The Power of Grace in the Court of Heaven | Doug Addison with Katie Souza [Episode 95]

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hey everybody Doug Addison here welcome to spirit connection this is where we're gonna be talking about that deep things of God in fact I felt like this is the week we're gonna go into the deep end whether you can swim or not and I'm excited for what's going on right now just in the world even though it might look like things are a rough time right now God has it all under control and I believe that the the attacks that we're seeing are the to get you to quit that's the that's the thing right now is to get you to quit I want to encourage you to hang in there to stay with it because we're on the verge of a big breakthrough both you know both as a as a church as a nation I believe as individuals and ministries and businesses I believe this and that's why I keep saying to people I sent out my daily prophetic words I I do things that encourage people because the Lord told me a while ago the tests were under right now is to see if you'd quit my goodness you know if you're still here if you're still listening to my voice there's a good chance that you have not failed the test and if you did quit my goodness what do you do anyway I just say I'm so excited I have a special guest on today it's my good friend Katie Souza she's been on her broadcast a couple of times katie has a ministry called expected end ministries she was a career criminal most of her life and she'd done some stuff she served time now I tell you she has a strong anointing my goodness she actually I got ahold of one of her audios years ago my wife had I that the glory light audio that changed her lives we were we were driving along I think someone said to us I gotta play this Katie Souza thing and and we played it and it just it was a what I would say was a new wineskin for inner healing at that time I when I listened to him and this this is good stuff that was several years ago that I have this dream that I meet a woman who had been in prison and she helped me to get out and here we are we have Katie were friends now and she lives in Arizona with her husband Robert she teaches producers she's got a TV show she does prison ministry and amazing things I tell you I've seen miracles that you would not even believe your eyes all right Katie welcome to the show hey how are you doing I'm so happy here yeah so you're in Arizona right now I am I'm actually especially for this so I could be here so we could hang out yeah my goodness we become friends and your ministries really helped me actually during my time I went you know there's time a chemical sensitivity and healing and it was your ministry you and your ministry that really helped restore me really grateful for you guys well you definitely paid us back yeah I've had many times when I've had an issue and I ride away I go I need to text Doug with a text you and you always have had an answer for me so and you've always found stuff that I had no clue even existed I was like wow I didn't even see that before until you pointed it out and then I get the resolution so you've been a really good friend to us yeah you know we've been flowing there's some people you know some people we you know we we ministered together other people would become friends and there's some that were your paralleling it's like wow you're going through the same thing we were like I think we got a phone today like we should talk more often we're because you know we're to agree together it will be done yeah you know there's a power and agree bit we're and we're living things out and I had a dream several not that was in a dream it was an encounter with the Lord and a dream and I had my heavenly office I was in by heavenly office and Katie Souza was given an office right next to mine in the court of heaven and so I had actually text her that she started to move in this area of the courts of heaven and prayer and things like that remember that yeah oh man that was used okay because like I can remember you sent me this text he goes okay you said you have an office next to mine and the courts of heaven you're gonna start to move in it you gave me the Zachariah scripts right and all that and I'm thinking to myself what I know nothing about the courts of heaven what are you talking about right and right after that it's like BAM it got birth in me I got you know like I'm not the you know creator or originator of the courts and having a revelation but man since that moment you text me God has given me my own stuff and I'm like moving in it big time so it was like that was like a total perfect we're giving right at the exact moment so I think I mentioned you like two or three times in my new book because all right yeah yeah yeah well it's powerful because you don't the Bible's really clear he says what you bind on earth is bound in heaven what you loose on earth is loosed in heaven and we're moving into a time right now where we're interacting on earth as it is in heaven so we're and people aren't understanding this but I believe that we're moving into this place where like you would do I heard you people tell me - that you would do a time where you would take people into the courts of heaven so you're on earth and you're interacting in heaven at the same time on people's behalf and you see things happen yeah I mean you know this is where see didn't have the amounts of Christ yet so and our spirits eternal right so we can operate in the spirit realm while we're still here on earth I mean Jesus talked about it I think it's John for word he says you know no one has ever seen the Father but the one who descended from heaven who was also ascended right heaven yeah and so he was saying you know I came down for him and I'm here operating in this realm I'm also ascended in heaven at the same time so we can actually be here but our spirit can be operating where we're at where we are actually been decreed that we're seed in and heavenly realms in Christ on with citizens of heaven so yeah I mean you know we do it by faith right right but it actually does it is actually happening in that realm and the heavenly realms while over here on earth decree it yeah so yeah I believe that decree what you say there that's the key it's like a legal document and yeah when I stood on my research you know and you know I'd how to do