The Invisible kingdom| Dr. Myles Monroe

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the kingdom concept of Kings this is part 4 actually I'm going to be dealing more specifically with this subject that is the king of the invisible kingdom say that with me the king of the invisible kingdom write that down in your notes I want to thank you for allowing me to obey God in teaching this message my book on the kingdom has become a phenomenon and I'm very humbled by it every time I share this message the response is growing more and more especially among leaders because it is forcing them back to the Bible and today I wanted to talk and focus a little bit on the kingdom of the invisible Kingdom the king of the invisible the kingdom let me just stress a couple of thoughts that we talked about last time number one the message of the body it's about a king a kingdom on his royal family I keep repeating that because I don't want the Bible to be complicated to anybody anymore the Bible is the most beautiful simple story about a family a family headed up by a father whose name is Elohim some time he's called by odd and I some time he calls himself Jehovah but he's still the same father I don't know he has children his children are his sons Sons here does not mean male it means offspring then this father has a kingdom now this separates him from normal fathers a kingdom is not just a small entity it is a governing authority matter of fact everyone born into a kingdom he's immediately benefited right this point down everyone is seeking the kingdom I am convinced that every human being is seeking the kingdom now I want you to write that down for a reason again let me tell you why because if you get that revelation you'll never be afraid of any other religion again what I have been teaching in the kingdom has been attracting Muslims three days ago in London when I finished speaking on the subject the kingdom two young men walked up to me very you know unassuming guys and they just stood there while I was autographing some books and they waited then afterwards he came and sat by me he said you know I'm a Muslim I said oh great he said you know I but I like what you're teaching I said why is that he said you are not normal I said what do you mean he says you are not teaching with these other Christian preachers teach he says everything you are talking about is what I want in my life and I thought Islam could give it to me I knew Christianity could not give it to me but this morning for the first time my life I heard what I am looking for can you pray for me I said absolutely I said what are you asking me to do he said I'm asking you to make me like you what a request I want what you have or what joy came to my life I hugged that young man when he was about 24 25 years old hugged him and I found myself weeping over him because here's a young man who was struggling in Islam frustrated with Christianity and then he heard the kingdom change his life let me put this down another way all religions are man's attempt to find the kingdom that's why people join religions as a matter of fact witchcraft those who involved in witchcraft voodoo whatever you want to call it are probably the most violent people seeking the kingdom of God because they've gone to the extreme any attempt to find the kingdom of God apart from through Jesus Christ is violence it's violence Jesus said and all men are violently pursuing the kingdom that means they are doing all kinds of activities they're doing all kinds of rituals and customs to try and find what they lost and what they lost was the kingdom of heaven Jesus's mission therefore was to bring back a kingdom now here's how to simplify the Bible whatever Adam lost that's what Jesus bought say with me whatever Adam lost that is what Jesus bought in other words you can always tell what Jesus wouldn't Adam lost by what Jesus bought Jesus came to recover what Adam lost so whatever Jesus preached whatever he introduced to the earth is what man lost and what's important to remember is he did not bring a religion that means Adam did not lose a religion that means a religion cannot satisfy the spiritual hunger of humanity because that's not what Adam lost very important simple statements number 5 all true kingdoms contain the same qualities and characteristics all true kingdoms can contain the same components so when Jesus used two words Kingdom you can actually study kingdoms and you'll find that most if not all of the components in a kingdom exists in the kingdom of heaven and the kingdom of God that leads me then to my final point and that is we must look at these concepts in order to understand God's purpose if God claims that his book is about a kingdom and a king then we gotta study what a king is and what a kingdom is otherwise he will misinterpret the Bible misinterpret his message and then our conclusions will be contaminated and we live a life on error and nothing is more dangerous than zealous error in other words it's dangerous to be serious about what is wrong especially when you defend it and we do it all the time I really don't want to be faithful I want to be right anybody else because I could be faithful to the wrong thing so right is more important than faithful it's like you give somebody a job you took to paint a room in your house and you ran away and they were faithful they cut the corners perfectly they didn't drop a spot on the floor I mean it's a perfect room you come back it was the wrong color see they were faithful but they were wrong and you don't want to be that way and you can live your whole life that way you can die and on your deathbed living and completely filled filled life because you did not know what was right we give you another thought then the message of the Bible again simplify it number one it's about a king it's about what a kingdom and about what royal family so I want you to start thinking that way I am a member of a royal family there are certain things that come with that that we're going to learn about a little later on but let's go ahead and speed up a little bit and talk a little bit about the need to understand the kingdom now this is important again write this down number one the kingdom must be studied it's you cannot live in the kingdom of God casually because the kingdom of God is like a country it is a country and Kingdom citizenship requires that you study the Constitution so you can know your rights your privileges so you can know the laws your restrictions when you live in a kingdom you are under that kingdoms jurisdiction you cannot just live your life just like the Bahamas is basically a constitutional entity we're not a kingdom because we don't have a king but we do have the constitutional entity of a kingdom and that's why when you become a Bahamian the first thing they say you must do it you got to read the constitution and all the penal codes and everything else that comes with that why for your own protection the government can only protect you if you know your rights very important number two the kingdom must be understood if you're going to experience and enjoy the kingdom of God on earth you have to understand it it's gonna take effort like sitting in a meeting like this taking time to learn it over and over and over and over and the same where you became good at math because you rented classes for six months is the same way you become good at the cat the kingdom because you rented services in six months and you hear the thing over and over again number three the kingdom cannot be experienced without understanding this is very simple but very very serious okay you say pass the mouse says the Lord wants to heal me okay that's fine well the Bible says God wants to heal you true but did the Bible explain any conditions that you are missing and now we run into problems the Bible says God wants you to prosper and be in health as your soul from the okay that's first John three fine but does the Bible have a context under which that's supposed to happen and so you run off from some excited preacher who says to you just quote that scripture so you run off in your quote this scripture and you isolate it from the conditions that God required and now the scripture doesn't work and you turn off and say God's Word doesn't work to me it's like it's like buying a beautiful brand-new battery car battery and try and sit on it and drive that battery only works when it is in relationship to over 60,000 other parts that battery to me is the voice of scripture my God shall supply all of that's just a battery now you got to figure out how does this fit in all of the different components in the kingdom life for this batteries power to be released in my life a batteries power is completely useless without a terminal and a generator a generator can I work without a piston piston cannot work without spark spark needs gasoline coming from the carburettor corporator needs to have the fire and so all those parts bring the power from the battery and if any part is missing your car will simply say click so it is in the kingdom of God number 4 the enemy of the kingdom of God is ignorance and religion the enemy of the kingdom is ignorance and religion the enemy of the kingdom of God is what ignorance and religion the disease the king of God is what enemy is what want to remember this ok the kingdom of God's enemy is not the devil Jesus didn't see him as the real problem the problem with the kingdom of God is just like any other country the less you know the more they take advantage of you if you don't know your rights they will run over you so you go to a courtroom you have some piece of property and your property is yours you go to a lawyer who is not a righteous lawyer he has a way to get you a court get your land from you and you don't know your rights you don't have the right person to protect you you can lose all kinds of things and then many of you in this room have lost things legally because you didn't know some things so it's very important for you to appreciate that kingdoms operate on knowledge not on ignorance now use the word religion to as a problem because religion serves as a substance toot for the kingdom write that down when a person is in religion the temptation is they feel they don't need the kingdom what I'm teaching around the world right now and this program is going all over the world you watching this in South Africa today you're tuned in and you watch this in Malaysia and you know you you know and I know here in the Bahamas that religion is the most powerful spirit on earth religions are so