Kung Fu Panda 4's Failed Villain

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Kung Fu Panda's four villain the chameleon was kind of a fail spoilers we get introduced to the chameleon kind of after villagers come running up to PO telling him that tyong has returned and is destroying things and will not stop until po bows before him now of course this doesn't make any sense because tyong is in the spirit world he's dead RP so did he come back or something well not exactly so as this is happening xen this fox Thief just strolls by at the exact second acting kind of cocky like she knows something and po picks up on this so he goes to question her pretty much it wasn't actually tyong that was in the village it was the chameleon a shape shifter also I want to point out for a second that this fox has to be the most predictable character ever and I know we're focusing on the villain but I think it's okay because Jen is a part of the villain's plan so from the beginning of the movie you can pretty much assume that she's going to become the Dragon Warrior I mean it's pretty obvious they wouldn't build up this character and this friendship for no reason there really wasn't any other candidate besides these randomly picked people also the fact that chameleon comes the exact day she gets there and she supposedly is the only one who knows I mean I mean come on but anyway po being the Silly Willy Panda he is decides to let the fox out because well she is the only one who knows anything which is a real shocker also the plan that the chameleon and Jen put together makes absolutely no sense at all here's how I imagine the plan went okay Jen look you're going to go to The Valley Of Peace and befriend po by breaking everything in the dojo and being really bad and then I want you to get imprisoned and then while you're doing that I'mma come as ta long and scare some villagers hoping that they will tell po hopefully and then you're going to give po a little riddle while that's happening that he might not even understand and then we're really going to hope that he comes and lets you out because he solved the riddle and knows you have information and if he doesn't you might be stuck in prison forever but I'll come save you one day but even though we don't know po at all it should be fine he probably will become your friend and he will trust you even though you broke everything in the dojo and we're a criminal and continue to act like a criminal and show you are not at all to be trusted yeah so the plan obviously has some errors but I guess with movie Magic it works absolutely perfect and everything works perfectly for the chameleon speaking of the plan working Po and Foxy go and Venture on the way to the chameleon which I also think is dumb but I'll explain why later and then finally we get to see the chameleon in action the heads of juniper City's most prominent crime family are having a meeting at this table and they're absolutely roasting her saying she's just a buge eyed power hungry reptilian runt and we find out that she has control over this city I know I know where's the chameleon well she's actually this crocodile she can shapes shift remember and so finally we see her and she's very tiny like the size of my pinky finger but don't let that fool you she can become an elephant and do scary scary attacks like tap this dude with her trunk yeah terrifying mhm honestly this scene was meant to show us how scary she is but honestly it feels like if the entire city got together they could absolutely whoop her but the only thing stopping them is her Army and po don't even got an army kind of makes her look weak tyong didn't have an army but besides that I guess the fact she can shape shift is pretty scary who knows what she can become but I still think the entire city could who her anyways po has this dream about the chameleon that exposes her plans she wants to take over every single City and take over the the world pretty typical villain plans but what really sucks about this is the fact that the stakes aren't even that high right now in the present moment the chameleon has taken over one city just one and so PO is going to her even though she hasn't become much of a threat yet but that's because she literally needs his staff to become strong so that's even more proed she's not even like a huge threat right now and imagine if he never brought the staff to her that was her only plan for getting stronger what would she do without the staff become a dinosaur is that even possible I don't know po finally arrives to face the chameleon and he's ready to fight her with no plan by the way and Jen gives the staff to the chameleon dang huge plot twist never could see that coming ever this also makes her look pretty weak like she had to get someone else to get the staff for her she isn't strong enough to just come take it herself and take over with The Valley Of Peace then we learn her motives which buckle up it's bad it's it's not great most villains are known for having this extremely sad dark traumatic past that makes him become a villain like for instance Megamind he was bullied and traumatized and thrown in jail from birth and he became a villain and this movie which by the way is supposedly the reason why Mega 2 was bad decided to get a villain with the most non-traumatic backstory ever she wanted to learn Kung Fu and she was rejected yep that is literally it not to