The PC Centric Gaming Setup Tour 2023! 🤩 (Secret Room?! 👀 )

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come in come in ladies and gentlemen as I almost hit my head on that door frame that was genuinely close to show you the studio because I realized actually for a lot of you you've probably never seen the behind the scenes of this and I want to go through absolutely everything that we have in here obviously make it as interesting as possible to show you what I actually use on a daily basis not only as part of my gaming setup we go through it a little bit the filming gear I know that's not to everybody's taste so we'll rush over that as quickly as possible for everyone else but I also want to show you a room that you've never seen before no one has seen this before actually been to this house and I want to talk to you about that elusive water cooled PC build that we did last year we did quite a few videos on it it must have been about five six videos something and a lot of you were asking what happened to that because if you didn't already know I made a gaming PC I water cooled it and it just did it it never really worked I had to keep tweaking it and it got to the point where my final fix didn't fix it and loads of you've been asking what happened to that I'm going to show you exactly what happened to that walk you through whether it got fixed and whether I use it or not and we can finally put that one to bed but yes look here it is the PC Centric setup all ready to show you and walk you through everything right after a short word from this video sponsor all that was smooth Liam Lee's new Gala had two Trinity coolers are here and by Joe were they gorgeous with up to three Factory fitted RGB fans these callers look stunning and are super simple to connect thanks to Daisy attainable fan connections and a single lconnect 3 Box there's even three different appearances thanks to swappable covers so regardless of whether you're after something for looks performance or both lay lee has you covered check them out today with a link down below right let's waste no more time and actually jump straight into it then and firstly I want to say a massive thank you to you guys not for watching subscribing all of that usual stuff but thank you for actually existing because finally my studio is actually reasonably tidy and if you're thinking this is not tidy you have seen absolutely nothing when this is a proper a working space Oh my God it's a nightmare I think I spent last week going through taking apart must have been about 10 11 12 PCS because we had a backlog and that took several days but we finally got there we do have a few more on the table if you haven't already watched my videos on the ITX Mini Monsters do go and check them out this one is called the mesh room D struggled there for a second this one is from fractal it's called The Terror I really love the look of this it's not the absolute most practical case in the world because it's a little bit on the small side but if you want that it's fantastic and then this is the original mesh Licious you can find these videos in the top round corner of your screen of course over here we have the infamous PC Centric gaming setup I'll swap over to the world's best cameraman which of course is me to actually go through all of this there have been some tweaks but nothing particularly major because I'm very comfortable with this and it works I mean let's start with a PC because this is something that is actually quite literally on its way out I will be updating this in in the coming weeks you're probably seeing some b-roll now from about two and a half years ago that actually shows you how old this is and it's an Intel gaming PC that's actually running on x299 so this is a 10 920 XE CPU and if I'm honest it's not the sort of thing I would have purchased for myself fortunately Intel actually had a sample that they sort of lent me and seemed to have forgotten about last time I saw the guy from Intel he sort of went wait you still got that and I think he's forgot to collect it so it's still sitting there but it is quite happily water cooled and this was a water cooled system that has actually worked for years I've literally not touched this so if you guys want to see a video to sort of walk you through the maintenance or lack of maintenance on the system and what it meant then let me know because actually everything still works fine I mean I did have to sort of clear out the pump a little bit right running at a max speed a couple of months ago but beyond that it's worked absolutely fine no issues with thermals or anything but you'll probably notice that that GPU is air cooled and I haven't updated this with anything water up purely because at the time I was swapping them in and out all the time but I'm ready now for something that can sit on this desk and be a little bit more permanent but then also a bit more new I didn't actually mean to leave this on the top but obviously we work on portable ssds to produce all of our videos this is a thunderbolt one so it doesn't even plug into this PC the ones we use are over here I must have about 15 of these now these are the drives as you can see they're labeled when we're working on pre-rolls or something they go on one of these they work really well hand them over to the editor directly who's obviously editing this video hello Carl and then that's how we get all of these videos produced I'll walk you through the setup and things we've got here as well this is not actually the OLED monitor from Alienware this is a 38 inch adw38 this is an LCD 144 Hertz but with a resolution of 3840 by 1600 and the reason that I use this rather than the OLED that I'll show you in a little bit is because for a mixture of work and gaming I think this is actually a whole lot better for my personal use case because I want high resolution to be able to see all the detail