powerful that they are more powerful than demons it is easy to cast out a demon than to cast on religion Jesus Christ on earth had no problems casting out demons but he couldn't change them Pharisees minds now religion is dangerous here's why because religion has the impression that it has discovered everything there is to discover that's why they can actually write their books in religion you know like the whole service put it in a book no room for only goes into fear and anything the host the whole service the whole years in a book there's no room for the Holy Spirit to do anything and so they follow these rituals these liturgy literally liturgy and no one could step out of them and they were handed down by a certain group of people and you dare not interfere with that that includes the Holy Spirit don't interfere with my liturgy literal literature the power of religion jesus said it this way in Matthew chapter 15 I love that chapter Matthew 15 verse verse 1 and 2 a little discussion break out between Jesus and the religious people and they said to Jesus how come your disciples go to the corn fields and they pick food without washing their hands man Jesus turned around and he snapped at them he said and why do you make the tree today of men more important than the Word of God man they got they got insulted he said you magnify your traditions above what God said nothing new so people say yeah yeah dr. Monroe I know the kingdom thing in the Bible but you know but this will be doing right now see no difference our rituals are more important than the kingdom of God it's bondage write this down success in the kingdom demands knowledge of its secrets please write this down please this one is critical success in the kingdom demands knowledge of its secrets you are some of the most fortunate people in the world I tell you because you are sitting under a teaching that Christ was waiting for for 1,800 years Jesus told the disciples many times he says I have much to say to you now but you cannot take it then he told them he says it has been given to you to know the secrets of the kingdom but not unto them as a matter of fact you cannot appropriate what you don't understand that's the reason why you gotta learn the secrets you cannot experience nor appropriate which is duty to understand in order for the King of God to come alive in your life and in my life we have to go through a process of education why do you think Jesus Christ spent three and a half years trying to educate these men and he didn't succeed too well he didn't do a good job that's how tough it is to train humans how do I know he didn't do too well because after the resurrection in the book of Acts chapter 1 when he was about to leave the earth he called a meeting with them and that first question was strange they said so when will you knock off Rome and give us back you know crisis woody talking about he said you missed it I then come to earth to fight a military battle with Caesar because all military battles are temporary I didn't come here to have temporary victories I came to earth to rule the hearts of men to influence the planet through the influenced spirit I have a greater Kingdom a kingdom that cannot die because it is transferred beyond death they couldn't understand it and so the Bible says in verse three of Acts chapter one we should read it sometime it says and so he sat down and after his death and resurrection he taught them about the kingdom even after the resurrection they still missed it well don't feel bad if you look at some of the ministries in the world today great churches they got crosses all over the place death in every single window the church all the stained glass from the full of death there's death and cross dead dead dead dead dead and you go to this place and I just full of death so I'm not even put the dead people on the inside of the building bury people in the day at floor I mean just dead everywhere and they forget that the purpose for Jesus Christ dying was to bring a living Kingdom not a Mallis Amala seal mausoleum thank you see and most of times we go to mausoleums to worship do you know why God made sure that we can't find a cross he died on take a hint so since God didn't leave it we created one ever wonder why God did not tell us which coal he was raised from there's no evidence of where he was raised from you go to Jerusalem today there take you to four holes and each one claiming to be the one you ever wonder why God ain't never showed you which mountain Moses died on God bared and hid him himself because you see we humans love this this admiration of sports [Applause] we turn the experience into a religion and then the experience becomes more important than the purpose for the experience the death of Jesus Christ was to restore man back to God so the kingdom could come back to man that was the purpose and if you get stuck and that cross stuff and get stuck on the blood stuff and get stuck on the resurrection stuff we're gonna miss the reason why he did all of that I always say in this series that man turned the means into the end so he forfeited the purpose for which God created the means and that's why we keep dying what's the mission and purpose of Jesus then Matthew 4:17 a very familiar verse now it says from that time when Jesus began to work preach what he preached repent for the kingdom of heaven has arrived or his near Luke 4:43 he goes on he preaches again it says but he said unto them I must preach the good news of the kingdom of God for this is why I was sent I love that huh he that was sent to do what preach the kingdom of God I wasn't sent to heal the sick raise the dead cast all the stuff I did he said those things are good he said but my main purpose for coming was this kingdom why because that's what Adam lost I came to restore what Adam lost so I have to preach what Adam lost I came to bring with Adam lost and if you want to know what Adam lost study with Jesus what they didn't bring a religion he bought a kingdom yes something I thought might financing Matthew 25 verse 34 says then the king was safe Jesus speaking again then the king will say to those on his right come you are blessed of my father take your inheritance which is the kingdom that has been prepared for you how long since the creation of the world that's important to underline this verse when you find it and underline the word since since means a timing there was a it was specific time he's a - when was the kingdom of God put on earth the answers in that verse he said this is what God gave you at the creation of the earth of the world in other words when God created the earth that was the physical planet he's gonna get little deep and I gotta stay with me the word earth is the word Terra in the Hebrew language but the word world is different is the word cosmos Kos mos write that down now Terra is referring to the physical earth the planet the dirt the rocks Tara so God created the heavens and the earth but then God placed a cosmos on the earth now the word cosmos Kos mos write it down it means governing influence governing influence it means order of authority so the world is not the same as the earth the earth is what the physical place good the world is what the order that influences the place it is the structure that governs the place we try it again what is the earth it's a physical place what's the world the order that governs it ok so the earth is the territory the domain the world is the government over it Isana Hebrew and Greek think so when Jesus said here take your inheritance which is what the kingdom that was prepared since the creation of the world when the God created the world after he made the earth God made the earth first and then God told Adam to have dough minion over over the territory so the the world is is the kingdoms territory it's how the kingdom influences the earth anybody with me are you sure okay so a kingdom is the manifestation of a world the territory is over which that kingdom exercises influence the territory is called domain the the world is called government it's another word for influence hallelujah so when the Bible says for you you should be on the earth in the world but not of the world is saying look you can live on the planet but you don't you are not under the governing influence of that other country called hell you are under another governments consequential current constitution and you are under another government called heaven and that's why the heavens can come to earth today Monday morning because you are under another jurisdiction is that clear say Amen if you get it I'm like saying this clear okay I want you to get this remember now if you if you study kingdoms they begin to happen to you you cannot afford to understand once you begin to get this your daily life will change because you cannot believe what you do not know and you cannot do what you do not believe faith comes by what hearing so Christ says your inheritance is the kingdom that was prepared and established when God first gave Adam the earth the kingdom is as old as Adam the kingdom of heaven existed long before us but the kingdom of heaven on earth was initiated when God gave Adam authority over the planet is that clear say Amen if I got your right is it clear alright would you bother Cena is gonna be a blessing Luke 22 then he says I confer on you Luke chapter 22 verse 29 she's the speaking I confer on you a kingdom just like my father conferred one on me now you know mr. mu tree here has been involved in politics at some of the highest level even led a party into the election we have some others here who have been involved in politics they could they probably can appreciate a little bit better as you learn about governments the power of conferring you cannot confer upon someone to be a parliamentarian they got to earn that can go get votes but a government or a king has the power to confer authority on someone and that someone is always called an ambassador ambassadors are people who really don't work for their position it's just conferred on them in other words an ambassadorship is the prerogative of the king write that down the king has the prerogative to confer on a person all the authority of the government and the country in one statement and I promise you that the Ambassador is more powerful than a than a parliamentarian an ambassador is more powerful than a senator an ambassador is more powerful than a cabinet minister okay tell me why tell me why help me huh okay why is he more important than other guys he represents what he represents the country the others