Video Games With Dying Worlds

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there's a certain type of video game that I find absolutely fascinating I'm talking about those games that come out here and there presumably out of nowhere and are able to capture a feeling very few others can it's game set in Melancholy spaces games in places shrouded in fog set in abandoned lost towns game games in dead empty worlds and games you can sense something just off in a distance is watching almost a year ago I made a video about this exact subject and feeling we explored worlds of emptiness worlds of Decay and death uncanny and psychological explorations of the human psyche and the intense fear of empty spaces bringing back that same feeling of walking through the foggy cursed town I've said this before and I'll say it again but the original silent tail game captures this effect perfectly its dreamlike visuals music tone and World setting creates a still to the stay unmatched atmosphere where the whole game feels like some sort of dream and that's not even touching the hidden underworld of Silent tail it's deep lore oul references and secret metaphors it's a masterpiece of its genre and in my opinion has even gone beyond and created its own while many call something like that horror for me there's something more to it a certain level of peacefulness when exploring such places giving off the sense of being the only one left alive in a dead empty world that video I made resonated with many and I wanted to revisit this topic coming back once again and experiencing more surreal empty dystopian and desolate worlds more worlds to explore more worlds to get lost [Music] [Music] in if you didn't know what that meant it's because I was in French and as someone who speaks multiple languages and had lived in multiple countries it can be really difficult to keep up especially when living in places where you don't have the privilege of using all your languages this can cause you to quickly lose the ability because when it comes to language you either use it or lose it and that is why this video is sponsored by Babel Babel is one of the top language learning apps in the world its intuitive lessons help you to learn a language through real life conversations through lessons designed by real language teachers Babel not only helps you retain and grow the languages you already speak but enables you to learn new ones with their simple and effective real world conversational lessons that prepare you to have practical conversations as soon as possible in fact it's been so effective that research studies at Yale and Michigan State found that complete beginners needed only 15 hours of Total study time to cover the requirements for one College semester if you break that down into study hours per day that's about 15 minutes of study time statistically it has never been easier to learn a new language thanks to Babel and take it for me it's something definitely worth pursuing so sign up to Babel now and get 60% off on your subscription with two free life classes as well as a 20-day money bag guarantee by heading down to the link in the description below I'm ABAB and let's get right back to our video [Music] that which gave Chase is an experimental narrative-driven dog sliding Thriller set in the vast dead Frozen waste of the Arctic you play as a dog sled musher task with bringing a strange scientist back to his pre viously abandoned Expedition it is up to us to chart our course through this Frozen Wasteland dealing with its natural elements and [Music] Wildlife the game drops you off right into the world without much Exposition or context on why you are here or of what to do we find ourselves on a dark snowy Trail in the middle of nowhere our dogs are resting and the stranger we are trans transporting is standing there waiting for us we walk up to him and all he says is we should keep moving we pet our dogs and set off on our journey the game explains to us as simple controls of our sled and gives us full control from this point onwards forgive my impatience I have placed a lot of trust in you wish I didn't have to but my hand is forced time will show if you're the right person for the job it was a fortunate thing for both of us that I found you when I did I can tell you are determined willing to breath the cult when few others would your efforts will not go unnoticed there is something that persists throughout most of this game where we aren't told what our mission is or the purpose for this mysterious Expedition except for bringing the strange scientists deeper and deeper into the Arctic he hints at things in cryptic ways and speaks about his previously abandoned Mission I think much will come of this it is time for me to return to finish the work I have started but as we'll get to see whatever he has planned is darker and Stranger than what we could have possibly [Music] imagined in terms of gameplay the game actually has more to it than what it first seems for starters the game uses a physics base sleding system that has us both controlling the speed of the dogs as well as our return rate and tilts which you can imagine gets pretty difficult at certain points when the environment is a bit uneven lose control of the sled and you come crashing [Music] down we eventually make it over the mountain and we are told that the cabin should be close we pull up to a tiny wooden cabin anchor ourselves and prepare to head inside but the game jump Cuts us to a different point in time as we follow the stranger up a mountain on foot remember that this is just the first step all your efforts up to this point will be matched two folds or worse this is always a true test would not have failed again and again a bright light takes over our vision before the game Cuts yet again and we find ourselves hunting a deer narative jump Cuts Like This are used throughout the whole game making the entire experience and timeline of events scrambled the scientist picks up the mushrooms that the deer was eating almost ruined their behavior remains strange to me though I understand it much better now and the game Cuts yet again to a crossroad the past splits we build these to serve as God posts you'll learn not to place much trust in your senses here least of all your memory more cryptic and strange comments but we get on our sled and continue on trucking across the storm going from one signpost to the next to figure out our own path this area in particular seems to have a lot more deer activity than the last it seems like we are getting closer and closer to our goal it must be this way I