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hello guys its Bella and welcome back to my channel so today we're gonna be doing another mystery Monday today we're gonna be doing another Australian case I oh I get so many requests Australian cases all the time you guys seem to find them really interesting so do let me know if you want to see more of them my last place the clam on serial killer I'll link that below that was an Australian case as well and a lot of messed up stuff happens here in Australia so honestly there's no shortage of cases if that is what you guys are interested in but yeah let's go ahead and get into today's case today we're gonna be talking about the murder of Peter Falcone and the attempted abduction of Joanne Lee's which happened in a bar Creek in Northern Territory and this was a pretty huge case in Australia as you've seen Wolf Creek this case reminded me a lot of that so I did a little bit of looking into that as well and if you guys have seen Wolf Creek you know that it was based on true events so it wasn't actually based on like a singular case the person who made the movie it took inspiration from Philip that's a weird word to say considering them murders but they took inspiration from a bunch of incidents and crimes that happen in outback Australia to make the movie and this was one of them so there's a lot of similarities and actually when the movie was released it had to be delayed for like two years before it could be released in the Northern Territory because of this case sir anyway if you guys start nor a lot about the Northern Territory is obviously an Australian territory it is in central and central North Australia and it is not very populated there's only 250,000 people in the whole of the territory and it's big it covers 1.3 million kilometers of land and literally has less people than Tasmania which is the tiny little dot at the base of Australia because it is just one of the driest most inhospitable places in the world and it's one of the least populated places in the world for that reason it is also home to Oliver or Ayers Rock if you guys have heard of and that is a very very popular tourist destination it brings like four hundred and seventy five hundred thousand tourists every year the closest town to it is called Alice Springs and Alice Springs is where most people will go and then they'll hire a car or a van or something to make the drive to deliver I think it's like a four hundred kilometer drive so it takes about six hours I think and then there's a campsite that's like 20 kilometers away from it that people will normally drive to her and stay there from Alice Springs so it's a really desolate area there's no not a lot of service out there not a lot of feel on that drive as well so when you do go to hire like a van or a car or anything from Alice Springs to make the drive they give you like this whole guidebook with a bunch of advice and tips and tricks and what to be aware of and stuff like that obviously there's nothing out there so they tell you to stock up on all of your supplies they also tell you to be aware of road trains if you guys have heard of them they are these a massive massive trucks they're like 50 meters long and the people driving them because they're driving for just such long stretches of road and there's not a lot on these roads they drive at really really high speed so you really do have to be careful of them you also have to be careful of wildlife because there's a lot of that and kangaroos are really stupid especially when it starts getting to about dawn and past dawn when it's dark kangaroos will sit on the side of the road until they see a car and then they will just jump in front of your car and then there's nothing out there hardly any service so you are just up [ __ ] creek without a paddle basically so yeah the guidebook tries to tell you all about that tries to make you aware and make sure that you are safe so anyway two tourists that did want to make this trip Peter Falcone and Joanne lease and Peter was born on the 20th September in 1972 in Hepworth which was like a small village in West Yorkshire which was then I think it's called Huddersfield in England he was the second Joan and Luciano's four children and he was friends with all of his brothers nicholas paul and mark he was a really smart kid and a bit of a class clown which is how he made a lot of his friends he was quite popular in school he went on to study a building construction a while working part-time at a bowling alley and also at a nightclub to get him through school and then after graduating he got himself a job as a surveyor and bought himself a small cottage pretty close to his parents house he met Joanne in 1996 while they were both up at a night club and ever since they met they were just inseparable Joanne was born on the 25th of September in 1973 and she lived with her mum because her parents were divorced and her mum eventually moved on and met her stepdad Vincent and they had a child together so Joanne's step half brother Sam and they didn't have a lot of money so it was kind of a struggle for Jenny to provide for her children but she did the best that she could to make sure that they got everything that they deserved oftentimes Joanne would walk in on her crying with a bunch of bills in front of her so it was pretty overwhelming but she seemed to have a good childhood anyway Joanne and her family also lived in Huddersfield in England and she was a happy girl but she was very quiet and very shy while she was in college she worked as a barmaid and occasionally she would like fill in at a factory working as a bacon Packer to put herself through college as well and then when she finished college she got a job at Thomas cook which was a travel agent so while they were together Peter really wanted to kind of climb up the ladder and chase success I guess and he thought he'd have more ease doing that if he had a degree so he moved to North Hampton to study for his degree and then he ended up moving to Bryan and going to Brighton University Joanne decided to stay in house field so they were doing long-distance for a while I think Brighton and hospital were about 400 kilometres away from each other because Joanne's mum was quite ill with arthritis so she wanted to stay