that we have on the cameras and also it's just nicer to have a slightly larger screen so a lot of us are sort of holding our breasts for the equivalent of this in OLED because obviously that would be better especially for HDR and the contrast on this is absolutely fine but it's IPS it's nowhere near as good as a no lead but from a practical standpoint and obviously the fact that if you're doing spreadsheets and things that are going to sit on screen you don't have to worry about burning quite so much it is definitely quite a cool choice in terms of the peripherals and things I'm using you probably think it's a little bit odd that I have two mouse mats and yes that is very true but it's because I'm lazy I need to buy a USB hub to replace this for the time being I've actually got a mouse mount on top of a mouse mat we've got mx Master 3 Mouse this is fantastic for work but then I do use the Logitech G Pro or the G Pro super light when I'm gaming these things are fantastic they were provided for a sponsored video but I recommend them over anything I would buy one of these tomorrow if they broke they are awesome this is the 10 keyless version of the g915 this is absolutely my favorite keyboard again I absolutely love this thing I've used quite a few others and I am excited actually for one that is down here here's a little sneak peek they've sent this out for pre-rolls but this is called the k70 Max and this is a brand new keyboard that I haven't been able to talk about until now purely because it's under NDA but this is the first keyboard I've heard of there might be some others that have done this in the past this is a brand new Corsair keyboard with a brand new Corsair switch you can actually change the activation point on so if you want something that will be super quick you can have that but then if you want something that's a bit harder to miss hit so say you're typing or something then you can actually enable this in software and I don't think there are sort of per game profiles and things at the moment but I know that will eventually come down the line so you can literally have a proper adaptive keyboard that can essentially be not quite the same as having like a blue a brown and obviously a red switch all at the same time but you're getting closer to not having to pick between three it's pretty cool stuff and the other reason that I'm actually pretty excited about this one is because of the contents of this box and I've been waiting to unbox this on camera for a while now don't have enough hands bear with me oh I think I got it guys I think I got it this is a little care package and I promise it's exciting because it's from Xbox and look at this you've got some pretty cool keycaps all the way from Forza to Starfield but they don't fit on my Logitech keyboard because they use like the standard Cherry MX layout so I need something that's compatible with and I'm hoping that the k70 max will be that keyboard that's our Monitor and our peripherals but if we zoom out a little bit you'll see the chair and this is from Herman Miller this is the Logitech embody sort of collaboration that they did and honestly I have a bit of a love hate relationship with this chair because on one hand it is absolutely fantastic ridiculously comfortable but then on the other it's almost like a buggy PC because some of the things are just not quite so well thought out like these armrests for instance I've tried to demonstrate this quite a few times I'll see if I can get it to work now well but they essentially don't go down as much as they want them to so you end up sort of like bumping this against the desk I want to be a little bit further forward because the whole point of this chair is that you're meant to sit upright in it but then the problem I have is that I'm no longer close enough to the keyboard and the mouse to actually be resting up against the chair so I feel I'm either leaning back far too fine I'm stretching my arms or I don't have the back support which is the whole point and you might have noticed this if you listen carefully in some of the like voiceovers I do mainly really in the pre-rolls it's a really squeaky chair a really squeaky chair and for something that costs over a thousand pounds it should not be squeaking oh and actually that reminds me this is the angle that we actually want because can you notice that this whole ceiling has been treated with acoustic foam I've had this for get on for a year now and honestly it works a real treat I wouldn't have necessarily thought about this but I've got a friend that's like into music and sound and does like Studios and things and he said the first thing that you actually want to do is to treat the ceiling and I admit that's what probably not what I would have thought to have done but again it works wonders it's so much better in here and it's weird because people walk in this room and they sort of notice it without noticing it because you can hear the difference it's pretty cool I also want to thank editor Carr actually for long term lending me his c-stand because this is the infamous overhead camera that we have set up and yes it is stable I mean it hasn't fallen down yet and this has been up for about six seven maybe even eight months or so now it's not the most secure looking thing in the world but I promise it works a treat as long as you've got everything cabled and set up properly it's pretty cool it gives us that extra angle and hopefully it makes the videos look even better but more importantly that they're easier to follow when you're doing like a PC build or obviously an unboxing it makes it a bit more immersive for those that haven't already seen it this actually traveled with me from the last setup highly recommend doing something like this with your tools it makes a lot easier to manage than all of our PC bits and Bobs and things this was originally too big but now it's