recall our first Crossing out on a gray sea ice with no landmarks to guide us hearts uning in a face of endless strugle I knew the way would reveal itself to us eventually our guy tells us about their first time coming to this point and crossing the gray sea ice an area with no landmarks or guides how difficult it was but tell tells us to not worry as the path will eventually reveal itself to us we eventually make it to the last cabin before crossing the graay sea ice our final post of civilization to prepare before the great journey but before we could go in the game Cuts again tonight time empty here your Lantern we should continue this is no place for rest forced to continue on the journey well into the night we set forth on the final Mountain Valley that leads us to the great sea ice the scientist tells us that when he came through here first he understood very little unlike us and that he was the only one amongst his companions who had the courage to cross his boundary the game opens up into an area completely flat this place is the sea pass through and you shall find all your imagined WS have been left behind but not this the ghosts a gift Chase through the grave way will never leave your side no matter how far you go more cryptic and creepy wording from our scientists then it begins we are on the Frozen sea the game then slowly face the black and a blurry light source appears before we see that it's our scientist sitting by a fire he asks if he already told us of what became of the deathless deer we answer no he tells us that his expedition was slipping through his fingers they were being humiliated by the conditions and all their efforts to chart of course were useless yet somehow these stupid creatures were able to not just survive but Thrive the game Cuts again and we find ourselves back at the great sea ice stuck in a complete white out and lost one thing about this game that I find really interesting besides how mysterious it is and the cryptic nature of it narrative is how accurate and grounded it keeps itself from the look and feel of the snow the conditions we find ourselves in our gear and even down to the weather phenomena like this white outs are something that happens frequently in cold and icy places like the Arctic it's a natural phenomena where due to extreme heavy snowfall the horizon line disappears from The View while the sky and Landscape appears featureless with a lack of Shadows from the diffus lighting leaving no points of visual reference by which to navigate and making everything around you appear as just white this can result in some visual Illusions where things can appear to almost float and as you could imagine this can be extremely dangerous there are some terrifying videos online of people driving through a white out the only visible thing is the few flags that stick out of the ground to Mark the edge of the road now imagine being caught in a white out in a place like the Arctic regions where you are miles and miles away from any civilization and going just slightly off course could mean being stranded and freezing to death it's really cool that that which gave Chase has this and accurately we find ourselves lost due to it thankfully though some deer seem to have found us we begin to follow it as it's really the only thing we can do our scientists starts telling us more about these curious creatures he tells us that on their initial Journey out here they were curious on how these animals could thrive in such an unforgiving place so they took one from its herd and used it to guide them across the gray Frozen sea not content with simply being led across they were curious on how it knew which way to go when one speculated that it maybe could hear beating hoofs across the ice they cut off his ear yet it kept going then another propose that he could see see indentations in the snow so they took out its eyes and yet still they emerged on the other side and the creature was reunited with its herd the deer knew things it could not have been taught or used senses they couldn't take away from it it seems like these deer have more to them than what first me the ey and eventually the deer guides us out of the great sea we make it to the first cabin on the other side of the ice sea but the game Cuts again and we found ourselves alone our slit is here our dogs too but the scientist is nowhere to be seen once inside we find an empty cabin but it seems like someone left a work here that we can read entrance to the Eastern site March 18th 1892 I'm not sure what purpose my writing could serve but I still find Value in it perhaps it is just for my own sad writing helps me recall helps me separate my own thoughts and memories from theirs this is after all what I'm paid to do we have all settled into our roles rather well albeit with one glamoring exception his accounts of the north made great impact on me in my youth so strong was the alert of the sections of the world map still Uncharted that I found myself standing in Port with all my belongings wrapped in cloth I have always considered myself a careful l iCal person yet there I was willing to put everything on the line to be given the chance to return with an account of my own the crew there assembled was a curious sight misplaced among the five Harden expeditionist St ey a failed writer along with two artists and of course the ill- fated young Bist all handpicked by our great leader a man whose name once carried some Renown in certain circles in his eyes I saw that same light was shown so furiously in the Horizon leading us to the first sight I recall that my heart sank for I knew that light would only ever lead further into the gray the book ends with a giant dark circle on the last page The ill- Faded button is huh who could it be maybe it's our scientist what's interesting about these writings is that we finally have a date now what is really cool about this and I'm not sure if this was done intentionally but there are two Expeditions that took place that year in real life the Peri expedition to Greenland and the Bering cenus expedition of 1892 the letter which sounds eily similar to our expedition in that which gave Chase in 1892 Alfred boring a 21-year-old Adventurer and botanist orchestrated an expedition with the ambitious goal of becoming the first to reach the North PO he persuaded a fellow Countryman and zoologist IAL cus to accompany him on what was initially portrayed as a botanizing expedition to Northern Greenland they constructed a crew of five and set off on their journey in May of 1892 only 2 months away from the games Expedition the Expedition