represent different constituencies see if you eye cabinet minister you know represent the country you represent your government's choice for a certain portfolio when you become a senator that's a privilege you don't represent the country you serve a house ambassador is different that's why the word confer is important and in the original Greek language this word confer is correct it means a king that takes his authority and elevates a citizen who didn't qualify ambassadors don't work for their position it's a genuine act of prerogative now Jesus said I I confer on you he's talking to all of you who come to his kingdom a kingdom notice he didn't say I confer on you my blessing I didn't confer on you my throne because that's silly enough an ambassador receives the entire country so when you meet an ambassador you are meeting not a person a country this is important because all the armies in a country are raised up to defend the country all the laws in the country are written to protect the interest of the country every logical act of government is supposed to be motivated by the interests of the country am I right sir every law every act that's why God didn't want you to be a senator or he cabinet minister or a parliamentarian or a city councilman a Councilwoman because all those jobs are temporary and no law in the country is geared for simply to protect those people it's a matter of fact there are some laws that could hurt a parliamentarian especially if he owns a business the law may not go in favor of his business am I making sense you own a business that imports a lot of chairs and the law and the Parliament says and you in the law now you apartment member and they say in personal duties on chairs are now two hundred percent gone up by Monday and you gotta sign the law that hurts you if you import something but you see in as an ambassador nothing that is passed in the country goes against the country's interests and you are the country I'm talking now that's why God says look all things will work together for your good because you've been appointed in a position where anything that my government does will be for your benefit glory hardly new yeah others may scream around you and get all upset but you it doesn't affect your position because your position guarantees that you are protected UN Ambassador that's why we named this auditorium specifically the diplomat center because an ambassador is a diplomat let me wrap up on some thoughts here Matthew 18 verse 23 therefore the kingdom of heaven is like a king who wanted to settle accounts with his servants for in about six months we don't talk about these verses in deep deep detail these are deep verses so much to learn some keys are here Matthew chapter 20 verse 1 Jesus says for the kingdom of heaven is like a landowner who went out early in the morning to hire men to work in his vineyard now I remember now these are not real stories he's using these parables to try and explain what the kingdom is like so the first one is important he said the kingdom of heaven is like you know a king who who owns land and he wanted to settle accounts with his servants in other words therefore the kingdom of heaven is like a king who wanted to to go and find out how his servants did with his property what we didn't do too bad he gave us earth so Jesus coming to earth is the king coming back to check on the stewards to see how they did and we did not do a good job matter of fact we actually lost the contract we had a management contract for earth and we lost it would it be lose it to an unemployed cherub so now he comes back to do some accounting show me how you've done in other words the king of God is really God bringing his government back to earth for Adam to give an account of what he did with this department call earth second one the king of heaven is like a landowner I was a landowner and that's important a kingdom of heaven is always a landowner a king is always a landowner the King always owns the land that's why he had to use his example now remember he came to earth for a thousand years later after the promise because he was waiting for the right prototype to be present listen friends in Rome Caesar was the king and all of Rome all was owned by Caesar personally so he says the king of heaven is just like wrong the king is the land owner and he went out early in the morning to hire servants to work wherever the God do God created the heavens and the earth and then he hired his kids to run the place they didn't do a good job using another story how the influence was lost praise God so the question I want to leave you with today is what is a kingdom and the definition is very simple a kingdom is the influence of a king on his government over his territory impacting it with his will intent and purpose the kingdom of God is the sovereign ruler ship and governing influence of a king over his territory that is called his domain and he influences that domain with his will his intent and his purpose in other words Kings don't just own property the property begins to look like them it begins to manifest the way they think the way they believe their purposes are fulfilling that property when a king has a property the probably begins to take on his nature in other words this statement is found in the book of Rome I mean in the writings of Romans it says when in Rome do us what the Romans do that it was in every part of Rome better Rome's were in control there's certain things that rumors did that you're supposed to do also because that's the way kingdoms influence they literally take over the territory and it looks like them when Jesus said how he must pray he says when you pray pray like this our Father who art in heaven holy is your name he says now pray this request thy kingdom come what does he mean thy influence come thy will would you intend to happen be done well where on earth how jess like it is in the headquarters in other words the prayer is to turn earth into heaven what we've been taught in religion is to try and take earth to heaven the kingdom focuses on the opposite as you leave this building and go into your job tomorrow God expects for that prayer first of all to be made and to be answered now God expects you to influence your job your workplace your business your employees those under your kids supervisor whatever he expects you to influence them in a very intellectual scientific practical real spiritually anointed way where they will always be wondering where are you from my last boss cussed me for what I did and you prayed for me my last boss fired me without thinking about it and you called me in and said I'm gonna give you another chance because I believe in you my last boss used foul language try and correct some of my error you smiled and said we all make mistakes where are you from the answer comes my kingdom is not of this world I am under the influence I am under the influence you need to live under the influence you should never leave the influence constantly abiding under the influence I'm under the influence and if I ever become sober you're in trouble see it better pray that I stay under the influence in the same summer use some time you stiffen under influence and they get peace of your mind stay and that that's what the Bible means when it says walk in the spirit and he would not fulfill what the passions of the flesh wanting to manifest your flesh want you to do some dumb things in that environment but the Spirit of God influences you so he said do good to them who despitefully use you forgive them who hurt you love that will offend you man you gotta be under the influence to do that right be honest I mean you got be under the influence to do that kind of instruction but you're saying oh I can't wait I can't wait I'm so excited I know I'm just laying little foundations here but listen we can get to some heavy stuff because you see this supposed to be developing you so much that it becomes what we call bahamian get it boy that's Bahamian well it should be develop to the point we call it that's Kingdom that's just damn sure that you saw there that that's their culture now they got a new culture they keep forgiving people why didn't even try anymore it's natural for them you steal from them they give you more because according to their government the more they get rid of the more they attract these are crazy people strange people its culture I put it to you then that the kingdom is the government of a king sort of this close the scripture on the citizenship and I want to pray Luke 17:21 Savin been acts Christ's disciples I show you access question also so he's gonna answer your question to 2,000 years later once being asked by his disciples and the Pharisees where our when will the kingdom of God come where will it come there's a big question it's matter of fact notice who asked it theologians say this is still the big question today it's not difficult in the answer just that they don't want to read it right verses but the big question is when will the kingdom of God come where will it come and he answers them the kingdom of God does not come with you with your careful observation that mixed-member that means he didn't say it doesn't come did he know he says it comes but it doesn't come in a way that you can physically see it coming okay let me explain how simple that is when I was in in in in in London yesterday I had my passport in my bag I mean if you know about all the terrorist activities going on there you know she police all over the street now and then buses people still on buses and driving and flying in the I mean driving the tube and so you know things are going on there kind of know he's seen a bit more police around the place but people are normal and I'm I'm in London I feel very safe because my government has my own private CIA all over me totally believe it totally believe it he has given his angels armies charge concerning me to keep me how in all my way so wherever I enter a building or a hotel or a truck or a train or bus that bus is finally safe now to some people that's a religious thought to me that's practical it has to be because of my knowledge of the kingdom it has to be with you too I mean look how many people are dying on our streets what were 30 people dead and they're just half a year are you safe when you leave here driving well you can decide to be and you know cops are you're out writers have you noticed you ain't got no private out right over there and a motorbike net front you taking you home today so you better call for one pick the phone up and call for one say