"The Reality of This Hour" - Lee Stoneking

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keep that going for just a moment every man every woman every adult even a visitor lift your hands and just let your voice out because as I say often Jesus is in this house and because he is here anything is possible anything is possible in this auditorium here tonight hatak Orisha love a rakish attire handle every Kotaku hahaha Jaffa parish attire blessed be the name of Jesus forever honor and glory and Dominion divine Oh master of the universe hallelujah Jesus hallelujah Jesus I entered this area in Jesus name when my plane landed I came into this service tonight in Jesus name there is no name like unto that name we are the people of the name I am delighted to be here I feel God in this place turn to your neighbor shake their hand and say I feel God in this place thank you thank you Jesus tonight I want to draw your attention to the Gospel of Mark chapter 16 I want to read verses 15 and 16 I may have said this before but if you were to thumb through my Bible you would see certain verses that are initialed and those initials are T P that means tried and proven these verses are initialed in my Bible here it says in mark 16 beginning at verse 15 he said to them go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature he that believeth and is baptized shall be saved but he that believeth not shall be damned this is what is initialed and these signs shall follow them that believe in my name shall they cast out Devils they shall speak with new tongues they shall take up serpents and if they drink any deadly thing it shall not hurt them they believers shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover if you're a real apostolic Bible believer here tonight then this statement will make sense to you what any incredible insurance policy we are covered with as believers tremendous then in 2nd Timothy chapter 3 verses 1 through 5 Paul wrote to his son in the gospel and he said this know also that in the last days perilous times shall come for men shall be lovers of their own selves covetous boasters proud blasphemers disobedient to parents unthankful unholy without natural affection trucebreakers false accusers incontinent fierce despisers of those that are good traitors heady highminded lovers of pleasures more than lovers of god having a form of godliness but denying the power thereof from such turn away those words were penned by the Apostle Paul 1952 years ago yet it's like reading the evening newspaper in our day I want to entitle this the reality of this hour would you lift your hands your voices in your hearts and would you pray that God will do with you here tonight exactly what he wants to do with you don't worry about your neighbor just let your voice out but Jesus tonight by the authority of the word of God by the power of the name of the Lord Jesus Christ in which we have entered into this service and this worship we lift you up or Lord Jesus now that you would bind this together in one mind and one Accord that you will anoint us spoke to hear and to speak what thus saith the LORD change our minds change our hearts help us to be changed by the touch of the master's hand help us to hear to understand that there be revelation understanding here Lord Jesus put virtue back into those who have labored this day I pray God give us the rest of the Holy Ghost wherewith we are rested in this place God bind us once again into the marvelous touch of your spirit and help us to respond with all the love and the fortitude inside of us as believers in this hour we give you praise glory and honor we thank you in Jesus blessed and wonderful name the Lord bless you you may be seated thank you for standing so long would you kept up erroneously for just a moment for the law it wasn't real good let's do I think if everybody did it makes a big difference when everybody does what has to be done because when we're in one mind and one Accord something tremendous takes place in 1971 a prominent spokesman said by the year 2000 Christians will be a conscious minority surrounded by an arrogant militant paganism if that is the way they felt in the 70s surely this can be re echoed in 2016 because there are people who are against Christianity in this hour people that are trying to rise up against us you know why the Bible reveals they hated Jesus because he convicted them by the power of his preaching he showed them that their deeds were evil the Bible states that men love darkness rather than light because their deeds were evil jesus said of us ye are the light of the world you and I bring light because we are lights against this present background of incomparable darkness you and I bring conviction of sin everywhere we go and the world does not like that they don't want to know the truth for example years ago I went into a drugstore and it showed me something in upstate New York and in those days you could buy a malted milkshake over the counter and it was normal for people to go into a drugstore and have some kind of a milkshake or whatever so I went into this one drug store and they had always what I wanted I wanted a strawberry malted milkshake is what I wanted when I walked in the counter there was a man sitting here and about four stools down I just sit there minding my own business about giving anybody any trouble at all when i sat down he looked at me he said you send four powerful vibrations I turned and said would you like me to tell you what it is if something called the Holy Ghost ladies and gentlemen there's a fire inside of us there's a power inside of us that we take for granted we take it for granted when you put a ring on your finger for the first time I'm not advocating jewelry but I'm just using as an example you put a ring on your finger you're very much aware of it and you'll spin it with