I Bought A House, So I Made My Dream Gaming Setup!

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I just bought a house and by the end of this video this room that I'm standing in right now is gonna be my dream gaming room YouTube office and as you can tell by the thumbnail the difference is insane so make sure you guys stay till the end but there's also some things that you can't see in the thumbnail for example what we're going to be putting on this wall and this wall and this every wall which is going to be the background of my YouTube videos and I'm also going to make it so when I walk into this room without me touching any buttons or doing anything my computer will turn on the monitors will turn on the lights will turn on everything will turn on and you guys will have to stay tuned to figure out how I do it but first I'm going to give you a quick tour of what the room looks like right now so when you walk downstairs you take a right and then go all the way to the end and here's the door so we walk into the door boom here's gonna be the background of my YouTube videos over here and over here is gonna be where the desk is and oh it's gonna look so good so the reason I have all this stuff is because it's all for my last setup which will put a picture up on screen of what that one look like and hopefully if I can like make what the image is in my brain that it should be 10 million trillion times cooler I don't even think cooler is a word but yeah so here's the room it's pretty echoey right now but don't worry in this video we're going to be soundproofing which is another cool thing you guys have to stay tuned for it's not too small it's not too big it's the perfect size in my opinion and over here we have a closet but then also the reason I chose this one well first of all I chose it because it's in the basement and there's only one window so I could do more stuff on the walls but also because there's a bathroom here boom lucky nice shower marble the whole house is sort of marble like this like all the countertops and stuff like this here's the mirror toilet and yeah and then this door leads out here and then you can go upstairs again so if I turn around door into the bathroom if you just want to go to the bathroom and the door into the office so let's get started [Music] so we're back with the first item the countertop I didn't want to use the countertop that I had in the old setup because it is 78 inches which is still pretty big but I wanted one that would fill up this whole wall so we went to Ikea just now but they're sold out of the marble ones and they said they wouldn't get it until like two two more months but I kind of need something now so we went to Home Depot and I found this bad boy and it's a hundred dollars cheaper than the one at Ikea all right so I gotta move everything out I'm gonna put this on top of those we got the Beast of a computer in here if you guys are new here you guys will see I love this thing and this monitor guys is actually the third monitor this is a new one I haven't used this in the old setup the two that I used are laying over there here's a bunch of lights that you guys will see and also a motion sensor hint hint this has to do with what I said about all the lights turn it on but you guys will see how all the lights turn on including the computer I have to get my dad help with this not too sure how heavy it is but I could try actually I could do this maybe I don't damage anything I don't think yeah you guys could tell look at there's a big bowl in it it goes boom holy crap that's a big bow look at right there it's not even on the computer's gonna be right there though like on this thing so let's just put the computer on here comes the Beast don't drop it don't drop it oh I just got exposed here I have light up cables I'll show you what those look like right now and in order to change those I need this thing so I left the back open because it's against the wall so you don't even see it you'll see what I mean but that you don't see it see you can't even see the cables okay never mind you can when you walk in crap I might need to put the cover on but it's good for now and just like that it's fixed well there's still a tiny little boat but what we did what my dad did I didn't do it I showed him the boat and then he had a genius plan so what he did is he drilled a bunch of screws he took out these drawers drilled screws up so now the desk is not flying up in the air it's like actually attached and then same thing on that side but now the reason is there's a tiny boat is because of this it's like pulling the weight onto this side and it's like digging in right here and on this side it's like almost levitating and here she is the curved 34 inch monitor I'm really excited because I've never seen a 34 inch monitor so it looks massive just by the box so let's open up oh [Music] got my trusty unboxing knife this isn't as cool as how it's going to be to open it though but here it is oh look at it where do I put this so I don't break it so now I have to mount all the brackets onto the wall but I want to show you guys something genius that my dad did so right there's the room that we were just in and this is the wall where the computer is and right here is a door to go into the closet which is underneath the stairs and because this room isn't finished my dad got the genius plan to just unscrew the drywall so it's right there now and he bought this plug and added it for me and then we cut a hole through the wall right here so all the cables could go through and this cable right here if we go into this room this is where the internet is so now I have a wired connection right here all the way up across the ceiling into this room through that little hole that comes right there and then plugs into the computer and I'm actually adding another one of those right up here once I get the brackets in for the monitors there will be no cables whatsoever I almost forgot we're