THE PAIN CAVE - Building The Perfect Home Gym

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[Music] to [Music] I just finished up my morning run and I wanted to take your hands and show you where we change so follow me [Music] welcome to our home gym this is where we put a lot of time and effort thought a lot about what we wanted to put in our gym my wife is an IFB b pro athlete I'm gonna spine triathlete so R once it needs for what we kind of wanted out of a gym or a little bit different but we also wanted a very like cohesive home gym so I'll link all the blogs and everything below but I want to just kind of go through and show you everything that we have in the gym firsthand so we just minded the gym into two spaces cardiologist red side this being the cardio side when everybody walks in the gym the first thing they see is a wood accent wall with two TVs it looks no it looks really cool but it really serves a lot of purpose we wanted to be able to monitor nest cams and watch things at the same time run trainer apps and still be able to watch different you know entertainment stuff so it really works good to have two TVs I for that going down the line of our kind of cardio recovery side is our ice bath this is just a black deep freezer picked up from Sears fill it up with water have a time of the regulate the temperature but it's great for recovery I have a whole blog about it a link below if you want to know how to make a do-it-yourself ice bath it's amazing this is my scalpel 30 road bike that I have hooked up to a Wacom kicker well one kicker it is just a virtual kind of trainer that you can hook up to your own bluetooth up we run apps like Swift trainerroad stuff like that spent a lot of time on this getting ready for Ironman this is our treadmill my wife's favorite because it is a 40 incline treadmill that's like vertical absolutely insane but it's it's a great piece of equipment that we spent a long time I kind of decided what we really wanted in terms of a treadmill as we got it more for any client less for running even though it's great for both this is a Stairmaster that we got and this is one of those things that are talked about really waiting to search the internet and find what really what like works for you because it's an expensive piece of equipment we were lucky enough to come across one that was much more affordable through Jim liquidations and that's kind of like one of the key things to all this is finding Jim's local little boutique fitness centers that are going out of business liquidating other their gear you can kind of go in there and just make offers and get really great pieces of commercial grade equipment for your home use at home prices so this is the Stairmaster it's my wife's number one go-to for cardio I think it's like the stairway to hell it's absolutely horrible but teaches our own up here we got a little motivational quote without pain without sacrifice we've been have nothing that's a little homage to the Fight Club shout out to my boy Brad Pitt people say we look alike well we're here in the corner though we have the kids in there which I love this is their little gymnastics area Karger comes out here girl hours fumbling hanging from her bars and we can pull up the balance beam to kind of work on that my wife was this gymnast when she was a little girls that's really nice to see them bond over that as we're talking about massive flooring throughout the whole space we use a very durable very hard black rubber it's 3/4 inches these are actually horse stall mats pick them up at a local feed tax store they work wonderful perfect dimensions for the size of the gym sizing the garage floor so it worked out really well for us and then more to the review says footwork areas what your sleds got the battle ropes out right now but we also put in Sportster to really divide the space as well I'm kind of an aesthetic look to it so I really like the way the olive flooring came out does wonders these were small mats is something I learned a long time about the fitness industry that you can use for deadlift platforms a little big lifting platforms they really can take a beating in terms of along this backlog would you still have a garage so wanted to make sure that it still looks clean and professional it kind of matches everything else so these are just plastic garage cabinets from Lowe's nothing too fancy there they do the job these are metal one actually also got from Lowe's if you're a veteran always go to Lowe's at 10% off of everything but this was great because you could buy it buy the piece and I did one wasted a lot of money knowing that I only wanted to kind of do this roof soars up over the door so we could maximize space but I was able to buy say a lot of money buying things by just the individual pieces that I needed to build it out put a snazzy tool rack and a light bar making everything look pretty professional and cool just like ours pretty dope it actually is a Bluetooth speaker so we can click it up to the iPhones and just really pump music through the whole gym and works really well moving over to the strength side of things and this is obviously where most of our money is at and most of the bang for the buck that we've got clothes on James like I said is where it says this is a pro Maxima custom rack that we picked up from a gym going out of business and it's absolutely amazing