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hello guys it's Bella and welcome back to my channel welcome back to episode three of mystery week I really hope that you guys are enjoying this week if you are don't forget to hit the personification button on my channel somewhere so that you don't miss a video this week or in the future and don't forget to give this video a thumbs up if you aren't enjoying this week and you enjoy the mystery videos in general so that I know that you want me to keep doing them and let's see how many likes we can get on this video so I am just gonna go ahead and get straight into today's case and today we are talking about the disappearance of nine-year-old aysia degree and this case is so incredibly frustrating I know I probably say that the start of like every single one of these videos but the frustrating thing about this case is that there's literally no evidence like actually nothing so this video is probably gonna be super short but we'll get into that later in the video so Asia degree was born on the 5th of August in 1990 in Shelby North Carolina to Harold an Aquila degree who married two years earlier in 1989 on Valentine's Day which is actually very unfortunate because that is the day that they should disappear Aisha had a brother named O'Brian they were raised in an apartment in a subdivision of North Shelby and they had a very sheltered upbringing they weren't really allowed to watch TV especially the Near East because their parents thought that the news was too negative which I understand but like they also rarely got to do anything social I have any social interactions outside of school family and church and they also didn't earn a computer in the degree household and of course the reason that they didn't have a computer is also what makes it notable aquila degree said in an interview that every time they got on the news there was always something about like a pedophile luring a young child using a computer so she didn't want them anywhere near her household because she didn't want to take that chance by 2008 she was 9 years old so she was in the 4th grade at fosston an elementary school she was probably because of her sheltered upbringing very timid very shy and very intimidated by social situations she was always polite but she was very cautious of everything and was more than happy to stay within the boundaries that her parents set for her and her brother on Friday at the 11th of February in 2000 the school was closed and there were reports that this was because of President's Day but back in 2000 the Presidents Day fell on the 21st of February so this wouldn't make sense and on top of that there was basketball training that night so if it was some kind of holiday or public holiday that wouldn't have been any like extracurricular activities that day and I read that it might have been something like a teacher's workday or whatever just something that wasn't a holiday and on the day that the school was closed Asia's parents were both working so they were staying with their aunt Alicia who lived just down the road from Asia's parents and I believe that on Alicia also lived with their grandmother Harold's mother so that afternoon Alicia took both Asia and O'Brien to school for basketball practice they both had practice because they both had games at the next day at burns and middle school Asia's game was before O'Brien's and she was complaining about an injured leg before the game and during the game and she played as the point guard and I read that she was also like the star of the team so she actually got ruled out of this game and then her team had the first loss their first loss of their season and Asia just blamed herself for this she was honestly crying and felt like she let her teammates down but by her Bryant's game she seemed to be feeling better she was playing and joking and laughing with her friends and her teammates and then after O'Brien's game was done they all went back home the next day on the 13th of February and they went to that on Alicia's house again in the morning and they all went to the Ambassador at Missionary Baptist Church which is in there with me wanker w a CR we have a Lake Town town suburb here called Wacoal and it's spelt the same but with an LM n so I'm just gonna go with Waker but you know it's probably wrong just like it is every other time I try and pronounce something they then went back to that on Alicia's house had some lunch and they also had some Valentine's Day that their grandmother Joanne had given them sir a she was in a very good mood that day probably because of the Valentine's candy she got their father had to work his second job at PPG industries of that night so when they went home they just went home to their mother Aquila when they got home a she laid on the couch for a little while until she got ready for bed she got in her nightgown which was like white where that red trimmings that she had piggy tails in her hair so at around 8 p.m. she went to bed and so did O'Brien because they shared a room so they just went to bed at the same time I suppose that night there was also a storm coming in and at around I think 6 p.m. there was a car crash so all of the power was out in the neighborhood but it was back on apparently by the time Hal got home which was about 12:30 a.m. and when Harold got home at 12:30 a.m. it was also February 14th so it was his anniversary and it was also unfortunately the day that aysia disappeared when Harold got home the first thing that he did was go and check on the children so this was of course at about 12:30 a.m. because it was the first thing that he did and when he checked on them both of the kids were in their beds still asleep and then between 12:30 and 2:00 2:30 the details are a little bit sketchy and not sketchy in that sense that it's like shady but sketchy and the fact that like we don't really know what happened there's a bit of room for debate sir normally when Harold gets home from a late night shift