The Pikmin Planet & Time Distortion, New Lore Revealed

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time traveling or rather time Distortion has essentially been confirmed within the Pikmin Universe this is thanks to the Pikmin Garden site in case you have no idea what the Pikmin Garden site is it's the official Japanese website for Pikmin and it's constantly been getting updates with numerous lore and other things these can range from anything from confirming that onions have different subspecies they ship from Pikmin 2 having New Treasure appraisals every species in the Pikmin Universe originates from PNF 4 4 also known as Earth I have some videos talking about all of this in further detail on my channel and they'll be linked in the description but you're not here for that you're here for the title of the video the newest lore update time traveler like I mentioned the Pikmin Garden website has been getting updates since before the release of Pikmin 4 and it still gets updates to this day and the newest update is with regards to Pikman spaceships now you're probably thinking what do spaceships have to do with time travel let me explain the lore article starts off with talking about these spacecrafts and it goes to explain how each of these spacecrafts has arrived on PNF 404 it covers all the ships from the mainline games so let's just go over them very quickly it starts with a ship from Pikman 2 and it calls the little AI thing at the top of the ship the tip of the unit 01 so I guess unit 01 is the Pikmin 2's ship's name now and it explains how the ship is emotional noisy and a bit foul mou the more important ship that it covers isar ship and explains how his shipwreck leads to the discovery of an unknown planet for the first time in centuries during this crash it says that Mr Amar sends out a distress signal and log book but because of this many people visit the planet and end up in distress themselves the wording of this is important and I'll explain this in just a little bit from here the rest rescue ship is covered and it explains how it's a large passenger plane that was converted into a spaceship allowing it to rescue many people it also talks about how the 73th probe finds PNF 404 the probe was sent from kopites and because of this they end up sending the SS Drake to PNF 404 in order to get resources after the planet had its fifth baby boo from here it doesn't really cover any more ships and the article proceeds to explain how there are mysterious prop circles and stone circles that can be found in the landing areas where spaceships and the exploration pods go it also explains how huge flower patterns can be seen in these areas as well which is where the onions land this is where the time traveling part comes in the article goes on to mention that even if you visit the exact same area the location and design of these circles may change and the writer asks if this planet's space time is dist distorted for those still wondering what that means let me explain some of the locations from Pikmin 1 and 2 are the exact same location The Awakening Woods is the forest of Hope and the perplexing pool is the distant spring but they end up changing a fair amount between the two games even though alar goes directly back to PNF 44 right after getting back to Haw this is partly a game design thing just cuz Nintendo isn't going to re-release the same levels so most people just wrote it off as that but it's also confirmed to be a lore thing now additionally if you look at how pf44 the entire planet looks in the first two games it looks like modernday Earth and in Pikmin 3 it looks like Earth with Pangia Ultima which is said to be millions of years in the future but there are still locations that look similar to each other there's even a gift showing similarities between the Awakening woods and the Pikmin 3 title screen area then after that we have Pikman 4 and it looks like modernday Earth again Ragin has a video explaining these changes in further detail and if you'd like to know more about that you can go watch his after finishing this so you don't nuke my watch time but long story short he chalks it up to the umu distorting the planet which is why the locations change so much the problem with the umu bozu theory though arrives with Pikmin 4 story remember when I mentioned allar cra mashing which leads to PNF 404 being discovered for the first time in centuries and him sending out an SOS signal causing other people to crash as well this would mean the Pikmin fors timeline takes place before the second and third game it's evident because Louis still hasn't eaten the golden ppic carrots and he's waiting for his chance so the company hasn't gone into debt yet additionally there are multiple dialogues throughout Pikmin 4 that explain that kopai hasn't had its food collapse yet yet so the captains from the third game haven't been sent to PNF 404 yet because of this many people have chocked up Pikman 4's plot or at least surrounding story to be one of two things lazy writing which is pretty common in Nintendo games to be fair or Pikman 4 is a partial reboot to the series but what if it's neither of these at this point Nintendo clearly has amar's crash on PNF 404 during the fourth game being his first crash making it seem like Pikmin one hasn't happened and it's a reboot right maybe remember how the article said that PNF 404 SpaceTime could be distorted so what if every time you enter or exit the planet you are time traveling meaning that the timeline of Pikmin might not be linear pikmin's timeline has become really weird with Pikmin 4 and many pop theories like the umu theory have kind of been nuked because of this but what if we're just missing the pieces to put the puzzle all together and getting these pieces would reveal how the Pikmin timeline actually works and the secrets behind PNF 44 which brings up the most interesting point in the article where the author asks who created these crop circles and for what purpose what benefits could be gained from creating these Landing sites if this this is discovered we'll get closer to the truth and next time we'll cover a specific cave on PNF 404 that can be accessed by a small boat that cave seems related right at first I thought that you should be subscribed then I thought that it was the submerged Castle which could lead into the space-time problems being caused by the water rate but upon further research this is the entrance to the bull black Kingdom so unless Nintendo has some really weird thing pulled up their sleeve with the emperor bull having times shifting Powers this is as far as the rabbit hole goes for now and we'll have to wait for more information to surface to see what the story of Pikmin has in store
Channel: Invizeron
Views: 3,559
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pikmin, Pikmin 2, Pikmin 3, Pikmin 4, Pikmin Timeline, Time Travel, Umibozu, Waterwraith, Plasm Wraith, PNF-404, Earth, Pikmin Theory, Lore Updates, Submerged Castle, Pikmin Garden, Nintendo, RTS Game, Lore, Is Pikmin 4 a reboot, Perplexing Pool, Pikmin 5, Theory, Story, Distant Spring, Emperor Bulblax, Beast Kingdom, Awakening Wood, Forest of Hope, Pikmin Leaks, New Pikmin
Id: aHiU1SlTQvQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 21sec (441 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 16 2023
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