Catnap and Dogday VRChat Adventures! (Smiling Critters VRChat)

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Hey so uh a little birdie told me you guys wanted more smiling Critters content uh oh yeah uh the manager is not goingon to like that uh I'm I'm reading somewhere on here that uh uh someone says that uh kicking chicken should like go die I don't really know what that means or what what what that says but are you [ __ ] filming us right now I told you I didn't want people like record us midle how else are we supposed to get any smiling Critters stuff out there like now well we do that outside of the house so this is knowing where we live well I know we need money [Music] but so what's for dinner today catnb I want I want something to eat yeah that's that's why I ask like what do you want to eat something to eat what what would you like um what's uh what's in the kitchen we're we we are in the kitchen but I can see what's in the fridge I don't think we are food you'd be surprised there's nothing in the fridge oh it's in the fridge it's nothing would you like some nothingness um I've had my f of nothing no I hungry no there's nothing wait I'm in the cupboard that's where our plates and cups are supposed to be dog day I know but there's no plates in here there's no cupboards either I think I think this is all just a set what a set there's nothing we've been living here for how long I don't years look there's me and hoppy supporting the lgbtq I feel like we've been here forever that was a long photo that's not hoppy Dingus oh that's unicorn girl craft crafty C oh this is going to be impossible oh why is that it's like it's only cover it it only has my head you got a big ass head you also have a big head but I don't want to hear it I can probably get it know come on this is going to be [Music] [Laughter] [Music] so this is the curs thing to look up at oh oh my God love all right all right stay perfect stay perfectly like that all right have your whole chin on the camera it's is so [ __ ] hard to okay all right okay bless you huh thank you you're welcome you're welcome citizen how do you know I sneezed when I was loading in oh because I just knew oh yo catnap let's go swimming dumb ass so help me I'm kind of stuck can man if only there was a ladder I'm I clicked on the ladder it doesn't do anything you clicked it or did you actually try climbing it oh wait [Music] you that look stupid only there was a slope to get you out oh my God shut up let's see this place God damn what it be right here okay cnap catnap raven catnap dog day did you fall yeah I landed on my feet a th000 $100,000 home plush for that s for that rock oh my god oh yeah I'm a hot dog oh [Music] yeah good Lord what why oh cover me in relish and ketchup don't leave me I'm sorry don't don't put your head on the wall [ __ ] I'm a freak I'm a weirdo weirdo wait does this actually work boy jump catnap jump jump jum oh my God bro catap Eagle launching at dog day needs to be drawn all right you [Music] [ __ ] oh my God you did it without even doing anything stop doing the lethal company dick go take a minute God I'm not used to you being like that stop put your head on the [Laughter] wall I'm monster monster so what if you could see the Beast inside of me Expressions wait Raven ah you're Poppy's Angel come to save us you need to leave you oh it's you look who has no legs look who has no legs [Music] I missed wait wait wa wait a minut I do that again has no legs oh my God stop being so confusing what the [ __ ] are you doing I need a gun to kill myself from harm all right oh you're was what's wrong with my face what's wrong with my [ __ ] I'm angry day I'm angry now all right I'm dog angry sure you want your the little things moving inside your gut forgot about those uh bleed I don't want that abor flesh Critters there we go okay no more Critters are in me that sounds bad no more no more moving in my stomach okay that still sounds bad okay there's there there's no more weird movement on my body got it what are you laughing at there we go now let's switch it to the other camera don't dare all right all right all right what that was the Family Guy death post what the f one [Music] second look at this guy over here what a party pooper hey are you fling [Laughter] us look like a sad Muppet [Laughter] you crippled Muppet not that is this the perfect thing this and then after the CRI mupp oh wait I could I totally forgot what the [ __ ] was that was that get the [ __ ] off of my face who wait where am I going help me what are you laughing at what are you laughing at youb this is how I move around now like gorilla tag [ __ ] you I'm done I've been insulted enough as is I am no I completely forgot godam help me help please long live the Prototype no ow [ __ ] I hit the bed fr God the bed frame God damn it I hit the bed frame again I hit my knee though this time so I'm I'm Gucci where the [ __ ] am I outside the map oh I'm back stick drif is what how I get back up hello hey the [ __ ] are you looking at you crawling around like body shut [Music] up if you just listen to what I