he goes and watches TV for a while so he either did this until 2:30 or because it was Valentine's Day he might have gone out and gotten some Valentine's Day candy before coming back home at 2:30 a.m. and then at 2:30 a.m. he checked on the children once again before going to bed and both of the children we're still there sleeping a little while after 2:30 O'Brien he is like Asia moving around a little bit which kind of work him up he looked over at Asia who was standing up in her gown and then I think she just went to the bathroom and then like came right back and then a little while later again he woke up because he had like her bed squeaking which he just assumed was her like moving around in her sleep sir he didn't even bother checking it like wake him up and then you know when you're like really tired you just kind of go back to sleep Quiller woke up at around 5:45 a.m. that morning which was a little earlier than usual but it was Valentine's Day it was her wedding anniversary and she needs to get the kids up a little bit earlier today because the night before as I said there was a power outage they didn't manage to have their bar so she wanted to get them up a little bit early so that they could have their baths in the morning normally she would get the kids up at around 6:30 a.m. but obviously as I said she want to get them up a little bit earlier this day because she wanted them to have their bath so she went in to go make them up she noticed O'Bryant was sleeping in his bed a but notice that Asia wasn't in her bed and she don't want to panic immediately she just thought maybe she wake up early and maybe she was somewhere in the house or going to the bathroom or something so she went on how to look around the house for her and that's when she saw his panic because she couldn't find her anywhere immediately she went and called Harold who then called Alicia and his mother their grandmother Joanne he just wanted to ask if Asia was there too which they said no and at this point Aquila hears a car so she rushes outside put some shoes on rushes outside looks in both of their cars but of course like Asia isn't there I don't know why I said like them so a cooler then calls her mom because she is just like almost hysterical and just panicking at this point she is freaking out her mom is trying to calm her down on the phone and says hang up the phone and call the police immediately which Akula does and by 6:40 a.m. less than 10 minutes then less than 10 minutes from when she discovered that Asia was missing the police arrived at the property with search dogs unfortunately the dogs were no help at this stage they couldn't pick up Asia's scent which was likely due to the storm from that night I was reading up a little bit on it and normally rain would like kind of bring the scent out a little bit more and make it easier for the dogs to track but unfortunately if the rain mixes with wind it kind of gets the scent all over the place and mixes it up and makes it harder for the dogs to track anything so that was probably the case so the police just continued look around the house themselves and Harold O'Brien and aquila when and looked around the neighborhood and knocking on doors asking everybody in the neighborhood if they had seen Asia and just yelling out her name hoping that she was somewhere by 7:00 a.m. a lot of the neighbors were awake so they came out to try and help them search for Asia and throughout the day all friends family and people from the church came and started assisting in any way they could unfortunately nobody could find anything and that includes the police they looked around the house thoroughly they didn't see any signs of forced entry and all the doors in the house was still locked so they closed the home and then decided to spread out search all of the surrounding areas neighborhood by neighborhood street by street trying to find Asia or any lead of a shell that was not much found on the first day at all besides a mitten which could have belonged to Asia but Aquila said that it didn't and that none of her winter clothes were missing but very soon after this police discovered that her backpack and several items of her clothing of we're missing according to reports the only items that were found missing were the backpack of course a little notebook with a picture of Tweety Bird on it pair of pants a pair of sneakers and a do you call a pair of pants a pair of pants it was just one pant and also a t-shirt so because of this because there was obviously a backpack missing no signs of forced entry the police theorize that Asia had left herself and not only do they theorize that Asia left herself but they also think that it wasn't just like her randomly waking up one night and deciding to leave they think that it might have been planned out and that she just planned to leave at this specific time but they have no idea what her reasoning would have been behind this and this actually became like most of where the speculation in this case is from like why would she leave her parents didn't know they were adamant and that she would not have just left herself they could not think of any reason as to why she would have left or why she would want to leave especially considering her very sheltered upbringing she he just didn't seem like the type of kid to just up and leave like that she was deathly afraid of dogs she was deathly afraid of storms and the dog it's like not only weird that she had no reason to leave but it was also a really weird time for her to leave by that same evening on the 14th the media had latched on to the story so police asia's family and Asia's photos had been plastered all over the TV aquila decided to use this to her advantage and made a plead to anyone that had her to bring her back or anything anyone that knew anything to come forward and of course with media attention also came some witness statements to witnesses firstly called the police saying that they had seen a girl matching asia's description