this stuff and I noticed that when Jesus interacted with Satan in the wilderness he used the Bible to decree but it was almost like they were two lawyers they were arguing the word you know they were arguing the words back and forth like they were in a court of heaven yes is this all right but it says this I'll Trump you're on that one you know and whoa it's powerful when we just use anything in here tell you Eddie they even the weird stuff anything in here in the Bible it's like a legal document and yeah that's why you be careful I pray you know anyway you know right that's exactly why we should study and that's important in courtroom language yeah because things are established in court when a decree is written or made in the court right I remember the a big simple revelation I got that was just very you know something in just the natural was like well I used to say well where do we need to go to court well I thought about my life on this street right I mean when I would get arrested which I got arrested dozens of times okay I would get arrested and then they would take me to a hearing and I would post a bail bond right and and so that I could get out but it was on the premise that I would return to court to face the charges against me so I would get bailed out and then I would never go back so what what happened was it's like because I didn't show up to court they would then issue a warrant for my arrest and when the next time I ran into the police I would get arrested because I didn't go to court it's like God said God used that is a simple way to tell me this is why you need to go to court because whoever doesn't go to court loses whoever doesn't show up to a court case loses yeah that's good credible inside of course anyone has been into court or anything and they can they can understand that they I actually got called for jury duty and I got to that was just a few weeks ago I spent a day and a half observing now they didn't choose me to be on but I think the Lord put me there to really get a deeper understanding of how things work how the justice system works yeah that's the justice system of heaven so so anyway there's even so much stuff you've written a couple of books and yeah we'll talk about that just a bit but just what's going on right now you getting anything from the Lord well there's been a couple of things I mean we're fighting this very death which has been one of the biggest battles you've ever had oh I'm seeing a lot of success in that and it has to do with the courts right taking the spirit of death to court yeah and I mean I just was in Minnesota and I had a woman come up behind me and tug on the back of my shirt and I turned around and I when I looked there I always guessed because she was so sucked up I mean she her skin was black and like gray she had no life in her her bones were sticking out of her body she looked horrible and I said what can I help you with and she said I am dying my body is dying and then she began to tell me about how she had radon poisoning mold poisoning and all these things and they treated her but she never recovered and so she said now I have no strength no energy my body's getting sucked up more and more I I can't eat I I'm dying literally and as she was telling me this I saw a vision of myself grabbing her shoulders and violently shaking her and commanding the spirit of death to come out so when she was done telling me her story went well tell you the truth oh I just saw myself doing something kind of radical to you are you okay with me doing and he goes yes do it I'm ready I came here to get healed and so I grabbed her and I got out and I shook her violently and said that like six or seven times and then BOOM she went down like like a tiny right and then she started crying I was like oh no I think I heard her right so I'm deke reading live over here now I like to come into your organs like your body life and then she finally stopped in them would you open your eyes I said what happened she looked at her daughter she said did you see that and I was like what she goes that big puff of smoke black smoke she got delivered of death yeah and that and the next day I saw her she came I didn't recognize her she looked completely different in 24 hours she said I got up this morning I had no problem getting ready I did my own hair she goes when I was walking through the parking lot with my family to come into the church I was the fastest one I walked faster yells I stood in the front and I worshiped and I danced and I sang the whole worship session I went to lunch I ate my whole lunch I was famished she goes I feel terrific she was I know I got delivered of death I came here to live and so that was all about you know part of that was about taking death to court yeah yeah that is so powerful now for your friends out there don't try this you know unless someone gives you the permission don't do and the Lord yes you're told spirit and just because it worked on one woman doesn't mean that you go and you do that to everyone absolutely I had someone pray for me they came up to me now I always ask someone came up to me a woman years ago when we started our first one of our first meetings in Hollywood and she said do you mind if I pray for you because I just saw someone healed and I wasn't even sick at the time you know and yeah I just thought okay well now I asked because she hit me in the chest so hard that her handprint was there and I I went down lost my breath went down and they just checking for my pulse and it was like a red handprint on my chest and I got up and I said I don't think that was the Lord and I ever since then I've always asked there's time but again listen when I got healed of Huntington's disease you know it was a death sentence over me it started by a meeting and t99 with John Paul Jackson called people forward we don't even know I had it and John Paul Jackson call people forward to in a meeting and he said there's people here have had multiple deaths in your family I went up and he slugged me I flew he still had me in the stomach I flew ten feet I kid you not ten feet and the spirit of death flew off of me and one two years I was totally healed of Huntington's but it it started with that act of faith yeah like again don't try it unless it's you know the Lord really tells you and like you said but there's something powerful that we're moving into