she wanted to help her but her mom was actually getting more independent because of our stepdad Vincent she had someone there to look after her so when Peter eventually did ask Joanne to move with him to Brian she did it she got a transfer with Thomas cook and was working in two different Thomas Cook offices in Brighton and they both were super ambitious and wanted to travel and Joanne worked at Thomas cook which obviously working in a travel agent would just make you want to explore the world they did a few short trips together I think they went to Italy Greece Jamaica but they just wanted to go further and they wanted to explore the world so in 1998 they started planning a massive a trip that they were gonna go on together they plan on spending more time in Australia which made their parents quite nervous because there was a lot of scary things happening in Australia at the time in the early 90s seven backpackers five of which were foreign tourists were murdered in the bilang Lowe State Forest which you guys may have heard of it was known as the backpack of murders Ivan Milat was the serial killer behind that also in 1996 we had the Port Arthur massacre so 35 people were killed there 23 were injured by a lone gunman and that actually fun fact is when Australia basically transformed that gunless legislation and we have never had a mass shooting since but anyway that's not what this video is about also in 2000 so just a few months before Peter and Joanne we're going to leave on that trip there was another incident in Queensland where 15 tourists seven of which were British tourists actually died because this crazy guy who just for some reason hated backpackers set fire to the childís place palace backpacker hostel so yeah understandably their parents were pretty worried about that trip but they just told each other to make sure that they never had hiked and to take really good care of each other Liat they were going to go in the summer of 2000 sir I think it was the English some of they're planning on going in but Peter got an offer to finish this college project he'd been working on and so they decided to postpone the trip a few months which actually made the trip that much more appealing because in those few months was actually the wettest England had ever had on record it was just raining cats and dogs and they were going to be going into the Australian summer soar yeah they were very very keen to get out of that they left for their trip on the 15th of November in 2000 and started that trip in Nepal so it was a huge trip they were gonna go to a bunch of different places starting in Nepal they then went from Singapore to Malaysia to Thailand they were gonna go to Bangkok but then they decided to change their plans last-minute and go to Cambodia instead which ended up not being the best idea for them because when they got there it was literally just on this second day there they realized that somebody had stolen their return flight tickets and also Joanne had lost or forgotten her traveler's check they didn't really have a lot of money either it was a pretty scary time for them they report it to police but there was nothing really they could do luckily there was another backpacker who was kind enough to pay for their flights to Bangkok and when they got to Bangkok they managed to get back on their feet and sort themselves out and then on the 26th of January in 2001 they flew to Australia and landed in Sydney they got a flat together in Bondi which they were just gonna use as a base because they were planning on staying in Sydney for three months originally and then they were gonna go and get jobs because they were there on a working travelers visa so I think they couldn't work at a place for any more than six months so it kind of made it a little bit of an issue to get any of the jobs in their line of work sir Joanne ended up getting a job at demux which is a big bookstore here I don't know if you guys have it overseas probably do and I probably sound really dumb anyway Peter ended up getting a job installing furniture around Sydney so they just got little odd jobs because you know employers didn't want to hire people that they were just gonna have to let go in six months anyway by the way they made a lot of friends they had a ball in Sydney Joanne especially got on really really well with her coworkers so every single Thursday they would go to a place called the Cooper's Arms Hotel they would get drunk I think Joanne and I'm trying ecstasy like she was just having a time of her life there and then off Todd they would go to the Cooper's on hotel every Thursday they would then go to Acker buck his hotel everyone would sleep that and then they would guard to work the next morning and then every single Friday as well her and all of her friends would go to the st. Patrick's happen so yeah she made some really really good close friends while they were there Peter on the other hand wasn't really interested he was more interested in traveling and planning where they were gonna go next and what to do next and how to get to the next place and Joanne was just having such a good time that originally though I meant to say that for three months but she ended up prolonging their stay in Sydney for five months so eventually when they were ready to move on they were gonna get a car and they were gonna head to Melbourne then to Adelaide then to Darwin then to Brisbane where they were gonna sell the car and then fly or about to New Zealand so Peter went to this place called the trouble is car market which is literally what the name suggests it's where travellers went to buy and sell their cars that they used to travel around Australia and it was held in an underground car park in Kings Cross and he ended up finding this Orange combi van which was like 30 years old or something I think but had only a hundred and thirty six thousand miles or kilometers on it which is insane for a colonist thirty years old but it was in pretty good condition just had a new paint job it had everything that they would need for a long haul trip it had a fridge it had a bed with like curtains to go over the window it had a sink it even had a gas starve cooktop it didn't go over 80 kilometers now but the arnaz that had just used it to go around australia themselves