that morning the girl matching Ash's description was seen on highway 18 which is a two-lane rural road and spans for 145 miles both north and south this route was also taken by Asia school bus so it was familiar to her and I guess she would have known where the road would have ended up and because this road is so long there are different parts of it like when you're driving along a highway I'm sure you know there are beautiful scenic areas over boring areas not very well-lit areas this particular stretch of road near like where she was seen was a very poorly lit aren't any lights in this section so it can be very hard to navigate to more separate witnesses came through a motorist and a truck driver and both said that they saw Asia walking south through Shelby on highway 18 between 3:30 a.m. and 4:15 a.m. and Asia's family lived a few miles north of the main stretch of shelby's so from these witness statement statements it was theorized that she was walking into town considering she was walking away from her parents house towards town so it was fed very it was it was already cold but it was 3 a.m. so it was even colder and the weird thing about this is the witnesses that saw her said that she was just wearing a white long-sleeved tesha and also from what the witnesses said she was wearing there able to confirm that the witness sightings were true because they kind of correlated what she was wearing to the items that were missing at her house one driver said that he was concerned when he saw her and you know I'm actually surprised that he didn't call 911 and that none of these witnesses called 9-1-1 at the time because imagine seeing a nine-year-old girl on a cold night that is storming just wearing a t-shirt and a backpack I like three and just walking down the highway like I am so surprised that there's like five witnesses that saw her and that not a single one of them called 911 until they saw it on TV and police were able to corroborate that their stories were like adding up and that they truly did see her so it's just so confusing to me as to why they wouldn't have called 911 because maybe if they did you know Asia would be here anyway this driver said that he saw her he was obviously concerned as you would be he did a u-turn to come and see her but the storm was so bad that he ended up having to do like three more u-turns to go back and find her and he rolled down the window when he finally found her to ask if she was okay but she freaked out of this and ran down into the woods or not woods they weren't really woods they were like I'll insert a picture yeah but you know when you're driving past the highway and there's like all those trees that kind of line up like that not really would not really dense not really forest like deciding it was about 1.3 miles south of her home just near the junction of highway 18 and highway 180 and this is the last sighting of a show and for two days after all these witnesses came in there was nothing but on the 17th of February it just three days after the disappearance and this was on highway 18 about a hundred meters off road and west of where she was last seen and they found a shed which was used by Turner's upholestry the shed it was located down a long driveway and was pretty much just filled with like furniture a tractor and things for the business Debbi Tona the owner of the business said that on the 15th of February just a day after the disappearance that she found some items in the shed which initially shouldn't make the connection but when police showed up on Thursday and also they could search around she remembered and I think that was just three items there was a Mickey Mouse heifer a green pencil a green maka and a pencil and these were found like just inside of the shed so police obviously began to immediately searched the area and while they were searching they found candy wrappers which they could connect to these Valentine's Day goodie bags which all of the girls in Asia's basketball team received on the Saturday night game and they also brought in several sniffer dogs but again they weren't able to match Asia scent it's been suggested that Asia entered the shed to get away from the storm and it was also suggested that maybe she was taken into this shed but neither have been confirmed of course and this shed actually raised a few questions as to obviously why she would be in this shed and also why it took police three days to go and look at this shed that was so close to the area in which she was last seen nothing else was found in the investigation despite investigators best efforts they even increased all of their search efforts in the shed and around the area of the shed sir a week after the disappearance they called off the search they were of course still looking into the case they just weren't searching on foot anymore because they had put in over nine thousand men hours over the course of a week and despite all of these these hours they found literally nothing substantial nothing that could bring them any leads any information anything to go off police there is as I mentioned that Asia ran off by herself but a lot of people disagree with this I personally don't disagree with this because I can't see any other option then she left of her own free will there was no force no sign of forced entry sorry and all of the doors were still locked but been Armony he was the director of Missing and Exploited Children and he said that kids don't usually start running away till the age of twelve I don't know how true that is and especially at 3m I feel like that's a really dangerous time where somebody would definitely feel comfortable like obviously not just some random person like I wouldn't see a kid at through him and decide to abduct them but it's a time it's not broad daylight so it is more likely that if someone who had bad intentions saw her would feel they would feel confident enough to abduct her I also believe that police agree with the theory that she ran away and then might