your other finger because it's something new but give it a month or two and you know you don't think of it so much give it a year so becomes a part of your hand when you first get the baptism of the Holy Ghost you're very much aware of him but after he resides there for a period of time you don't feel that it doesn't it doesn't move you because he's become a part of you but when you walk in the presence of people who do not have the baptism of the Holy Ghost you've put a ring on their finger so to speak and something happens they're not sure what is going on I've walked into restaurants coming out of powerful services like we have in revival meetings etc walk in and everybody stop eating and look at me and I've checked everything over to make sure everything's okay everything is okay but they feel something and that's something is the power of the Holy Ghost say I've got that power see it's alive inside of me look at your neighbor and say well then use it look back and say tonight now if you're excited about doing that worship the Lord for just a moment aah-ha-ha krrish attire the Hoffer Ecotec harish attire are they luleƄ Jesus in this hour if you look at the world scene it is a seething inferno perilous times promised in the Word of God are here and that is enough to strike fear in our hearts if we allow it to but if we look again in history we see and understand that we're not the first to be surrounded by an arrogant militant pagan istic world in 33 AD in the very beginning Christianity was thrown to the Lions as soon as it was born it was projected into a world that was under a sophisticated degenerate system like an infant child trying to get by its own strength out of the Grand Canyon so the infant church seemed hopelessly walled in by a canyon of world power to the left was the mighty monolith of the Jewish controlled religion to the right stood the Greeks with the sheer face of Reason bombarding this newfound thing called Christianity and sharply straight-ahead strolled the mighty octopus of the Roman Empire entangling everything in its path would any sane person dare to suggest that the believers of that day were not a conscious majority they were a minority but here is the glory of the gospel right here 12 ignorant men for the most part in a few short years a handful of socially unintelligent men with empty pockets and empty hands turned their world upside down I don't care how evil it gets around us is nothing out there greater than what is inside of us it doesn't exist and if you are here tonight with something some disease in your body some miracle that you need there is nothing in your body that is greater than Jesus it does not exist so release your faith shout to him for just a moment you can be healed right there where you're seated you can be healed right there because the Holy Ghost is in this place and he is a healer tap your hands again and just shout Jesus I worship you tonight because your God blessed blessed be the name but Jesus Nero was the first Roman Emperor to persecute the Christians he was the most despicable specimen of humanity that has ever ever lived he was absolutely totally wicked in 1968 I read at a Bible School I took a tour to Israel and to various countries of the Bible at that time one of the places I went to was Rome Italy and while I was there on one of the three days I didn't go with the tour group I just want to walk by myself so I walked and I stumbled onto by accident the ruins of the palace where Nero lived Nero did not live in the Palatine Hill which overlooks the Roman Forum where all the other Roman Caesars lived and resided but he had his own estate apart from that and it was palatial I stumbled into it by accident and on the walls were his portraits painted that had been preserved by roof and that type of thing in structure from the rain that's how they know how they looked because those paintings are still there on the walls of the ruins I walked through this wide area looked like a gate I walked out into a big circular area I found out later what it was when I walked through that wide entrance to his estate I was actually walking through the corridor through which Nero raced in to his estate with chariots and horses and that huge circle is where Nero took Christians covered them with tar tied them to stakes lighted them and he he lighted his despicable orgies at night and drunken brawls by the light of burning Christians when the most despicable individuals ever lived in human history but what is tremendously exciting to me is that history says that his wife was a believer under his nose his own wife had been to the man Bertie in prison and listened to the Apostle Paul preached and she was baptized in Jesus name and had the baptism of the Holy Ghost and Paul rotor's later wrote in one of his epistles they the Saints chiefly those of Caesars household there was a church in his household I don't care how bad it gets out there it cannot get greater than what is inside of us and you know what Nero is gone the Emperor's are gone they're all gone but the church is still here we are still here still speaking with tongues still baptizing in Jesus they should believing there's only one God divine healing the gifts of the Spirit we're still here it's still going on because this will never die it will live forever and forever you are part of an ongoing thing that is shaking the world in this very moment in time the whole world is being shaken by believers tap and just worship because when you do I want to support those people Christians are dying first Christians in this hour are being tortured it's unbelievable but there's revival there is revival it is breaking out everywhere they now stell us the Bible says in the last days saith god i will pour my spirit upon all flesh i read an article that said they now know and believe there are 1 billion