Smiling Critters BABY REVENGE on BABY CATNAP?! Poppy Playtime Chapter 3 Animation

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[Music] [Applause] they're going to fall cuz of my [Music] marbles no no no help me huh [Music] sh Wait a Minute why is catnap baby here where did you come from it's walkway oh so it's dog day huh you really dare to pull stuff like that oh W why'd you do that don't you know it's super dangerous what if I wasn't there a catnap [Music] baby quit making excuses your mess made catnap baby fall this happens again you're going to be in trouble come on catnap baby I can't trust these guys to leave you alone for a second [Music] a [Music] what are you doing now why can't you just chill like catnap baby oh that's my fault H see watch catnap baby and learn now move your butts and clean up this mess [Music] [Applause] [Music] h [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Huh oh [Music] fig it wow wow doggy do we won't want a death Troy any fting I [Music] [Music] huh Boogie bigy [Applause] H bye-bye [Music] uhhuh not again seriously you're wilder than a Juggle JY full of monkeys if only you could just chill out for a minute like catnap baby oops [Music] [Music] oh oh what the heck is going on here can someone let me a hat dang it this mischief's got to be those dog day babies doing no doubt about it those little troublemakers once I get out of here they're going to get a serious talking too [Music] finally found the darn [Music] [Applause] door what's this now a trap right at the door these guys should know how to scheme huh [Applause] [Music] huh no no yo pH do you guys see the mess we're in this time it's not just a slap on the wrist we are taking you to school for some real lessons actually it's my bad I said him up I told him to get all the dud B well well well admitting it is a good start catnap baby and let's not seek revenge like this okay we got to live in peace and stick together huh pH h ah I smell a summer Vibe [Music] coming oh gosh this summer vacation's going to be so much fun right baby boy I don't know about that here we are now let's go cuz Daddy is ready for some vitamin C why do I have to go through all this oh cuz I'm poor or to be precise I married a poor husband I wish I had a richer one huh you okay baby girl hi handsome I'm good just need some vitamin V you know well I can help you with that Wifey come on we ready for a volleyball match looks like it's not the right time but take this my love I'll see you [Music] later that's my [Music] boy long live the king well that was rude hey dude are you trying to mess with us hey huh oh my charming Prince marshmallow honey oh um hey not yet honey this time it's [Music] yours now let's dance the night away [Music] I'm freezing huh wifey where are you catnip catnip oh gosh I hope she doesn't get herself into any trouble catnip where are you huh oh little kitty Daddy's here and come on let go of my arm darling Bad Kitty do you really want me to stop h Huh catap wait hun listen to me it's not what you think I can't believe you're such a terrible wife a horrible mother stay away from me and Junior no please help me get my child back oh come on don't be angry I could give you tons of kittens or bulls maybe this is my precious little baby when I raised myself there's no replacing him I watch it [Music] back tnap give me back my son dang it I'll show you what a mom is capable of no no no you evil cat chill babe I got your back wo wo wo finally we're out of that mess Junior my baby well not so fast oh honey that cat is such a baddie you have to punish him you scoundrel how dare you hurt my darling I'll kill you I'm not backing down there you are my baby huh thank God the diamond's still here got to keep my personal property safe M wait so this is the baby you've been after no oh I see you've just been using me to get back this diamond wow not only are you snobby but also sneaky well keep the diamond and live your best lonely life [Music] hey anyone around help why are you picking on my family we didn't do anything wrong you and your horrible kid act like you're Innocent but you're not yeah we know exactly what you're [Music] planning catnip Junior where are you guys I'm coming what's happening catnap my husband these guys are plotting to kill us hurry come help us out it's not like that catnap why would you do this to my family it's just a big misunderstanding yeah we've got proof right here take a [Music] look catnips diary how did you even get this trouble's coming run where is he who catnaps not here stop hiding I've seen it all you've caused this mess how dare you run like that are you even a man what do you mean I didn't do any wait who's that that's catnap Junior your son wait so does that mean I'm a dad wa yeah how about we all move in together and take care of the little dude heck yeah hey anyone smell something weird um baby smell no something smells fishy here all of a sudden catnaps got a kid with that lady this doesn't make any sense yeah let's keep an eye on him hey the kid won't stop crying must be hungry why don't you go find some milk for him all