Crossfit Games Athlete Garage Gym | Bridging the Gap Ep.010

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[Music] all right what's up guys today we're gonna basically do a walk-through of the garage gym it's something you guys have been asking about a ton of so just want to take you through maybe talk about some of the stuff that I have why I have it how I have it set up how long it took me to get this set up took me a while been in this house now for almost eight years and it's been a work in progress the whole time so for anybody that wants to have a home garage this is my setup it's a little bit more overkill than probably most people need I have mine set up specifically for at least two people to be able to do every workout that we're doing together that was my idea when I started doing it I'm like I want to be able to have two people working out so if anybody came over which I have a couple of knuckleheads that always come over everyday so here we go we'll start over here got to concept two bikes all my machines I used to have them kind of lined up more so over there but now I have it have them kind of over out of the way here to assault bikes which will be replaced soon with echo bikes two concept two bikes I love these things these things are are awesome you can use it as a spin bike and you get great workouts on it right and then I have my road bike as well that's collecting dust right now but should be starting to get back out on the track here soon over the corner got a little jump rope got some sledges over here some memorabilia from rogue v rogue sent out you know the CC hammer which is pretty cool this is where I do my kids Heights every year on their birthday but I like champions time because everyone knows that's what you need to do every day got the rustling mat here for when we have the wrestling practices for the boys we can pull this thing out these new Dahmer mats are awesome they're so light I've never seen when we grow up rusting mats wait a thousand pounds minimum got the new rig I'm not sure what the name of the rig is but it's a monster light erection though this is a monster rig with these new cool trolley arms where you can do so much stuff with them got a pinch got the Rhino belts quad in there my old belt squat was the Westside one which was huge and so it took up way too much space so this kind of alleviated taking up all that space where the belt squats involved in the rack which is huge and I think the bell squad is an awesome addition it's is a huge game-changer and I think a lot of people will probably get some good use out of that got to pull up bars in there and I can actually do pull-ups or muscle ups on either one too so again same thing - that's the theme this thing right here is a it's an addition you can get for this rig or for this rack it's a basically like a boxplot type scenario I was pretty pumped about that because with the knee injury box squatting is huge here's where the handstand push-ups go down or wall walks whatever and we have wall balls ranging from 14 pounds to 30 pounds got my hand grenade black bumper plates these really I got these so in case I need to do anything outside on concrete I don't want to ruin the competition plates again a little overkill in my gym but you know being sponsored by rogue is is awesome if you can do that get there big dumbbells anywhere I got Dumbo's from I think 10 pounds all the way up to 125 to ghd's I love doing ghd's do them all the time you can do a lot of stuff on this on this machine and you know G hrs you can don't you can even kind of get as a reverse hyper type of deal with the band got this bad boy a lot of pictures of this basically just an ALICE pack with a weight plate carrier plate storage on there this thing's awesome for mimicking rocking or you know I do it in workouts too but this thing's huge rogue actually sells them can never have too many barbells right I got some cool ones I've got a few Olli bars got this earthquake bar pretty cool for shoulder stability stuff just one's an old bar that it's a raw steel bar so I've got a little bit of rust on it you need to clean that up another Ohio bar and then that awesome American flag bar down there don't forget about that one from that one's pretty sweet too this another perk of being with the rogue athlete I've got some sandbags some more outside a couple 200 a couple 150 s and a couple hundreds are the ones that I have filled up you don't really need much bigger than that I mean unless you're doing strongman stuff new cool rogue bar there where they got the name on here bridges rogue couple benches again - I have a yoke broken down back there was the one that was inside here that I used for squatting but when I got that racket don't no longer need it and those things are super quick and easy to put together so we got the model left arms back there got two setups one for a monster rig which I have two in here then I have one for the monster light rig to put outside that was kind of more for the knee I could squat pre-surgery but that step with the weight on my back was really causing me pain so or dimana lift and that helped out drastically got the pegboard again for me I don't have high ceilings