The Tale of an Orphan Boy who Became the Jungle King | Full Adventure Movie | English

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so keep silence along the banks and I will tell you one of these Tales a story is enchanting as the jungle itself it is about pride and power and treasure and about fangs and Claws and talents but mostly it is about love [Music] my new command was at the edge of the world surrounded by a million miles of jungle with me was my daughter Catherine whom everyone called Kitty leading us was an Indian guide whose son was called mowgly from the moment they were born mowgly and kitty had a common bond for both of their mothers had left this world while bringing them into it also with us was my good friend Dr Julius plumford who was to be our surgeon look [Music] damn elephant put yourself together [Applause] [Music] sh I say could somebody possibly grab this elephant sorry to bother [Music] you and as surely as a tiger named sh KH was to be the jungle's Royal keeper mowle was destined to become its lord well done mowgly buale what earth going on shaan he's returning sh a tiger shakan king of tigers he's angry because these men with their guns have gone into his jungle and killed more than they can eat what is a tiger caring a few animals here there would you allow someone to break into your house and steal your food these three broke the jungle law Sheran knows it we best be aware [Music] there [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right what is this blue and in English bear good I bet you can't tell me what this is Aira uhhuh Panther very good oh my God the boy w [Music] [Music] where's myly father he's gone Kitty the boy is gone [Music] [Music] [Music] B booo Papo papoo [Music] Aira here oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh e [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] you e [Applause] [Music] keep [Music] [Music] [Music] on [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I [Music] [Music] w [Music] [Music] [Music] what [Music] [Music] oh oh [Music] [Music] what [Music] [Music] ye [Music] [Music] be w [Music] [Music] w [Music] [Music] B [Music] sh [Music] [Music] keep up ladies keep up now who can tell me what kind of monkey that is over there never mind never mind um what about those over there who can name those you see them anybody K yes doctor perhaps you can name the primates that we are about to paint that one there's a m cat those two are Reese's and the bunch up there are langos well at least I Tau somebody something oh my goodness there's a spider monkey with the mustache well he's got a white hat on and a linen suit now this bridge separates Mankind from the Animal Kingdom to cross over there is to take your life in your hands you see this sign it says danger to cross this bridge is to enter the black jungle the jungle of death actually doctor all the sign says is beware this bridge is old it's a very literal translation Kitty come on ladies what do our painting down there I dare you to cross it I would never neither would I well I certainly wouldn't I would why am I not [Music] [Music] surprised hello hello [Music] hello e [Music] [Music] [Music] he'll kill you [Music] [Music] whoa Catherine hello William what are you doing here you're not supposed to cross the bridge you know it's dangerous I know I know you're a very naughty girl not in public Billy public what public I seem to remember our last kiss being quite public Heat of the Moment my good man Heat of the Moment now we best get back across the bridge I should warn you I'm feeling quite the hunter today and am I to be your prey what the why you little Savage and what have we hear an animal an animal that needs to be taught a lesson in manners I think come on put them up put them up be careful William don't worry Catherine I'll protect actually William I think that's what he's trying to do come on put him up him him good Billy boy come on [Music] you're a dead one you are you all right Billy get him now you'll get your Sunshine we'll get [Music] him stay exactly where you are put the gun away William Tell him keep out of this Captain I'm warning you shoot him shoot him just just stay back I said shoot him Wilkins that's an order leave him Wilkins he's harmless come on man I'm warning you shoot him [Music] [Music] [Music] all right [Music] stand [Music] from your be lately not I one that's [Music] time stand peace this correct [Music] [Applause] bloody elephants Intruder Intruder we don't just stand there off [Music] what are you doing here please leave if I scream they'll hear me please you must go right I'll take it but only if you promise to leave there go [Music] now what is it with you in flowers and kissing Billy Billy it's the Savage report in the jungle he's here what who are you do you speak English no Hindi do you speak anything don't touch that I told you here it's all right it's all right [Music] where did you get this where did you get this this used to be mine M mowle I'm kitty kitty Briden oh God you've got to leave quickly kill you go no will you all right are you sure I'm fine did he touch you no no no he's harmless wilin just listen to me William all right stay here and lock the door no please you don't understand William there he is on the [Music] [Music] [Music] get out that's fine [Music] he [Music] [Applause] is out of the way T down [Music] go [Music] come down down here down down come down here [Music] you're all right [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you B that's Queen's evidence now yes can [Music] sayfe stolen from some rich maharaji no doubt no doubt that dagger this having very important [Music] family