Greenteeth maintenance for stump grinders

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hello YouTube family I just come at you again with another video here today we are working on changing some teeth out on the grinder I wanted to go over a little bit of green teeth maintenance pocket maintenance things like that things to look out for so you can see I got these teeth off here I'm working on taking these teeth off here now that's a real simple task I noticed something while I was doing this and I caught it right at the right time you know some things think about here so this is your pocket for the green teeth or for the green tooth right here the edge of this is getting really sharp so what that means is when this thing's spinning it's wearing this steel this way and it'll wear this steel out enough to the point where this gets razor-sharp so what happens is you can see here it's so thin to the point now it's starting to get a little crack in it so something easy and something I should have probably done sooner would be to pull this back up take this pocket off and move it to the other side and when you do that now instead of you wearing on this side you'll be wearing on the back side there's still a lot more steel if you look yeah it's gonna be hard to see but there is I mean it's razor sharp you'll have to take my word for it I mean you can cut with that thing on the other side there's a lot more material you're not going to cut yourself on that you can see how thick that is so to get a little bit more life out of these things just you know remove this side now I'm I'm the the ones that are cracked and broken I'm not gonna put those back on the machine I carry spares with me so I'll be able to you know take this off put it the other side take this off put it to the other side the ones that don't have cracks and I'll keep an eye on them make sure that they're not you know there's no more wear or anything like that you can do the same thing with these ones here now if you look you can see this has a really nice factory line on it still has that factory cast look on the other side that's all gone so when you flip these you're actually going to be turning this side down as well so it'll you know give you a little bit more life out of it that's pretty easy so basically for the guys that are you know interested in green teeth and you know finding out what exactly they do so here's your typical green tooth round this is a green tooth 900 they make different series the lower the number this you know a smaller and circumference this might be the higher obviously the bigger the tooth is on the backside you'll see there's three one two three sides those sides fit on this straight edge here there's actually a little metal washer and I'll show you here in a second but you can see that fits right up inside of there and it doesn't allow it to turn so when you wear the edge off of this you simply pull it out give it a quarter turn or put it in there and it just keeps doing that so you'll be able to you know on the job flip this over quickly just by turning the nut back a little bit pulling it down and turning it and now you'll have a sharp edge so what this looks like is you'll have your tooth this is your pocket this is your tooth this is a spacer and that spacer will sit down inside over the top of this you can see there's that spacer and then a nut bear with me I'm trying to do this one-handed here I usually do this a lot faster with two hands right there so that's what that looks like and you turn this down something else that happens you know sometimes I get lucky and these teeth will last me a lot longer than what they normally do and if you see here it's hard to tell this is flat this is flat but on the other side of this you can see it starts to get round that's excessive wear on this nut and what happens is when when that happens you can't get your socket on there it's just round it'll just spin so you might have to go out and get yourself something like this 200 millimeter speed wrench 8-inch drop forged steel I don't know where you can pick these up at but this is a really handy tool for that spring-loaded pretty simple to use all you'll do is you just open it up and turn it when you turn it this gets tight you could actually use a pipe wrench and whatnot I've used pipe wrenches in the past the only probe with the pipe wrenches is they're big this is just a little bit easier nothing nothing running to it just put it on and as I'm doing this as I turn back if there's tension on this this just turns back automatically like and it'll regrab just like the pipe wrench it's just a mini version of that I guess so might be able to find something like this online that'll really come in handy for you but yeah that's basically it we're gonna turn these these ones here these ones here no you're not gonna have to worry about all of them at the same time as you can see here this one it looks good still there's still a lot you can see the edge on this there's a there's a lip here there's a whole lot of material still on the top here this tooth barely gets used this one here still has a little bit of the edge on the top of it it's like a ridge and there's still a lot of material there so I'm not gonna worry about those two I'm gonna focus on these two here now I have three sets so three exact sets is this there's one there's two and the next one is three so I'll have to do this three times I have three lead teeth these are straight pockets these are angled pockets and depending on your machine and the setup you might be different than me that's okay go by what you know green manufacturing says on these and always carry spares with you there's times where you'll hit a big chunk of steel and these bolts here I can show ya there's a bolt that bolt runs the whole way through here and this side is is just cut out this side over here is threaded this side here it's the opposite it's cut out this side here is threaded so these bolts can break you know they get some you know you get a big impact on this thing and it'll it'll shear that guy right off of there so you'll definitely want to buy extra bolt and definitely want to have extra even if you just buy two of every one so I mean the chances are that you break all of these at one time or slim and if you do do that you really hit something bad most of the time if something breaks it's usually one of these straights and occasionally I might break one bolt off of here that doesn't mean the pockets broke but you know keep extra bolts ok says bolts break and if the bolts or you know if this bends or breaks which I don't know if I've ever done that the only time you really have to replace these is when you get a big crack in it yeah that's about it I'm rambling again but just trying to you know get the information out there show you guys a little bit more about this stuff and that's that you can see here same as here looks like a big flat cut in it that's so that if this bolt breaks and this is stuck in there you'll lose the [Music] Allen head side of it let's say that this head breaks off that's okay you can get something in here and turn this right out of the pocket so it's not you know you're not gonna ruin the pocket if that gets stuck they'll come out you know I see this a good buddy of mine it uh I'll coat this stuff up with anti-seize these rarely come off of here so this will be in there for a long time you might get you know a hundred to maybe 500 hours on one bolt so take care of them anti-seize them it'll help you out when you get ready to take these back out again I can literally put the impact on here and that thing's gonna blow right out of there I've had other machines that were never maintained and never anti-seize and I would have literally had to torch every single one of these off you here don't be that guy it'll take you all day to do it or you'll have to pay somebody a bunch of money to do it yeah that's it you guys have a good day if you have any questions comments concerns let me know again you know I don't work for green I I just use their stuff they're not paying me nothing that's okay they offer an awesome product I like these things a lot I'll do my best to help you guys out with whatever questions you have or put you in the right place get your egg phone number and write contact already I'll talk to you guys later here later you all have a good day and keep making money
Channel: Tactical Stump
Views: 5,663
Rating: 4.8805971 out of 5
Id: hKvOmbb5uaQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 45sec (705 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 02 2019
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