yeah via denahi call Raja Muda baba see ya kisum or Santa trap predator Bobo so touchy brocaded and I want two big ones praise God practical I say it's practical in the book of Hebrews chapter 2 this is important the Hebrews it says angels are ministering spirits sent to do the bidding of those who are is of salvation what did I just say what does it mean hmm their body gotta be something else let's listen to verse they come to do the bidding of those who are heirs of salvation exactly they don't do what God tells them the voice that said the verse says they would do what do you bid them see but religion keeps you silent that's why you get an accident anybody with me you need to talk to them give them instructions how many angels stood by and watch you get into a problem because you didn't give them any bidding can I hear an amen let's write on and say angels go to my house right now and watch over my property for my father says nothing shall come near me angels watch over my car when I leave this place take me directly home no mishap to your job in the name of the king amen see now they're gone they think they're gone all over the place see you got to give them instructions give them instructions he says it doesn't come by observation no man can say here it isn't there it is first 21 nor where people say there's a kingdom there's a kingdom that's the kingdom once again I wanted to just leave a thought with you in England when I landed nobody knew I was from the Bahamas nobody knew hundred people coming to 300 300 people have one plane none of us knew where anybody was from you can't judge a man by the color of his skin so I walk in there and the guy from England came to me and he said on this line British system system I said no sir oh okay on that line then see how powerful that is he couldn't observe that I was from the Bahamas it doesn't come by observation you can't just know I'm a kingdom citizen when I come to work for you hallelujah God got Kingdom clients all over the place you are a plant that good work you are an espionage agent praise God you are a AKC heavily agent Kingdom citizen heavenly agent and he counted you in that job in that workplace and he wants you there to influence like flour and yeast the king of God is like yeast and that's why a lot of times the job you hold is not a comfortable job for you and that's the whole point the reason why you're gonna go among people who smoke and may not be the best kind of personalities is because God was waiting with someone who was willing to go into that situation and bring kingdom contamination but you see if you walk in there with a big hat born from above shirt Klunk if you know Jesus pants safe-side the five full of the Holy Ghost shoes walking in the anointing and you walk in there for a job see I think we got a live one here come get this one out of here Jesus Christ was a citizen of heaven but they could not even identify him to arrest it if you are not in the kingdom of God today just like any other country you need to get your immigration status sorted out come unto me says if you are tired and all the religious stuff and I'll give you rest take my yoke upon you my yoke is easy my burden is light come into the kingdom of God John 3 said it so well for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son anyone who believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life and then in chapter 4 of John he says except a man be born again of the spirit he cannot enter the kingdom of heaven being born into a kingdom is beautiful you know the Haitians in our country are struggling with the issue of not being born here but that same problem is happening in the body of Christ in the kingdom of God people who are you know attending the kingdom meetings but they're not citizens what you need to do is you need to stop and get yourself regularized and I think the first thing that governments to do is to admit that you ain't got citizenship there's nothing in the world can keep you within the keeper guard more than religion you say well you know I went to church for twenty years that still does mean you got citizenship did you ever confess and submit him as your Lord and King if you haven't done that today then this is the day the Lord has made he wants you to do it today for those of you our citizens the king of God I admonish you next week is going to be powerful session as we kick off our conference I'm going to be speaking on the power of Kingdom citizenship and we are going to learn how to live in the kingdom of God let's bow our heads together the kingdom concept of Kings this is part four actually I'm going to be dealing more specifically with this subject that is the king of the invisible Kingdom say that with me the king of the invisible kingdom write that down in your notes I want to thank you for allowing me to obey God in teaching this message my book on the kingdom has become a phenomenon and I'm very humbled by it every time I share this message the response is growing more and more especially among leaders because it is forcing them back to the Bible and today I wanted to talk and focused a little bit on the kingdom of the invisible kingdom the king of the invisible the kingdom let me just stress a couple of thoughts that we talked about last time number one the message of the body it's about a king a kingdom on his royal family I keep repeating that because I don't want the Bible to be complicated to anybody anymore the Bible is the most beautiful simple story about a family a family headed up by a father whose name is Elohim some time he's called by odd and I some time he calls himself Jehovah but he's still the same father I don't know he has children his children are his sons Sons here does not mean male it means offspring then this father has a kingdom now this separates him from normal fathers a kingdom is not just a small entity it is a governing authority matter of fact everyone born into a kingdom is immediately benefitted right this point down everyone is seeking the kingdom I am convinced that every human being is seeking the kingdom now I want you to write that down for a reason again let me tell you why because if you get that revelation you'll never be afraid of any other religion again what I have been teaching in the kingdom has been attracting Muslims three days ago in London when I finished speaking on the subject the kingdom two young men walked up to me very you know unassuming guys and they just stood there while I was autographing some books and they waited then afterwards he came and sat by me he said you know I'm a Muslim I said oh great he said you know I but I like what you're teaching I said why is that he said you are not normal I said what do you mean he says you are not teaching with these other Christian preachers teach he says everything you are talking about is what I want in my life and I thought Islam could give it to me I knew Christianity could not give it to me but this morning for the first time my life I heard what I am looking for can you pray for me I said absolutely I said what are you asking me to do he said I'm asking you to make me like you what a request I want what you have Oh what joy came to my life I hugged that young man when he was about 24 25 years old hugged him and I found myself weeping over him because here's a young man who was struggling in Islam frustrated with Christianity and then he heard the kingdom change his life let me put this down another way all religions are man's attempt to find the kingdom that's why people join religions as matter of fact witchcraft those who involved in witchcraft voodoo whatever you want to call it are probably the most violent people seeking the kingdom of God because they've gone to the extreme any attempt to find the kingdom of God apart from through Jesus Christ is violence it's violence Jesus said and all men are violently pursuing the kingdom that means they are doing all kinds of activities they're doing all kinds of rituals and customs to try and find what they lost and what they lost was the kingdom of heaven Jesus's mission therefore was to bring back a kingdom now here's how to simplify the Bible whatever Adam lost that's what Jesus bought say with me whatever Adam lost that is what Jesus bought in other words you can always tell what Jesus wouldn't Adam lost by what Jesus bought Jesus came to recover what Adam lost so whatever Jesus preached whatever he introduced to the earth is what man lost and what's important to remember is he did not bring a religion that means Adam did not lose a religion that means a religion cannot satisfy the spiritual hunger of humanity because that's not what Adam lost very important simple statements number 5 all true kingdoms contain the same qualities and characteristics all true kingdoms can contain the same components so when Jesus used two words Kingdom you can actually study kingdoms and you'll find that most if not all of the components in a kingdom exists in the kingdom of heaven and the kingdom of God that leads me then to my final point and that is we must look at these concepts in order to understand God's purpose if God claims that his book is about a kingdom and a king then we gotta study what a king is and what a kingdom is otherwise he will misinterpret the Bible misinterpret his message and then our conclusions will be contaminated and we live a life on error and nothing is more dangerous than zealous error in other words it's dangerous to be serious about what is wrong especially when you defend it and we do it all the time I really don't want to be faithful I want to be right anybody else because I could be faithful to the wrong thing so right is more important than faithful it's like you give somebody a job you took to paint a room in your house and you ran away and they were faithful they cut the corners perfectly they didn't drop a spot on the floor I mean it's a perfect room you come back it was the wrong color see they were faithful but they were wrong and you don't want to be that way and you can live your whole life that way you can die and on your deathbed living and completely filled filled life because you did not know what was right we give you another thought then the message of the Bible again simplify it number one it's about a king it's about what a kingdom and about what royal family so I want you start thinking that way I am a member of a royal family there are certain things that come with that that we're going to learn about a little later on but let's go ahead and speed up a little bit and talk a little bit about