made it as far as the eastern most of the kry Islands a group of tiny islands of the coast of Northern greenand after making a stop there their ship ran ashore under the pressure of the Drift Ice and got damaged stranded on a carry islands with no means of going south with winter on the horizon and the hours of daylight noticeably decreasing their only option was to get on tiniest Loop and try to make it for the Greenland Coast plainly visible to them and only about 60 km away their logic was if they could get there they would get the help from the Inuit the native tribe that lived there to ensure their survival throughout the winter in June of the following year Captain Harry McKay of the Scottish Whaler Aurora spotted a wreck on the eastern most of the K Islands he landed and discovered a ship embedded in the winter snow and ice and a man's body was found nearby buried under a pile of stone mck quickly gathered the relics he could find including bering's final message a letter which read forced by bad weather to linger on this island for a long time I now set on the tour to the eskimos on elmir island as I hope that a whaler will visit K Island next summer to rescue me and my companions I will try to reach this island again before June 1st we are now five men of which one is dying the Expedition one man short vanished into the West on a tiny slope heading vainly towards the unknown elmir Island they were never heard from again now while the story is very different from the one in game there's still some things are just too similar to ignore the leader being a botanist the date and the similar L we find drawings of their expedition on the floor surely made by their artist but as we try to leave we see a note on a door for the outsider the one who is being led we see you too weird when we go outside we find ourselves back into the present we continue our course but things seem to be getting weirder when we get to a sign post the scientists are speaking to us in a more cryptic way do not worry here we are all bound to his my body unable to move my memories no longer my own hinting that at this point in is a journey this deep in he is completely under control of whatever exists beyond the same force that gu a deer is guiding him now the game Cuts again to a campfire he tells us in viewing the events that led up to this moment understand that I have been asked to play the part of the opposer standing not in a way but alongside who by ingesting poison let Rod sit in and replaced old flesh with new I could tell you that I planned for this course of events to take place but I know better than that now not unlike you I am a victim of circumstance do not ask me to reason the reasoning of your own mind may be as impenetrable to you as the reasoning of others the some of a half-remembered feeling and a long forgotten dream to you I was a hand in the dark a stranger stood waiting in a forest I took you in TR the path you followed effortlessly now just as I brought you here you will bring me out we wake up in a cave when we look down we found ourselves sitting on a chair with mushrooms put into the sides of our arms we were move one by one and with the only choice given to us we begin to [Music] [Music] eat we pick up the flashlight this place seems to be someone's home we find a note in my memory I spoke to a young man there convinced him to abandon his life and live like I did we should be close now I guide him as well as I can and hope you will do your part you who recalls everything remember this also I brought them here I'm the one who should be allowed to leave [Music] it seems like the scientist betrayed us sacrificed us for his own freedom but who is he talking to and why did we have mushrooms growing out of us we escaped a cave into a dense snowstorm following their thread marks down into a valley before they disappear however by eating the mushrooms we can see Visions our first vision is of the original Expedition crew and a ghost image of where the scientists fled to we follow them eating mushrooms on the way we eventually find a sled but our dogs are missing scattered around the forest we find one by one by foll their house but we also find a final cabin in the forest inside we find this the previous victims who befell the same fit as we did but who sadly didn't survive on the floor we find a note curious that the task of mapping this place befell the botanist who prior to this exergon had barely left the confines of his hometown his drawings mean to resemble cartography surely worlds and tendrils are still on his mind the Border swirl stretching out Across The Impossible sea ice connecting each Grove in a wretched web every day he tries to perfect his distillations hoping to be given insight into some great truth I am patient I will continue to review his work on a table of multiple samples and descriptions of fungus Northern site variant a everything is kept safe from the noise of time I have had so much time to think without arriving any closer to truth none of us are fully lost we are still here content with relieving the past through its eyes it has shown me answers to questions long forgotten I no longer recall how to ask my own he wishes to bring it out to let it do there what he has done here I don't know whether to stop him or help him let him ride in his cave I prepare for one final journey and pray it leads me elsewhere or nowhere at all not here we leave the cabin put our dogs back on their sled and begin our Escape out of this place but the scientist catches up to us picking up our weapon and beginning a gunfight in the middle of the storm Visions coming to us in strange ways as we battle our way out as our character is still hallucinating due to the mushrooms we ate the scientist appears to have Supernatural Powers we eventually defeat him picking up his flask we drink [Music] and that is that which gave Chase I have to be honest on my first playthrough of this game I had no idea what was going on and even after my second I'm still having a hard time piecing everything together it seems like whatever happened in the first expedition caused the botanist to be completely obsessed with the abilities of the fungus that grows in this area he went insane after crossing the great I see as the game goes on he is revealed to have been driven mad from the hallucinogenic mushrooms he had been consuming throughout the entire Journey giving him strange abilities similar to the animals that live here the game's already desolate and lonely environment plays with the senses mixed with the jarring jump cuts it creates a dreamlike