I Built a Gaming Setup for COMPLETELY FREE!

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epic Gaming setups we all want one but getting one comes with one common issue money which a lot of us don't really have a lot of but considering the fact that the most commonly asked question in my comments is how can I get a free gaming setup I've decided to challenge myself to build an entire gaming setup for completely free and then maybe at the end I'll give it away or something so here's my plan and the rules I must follow to be able to do this challenge rule number one I can't spend any money it goes without saying really but you know there it is rule number two I can't use any of the stuff that I've used in my older setups everything that I get has to be sourced from somewhere else and finally rule number three that's four the setup must look good and perform well you know we're trying to build a good gaming setup here we're not going to try and build one of them things you see on them worse setup compilations now that you've heard the rules here is my plan now there are three possible ways that I can get a free setup number one Facebook Marketplace this site is filled with free stuff and it's also filled with free stuff that when you ask for it they go oh yeah it's actually 20 quid no we're not spending any money it's free or we're not having it I think Facebook Marketplace if we search long enough we can look for second-hand things that people want to get rid of the second method is asking friends and family for stuff now this method is going to be really used for the smaller things in the game for example power leads HDMI cables that sort of thing and then we move on to our final method just straight up asking Brands to send free stuff and yes I know that method seems a little bit overpowered so I'm gonna limit myself from using it and just try to build as much of the setup as I can from Facebook Marketplace and other things like that so without further Ado let's start this challenge on day one I decided that uh hang on a second I forgot to mention I want to do this within seven days as well so we need to speed this thing up first thing I did on day one was search countlessly for some Brands to contact I knew it would be a while until they messaged me back so I thought I'd get this other way first the chances are most of them aren't going to reply at all most of them are going to take a couple of days to reply if they do so we've got to find a load of different companies to contact send them a basic email of hey can you send me some stuff I'll put it in a video and then we just gotta pray they send stuff so I sent an email template to a bunch of different brands and then headed over to Facebook Marketplace and oh my word this place was amazing yeah Facebook Marketplace is a gold mine look already we've got a gaming desk for completely free doesn't really look in the best of a conditioner so I might pass on this one there's a TV here look three 40-inch TV used for years remote is not working people are just putting stuff up on there they just want to get rid of this would be a good find right now however I'm looking for a monitor not a TV so we're gonna have to keep looking using Facebook Marketplace seem like an extremely effective method however I did see a common Trend 32 inch Samsung ones are open into office no I want it to be free if it says free it should be free so yeah around about 50 of the things I was looking at for free weren't actually free but I did manage to find a few good things free gaming chair here but it is in Norwich I could genuinely make an entire game yourself for free from Facebook Marketplace but the thing is we don't want everything to be secondhand that's why I do want to reach out to Brands as well just so we can get some premium stuff but it does just go to show how much stuff you really can get for free from here and after a long Wireless searching I managed to find three essential items for the setup to use PC monitors some speakers and the keyboard over these parts of the setup were literally scattered all over the UK so I also decided to make a few calls to family and friends to make this big trip worthwhile okay so good news we've got two new things that we can put in the Cell It's not exciting but my dad said he could give me a power lead my mum said that she's got a spare HDMI cable that I can have and the biggest thing that I've been able to Source one of my best friends from college actually has a spare gaming mouse like a very cheap one like extremely cheap but again for free we'll take it we'll take it the next thing we needed to do was go on a massive road trip to go collect all the we just sourced so right now we're gonna go pick up all the stuff from Facebook Marketplace and the few things that we got from family and friends it's probably going to be like a 200 mile drive I know I said this Facebook Market method was free it is costing me a little bit in gas money but gotta do it for the cause as I started making my way around the country thank you very much I picked up more and more items I've got two monitors let's go a few marks down the side but for three these are all right you know and although it took nearly six hours of driving I had got everything I set out to get oh I love Facebook Marketplace man day two and this is our gaming setup we've already got two monitors some Logitech speakers a really cheap low quality keyboard and to match an even worse quality gaming mouse also got the power strip for my dad a HDMI cable this setup is really coming together so at the moment this is the state of our current setup and the total cost so far has been a whopping zero dollars the value of everything is just over a hundred so we're not doing too bad so far I know this isn't amazing quality stuff at the moment like these monitors aren't even that expensive all the rest of this stuff is really like kind of cheap standard stuff but it's for free a lot of people are asking for free setups there's free stuff like this out there that you can get I think that the next thing we need to try and get is a new desk now I was originally considering picking up the desk that I found yesterday but whilst trying to look for it I received an email yeah yeah um I've recorded this record this look we've got a message from flexi spot I I haven't even reached out to flexi spot hi Danzig hope you're doing well this is Sab from flexi spot we want to send you one of our desks and I'm not I'm not going to turn that down the problem is now is I've got to tell them my idea and what I plan to do with the desk and I don't know if they'll be happy with that because it isn't going to be like a a whole sponsored segment and also I can't accept any money from this challenge so I'm