people or more in the earth that have received the baptism of the Holy Ghost that's about a sixth of the population can't you see we're at the end it's all coming to pass exactly like the Bible said this is the most exciting hour man has ever lived in it's also the most treacherous but you when you come to church and you pour it all in his hands and pray over it and leave it with him you can run free you can walk out of here no matter what's fighting you you can get no matter what the doctor said no matter what the prognosis is no matter what the diagnosis is there's another voice is constantly saying try me try me his name is Jesus try him try him Oh something wonderful is here tonight something very powerful is in this sanctuary attire if you got the Holy Ghost that the Holy Ghost just speak through you again don't worry about anything else want oh ho Rocko take a shot a lot Irish attire help us to stir up the gift that is inside of us this flame of fire Lord Jesus this power if you keep that going there's no telling what would happen there's like a gentle breeze of the Holy Ghost blowing in this place but if it could become a very strong wind it's all inside of you it needs to get out of you there's something pulling at us in this hour to give forth what is inside of us wonderful wonderful Jesus I praise you for it hmm I have listened to professor's theologians great scholars from the most notable colleges institutions of learning in this country and what's interesting about them is that I heard two of them say could they discuss the Roman Empire they discuss the various empires and Christianity gets into the situation and what they have said is I heard two of them say it it was Christianity that toppled the Roman Empire and they call it the Christian cult that's how they term it but that Christian cult so to speak our brothers and sisters back there toppled the Roman Empire in spite of its infamy in spite of its terrorism in spite of crucifixion in spite of everything they did it could not destroy Christianity the Lions couldn't eat it the fire couldn't burn it the walls could not contain it it was like a fire out of control it was in the streets there was nothing that could be done that type of thing is trying to happen again right now there's something sweeping at least in my country there's something sweeping among our churches that God is pulling at pastors to get involved with the gifts of the Spirit to get involved with things they've never been involved with before and something is beginning to happen there is a revival there is a revival in the land there's revival in Asia there is revival in India there is revival all over the world something people is taking place because he is about to come he is about to come are you excited about that Jesus these professors these theologians say was Christianity the top of the Roman Empire if you study and read about Communist China they do not fear atomic warfare they do not fear chemical warfare the only thing they fear is Christianity because they know where Christians are loud together in large numbers they can topple things they can change things they don't understand it but they fear it that's why in China right now or we're here people are only allowed to worship ten at a time basically speaking speaking and if they are caught with more than ten they're arrested and they are usually executed George W Bush president past went to Russia and talk to them about stopping the persecution of Christians and tried to help them to understand something about Christianity but they fear it because they can't control it there's nothing they can do and now revival is breaking out in China unbelievable things are taking place in China thousands are receiving the baptism of the Holy Ghost millions of them actually in the land of China they fear Christianity they fear it more than anything else because it's a power that is not controlled by men it is a power that comes from the very throne of God and can work the miraculous he can remove them he can set them up he can take them down why am i preaching this to you here in this hour because I've come to say if they did it in their day those early Christians if they topple the Roman Empire we are going to do it in our day we will turn our world upside down no matter what happens because I refuse to be cowered by a corrupted system I refuse to bow to an unbelieving world I refuse to bow to a mocking crowd I refuse to be involved with the worldly crowd of Noah's day I refuse to bow to the writhing serpent of immorality I refuse because Jesus is greater greater is He that is within you than he that is in the world I feel like something I feel like just screaming that to the hope population because greater is this Holy Ghost greater is this name inside of us than anything that exists out there I feel like clapping I feel like jumping up and down I feel like just worship me and it's in you you feel the same thing I'm feeling so go ahead and do it just for a second a moment in time you feel like jumping jump you want to run run you want to clap clap you want to shout shout but people something is becoming born among us something is beginning to rise among us that has never been there there's a fire there's a power there's a wind I hear the crackle of cloven tongues of fire I hear the rushing mighty wind and is in this place it's in this place you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this we say we say there is light and there is darkness we say there is positive and there is negative we say there is right and there is wrong we say there is God and there is the devil wrong God doesn't have an opposite equal you can't compare God to anything because there is none greater or equal God has no equal has no equal that's why if you've got God you don't have to fear anything you don't have to fear