The Search For The Unknown

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[Music] everyone knows Pokémon has always been inspired by real places Unova is New York alola is Hawaii but before Pokémon was a franchise to tour around the world it was all about to end with a final region in 1998 gold and silver brought to life the heart of Japan but unlike other games this region was an exact replica Osaka is Golden Rod kiyoto is etique Olivine City is coob violet city is Nara all lining up geologically perfect and I think most people know this but over a year ago I started to research every town route and City and each connecting piece and the entire region began to unravel into a web of obscured truths that had been buried in these games 20 years ago and my view of what these games were really about began to shift the NPCs and golden rods speak in the Osaka dialect of Japanese there are real whirlpools exactly where they're placed in the game every notable location in jodo is a notable monument that exists in real life the radio tower in Golden Rod is a sutan Kaku the Bellsprout Tower is an allegory for the oldest standing wooden temple in the world the toi XI it makes sense now why you can hear wood creaking in the tower they even got these things Nara and Kyoto have a law where stores can't use bright bright colors to maintain the beauty of old style buildings which is why both Violet City and etique are the only ones to have muted red Pokémon centers but how deep did this really go sure it's a shot forsh shot perfect copy of this real region in Japan but even the Pokémon themselves relate to real animals that live in these areas and the places those Pokémon appear on the map line up perfectly with real life Nara and kiyoto have thousands of free roaming deer Stantler only spawns on Route 36 and 37 the one chunk of grass that lies between them it's the only Pokémon that spawns here at all times of the day at a fixed 30% the Pokémon themselves are far less Fantastical than any other region in the history of the franchise Heracross is the Japanese rhinoceros beetle spinak is the Japanese joro spider they all fit into life the way they do in the games but slowly I started to realize that there was a much deeper layer here a narrative that I was starting to uncover a message that was trying to be told shrouded by fantasy jodo is one of the last games to still have unsolved questions people have always been asking for more but what I found is that the missing pieces actually lie in reality and the only way to find these answers was to go where it all began and solve it myself because if everything is practically real then what the hell is [Music] unknown I've been playing Pokémon since I was a little kid of walked the ruins of Alf over and over little Old Stone puzzles together caught unknown and that's about it it's easy for this place to seem like nothing but a dead end just an endless mystery nothing but old cryptic writings that give more questions than answers ruins of the past puzzles secret rooms and strange Pokémon it almost doesn't make [Music] sense what if this place was real What If there really were more questions than answers what if the puzzle pieces aren't all put together what if it really was [Music] unknown the place we know as the ruins of Al was inspired by Uka a tiny village 40 minutes south of Nara or Violet City it's a place where the mystery of the past is living in tandem with the present throughout Uka hundreds of ancient tombs are hidden underground in between Gardens and houses Li stone structures that look identical to the ones in the ruins of Alf that are to this day not understood the tombs are over 1500 years old yet still standing and no one on earth knows anything who is buried here or why their very existence is true unknown throughout Uka there are Stone monoliths that have been standing still for so long no one knows what they were ever for all they know is that some of them fit together like a puzzle though they will likely never move again moss grows over and kids climb on top and the only way for these ancient puzzle pieces to come together is through story and imagination these pieces are stuck in time built before Japan's own known history more than 1500 years ago they've been forgotten many times over stuck still for so long that Legends came of them and left they remind me of sliding the stone puzzle squares into place unlocking some secret fantasy Stone chamber where you fall into a hole in a Mysterious Room Pokémon is just another iteration of these Legends a story built from something mysterious that will never be answered otherwise most of the tombs like the game are empty now but there have been discoveries here that have influenced these games in far more ways than you might think there are two that are regarded as National Treasures by Japan this is the takas suzaka this tomb was first discovered in 1972 and it was the first Tomb with vividly colored paintings to ever be discovered in the history of Japan when it was found it was all over the news as the people of Uka gathered around and climbed in to see origins of the past on the walls were paintings of multiple figures Geno the black tortoise and three other animals that were shrouded due to its age a tiger a dragon and the resemblance of a bird shortly after it was laid eyes on it was sealed off to the public these are what inspired the paintings and the puzzles in the ruins of Alf in 2005 they found the paintings had molded over and started to deteriorate since its Discovery a difficult decision was made by to completely remove the giant Stone panels and bring them to a research center for them to painfully reconstruct into their original state in tandem with this new dialogue was added in the remakes of gold and silver to an NPC in the ruins of valf who says we are reconstructing ancient Stone panels and we think we can put them back together to how they were the takamasu zaka was immediately a staple in Japan historic discoveries however it was only 10 years later that another Discovery like it would be found the most notorious tomb in all of OA and possibly Japan the Kora tumulus first discovered in 1950 by a local resident who stumbled upon it during road construction and spread word about its existence immediately after it was declared a National Treasure by Japan but due to the technological restraints of at the time the tomb was left untouched for 30 years until 1983 when enough advancements in cameras had been made that it was possible to see inside a group of researchers used an oddly thin long camera