I love your stories let's go for right now keep going right ya know so since we're on that topic should we just continue and that's how absolutely okay yeah well you know it's like why do we have to take death to court because the reason death is able to attack us is because we broke the law and that sin allows death so I'll just read this very eye-opening scripture okay it's Romans 7 fighting in the amplified classic it says this is Paul talking says when we were living in the flesh Mical lives the sinful passions that were awakened and aroused up by what the law makes sin did you hear that by what the law makes sin we're constantly operating in our bodily organs so that we bore fruit for death do you see when we break the law when we sin by breaking the law it allows death to produce fruit in our bodily organs so when you break the law what does that mean you have to go to court right for breaking the law right and that Satan is called the accuser of the Brethren I think accuser is or the adversary is anti dqo so it means one who brings a lawsuit uh-huh right so he brings a lawsuit against us in court and so he goes to court and he says well they broke the law here and they broke the law there and this is a foolproof strategy on his part because it's impossible to keep the whole law that's what the Bible's like James okay so he can go into the court and say they broke the law here and there and and then he gets a judgment against us and that allows the spirit of death to attack our quote bodily organs so it's basically you know in the simplicity that death is able to cause aging disease disorders sicknesses informations anything else because we've broken the law and and then Satan is able to accuse us of breaking the law so that's what we have to take that to court yeah so there's a balance in here what I'm hearing you say cuz some people don't understand well that sounds like Old Testament but but I I guess what you're saying then is the Old Testament is the law right and that's that where the sin but you when you bring it to court you're bringing it under the New Covenant is that your what you're doing is for me I've learned that I have to take death into a specific Court and that is the grace Court and I don't tell you why and as I tell this I don't want people to think that I'm gone into some crazy grace message where I don't believe that we need to repent for our sins because I you know Jesus said repent for the kingdom of heaven is near you know it's a verb and refreshing time for refreshing shall come there's all kinds of scriptures where that talk about repentance but the thing about it is is that because we can never keep the whole law seeing is always accusing us of it but that's why we need to go into a particular coordinates called the grace Court because a point of the Bible grace supersedes and overcomes every time that we break the law and so I'll just give you an example it's in Romans 5:20 this is in the amplifi classic it says but then the law came in to expand and increase the trespass but we're sin increases and abounded grace God's under an unmerited favor has surpassed it increased the more it's super bounded so see grace super balanced ends surpasses every time we break the law there is in heaven what's called the grace Court it's in Hebrews 4:16 says come boldly before the throne of grace to receive grace and mercy in your time of need okay so why is that a court because the words Rome their throne owes means a judge's bench so it's not just any tits not just the throne God sitting upon his as God it's also the bench the judges bench that God the judge of all the earth sits on and in a courtroom called Grace when you go there you go boldly before the throne of grace so any believer can go into this particular type of courtroom and when when we go boldly into this before the judge of all the earth we that courtroom is administrated according to the grace and grace if what's good about grace is this is that grace is the power that imparts everything Jesus won for us on the cross so it says you know by it says that by grace through faith we are saved so it's our faith activates this power of grace that enables us to receive everything Jesus won in ourselves that allows us to have salvation right so when we take partake of graves we're partaking with Christ one first in the cross and the Bible says that Jesus fulfilled all the righteous requirements of the law for us so when we're when we're partaking of grace in the grace court that means that he fulfilled the law for us and that we can go against the enemy and we could say wow we're in the grace court you're accusing us of breaking the law and and death is attacking our body but hey I've got grace so that grace is gonna super abound and increase even more than my sin and wipe out that law charge that's against me thus death is gonna have to let go this is so deep yet simple right yeah our 'full and it's based on the word and it is probably one of the most it's the most simplistic explanations of the court of heaven you did it better than you know I talked about the court I have it all the time that was so good because you talk about what's gonna happen if we don't go first of all that's why I think we can get hit and people say how can a loving God cause all you know let those things happen well it's God's not a dictator he doesn't force his word his will or his ways so we have to exercise it I love the use of the grace court that's a place to start that's where most people go is come before the bolt of the throne boldly the throne of grace I love the study that you did and the Hebrew and stuff I mean the Greek on that and that is such a powerful explanation now let's just go a little bit deeper on it yeah okay so think about it it says come boldly before the throne of grace you see grace and mercy in your time of need the bow says mercy triumphs over judgment so see in this in this grace Court anybody can go any believer because I don't know so yeah I mean you can jump in and and tell me like how you feel about that but there are certain courtrooms that I don't think everyone's allowed into you know but in this courtroom because it says come boldly that means that anyone can go and it can go just at the very simplest level you can walk in there and say well I can be in here because the Bible says I can come boldly before the throne