experience making the player guess the story from its pieces the question is we know that the mushrooms do indeed give us powers and Visions we ate them ourselves but there seems more to them and it is entire area like some sort of eldrich force that manifests itself through these mushrooms the deers eat the mushrooms and it gives them abilities to communicate with each other over vast distances our guide eats them and makes potions out of them throughout our trip giving him the same ability to guide us through this empty world as he says at the end and throughout the entire game he is merely a vessel of something else the ending of the game leaves much for speculation with us seemingly surviving the whole ordeal and returning back where we came from with the corpse of the scientist that which gave Chase is a gloomy Melancholy psychological horror experience and it's exactly the type of game that I'm talking about but I promised the rest of the games we will cover won't be as long or as convoluted as this one I just felt the need to talk about this game because I personally find it extremely interesting and a game itself is very underrated for how good it is [Music] bobi is a game that uses its strangeness to its Advantage the game drops us off in a rundown hallway in a large concrete Residential Building within a small town by the name of bobi our one and only goal given to us is to find a way out of this town the gameplay of bobd is exploration platformer with its own quirks using different tools you find around the map to help you travel and navigate the world you can use the bat to hit a surface and it pushes you back or you could find a leaf blower to hover in the air for a while we take the elevator down and make it out of the building and looking around us we can see the state of the Town we're in it's a maze of interconnected gray lifeless concrete buildings linked together with the few brid Bridges and broken bits bobd is firmly brutalist in aesthetic an architecture style that is known to induce feelings of unease and alienation most of the insides of the buildings are abandoned and empty but from time to time we can come across some lived in apartment the entire town of bobi has this Dreadful feeling of Abandonment a world long forgotten by this point into the game no information has been given to us about what babdi even is the only only bits of info we can find is on Steam page it tells us bobine is a forsaken District in the outer ring of a megalopolis which means a very large city this area outside of bobi we never get to see but what we do see is that the town is completely surrounded by large walls and a damp on the other side almost like it's some sort of enclosed prison the residents of this town are strange both in their looks and mannerisms most of them are helpful some are [Music] shy others are too busy fishing for gutter oil and some are just trying to make it one step at a time seeing the train station in a distance we slowly make our way to it coming across some points of interest and exploring more of the area on the way there once we get there however we enter a room with just a floating hand sitting on a desk he informs us that there are no more tickets left bummer on our way back to the town we encounter a strange fella in the control room in a bridge connecting the dams he tells us that they don't sell tickets here anymore but he tells us that there was a sick woman who had a ticket but she succumbed to her illness and died and that perhaps since she doesn't need it anymore maybe we we can get hers he then gives us a device that is meant to detect any decaying corpse nearby and tells us to go find her once we get to the apartment building where the woman was at we can see a swarm of flies Gathering and filling up the entire level most likely from the stench of her rotting corpse which is still there when we arrive her husband tells us her body decayed so quickly and that we can take her ticket since he has no need for it anymore now we can use his strain ticket to head to the a nearby train station and leave the town for good ending the game but bopti has so much more to it there are so many little secrets and cool hidden items in Mobi that one could easily Miss like this dog that looks like it was brought to life from a child's drawing by picking up a ball and throwing it at it you unlock an achievement or this hidden church at the bottom levels with a strange looking cross one of the cooler items however is this hidden pickaxe that lets you climb any surface allowing you to climb the tallest tower in the game where you find another item that lets you literally fly bobi is a very short and simple game yet it feels special and memorable it's an odd title with so much personality to it it's also an early calming experience since there are no enemies or time limits letting you explore this concrete jungle of a town to your heart's [Music] [Music] desires lawen lur is a game set within an enormous Mega structure of concrete and metal you play as an Android chasing an an unknown artifact it saw in its Vision many Millennia ago leaving its home Colony behind and chasing it further and further down the abyss of this Mega structure our protagonist finds himself lost within its steps I have been lost down here for 253 years in a place I'm not supposed to be [Music] I need to find a ghost again before my energy core expires it's all I have [Music] left there is no going back and and dropping you off right into the action lawren lur plays as a parkour platformer with a climbing mechanic it's a vertical inducing experience with large segments of the game set in these immensely large Open Spaces both in size and depth making precision and wellth thought out routing necessary the world of Lauren lure is massive and full of secrets bits of low hidden around the map it's a game that rewards exploration and going off the beaten path and despite the game's limited story or narrative it makes up for it an atmosphere the world of Lawrence lur is mysterious in its nature we are never told what this Mega structure is who our protagonist is or what he is or what happened to this world to turn it like this in the first place there is this bit within the starting area of the game where we find our climbing pics as we parkour our way down we eventually find a corpse that sadly didn't survive its fall unlike us this one seems to be human a weird purple organic matter seems to seep out of its corpse when we scan this site we get this an observer that has fallen to their death many years ago observers are explorers that