back in here my dad also added these two pieces of wood so when I'm mounting the brackets into the wall I don't have to drill it into these pieces of wood because now we have this big chunk I've just done a bunch of measurements and I got these massive screws so hopefully I don't mess anything up I have a pencil marking right there right here hopefully I don't hurt myself oh my goodness oh here we go here we go oh okay we're in I don't want to tighten it too much because I need to make sure it's level for the top one now I have my trusty level here right there and hopefully it doesn't move I think we're good now we're just gonna put the top one in there we go now if we go back into the closet yep there it is and it's even exactly in the center look this line is the center of the room so we're good all right after a bunch of measurements I hope this is in the right place I'm kind of just guessing history to me well Mario all right here goes the final one and then I'm gonna put the monitors on and you guys will get the grand reveal I don't think I hit the wood because it didn't go like this sound instead it was this sound you see the piece of wood behind it I missed it by that much there's the noise I can't get it in the position I wanted to crap guys because this is how I want it but right now it's cutting off part of the monitor because that arm that I put in won't reach out enough but the reason I put it there is because it has to be in this piece of wood otherwise it would just come through here and then it wouldn't be very solid but whatever I'll figure that part out later there we go even though this one isn't quite in the right place it looks insane the monitor's Off the Wall again I've just finished using this little template that I made Trace little rectangle on the wall and I'm going to use this bad boy to cut the wall and then all the cables from the monitors will go through here so I won't see any cables underneath the desk I don't know if you need glasses or not but I found some just laying around so we're gonna put them on [Music] hopefully I cut the right spot it's a few hours later now and I'm back with the part so I should just be able to slide in oh look at I cut the right size hole twist these thingies screws so just to show you with this monitor so now I've got this cord plugged into this monitor but this end has to go into the computer right so what do I do I put it through here it comes out through the closet now I put it through this one then it comes out here and for now I'm just going to set these wires on top of this little bracket oh yeah I know if I showed you guys this to make it so it doesn't bow my dad put these little brackets in for me that's why it goes up and plugs into the computer so there's no wires hanging once I put the other monitor up and there will be barely any wires down here but you're like Luke how are you gonna power it watch this I'm gonna grab this smart power strip this thing is going to make it so when we walk into the room the monitor is turned on and you guys will see so I'm going to plug this smart power strip in and this is the cord to power the monitor so I'm going to plug it into one of these and the other end which goes into the computer goes through here and plugs into here so I've plugged all the monitors into it now and I set it up on the Apple homekit app so now if I press this button the green light comes on and it's on if I press the second one that green light comes on it's hot if I covered I keep going they come on you know what I mean but that means every time I want to use my monitors I got to pull out my phone so that's where the motion sensor comes in handy so I'm going to set this up and show you guys I just finished setting up this little Guide to the same app and now what I could do is create new automation then I'm going to click a sensor detects something and it's going to be this little guy which is in the office so I'm going to do text motion from any time of the day I will let one two three and four will all turn on it even comes with a stand that you could like put on the wall which I'm probably gonna do but for now I'm just gonna set it in the corner of the room on this box so if I walk into the room they should turn on [Music] oh one two three four now in this drawer I have my mouse pad very nice and this one I have my keyboard kibble this might be the only cable that goes on the desk just because it looks pretty cool but if I really wanted to I could drill a hole right here so it's not on the desk but we'll see grab the keyboard keep it goes down and mouse for now can't forget the headphones so this must be here in like five days but it came today so I'm not complaining oh these things are massive let me take one out so we can see all right let's put them on the table and see how they look and I know there's a cable there that's just temporary because I need to buy a longer cable so it could go all the way through the wall but let's set this thing down I'm thinking I'm gonna set them right here I don't know yet I might have to move them but let's give you guys a quick sound test so right now you're listening to the ultra wide speakers at 100 volume three two one [Music] there it goes [Music] um look what has arrived my friends I want to give a massive shout out to Mitch the owner of Audi mute for sending these out to me like I am so excited to put these up like oh it's gonna look amazing guys you're probably like Luke what the heck are those things look at guys so let's set this over here and this is actually cool they sell these which is like it's an acoustic panel so like this material blocks out echo which is the same material that's in every single one of these boxes but they could do custom shapes which are gonna look insane just stay tuned guys I'm excited as you can tell by my voice but you could also order like this like portraits so you could put like whatever pictures you want on there it's like a picture