is a half foot I think by like 15 or 16 feet it has three different lifting stations in terms of j-hooks safety attachments that can be hooked up so you could basically have essentially three people chaining at the same time we did get two bars from them along with a ton of other equipment but this thing is just amazing with it's got full bars sliding door handles all grip attachments long pull apart on the front same on the other side all the way down the back so really a awesome piece of gear that we picked up at a really good price close up Jim we have a bumper plates that we went with just for kind of safety impact over over iron plates one standard 45 incline adjustable bench multiple Olympic bars we have a couple TRX systems going up point out right now again this is all stuff we got from that same gym I really like the step ups or for the puller bars and over here on the side we actually got the pro maxima step of attachments dip our attachments and instead of having so many pull up options end up hanging heavy back here off of this one minute and it works really well for for while we use so on the back side for weights we went with the power block 50 dumbbells just primarily mainly for it's just how compact it is and into space but it does work really well goes up to 50 pounds which is really all being the wife need for for what we do in terms of training and it's great these shelves are actually bolted into the whole rack system where we have our medicine balls kettlebells storage is stuff for all our attachments across the bottom looks really clean in this thing is all bolted to the ground so it's not going anywhere his permanent right through the rubber flooring so it's it's a story piece of gear this is a good fun that we found on Facebook marketplace are kind of went with the whole flow of the gym this is just a plate little bit of cable machine adjustable up and down multiple attachments that has two cables individual cables so something that we use a lot in training from you know lat pulldown stress that boy doesn't are there anything you want to do with it we've got our exercise most orders stuff up top so that's the main focus of the training that we have some of the aesthetic things we did a functional things we had to do for this Promax memory fit you can probably see that there's standard kind of hanging like a garage door track is gone and that is because we had to remove it because most garage doors are only at 7 feet maybe seven and a half feet when they're open and this is eight and a half foot rig so we had to push this all the way to the the top of the ceiling pretty much so we move the garage for about almost two feet and it required a professional to do it wasn't something that you know you just add subtract and you know extend the garage door love ok it was called a high lift garage door I think of spring contention kind of mounting cables with a very high power motor victor sits up in a corner so it works really great i it also allowed me to remove that big you know track the garage door so we can put in some extra LED lighting really light up the whole gym and it just feels more open good so do you get a wrapped in here like that if it's something you want to do you've got to think about going to hide the garage door to really maximize your space and they just alright so in addition to the high leverage door we also insulated it and this is just a polystyrene foam again this is one of those cost saving tips there's garage gets out there I bought two sheets myself for like 30 bucks cut it down and get myself in Las Vegas he can get into the 110 and above and the winners get pretty cold as well so the most that we can do keep heat out or keep it in is a goal dinner so definitely something to think about if you're gonna make a garage gym [Music] is where we come out when we train really hard this is what we consider our perfect home gym your perfect home gym is just the one you training and that's really the whole purpose of having a fitness facility at your fingertips is so you come out here and you actually use it I hope that there is some inspiration or value that you've got to see how we set ours up please comment like below so that you can tell me things that you want to see from your home gym or ideas or whatever you came across I'm always interested in stuff like that and if you want to follow on my journey to my half ironman coming up in April in Florida please subscribe because I'm gonna be doing a lot more training videos and kind of take it and everyone along that journey with me so like subscribe comment we'll see you in the next video [Music]
Channel: Kevin Armentrout
Views: 166,553
Rating: 4.9343748 out of 5
Keywords: Home Gym, home gym setup, home gym tour, pain cave set up, pain cave cycling, Ironman, triathlon training, IFBB Pro, Pro Bikini, Armentrout, Marines, USMC, Wahoo, wahoo kickr, Ice Bath, cold water immersion, cold water immersion therapy, florida 70.3 ironman, garage gym reviews, garage gym ideas, high lift garage door, promaxima workout equipment, Health and Fitness, Personal Training Studio, private fitness training, Scott Foil 30, nordictrack treadmill, fitness equipment
Id: 6n22s0XYXNM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 59sec (659 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 16 2020
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