat come join me up here let's pray together let's get you aligned with the one who died for you the one who loves you Jesus Christ hallelujah I believe there's somebody here who needs to do that there's a couple of people in fact who need to do that you know that you don't have that relationship with the Lord you know that you know that and you didn't come here today by accident you may have thought you just came to come to church but no you came because God had an appointment with you today there's more than that one there's more isn't more some of you you had an appointment with God today I want you to keep that appointment all the way just ask the person next to you there's excuse me they'll excuse you and I want you to come up here and let's pray together hallelujah thank you Jesus thank you lord thank you lord thank you Lord praise your father I'm gonna wait another couple of minutes there's some more of you that need to do that today Holy Spirit's talking to you drawing you to the Father I want you to body you see don't allow the adversary to fool you because he'll tell you you don't have to do it today you can do it anytime it's a lie from the devil tomorrow isn't promised to you you really don't know about tomorrow hallelujah we'll wait another couple of minutes that's you I want you to come we want to pray with you welcome you into the kingdom of God today hallelujah thank you lord thank you Father thank you Jesus praise your father if you don't know if the person next to you is born again I want you just to ask them is everything okay with you and the Lord and and if it's not I want you to come with them and bring them down here thank you lord thank you for Thank You Lora thank you Jesus hallelujah thank you lord thank you Father thank you lord in the book of first Timothy Paul said these words to Timothy he said Timothy I'm talking to the man here today he said Timothy do you remember when I laid my hands on you [Music] and I prayed over you and I stirred up the gift that was inside of you that's what made you what you are today Timothy I don't know but I believe that there may be a man here today who say pastor Myles I I I heard what you said but I don't know what my gift is I don't know how to I never know what it is I don't know how to find it I don't know the Bible says that if you let the eldest lay hands upon you they can stir up your gift that means they can germinate the seeds it can actually activate it and it begins to rise up and you would begin to see who you are that you were born to be I want to encourage you as a man if you need to have that gift stirred up or maybe you want to see more gifts come out of you you slip out of your seat and just come and let one of these elders just lay hands on your head I'm gonna pray a prayer while they pray for you to stir up that gift your future depends on this gift yeah your survival depends on it your capacity to overcome crisis financially depends on your gift this is too important for you to not get that gift stirred up I'm not talking about your job I'm not talking about your career I'm not talking about you know what you professional in or what your profession is ask God to show you your gift let's just lay hands on you pray for you that gift be stirred up I want to ask some of our real men to come and pray with these men who are coming as well and brother Holly can you come some of the real men counsel please come let's lay hands on this man it just start up ask God to start up that gift tell them to find it help them to find it so that their families will be safe and their families will be secure ask God start that gift and ladies you know you got gifts as well you your gift is the most powerful thing you possess and I pray that you will not allow a man to smother your gift but the Lord will give you an environment in your relationship that will allow you to become all you were born to be that his gift will inspire your gift to become a great gift it's not a wise man who holds a woman back a good man makes room for a gift of his wife to become great ladies lift your hands put on your head right now I'm gonna ask God also stir up your gift began to pray and ask him to show you who you are and who you were born to become ask God who you are on who you were born to become I want some of the other men listen many of this altar need someone to pray with them come out of your seat and come pray with these men ask God to start their gift maybe you found your gift come and help them father I pray for these women precious wonderful women of God Lord when you made the woman you said this is very good these women are very good they are good for us they are good for this community they are good for the country they are good for the family these women are good they are very good for the marriage oh but God many of them have been oppressed they've been smothered they've been abused they've been ignored they've been suppressed today I ask for a miracle from heaven the Lord as they touch their heads let your hand come upon their heads today and stop the gifts let them see that they are more than an assignment of a career they are more than a job but they are great women like Deborah and Esther women of God who changed the world who impacted the world Lord none of their gift like you stirred up Priscilla to become a business woman to help her husband to become a great man in the city stir up these women and let their gift make room for them Lord take them beyond their education take them beyond the experience take them beyond the corral let the day be the breath of a business right where they live Lord let them make their hands busy after they're chopped lord I pray for the same anointing that come upon this bed that they would no longer go to a job only but they'll come back home and go to work and they will build it them a spirit of Revelation a spirit of entrepreneurship let their gift make room
Channel: alejandro boccini
Views: 474,836
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Id: fL86JCrga0s
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Length: 52min 29sec (3149 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 26 2017
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