the need to understand the kingdom now this is important again write this down number one the kingdom must be studied it's you cannot live in the kingdom of God casually because the kingdom of God is like a country it is a country and Kingdom citizenship requires that you study the Constitution so you can know your rights your privileges so you can know the laws your restrictions when you live in a kingdom you are under that kingdoms jurisdiction you cannot just live your life just like the Bahamas is basically a constitutional entity we're not a kingdom because we don't have a king but we do have the constitutional entity of a kingdom and that's why when you become a Bahamian the first thing they say you must do it you got to read the constitution and all the penal codes and everything else that comes with that why for your own protection the government can only protect you if you know your rights very important number two the kingdom must be understood if you're going to experience and enjoy the kingdom of God on earth you have to understand it it's gonna take effort like sitting in a meeting like this taking time to learn it over and over and over and over and the same where you became good at math because you rented classes for six months is the same way you become good at the kingdom because you went to services in six months and you hear the thing over and over again number three the kingdom cannot be experienced without understanding this is very simple but very very serious okay you say pastor miles says the Lord wants to heal me okay that's fine well the Bible says God wants to heal you true but did the Bible explain any conditions that you are missing and now we run into problems the Bible says God wants you to prosper and be in health as your soul from the okay that's first John three fine but does the Bible have a context under which that's supposed to happen and so you run off from some excited preacher who says to you just quote that scripture so you run off in your quote this scripture and you isolate it from the conditions that God required and now the scripture doesn't work and you turn off and say God's Word doesn't work to me it's like it's like buying a beautiful brand-new battery car battery and try and sit on it and drive that battery only works when it is in relationship to over 60,000 other parts that battery to me is a verse of scripture my God shall supply all of us that's just a battery now you got to figure out how does this fit in all of the different components in the kingdom life for this batteries power to be released in my life a batteries power is completely useless without a terminal and a generator a generator can I work without a piston piston cannot work without spark spark needs gasoline coming from the carburettor corporator needs to have the fire and so all those parts bring the power from the battery and if any part is missing your car will simply say click so it is in the kingdom of God number 4 the enemy of the kingdom of God is ignorance and religion the enemy of the kingdom is ignorance and religion the enemy of the kingdom of God is what ignorance and religion the disease the king of God is what enemy is what want to remember this ok the kingdom of God's enemy is not the devil Jesus didn't see him as the real problem the problem with the kingdom of God is just like any other country the less you know the more they take advantage of you if you don't know your rights they will run over you so you go to a courtroom you have some piece of property and your property is yours you go to a lawyer who is not a righteous lawyer he has a way to get you a court get your land from you and you don't know your rights you don't have the right person to protect you you can lose all kinds of things and then many of you in this room have lost things legally because you didn't know some things so it's very important for you to appreciate that kingdoms operate on knowledge not on ignorance now use the word religion to as a problem because religion serves as a substance toot for the kingdom write that down when a person is in religion the temptation is they feel they don't need the kingdom what I'm teaching around the world right now and this program is going all over the world you watching this in South Africa today you tune in and you watch this in Malaysia and you know you you know and I know here in the Bahamas that religion is the most powerful spirit on earth religions is so powerful that they are more powerful than demons it is easy to cast out a demon than to cast on religion Jesus Christ on earth had no problems casting out demons but he couldn't change them Pharisees minds now religion is dangerous here's why because religion has the impression that it has discovered everything there is to discover that's why they can actually write their books in religion you know like the whole service put it in a book no room for only goes to interfere in anything the host the whole service the whole years in a book there's no room for the Holy Spirit to do anything and so they follow these rituals these liturgy literally liturgy and no one could step out of them and they were handed down by a certain group of people and you dare not interfere with that that includes the Holy Spirit don't interfere with my liturgy literal literature the power of religion jesus said it this way in Matthew chapter 15 I love that chapter Matthew 15 verse verse 1 and 2 a little discussion break out between Jesus and the religious people and they said to Jesus how come your disciples go to the corn fields and they pick food without washing their hands man Jesus turned around and he snapped at them he said and why do you make the tradition of men more important than the Word of God man they got they got insulted he said you magnify your traditions above what God said nothing new so people say yeah yeah dr. Monroe I know the kingdom thing in the Bible but you know but this will be doing right now see no difference our rituals are more important than the kingdom of God it's bondage write this down success in the kingdom demands knowledge of its secrets please write this down please this one is critical success in the kingdom demands knowledge of its secrets you are some of the most fortunate people in the world I tell you because you are sitting under a teaching that Christ was waiting for for 1,800 years Jesus told the disciples many times he says I have much to say to you now but you cannot take it then he told him he says it has been given to you to know the secrets of the kingdom but not unto them as a matter of fact you cannot appropriate but you don't understand that's the reason why you gotta learn the secrets you cannot experience nor appropriate which is duty to understand in order for the kingdom of God to come alive in your life and in my life we have to go through a process of education why do you think Jesus Christ spent three and a half years trying to educate these men and he didn't succeed - well he didn't do a good job that's how tough it is to train humans how do I know he didn't do too well because after the resurrection in the book of Acts chapter 1 when he was about to leave the earth he called a meeting with them and that first question was strange they said so when will you knock off Rome and give us back you know crisis what do you talking about he said you missed it I then come to earth to fight a military battle with Caesar because all military battles are temporary I didn't come here to have temporary victories I came to earth to rule the hearts of men to influence the planet through the influenced spirit I have a greater Kingdom a kingdom that cannot die because it is transferred beyond death they couldn't understand it and so the Bible says in verse three of Acts chapter one we should read it sometime it says and so he sat down and after his death and resurrection he taught them about the kingdom even after the resurrection they still missed it well don't feel bad if you look at some of the ministries in the world today great churches they got crosses all over the place death in every single winner of the church all the stained glass was full of death there's death and cross dead dead dead dead dead and you go to this place and I just full of dead sometimes even put the dead people on the inside the building bury people in the dead floor I mean just dead everywhere and they forget that the purpose for Jesus Christ dying was to bring a living Kingdom not a Mallis Amala seal mausoleum thank you see most of times we go to mausoleums to worship do you know why God made sure that we can't find a cross he died on take a hint so since God didn't leave it we created one every wonder why God did not tell us which coal he was raised from there's no evidence of where he was raised from you go to Jerusalem today there take you to four holes and each one claiming to be the one you ever wonder why God ain't never showed you which mountain Moses died on God bared and hid him himself because you see we humans love this this admiration of sports [Applause] we turn the experience into a religion and then the experience becomes more important than the purpose for the experience the death of Jesus Christ was to restore man back to God so the kingdom could come back to man that was the purpose and if you get stuck and that cross stuff and get stuck on the blood stuff and get stuck on the resurrection stuff we're gonna miss the reason why he did all of that I always say in this series that man turned the means into the end so he forfeited the purpose for which God created the means and that's why we keep dying what's the mission and purpose of Jesus then Matthew 4:17 a very familiar verse now it says from that time when Jesus began to work preach what he preached repent for the kingdom of heaven has arrived or his near Luke 4:43 he goes on he preaches again it says but he said unto them I must preach the good news of the kingdom of God for this is why I was sent I love that huh he that was sent to do what preach the kingdom of God I wasn't sent to heal the sick raise the dead cast all the stuff I did he said those things are good he said but my main purpose for coming was this kingdom why because that's what Adam lost I came to restore what Adam lost so I have to preach what Adam lost I came to bring what Adam lost and if you want to know what Adam lost study with Jesus ward I didn't bring a religion he bought a kingdom yes something I thought you might find sing Matthew 25 verse 34 says then the king was safe Jesus speaking again then the king will say to