of grace to receive grace and mercy my time of need I know that even if I have sinned I'll receive grace which supersedes and overcomes the law right according to that scripture so no matter if I screwed up or not I'm still gonna be able to win my case and I'll receive mercy even if I screwed up or not because mercy always triumphs over judgment so this is like the most basic level easiest court that anyone can go into so whenever Satan is accusing us of anything we can head right towards the grace Court that's exactly right and I do tell people is be careful where you go you know if you if you go in and play or do it things in heaven not to be a bright or anything but be careful where you go there's certain places that like the Daniel 7 courts is like the Supreme Court you don't want to just pop in there you know for a minor minor violation you know you got to be permission but this is you're exactly right cake this is you even believer or non-believer alike can go to this place and some people actually find the Lord there at the throne of grace yeah right yeah that's the thing about it just even if you don't understand how to go into the court or the whole processes but you know you need to because you can cuz if you're like me and I know you are but I believe other people are too you can feel when the devil is accusing you because your body starts hurting you start to feel the swirl in your brain my ears hearing you right right it's like I get I get body pain your ears ringing I get body pain I get neck pain back pain I'll get you know different areas of my body that feel like they're under attack and it's like I've learned that God told me when you feel those things Satan is standing in the court right at that moment accusing you and so any believer if they're starting to feel any type of swirl in their life or confusion hit their mind or their body gets attacked or under pain or they feel some sign of indication that they're being accused it's probably that's what it is Satan is standing in the court right at that moment accusing them of breaking the law and trying to put the spirit of death on their bodily organs at that moment to attack them so because it's the greatest court there's a lot of grace for a new believer who doesn't know how to operate in the courts to just go in and say wow I throw myself under the grace and mercy of this court knowing that even if I don't do the proper procedure is exactly right you know the courtroom procedures they'll still be under grace and I'll still be able to win my case because grace will always triumph over the law yeah exactly and you know I don't I don't take things lightly even as a prophet of courts of heaven that means I operate you know on people's behalf I've been doing it for a long time and one thing that I've noticed even myself is I don't take it lightly you know would I go to pray I enter through the court of grace and then I say Lord search me so I'm one thirty one thirty nine I think it in search me and know and test me and know my anxious thought I stopped for a moment and kind of what cleansed me myself and if I find anything fine then first John 1:9 kicks in you know he's faithful and just to forgive you of your sins purify you of all unrighteousness so I actually take that moment if there's even even the smallest thing I just say when I forget me you know and and then I get that now you're under first John 1:9 that you know that you're purified from all unrighteousness then you actually the prayers of a righteous person are powerful and effective so see you've actually by that act of grace the simple court of grace puts you in line to probably one of the more powerful principles of the prayers of a righteous man or woman are powerful and effective all by the by the court of the throne of grace the court of grace repenting then stepping into it what we don't realize is when you get accused by the enemy he's trying to make you feel guilty that well you need to step forward and and just say I you know whether you repeat things or not I just say this if you're a repeat offender you know what Jesus said how many Peter asked so how many times do I have to forgive seven times seventy you know he in other words I go back every day my wife and I in fact worse we're still battling with some things in it in our life at our ministry and so we have a prayer that we pray daily I call it it's just like my grace prayer I'm preparing daily until I see some results if we're struggling with certain things and if you have some things in your life that you that you know that you're struggling with approach the throat do not allow it to to keep you away from the Lord it's the worst thing that you could ever do that's why I'm known as a prophet of love and grace because I know that I got knocked away from the Lord years ago I was supposed to be operated Gwen longer but the court of the accuser got hold of me you know and I got I got under condemnation and and and the Lord is truly moving right now I think we're about to do something okay let's just you know take this a little bit further here and I think there's something coming I feel the anointing happening the heavens are opening right now right so yeah let me just share T scriptures because I think this is gonna help people a lot I think people need to write these down because it's really gonna help people it's like there's okay remember I said what it says in James that it says it's impossible to keep the whole law because if you offended one area you're broken at all okay and so Satan is county in that he's counting on you can never keep the law I got you right I'm gonna go to court accuse you because I got an endless list of stuff to accuse you of so I love what it says in Romans 6:14 in the amplified classic it says for sin shall no longer exert dominion over you since now you're not under the law as a slave but under grace as subjects of God's favor and mercy okay so well I could go a lot of ways with that but I just want to point that out that it says that we're no longer not a little laws and slave but we're under grace instead because grace always super abounds over our sin of breaking the law see that's good because see if we were slaves to a law that we could not keep we would have no hope at all that's why the Bible says it says look I know right there pulsing I know it's impossible for you to keep