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long ago a star birthed from the heavens fell to Earth the Fallen star burned as an eternal light and ultimate source of power which became known as the vidiian flame from this flame emerged two races first The Reptilian beasts Defenders of the flame then the elves each in possession of an amulet containing the Flame's power some resolved to remain isolated guarding the flame where it fell deep in the mountains of North far most chose to live among the humans in Hope of a better life but the humans have begun to enslave The Elves and exploit their gifts there are murmers that this is the beginning of the great prophecy it tells of a mighty luminary who will rise in an era of great turmoil this is where our Story [Music] begins this way E I do not see any dear and he must have got away he wandered over the bould into northia come that's return it's only for sports sire let us pursue the deer now the beasts Run free here it's not safe nor is it true to our treaty come [Music] [Music] help [Music] us we the under me simply cannot be true how is it possible it simply cannot be true how is it possible much better [Music] Thee I invoke by the moonlet Sea the standing Stone and the Twisted tree mirror mirror on the wall who is fairest of them all you are my Queen Isabella has a prince of North Valia arrived no Madam it is quite some distance from the north valian Throne you still refuse to confess that the flame is on the prince's land as I've said before the the flame is only a myth madam what is a hunter from White Veil doing on my lands your land oh um very sorry s was hunting the beasts at the order of the queen hunting on north phalian land is considered an act of War apologies sir it was all innocent we'll get back to your kingdom and pull your trousers Up For Heaven's Sake yes s are harmless mistakes S no it is not a day since the death of the king and already they violate our peace treaty we cannot afford another warshire I know so I must find a way to make peace with the queen that is more lasting so it has to be a marriage then white Veil covets our land and we have not the resources to fight them off it seemed beneficial for both Kingdom s your leadership is impressive what of your happiness my happiness do you not want to find love like your parents did I must do what is right for the kingdom [Music] sire the queen is [Music] waiting my queen his Royal Highness Prince Alexander of North Valia [Music] I am truly sorry for your loss it is indeed a great loss for us all something cannot be true how is it possible it awful please I sent my men out to kill them all yes your highness we found one of your men on a way here on North fan land well that's a dreadful mistake though of course if you would like our help eradicating those beasts from your land you have but to ask thank you but no In My Kingdom we must live in harmony with all our creatures I'm just so pleased that the dear King had a chance to sign the peace treaty before he died and yet somehow I wonder if it will hold without the king himself here to uphold it perhaps if we were to consider a union of both our [Music] kingdoms the [Applause] audacity you dare speak to me of marriage while my dear King lies nearly still born I meant no offense please forgive me sir I do understand the reasoning behind your sudden proposal however I cannot consider it here not on this day but perhaps you would be our guest here at Whiteville where we might discuss it more fully in the coming days it would be my pleasure no white princess of white [Music] be snow welcome home you are the Queen's daughter a step daughter of course it is an honor princess well I'm sure you must be very tired you've had a long trip oh you have been traveling abroad I've been at the convent and none no I have not yet felt the calling s we should retire [Music] Thee I invoke by the moonlit sea the standing Stone and the Twisted tree mirror mirror on the wall who is the fairest of the mo my queen you are full Fair it is true but there is one in the Kingdom more fair than you Snow White can me it will not be e [Music] I'm sorry princess I I didn't mean to disturb you no I should go no no no no please you you stay up how is it I haven't known you before the queen sent me to a Convent when I was a little girl soon after she married my father and now your father's gone you must be needed here no the convent is my home now there's nothing for me here the most wonderful thing about white ve was once the forest I would visit often when I was a little girl but now the forest off is no soless it is lonely and Barren now the queen has gotten rid of the El my forests are enchanted still and home to a great many elves and beasts my mother used to tell me a story about the North faran Forest that a star fell from the heavens and landed deep in the forest where no human had ever set foot and from that star sprang The Elves and all their magic as well as the beasts who guard them and that one day a mighty luminary would unite All Creatures for a thousand years of Harmony princess I would be delighted to have you as a guest would you walk with me tomorrow at noon I don't know what to say this ring was my mother's I would like you to have it it's a token of my greatest [Music] steam please until we meet again tomorrow at noon [Music] awake you did such a brilliant job with the king I have another task coming yes my [Music] queen Snow White something wrong no my dear not yet than Kens you have had a very close call with d i could not help but note the passion the Young Prince excited in your eyes your father was so pleased to have you at the convent and I would feel it an abandonment of my responsibility to him if I were to allow you to squander your virtue on some bleeting feelings of lust but I would never my dear now you must do as you wish not all girls are made for the coment no I I'm grateful for your concern I shall honor my father and remain virtuous Wonder let's get me back to the CRI of [Music] obedience goodbye dear take her to the north fan Wildwoods leave her body for