anything I'm so weary of people being intimidated by the devil he doesn't have me on the run I have him on the run some people need a very big devil to live for God because they blame all of their problems on him some people need a big devil I don't need a big devil I've got a big God a lot of her problems will make him ourselves get the message some people hmm I shouldn't go there some people there only claim to fame is their problems if they don't have a problem they create a problem to get your attention I've told people why don't you begin to teach Bible studies why don't you witness to the lost why don't you get involved with something something that is profitable because if you take care of his business he will take care of your business people I have never known a person who taught Bible studies who was a soul winner that needed all this counseling because if you take care of his business which is so winning that is the heartbeat of God you take care of so winning and you win the loss he will take care of your business he'll do for you what he doesn't for anybody else if you always have Bread on your table you'll always have a car to drive you'll always have clothes on your back he'll help you to make the mortgage he'll help you to do things because you take care of his business Dave will take care of your business in the book of Job the devil had to get permission from God daven touch job the devil cannot stay where he is not wanted if you don't want him he can't stay there the maniac of Gadara possessed by legion his name was legion a Legion is a Roman term it could mean 3000 or 5000 soldiers who will be conservative in say three thousand this maniac of gaturro was naked cut himself with stones screamed and lived among the tombs of the dead people who do not live for God live among the tombs of the Dead but Jesus his little craft pulled into the sand on the shores of Gadara and Jesus stepped foot on the land of the shores of that village gatherer when he did the maniac of gatherer came running to him and fell down and worshipped him why because the force of darkness is not stronger than your will if 3,000 Devils could not stop that maniac from coming and bowing and worshipping Jesus there's no one here that has 3000 Devils so what's your problem that's what I'm asking people get over it you ought to absolutely come running and worship God no matter what's happened to you today no matter what's going on today just come and worship Him worship Him whether you feel like it or not you say well I'm not worthy nobody is worthy but if you worship him his worth will come off on you and you'll walk out of here feeling worthy because there's his America he's a miracle worker working God if I'm talking to anybody here tonight if this makes sense to you at all if there's something beginning to stir in you but just for a moment would you just clap with all of your might and just worship Him who has put his hand of approval upon you Jesus I worship you since since I've been through all I've been through in the last 13 years one day I don't pray to the devil but I do talk to him I said Satan devil you can't have my power you can't have my life you can't have anything about me unless God gives it to you and remember devil I am covered with prayer I'm covered by the blood of Jesus I'm filled with his spirit I'm baptized in his name I am sealed by his name so if you go after me I'm gonna give you a fit you can back the devil off you can back him off I told but the jack today and brother would word today something that brother Barnes taught me it's amazing he said that one day his phone rang and this woman which said I'm coming to crush you he said come ahead he he didn't for anything she showed up at his office there in Minden he said he said boy she cursed the wall she cursed the drapes she cursed the furniture she cursed the carpet she cursed everything and then she turned to me and said now I'm gonna curse you that you won't be able to sleep at night and you will die of exhaustion he said so she did her incantations and whatever and said she walked out and I went back to my work he said but that night about two o'clock in the morning I woke up and he said there was something in my room I could feel a darkness a pressure of darkness he said I get up and put my feet on the floor and said devil come here he said he has to come he said that thing drew close to me and he said I said to that devil I command you in the name of Jesus Christ to go back to the one who sent you to me and you do to her what she sent you to do to me I command it in the name of Jesus go he said that thing left my room I went back to sleep he said about three hours later that witch called me he said brother Barnes get this thing off from me get this thing off of me do something to get it off of me in other words if there's a curse comes your direction you can reverse the curse and send it back where it came from you don't have to take it you don't have to take it you don't have to take it I don't care what comes against you reverse it send it back clap your hands with Revelation kept your hands with revelation let your voice out with revelation I'm talking to you here there are people here right now tonight you need to reverse the curse you need to reverse what's come against you I think we all stand in this auditorium for just a moment there's something fighting all of us there's something fighting for to reverse that thing send it back in Jesus that where it came from let your voice out just let your voice sound rejoice in this there's revelation if this understand this divine authority of one was believers it's here and we're attack from Russia fire come over me for this God is answering God is answering some of you've got ahold of something you've never had to hold up before some of you really do have a hold of something