have ran into someone who didn't have the best of intentions law enforcement said it was really difficult to track because normally in abduction cases the abductor or the murderer has been tracking this person they've had that eye on them so they've maybe been grooming them and have left a few clues behind but in this case if it was somebody that had bad intentions that just saw her walking down this road you know there's no planning there's no nothing so there's no clues and it's harder to track or impossible to track in this case I feel and especially if it's some random person that she had no ties to that just took an opportunity you can't link it to someone you can't look for people around her in March of 2000 investigators had nothing so they turned to Asia's parents they had previously stated that birth Herald and Aquila when not suspects but they just asked them to do a polygraph both of which did the polygraph both of which passed the polygraph at the end of that I just thought I would mention it FBI members and the NC State and North Carolina State a Bureau of Investigations decided to join in and help and assist with the case and as well over the next few months the degree family quite a few public appearances to plead for their daughter's safe return any information regarding her return I think Oprah Winfrey The Oprah Winfrey Show had something regarding it at an episode or something in an episode regarding Asia degree she was also on America's the family was on America's Most Wanted and on the Montel Williams Show but despite all of this coverage that was still nothing it wasn't until the 3rd of August in 2001 that the investigators would get their first piece of evidence since the shed about 26 miles which is roughly about 41 just over 41 kilometres north of the shed along Highway 18 Asia's backpack was found and the thing about finding this backpack here is that it's unlikely Asia left it there herself considering the last time she was spotted was only about a mile from her parents house so this is 26 miles away from where she was last spotted this 44 year old guy named Harry Fleming he it was a back County contractor and he was clearing a lot to prep it to build a house on it while he was using a grader he uncovered a garbage bag which appeared to have something in it so he opened the garbage bag inside it was another garbage bag which had something else inside it inside both of these garbage bags was a backpack and this backpack had a nurse in it which had Asia's name and a phone number in it and this was about 15 yards from the shoulder of Highway 18 so at the time this guy Terry had no idea about this case he didn't know who a shoe was he had never heard anything of the case so the only thing that made him write down the name and the number was he just had a really bad feeling about it it was a weird spot for a garbage bag a backpack with just a name and a number in it to be it was weird that the backpack was in two garbage bags just weird circumstances he didn't feel good about it so he wrote down the name he wrote down the number and the next morning at breakfast he told his wife about what he had found about the name the number and she had the case and immediately recognized the name and immediately contacted police sergeant rescue teams were called in immediately they asked our the area but didn't find any clues except for the backpack the FBI ended up taking the bag into their possession for forensics testing but they never released the results of the forensic test they also never released a full list of the items and that was found in the backpack there are some websites that claim it was personal things like her basketball uniform and some photos of her family but of course there's nothing official that has been released but what officials did say after finding the backpack is that because of this discovery they definitely think that some sort of foul play was involved by the way that it was buried investigators theorized that the abductor or the abductors buried it in the woods took it into the woods buried it so that nobody would find it but the bag brought up quite a lot of questions like why was it buried there why was it preserved inside of two garbage bags instead of trying to dispose of it like burning it or you know throwing it off a cliff because it was a there was a lot of mountain area around where they lived nothing else came of the bag and investigators police continue to receive tips but none of them came up none of them brought up any evidence in 2004 one specific tip came up which we don't actually know what the tip was that wasn't released but it was enough for the police to begin to initiate an excavation the tip came from an inmate in County Jail and it was about possible remains well I assume that it's about possible remains because on the corner of Shelby and rube Spangler Road in Lawndale they began excavate they were excavating to look for possible remains but they didn't find anything there except for a few animal bones in 2015 the FBI announced that some FBI investigators some cleveland county sheriff's officer investigators and that the state a Bureau of Investigations were re-examining the case they were interviewing witnesses they put up a $25,000 reward for any information that led to an arrest and the locals also raised enough funds to also put $20,000 towards this so ended up being a forty five thousand dollar reward for any information that led to an arrest but despite the reinvestigation and despite the award nothing like I said how incredibly frustrating is in this case there is nothing it wasn't until May 2016 that investigators finally released their first new bit of information since the discovery of her backpack almost 15 years earlier the FBI released a statement saying that they had new evidence from a new witness that had come forward they had seen a girl matching Ash's description getting into a dark green car on highway 18 right near where she was last seen the car was