the beasts but bring me her [Music] [Music] heart Queen's man we'll take a shortcut through here is this not the prince's land no Miss it's just the Border through here just a moment um perhaps we should stay on the path no miss this way is much much quicker no I I insist I would feel much safer well if you want to make this more difficult what ah [Music] [Music] [Music] care is it done yes sa my s why are you headed with such purpose I must learn my fate Hugh I'm going to propose to Snow White for I cannot imagine spending another day of my life without her for love but you told me indeed for love you I'm going to marry for love and for the kingdom our Union will join our people and our lands it's perfect and if you noticed what a beautiful day it is the perfect day for an engagement but what about your engagement to the queen well she refused Me Hugh thank the heavens for the fates had another in mind for me but TI it was not a complete refusion [Music] [Music] [Music] my love has been de [Music] she's alive there's much Darkness ahead you dare bring a human in here she's injured who is she oh that's quite deep put her down can you heal her before Landa returns no this what take me some time [Music] [Music] [Music] Orlando she needs my help Orlando we do not help humans take her out to the woods far away from here and leave her but the queen's men will find her and they'll try to kill her again the queen's men tried to kill her and yet you brought her here I ought to slice her throat and be done with it she saved the rant's life so this was your doing half human orando here drink this as soon as she recovered she will leave I want her gone by Sunset Isabella I have a headache [Music] [Music] I need only tug this amulet from your throat and all your magic will be mine it's amusing is it not yes Madam but your powers are so meager and what good would taking one more of these Elfin Flames do me no it is not the power in these dribs and drabs that I want it is the source the flame from the Fallen star no matter it is on the prince's land and when I marry the prince it will be mine for all eternity you can go Thee I invoke by the moonlet Sea the standing Stone and the Twisted tree mirror mirror on the wall who is the fairest of them all my queen you are still fair is true but Snow White is fairer still than you canot be he showed me her heart Bring Me The Huntsman wly you must go here take this but father please leave now or the queen will kill you as well what and you must remember that I did not kill anybody the queen asked it of me you kill who run go I took it to the nose Hill like you said and then a green light blinded me just as I was about to finish her a green light near the North Hill please please give me another chance and I shall find her and kill her for you you had your chance and you lied to me about it finish up here and then give him to the docks I prefer to finish what I started [Music] be discreet in your search no one must know she's alive make it look as though you were there to Kill The Reptilian beasts as our favor to the prince yes Madam and how will we find her you'll begin by asking the elves and you do not need to ask nicely a f has broken the queen's men are all over the forest they're looking for a human girl who is she this is not the first time the queen is often innocent still the mask for to them no if they want her dead they will not look kindly on us healing her they headed towards the Green Gate Woods we must warn our brothers there wait where do you think you're going out with you or not we need you here to guard the cottage and look after the girl I would not trust anyone to it but you and do not let her take one step outside or I will cut off your curious help help help please tell us where she is who where's the girl I do not know a girl liar are all liars where's the girl not at the Queen's girl God is we in Act of War let's kill him there is your act of War hey [Music] my Lord please come inside you must eat it's my fault she's gone Hugh there were beasts from in my forests the queen has taken upon herself to eliminate those creatures now you must get hold of yourself you owe it to your subjects to marry someone who will provide benefits for the entire Kingdom please H it is still too fresh I cannot consider such things now the Widow Queen is a perfect match I need some air she will not wait forever where am I I have no time to chat if you don't get The Mending then they call me stupid and lazy and all they never let me go out with them sorry who are you brunt that's what everyone calls me oh I'd much prefer to call you by your name really well my given name is hethorn a noble and sturdy plant I apologize I I can't seem to remember anything Le me to my work I'm I'm stuck here when I should be out warning of the Queen's guard the queen hey Thorn hey Thor hey Thor heor I must go now where is she have you brought me my stepdaughter no madame we have been unable to locate her as yet the eles we have found claimed to know nothing they are very tricky your highness unleash the dogs for Queen's dock for [Music] hey [Music] hey yeah I should be satisfied miss miss [Music] Miss Miss where are you you're not supposed to leave where are you miss [Music] slowly run [Music] [Music] I finished the dishes is that the prince of nalia notify the queen sire are you all right come no no this way I must find her there an El's dwelling open for Prince Alexander you have wandered far Prince you'll be Prince that's enough we mean you know har go perhaps if you tell us what you seek my Lord I'm looking for a girl I saw her not too far from here she was with a run sized elf there are no humans here snow snow sorry Prince is now allied with the queen he allows her to roam freely on his lands soon she will claim what it is she truly seeks the vidiian flame it will be the end of us [Music] all speak Captain have the dogs found my stepdaughter for I'm sure you would not return here without I am sorry madam we have not and the prince ordered us of his lands he no longer desires your help in riding the forest of the beasts