the law that's why you're not under the law as a slave because you can never be a slave to something you can't keep that's why you're under grace so that's such good news for everybody because that that that means that when we mess up we have to say look all right I'm not under the laws of slave I don't have to keep it perfectly even though I'm trying to and by the Holy Spirit unction it's my desire to always walk in holiness but when I mess up I am under grace instead I'm under grace as a subject of God's favor and mercy so you always know that you have that when you mess up it's not an excuse to sin it's never excuse to sin grace is never excuse to sin but when we do mess up we know that we have that grace so that when the enemy's trying to assault us that we have that that covering of rows of grace that will always trump the law and I like what it says in Romans 5:1 and verse 2 it says and this is courtroom language dug so you can really you can really uh you know this will really resonate with you since this but we are justified acquitted acquitted that is courtroom language yeah be acquitted right art that means you're cleared of a charge absolved of a charge cleaner of a charge says we are justified acquitted and declared righteous and given right standing with God through faith and through him we have this access this entrance by our faith into grace the state of God's favor in which we firmly and safely stand remember it's by faith it's by grace of faith that we're saved and when we're saved we become through this grace we become justified with God we become acquitted we God we we are declared righteous with God and righteous people who have been acquitted and are justified win their cases in court that's so powerful then what happens when you win your case in court then you have to collect you know you have to then something happens in court you know and you and the judgment is ruling some people say well how do you know well you'll you'll have a dream suddenly you it's like it's like hearing God's people say how do I know if I won my case well you all know you'll either like I just said you'll have a dream some won't oh you are the song will come on the radio in other words God will speak to you in some way that you can hear them you know let you know that you now have authority now once you win your case you know in the innocence you can then walk and ask the Lord to know for a payback for repayment of the enemy or forth for me I'm asking for favors finances and souls that's what I want some people want different things you know but the last thing you want to ask for is revenge that you know there's a verse on that right right yeah right and there's a you know that let the Lord do that once I think that we're early mistakes I made in the courts of heaven when I started to operate a few years ago is I was just so angry at the enemy hitting me and other people and I just wanted I wanted kind of a revenge at the enemy I guess I wanted I would take them to court and you don't want to do that you want the Lord to do it I learned it later that you want the Lord to be able to do that you know you know vengeance and justice is my assistant Lord you don't want to you don't want to take that out on yourself and once you get operate at this place of no judgment then things turn around for you and I feel that the heavens are open right now and okay yeah I just think that maybe we can give some words or minister however you want to do it I'm just really feeling the power okay yeah well I'll just tell a story and then I'll start gesturing I was in Minnesota and you know you talked about how you know in your case you can get a dream you could get a word from the Lord you could get something in the Bible that will tell you but I had an open actual manifestation of a miracle happened I was praying for this kid that had torn ACLs and nothing was happening it was one of those moments when you feel so disappointed because it's not God that's not making it happen it's like you're missing something right yeah innocence I'm praying for him and I'm knocking anything and then I often hear numbness in the toes so I asked him is that you you have no missing toes and he said no but the lady next to him said yes so I said sorry kid and then I went to her and I said so you have no missing the toes why and she said I had a knee surgery and when they put in the the implant and then they sewed back up my leg they misplaced my bone and she goes and then when I started to do the rehab the bone because it was in the wrong place as I walked my tendons stretch and the bone slipped forward and now it's project it's protruding out of my arch Wow and was dug you could actually see the bone sticking out of her arch and the lady next door even testified that she saw it like trudi from the arts and i was like oh my god how do I pray for this so I'm sitting there like listening to the Lord and I hear him say she has a tree growing up in the middle of her lake now to me that means idolatry is in the bloodline because the Bible talks in Isaiah 44 about how people would cut down trees and they would fashion idols out of them and then then worship those idols so I knew that she had broken the law or her family someone in her family line had broken the law by worshiping an idol and that Satan was accusing her in the court and I needed to take it to the grace court so I didn't have time to explain those teaching to her so I just said simply I said just simply pray after me you have the right to go boldly into this grace court because that's what the Bible said so I had her decreed okay lord I come boldly before the throne of grace to see grace and mercy my time indeed I had a repent / idolatry and then I had her decrease she was under grace and not under the law I had her say the scriptures that I had just brought into this teaching today she said them and then I commanded her soul to be healed of anything she had in common with that idolatry and then I commanded the bone to move and it did yeah so I have this on video Wow put it up we'll see yeah yeah we'll put it up there we'll have it so you can put it up there we will but I have the testimony she stood up she had now because she had numbness in her feet because of the bone protruding was pushing on an artery and a nerve which caused her pain and numbness she she could only hobble along she