mention she was rejected for being too small mantis mantis now maybe it was a different Kung Fu Master but I'd hope that she went to every single Kung Fu Master in this entire world and got told no by every single one one before deciding to take over the entire world because she couldn't learn Kung Fu it just seems so dumb but besides that we also learned why she took the staff which perfectly supports my idea of her being weak earlier you see the chameleon can look like people but she can't take their powers because those are in the spirit which means she can only take dead people's Powers so having the staff allows her to take people from a spirit realm and snatch their powers so before she had the staff she was powerless she was literally rocking a vanity set po coming to her was the only way she could ever have a possibility of taking over the world po made her a strong villain she before was not a strong villain but nonetheless she now has the staff and can take every single power from every single Kung Fu Master and I'm not going to lie yeah she is pretty strong right now she has become an endle boss then po almost dies from the chameleon because now she's so strong and powerful no not not really just because she shape shifted into genen and just push him off the edge which is cool it shows that her shape shifting can be used in different ways tell to play her victims but you're going to tell me that PO had like at least 5 Seconds to react to the fact that the chameleon was about to push him off the edge and he just sits there I know he was clouded with emotions and sadness but I feel the only purpose for this scene was to introduce the dads and make Jen feel empathetic towards pop and it kind of feels forced then the chameleon faces every single Kung Fu Master and instead of making at least one cool fight scene she just smacks them with her tongue and they're completely powerless which honestly had me feeling like she was so powerful but this is only towards dead people so yeah also can we talk about the fact that some random underground criminals can just destroy all these lizards like whoop them real bad but the top criminal team or whatever stood no chance how does that make any sense so po goes to fight the chameleon again the chameleon says exactly what I've been saying now that she has Kung Fu and sorcery she is Unstoppable and can now carry out her plan H interesting but besides that they start fighting and they're going at it and po seems to be sucking real bad he is getting whooped but honestly it kind of seems like Po's not really trying the whole time he's literally making jokes with the fox about her entrance and jokes about dumpling and also not even using the staff's power but I got to be honest the chameleon does this thing where she decides to combine all the Masters into one creature and becomes this huge flying terrifying beast and po literally says that's awesome I don't know if I need any more proof he isn't trying and isn't scared of this fight but besides that honestly this shape shift seems very powerful and for a moment I genuinely felt like they might lose but then she just switches out of it which makes no sense absolutely no sense at all but I guess they probably did it because they wanted this cool sick scene where he fights himself for motivational purposes to teach the audience to change and fight your past self and be okay with change or something I don't even know record off to but the fight keeps going on and it seems impossible and then we get confirmation that PO definitely wasn't trying at all and the chameleon is super weak you see po gives Jen some little words of advice and somehow with barely any experience she uses the staff perfectly and destroys the chameleon then po walks up and we learn that he was faking that he was stuck in the cage which if you can just trap yourself in a cage midf fight in a fight that deter determines the world's fate so you can inspire a fox to become a dragon warrior you definitely aren't taking this fight that serious po does not believe she is strong whatsoever then more proof POS just talking to xen no worry in the world while actively knowing the chameleon is coming at him just so he can look cool and say scan time mid inspirational monologue he's like for the last time the word is scoo and he I kid you not hits her one time one time and done she loses they win all that buildup all that stress 1 hour and 30 4 minutes for po to use this extremely serious situation as a learning lesson to find the dragon warrior cuz obviously all it took the entire fight was for him to just smack scoo dead but he was just stalling to train the fox absolutely crazy I don't know I don't know I'm just maybe I'm just overthinking I know I just bashed on Kung Fu Panda 4 but it's genuinely a fun movie and I enjoyed watching it so I recommend that you watch it in form your own opinion okay bye
Channel: Maximo Esco
Views: 57,403
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: theory, conspiracy, Kung fu panda, kung fu panda 4, kung fu panda theories, kung fu panda conspiracy, kung fu panda movie, kung fu panda 4 failed villain, kung fu panda chameleon, kung fu panda 4 villain, kung fu panda villains
Id: 2N3gSmeE9iA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 22sec (502 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 27 2024
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