ah my favorite officer evening jet Holly evening Holly what have we got here then fought this one attempting to kill the Colonel's daughter well we can't be having any of that now can we and we found this on him may have a brother and sister well we can't be separating no family now can we no we most certainly cannot right there come on my little brown brother time to wake up tell Uncle Harley where you got the dagger come on come to order if you please what's going on here this is the uh Intruder we called well I'm aware of that but does detaining a prisoner mean you have to beat him half to death you kicked me in the sweets sir those sweet say Harley sir what's his name don't know sir what is your name [Music] if I may say so sir congratulations on your perfect Hindi sir shut up Wiens sorry sir stup he um hasn't said a word not yet anyway but I can assure you sir I intend to investigate this business personally all right and you're a good man I will entrust him to your care kindly show the boy some charity K very good sir you heard the man Sergeant show the boy some charity [Music] stupid jaming [Music] [Music] [Music] father Katherine how are you fine what is that boy doing in the dungeon well self-evident he stolen to the palace and broke into your bedroom he's gentle and harmless tell that to Sergeant hary sweets I'm sorry never mind never mind anyway it's Captain Boone's concerned now father please listen speaking of Captain Boone no news for your old father father please hello Jeffrey isn't it all very very exciting exciting what the boy father he's mowgly M the but your little friend couldn't possibly I was 5 years old no child could survive in the jungle not for 10 minutes much less it's your mother's bracelet I I gave this to you when you were yes and I gave it to a small boy named mowley remember could it be him well it's our duty to help him be a fascinating case study Jeffrey you know Char's development his ability to learn language to reason you know find out the effects of growing up away from civilization it's a unique scientific opportunity ex exactly thought this out girl just came to me spontaneous what am I supposed to invite him for the weekend well we've been preparing a place for him outside in the garden shed so he won't feel so confined what just came to you Splendid where did you get that dager Harley my do friend your Hindi is worse than your breath he's really something this one isn't he well he's an animal isn't he hello William strong Sergeant Harley miss Catherine Catherine what are you doing D here Dr plumford and I believe your new Prisoners the jungle boy the villagers all talk about the one raised by The Animals yes we want to help him re-enter man's world teach him to speak but he's vicious and uncivilized then we'll make him civilized what did you do to him he did it to himself we tried to stop him oh he has Miss he's done it himself he's mad you see don't put your fingers in there miss you'll bite them off Kitty [Music] Billy if he can be taught to speak then he can be made to talk come on come on good nice hot English bath for you you'll enjoy it nothing to be scared about Splendid all right then all right then thank [Music] you ah look a a b b c c o p q r s t u [Music] v no no no no clockwise clockwise engine engine fire fire pass Pass Road people roof window and door next ah lots of water Boat Boat Boat good mlin well done Lake mle next Prince Albert Prince Albert Albert Albert Albert Albert these are animals these are animals animals are our friends animals are our friends what friend well I'm your friend and uh Dr plumford is your friend tongue depressor also friend birds are beautiful birds are beautiful Dr prum please kitty I'm trying to examine him Kitty is pest P you see he understands you is pest no no you are pest you are P good birds are beautiful birds are beautiful so is you so are you yes you [Music] are thank you picking it up fast isn't he where are we going [Music] animals are friends isn't that the same bear you fought saving my life Balo yes [Music] Balo right hand goes here 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 4 5 it's all [Music] right man woman woman one man two women lucky man [Music] good 1 2 1 horse saddle Temple River doctor [Music] no that's not a boat that's Queen Victoria house iron jump King lamp male quick Royal Victory extra yellow zebra very good so can you speak for the animals yes but they speak not as men speak with animals every move every look every sound has a meaning the jungle speaks to me because I've learned how to listen if you could have spoken to me the first time in the jungle would you have said oh did you uh did you feel anything fire fire a great fire it's late we better go please stay here with me I can't there are conventions formalities things that are just not done I must do what civilizes what must I do friend hello father you hello father me I've had men coming the whole bloody District looking for you where were you you're with that jungle boy weren't you mowgly father his name is mowgly Savage is breed in the jungle raised by animals St right for a girl of your standing of your background it's it's not done you hear it's just not done what's not done I haven't done anything people are beginning to talk well people always talk father just want what's best for you well I think you want what's best for you I'm sorry Father as well so am I it's my fault dragging you halfway around the world I'm thinking well perhaps it's in your best interests if I send you home to England but India is my home I love it here in England you'd have dozens of handsome young sutors it's time you turned your