leave their home colony to document what is outside they'll return at a rate of approximately 0.23% and the ones that do often have important findings this one is from a foreign colony of Unknown Origin there is a strange Mass mold growing through their suit while I would love to explore this world more right now we can only play a demo of the game because laur's lur unlike the other games on here is a game that's still in active development it's definitely a game that seems to have a lot more to it behind the scenes and one I would love to return to in the future a very similar game to lawence lur is one called Nissans Nissans invites players into a surreal and Atmospheric world as they navigate through expansive and Abstract environments filled with strange architecture and mysterious structures the mega structure of Nissans is similar to the one in lawence lur in terms of scale aesthetic and inspiration it's a journey filled with exploration PL platforming and puzzle solving challenges but as we delve deeper into The Surreal Landscapes we encounter vast abstract environments so large they leave us questioning the origins of this world Nas's world doesn't really make much sense from expensive Vistas to claustrophobic corridors some paths are straightforward others seeming too small or incomplete and some Loop in on themselves in ways that don't make much sense the world of Nissans feels like it wasn't made for humans based on its skill and odd planning but it is filled with humanized doors stairways hallways and if you look hard enough living spaces there are segments we reach towards the latter half of the game that seem like entire cities buildings with Windows Doors and even ventilation yet despite this Nissan's world is dead you can spend the entire play through of the game traveling and exploring the world as far as the game lets you and find no sign of life yet the world reacts to us this Mega structure seems to have a consciousness of its own as lights move and flicker block shift and Machinery continues to run adding to the unsettling feeling of being washed and followed the world seems to be void of life yet still runs and operates on its own Nissans really feels like some sort of endof the world scenario a creation of some insanely powerful artificial intelligence like something out of the world of I have no mouth and I must scream towards the end of the game we reach a part where we have to cross a large Bridge looming over a vast expanse and this area is so large that condensation seems to have created clouds and lightning a raging Storm within the enclosed Mega structure as nature seems to rebel against the confines of this artificial space I absolutely love games that are set in places like this spaces that are thought-provoking just based on a state of the world itself inviting exploration and contemplation of existential questions both Nissans and lawren lur were heavily inspired by a lesser known piece of dystopian science fiction not a game but surprisingly a Japanese manga by the name of blame blame is set in an otherworldly setting yet a world eily similar to the one in Theon in an incredibly far off future where Humanity had evolved technologically beyond what most science fiction Works depict set in a world that's been entirely encompassed by an ever expanding cityscape that has grown to take over the entire planet and Beyond blame story takes place thousands of years after these events we follow a human simply known as KY on his journey to find a human with a net terminal Gene having achieved another step in evolution through cybernetics most humans in blame's world could hardly be considered so in our own their bodies have biological have machine they possess extraordinarily long lifespans some able to regenerate the El fully and can even upload their own Consciousness to live on after their own bodies deteriorate one such technology that allows Humanity to reach such Heights is something called the net sphere a hyper evolved version of the internet the net sphere was created by humans to solve all worldly problems these ancient humans could interact with the net sphere using a specific Gene within their DNA called the net terminal Gene and created anything they possibly imagined in the real world from a digital template but in dystopian scii fashion something goes wrong and before they know it the net terminal Gene in most humans goes extinct since humans could no longer connected a net sphere they were left powerless stuck within their own creation As Time passed and with no new instructions the large machines that constructed the city known simply as the builders were left to roam and build continuously as thousands of years pass they became erratic and scena continuing to build a city layer over layer Strada on top of strata composed of nothing but colums corridors stairways masses of pipes doors going to nowhere and broken machinery [Music] however the humans aren't alone in this world either a new life form had emerged mysteriously silicon life organisms whose genomes are built from Silicon instead of carbon making them unique from every other organism to have lived on earth while humans don't vary much on appearance silicon life on the other hand do at times appearing more human other times more like cyborgs or monstrosities navigating the desolate expanse of the city driven by the one Quest blame is a manga unlike any other as in it applies to saying that a picture is worth a th000 words therefore blame is a manga full of pages and Pages worth of beautifully depicted shots of the city with very few words spoken in between it's one of those books that you just can't help but feel lost in every time you open the city engulfs you just like it does with its characters as the entire story is told here there is no other place other than the city the true size of it is unknown but it is believed that by this point in the manga it has already engulfed the entire planet and expanded even beyond having already engulfed the entire Moon and perhaps even more and as far as the Earth itself it's been long gone minded fully by the machines in fact most humans don't remember what the world was like before the city there's truly only the city [Music] now because of that and because our characters are would to live for so long the time scales of blame are enormous at times a simple walking sequence within the mea could take us a few page flips but in reality it took years decades even for KY to walk from the first point to the next Journeys across a single chapter could take hundreds of years KY also has a weapon