those on his right come you are blessed of my father take your inheritance which is the kingdom that has been prepared for you how long since the creation of the world that's important to underline this verse when you find it and underline the word since since means a timing there was a it was specific time he's a - when was the kingdom of God put on earth the answers in that verse he said this is what God gave you at the creation of the earth of the world in other words when God created the earth that was the physical planet he's gonna get a little deeper I gotta stay with me the word earth is the word teairra in the Hebrew language but the word world is different is the word cosmos kos MOS write that down now Terra is referring to the physical earth the planet the dirt the rocks Tara so God created the heavens and the earth but then God placed a cosmos on the earth now the word cosmos kos MOS write it down it means governing influence governing influence it means order of authority so the world is not the same as the earth the earth is what the physical place good the world is what the order that influences the place it is the structure that governs the place we try it again what is the earth it's a physical place what's the world the order that governs it okay so the earth is the territory the domain the world is the government over it that's how the Hebrew Greeks think so when Jesus said here take your inheritance which is what the kingdom that was prepared since the creation of the world when the God created the world after he made the earth God made the earth first and then God told Adam to have dough minion over over the territory so the the world is is the kingdoms territory it's how the kingdom influences the earth hey buddy with me are you sure okay so a kingdom is the manifestation of a world the territory is over which that kingdom exercises influence the territory is called domain the the world is called government it's another word for influence hallelujah so when the Bible says for you you should be on the earth in the world but not of the world is saying look you can live on the planet but you don't you are not under the governing influence of that other country called hell you are under another governments country own constitution and you are under another government called heaven and that's why the heavens can come to earth today Monday morning because you are under another jurisdiction is that clear say Amen if you get it I'm like saying this clear okay I want you to get this remember now if you if you study kingdoms they begin to happen to you you cannot appropriate you understand once you begin to get this your daily life will change because you cannot believe what you do not know and you cannot do what you do not believe faith comes by what hearing so Christ says your inheritance is the Kingdom that was prepared and established when God first gave Adam the earth the kingdom is as old as Adam the kingdom of heaven existed long before us but the kingdom of heaven on earth was initiated when God gave Adam authority over the planet is that clear say hey man if I got your right is it clear alright what you bout to Cena is gonna be a blessing Luke 22 then he says I confer on you Luke chapter 22 verse 29 she's the speaking I confer on you a kingdom just like my father conferred one on me now you know mr. mu tree here has been involved in politics at some of the highest level even led a party into the election we have some others here who have been involved in politics and they probably could appreciate a little bit better as you learn about government's the power of conferring you cannot confer upon someone to be a parliamentarian they gotta earn that can go get votes but a government or a king has the power to confer authority on someone and that someone is always called an ambassador ambassadors are people who really don't work for their position it's just conferred on them in other words an ambassadorship is the prerogative of the king write that down the king has the prerogative to confer on a person all the authority of the government and the country in one statement and I promise you that the Ambassador is more powerful than a than a parliamentarian an ambassador is more powerful than a senator an ambassador is more powerful than a cabinet minister can you tell me why tell me why help me huh okay why is he more important than other guys he represents what he represents the country the others represent different constituencies see if you eye cabinet minister you know represent the country you represent your government's choice for a certain portfolio when you become a senator that's a privilege you don't represent the country you serve a house ambassador is different that's why the word confer is important and in the original Greek language this word confer is correct it means a king that takes his authority and elevates a citizen who didn't qualify ambassadors don't work for their position it's a genuine act of prerogative now Jesus said I I confer on you he's talking to all of you who come to his kingdom a kingdom notice he didn't say I confer on you my blessing I didn't confer on you my throne because that still ain't enough an ambassador receives the entire country so when you meet an ambassador you are meeting not a person a country this is important because all the armies in a country are raised up to defend the country all the laws in the country are written to protect the interest of the country every logical act of government is supposed to be motivated by the interests of the country am I right sir every law every act that's why God didn't want you to be a senator or he cabinet minister or a parliamentarian or a city councilman a Councilwoman because all those jobs are temporary and no law in the country is geared for simply to protect those people it's a matter of fact there are some laws that could hurt a parliamentarian especially if he owns a business the law may not go in favor of his business am I making sense you own a business that imports a lot of chairs and the law and the Parliament says and you in the law now you apartment member and they say in personal duties on chairs and now two hundred percent gone up by Monday and you gotta sign the law that hurts you if you import something but you see in as an ambassador nothing that is passed in the country goes against the country's interests and you are the country I'm talking now that's why God says look all things will work together for your good because you've been appointed in a position where anything that my government does will be for your benefit glory hardly knew ya others may scream around you and get all upset but you it doesn't affect your position because your position guarantees that you are protected you an ambassador that's why we named this auditorium specifically the diplomat center because an ambassador is a diplomat let me wrap up on some thoughts here Matthew 18 who is 23 therefore the kingdom of heaven is like a king who wanted to settle accounts with his servants for in about six months we don't talk about these verses in deep deep detail these are deep verses so much to learn some keys are here Matthew chapter 20 verse 1 Jesus says for the kingdom of heaven is like a landowner who went out early in the morning to hire men to work in his vineyard now remember now these are not real stories he's using these parables to try and explain what the kingdom is like so the first one is important he said the kingdom of heaven is like you know like a king who who owns land and he wanted to settle accounts with his servants in other words therefore the kingdom of heaven is like a king who wanted to to go and find out how his servants did with his property what we didn't do too bad he gave us earth so Jesus coming to earth is the king coming back to check on the stewards to see how they did and we did not do a good job matter of fact we actually lost the contract we had a management contract for earth and we lost it would it be lose it to an unemployed cherub so now he comes back to do some accounting show me how you've done in other words the king of God is really God bringing his government back to earth for Adam to give an account of what he did with this department call earth second one the king of heaven is like a landowner buys a landowner and that's important a kingdom of heaven is always a landowner a king is always a landowner the King always owns the land that's why he had to use now remember he came to earth 4000 years later after the promise because he was waiting for the right prototype to be present listen friends in Rome Caesar was the king and all of Rome all was owned by Caesar personally so he says the king of heaven is just like wrong the king is the land owner and he ran out early in the morning to hire servants to work wherever the God do God created the heavens and the earth and then he hired his kids to run the place they didn't do a good job using another story how the influence was lost praise God so the question I want to leave you with today is what is a kingdom and the definition is very simple a kingdom is the influence of a king on his government over his territory impacting it with his will intent and purpose the kingdom of God is the sovereign ruler ship and governing influence of a king over his territory that is called his domain and he influences that domain with his will his intent and his purpose in other words Kings don't just own property the property begins to look like them it begins to manifest the way they think the way they believe their purpose is fulfilling that property when the king has a property the probably begins to take on his nature in other words this statement is found in the book of Rome I mean in the writings of Romans it says when in Rome do us what the Romans do that it was an every part of Rome where the rooms were in control there's certain things that rumors did that you're supposed to do also because that's the way kingdoms influence they literally take over the territory and it looks like them when Jesus said how he must pray he says when you pray pray like this our Father who art in heaven holy is your name he says now pray this request thy kingdom come what does he mean thy influence come thy will would you intend to have we'll be done well where on earth how Jess like it is in the headquarters in other words the prayer is to turn earth into heaven what we've been taught in religion is to try and take earth to heaven the kingdom focuses on the opposite as you leave this building and go into your job