mind to settling down I have plenty of time no no no there have no good reason for you to stay on unless unless of course there's a better offer yes Father la [Music] all right what's this all about what it is all about a good Captain sahib is the last city of Hanuman yes yes I I know the legend it is not a legend oh no sah most certainly it is not many thousand years ago in time of Hanuman deep in heart of black jungle there was a most magnificent City all people in are traveling there for chance to save their souls bought their way into heaven did they ah yes and the treasures they piling higher and higher till one day black jungle is becoming very angry and is swollowing the whole city and it was lost forever and all these centuries it's been waiting for the right men to come and find her men like us lots of men have gone in search of last C but no one is ever returning to go into the black jungle is to invite death understand unless of course one knows the way the jungle boy precisely but uh getting his cooperation may take some [Music] persuasion what you looking at I I have seen that hat that's King Louie front King Louie if you see him tell him I know who took his head I'll do that Captain William Boon mind you man is mowley hello William hello my dear I thought I'd pay you a surprise visit seeing as we've been uh too busy to see each other of late I brought you these I know they your favorite thank you you're very sweet so lesson's going well I hope very well good good attentive fellow isn't he yes very I've been doing a lot of thinking about you and I you have yes and uh well Katherine and Brighton will you marry me William I'm flattered good then it's settled but my father's planning on sending me back to England sh I've already spoken to your father and he feels this is the better offer I don't know what to say and don't say anything oh Catherine we shall be the most perfect couple in all India will have success wealth power love yes yes that do of course you know I feel awful I've been quite remiss in my duties to you of late haven't I I tell you what why don't I take your friend what's his name mowley mowley mowley yes why don't I take him for a tour of the palace You' like that would you you know William you can be quite sweet when you put your mind to it uh this one is a personal favorite of mine you um you thrusted into your opponent's belly like that you see and then you twisted a little and you rip out his stomach then do you eat him no of course not does he want to eat you why no then why kill him cuz he is your enemy what his enemy someone you hate what he say 15th century smart little buggers back then weren't they and this one this one belongs to you doesn't it where did you get it from Monkey City monkey city was there more treasure there more like this in Monkey City there's mountains of treasure mountains you say [Music] I want you to take me to this um monkey city of yours no no For Heaven's Sake why not only those who keep the jungle lawo my dear boy I'm a British officer my job is to keep the law you keep not the jungle law look here I don't know about any jungle law but I do keep man's law and man's law rules around here man has many laws most about killing you kill for sport and anger and treasure the jungle law say we may only kill to eat but to keep from being eaten you know you almost sound like a man instead of an animal that's been trained to sound like one the more I learn what is a man more I want to be an animal I hunt animals you know maybe someday you hunt me thank you for inviting me Dr bumper oh think nothing of it my boy now look at that the color and Majesty of India the Exquisite manners and food of England all the bare necessities of life oh incident I was joking about the food [Music] Adrian my my my but don't we look Dandy tonight what does he think he looks like I'm not entirely sure Billy but perhaps he could teach us how the ape starts H that would be fascinating and then we were supposed to name these monkeys and I couldn't remember the names of them inine are they [Music] [Applause] fascinating come Catherine your father has a little announcement you'd like to me thank ladies and gentlemen ladies and gentlemen have your attention please I have an announcement to make this evening to my great surprise and Delight one of the finest young men that I've ever had the privilege to know has sought my consent to marry my daughter Catherine she having accepted his proposal nowaday of course parents are the last to know these things still never having been one to stand at the way of progress or true love I am glad to give that consent and so it is with the greatest pleasure that I announce the engagement of Katherine and Briden to Captain William bu a toast to Katherine and williamine [Applause] [Music] what does this mean doctor it means merely that they are to Wed it means she belongs to him excuse me doctor [Music] sorry me [Music] no poor [Music] [Music] thing let him go Catherine mg where are you going to my home you can't go back you're not an animal you're a man I am not a man and I am not an animal please don't [Music] leave why should I stay I run with the wolf pack you must run with the man pack it is the proper thing I will shame your house no more [Music] [Music] you know I think you owe me an apology there's been a mistake WIll you mistake I can't marry you I won't marry you no Catherine I think it is you who is mistaken I realize this adolescent infatuation you have with the Savage has addled your brain but I cannot allow you to make a fool of me and I will not lose you to some Pur jungle boy I'm sure you won't reconsider I mean after all Captain