a small pistol called a gravitational beam emitter a small yet incredibly powerful weapon its kind are the only ones able to penetrate the mega structure itself the knowledge to make such a weapon however has long been lost of time making them extremely rare to come by as we follow Killy on his journey all we get are these large panels of environments that span hundreds and hundreds of miles visible in any direction encountering strange walking creatures thae corridors and hallways that resemble mazes there is this part towards the end of the manga where Killy has been walking for an undisclosed period of [Music] time climbing up a long tunnel KY eventually finds a small exit that emerges into a whole city but with no sign of life as KY walks long bridges that connect the complex together he eventually finds a dark tunnel with a voice calling for him it's a corpse but the sounds are coming from a device a small device resembling a thumb drive with the inscriptions on it Mor turns out Mor is an emergency preservation pack a device that's meant to contain someone's Consciousness as a sort of backup Kelly and myy then walk for an undisclosed amount of time they eventually find a spiral staircase KY uses his vision to try and see the true height of it and figures that there's an exit at the end some 3,000 km away they climbed the staircase taken breaks in between when they eventually make it up KY finds a lever cranks it and opens a thick circular door he merges into a dark hallway making it up a few flights of stairs he finds a regular looking door after opening it KY emerges on the roof of a strange building like structure but when he looks around him he finds himself surrounded by a void so large that neither his incredible Vision nor Mory sensors are able to measure its limits then a voice speaks to them how rare says a large figure looking into a strange device I've been observing here for a long while but this is the first time I've met a biological entity something falls down from the void causing a big boom The Observer says that this is the cpid structural part start falling something that happens here a lot The Observer then says that this area is a spherical space with an average diameter of 143,000 KM and that the construction is still ongoing he theorizes that the space must have been for some raw material that was stored here and eventually mined out fully by the city since this area has enormous production facilities and Builders around it this number given to us here 143,000 isn't just a random sici it's actually the exact diameter of the biggest planet in our solar system the gas giant Jupiter It is believed that the city the world that blame is set in is so large that it has outgrown Earth by so much that it began expanding into the entire solar system slowly engulfing Planet by planet and using them as raw material for further construction of the city in fact as it is well assumed that by this point the entire solar system has already been consumed by this Mega structure the world of blame is unbelievably huge and has one of the most interesting visions of a potentially dystopian future proposing the potentially catastrophic scenario of what AI mixed with self-replicating machines could result in but bringing us out of the darkness of the world of blame there is another world much smaller in scale that I want to talk about lighter is a new Gmod game mode created by Moder data on the Steam Workshop it's a simple addition to the already Eerie game that lets you experience the world in a completely new way encompassing any world you load into in complete darkness and giving you the simple tool a liar as the only way to view the the world around you lighter in real life is a remote sensing method that uses light itself to measure distances to object it works by sending out laser pulses and then measuring when it hits an object this information helps create detailed 3D maps of the objects surroundings such as terrain buildings and vegetation and similar to that we can use our own liar in game to create a sort of 3D scan an after image of the geography or mesh of our world with two modes one that is active and resembles more a flashlight in this mode we can control how wide or narrow we want our beam to be or a scan mode which takes more time and it gives us a much more complete picture of what is in front of us it's a super interesting concept and a breath of fresh air in Gmod game modes but as we'll get to see things aren't as simple as they first seemed [Music] we aren't alone here catching you completely off guard lar quickly turns from a cool new gimmick to a horror game realizing that the only way to see around us is by continuing to scan as what we see is only a ghost figure of the world everything you see is a scan from the past meaning there is no real way to view the world in real time it has the need for you to keep perpetually scanning to get the latest and updated view of what is in front of you and the figure continues to appear to us following us around lar uses her own visual limitations against us and just by using the simple thought of knowing that something else is sharing this world with us creates is horror for the rest of the game the figure doesn't attack Us in fact the game Loop kind of ends here we run around the map scanning and catching the shadow figure from time to time it's a really cool way of creating horror with such simple means leaving the rest of it to our minds and our own imagination you know come to think of it now players do always say that they feel like they are being watched when playing Gmod Maps alone what if this is a manifest ation of that an invisible character that's always been following us around watching us but we just never could see it scan it until now I particularly like the fact that lidar tricks you into downloading the game mod without even knowing what it really is its description on the Steam Workshop page reads experimental game mode no goals just the ability to scan a map the only hint within the entire page that gives us any clue that there could be something more is the last image within it a red figure stands alone on a lonely hill by never promoting itself as anything other than a simple visual change lar has the powerful element of surprise you come for the novelty of the gimmick and before you know it you're playing a horror game it's a really cool way to capture that Dreadful horor removing your ability to see and giving you a limited tool that only gives you scan of it was there the moment you click the button but the thing is what is liar really