Bullets Don't Argue | WESTERN | Free Western Movie | English | Full Length Feature Film

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always lonely always looking to get even with a man who did him wrong that was billy lonesome billy who was quick to think a gun could make him strong no one tougher or more daring only he and his gun sharing the great fight to live and his great love to fight a rough man who played with danger to whom trouble was no stranger until one day he laid dying it filled his date with destiny [Applause] never friendly never trusting always kept one ready hand near his gun that was billy lonesome billy [Music] the rough man who would rather kill than one the rough man who would rather kill than [Music] run [Music] where is this [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] billy foreign brother is right over there [Music] here you are [Music] [Music] don't you believe me then just ask my brother your brother okay okay i believe i will billy wait up i want to talk to you billy you gotta stop treating me that way i'm a man now billy take me with you you won't regret it take me with you look let me show you how i handle this here watch this that's about as good as you can do with a six gun uh-huh i don't ride around for my health you know i know billy but take me with you if they didn't hang me yet it's because i always took care of my own business alone without witnesses drink waters out of thine own cistern and running waters out of thine own well proverbs oh you and your bible i have information that's worth 30 000 are you interested but first you gotta promise that you'll take me with you there's a little town about 35 miles across the border and in the bank there's a safe with about 30 000 in it tomorrow the whole town's going to be in church you know why because the sheriff's getting hitched billy we could be down there pick up the door and a couple hours would be over the border do you want to know where this place is you interested uh river town i don't like it we were born in that town but so what are you getting sentimental all of a sudden oh that's pretty good lonesome billy getting tender hiding or is it because you're scared of pat garrett i'm not afraid of no one including garrett billy oh i'm sorry i'll come back later it's all right i was just going [Music] i'm so glad you're back you want to do me a favor what do you see let me alone [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] a word or two before i continue all of us in river town are grateful to our friend and sheriff pat garrett who has met his match at last now as he's about to begin his brand new career as a husband i'm sure you'll all join with me in wishing him and his lovely bride good luck and every happiness do you patrick garrett take this woman martha coogan to be your lawful wedded wife for richer for poorer for better for worse in sickness and in health to love and to cherish till death do you part i do let's lock up and go over okay i'd like to wish them luck anyhow [Music] do [Music] okay oh if you do this the whole town will be wiped out that's the life savings of our people there george clanton too bad they recognize you now i'll have to get rid of them go ahead no use your knife they'd hear the shots kill him i can't do it billy i can't [Applause] [Music] all right let's go all right let them through now hold it oh come here johnny [Laughter] they only have a few minutes head start on this patch water's less than 50 miles from here we'll have to get them before they cross but but if they do get across the border what are you going to do pat will you follow them into mexico mexico has become too good a hideout for outlaws these days i've got to put a stop to it the only way that i can it's not exactly the best moment for it is it no my god it isn't the best moment all right let's get moving [Music] so come on what are you stopping for that's mexico on the other side of the river pat we're already 20 miles beyond the county line we're chasing a couple of killers we can't stop now over there pat we ain't the law and then mexican rallies don't take kindly to us know-how if these men get away with this now you know what it'll mean same thing will happen in every town on the border it's your duty at 20 a month our duty ends here sorry pat uh well i can't force you but at 30 dollars a month i've got to bring those men back hmm i'm thinking that martha coogan is about to become the youngest and newest winner in rivertown good luck pat [Music] it's pat garrett like the good book says the bridegroom covers [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] what is this plain war you an american all right don't answer me but you fired at me and i'm a sheriff so i'm arresting you you're the sheriff you're not one of santiro's men hands up looks like everybody's against me today don't be afraid of a magnus he's an american sheriff i'd better introduce myself i'm pat garrett oh you're the sheriff of rivertown pleased to meet you i might got it and this is my systagness howdy do you two make it a habit to shoot at anybody you don't know we thought you were one of centero's gang mr garrett he's a mexican outlaw we're on our way to corona our wagon's right over there when we saw you with that gun we figured you were one of them i had an accident lost my horse supposed to be room for me sure thing oh [Music] done [Music] so [Music] i'm always anxious to get through these hills quick as possible meeting up with a band it'd be mighty unpleasant yeah and turn it over at the rate we're gone it'll be pretty unpleasant too don't worry agnes is a real good driver [Music] now listen you see mike the cocking of a pistol has a special sound that a trained ear can't miss lucky for me back in those ruins you didn't know about that you have to pull the hammer back slowly like this see oh can i try i don't know how to do it right next time just listen to how he talks he's right he's old enough to learn to use a weapon no i meant