said to be either a late 70s Ford Thunderbird or a Lincoln Mark four both of which were very similar in style the FBI stated that the vehicle was now a vehicle of interest and apparently had been occupied twice on the day of asia's and disappearance the vehicle has never been found and honestly I'm not surprised because this came out 17 years after the disappearance I'm so confused as to why someone would come out 17 years after somebody's disappearance to give new evidence anyway and 17 years after her disappearance you know they probably sold the car or they probably destroyed got rid of the car somehow 17 years is a really long time to have the car so I think it would be optimistic to her to find it so that is actually all of the evidence if you could even call it evidence I feel like I didn't tell you guys anything because there really is nothing so let's go ahead and talk about theories now the first theory is that aja was sleepwalking and sleepwalking apparently is not uncommon especially in children and it's actually crazy or what people can do when sleepwalking and not even realize it I've heard stories Kerry has actually slept walked before when we used to stay his parents house one night he got up in the middle of the night went into his sister's room screamed her name like yelled her name okay like went back to bed and I had no idea I slept through it it wasn't until the next morning that we found out because his sister like told him and his family what he'd done and he was like I didn't do that she was like yes he did you turned my light on and I was telling you to get out but he wouldn't and he's like I didn't do that I don't remember it's it's weird so this theory suggests that I should got up got out of bed got dressed because as I said when her Brian saw her and when she went to bed she was wearing a verb but when she was spotted she was wearing like a t-shirt some pant and she got up got out of bed got changed grabbed her backpack left locked the door walked a mile before being spotted and at some point when she was walking she woke up whether that was when this truck driver or this person called out to her and she like freaked out ran into the woods maybe this person calling out to her work her up and that's why she freaked out because she had no idea what was going on where she was so she ran down into the woods or maybe ran down into the shed for some shelter because as I said she was scared of the dark and she was scared of the storm so she woke up and was like oh my goodness was just totally overwhelmed or maybe she was discovered by an abductor on her way on her wall another possibility is that while sleepwalking she walked onto the road at some point and was the unfortunate victim of a hit and run and this person who hit her maybe freaked out didn't know what to do and so they hid her body the hit-and-run doesn't really make sense to me because I feel like that would be some sort of sign like something left behind on the road maybe some blood if it was enough of a hit to have killed someone I feel like that would have been blood or something like that so that doesn't really make sense to me and the sleepwalking theory while I don't personally believe it I think it is like a massive theory online the next theory is of course that Asia left herself which is the theory that police believe and have believed since the very beginning of the disappearance the main evidence to this is her backpack they believe that she packed it prior to that morning preparing for that morning to leave and even if she didn't pack a price for that morning even if she did pack it that day I still think it is a huge piece of evidence that she obviously left her cell in class her whole class was reading this book called the whipping boy which was by CID Fleshman I already know I didn't say that right this book involves two characters running away and dwells a lot on their adventures after they've run away some people actually believe that she was inspired by this book and that she wanted to go on and mention like the characters in the book so she packed her bag and planned to kind of live the story out I mean this could be possible because she lived a very sheltered life so maybe this book made her feel like she was missing out on something and that she wanted to feel the way or experience those things that the characters in these books were feeling I honestly feel like the sheltered kids are the most the kids who end up rebelling the most because they want to experiencing so they have an experience so they kind of experience them all at once when they realize I don't know if realizes the West is the right word but she was only nine years old so I feel like she wasn't probably old enough to realize that she was very sheltered and that she was missing out on a lot and on top of that she seemed to be fine with living her life like she didn't push her parents boundaries she didn't really do anything at school like she was very happy to abide by the rules that her parents and set for her she had never really shown any signs of rebellion or anything like that experts also chipped in and said that it usually takes more than this to for a child to run away they say that it usually takes a child to be running away from something whether that is a sheet family situation whether that is something at school or you know an incident that happened or a specific person some people spoke about the basketball game and how maybe that triggered it I honestly don't feel like that was enough a big enough event to warn her running away especially considering she got over it pretty quickly and you know was laughing playing with her basketball friends it is possible that something else was going on maybe there was something going on at school people teasing her that we didn't find out about maybe something was going on at home and she had you know not a good home life someone at home was I don't know I haven't heard any reports of any of this but maybe there was