is it just a horror game or is there something more to it what is or who is a figure and what happened to this world to Encompass it in such complete darkness why does the figure seem to completely absorb light unlike any other object in the world questions like this flared up in my mind as soon as I saw the shadow figure lar doesn't really have have a story or an objective to it but its Simplicity and its horror reminds me of another game that uses similar yet basic tricks to convey absolute Terror through limited Vision beginning at descent cruising depth in roughly 40 seconds stand by [Music] um I'm seeing some voltage irregularities in the instrument so keep an eye out for Sparks or Flames or anything like that approaching maximum depth uh the hole's feeling it but it's still holding strong closing toward hole shielding we're starting to lose radio signal you'll be at Cru dep soon so and be careful you're on your sent on an exploration Mission deep underneath the oceans of a strange alien moon in an unknown sector of space iron lung is a game set entirely within a claustrophobic submarine navigating the presumably dead underworld of a planet's oceans we are a convicted criminal sent out on his Dangerous Mission as a form of punishment and Redemption tasked with navigating to points of interest and Gathering data through photos but it seems like there's something else down here with us iron lung is a game that uses simple yet Universal fears to create its horror the fear of the deep oceans the fear of limited vision and the fear of the UN know and similar to lar our only way to view the world around us here is by a slow limited and delayed photo capture using our black and white grainy front-facing camera which means you will spend the entirety of the game maneuvering solely based on the shapes built-in coordinates display proximity sensors alongside a map given to us as you could imagine this creates a gaming experience unlike any other and makes you rely on the ATM spere The Sounds the photos you take and the small bits of pieces of Flor given to you to build the world around you but what makes irong truly special is the fact that the game goes beyond using these common fears but elevates the whole experience into a whole other scale by bringing a cosmic horror aspect to this world on the backside of the submarine there are other things in here we could look at we find a piece of paper on the floor it's a note it this is not an expedition it is an execution when they put you in here they don't want you to return and even if you do and even if they keep their promises what Freedom waits for you if you die in ships in a sea of dead stars if there is still hope it lies Beyond the Veil hope in this void is as illusionary as a Starlight I will choose to breathe my last at the bottom of the ocean unseen unheard uncontrolled they will get their execution I will get my freedom the note seems to be from an unknown previous convict who found themselves in a similar predicament as us but choosing to take control of their own fate in their last few moments they chose death down here rather than a potential for a normal life up there one thing that we can also find back here is a terminal this seemingly insignificant addition to the game can give us great insight on the world of iron lung and of what exists Beyond this ocean by interacting with it it tells us a briefing of our mission 2 weeks ago we conducted an exploration of moon 85 for the first time since the quiet Rapture leading to the discovery of a forc blood ocean a trench beneath the ocean's surface has several points of interest your task is to photograph these points of interest with your submarines forward- facing camera since you cannot navigate by sight pay attention to your navigation and consult the map and that's the thing that I've been keeping from you this entire time what makes this Moon special and the reason why we were sat down here in the first place is that the oceans of this moon were found to be made of blood in fact three other moons were found with similar anomalies the appearance of blood oceans on bare moons is something that began happening after this incident known as The Quiet Rapture by using special commands we get a variety of information and pieces of Knowledge from the terminal some of it classified but enough to start forming an image we start off by asking it perhaps the biggest question in our minds what is the quiet Rapture it tells us that in the year 357 EIC which is the end-game calendar without any prior warnings radio contact with all respective planets was suddenly cut nobody could recall having VIs ual contact with any Planet when the incident occurred or experiencing any other unusual phenomena upon further investigation it was observed independently by several stations that where there had previously been planets nothing remained further investigations over the following months revealed that all known planets with sentient life flora and fauna a habitable atmosphere or any sort of natural resource were likewise gone along with all known star Stars the only celestial bodies that have been found since are either uninhabitable moons or asteroids many theories have been proposed for This Disaster including religional interpretations of it as a literal Rapture some unknown quet anomaly or something more Cosmic and Sinister but there are no concrete answers yet the quiet Rapture is the main event in Iron long that sets the stage for the events in the game it was basically basally a cosmic scale event that took place in a fraction of a second and ended before anyone could even notice old life habitable planets and stars were snapped out of existence now the few humans that are left behind in this void were the few who were in outer space on space stations or in Starships now these last few surviving humans must find a way to live in an already dead Universe led by the ghost light of the the already gone Stars the world of iron lung is slowly being engulfed in darkness as the Stars One By One vanish from the night sky that's what makes this game extremely cool and special it sets you off in an already terrifying mission that by itself is more than enough to scare anyone but the game then sets up a stage for you to learn more about the world you exist in and a more daunting realization sets in when you realize that this mission is the least of your worri maybe this is why the previous convict decided to live his last few days down here rather than go back up there just the potential implications of something like the quiet Rapture brings up