of your family or your dog for example then put it up in your room and then you have nice art but it also treats the echo in the room so let's set this right here for now and I just want to show you guys what these are because you're probably still confused so look if we set them up like this one like this beside this one another one right here another one right here another one right here well this one's a bit old these ones are massive another one right here one beside that one and as you can see it's sort of starting to form like these it's it's called cityscape because if you look from the side it looks like a bunch of buildings in a city and these go on the wall guys everything goes on the wall and it makes a sick design so this design is going on one wall this design is going on another wall but unfortunately I have to wait a week because I'm waiting for my dad to come and my parents are coming next week for a concert that I got my parents tickets for for a part of my mom's birthday because they wanted to go see it it's for Brian Adams if you guys are wondering but so I'm gonna wait till he comes he's gonna help me put these up and I just I can't wait guys so not only is this stuff gonna look amazing in the background of my videos but it's gonna make it so there is no Echo so what I want to do is a quick sound test so there's no panels in the room right now I'm gonna use the same volume before and after so here we go one two three one two three quick clap test so it's still a couple days before my parents come but I decided to try and create a design because the original plan was that I would put like a 90 degree angle here and one here but the thing is my boy Mitch hooked me up and sent way more panels than I was expecting so instead of covering up a little bit there and a little bit there I could pretty much do the whole wall so thank you so much Mitch like thank you so much so I spent a few hours going over different designs and I think this is the one I need to cut them because like we're not going to leave it like empty spaces like that but because they come in like long things like this we got to cut them up to make sure it fits and it's going to look insane and for this wall we're using these bad boys so we have three different sizes we have half an inch one inch and one and a half inch so it adds like a 3d effect and they're not staying this length my dad and I will have to cut them so like maybe one here maybe one here so it looks like bricks almost and we're putting some lights in between and it's gonna look sick so let's start the time lapse [Music] [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you guys may be wondering what okay first let me put my hat on like how I normally wear it okay now the reason I'm using this is because the motion sensor would work but the only thing is every single time I walk into the room this thing which is called a switchbot activates and so what it does is here let me show you you see PC right here I'll click that and boom so every time I would walk into the room the computer would basically turn off if it was already on so I had to use this switch which I I had bought because I was going to use this because what I was going to do I was gonna make it so when I walk in the motion sensor sees me turns everything on then when I walk out I would have this thing attached out to the wall right here just like this boom all the lights turn off which it does and then boom the top one all lights turn on but now I have this one boom there's the PC on so it's not as convenient but it's still way better than switching every single thing on or using my voice so to finish off the video what I'm going to do is I'm going to go through the whole room and show you guys what I added because there's quite a few things that I did off camera but first let's do the sound test one two three one two three so if you guys want to get these acoustic panels for your own room to either make your room look sick or make it so there's no Echo then I'll put the link to Audi mute's website at the top of the description down below and also everything else in the video will also be in the description down below if you guys are interested in getting anything but quickly last thing about these acoustic panels This shape or design that I got is custom made that one isn't custom made but this one is so if you want this specific design just call or email them and say you want the Luke Davidson design and they will send this out to you but you guys should check out their website because they have a bunch of cool other designs that I think you guys would like as well and while we're on this wall before we go to this one that already have a quick disclaimer so these lights that I'm using in here are called twinkly flex and they aren't made to be put in between things like we did here they're meant to be on the outside because when they're in here it traps in the Heat and the heat can't really get out so what I noticed is that 100 brightness these things would get really hot and I mentioned that to my dad and he's like oh my gosh we gotta like take these down because it's like obviously a fire hazard but I ended up trying something out I put these on 25 brightness which is what they're at now and they don't get hot at all but just to be safe at night I know this can defeats the purpose of my pressing the switch to turn everything on but safety comes first so what I do is I just hit that with my toe and it turns out those ones off then I go this side hit this with my toe it turns those what's up so there's no chance because they're smart lights there's no chance of them accidentally coming on at 100 brightness and possibly getting hot enough to start a fire but that's not Audi mute's fault like audio mute actually their core meets a-s-t-m-e 84 Class A which is like a fire test and it's like the highest rating so that's good to know but yeah this is this has nothing to do with them