in here I think these ceilings are probably around 10 foot I have to put mine down to down to the floor I can either start like on my knees or just start really low in the peg boy but I can I don't I don't get to get the full length of it but it is what it is I mean I have to make do and I love fake boards so but I was able to get that in inside the garage got my weights these have just been accumulation throughout the years have every year as rogue athlete you if you go to the game if you get a set of plates from the games which is pretty cool they started doing that I want to say in 14 so I have every year that I've been there since 14 people always ask me for them and no you can't have them got some plyo boxes here the soft ones so you don't bang up your shins if you're trying to do haibach jumps which is really nice some more specialty bars back here got the safety squat bar which is an awesome tool a lot of the strong guys strong men wear it use these things got the curl bar know when you got to do curls to the girls got eight loadable dumbbell barbell here from rogue pretty sweet the c30 bar c-130 the short bar this bar is is good it's just really stiff and it kind of sucks and messes with a lot of the athletes you just don't get the whip at you get on the big bars and so it kind of hurts when you do like cleans and thrusters on it but they use it in the games and regionals for having more barbells on the floor and not having to worry about like people hitting each other and then an axe the bar to do actual work for working that grip got some more slam balls here forty and thirty or forty to fifty side slam both are nasty people don't like to do them because they think they're not that cool but they are awful if you put them in a conditioning piece some more dumbbells some kettlebells got some big boys got the one 150s got the one twenty fours and then like 30 40s 50s 70s and a sixty this kettlebell is from years and years ago about that I want to say probably like 2006 to skiers as always got the rock wall there that built for the kids doesn't get a lot of use these days about a lot of the kids records up here like hundred calories ski fifty calories the thirty Burpee box jump overs at head height for the boys jerk blocks these right now become kind of a catch-all it's got some foam rollers rollers stuff like that gotta have your nerf guns you know never know rowers again to got the fan for when it gets hot in here which it does actually we are in San Diego but sometimes in La Mesa area we get we'll get a little heat wave it'll be like a hundred degrees over here so gotta have the fan true form runner thing is awesome I actually always said I would never get one of these things living in San Diego because why would you do that but I got it and for regional training and then loved it I used it quite a bit and that thing is awesome 200 pound kettlebells these bad boys I've actually started to use them as kettlebells you can do kettlebell swings with them they're pretty nasty and they worked the whole back I mean if not you're doing deadlift farmer carries I built this box myself this was from back in the day probably like 2010 or 11 I built this box still holding up it's coming coming apart on one set but you know who cares about that right man come outside I've got my cash flow rig I think this is the Castro to actually where you have the 15-foot stanchions and not just the 12-foot which I believe the first one had to wall ball targets and then to pull up bars so you if we have you if we have multiple people out here doing pull-ups or if you want to do pull-ups outside whatever got your set of rings with a long straps which is something that cause a lot of trouble for a lot of people at once they started doing that regionals and games and then this is actually where this bar here is where the Rope goes you don't have the Rope up right now we've had a ton of rain and those it just chews up the ropes and so I go through about five four five ropes a year have a skate ramp in case you just skate got a banger from the games have that had this got this actually in 2012 once a rogue right after the games that year and snagged one so and then I got two tires for flipping got my dog sled here these things you're awesome this is actually one thing I do need to get a second one of these all right I think that's it I think you've seen everything for the garage gym hope you enjoyed it hope you liked it comment down below do the thing and as always don't forget to pay the man [Music]
Channel: Josh Bridges
Views: 242,629
Rating: 4.9566574 out of 5
Keywords: Josh, Bridges, Josh Bridges, Vlog, Vlogging, San Diego, Channel, Fit, Fitness, Fittest, Fittest on Earth, Games, The Games, Crossfit Games, Pay Him, Pay the Man, WOD, Workout of the day, Workout, EMOM, AMRAP, Games Athlete, Athlete, Nike, Nike Athlete, Nike Training, Training, Train, Functional Fitness, In the open, The Open, Injury, Training through injury, Garagem gym, Gym, Garage, Train with me, Train with Josh
Id: GsFhZ_ZInLk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 43sec (583 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 10 2019
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