said that it ran really well and they didn't have any issues with it they were selling it for $3,000 but PETA managed to get it down for 18 get it down to $1,800 and bought it he was so excited when he bought it and when he told Joanne she just got really excited for the next leg of that trip and he was doing all these little modifications to it like he added lamps he added a safety deposit box so that they wouldn't have another like Cambodia incident then they began that the next part of that trip on June 25th in 2001 where they headed to Canberra then to Melbourne and then to Adelaide Adelaide was pretty so they really liked it there they visited glenelg beach while they were there which if you guys remember when I did the Beaumont children case that is the beach that they disappeared from they then drove through the Barossa Valley they also drew drove through snow town which is where another series of murders took place that I'm hoping to do a video on very soon they were just about to stop on the Stuart Highway which is just this massive highway that goes all the way through the middle of Australia all the way from Darwin to South Australia and it is literally 2834 kilometres long so it's massive there's only 17 junctions and the whole thing even though it is that long because it's just like this straight highway through the middle of Australia like just through the desert basically and it's so desolate that you can go out for days on end driving on this highway without seeing a single other person but it's mostly used for transporting goods and there's a lot of those infamous road trains on the highway because it just you know gets you from one side to the other so from whether what it was about a 17 hour drive to uluru which is where they were headed and they briefly stopped in Port Augusta to get some supplies before heading to Cuba PD which if you guys haven't heard of it it's the aprile capital of the world actually and it's so small there's only like 1,700 people there and if you guys haven't like seen it I would definitely recommend looking it up because what I find cool about it is that it gets really hot this or all of the residents and even the hotels and stuff actually in caves because inside the caves it's a constant pool temperature without air-conditioning and they're like full houses but they're just in caves now at around this time there were three other British tourists as well they were also doing a tour of Australia there are about 1,500 kilometers away from Alice Springs heading towards Mount Ida there was two girls who were in the front they all they actually had a combi as well two girls were in the front and one guy in the back who was lying down so he was out of year now while they were driving they saw in their rear vision mirror a white full dry viewed with a green canopy over the year and at first they were pretty excited because like I said you can go days on end without seeing other costs or seeing another car you're like Hillier it's another human being but then this person sped up got really really close to them and was just kind of tailing them for a very long time which was freaking them out a little bit and then finally this person like went next to them as if to overtake but then just match their speed and kind of drove directly next to them while he was next to them he was just staring at them which really creeps them out before he just drove away they thought the whole experience was super weird and then a little bit up the road they saw a car pulled over it was the same car there was a guy standing outside next to the car smoking a cigarette and they drove past him and as soon as they drove past him he got back in his car sped up caught all the way up to them and did the same thing again he was just tailing them for ages before getting next to them and then matching their speed and driving next to them again this time when they looked at him he was making all these weird gestures and then he put two of his fingers up to his head and made like a shooting motion until their male friend in the back kind of got up looked out the window the guy saw him and as soon as he saw the guy he just drove away so yeah the whole thing was pretty weird to the point where they were actually going to report it to the mount either police when they got there but they didn't end up doing that for another three weeks so anyway Peter and Joanna made it to Cuba PD a day loved it they thought it was nothing like they'd ever seen before I'm Joann said home I'm a postcard because every a major destination they went to they sent their parents a postcard they were very very good at keeping in contact with their families back home sorry then they carried on their way to the you Lara campground which is the closest campground Tooele routes 20 kilometers away they got there in time to shower eat and then get in bed for an early night because the next day they wanted to do the dawn walking hike tour of Alura so that they could see the sunrise and stuff like that and speaking of the olara campground actually if you guys have heard of the dinger ain't my baby case that is where that happened sir that's a pretty interesting case as well if you guys want me to do a video on that please let me know Australia just has so many bizarre cases so anyway the next day they went on their climbing walked for they got a photo they thought it was so beautiful really enjoyed it they been and went out to hike olgas on July 11th which is where they met two other backpackers called mark and Isabel and they were Canadian they both discovered that they were they like basically had the same trip planned oh well the next two stops they were gonna go to Kings Canyon and then to Alice Springs sir Joanne MPs said you know what why don't you guys come with us and we're planning on going to Kings Canyon as well and then we'll drop you at Alice Springs so they got into Alice Springs and it was their last major stop before they went to Darwin so we're really trying to soak up the utilities and having a proper base having a place to have an actual shower actual food stuff like that before they headed on their way again they dropped mark and Isabel off and then when in drop to the Kombi off at a mechanic because it was kind of veering off to one side