just go do this again just worship again because even if you don't need it there's someone near you that does so let your voice out and just simply worship Bukoba Karthik is Shania but Jesus I thank you for the power of the gospel I thank you that we can reverse the curse god I pray that what is inside of us is greater than anything out there there is no ism there is no sysm there is nothing greater than the name of Jesus if you are all-powerful Lord Jesus so there is none before you there is none beside you there shall be none after you Lord Jesus you are the ultimate you are the one true God we worship you tonight in spirit and in truth blessed be the name of Jesus forever we worship higher baraka sattaiah hallelujah Jesus let me ask you if it is not us then who if we don't have it then who does where is he where is she I want to meet him I want to meet her I do not want to have missed it Jesus Jesus as I traveled this world I was telling them today at lunch I looked down in night flights that you don't have window seats on the planes they've done it millions of lights thousands of people in these airports I passed through in the course of a week a year thousands of people and I know that there would might be a very small percentage of those people that are rapture ready but I look at the means and it's overwhelming to me it really is I think God can we reach these people what can we do to reach these people Billy Cole said something something to me years ago he was he was upset and he said he said Lee if God wants some big something done in this world he's gonna have to put something something on somebody well he's right because angels are not coming back to do anything like that and Jesus is not coming back to preach it so if God wants something something done in this world he's gonna have to put some big something on somebody and this is where I want to go for a little bit with you I know that there are people here who have tremendous anointing there are people here who are mightily mightly involved with the Spirit of God before this thing is over you're gonna see some things that you never thought you'd ever see some of your God is gonna take you places you never thought you would go we're in the latter rain people the latter rain was seven times greater than the early rain so that means everything you read about in the book of Acts is gonna be reproduced before the coming of the Lord but it would be seven times greater than anything you read about in the book of Acts people are going to be cut away to preach this gospel all kinds of things are going to happen people are gonna be raised from the dead little bit miracles that happened and it's gonna come through the eyes of believers in the hands of believers it's gonna come through you I have seen thousands of people healed but I've been doing something I'm not because I'm calling them out not because I'm having healing lines I have believers lay hands people in the audience and they're healed because I know these signs follow them that believe if you've got the baptism of the Holy Ghost if you are baptized in Jesus name you can lay hands on anybody and they will be healed because these signs shall follow them that believe they shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover they shall recover they shall recover they shall recover it's not just him and him and a handful of Deacons or whatever if you're a believer you've got that kind of power and if you ever get used to using that kind of power you'll never just come to church and sit there because you can't it's like something gets ahold of you you've got to get involved you've got to get involved that people so tonight the Holy Ghost is trying to release you the Holy Ghost is trying to release this entire congregation to get involved with what you are as a believer if you can feel that pulling you want to jump to your feet and you are to volunteer you are to volunteer because I believe that this church could shake this entire area this this church is a City of Refuge I told you before something is taking place here something is getting a hold of us as never before hit one of the reco Tech or satire of anaka I feel like shouting to the Lord with a voice of acceptance a voice of acceptance that's it that's it that's it let your voice now just let your voice out ha ha ha Asha Kayaba raka handle and the racial of the Rakesh a tire Baraka Jesus let's something be born here tonight in every individual within the sound of my voice that will never die that's something be born here tonight that will never die God do something for us that has never happened before we have come to the kingdom for such a time as this there is no doubt about it we are the rapture generation God awaken us awaken us awaken a stir us in the name of Jesus I can tell you authoritative Lee here tonight God has never had a perfect vessel to use he never has had a perfect vessel he had the use what was available abraham laughed at the promises of God Elijah he got the crying over Jezebel David failed in every every thing you can fail in with the flesh and I can go on with the list and you know Peter he walked with Jesus for three years and then he cursed and swore I don't know the man never saw him before he walked on water with the Creator and they said I don't know him and then Paul he murdered Christians and the list goes on so every year once a year at least I do this I go to Jesus and I say this is the list of the people that you mightily used if they if you can use them you can use me and I volunteer because I'm not guilty vain that stuff so if you can use them you can use me I'm talking to people right here tonight God is looking for availability if you make yourself available to God he will open doors for you he things will begin to happen for you that's never happened before do you want that it's