well we should just have to be all the more discreet do not believe the elves are as ignorant in this matter as they claim kidnapp an elf yes Madam and Madam the prince he swears he saw Snow White in the forest with an elf a run elf he saw her let's go to him at once Orlando what you speak is madness we cannot win in a fight against the queen our numbers have dwindled too far and yet you would have them dwindle further the dark elves were right all all along we never should have trusted humans we should have remained isolated as they have but Orlando the queen will not be able to acquire the flame of the Fallen star the Beast sard will not allow her the queen will not stop until she has the vidiian flame as her own and with it all our powers for all eternity orando you will need permission to go to war and the keepers will not approve it they never have it there's never been as urgent as this orando so there is a flame from our fallen Star as in the legend everyone out please I need to think Mara I must speak with you the prince is a good man I cannot imagine that he would allow the queen to destroy you or your homes he can help you he came here to day accompanied by the Queen's guard he has already allowed her soldiers to begin torturing and killing elves well then that must be a misunderstanding please allow me to speak with him we can prevent more Bloodshed and you will what just walk into his Palace and ask for an audience he will see me who are you I am Snow White princess of white Veil [Music] [Music] [Music] It Is A Dangerous Mission I would not ask it of an elf if he does not wish it I will go alone [Music] then I will go [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] do nmet Mal Hala [Music] bar they refus to call to war only the prince can help us now [Music] [Music] the what [Music] [Music] please do not talk that way it is grief that caused your vision of Snow White in fact I myself often see my dear King as though he were bright here with me alive as you I but it was so real you must not allow this madness to consume you for the good of your own I have decided that you were correct our Union is the best thing for both of our kingdoms and your Stop in the Name of the queen [Music] this way we can't out run go this way what run hey over here [Music] what [Music] [Music] [Music] Madam we have caught an elf near your Carriage outside the princess castle this night well done Captain here's a little elf H as in the prince's Fusion he's unconscious man' we'll Ur you in here waks you may stay [Music] poor hethorn I am to blame yes you are we must not fight amongst ourselves we should attack gather all the elves and storm the castle even with all the elves of the forest we could not defeat the Queen's Army what we need is someone inside the castle if only the runter someone could tell us what she's planning wait is tomorrow the new moon yes well then today's market day our kind is at risk of annihilation and you want to go to market Isabella will be there making purchases for the queen perhaps she will be our informant she's on the side of the queen she's not one of us we shall try it her majesty the queen do not be afraid little elf I'm not going to hurt you I wish only to talk now I know you have been keeping company with my stepdaughter Snow White your charms won't work on me I'm an elf not a man oh but I do see a bit of a man in there I know you were with her you were spotted by the prin you want to tell me [Music] no she's in the cottage your highness Cottage where near swallow Pond good little elf give him a life now I might need more from him later oh no forgive me princess [Music] make it strong Isabella yes Madam I want it to kill her slowly slip it on her finger and she will fall unconscious in moments from there she shall never wake make this a sappire [Music] perfect now turn me into a crow [Music] [Music] monster [Music] [Music] [Music] I feel like the queen knows you're alive maybe this was a mistake let's go Mara please I must speak to Isabella Isabella you have abandoned your kind for the comfort of the Queen's good graces now I implore you will you join with your brethren to liberate the white white Throne is one of honor and the queen a person of beauty how can you turn your back on all this long live the good Queen Orlando [Music] wait rings for sale no thank you all but look how how lovely they are look how did you know it was meant just for [Music] you Snow White [Music] [Music] goodbye princess [Music] [Laughter] [Music] you hinness new horses will be delivered tomorrow let's fine here I receive wor the wedding will be in 2 days time how is she she clean Miss the horse oh she's doing fine s where did you get that please I did nothing wrong it was given to me who gave it to you my father gave it to me how did he get it he got it from a girl my father was the Queen's Huntsman she hired him to kill a girl so he killed her no he planned to but he did not and she still alive sire we are expected for dinner where are you going what shall I tell [Music] [Music] her foolishness [Music] where is she where is she where is Snow White you are not welcome here I know she did not die where is she [Music] [Music] I'm too late I'm truly sorry my Lord I'm so sorry [Music] and moved in mind [Music] [Music] poison this what's the Queen's doing and she has to run we need to stop her we must attack her now well she still believes I'll marry her how many elves can you muster for a fight not many there are not many free elves left I know but the queen has many enemies across all kingdoms with their support we shall have a fearsome Army good not get too G to the queen she's ways of enchanting man into doing what she wants as she did with my father my spells will not work on me I only have eyes for one I shall return tomorrow at Daybreak then we [Music] strike she tried to take you from from me but I swear she will never harm you again if you consent to be my queen so I love you with all my heart and I shall love you forever will you marry me I will [Music] you looks good I shall return for you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I