mike always speaks just like his mouth had some rocks in it that's why we're going to corona on account of his teeth we're going to see dr martinez he was a friend of my father what is your father dead my mother too we just have each other papa left us a small ranch 10 miles from the border mike and me been running it by ourselves we're doing real good with it are you alone also don't you have family he's got a ring he's married i didn't see just today four hours and 20 minutes ago [Applause] foreign if you don't mind i'd rather get off here and walk in i have good reason for wanting you into town some other way well bear in mind if you need anything our ranch is just off the main road between devils valley and the border so long mr garrett come see us i'll do that thanks very much bye get along there so long show [Music] did you ever see anybody die right before your eyes oh see one time i saw this when my mother-in-law died with god's blessing i've seen three men die all in one day murders i'm a coward you know that george take it easy [Music] i had my knife in my hand and the blade was open but i couldn't kill them do you understand i couldn't manual i can't kill a man just like that see i mean you must try to take it easy i'm sorry senor but my house is full there are no more rooms but i will give you my room say or if you wish no thanks i don't want a room senor tell that boy in there i want to see him just show him this see will you convince anyone i'll wait [Music] here [Music] so all right george it's finished now your party's over coming back to rivertown with me what are you doing here you're dead pat garrett's dead no not yet son [Music] now where's your brother i won't tell you all right you got to tell me where he is [Music] nope [ __ ] where is he billy's upstairs with a woman if you say one word i'll put a bullet you know i have seen you your brother billy for a long time glad i got up with [Music] you [Music] look out buddy look out they're killing each other call the police what are they doing oh don't ask questions get the police hurry i'm gonna bleed to death no this looks bad i won't kill you you're more likely to be dying of a sore throat hanging from a tree [Applause] i didn't kill anybody garrett you tell i'm at the trial i'm not the judge i'm just a sheriff you've got no right to arrest me here we're in mexican territory you're one bad habit george you talk too much um so [Music] [Music] quickly [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] they must have gone this way in most likely head for the border we'll have to telegraph the border guards to stop them before they cross caesar handle how'd these men look i didn't see them so good but this last one who came he was dressed in black a gringo he was very tall he had the face of a real criminal i think verminos we may still be able to catch them calm down take it easy billy you and your brother are both my prisoners time to get out before you try any funny business remember to be easier for me to kill you right here get going uh [Music] don't you try that again billy move [Music] wait [Music] so [Music] [Applause] i can't go any further my arm hurts me too much garrett you're going to make us walk back to rivertown ain't going back to rivertown i think you're going back all right i know the law pat this is mexico not the united states here in mexico you're not a sheriff you're nobody i'm still gonna kill you if you try any more of your tricks the minute we meet a mexican border patrol they'll set us free you know that pat i wouldn't rely too heavy on that route i intend to take we're not liable to meet any border patrol what you're gonna cross the devil's valley you must be out of your mind to think that you'll make it on foot i didn't say i was gonna cross it on foot now get moving where can i find your boss i need three horses and food and water for three days you heard this in your pueblo see to it see patron how about you two thousand dollars senior are you crazy two thousand dollars for three horses no my horses are not worth so much of course two hundred dollars would be high twenty dollars would be plenty for the foods in york the water is expensive here forget it one moment just remember these senor all the water is free in the village but there are also many bullies there eh you'll have to give me a receipt for the 2000. not sure i'll make it out for you right now senor senior [Applause] how much were these nothing consider it as a gift senior pablo saddle up my horse [Music] [Music] [Music] you think you're smart don't you pat let me tell you something the desert's tough so am i i've got 21 notches on my gun and before we reach the border i'll have one more [Music] don't waste your time bragging billy says it's tough tougher than both of us i can't go on [Applause] [Music] he's upstairs i must speak to you santero who is it contest sit down counters what's it all about mucho de niro thousands of dollars get out view me again stay all right talk the bank was robbed yesterday in rivertown center when i know where the money is over thirty thousand dollars will you give me ten percent if i tell you where [Laughter] so you want ten percent the trouble with you is your much too greedy contest but we can make a deal go on now that the bullet's out the wound can heal this is going to hurt you you better bite hard on this it's all right jordan now when this arm heals you'll be able to use it as well as you ever did i'm gonna be sick i'm sick ah two friends of mine in rivertown under six feet of dirt are worse off than you are my boy but i didn't kill anyone i couldn't billy you tell him please tell him you did it sure i killed him kid but what's the difference [Music] [Music] you're not eating i'm not hungry just thirsty can i have a drink coffee no water they are looks a lot better when we get to texas the doctor look at it a regular nurse mate huh you're feeling sort of kind-hearted tonight ain't you why don't we have a little chat you and me and