and the mechanic said no worries I'll have this to you by Friday morning so come and get it then and then they headed to a caravan park which is where they were gonna be staying for the next few days and Alice Springs they called their parents while there told them everything it was great they told them that there was a who said that they have to see this thing called the camel Cup while they were there which was the thing that happened like once a year every year and they also had like a camel Cup beauty pageant and it just so happened that it was gonna be happening the very next day just while they were there so I was pretty lucky timing and it was kind of in the afternoon they weren't playing planning on staying as late as the camel Cup went but how could they miss it so on Saturday the 14th Peter went to go and pick up the comb me he then went to an accountant who told him that he actually earned the tax office money because when he was in Sydney and he was walking he was paying tax as an Australian resident rather than as a non-resident so he are like a little bit of money to the tax office or something Johanna was at the library checking her emails while he did that and then they met up at around 10:30 to go and get us some breakfast then after brekkie Johanna called her friend Amanda and told her that everything was going well and she told that they were going to go and see the camel cup and then after they left Alice Springs off to the camel cup like the whole reason they didn't want to leave at around the time of the camel cop is because it they didn't want to drive when it got dark and they had like a six hour drive to Domon so their plan after the camel cup was they were going to go Darwin and then from Darwin PETA was gonna fly to Papua New Guinea while Joanne was gonna go fly back to Sydney to see her friends then they were going to go and meet in Brisbane and then fly to New Zealand together and in New Zealand actually they were gonna meet her friend Amanda who she was just on the phone - so after Joanne got off the phone they went to a travel agent to booked Joanne her flight and then they headed to the camel Cup and they had a really good time there they actually lost track of time while they were there and didn't realise until about 3 p.m. and then they were like [ __ ] we better get going so they quickly went back to the caravan park to shower and you know get this stuff in order before they left and then they quickly stopped at Red Rooster before hitting the road and like said it was a six-hour draft so they were gonna take it in shifts Joanne was gonna drive for three hours and Peter was gonna drive for three hours as well with Joanne starting the first three hours so the place that they were trying to get to wasn't actually dumb did I say I was Darwin I feel like I did but they were trying to get to a place called Devil's marbles also known as collar collar it was about 400 kilometres away so about six hours so they wanted to see the sunrise there but they weren't sure if they were gonna make it because obviously driving at nighttime is a very scary in the outback with all the animals and the road trains and a lot of different things so they we're just gonna say you know if we make it we make it if we don't and if we get too scared or if we get too tired but just gonna pull over and we're just gonna sleep on the side of the road it's fine Peter was really tired so while Joanne was taking her driving shift he hopped in the back of the combi and had a nap then at around 6:00 p.m. they got to the tide Tree Hotel so it was about three hours into the drive about halfway through the entirety of their Drive and Joanne decided to pull over let Peter take over they had a joint together before going into the Roadhouse and getting supplies at 6:21 which is what the receipt from the Roadhouse said and then Peter took over driving the rest of the way at around 7:30 they just passed the barrier Creek Road half so at around 7:30 they passed the barrier Creek Road house and as they did they saw some headlights in their rear-vision mirror which you know they hadn't really seen any people up until this point and the lacz headlights started getting closer to the point that like they were really bright and Peter couldn't see anything Joanne turned around to have a look and she could not see anything bought the lights they were blinding and they were really really close to the car because this guy started tailing them Sir Peter was complaining because of how bright they were and then eventually this guy got in the lane next to them and and match their speed just like with the three Taurus I told you guys that earlier he just drove alongside them and then when Peter and Joanne looked over they saw this guy making all sorts of different facial expressions and doing different things with his hands and eventually he put the window down and started yelling out to them and the only word they could make out was exhaust so they decided to pull over this person was driving a full drive a white four-wheel drive at YouTube with a green canvas canopy and he pulled over behind their car as well and Peter got out to go and have a look Joanne was pretty scared she didn't like the look of the guy she told Peter to be safe Peter left his car door open and told her to stay in the car while he went out to have a look at what was going on so Joanne stayed but she was she stay in the car she obviously turned back to try and hear and see what was going on she saw Peter bend down to have a look at the exhaust and then heard the guy get out and say I heard I saw sparks coming from your exhaust for a long time which kind of relieved her cause she was like okay you know some it's been nice like she was pretty worried and she's like it's fine it's just someone who's actually trying to help us out so Peter came back to the cuy grabbed some cigarettes and Ostrow in to rev the engine once he got to the back so that he could see what was going on so he went back around to the back of the car she turned the engine on started rubbing it she heard a bang which she thought was just the edge and backfiring so she turned around to see what was going on and then the next thing she knew the man from the full drive had come around and had put a gun to her head