tomorrow God expects for that prayer first of all to be made and to be answered now God expects you to influence your job your workplace your business your employees those under your kids supervisor whatever he expects you to influence them in a very intellectual scientific practical real spiritually anointed way where they will always be wondering where are you from my last boss cussed me for what I did and you prayed for me my last boss fired me without thinking about it and you called me in and said I'm gonna give you another chance because I believe in you my last boss use foul language to try and correct some of my error you smiled and said we all make mistakes where are you from the answer comes my kingdom is not of this world I am under the influence I am under the influence you need to live under the influence you should never leave the influence constantly abiding under the influence I'm under the influence and if I ever become sober you're in trouble see it better pray that I stay under the influence in the sand some of yous sometimes you stiffen under influence and they get peace of your mind stay and it that's what the Bible means when it says walk in the spirit and he would not fulfill what the passions of the flesh wanting to manifest your flesh want you to do some dumb things in that environment but the Spirit of God influences you so he said do good to them who despitefully use you forgive them who hurt you love that will offend you man you gotta be under the influence to do that right be honest I mean you got be under the influence to do that kind of instruction but you're saying oh I can't wait I can't wait I'm so excited I know I'm just laying little foundations here but listen we can get to some heavy stuff because you see this supposed to be developing you so much that it becomes what we call bahamian get it boy that's Bahamian well it should be develop to the point we call it that's Kingdom that's just damn sure that you saw there that that's their culture now they got a new culture they keep forgiving people why didn't even try anymore it's natural for them you steal from them they give you more because according to their government the more they get rid of the more they attract these are crazy people strange people its culture I put it to you then that the kingdom is the government of a king sort of this close the scripture on the citizenship and I want to pray Luke 17:21 Savin been acts Christ's disciples I show you access question also so he's gonna answer your question to 2,000 years later once being asked by his disciples and the Pharisees where our when will the kingdom of God come where will it come there's a big question it's matter of fact notice who axed it theologians say this is still the big question today it's not a difficult in the answer just that they don't want to read it right verses but the big question is when will the kingdom of God come where will it come and he answers them the kingdom of God does not come with you with your careful observation that mixed-member that means he didn't say it doesn't come did he know he says it comes but it doesn't come in a way that you can physically see it coming okay let me explain how simple that is when I was in in in in in London yesterday I had my passport in my bag I mean if you know about all the terrorist activities going on there you know she police all over the street now and then buses people still on buses and driving and flying in the I mean driving the tube and so you know things are going on they're kind of know he's seen a bit more police around the place but people are normal and I'm I'm in London I feel very safe because my government has my own private CIA all over me totally believe it totally believe it he has given his angels armies charge concerning me to keep me how in all my way so wherever I enter a building or a hotel or a truck or a train or bus that bus is finally safe now to some people that's a religious thought to me that's practical it has to be because of my knowledge of the kingdom it has to be with you too I mean look how many people are dying on our streets what were 30 people dead and they're just half a year are you safe when you leave here driving well you can decide to be and you know cops are you're out writers have you noticed you ain't got no private out right over there and a motorbike net front you taking you home today so you better call for one pick the phone up and call for one say yeah via denahi call Raja Buddha Baba see ya kisum or Santa trap predator Bobo so touchy brocaded and I want two big ones praise God practical I say it's practical in the book of Hebrews chapter 2 this is important the Hebrews it says angels are ministering spirits sent to do the bidding of those who want is of salvation what did I just say what does it mean hmm their body gotta be something else let's listen to the verse they come to do the bidding of those who are heirs of salvation exactly they don't do what God tells them the voice that said the verse says they would do what do you bid them see but religion keeps you silent that's why you get an accident anybody with me you need to talk to them give them instructions how many angels stood by and watch you get into a problem because you didn't give them any bidding can I hear an amen let's write down and say angels go to my house right now and watch over my property for my father says nothing shall come near me angels watch over my car when I leave this place take me directly home no mishap to your job in the name of the king amen see now they're gone they take they gone all over the place see you gotta give them instructions give them instructions he says it doesn't come by observation no man can say here it isn't there it is first 21 nor where people say there's a kingdom there's a kingdom that's the kingdom I wanted to just leave that thought with you in England when I landed nobody knew I was on the Bahamas nobody in you 100 people come under a hundred 300 people on one plane none of us knew where anybody was from you can't judge a man by the color of his skin so I walk in there and the guy from England came to me and he said on this line British system system I said no sir oh okay on that line then see how powerful that is he couldn't observe that I was from the Bahamas it doesn't come by observation you can't just know I'm a kingdom citizen when I come to work for you hallelujah God got Kingdom clients all over the place you are a plant that good work you are an espionage agent praise God you are a AKC heavily agent Kingdom citizen heavenly agent and he counted you in that job in that workplace and he wants you there to influence like flour and yeast the king of God is like yeast and that's why a lot of times the job you hold is not a comfortable job for you that's the whole point the reason why you're gonna go among people who smoke and may not be the best kind of personalities is because God was waiting with someone who was willing to go into that situation and bring kingdom contamination but you see if you walk in there with a big hat born from above shirt Klunk if you know Jesus pants safe-side the five full of the Holy Ghost shoes walking in the anointing and you walk in there for a job see I think we got a live one here come get this one out of here Jesus Christ was a citizen of heaven but they could not even identify him to arrest it if you are not in the kingdom of God today just like any other country you need to get your immigration status sorted out coming to me says if you are tired and all the religious stuff and I'll give you rest take my yoke upon you my yoke is easy my burden is light come into the kingdom of God john 3 said it so well for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son anyone who believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life and then in chapter 4 of John he says except a man be born again of the spirit he cannot enter the kingdom of heaven being born into a kingdom is beautiful you know the Haitians in our country are struggling with the issue of not being born here but that same problem is happening in the body of Christ in the kingdom of God people who are you know attending the kingdom meetings but they're not citizens and what you need to do is you need to stop and get yourself regularized and I think the fortunate governments to do is to admit that you ain't got citizenship there's nothing in the world can keep you within the keep of God more than religion you say well you know I went to church for twenty years that still has mean you got citizenship did you ever confess and submit him as your Lord and King if you haven't done that today then this is the day the Lord has made he wants you to do it today for those of you who are citizens the king of God i admonish you next week is going to be powerful session as we kick off our conference I'm going to be speaking on the power of Kingdom citizenship and we are going to learn how to live in the kingdom of God let's bow our heads together the kingdom concept of Kings this is part four actually I'm going to be dealing more specifically with this subject that is the king of the invisible Kingdom say that with me the king of the invisible kingdom write that down in your notes I want to thank you for allowing me to obey God in teaching this message my book on the kingdom has become a phenomenon and I'm very humbled by it every time I share this message the response is growing more and more especially among leaders because it is forcing them back to the Bible and today I wanted to talk and focused a little bit on the kingdom of the invisible kingdom the king of the invisible the kingdom let me just stress a couple of thoughts that we talked about last time number one the message of the body it's about a king a kingdom on his royal family I keep repeating that because I don't want the Bible to be complicated to anybody anymore the Bible is the most beautiful simple story about a family a family headed up by a father whose name is Elohim some time he's called by odd and I some time he calls himself Jehovah but he's still the same father I don't know he has children his children are his sons Sons here does not mean male it means offspring then this father has a kingdom now this separates him from normal fathers a kingdom is not just a small entity it is a governing authority matter of fact everyone born into a kingdom is immediately benefitted right this point down everyone is seeking the kingdom I am convinced that every human being is seeking the kingdom now I want you to write that down for a