the kid here you got married yesterday didn't you pat that's right i've been married 32 hours but you had to leave right after the wedding huh tough luck i mean not having a honeymoon still probably it's all for the best pat on account of most likely you ain't gonna come back to her life but just supposing you make it what do you have to offer her garrett huh your wages huh a measly thirty dollars or so a month that's what you making and then you'll start having kids two three four da da da da da da da da da i know you get you want a whole flock of rats i can just see you getting poor and poor you ain't smart pat i know 30 000 is a lot of money we even divided three ways isn't it that's right if you split with us who would know the difference there's still another possibility i pat garrett who you think is a crooked sheriff fired two shots nobody never know the difference i'd have the whole 30 000 to myself 28 000 that is [Music] we're ready to attack we'll give their way oh we wait till they are asleep then there is no [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] risk [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] those two must have been part of santero's gang they're sure to be others this is what they're after that fellow i got the horses from must be an informer if they get the jump on us they'll kill all three of us so we've got to take turns keeping watch you first billy now do we attack no now we can no longer surprise them and besides that mesa the run is like a fort so we must wait no this is not the right moment miguel but our patience our time will come [Music] vlamirose [Music] you're getting old pat you get tired too quick are you thirsty why not have a drink i'll wait have a drink if you want it you're the sheriff come on go ahead we're not thirsty we still have a long way to go we all have to hold out till tonight please let me have some water i've got a fever at least let me wet my lips ah i told you i wasn't thirsty but you will be back get going billy why'd you throw away our water our friend garrett's trying to figure that out too kid maybe it's because i wanted to hey get [Music] me and george ain't been back in rivertown for a long time how is everybody there about that old drunk doc jacobs is he still alive yup and callowell the preacher does it still take him two hours to finish the sermon tell me garrett who'd you marry martha coogan martha coogana george did you hear that so what so you got yourself hitched to martha coogan huh [Laughter] after everybody turned her down but me i left before it's my turn why don't you fight like a man go ahead untie my ass there no patton you still got your pistol or even i'm [Music] oh up on your feet now just like i promised you garrett i'm gonna kill you i don't know if i'll shoot you or leave you here in the desert stop that's as far as you go you asked i may be old billy but i'm not foolish now you mount up and don't try any [Music] tricks [Music] ah [Music] quick [Music] come on [Music] oh desert is our friend miguel that money is much safer out there than in a bank famines [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] let's make camp here at least we'll have some shade hold it oh i'm hungry when do we eat you out of your mind all you've got is sorry food [Music] you know get [Music] i saw a man die a thirst he was just about your age first he swelled up you see and then he went clean off his head and yelled he was yelling with his mouth sort of opal and a swollen tongue like this [Laughter] he put on a real good show before he finally died really tell me why'd you do it i wanted i shouldn't have took you along george stop acting like a baby garrett oh garrett please find something to drink i have to drink i'm dying of thirst psalm 65 thou hast remembered the earth and watered her greatly enriching her with a river of god that is full of water stop for king solomon psalm 72 they shall fear thee as long as the sun and the moon endure through all generations he shall come down like the rain upon the moon grass the showers that water the earth [Applause] all right on your feet what's matter snake don't move there's rattlesnake under his blanket shoot it oh if i shoot i more likely hit george than the snake and he'd bite him anyway hold still billy got away with the money yeah billy got away all right but he didn't get away with the money i put the money in here while you slept [Applause] let's get going before the sun gets any [Music] higher [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] bye [Music] [Music] pasta [Music] ah [Music] so so [Applause] uh [Applause] oh fables [Laughter] i'm beginning to like this gringo sheriff there are only two of them less than taro why don't we attack them right now and get this business over with huh now we're too few to attack till the others reach us we'll keep following them miguel [Music] billy billy [Music] [Applause] busy i'm sorry george but at least they won't hang him [Music] naked came i out of my mother's womb naked shall i return to there the lord gave the lord is taken away blessed be the name of the lord amen george here's his bible come on george get up we've got to go find some water come on [Music] he's done four get on my horse [Music] maybe we'll find a lake a cool lake with a waterfall i'm gonna drink for a week there's no lake save your breath huh no lake how do you know that there's no lake then this isn't the right direction they wouldn't call it devil's valley if there was a lake in it george and i know we have to cross those mountains there billy knows the way we'll go to chihuahua where nobody can find us yeah sure me and billy you'll show me how to use a gun the way he does when we get there look billy look do you see it a town [Music] [Applause] [Music] look a real town [Music] first we'll go to the saloon then we'll get a room and have a good bath there's nothing here george it's a ghost town and we've got to keep moving if you want to cross those moms by sundown look there