had to say about the Prototype it wouldn't have happened like that the Prototype literally killed people oh yeah and you haven't no okay the one time was an incident it was one time oh killing people is wrong you shouldn't kill people whatever dude all right well you you you you you you you sit on you your job I'm not I'm not doing my job yeah you're not doing your job and my job is my job doing what stand like that you know your job to your job to [ __ ] uh you know watch over people make sure everyone's okay uh sleep then then then the Prototype needed me that's my job oh and I'm really good at putting people to sleep I mean look at the rest of the smiling Critters all right now that was just uncalled for okay that was just devast where the [ __ ] am I where the [ __ ] am I what oh what the [ __ ] this looks way more bad on PC dear Lord look at you you look like a monkey walking around you look like you have no legs [ __ ] you man I'm really I'm really winning these lingers all right all you're saying is you have no legs and nothing else think of something unique well do you have legs I don't exactly that's what I thought [ __ ] you oh Fancy Pants miss their legs over here [ __ ] you this is a dead end okay yeah okay down there is also a dead end we've reached the dead end spot we have to go through the other hallway oh awesome we've been here before no this is this is the way back no it isn't is it like actually yes this is the way back God damn it I know my way around this place I don't like that you're bigger than me well yeah I mean it's kind of easy to have a height Advantage when I swear to God don't you mention anything about [Laughter] legs when you're half the size that you used to be shut up what about here that that's where we came from oh my [ __ ] you have a terrible sense of direction where' we go now oh to the left that's what I thought what you mean that's what you thought that's what I thought I thought to myself I want to go left and then you went left and I knew I had to go left whose kid is this Happy First Birthday oh man that's so special got birthdays well we got free we got free apartment free free living space free heater free AC oh woohoo you got to be more grateful cat they were they had they had to give that to us cuz if they didn't we'd just die okay and then they'd have lawsuits on their hand they did the bare minimum jees they expect us to get into this type of conversation again which means which we can only get out by going further your tails in my face well uh at least I have one that is just wow that's probably also a dead end over there oh what happened to sense of direction and whatnot you're the one who's always getting lost you're the one who go who's trying to backtrack actively it's a more familiar place to me ooh I found where we should go next we have founda well I moved here first so yeah ooh look what I [Music] found look what we found look at what I found for everything dog [Music] day what uh what do we do here what do we do with this um let's see what it plays what does Bubba the smart elephant have to show us today I found our bed like a Among Us okay oh my God Among Us maybe there's money on the moon there's cheese on the moon you dumbass we need to find money you fat [ __ ] elephant I fell [Music] off what the [ __ ] is that that's why what the is That Yo wow that was ass why did that one guy keep on cussing just kept cussing that's not even funny it's just immature humor that's so [ __ ] stupid yeah wow this place is torn up I wonder who did this I need to sharpen my claws on wood and wall paper yeah let's caus so much destruction and Havoc where you break [Music] everything I don't want to hear it I don't want to hear I'm a [ __ ] good ass example of that where are my legs o I'm under the bed I'm under the bed having fun there yeah I was having fun yeah that fire extinguisher is so high up who was supposed to grab that uh I me obviously with my super strong [Music] arms yeah so strong shut up skinny skinny maybe try prying yourself with your legs oh what do you even you know we were supposed to share that you fat [ __ ] animal nice [Laughter] reference what been a what nothing I'm sorry I've been looking at a lot of uh ppck I tried to make a poppy play you could have just said you could just said Tick Tock I know could have just said it hello hello and welcome to the Salty Splatoon you're supposed to say how tough are oh how tough are you how tough am I I ripped your legs off jaw drop look catnap I can't I can't get through I can't hold on yeah yeah yeah know keep going buddy yep how the [ __ ] do you get how did you get through there it was actually so jarring to see 1 plus 2 equals 3 with that thing on [Laughter] it look catnap reading is fun play time go trademark what does that say reading is fun play code trade I I can't I can't read that so I don't know if that if that's true can you just tell me what it says reading what does it say okay I get it reading is fun what does it say it says reading is fun exclamation mark playtime code trademark oh I know I know I know that one