stood up she could totally walk on the foot no pain no numbness she came up on stage testified she sat down put her leg up and now the protrusion in her arch was no longer there the lady sitting next to her that saw the protrusion testified yeah I saw it before and it certainly looks different now I don't see it anymore and now I talk I actually called her about three weeks after that and said how are you doing she said I'm totally have no pain no numbness the bonus move the protrusion is gone I canceled the surgery come on that I was gonna be doing to move the bone back in its right place and then since then I've gone to other meetings like I just went to Kansas and I walked everybody through that same thing but when I first is I said anybody that has curvature of the spine spinal stenosis any bone issues in your spine or your body come up now they came up I had to chiropractors they're in two nurses they check every single person's back it was like 30 people and I said I want you to remember what that person's back feels like so they check for dips and twists and and s curves and everything else they went back to their seat I walked him through going up into the race court repented for idolatry and receiving grace for every time they broke the law and then people started getting healed right in their seats I didn't lay hands on him nothing an angel came and move their spines into place they came up and were testifying I got all kinds of crazy video of it Wow one thing he was slinging Leslie Tracey she'd had an S in the top and then asked a dip going in with an S on the bottom in her spine her whole life been proven by doctors and x-rays she's skin in the process of getting an x-ray enamel every time she's at the meeting her best friend is a nurse and she would like the power and she'd say check my spine and she say no it's still crooked still okay still crooked had checked it like five six seven times after the prayer her friend checks and her spine is completely straight totally healed her bones moved into place without anybody touching her because we took her to the grace Court so let's do let's work on this any bone issue setting anybody else anybody has any you know bones out of place twisted spine you know scoliosis spinal stenosis any type of issues with even the knees hips anything like that you may have a demon spirit from you on you from an idol now remember in the Bible in Psalms 135 and in Revelations 9 it says idols cannot see they can hear they cannot walk and they cannot talk so idols cause deafness dumbness blindness and crippling diseases of the body that prevent you from walking fully and having health in your physical spine so if you have any ID in your blood line or even any idolatry in your life right now because you know we can make idols out of anything like we can make idols out of you know our kids possessions our home our ministry or business anything so if you have any ideology in your bloodline right now or any idols that you've made in your life currently we're gonna repent and then we're gonna go up into the grace Court and face the accusations that Satan has put against us because he's accusing you breaking the law through your idolatry and then he's putting the spirit on your body that is an idolatrous where that prevents you from walking right from having a straight spine healthy knees healthy joints healthy back and everything else okay so let's start by asking the Holy Spirit to just remind us if there's anything in your life right now that you've turned into an idol just so you can bring that up before the Lord amen so just right now we released the only spirit right now just remind anybody if they're if they turn anything like their business or ministry anything into an idol and you'll know you have if you spend excessive time thinking about if you're spend too much money on that thing if you spend too much energy and time towards that thing then you'll know so just let Holy Spirit tell you right now yeah okay all right now grab hold of that thing in your mind and we're gonna go boldly into the throne room of grace right now right we see grace and mercy in our time of need so father we do that right now as we're here on earth we're operating in heaven because were seated in heavenly realms the Christ and so now we go boldly all of us can go every believer has the right right now before the judge of all the earth as he sits on his throne of grace or to see Teresa grace and mercy time of need it has me step into that Court I just want you to just start repenting for whatever that idolatry is go ahead and do it right now others right now just man right now for making idols of our business or ministry or children our husbands our wives ourselves making possessions into idols and anything else and idolatry in our bloodline going all the way back to Adam they just say that repentance prayer right now then I want you to start saying 'die cream these gray scriptures over yourself right now as the power of grace is gonna come against the law all right so just repeat after me to say but then the law came in to expand and increase the trespass making it more apparent and exciting opposition but where my sin of law-breaking increased and abounded the power of grace God's unmerited favor has surpassed my law breaking and even super abounded over it hey so say that just continue praying with me say I may have broken the law through idolatry but grace is super abounding right now over my sin and destroying every accusation of law breaking that Satan is bringing against me in court say I'm not under the law as a slave but I'm under grace as God's unmerited favor and mercy st. us know of me grace is not earned it's freely given it's something I didn't deserve even when I sinned and blow it I have access to grace say it doesn't mean I have the right to sin but it means that when I said I am covered by grace because of Jesus's death on the cross and I'll do one more scripture with me ready this is Romans spies now I want you to secrete this after me ready just say I now because of Jesus's death on the cross and justified acquitted which means I am cleared and absolved of all charges because I've been declared righteous and getting it right standing with God because of grace through faith say grace has declared me acquitted of all charges in this grace Court say because of grace I have mercy