far too small this is where we we keep sort of odds and sold so I guess fixings and things here we've actually got all of our spray paints and things that I never use we also have some water cooling fluid and things up here Google nests that we use for heating and hot water I actually recommend that it's very good it genuinely does save you some money I also realize we haven't discussed the speakers these are still the bows and Wilkins 685 S2s I absolutely love these I've had these for ages well I have made an upgrade to the downstairs of my house these have actually stayed the same they've got these orange cones that don't really work with the color of the setup anymore but the sound on these are still phenomenal if you do want to get yourself some pretty decent speakers I imagine these on the used markets are pretty cheap now highly recommend but yes sadly they have been discontinued I mean I say they've been discontinued they've been upgraded so you can get even better ones now of course they're also provided the Elgato stream deck I think it was last year now actually for some pre-rolls but I've kept using this particular one because it is a little bit more useful with the dials but I think there this is still overkill for most people the mini that I use downstairs probably makes a whole lot more sense headset this is quite an old one now you can see what happens to headsets over time don't think you're going to be immune from this if you do actually use a headset for a while they will start to fray that's the original hs70 but this has been updated we've got the Corsair headphone stand here we've got a wireless Xbox One controller and then this is the agato wave microphone again we've sent this out for some sponsored stuff but I love it so it has stayed on this desk so this is the PC Centric setup sadly before it all starts to change when we swap this thing out I need to know what case to build in give me your suggestions what water cooled system would you like to see and what case shall we put it in oh and this is what I mean by the way about getting so used to your setup you actually forget to sort of State the obvious if you haven't seen these before these are the nanoleaf lines and this was the collaboration that we did with nanoleaf last year and I think these are probably the most interesting of the RGB shapes that they do because some of them well they all look good but I think some of them almost like a little bit toy-like whereas these look a lot more like serious business and a bit more I don't want to say professional because they're RGB lights but they look a little bit more deliberate and a bit more hybrid rather than some of the other ones that can look a little bit plasticky but still have a lot of cool lighting and things I'll walk you through what a lot of you guys will probably want to see which is the graphics card wall most of my stuff is in storage now we don't actually keep it at the house but all of the graphics cards that I am using in videos at least for comparisons or building things can I just park here for a little bit before returning to their home and the size difference of these cards are insane I mean if I grab the smallest one in the collection which is the 4070 Fe it's a really nice looking card this one actually still runs very cool and quiet because it's quite an efficient GPU but then you compare that to something that is quite literally bigger than my face by quite some margin the 4070 master from gigabyte I mean look here's a size comparison between the two look at that it is absolutely ridiculous going down a section and we have our CPU collection here is everything Intel or at least current enough to use Intel then down here again we have current enough AMD we do have a collection of older CPUs as well but those are sort of stored in drawers this was originally meant to be the fan covered but unfortunately I've filled this up so it is overflowing now into the storage unit but I want to grab some RGB fans this is obviously where we come SL infinites are over there those are some of the best ones I think you can get at the moment but obviously the new Corsair ql stuff or the QX I should say is probably the best RGB fan but it is very very expensive here we've got odds and sods I think these are the fans that I'd use in my personal rig then this I don't know why I'm showing you this this is awful let's let's move away from that this is my water cooling section where we have things like pumps tubing radiators bits and Bobs whatever I need really heat gun tools and things they all go in there this is my fitting and contact frame drawer to be honest though I think those drawers are comparatively boring compared to what we've got over here I think this is a lot more exciting and it's mainly these two because this is the SSD drawer where we keep all of our ssds between builds they sort of live here we've got a few new ones like this one from Severin I don't tend to really get rid of these for security so they just kind of live here we also have Ram as well mainly ddr5 now but we have some ddr4 as well for older builds I also bought the cheapest set I could find of ddr5 and I'm going to be testing that in a few videos time which should be fairly exciting I'm going to skip through this quickly because there's not really anything interesting here we have some Ram that doesn't fit in the drawer more fittings then we have odds and sods in both of these I call them odds and sods because this doesn't really work properly these are for a power supply I don't think you can buy or even exist anymore then we've got tools and things that I don't use uh this is similar we've got a label maker and like some color stuff microphones and things living here when they're not being used this is a little bit more interesting because we have the thing that actually makes our live streams possible the atom mini