reason again let me tell you why because if you get that revelation you'll never be afraid of any other religion again what I have been teaching in the kingdom has been attracting Muslims three days ago in London when I finished speaking on the subject the kingdom two young men walked up to me very you know unassuming guys and they just stood there while I was Auto graphics and books and they waited then afterwards he came and sat by me he said you know I'm a Muslim I said oh great he said you know I but I like what you're teaching I said why is that he said you are not normal I said what do you mean he says you are not teaching what these other Christian preachers teach he says everything you are talking about is what I want in my life and I thought Islam could give it to me I knew Christianity could not give it to me but this morning for the first time in my life I heard what I am looking for can you pray for me I said absolutely I said what are you asking me to do he said I'm asking you to make me like you what a request I want what you have or what joy came to my life I hugged that young man when he was about 24 25 years old hug him and I found myself weeping over him because here's a young man who was struggling in Islam frustrated with Christianity and then he heard the kingdom change his life let me put this down another way all religions are man's attempt to find the kingdom that's why people join religions as a matter of fact witchcraft those who are involved in witchcraft voodoo whatever you want to call it are probably the most violent people seeking the kingdom of God because they've gone to the extreme any attempt to find the kingdom of God apart from through Jesus Christ is violence it's violence Jesus said and all men are violently pursuing the kingdom that means they are doing all kinds of activities they're doing all kinds of rituals and customs to try and find what they lost and what they lost was the kingdom of heaven Jesus's mission therefore was to bring back a kingdom now here's how to simplify the Bible whatever Adam lost that's what Jesus bought say with me whatever Adam lost that is what Jesus bought in other words you can always tell what Jesus wouldn't Adam lost by what Jesus bought Jesus came to recover what Adam lost so whatever Jesus preached whatever he introduced to the earth is what man lost and what's important to remember is he did not bring a religion that means Adam did not lose a religion that means a religion cannot satisfy the spiritual hunger of humanity because that's not what Adam lost very important simple statements number 5 all true kingdoms contain the same qualities and characteristics all true kingdoms can contain the same components so when Jesus used two words Kingdom you can actually study kingdoms and you'll find that most if not all of the components in a kingdom exists in the kingdom of heaven and the kingdom of God that leads me then to my final point and that is we must look at these concepts in order to understand God's purpose if God claims that his book is about a kingdom and a king then we gotta study what a king is and what a kingdom is otherwise he will misinterpret the Bible misinterpret his message and then our conclusions will be contaminated and we live a life on error and nothing is more dangerous than zealous error in other words it's dangerous to be serious about what is wrong especially when you defend it and we do it all the time I really don't want to be faithful I want to be right anybody else because I could be faithful to the wrong thing so right is more important than faithful it's like you give somebody a job you took to paint a room in your house and you ran away and they were faithful they cut the corners perfectly they didn't drop a spot on the floor I mean it's a perfect room you come back it was the wrong color see they were faithful but they were wrong and you don't want to be that way and you can live your whole life that way you can die and on your deathbed living and completely filled filled life because you did not know what was right we give you another thought then the message of the Bible again simplify it number one it's about a king it's about what a kingdom and about what royal family so I want you to start thinking that way I am a member of a royal family there are certain things that come with that that we're going to learn about a little later on but let's go ahead and speed up a little bit and talk a little bit about the need to understand the kingdom now this is important again write this down number one the kingdom must be studied it's you cannot live in the kingdom of God casually because the kingdom of God is like a country it is a country and Kingdom citizenship requires that you study the Constitution so you can know your rights your privileges so you can know the laws your restrictions when you live in a kingdom you are under that kingdoms jurisdiction you cannot just live your life just like the Bahamas is basically a constitutional entity we're not a kingdom because we don't have a king but we do have the constitutional entity of a kingdom and that's why when you become a Bahamian the first thing they say you must do it you got to read the constitution and all the penal codes and everything else that comes with that why for your own protection the government can only protect you if you know your rights very important number two the kingdom must be understood if you're going to experience and enjoy the kingdom of God on earth you have to understand it it's gonna take effort like sitting in a meeting like this taking time to learn it over and over and over and over and the same where you became good at math because you rented classes for six months is the same way you'd become good at the kingdom because you went to services in six months and you hear the thing over and over again number three the kingdom cannot be experienced without understanding this is very simple but very very serious okay you say pastor miles says the Lord wants to heal me okay that's fine well the Bible says God wants to heal you true but did the Bible explain any conditions that you are missing and now we run into problems the Bible says God wants you to prosper and be in health as your soul from the okay that's first John three fine but does the Bible have a context under which that's supposed to happen and so you run off from some excited preacher who says to you just quote that scripture so you run off in your quote this scripture and you isolate it from the conditions that God required and now the scripture doesn't work and you turn off and say God's Word doesn't work to me it's like it's like buying a beautiful brand-new battery car battery and try and sit on it and drive that battery only works when it is in relationship to over 60,000 other parts that battery to me is a verse of scripture my God shall supply all of us that's just a battery now you got to figure out how does this fit in all of the different components in the kingdom life for this batteries power to be released in my life a batteries power is completely useless without a terminal and a generator a generator can I work brother piston piston cannot work without spark spark needs gasoline coming from the carburetor carburetor needs to have the fire and so all those parts bring the power from the battery and if any part is missing your car will simply say click so it is in the kingdom of God number 4 the enemy of the kingdom of God is ignorant and religion the enemy of the kingdom is ignorance and religion the enemy of the kingdom of God is what ignorance and religion the disease the king of God is what enemy is what won't you remember this okay the kingdom of God's enemy is not the devil Jesus really didn't see him as the real problem the problem with the kingdom of God is just like any other country the less you know the more they take advantage of you if you don't know your rights they will run over you so you go to a courtroom you have some piece of property and your property is yours you go to a lawyer who is not a righteous lawyer here's a way to get you a court get your money your land from you and you don't know your rights you don't have the right person to protect you you can lose all kinds of things and then many of you in this room have lost things legally because you didn't know some things so it's very important for you to appreciate that kingdoms operate on knowledge not on ignorance now use the word religion to as a problem because religion serves as a substance toot for the kingdom write that down when a person is in religion the temptation is they feel they don't need the kingdom what I'm teaching around the world right now and this program is going all over the world you watching this in South Africa today you tune in and you watch this in Malaysia and you know you you know and I know here in the Bahamas that religion is the most powerful spirit on earth religions is so powerful that they are more powerful than demons it is easy to cast out a demon than to cast on religion Jesus Christ on earth had no problems casting out demons but he couldn't change them Pharisees minds now religion is dangerous here's why because religion has the impression that it has discovered everything there is to discover that's why they can actually write their books in religion you know like the whole service put it in a book no room for only goes to interfere in anything the host the whole service the whole years in a book there's no room for the Holy Spirit to do anything and so they follow these rituals these liturgy literally liturgy and no one could step out of them and they were handed down by a certain group of people and you dare not interfere with that that includes the Holy Spirit don't interfere with my liturgy literal literature the power of religion jesus said it this way in Matthew chapter 15 I love that chapter Matthew 15 verse verse 1 and 2 a little discussion break out between Jesus and the religious people and they said to Jesus how come your disciples go to the corn fields and they pick food without washing their hands man Jesus turned around and he snapped at them he said and why do you make the tree of men more important than the Word of God
Channel: iPray
Views: 247,780
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Invisible kingdom| Dr. Myles Monroe, dr myles munroe, myles munroe, munroe global
Id: ow1leThWmRw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 120min 0sec (7200 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 27 2019
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