called a fiberscope to learn about the contents that had laid underground for over 1500 years once inside they found paintings on the walls the second Discovery in the history of Japan to rec recognize a vividly painted mural although similar to the takamasu zaka this one was far more special because it was in nearly perfect condition inside laid four mythical creatures and the oldest precisely drawn constellation map to ever be discovered in Japan these four creatures are known as the four symbols of Chinese astrology and among them lied the last one that was missing from the takas suzan the Vermilion bird suzaku hoo the mystical Firebird said to be the ruler of the legendaries and to promise Eternal happiness to whoever laid eyes on it only referred to as Legend in golden silver until you encounter it he was originally intended to be the only mascot of Pokémon Gold and Silver many people know about Ho's connection to the ancient Chinese mythological bird Fen Hong as as it literally translates in Japanese as hoo hoo adorns the top of temples in kiyoto in Golden form clearly inspiring the Pokémon and its shiny form but it also has a strong connection to the Vermilion Firebird suzaku portrayed on the walls in the ancient tombs of Uka not only is hoo painted on the stone in the ruins of Al but HOA is required to be brought here to enter into certain Chambers the mysterious transmission the only Pokey gear channel that plays in the ruins of Alf was created by using portions of hoo's cry hoo specifically is connected deeply to this place and suzaku is a symbol of Uka and has more ties with hoo the Pokemon than we thought like hoo suzaku is often a symbol of rebirth and regeneration but suzaku is also Associated closely with the sun and possesses the ability to control fire and suzaku like Fen Hong is said to have wings that resemble the rainbow never before had Japan discovered an ancient painting of suzaku like this the importance of suzaku to Japan as a whole is key to understanding hoo's connection to the ruins valf inside of the Kor tomb waiting with suzaku and the Divine beasts lied a constellation on the ceiling the oldest scientific star map to ever be discovered knowing that hoo has ties to this depiction of the constellations started to reveal much more about these games than we had ever thought but it all became clear to us when we entered into a replica of the kitur Tomb and heard the words of someone who knew a lot more about this than we ever could the sun gold and silver oh no way wow what that's so cool dud go gold and silver above and below the sky and the Sea the Sun and the Moon hoo is the Golden Sun and Lugia is the Silver Moon inspired directly from the ancient constellation that originally pictured them together 1500 years ago the oldest and most culturally important of its kind this is why the games are called gold and silver this connection is why ho and Lugia both carry the flying type and are always pictured mirroring each other in all of their art even in some of their moves and generation 2 were the very first games to introduce day and night but if you've played these games then you're probably aware that we're missing ing a piece here the kimono girls played a vital part in the story of jodo and they also reside in the tombs of auka when the first Tomb with murals was discovered the takas suaka the painting that Drew the most attention was the depiction of empresses in ancient Japan known as the ladies of Uka the ladies of Uka were five people who played critical roles in this time period of Japan's history and the spread of Buddhism and they were portrayed in gold and silver through the kimono girls the depictions of the ladies of Uka in the past and now all show them representing a different color which is why each kimono girl carries an evolution and are always portrayed wearing distinct different colors there are five kimono girls and five ladies of Asuka throughout the games of gold and silver there is a theme in the story and a general feeling of playing this game like the past and present are existing together that things of old and new are happening around you at the same time it says in the Japanese Pokémon Wiki that the kimono girls are descendants of an ancient clan that worshiped hoo and Lugia this use of the word clan seems strange but it's actually very intentional there is one other time a plan is mentioned throughout the games of gold and silver in the secret rooms of the ruins of Alf there are words written in unknown on the floor that mention that they are the clan that erected Pokémon statues outside 1,500 years ago in Uka there were two real Clans in an intense conflict with each other the SOA Clan pushing for Buddhism eventually won during this time period the ladies of a had a vital impact on the creation of Japan as a nation the Clans referred to on the ruins of Al Flor and the clan that the kimono girls descended from are the same if this is true the time periods would line up perfect with real life the five kimono girls are the descendants of the five ladies of Uka the ruins of Alf are full of Stone Chambers ancient ruins of a past civilization where All That Remains are structures built with giant stone blocks statues paintings on rock of Pokémon that are no more than Legend now weathered and cracked in need of being assembled and in unknown language written on the walls messages from a long forgotten Clan the scientists tell us the ruins are 1500 years old and that there're simply isn't much to know about them aside from the feeling you get when you're inside the only other Pokémon that spawns in the ruins of Al aside from unknown is natu and smeargle zat's pokeddex entry says he stands still witnessing the past and present at the same time you as the player truly are witnessing both the past and present simultaneously as well it makes perfect sense why they placed natu here and nowhere else on the entire map smeargle is the painter Pokemon with a paintbrush on its tail he's the artist and a metaphor to the ancient paintings that the place that inspired the ruins of Alf is most prolific for every single detail in the ruins of Alf has a meaning even down to the items you can obtain there nothing was left a dead end Old Amber can be found by Smashing rocks outside of the tombs simultaneously in Uka while Excavating the tombs they dug through dirt in rocks uncovering ancient artifacts one of them being pieces of Amber on this journey to Uka I had dreams of stumbling onto an ancient tomb falling underneath and entering into ancient ruins Old Stone traditions of the past I