it's just the way that I used the lights inside of it but I just want to tell you guys that in case you guys were thinking of possibly doing the same thing with the light so just be careful but over here we have this and this thing is so sick so what it is is it's like there's these like filler panels behind all of these ones and then we put these panels on that filler thing so it's off of the wall more than these ones which are directly on the wall and then on that filler thing we put an LED strip all the way down it so that makes it look like it's like levitating or like broken or something and it just looks sick that we did up here and then over here we didn't do any cool lighting over here because the lights take forever and this was kind of the main oh here let me put these back on boom boom see it's for safety it's not the end of the world it's quick to turn them back on like I'm sure they wouldn't randomly just turn on in the middle of the night at 100 and then possibly get hot enough to cause a fire but just to be safe guys okay then we have the main setup so before I go into detail I want to say these lights are Govi oh crap those ones are actually a different color but it's okay and Govi doesn't work with apple homekit which is what I'm controlling the rest of the room with like this switch for example I have it in apple home kit but basically I had to get this thing called hoobs which lets me use non-apple home kit stuff with homekit so that's how I turn those two Gobi lights on with this Philips Hue switch and also how I'm able to use the switch to control the switchbot because this switchbot technically doesn't work with apple homekit it works with Siri but not Apple homekit I'm not going to go into detail because I don't want to turn this video into like a smart home video but I will link a video down below showing how to use the hoobs thing if that's something you guys are interested in so earlier I put the speakers on the desk but it looked too cluttered especially over there with like the computer so I got this stand not a stand a wall mount and it just it cleans it up I also put these Ikea fake plants on that I already had I don't know if I'm Gonna Keep Them looks kind of sick though falling off here I also put this Nano Leaf light strip on the back of the desk these things are so bright especially in white that's the exact same light strip I have here I just got some extensions for it and it's it's a really good light strip then I also upgraded and got this stream deck and I I still need to mess around with it like I want to put some things in so it's like when it's time to record I press it all of these lights go off and these lights switch to my like recording colors so for example right now I have to use Siri I will eventually figure it out but I tell Siri it's time to film those lights turn on I'm going for more of a Christmas theme now since it's December and then all these lights turn off I was actually gonna put some Elgato key lights up to add some light so when I'm recording I I'm lit up but since I have so many monitors I don't use them all when I'm recording so what I do is whichever ones I'm not using I open up Google or I guess I could just use this wallpaper since it's white open up Google and it just it gives enough light like look I'm lit up perfectly right now it works out perfect then right here we have a little wall mount again and I have a quick release on here about a couple of these quick releases and what I could do with these is grab the camera oh shoot I don't have one on here so this is the camera I was using at the time I started recording this video that you guys are watching but now I have this massive microphone or not microphone well yeah I do have a massive microphone but this Beast to the camera and now with this camera I can make it so the background is so crisp guys it looks in sync then what I do is I just pull up the monitor a little bit and then I slide this thing it's hard to do with one hand I've never done it with one hand before actually I'm never done with this cat with this microphone on it all right that's better so it just goes in here and then that's where I record my YouTube videos and I actually have multiple of those I have one on this mini little tripod the reason it's called quick release is because I could quickly release it onto the from there put it onto this tripod and I also have another one on this tripod which is actually what I've been using to record my tick tocks with I have this rig that I slide my phone into turn on this light and actually the microphone I'm using right now I attach right here and then we got the six setup but basically I could just go like this unlock it quick release it boom so it's really hard to do this with one hand but then I could put this one out of here now I could use this tripod with my phone oh sorry I got carried away I was talking about this thing I haven't got many things set up like I said but this one so because this is an ultra wide monitor whenever I go to record YouTube videos I don't want to record like this otherwise the video for you guys will look like this so I'm just gonna go like this for a couple minutes just so you guys can see how bad it is but basically I press this button and watch what happens on here it goes like that so now it's in like the regular like as if I was recording from that monitor and I press it again and it switches back so it's just handy rather than going into the settings and this one if I press it it pulls up my audacity which is how I record audio for YouTube videos and also OBS which is how I record the screen now speaking of audio that is the last thing we have to add to the setup which I have not unboxed yet which I'm going to do for you guys at the very end of this video but first you guys probably see all those cables I got this thing to hide them like so it would it be all janky it would be clean in here but it's not big enough there