so many questions in my head if all living things are gone and also the things that could help support life or lead to life reemerging again in the far future like habitable planets stars and resources but not the celestial bodies like asteroids or Baron moons they suggest perhaps a level of intelligence or awareness in this occurrence almost like the universe or something did it on purpose is it perhaps divine intervention or like the entry said something more Cosmic and Sinister so many questions and so much intrig created by so little we get off the terminal and set off on our mission the game gives us 10 points of interest to go to after navigating to our first point of Interest we position ourselves correctly and snap a picture it's a pile of pillars nothing special here it seems so we keep on moving navigating to the second point of Interest we snap a picture to find a bundle of spikes the third point of Interest seems to be a bunch of pipes coming out of the floor or some sort of strange cylindrical formation it's a little weird but it's nothing to fuss about but the fourth picture we capture something weird it's the face of a creature and upon snapping another it's gone there is something else down here something alive but how could it be if all life was snapped out of existence it seems like these blood oceans hold more secrets than we know well now that we know that something else is down here we better hurry and get to our next position navigating our way to the fifth point of Interest we snap a picture to find a skeleton of some sort of large creature it seems like its corpse has been here for a while more proof of Life surviving and thriving within the oceans of blood but it's really when we make it to the sixth location that even more questions pop up when we take our photo we get back something that I could only describe as some sort of man-made structure or building with columns and windows just how is something like this down here it seems like Moon 85 has more to it than first me the when we input Moon 85 at the terminal we get this this entry has been redacted see blood oceans for more information so we input blood oceans to find out more about this strange anomaly it tells us that since the quiet Rapture an unexplained phenomena has been identified on four separate moons Moon 18 5 which is the one we are now on and moon Z8 are the most notable locations as they are under control of the COI enough research has been conducted on the blood itself to determine that it is indeed human blood but we have not discovered where it comes from or how it keeps its liquid form at the bottom it reads the oceans on 85 is of particular interest because well that changes everything while on hell would these blood oceans be made out of human blood we input Moon Z8 to find out more it tells us the site of one of four known blood oceans and one of two such moons under the control of the COI Moon Z8 has historically been used for the realization of COI convictions until the discovery of moon 85 okay we know this conviction realization is the reason why we are down here when we ask it it tells us that it is is a form of Humane criminal justice used by the COI where criminals are repaid by rendering service to the general Collective often this is by performing surveys maintenance or other similar beneficiary tasks when we ask it what the COI is it tells us that it is one of the few organizations operating in the world their name stands for the consolidation of iron it's a Brotherhood of three space stations and two spacecrafts numbering 257 citizens in total we get off the terminal and continue on our journey after making it to the seventh location we snap a picture to find a more giant sized bones but as we make it to our eighth location the closer we get the more vibrations we feel in our submarine it seems like the blood around us is boiling and our ship is hidden up because of it when we eventually make it and snap a picture we get this a bright light generating immense heat and energy to shake our entire vessel like this while navigating our way back something bumps into us and we get moved by a few hundred met away after moving some more our ship sensors start going off as if there is a large structure around us when we snap a picture to see what is in front of us causing this we see this something is stalking us we need to keep moving but whatever that thing did to our ship created a hole in a structure because before long Blood starts leaking in slowly filling up the inside but we only have one more point of Interest maybe we can still make it we finally get there position ourselves for the final picture and get ready to snap but before we can do [Music] that and that's our long it looks like the secrets we uncovered on moon 85 will forever stay unknown until another doomed convict is lowered down here to suffer the same fate as us but what do our findings mean for the grander picture among the pictures we took three of them seemed normal two of them are of dead animal bones and two are of live creatures which may or may not be the same monster from the ending one of them seems to be some sort of structure and the last one is the bright light whatever that bright light was it was extremely powerful rocking our entire vessel but the question still stands why is the ocean made out of human blood are other oceans in the iron lung World similar we know that there's at least three more out there and perhaps even more undiscovered ones but do they also have life within them so many questions yes so little answers iron lung is a game I've been wanting to cover on the channel for a while now but I never had good reason to I'm glad to finally have had a chance to peek down the dark abyss that is the dead void of the iron long Universe the games we cover today are all vastly different in their own kinds while some can be a bit similar in their gameplay or genres others said completely in different worlds yet to me only the these games share that same feeling that feeling of being the only one left alive in a vast empty Dying World and I will see you very soon
Channel: Virtual Carbon
Views: 1,590,794
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: emptycore, silent hill, surrealism, dreamcore, dreamscape, kenophobia, That Which Gave Chase, Babbdi, Lorn's Lure, Naissancee, BLAME!, Iron Lung, iron lung lore explained, fogcore, gloomcore
Id: GPjrK5wmNc0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 41sec (4061 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 28 2024
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