and mercy triumphs over all judgment okay so now just stay there right there and I'm gonna make some decrees over you while you stay right now please father I thank you that we have the right to come to the grace Court then we see grace every time we broken the law and everybody that's watching right now has broken the laws or some sort of idolatry either in their life in their bloodline but they are under grace grace has super abounded and superseded every time they broken the law by committing adult idolatry and they're not under the laws of slave because they could never keep the whole law but rather they're under grace as God's subject of his favor and His mercy its unmerited and it's undeserved and it's unearned and they have it right now because they're standing in the greatest court receiving it and it's coming against those those law breaking times of idolatry in their lives and so right now is that grace is being poured out of them in the court right now I speak to that demon spirit that was a sign to them through their law breaking that's affecting their bones in their body and causing crippling diseases in their legs in their spine in their shoulders in their in their neck right now and I suspend time right now and I speak to that spirit and I come in it could come out come out of the back come out of the neck come out of the knees come out of the elbows come out you spirit come out you have to come out because they're law breaking is under grace you have no more legal right so you have to come out in the name of Jesus I break the assignment I break it in the name I break it in the name break it and then they break it in the name of Jesus I decree right now that all your pain is leaving now all pain and source of the pain right now leaving all trum and all things in the soul realm is meaning healed by Dunamis power right now right now right now right now pain is going right now and movement is coming returning to the body right now movement returning to the body I want you start testing yourself and pain is receding now right now right now in Jesus name movement returning to the body right now right now right now in Jesus same pain going right right now as you test yourself right now right now right now cartilage is growing back I command creative miracles to come into the spine discs being replaced cartilage coming back right now in Jesus name right now right now now as you test yourself let me just tell you about some more miracles there was a woman in that Kansas me she was had been having a s-curve and a quest in her spine for 20 years from a car accident she was in that meeting she had a wheelchair in the back of her car just in case she could no longer walk because that's how much pain she was in she was on three oxycodones a day and other pain meds and she still had pain her pain had been so bad that her mother had to come on girls every day for 20 years to get her daughter up to get her showered and dress and to make food for the to send them off to school her mother came up and testified but that woman after we took her up to the grace Court and took that Idol to court got up stood up in front of everybody was touching her toes reaching her arms crying saying she was completely out of pain totally healed the chiropractor that checked her before we went to the grace Court testified that yes she had an S and a twist in her spine same it wasn't a chiropractor was a nurse same nurse named Pam came up checked her back afterwards I have this on video we'll post it so you can watch the miracle checked her back out towards I said oh yeah her spine is completely different she's totally had a healing she was completely healed totally free then another guy came up he had been in Taiwan and had a staph infection get him underneath his glute muscle eight is glute muscle he had spent 21 days in the hospital five bags of saline they had to insert go to surgery insert the side of his glute muscle scrape out the infection and wash it out with saline it ate some of his glute muscle and his wife who was one of the chiropractor was there testified that one side of his rearing went like this and the other side went down like this because the infection ate the glute muscle but when we took him up to the court his glute muscle grew back he wrote back his butt muscle he came up demonstrated how because he's a truck driver that for years he had to sit crooked like this because of the uneven glute muscle and he even had to sit on his fist to even himself out sat down on the chair though he could was perfectly straight his wife said I'll be able to tell when I get him on the bed in motel room I looked down and saw a rug on the floor I lifted up the rug he got behind the rug and laid there and his wife checked and came up and said yes his butt muscle has grown Bow Wow we have that video and we'll post it oh this is well I just got a healing I didn't even know I had anything but I before we were on I said you know Warren didn't tell me in prayer this morning there's a hidden generational curse I hadn't gotten to I couldn't find and I mean that the enemy was attacking me in different ways I didn't know but then I got this stabbing pain in my shoulder when you started to pray so I repented now you don't have to always know I said now I'm just going to take this because it must be the generational curse of idolatry somewhere knowingly or unknowingly all for lying to my family all the way back to Adam or whatever it might have been a dolla tree to ministry idolatry to to anything so I repented then suddenly when you started doing that I was like a spirit got pulled right out of my back and yeah I feel you know I definitely feel weight I was doing even aware of I knew it was an area of weakness in me where every time I would you know I wasn't walking with pain all the time but it was like I get a spear in my back feeling but now it's totally gone so I just want to encourage people that you know this stuff is for real the Lord I tell you the demonic realm can attack believers I found out because even as a prophet I was being attacked and that it was legal right they had gotten there because of different things you know generational things or things like that maybe that I had done in the past you're gonna need to watch this again we're gonna post the videos they watch this and write down those Grace Scriptures walk through