right [Music] mind if I borrow this huh you're terrible [Music] catnap seriously where's catnap here I am quick change his diaper e oh man stinky come on buddy time to sleep that's begging here poor catnap that kid is suspicious we got to figure out where exactly he came from [Music] totally what's this suit did someone leave their underwear here guys look what I found catnips diary dear diary I've tried everything spells catnip even threatening letters but he still doesn't like me guys are such jerks huh or maybe he's a family person so the only way to win him over is to have a kid [Music] together to pull that off I snuck into his room and quietly took a lock of his fur but oops I woke him up luckily his closet was big enough for me to hide oh and I took these undies as a souvenir then I put his fur inside the baby making machine and Junior was born catnap you're not getting away from me [Music] [Laughter] now bro woman is crazy hi there you dare to invade my room that's quite Brave of you hey what's the plan now kill them all let's save catnap from this family yeah to the trash room and [Music] Beyond no way my family's just a big lie but catnap Jor is still your kid you got to think about him no it's just a lab creation yeah it's all shady and fake no yeah finally free good [Music] wait I'm [Music] coming gotcha [Applause] catnip what the heck is going on the lab there's something in the lab okie dokie look at this a little cutie Kitty and cutie puppy who left them here they're like mini cat and dog day huh oh gosh here comes another one a note huh please help us take care of these children thank you your dear friends catnap and dog day jeez catnap and Dog Day have children what since when so what are we supposed to do with them well we do what parents do show them [Music] love guys watch the little ones for me okay I'll go fight catnap and dog day don't worry I got this H you're the reason why he's worried puppy sh here's your milky milky no he doesn't like milk what should I feed him well I have a solution a bone of a dead dog dog bone is the best food look at how he's enjoying it stay here okay I'll get you some [Music] milk oh my gosh Kitty where are you here you go jeez chitty you scared me Hy what are you doing look this kiddo's like a mix of dog day and catnap oh wow you're right but how did they even have a kid together oh you don't know so doct and catnap have been in love for ages then one day they said let's have a baby first they make some jeans from their fur then they used their own energy to bring these little critters to life pretty much wiped them out that's why they're taking a break to recharge wow what a Titanic Love Story soups ready [Music] kgy you want to boil us but it's because of kicken skateboard oh maybe you're Fat's in the way so you can't see anything at all hey that's so mean hey sweetie just relax while I give you a nice bath okay oh hppy I think you should add a bit more soap chicken you're crazy wait where did the baby go oh no what can't find him [Music] anywhere can't find any clues here either cat huh crafty are you done yet can I borrow your baby powder here where's the powder I've been waiting forever you already took it it no I didn't who's there let us out guys I made another pot of soup of dog bone and Cat bone hello not [Music] again looks like we're trapped in here who dare to do this it's me what you can talk why'd you lock us up we've been nice to you it's not personal it's strictly business I'm actually bull buling no it was me who kidnapped dog day and Cat and stuck them in the power thingy to steal their strength during the transformation things went wrong katnap and dog day only lost half their power and turned into stupid babies so I became their weird combo really frustrating then I had this brilliant idea what if I played Baby to trick you guys finally you fell into my trap what did you do with can up and dog day I've T them up you better worry about me sucking your energy soon no please don't just let us go Gaga BL BL blam BL there's your milky milky s dog bone is the best [Music] food here you go jeez chitty you scared me [Music] [Music] [Music] what's happening why is everyone here you turned into babies messed with us and now you're acting like you don't remember anything hey forget about that we need to figure out what to do with bull bullo okay
Channel: SM Toons
Views: 127,333
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SM Toons, sm toons, smtoons, boxy boo animation, rainbow friends, boxy boo song, boxy boo origin, poppy playtime boxy boo, boxy boo poppy playtime, huggy wuggy, mommy long legs, boxy boo, boxy boo vs huggy wuggy, poppy playtime, poppy playtime animation, poppy playtime chapter 2, poppy playtime chapter 3, rainbow friends animation, project playtime trailer, huggy wuggy cartoon, boxy boo project playtime, lunch boxy boo, boxy boo presents, fash, smiling critters, catnap
Id: PQsk8-JUxfs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 35sec (1415 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 18 2024
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