through the window he then opened the door he was yelling at her to turn the car off but she was obviously in shock at this point she was just fumbling so he ended up shoving her over to the passenger side of the door he got in the car and of himself and then he started yelling at her saying for her to put her head down and put her arms behind her back but she was just in shock she didn't know what to do she was just sitting there like not even understanding what was going on right at that point so he started yelling at her again telling her to put her head down and put her arms behind her back and then he started yelling and he was screaming and he put a gun to her head and then um pushed her head down into the seat and she put her arms behind her back then as she did that he started tying these like handmade handcuffs to her that were made with cable ties and electrical tape and then he shoved her out of the car onto the ground and stood on top of her he was trying to like tie her ankles with the same kind of hand made harm cost but she was kicking she was screaming eventually he just gave up and then he tried to electrical tape her mouth as well but again she was kicking she was screaming he missed he got it in her hair instead he then dragged her around to the back of the you took the canvas canopy just the corner off of his you and grabbed like a cloth bag out of it which he put on her head then he took her around to his passenger side door and shoved her in the backseat of the U when he shoved her in there she saw that he actually had a dog and this dog was just totally unfazed by everything that was going on it was sitting in the front seat and just it was like nothing was happening the cut and Tyrael I was also on so she got a good look at the man's face because he was like right up in her face he was scruffy he was a little older with grey specks through his beard and he had like a very long face and this whole time she's just like kicking and she's screaming and she's yelling for PETA because she hadn't seen Peter since he went back around and asked her to rub the car so she didn't know where he was what had happened to him if he was even still alive she just didn't know she hadn't seen him and then the next thing she knew she was in the trap has you under the green canvas canopy she didn't know how she even got there he put her in there on her stomach but she managed to roll around onto her and she could hear the guy walking around so she started screaming and asking where Peter was and he just yelled at her and told her to shut up and threatened to shoot her she didn't shut up but she didn't stop she started asking him questions she started saying are you going to write me is it money you want do you want the car just take it all did you shoot Peter and he just replied no eventually after wash and inherited footsteps anymore so she I guess the back trying must have been down or something and she managed to slip out and she just ran into the shops just rent and it was lack like the way that I listened to it all I could think of was like a movie because she fell over twice and you know and maybe something happens I usually get up they're gonna get you like get up you have to run so she fell over twice she just kept running and running and running until she physically just could not run anymore and then she hid in this big like shrub bush and curled up underneath it then after a little while she heard the man and his dog come over to look for her he could she could see his flashlight looking for her and he walked past her like three times I think it was and somehow he didn't see her so eventually he started walking away she heard him slam his car door turn the car on and then she thought that he was going to drive away but instead he just faced the car towards her so that the headlights were facing where she was I guess trying to look for her and then eventually he just left so she was obviously terrified she stayed in the bush for ages at one point she heard a car driving past which she thought was him coming back to get her but it was actually just a local family they were driving south and the reason that they were on the road so late is because they had a flat tire so they had to fix that up and they were a bit behind schedule and this family actually saw the white fall drive drive past them and then a little further up the road they saw the orange come me but they didn't really think too much of it they just kept driving so while Joanne was lying that she was trying to get the handcuffs off but she couldn't she was doing everything in her power eventually she managed to get them from the back of her to the front of her and the way she described it was she curled her legs up into a tight little ball and then got her arms around her legs one at a time and then managed to get them to the front of her she couldn't break them she couldn't get them off she tried to get her chapstick from her pocket and grease up her wrists but nothing worked she just couldn't get them off she stayed out there in that shrub for five hours which is just insane because it was about 11 degrees Celsius she only had a shirt and shorts on so she must have been freezing she would have been terrified it would have just been the scariest thing in the world I can't even imagine and then eventually about five hours after the whole ordeal she crawled out to the side of the road and then was hiding in like this long grass on the side of the road until eventually she saw some headlights and they were the headlights of a road train so she ran out onto the road stood right in front of where the road train was coming and just held up her handcuffs and then right before the road train got to her she jumped off of the road and ran alongside the road train and these things are huge so it took a kilometer for the truck to be able to stop and originally in the truck driver his name was Vincent Miller he thought that he had run her over until he saw her just like running up to him sobbing hysterically
Channel: Bella Fiori
Views: 1,177,738
Rating: 4.9385448 out of 5
Id: iUmWvFOgluM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 42sec (1902 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 28 2019
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