are bigger ones you could get which I'll have to do it's looking pretty clean oh my gosh okay no that's the sorry that's the microphone cable and that is not going to stay there it's just there until I put the microphone in which I'm gonna do but the other cables I didn't really even do anything to them and they're pretty clean I put them all on there I just tied them up a little and remember they go through the wall and then into the room under the stairs and it's messy but it's not terrible like my dad put these little shelves up for it but no one ever goes in here like I got my golf clubs in here for the winter this thing stays shut up and you don't see the cables now speaking of my dad I want to give a massive shout out to him because he spent so many days like he spent 10 hours some days doing this stuff for me so like thank you so much Dad I'm gonna have to repay you now look at these lights I'm kind of disappointed they're supposed to be white right now as you can tell there's yellow spots everywhere they're all the same brand too those ones are a different brand and they're completely fine all of this Lia Lee stuff has yellowed and if I switch it to a new color it's still the same and same thing with these so I'm a little ticked about that but right here we have the card reader so once I'm done filming YouTube Slide the card in there and then the footage on the computer what I'm gonna do is get a longer cable put it underneath and then so it's right here I mean this looks actually pretty clean here but it'll be a lot cleaner if it's just stuck here I also put this cable clip here and I put this USBC Cable in which is also plugged into the computer so I can one use this as a webcam and two which is one thing I really love about this camera you can plug it in and it will never die lastly before the microphone this is the audio interface and it's so clean it fits perfectly and because I don't stream I never mess with this stuff it's all always just the same if I do start streaming like I've only streamed twice but if I do start streaming I could literally just pull this thing out and it's right beside me if I need to address anything but it's so clean in there and I have my headset here for when I record YouTube videos and this is still not clean but I have to be able to change the light somehow now back here we have a boom arm with my old microphone on it and I I'm gonna pull this out the thing with this microphone is it has to be right beside your mouth or it doesn't sound good now that was perfect when my room wasn't sound treated and I lived with my parents and there was like noises outside of my room but now that I live by myself and obviously this room is soundproof that's the main thing there's no echo in this room so let's unbox this new microphone for you guys you guys are gonna hear at the very end of the video what it sounds like and I want you guys to let me know if it sounds any good now I also have this which is the same Mount that I put my camera on to record videos and I'm gonna use it for this microphone but the thing is I want to mount this behind the top monitor so it's out of the way but it's not long enough and you get extensions so I'm gonna have to get except they wouldn't come in time for this video and I wanted to post this video on Sunday so for now we're just going to use my old my old Paul right okay we got this thingy you guys don't know what this is this basically so when you go it doesn't like pop the microphone like this then we have this big solid thing this is like a carrying case for it but it's like solid and then I'm guessing and here we have the microphone and right here we have the little Mount to put it on the boom arm or once I get this thing boom now let's take it out of here get another bag here she is it looks so Sleek I don't even know if I want to put this thing on I honestly like it like this and since it's so far away from you that's the idea as it's not in frame like this one it's out of frame I don't even think I need this thing so let's put it on here a little stand boom let's take the old microphone off and let's screw the new one on it's all plugged in now now I'm gonna put this camera in my recording spot and then I'm gonna film The outro with the new setup and there we have it last thing to do it's time to film now I don't think I'm gonna film my videos like this from now on I think I'm gonna film with the blurry background so it'll look more like this I think it just looks crisp I don't know let me know what you guys think in the comments down below and also let me let me know what you guys think about the new microphone and I guess that pretty much does it so once again huge shout out to Audi mute for sending me all these panels like it's it looks so good it sounds so good so thank you so much and if you guys want to get it for yourself check out the first link in the description down below and if you guys want to get anything else or just check out anything else all the links will be in the description down below as well and lastly thank you so much to my dad for helping me put all this stuff up and thank you to you guys for allowing me to be able to do this full time and have a sick room like this so that's gonna be for today's video If you guys enjoyed my channel slap that like button subscribe if you're not already and I'll see you guys in the next one peace
Channel: Luke Davidson
Views: 2,884,676
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dream bedroom, bedroom, gaming room, gaming bedroom, transforming my bedroom into my dream gaming room, transforming my bedroom, room tour, bedroom tour, gaming setup, dream gaming setup, ultimate gaming setup, desk setup, gaming setup tour, clean my room, luke davidson, luke davidson tiktok
Id: ebkqgpmnBgI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 54sec (1614 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 11 2022
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