but I don't know what this says oh this one says rating rating is fun exclamation mark raing what is raing reading reading is fun exclamation mark I sure sure it is but what does it say I've had a [ __ ] enough with you for today let me come back meaty stop staring at my [Music] meat wait don't put your hand on the wall don't you [ __ ] dare what what so funny no just the I can't do it with my other hand I miss oh is this what it's like on your level shut up yes what [Laughter] happened aha I have legs now [ __ ] you can't talk [ __ ] about me anymore darn yeah get unique at least I have both my eyes you're a [ __ ] I [ __ ] hate you hold on I'm you did not just do that no you didn't o Have The Smiling Cutter's dog dog dog dog dog day house at night I thought you were supposed to be the one that knew how to read I do know how to read I just struggle speaking well I mean you were you were reading that and speaking out loud so I was reading it perfectly I was speaking it badly okay get off my case step off you did not just crease my Paws oh no no no that's causes a fight that's fight going on right now let's go put your D you should you what you should be glad that you have legs to begin with to feel that yeah yeah oh ah you [ __ ] yeah ow oh oh my I was not expecting that it's time catnap been waiting a long time to punch your filthy stupid purple reded whiteed gold ringed moon necklace wearing green demo Avatar leg wearing blue glove wearing face you suck I'm going to kick your ass no let's go bring it then bring it bring get up get up get up fight back F back back back okay I [Music] no okay all right I didn't appre it it now I'm really going to punch you I was joking before ha yeah well how that feel fun fact did you know the brain can comprehends something in 100 milliseconds in those 100 milliseconds I prayed 3 4 I think that's flood on my gloves [Music] s stick drift wait ow ow don't [ __ ] with don't [ __ ] with me dog [Laughter] don't [ __ ] with me don't [ __ ] don't [ __ ] with me dog holy [ __ ] you got knocked the [ __ ] out okay I was joking before I'm going to take this seriously this time put the gloves up okay you know if you're a fair if you're a fair cat let me get the first hit fight back fight back fight back fight back bet bet double [Music] Dole hurah having no legs and only moving with my arms made me strong catnap got me yeah but your balance is off C oh about to balance these wait wait a minute damn Dam maybe if you just accepted the Prototype I'm back up and running [ __ ] there we go then those good hits here ding ding ding [ __ ] check my check my check my there goes your legs wait canab don't drink that that's a Grimace Shake C catnb catnb are you okay catnb catnb are you good catnb it's not good oh my God you have me W oh that's garbage oh sweet Jesus Christ thought you going to [Music] die oh God how' you do that uh that's uh hop in the helicopter heck yeah do you know how to fly one of these no do you absolutely I I'm I'm obviously majored in this but all I got to do is how do I close the canopy hold on oh yeah look at that oh it's you could you close the canopy there you go oh it's much better all right now first step in flying put your hands on the wheel oh oh my goodness okay we're up and about oh God catnap catnap catnap C let me show you how it is done uh consent yes I guess it gave us a consent to ride this thing okay all right we're doing all right it's been a while since I flew a helicopter before but let's take a look see at this oh wow this is terrifying you flew a helicopter it was in my Vietnam D you weren't Nom dog gave some cont contemplated comp complicated oh oh my God how did we get upside down what what did that happen you were upside down for a little bit there bud sorry I was busy talking to you about how complicated my backstory is you would it was back in 1987 wait no what what did you do what did you do what button did you press catnap look catnap it's the city we finally left the facility wow I can't believe it uhoh uh wait wait wait no no wait wait wait the controls they're not working like actually they're not working and just like everything else that seems promising we're going back no wait wait what how is this happening wait a minute no no no we were so close I knew we shouldn't have gotten the helicopter that's from uh playtime Co no I thought it would be a smart idea cuz it's like it's very fitting we're from playtime C that the helicopter it felt like it was like I don't know cat want to keep us here my God what happening what's happening why I blame this on you uh dog yeah are you flying into that no of course not I just need to press the buttons uh um oh that doesn't seem good we're getting close really doesn't good cat up I just want you to know one thing oh never mind wait [Music] [Music]
Channel: ShadowBoiFun
Views: 55,377
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: _9q4i27VtHA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 54sec (1854 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 07 2024
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