pro essentially this is your little control switch to make sure the cameras are actually on the right feeds you plug them in the back and fundamentally you plug this into the internet and one button and you are go no computer required anything up here this is where we used to do mice but we don't cover them so much on the channel and yeah this was also the foam drawer but as you can see we don't really have any left because we don't really cover phones anymore of course as well we also have the other side of the rib definitely not so interesting because this is basically just floor space really for where we put the lights and obviously put the cameras and things I mean the cameras might be interesting to you these are from Blackmagic this was the original one I had which is why it says cam one on it this is a 6K original we have two of these we have a cine lens on this one which is ultra wide and then here we have a sigma Ultra wide I guess but it's got a zoom on it and then we have a 4K Pro again with an ultra wide lens for our overhead in terms of the light it's I do need to update these These are ones from Elgato they're just thin which is why I use them and fairly portable but they're not the best they do the job but I could do better really microphone I never really use this one but this is the rode ntg4 plus I think it's a pretty cool microphone but it doesn't really work for me because I'm moving around too much which is why I use this level here you then sort of like either click your fingers or slap your face to sync it up in post and then hey Presto you've got better audio and I don't know if there's anything else to show you in here actually you've seen most of it I mean I guess people knows it they probably want to see what's in the cupboards this is a little bit of a Dumping Ground for either bits that I'm using personally they go up top which is why we have our oh it's a 6K G2 not the pro for the overhead there you go uh all of our just bits and Bobs that we're using and then this is a bit of a Dumping Ground really just for parts that are currently in a system but need to be taken apart and then go back in the boxes and oh yes there was one other thing I wanted to show you in here before we show you the top secret room that you haven't seen before and that is just some additional RGB lighting that I will be upgrading to this is some stuff that Philips Hue have sent out for the studio we've got two lighting strips one actually goes on the back of your monitor so I'm hoping that can go on the back of this this is a gradient strip that will go on the back of these I did have some lifx lights back there but they stopped working so they need to be replaced and then this is a massive Hue bar type thing it's actually one of these but it's full size so I'm hoping that that will give some nice light in the back of the studio that you'll be able to see when we're doing some filming but let's waste no more time and show you the top secret room and I will note before you see this and before I trip down the stairs that it is going to be a little bit different to the other stuff that you've seen because this is not supposed to be like a YouTuber gaming setup this is meant to be like a shared space for the Tervis as you can clearly see and this is basically where theater plays Planet zoo but if you look over here look you will see this is that Infamous gaming PC that was water cooled and as you can see it does live and I am using it however did I actually get around to fixing it no which I know is a bit annoying essentially it runs fine but it runs hot so if this was like a normal gaming PC you would say oh I might upgrade my caller at some point because The Thermals while gaming get to like I don't know 75 degrees on the CPU 55 on the graphics card but that's still a context problem actually between the CPU and the block so I need to replace the block on that to get the better thermals but because I'm never running this at like 100 load on the CPU is not something I needed to do soon which is why we are still using it but you guys might be able to help me out actually because there's also a little bit of a new problem with this hold on I'll take the glass off that's better look now you can actually see inside and admire what I was at least trying to do I mean I still think that this is the best looking gaming PC that I've put together I mean all of this was hard line Bent by me and I think it turned out really really well it's just a shame that for whatever reason as I say the contact between this CPU block and the CPU was never fantastic and it's not for the best thermal so this is a 12 900k the GPU is last year and it's a 3080 TI perfect for Planet zoo but I also am using this at the moment to play Diablo a little bit of surviving Mars this is like my casual gaming setup when I sort of want to be downstairs with the dog and just sort of enjoy more fast-paced gaming rather than the Alienware upstairs that's obviously bigger but I guess more immersive but it's more work orientated really this is an OLED monitor though as you can see this is the Alienware aedw 34 something and we've got that underneath with a Sonos sound bar I wouldn't actually recommend this one this is the beam they sent this out and didn't want it back so I've been using this but I would genuinely buy an array if this was my own setup and have that underneath have it in white because it's a really cool little sound bar good sound solution it's fine as is but you can actually use it with one of these sub minutes as well but then it gets very expensive and to be honest I'd probably just get dedicated speakers at that point but it's a cool little setup if you're already invested in the Sonos ecosystem we have a stream deck here that I need to actually set up it's not really too many things I would use it for other than swapping between the audio from the Sonos