sense your [Music] worry if we are victorious you become Queen if my father had intended me to rule he he would have made arrangements War usurping the throne it does not feel correct father was a good man but he was blinded by the Queen's charms what of your mother princess what did she intend for you I wish I could ask her she has already told you everything you need to know the story of the Fallen star in the luminary it is for you to find that answer within yourself fresh Force for me ready my mence I'm amassing an army to destroy the queen destroy the queen you are to marry her in one day's time no you I shall marry Snow White what wonderful news but still the queen awaits you for dinner so she will not take kindly being rejected what shall we do yes the queen will likely grow suspicious if I do not appear perhaps you go on and down with the queen and I shall go from Kingdom to Kingdom to commit the Army to a coast good it's a fine idea you must make sure they agree our Victory depends on [Music] it his Royal Highness Prince Alexander of North Valia my queen please forgive my tidiness of course dear Prince it is so good to see you again when Hugh told me of your delay I thought perhaps something more important could come up no of course not to us what could possibly be more important than all of this I do not know perhaps going from town to town trying to a mass an Army against [Music] me I'm sorry my Lord but it is necessary this is treason you've done well take him to the dungeon get some beauty sleep dear Prince tomorrow is our wedding day it's useless trust me I'm still hoping somebody might come from me but you're the Run yes yeah well technically I'm your rescue party Daybreak is near let us hope the prince brings a formidable army alert me as soon as the priest arrives unfortunately I must keep you alive until after the wedding at which point my possession of your lands becomes completely legal and legitimate I will never marry you oh you don't look into her eyes it's a Pity though you're a handsome man are you sure you won't be mine and roll side by side forever yes yes together forever that's right you the most beautiful thing I have ever laid my eyes upon blind please forgive me Madam what has the priest arrived no Madam but your army awaits you in the western yard all right this may have to wait [Music] he will come the troops are ready to March and no F mam [Music] if it's a war they want a war we shall give them leave no man or elf [Music] alive who is there Isabella you have no business here traitor I will live in fear of the queen no longer the Queen's Army is on the March you must all flee please what of Prince Alexander have you seen him I'm sorry my lady but he's fallen under the Queen's spell he cannot help you [Music] now I do hear them the Queen's Army we must run we do not have enough elves to fight I will not flee not before the evil that faces us now we have no choice but to fight for our land for our kind for all that have come before we must fight if we are to die in battle we Die With Honor [Music] [Music] are you all right princess the time for war is upon us that was a perfect kiss almost as if she had a key to unlock my heart this way no no no wait unchain them who here seeks to overthrow the queen I am weak but I will fight I will do whatever you ask as will [Music] I I cannot promise we will win but we shall certainly give her one Mighty battle [Music] have the guards went us back to the North Hill yes Madam they will Acquire The Flame [Music] [Music] beautiful unleash the dogs ready your weapons fire [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] decimate them all all but Snow White leave her to me [Music] [Music] now [Music] [Music] [Music] not long now [Music] they have come the dark elves [Music] a [Applause] [Music] [Music] summon the priest [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] h [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] you chose wrong again dear fiance weapons [Music] down now good now thank you all for coming to my wedding especially you my guest of one someon the priest [Music] [Music] begin dearly beloved we are gathered all together to join together this man and woman in holy matrimony [Music] Prince Alexander do you take Queen he [Music] does do you Queen gwendolin take Prince Alexander to be your husband will they love him comfort him and keep him in sickness and in health until death do you part I do [Music] I require and charge you both that if either of you know any impediment or ye may not be lawfully join together in matrimony that you confess it bless these two that they may be ever faithful to one another and live and grow all together and seeing their children's children as those that have come before so these persons May surely perform and keep the vient Covenant TX them made and may ever Hereafter remain in perfect love and peace together as you are bravely and solemnly come here to this place today know that by all here present and by your own actions you have seen the F to our community that you are worthy and ready to care for the person of your choosing from this day forward to take thy partner's hand is all things true an act of Life surpassed only by a subsequent calling to Arms you yes me the queen of white Veil [Music] [Music] no [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: V Movies
Views: 899,546
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Keywords: full action movie, free movie, full free movie, Grimms Snow White, action film, fantasy, adventure, drama, full action movies, new action movies, best action movies, full length action movies, English action movies, Hollywood action movies, action movies full HD, latest action movies, free full movies, HD movies, blockbuster movies, thriller movies, adventure movies, HD Action movie, Action Movie streaming, b action movie, ACTION ADVENTURE MOVIE, ADVENTURE FILMS, V MOVIES
Id: neVNb1vm7fg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 7sec (5167 seconds)
Published: Sun May 26 2024
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