barbershop hey i'm gonna get me a store-bought shave you see there's a tailor i'm gonna buy me some new duds look billy come on let's get a drink uh [Applause] may 1877. that's the last entry must have been a mining town i guess it just died when the ore was all used pull yourself together george come on let's go the whole time [Music] short [Music] so [Applause] head for that mine over there i'll cover it but they'll kill me go on [Music] [Applause] we hit no hey grigo this is santero can you hear me kringle shoot him why don't you i can't reach him from here without a winchester [Applause] come on out what are you waiting for hey look what we got you must be thirsty you like a drink [Laughter] i want a drink get back are you local here kill you hey come on hello here here it is all the water you want very cheap only 35. [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] mike mike there are two men over there coming in from the desert go inside uh-huh pat agnes it's all right it's pat garrett i'm back hi so glad to see you boy thanks [Applause] pat how come you're coming from the east did you come across the desert is that it hey you're talking a lot better look hi pat happened out there i'm actually who's he a friend of mine how terrible come inside oh you poor thing that wound looks awful it's nothing nothing it's very bad it's all inflamed bring me some alcohol bandages and lots of hot water right away we have much time we have to get moving but pat you can't move them now you better wait liz wound heals listen you know what's in this bag twenty-eight thousand dollars and santero wants what's in here if we stay here you'll be in trouble what do i care are you trying to scare me i'm ready i got my pistol your friend's much too weak to move yet let's go pat i'm feeling much better oh [Applause] thank you keeps perfect time pat i bought it myself with the first dollar i ever earned i'd say that clock was a pretty good buy mike uh-huh like some more no thanks [Applause] [Music] isn't that old alice i used to play it all the time how about playing it for us [Applause] [Music] is [Music] take your [Music] i never saw agnes take on like that thanks you played real pretty too thank you it's a fake anybody can play on this see my hands on you little tattletail who's this mother and father aren't they lovely they were very happy i'm sure you'd have loved them are you folks still alive no i've been an orphan ever since i was a kid i've just got a brother i had a brother oh look here here are some of my father's things here this was cold let me feel it it really is something ain't it [Applause] here put it away george what's the matter it's nothing well you're finally getting some sense hey george george will you help me well i'm willing to help but i don't know how to do it it's real easy i'll show off i'm sorry that's it they all around the house oh what are we gonna do we'll all get killed we'll all be killed mike get away from that window everybody keep down george put out the lights [Music] this is what i was afraid of i should have known he wouldn't give up that easy pat where are you going i'm going out there because your lives are worth more than this money no you don't know what centaurus capable of even if you gave him the money it wouldn't be any use he'll attack the ranch anyway and kill us all that way he'll be able to get rid of dangerous witnesses by the door i just got the ammunition all right mike you go in the other room here george holland all right now these gringos are too many for us we can do nothing till paco gets here with the others he should be here real quick i think he rise like the wind when he gets a smell of money see you're right he'll be here too quick that's what's wrong what do you mean we have only five men left but paco is twenty men who will get full shares if they will help us still we should wait no i think there will be only three or four of us if we attack again i have a plan began see they're coming again oh my oh here we go [Music] [Music] uh [Music] i can't stop it when we find alive [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] everybody [Music] give me your hand out of the way keep moving take cover at the will make america [Music] [Music] uh mike where's mike fight no i'm all right i just swallowed some smoke ramon jose let the horses out of the barn [Music] [Music] jose where's your got away on his horse don't waste it we must wait now for the others what are they waiting for they've got us trapped here [Music] so [Music] [Music] agnes what is it it's useless i'm gonna surrender hold your fire stop shooting foreign just let me make sure they're not stones again gringo [Applause] so [Music] [Music] oh it's george [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] ah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Applause] foreign uh oh dude uh [Music] [Applause] [Music] so take his mouth are you sheriff pat garrett yeah captain mackenzie you got here just in time you can thank george here for that even with his arm and a sling he wrote nearly 20 miles to come and get us it's good boy what about that robbery all the thieves are dead are you coming with us uh i've got to get this money back where it belongs what about you george you going back oh yeah i'd suggest you stay on here with agnes and help her rebuild the farm thank you so long mike goodbye always lonely always looking [Music] to get even with a man [Music] strong no one tougher or more daring only he and his gun sharing the great fight to live and his great love to fight a rough man who played with danger to whom trouble was no stranger until one day he laid dying it filled his date with destiny
Channel: Grjngo - Western Movies
Views: 465,301
Rating: 4.5210357 out of 5
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Id: x6bn9K27LSc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 0sec (5340 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 14 2021
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