and then the headphones these are the shaw 1840s very very good headphones open back not for someone else playing loud music to get away but it's just fantastic to have that sort of sound quality this is one of those Cooler Master Puck things by the way oh let's not do that bear with me but yes you get the point of this very very strong magnet on that and allows you to have your headphones on the front of the PC in terms of the keyboard and things I'm using this is actually a wireless keyboard This is the origi Claymore 2 but I'm using in wired mode because to be honest I'm not too fast about the wireless functionality and if you do use it in wired then you can put your mouse wireless dongle into that and this is my absolute favorite this is the G Pro super light again as provided I think responsive video a while ago like I love working with Logitech because their stuff is just so good so use that for Mouse and then this is my full size keyboard mainly really because this can attach or detach I suppose can do both if you're going to play like apic Legends or something you can take it off but then if you're going to do some boring accounting then obviously you can use that as a number pad and as you can see it's on the other side you can put it where you want mouse mat isn't the PC Central Mouse map because I actually only have one I really need to buy my own mouse mat that would probably help I'm sure they can send me one but they haven't well they sent me one not two which is actually big sads as you can probably tell we are also using a webcam this one was supplied by Corsair this is the Elgato FaceCam and then we have a chair from Noble chairs they supplied this last year when we did our sort of Ikea chair versus mid-priced chair versus the Herman Amelia video that's a very cool one top round corner of your screen but I believe this is the noble shares icon and it's in the sort of fabric finish that I really like it's in anthracite gray highly recommend this chair not a massive fan of having to use a lumbar pillow but all things considered I find this very comfortable and it's something I would recommend so there you go then the secret setup what do you make of that definitely not the best from a acoustic point of view as you've probably noticed but I think it's really really useful for us to sort of use and share and I know right obviously having multiple gaming setups is not exactly the most um that's the right way of putting this it's not the most realistic thing for everybody to have especially sort of that level but when you're sort of messing around with Hardware all the time and you actually want to sort of use it so you can make recommendations and know what works and what doesn't obviously it does pay dividends I mean I think the fact that we have that water called PVC there does show and sort of prove that point because how would you sort of see the long-term problems if you like if you weren't able to properly test them so while most computers that do get made up do get taken apart more or less straight away where possible I do like to use them for like a prolonged period of time so we can sort of discover and iron out any issues but anyway that's that's it that's the new space I hope you like it hope you've enjoyed it I mean what do you make of the color by the way I need to actually do the same for this wall I think this will be like a winter set so we get editor call round and we're sort of painting this a different color and then we have two sort of different sets I guess oh and one more thing I think the newest thing to this whole setup it's a work item it's actually this little setup look it's me this is the Sony fx30 it was to replace the a6500 that was very much on its last legs the autofocus on this is better quality is better I've got a little light on it as well so you can see me and this is like my vlogging or a bit more personal setup if you like but yeah there you go that has been the PC Centric setup tour 2023 loads of changes are about to be made please let me know what I should do about this sort of gaming PC because I want something that's the same sort of size but fundamentally something I can water cool and make look fantastic I don't know whether it's going to be Intel or ryzen yet I think I'm leaning towards AMD but let me know your suggestions down in the comment section below I need case I need water cooling ideas need theme ideas honestly the works so let me know what I should go for down in the comment section below if you've enjoyed this video then obviously smash that like button and get yourself subscribed and if you do want to check out literally anything that's featured in my gaming setup you can find it links down below with my Amazon affiliate links and while you're down there why not gaze into the RGB light of the new Galahad 2 Trinity callers available in black or white with RGB performance or SL internet fans and in 240 or 360 configurations there is bound to be a cooler that takes your fancy not only that but thanks to thicker tubes a new copper plate 45 degree angle fittings and a whopping five-year warranty you know your PC cooling is in safe hands learn more about them today with a link down below thank you so much for watching this video we'll catch you in the next one foreign [Music]
Channel: PC Centric
Views: 54,630
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pccentric, gaming, pc gaming, gaming computer, pc centric, pc build, gaming pc, gaming setup, pc gaming setup, graphics card, gaming setup tour, pc setup, setup tour, setup wars, room tour, room tour project, pc centric setup, pc centric personal, rtx 4090, rtx 4080, amd, nvidia, nanoleaf, alienware, desk, desk setup
Id: -xds8CkRGJ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 8sec (1508 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 12 2023
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