happening people don't let go of this moment don't let go of this moment continue Otto Hatake satire and Oliveira kotteakos shot at of Morocco I don't know if I've ever done this before I don't think so but I noticed tonight you sing a lot about the name of Jesus it just came to me if you as a congregation here even if you can't stand that's all right but just lift your hands and just shout the name of Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus some of you have just been delivered from fear some of you have just been delivered from intimidation some of you have just been healed by the miraculous power of God Hikari Shaka kya because he's in the house Jesus is in the house he is in the house i impart to you the power of that name in the name of Jesus of Nazareth you may be seated for just a moment I feel to tell you this there is opposition against Christianity as I began this session tonight in my country the United States I was born and lived they have just now passed a law that chaplains in the armed services can no longer say the name of Jesus in their prayers you say the name of any other god you want to but not the name of Jesus because I know Karen writing Karen Harding who is a songwriter and a singer she works with me in some conferences she told me that in the one of the conference's they head together the songwriters who are writing Christian songs are considering maybe not mentioning the name of Jesus just God well that's going on I'm at the UN the same time and I tell them the General Assembly United Nations most powerful force of people in the world that Jesus is the answer to the human atrocities and terrorism in the world Jesus is the Prince of Peace I give you Jesus on one hand you got our government forbidding it on the other hand the UN is pushing it people something is going on I made up my mind they are never gonna stop me from saying the name of Jesus they're not going to stop me from shouting the name of Jesus they're not going to stop us from singing about the name of nothing is going to stop us because I prophesied to you we are headed for a time when people like that are gonna fall dead they'll lead them out like elements and x13 that's what we need we're involved in an apostolic revival where at the end of this thing this nonsense is going to stop Jesus is gonna bear his arm and walk in this world and they're going to be things happen like men have never known before we need God to absolutely intervene but something happened when you just shouted the name of Jesus some of you got rid of fear some of you got healed when you did that some of you lost your intimidation but you've got to get involved with it you've got that you get to possess what is yours in the Holy Ghost with that understanding with just this little thing added it makes me so angry that we can not we're not supposed to say the name of Jesus when we pray when I'm home in restaurants I didn't do it here but I'm home in restaurant I say grace over every meal I eat and say Jesus loudly live with it live with it we got that we're gonna have to fight fire with fire people we're gonna have to fight fire with fire Christians either come out of their corner and write speak and demonstrate against the forces of hell because if we don't they will take us over but if all Christians would get together we can stop anything we want to stop we can stop it because as the Romans feared it we can bring down empires as China fears that we can bring down empires there is an empire of darkness but there is an empire of light it takes an empire to break an empire it takes an empire to break an empire yes there's an empire of darkness but there's an empire of light his name is Jesus but Paco Rica and you are the light of the world Muraki with that in mind would you let God do with you exactly what he wants you to do with you here tonight because there's Revelation there's understanding raka raka if you feel like running to this altar and saying Jesus I volunteer I'm gonna give it everything I've got young people you don't have fifty-two years to get where I am I've had the goal Holy Ghost for 52 years if God's gonna use you he's gonna have to put something on you right away and you're gonna run with it and do it because you don't have time jesus is coming that's it that's it that's it the Holy Ghost to follow up whatever one of you I command the Holy Ghost to fall upon you revelation to fall upon you the Spirit of God to fall upon you what took Alisha Tye of Erika the authority the authority of God and don't retire on daughter lucky that's it that's it Turkish shutter let your voice out just let your voice out I will seek Him while he may be found yes Jesus there is an apostolic authority there is an apostolic book of Acts authority upon you there's an anointing upon you right now to impart their is the spirit of impartation as as a believers if you're a believer here tonight that anointing is on you if you will just reach out and get a hold of somebody and lay hands on their pray for them and begin to authoritative Lee pray in the name of Jesus there's an anointing on you there's an anointing and an authority what's in you will go to them what's in you will go to them even in the audience just reach over and take a hold of somebody the anointing is all over the sanctuary the gift of faith is in this house the gift of faith is in this house you
Channel: Capital Community Church
Views: 20,070
Rating: 4.8957348 out of 5
Keywords: the, reality, of, this, hour, lee, stoneking, ccc, capital, community, church, fredericton, nb, new, brunswick, apostolic, pentecostal, upci, upc, preach, preaching, sermon, revival, weekend
Id: Y9F9fBp3XNQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 52sec (3232 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 10 2016
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