Boon is Father how shall you be very happy in England yes I'm sure I will be I shall miss you dreadfully we're ready [Music] [Music] now then what do you suppose my little brown brother's got to well nothing [Music] personal keep your eyes open ladies B for man SP [Music] [Music] sweet [Music] [Music] [Music] hello hue h [Music] [Music] Dr Dr where's the doctor they just left to bring Miss Katherine to the ship to England where they're on the road to J hell Bandits [Music] kicking regroup retire help farewell you [Music] brogly [Music] why did they do this they want me to come for her they know I'll come for her you save my life moley yes doctor now I need you to save the life of another [Music] [Applause] get remember me yes I remember you bulale you bloody card let me go charin hi look who's here there hello Catherine looks like the last stance belongs to me oh thank God what is he doing here that wasn't part of the plan now was it B it was a mistake Captain bull why to understand you're with this scum much to my surprise sir I have many friends in low places Sergeant Harley I've had 25 years of the likes of you without making a penny from it so don't you Sergeant Harley me you silly we man God I've never heard such inab bination Lieutenant wilts it's uh Wilkins sir look I know this looks bad sir but oh shut up Wilkins okay you're all soldiers in the British army you're under my command and I order you to return to the Fort immediately be hung drawn and quartered I'm afraid that won't do at all this is treason now we're in it could you do this you don't know what's at the end of the rainbow my sweet why have you brought us here I will answer that ah right on time come down here or else unpleasantries M this is good take us to the treasure and she I will take you there and we will see who lives [Music] h [Music] why do you suppose he stares at us like that because to him you are fool good [Music] oh god listen to that oh all the noise is bothering you Sunny can't you get him to shut up a man talking to animals is this done we don't get my father to a doctor he'll die he's a British officer you can make do so my jungle friend Where Do We Go From Here follow the mountain and then and then if you are still alive I will tell you more shut up shut up shut up I shut up calm yourself Willams [Music] oh my gosh how am the hell should I know had anything like that in my life it is San he's returning good like to bag me a tiger do not be wishing for this tiger s he's the devil Shan Huns us I must protect you from him I must escape we're going with you no it's safer with these men and they're going be careful I will come back for you I know stop is it de wake up is dead help me nobody help me what are you doing in there it's quick side wus it's stucking me dck come here give me your hand got my leg stucking me under give me your hand give me your hand to me come come on re hone you put me Harley well let's not be discouraged by every little thing let's go come on my father you can't leave my father he'll die such is life [Music] okay come we must go quickly my friend will take you back to the Village [Music] friend an elephant I had to be an elephant [Music] bring her back for me pleas mly I think a man lucky who can count you as a friend [Music] bloody elephants made of my existence to be a damn fine country if wasn't all the bloody elephants this is just great great just just be careful with that thing will you bloody o join the army they said see the world they said this is singly the most ridiculous thing I've ever done in my life once I get back to s bloody mosquitoes bloody jungle bloody jle my father livs [Music] [Music] [Music] how [Music] what [Music] [Music] what a shame well should we continue kill him [Music] [Music] come on my God what is that sounds like monkeys monkey City shut my God what are they doing they run from [Music] w wens you blood shot me oops wens I going to kill you I've been shot [Music] get [Music] [Music] you could die too you know he won't let me die you're hurting me behave yourself and I [Music] [Laughter] won't follow him follow King Louie to your treasure damn [Music] see Catherine it's not all that disgusting it's not the place William it's the company [Music] sh it's beautiful brilliant [Music] Bley come on [Music] I'm knowing you are down here my little man CL [Music] [Music] [Music] my leg [Music] help Bale Bale no [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] so you return to seal your fate have you friend of yours [Music] [Music] oh dear [Music] [Music] what do you think you have but I don'tuh strength of a bear speed of a panther out of the [Music] wolf and very sharp teeth [Music] gety come we must go quickly Moy we have to take some of the V treasure only brings death just one thing just one cine look what we can have together Catherine come back all right go then go go with your dungle boy I got what I came for I Don't Need You [Music] a [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] what's happening Shon sees me not as a man but as a creature of the jungle [Music] [Music] look [Music] [Music] hello Balo he was a very good patient yes you are look [Music] [Music] [Music] so that is how it came to pass that mowgly Keeper of the Jungle law protector of creatures great and small became became lord of the Jungle so listen well and hear the call and long life to those that keep the jungle
Channel: CinemaID
Views: 3,625,247
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: dmd7h5p2cp8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 98min 3sec (5883 seconds)
Published: Wed May 08 2024
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