this because we're gonna see I would are gonna testimonies back we always do and especially around Katie's ministry and we're gonna get testimonies back of what's gonna happen I do I got a healing and something's about to happen I can I can hear in the courts of heaven now because of you know I can i I can hear these things that all of a sudden like ears started to rage I know that the enemy it's like wait a minute you know he's trying to accuse back and I feel this warmth of the glory of the Lord here so yeah I think if I could say the final thing is when people feel like they're being attacked or they don't know what's going on you know after again tense we all been repenting but now repent and move right into grace yeah don't go look up every great scripts you have and just stand there and just start decreeing the gray scriptures because the enemy cannot fight grace because it says that we're no longer under the law but under grace so when he accuses us of breaking the law we got to come back with him of yeah of course it's impossible for me to keep the law that's why Jesus put me under grace right so just make sure that you know everybody like add your repentance grace grace grace yeah and then the enemy cannot fight that because if you didn't have grace if you don't use grace and you're basically saying I don't need what Jesus won for me because it's grace and imparts that victory to us yeah mm-hmm it's still it's very similar like the parable Jesus told he said you know this man cleaned up the house drove out the demon we've got seven more and came back and overtook them because you didn't fill it with grace or light you know I don't Lord and you know just fill you can be filled he must become greater I must become less you are just filling him right now just fill your body bill your spirit fill everything you're so fill it all with the power with the grace of the Lord walk in his light it's good to be so good wow this is so powerful Katie well why don't you just tell us a little bit more about how we could follow you anything that you have to offer and your books whatever is going on right now well I do touch on the Assyrian King and the courts in the new t and touch on it's actually in the teachings about it it's called victory and trials so we might want I don't even know if I still have in here I think Daniel did bring it but it you can go on to my website it's a brand new product it has two discs of soaking of taking people into the courts and I'm also doing a workshop a live workshop on it I think when is that gonna it's like next week a live workshop where I walk people in depth through the court and through the age of days court to take care of the strongman so that's a live workshop coming up so I would say that we'll put up a link for them yeah get into that but that would be something that people would probably really benefit from yeah you know she has soaking CDs and when I was going through by heel like you play them all night or you know whatever you all day in the background you got to hear it with your ears just it gets in your spirit and I just love oh my goodness during my times are getting healed of a couple of things chemical sensitivity was so bad I couldn't even wear my own clothes and I was just so good so could soak and take communion and so get those CDs and and and the worship and things like that so there's a there's a powerful anointing now what's your website just go to alright and you have a TV show yeah it's called healing the soul real keys to the miraculous and they can see the episodes either by going on our website or they can go on YouTube and also Facebook has a lot of the broadcaster and in almost every show I always have an activation prayer at the end so it's not just like you know information it's also we move into healing yeah you know just go out and Google I always tell people because I've been I've been doing live broadcast since 2009 I've been blogging since 2006 and Katie's been doing this a long time with her TV show so I always say if you have a question you know just you can either google your Katie Souza and the issue or Doug Atlas did the issue you probably got to find something for the longest time I would go like wow I have really having an issue with this thing and I just Google Katie Souza and and whatever that was and it wasn't there was a teaching that it will walk you through and so she paid he gives so much so freely online gives her stuff away and I just would encourage you to to check out follow her on social media just go to her website and there's always some good stuff and in fact it's so rich and packed so people contact me it's where do I start when I go to Cadiz so what do they start Katie what do you recommend well you know if they're if they're just brand-new to the Lord or just solely league starting episode one of the TV broadcasts and just work your way up it takes you step-by-step I would say that if you're more advanced you know just like you said putting my name in the subject and then see what YouTube comes up with Google comes up with and you know you can even just go watch miracles on YouTube I've got thousands of miracles posted on YouTube and so if you want to eat your faith up for your miracle like put in your disorder in my name and then see if a miracle footage comes up you can watch that so there's a lot of ways to just Google stuff and look at it and I also go on my Facebook page and just look for any of those you know where I'm on the phone like this doing a live broadcast cuz I cover a lot of material in those - okay well great Katie thank you so much we're so excited and excited for what's coming and a book coming out I assume and we'll be watching for that as well all right everybody see you soon you
Channel: Doug Addison
Views: 11,103
Rating: 4.9137931 out of 5
Keywords: Doug Addison, prophetic word, prophetic channel tv live, prophetic word for 2019, prophetic prayer, danny silk, prophecy 2019, prophecy in the news, prophecy update, prophecy watchers, steven furtick, bob jones, kim clement, elijah list, lance wallnau, johnny enlow, jeremy lopez, kris vallotton, Sandi Krakowski, katie souza, Podcast, Spirit Connection
Id: nyIgPRM-tWg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 59sec (3419 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 18 2019
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