something else going on another thing to factor into this theory is not only that she didn't like to push her parents boundaries but that she was deathly afraid of dogs which made her very scared to leave the house alone and she was also deathly afraid of storms and the doc so it is really interesting that she would leave at 2:30 a.m. in a storm by herself so really this theory has the merce things that make it the most plausible but also the most confusing at the same time did she leave on her own or was she maybe groomed into it cursed into it I haven't read anything about that there's no real evidence of it and she did lead a very sheltered life so who could have been close enough to kind of groom her into doing something like that I still do think the theory that she left on her own is really the only theory it's just what happened after she left on her own and why she left on her own feel like I'm rambling here and going off on a tangent but I feel like it's obvious she left by herself but why she left by herself and what happened to after she left is it's obvious that she left by herself but why why would she leave her house at like 3:00 4:00 a.m. in the morning despite all of these things about scape dogs and stuff like that I spoke about how somebody pulled over at about 4:15 a.m. to ask if she was okay and she freaked out ran down into the woods and possibly into a so what happened when she got into that shed was she cooks into a vehicle did did anybody see her the backpack is definitely what makes it seem like she was abducted because otherwise how would her backpack end up 26 miles away from where she was last seen she wasn't seen anywhere else she wasn't seen near the backpack either I feel like somebody would have there would have been a sighting if she had to travel 26 miles did she maybe get lost and just succumbed to the elements or you know got disorientated and tripped over something and if somebody did find her how likely is it that somebody who wanted to maybe murder or abduct a child was the one who spotted that well let's talk about this guy named Donald Ferguson in January of 2014 Ferguson was arrested for the sexual assault and murder of seven-year-old Shalonda Poole she was found deceased behind Jones elementary school and her mode actually took place in Greensburg in North Carolina in 1990 he was found guilty of this crime and he was sentenced to two life sentences for it he was actually found through DNA evidence and it turns out that he actually knew the victim he was a friend of the family he even helped search for her when she was missing one year after the murder first took place in 1990 he was actually arrested for sexually assaulting a ten-year-old girl pled guilty to the charge of sexual assault of this ten-year-old girl he was sentenced to eight years and was released in October of 1997 at the time of asia's disappearance this Ferguson guy was actually known to be in North Carolina he was I think in spottings burg which was about 38 kilometers from Shelby and about 140 miles from where she landed who was murdered now this guy was a lot he had a has a really bad track record in 1989 is when he sexually assaulted the ten-year-old girl and it was arrested in June but made bond in July of 1990 he sexually assaulted murdered Shalonda pool and in August of 1998 his grandmother was shot and killed in March of 1991 he pled guilty to the 1989 assault and was sentenced to eight years in jail but was released in 1997 like I mentioned then five days of his release him and a few of his family members were arrested for his grandmother's death but they were all released due to a lack of evidence in 2008 he was arrested in Gaffney South Carolina for failing to register as a sex offender in November of 2012 he was arrested for defrauding a bank and got sentenced to one year but just got time served and then in January of 2014 he was arrested and charged for the sexual assault and murder of seven year-old sherlynda pool between 1999 and 2000 there was no account for his whereabouts and this is the time where I should disappear and to further this Asia was actually within the age range and physical appearance that he seemed to be drawn to so in Asia's case he is definitely a suspect to many people I don't think he was ever actually a suspect or ever actually looked into and that brings us to the last theory that Asia was abducted by someone that she knew and that like I said earlier I believe that maybe she was persuaded to do so maybe a family friend or a teacher or a pastor had something to do with this I feel like I had to be someone really close to the family because as I mentioned a million times she did live a very sheltered life so they would have had to be close to the family in order to even get enough time with her to groom her or to persuade her pressure her into doing this it could have even been like a friend of hers from school or someone from her basketball team and maybe they had a pre-arranged spot which was the shed and that's why she went there for shelter and kind of took a few items out of her bag in the because maybe she was there waiting for someone honestly I think this theory is pretty unlikely but I would love to hear your thoughts any theories I missed any theories that you guys have or any information that I may have miss please let me know in the comments down below I love having discussions with you guys on these cases because you always have the most interesting things to say things that I didn't even think of so I really hope that you guys enjoyed this case if you did please make sure to give it a big thumbs up for me and don't forget to hit the notification button so you don't miss a video hopefully I will see you in tomorrow's a mystery week episode 4 bye
Channel: Bella Fiori
Views: 1,789,369
Rating: 4.9288373 out of 5
Id: 9jQvpgNAiIU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 24sec (2244 seconds)
Published: Tue May 22 2018
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