going to write a response to Sam we'll see what happens tomorrow good morning everybody today is a good day because we have got a few emails from a few companies who are willing to send some stuff over just to name a few that we've had today we've had nanoleaf big LED light company we've had Marino a microphone company say they can send a microphone over and flex is what I've also responded to us saying that the idea is great now I just got to write all of these out and see what else I can find so we talked a load of replies out but we didn't really get any responses for the rest of the day so on to day four not too much happened in the morning of day four but in the afternoon we got a delivery oh my God this is heavy from flexi spot that probably means it's good quality I was quick oh you can already tell this thing is super sturdy now let's get the words up oh right now I would actually take this desk for myself but because I'm nice I'll give it away yes I think it's fair to say this thing is pretty sturdy now if we pop the monitors on there speakers keyboard mouse starting to come together just with this one delivery the setup looked a whole lot better but the thing is we didn't just get one delivery we actually got two look at these beautiful lights that nanoleafa sent over I'm not going to take these out the box here but I do actually own some other Nano Leaf products and that's what they look like in one of my old setups so I just know these are going to look amazing so by day four we've already got a desk keyboard mouse speakers monitors Nano Leaf lights this is going so well now I know I can't really put the Nano these lights up yet because once you stick them to a wall they kind of just stay there so this is just an example of what it could look like if you have a look at all the stuff that we've accumulated so far it still cost us absolutely nothing but the value of everything is just under 600. however there are two essential things missing though a PC and a gaming chair one of them we might be able to get on Facebook Marketplace the PC I genuinely do not know how we're gonna get that for free now I do actually have some spare PC parts lying around but like I said in rule 2 we can't use stuff that we've already got so I am realistically left with two options I can go on Facebook Marketplace and just try and Source every single part individually because no one's going to put up a whole PC for free or I can just contact the loader Brands which I don't really want to do because I said I wanted to limit myself but the PC is genuinely just going to be that hard to get I think I might just have to contact their brand on this one just so you know what we're sending over it like this entire proposal that I'm sending to Brands just to see if they can send us anything but yeah I've messaged like 16 different PC companies I'll let you know tomorrow if they've replied okay new day not many emails from PC companies but Moana did send their microphone through not only did they send this microphone they also sent this arm as well so that's another thing we can add to the setup another day still haven't had any yeses from any PC companies we've had some responses but the majority of them just don't want to send the PCA I've communicated with them but I don't want anything special you know I'm not asking for a new RTX 4090 build I'm just looking for like a standard PC that can run Minecraft about 30 frames a second I sent a couple of emails back and forth with one PC company but they've pulled out and I got one email like two hours ago that said oh yeah we can send you a PC I recorded the clip saying oh I've sorted a PCR it's amazing and then like at least like an hour later I go oh yeah we can't actually send a PC we can send you a PC caller though no I need a PC so the hunt for the PC is still on we also need a gaming chair and I don't know how I'm going to Source one of them because I've had a look on Facebook Marketplace and the nearest one that is free is like 200 miles away and I guess I could drive all the way there but that's like a 400 mile trip and I think at this point on Facebook Marketplace the amount of money I'm spending on petrol to get places I probably could have bought an entire gaming chair so I hate to do it but I'm probably gonna just reach out to another brand okay I'm not gonna lie nothing happened on day seven which means I've officially failed this challenge of building it within seven days but the thing is no one said I couldn't do it in 10. I reached out to many gaming chair brands to see if any of them would be willing to send one over and one company called bullies got back to me they sent me out one of their best gaming chairs now yeah I accidentally ordered this chair to my parents house and obviously I've got to give this thing away so I'm not going to open it up or take it back home so just for now I'm gonna put this chair right here just so you can get a kind of idea of what the setup will look like and I also contacted as many PC Brands as I possibly could and one got back to me it is now a day 10 and you may be wondering damn I've got this crazy merch on Direct computers what is that well guess what I managed to supply a goddamn PC look at this oh look that's it these are the specs that we're working with it's going to be able to run most things I know some of you are going to be like oh but it doesn't have a voice 16. you like Savages calm down this thing's for free yeah big thank you to direct computers for sending this thing out and now with that final piece added I can now say that the setup is finally done all the hard work and dedication has finally paid up and oh my God does this thing look incredible foreign like I said I'm going to be giving the entire setup away to one of my subscribers so make sure you're subscribed now I know this doesn't look like the best setup in the world but just look at everything that we got for free and if you want to watch another setup group that looks even better than this you can clip this video here it's a pretty good one
Channel: Dantic
Views: 690,802
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dantic, gaming setup, room transformation, ultimate gaming setup, I Built a Gaming Setup for COMPLETELY FREE, free, cheap, gaming, setup, built, cheap gaming setup, gaming pc, budget setup, gaming setup transformation, budget gaming setup 2023, setup gamer, best gaming setup, how to, cheap gaming setup accessories, gaming setup budget, gaming setup cheap, pc build, setup build, gaming setup build, budget gaming setup, free gaming setup
Id: evySRcNS-8A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 38sec (638 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 21 2023
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