had no idea how real this game really was what yo what the [ __ ] [Music] dude whoa pass me that yeah it's [Music] going holy [ __ ] I'm like scared but the biggest mystery of the ruins of elf is of course the unknown why would game freak add 28 variations of a weak Pokemon that hardly anyone ever has in their party or even bothers catching you can't used this Pokémon in the Elite 4 you'd probably struggle to even beat a gym this is because there is an entire different point this Pokémon is trying to prove it's questioning the way you play this game by Design the entire ruins of Alf is one of the bigger locations in the game it was a risky move to fill up their game with so many questions if you encountered this Pokémon as a kid you probably remember for being confused even now people tend to not really get this Pokémon and if you view this Pokémon through the lens of a madeup world a fantasy it doesn't make sense but if you view it through the lens of a grounded world no different to ours the meaning and overwhelming importance of this Pokémon becomes clear there has always been a search for what inspired the design of unknown many people think it's hieroglyphs but with everything we know about jodo it all comes from Japan's own history the biggest design inspiration for this Pokémon could likely be from what are known as ancient Keyhole shaped Graves only visible from the sky built 2,000 years ago in the 3r century hundreds of megalithic tombs resembling Keyhole pools are forever preserved in Japan they are some of the largest tombs to ever be discovered and their design is still not fully understood and it's hard to deny they visually resemble unknown but after weeks of searching for unknown's real meaning we have come to an entirely different conclusion of what the point of this Pokemon really was 5 minutes from the train station through a neighborhood lies a hill that overlooks Uka underneath this hill is the secret that inspired this strange Pokémon a tomb built in the 7th Century you can tell from the outside that this is one of the leading designs of the ruins of Al we know this from heart gold and Soul Silver and if you walk inside with your back to the wall and a camera pointed straight forward you can see the exact exact frame for the entrance screen to the ruins of Alf this is the iama tumulus out of all the tbbs the eama Bears the most resemblance to the games built with large rectangle stone blocks you can feel the energy around you as you enter something is here something here lives on from the past marked on these Stones is what can only be described as un known markings each block is touched with a character of some sort when you first see it it seems random but it's almost moving some people believe it's naturally occurring but other people believe the markings mean something Wyatt and I spent hours here in the dark looking at every single block attempting to decipher an unsolvable code as people had probably done here for hundreds of years when you look closer you can see characters that stand out and strike a strong shape and likely were the idea for unknown themselves each one different each one with or without meaning all bearing energy that gives you that feeling as a human that there really are things in life that are a mystery the most fascinating part of this place is that it truly is unknown no one on earth knows what these mean or why this place was built this language these markings this place this art whatever it is is lost so far in the past so far Into Obscurity that its purpose story and Creator are completely and utterly unknown a person I met wandering through OA training to become a tour guide took me here and described these markings as energy markings and that stood out to me because what's left with us is the energy whatever someone made over a thousand years ago still radiates a feeling when you were inside and when you step out and the Sun hits your face it becomes clear why the Pokémon unknown had to exist the story of this place needs to be told Art takes from life as it has for so long that feeling of exploration and wonder is alive around you just as it was when you were a child playing these games chasing that feeling chasing the mystery there's a reason why this game resonated with so many people it's because it's real when you're a kid and you play this game it's just a fantasy where you catch monsters but eventually we all grow up this game has been around for 20 years there are real human intentions that brought this into existence golden silver is profound the entire story of this game is the reimagining of folktales and history Pokemon is presented as a fantasy but it has always been ancient history all things that are put into this world come from somewhere this game was a work of art and we never [Music] noticed as we marched through the woods hunting for a tomb in the middle of nowhere covered in bug bites and Thorns I felt a sense of freedom I hadn't felt since I was a kid and I had a realization that maybe the people who made this game wanted this spiders I've ever they wanted somebody to find this they wanted someone to come to these places and feel what they felt here why else would someone work so hard to eternalize a place and it feeling they wanted people to dig up the history and the meaning and they wanted someone to find all of it was just as they were told as a child and all of it was as interesting and magical as the fantasy game they love this is Pok so the next time you walk through the ruins of Alf you can breathe a sigh of relief that this mystery will never be solved because that is the point life itself is a mystery and you don't have to stare it dead in the face to know that it always has been it's been right in front of us it's been there the whole time unknown is simply the unknown [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah what do you think [Music] Jeremy whoa wait is that yours original yeah who the
Channel: BlueBoyPhin
Views: 757,979
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon theory, ancient history, pokemon is real, Pokemon facts, pokemon gold and silver, johto, pokemon origins, video game trivia, nintendo, ho oh, unkown, ruins of alph, Unkown theory, heart gold, obscure pokemon facts, video game theory, iceberg, documentry, bluedolphin, Asuka Village, Asuka japan, Asuka Kofun, kofun, Suzaku, Ancient tomb, Japan History
Id: Qil4OpfOufU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 24sec (1704 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 28 2024
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