The 10 Home Gym Essentials According to Coop

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hey guys this is coop from garage and reviews and today we're going to be talking about the 10 home gym essentials according to me [Music] these are a hierarchy of the equipment that i think for most people for most home gyms they should have this doesn't mean you need all of them this doesn't mean you don't need any of them depending on what type of training you do there may be other things but these are the ones that i think most people should consider i've gone through all this in detail on our website you can hit the link below the like button if you'd like to see more of it and if you'd like to see more reviews on all these sorts of things make sure you subscribe because we'll have more of that coming okay the most essential home gym equipment in my opinion is the barbell i've written articles on this for all sorts of people one is starting strength mark ripito i wrote an article called barbell is king i think for most home gyms for most people the almighty olympic barbell which is right here is the best piece of equipment to start with i don't think that everybody has to use a barbell i know there's some people out there like you've got to use a barbell it's the only way to train i'm not that way i just want to get people moving more and training more and healthier and so there's lots of ways to do that the biggest benefit to the barbell is that it offers incremental loading over a wide range of movements with the cheapest amount of money you'd have to spend on weight possible so that's like a long way of saying it's the best and the most efficient way to train for most people it only takes up seven feet really nine feet so a foot on each side so you can put plates on so you don't need a huge amount of space you need a squat rack to put it on or something like that although i think there's some people that lift without spot racks for cleans deadlifts snatches jerks all that sort of thing but a barbell in my opinion is the number one most essential piece of a home gym it's the king it's the reason that pretty much every gym logo out there in the world includes a barbell the reason that anybody who's serious about training really uses a barbell in some fashion if you want to get stronger dumbbells are not as good kettlebells are not as good in my opinion for most people the barbell is king barbell's the best the second home gym essential and something that relates to the barbell is what you put on the ends and that is weight plates i think weight plates you have to have some sort of weight to use the barbell if the barbell is number one then you should probably have something to go on the ends weight plates are essential to most home gyms you got to have some sort of weight to do some sort of strength training so some sort of strength training the best way to do it in my opinion is the barbell so throwing plates on the ends and being able to do all sorts of lifts is important there's a lot of different bumper plates and weight plates and all sorts of different types of plates competition power plates out there for most people i suggest iron if they're the cheapest per pound that you can get however if you're going to be dropping it i would probably suggest something like a bumper plate they're made of rubber they're going to compress a little bit they're not going to sound as loud they're not going to hurt your foundation or your equipment as much however they do cost more and they take up more space on the bar so most people just get iron get whatever you can get the cheapest that's the most accurate if you're competing in power lifting or something like that you can go with caliber braided plates if you're doing olympic lifting you go with bumper plates but get some sort of weight plates you don't just have to use them for your barbell you can throw them on loadable dumbbells you can throw them on different weight vests you can throw them and just use them as they are for different you know isolation exercises they're extremely versatile all right number three the third most essential piece of equipment is the almighty squat rack the squat rack is kind of the central place for training for most home gym owners okay the my preferred type of rack among the many that are out there from squat stand to wall mount racks to combo racks to monoliths is the power rack the reason i like the power rack is because i think for most home gym owners it's the safest they allow you to use different pin posts and different flip down safeties or strap safeties to protect yourself if you're benching or squatting alone i think they're very helpful and you know can really eventually actually save your life i mean pin posts have saved people's lives and there are people that have died that haven't been using them so i like a power rack for most people however if you don't have that you can use different spotter safeties and things like that but the reason a power rack is so good outside the safety components is the fact that typically they're modular so you can have pull up bars up top you can have all sorts of different attachments i mean i've got three power racks or type of squat racks in this garage alone i've got quite a few in the other one um it's they're just so useful there's a lot you can do with them so for most people a squat rack is definitely an essential the fourth most essential thing for your home gym is a weight bench a weight bench is something that nearly everybody who's lifted has used in some capacity the bench press is really the biggest bro lift the lift that most people you know talk about how much you bench it's one of those phrases that's been careened around the lifting community for centuries a weight bench is an essential piece i don't think it's as essential as some of these others because you can do floor press and things like that but there is a lot that a weight kit bench can do it doesn't take up a lot of space and they're not very expensive the thing you have to decide first and foremost if you're getting a weight bench is do i want a flat bench or an adjustable bench for most home gym owners i think a flat bench is fine now i'd get it if you want to do a lot of dumbbell work and you know bodybuilding isolation stuff you can get an adjustable bench i prefer an adjustable bench really it's nice to have both however if you're just starting out you just want to get in cheaply just go with a nice basic flat bench i mean there's so many out there everything from an amazon basis bench to what i have over here a rogue monster 2.0 bench i mean you can get anything in between there's a lot of options but i think for most people a basic flat bench that has a rating up to 700 800 000 pounds is going to last you a long time you can get unique with it if you want to get inclined you can put it up on something my first home gym i'd set up on boxes it's simple it works really well and you'll use it a lot not just for chess but also for rows and other types things so a flat bench definitely essential the fifth essential for home gyms in my opinion are dumbbells and particularly adjustable dumbbells i think for a home gym most people should if they're going to have dumbbells this is up to you if you want dumbbells but if you want dumbbells i think most people on home gyms do then you should not spring for this type of thing that's behind me i think that's way overkill i like having it because i like having individual sets but for the price and the space considerations adjustable dumbbells are absolutely amazing they don't take up a lot of space this part here for instance goes from 10 pounds up to 90 pounds in five pound increments for an adjustable set that's way cheaper takes up way less space yeah it's not as easy or nice as using a full set where you can superset and all sorts of things like that however for most people adjustable dumbbells for a home gym are really the ideal option they're the best value option there's some good sets out there like power block iron masters new bell among others bowflex makes some but adjustable dumbbells in my opinion are definitely an essential home gym piece if you want a full set go ahead just understand it's gonna cost you a lot it's gonna take up a lot of space not very efficient for a home gym number six the sixth most essential in my opinion are kettlebells i like to use them for swings farmer's carries i like using them for snatches and cleans i don't know kettlebells do a lot of things that dumbbells don't i get it i don't think most people need like both i think they could get away with one or the other and i think dumbbells would be a little bit more versatile in my opinion however i like kettlebells and i think having a couple kettlebells out there is a great way to add your training so i would like if for most people i'd suggest like a 35 kettlebell 35 pound kettlebell and also a 53 pound kettlebell to go along with your dumbbells i think that's going to get you by for a lot of conditioning work and you know even some strength work depending on how you use it for turkish get ups or things like that so i think kettlebells are definitely important and i think they're often overlooked in home gym the seventh home gym essential is one of two either gymnastics rings or a pull-up bar the reason i say either gymnastics rings or a pull-up bar is because in a home gym if you have a power rack you most likely have a pull-up bar so having something like gymnastics rings is not a necessity however they are nice if you're wanting to do dips if you want to use them for pull-ups you want to do levers or all sorts of dynamic movement you can use gymnastics rings they're really great for that they're also extremely cheap and can put anywhere in fact in some cases for some people i would put gymnastics rings at the very top of the hierarchy when i started my home gym i threw them over a tree and i did a ton of bodyweight exercises because it was one of the cheapest ways to do some sort of strength training they worked really well now due to economies of scale you can get it for like 30 bucks i'll put some links down in the bio so you can check them out but i think for most people gymnastics rings are a great option if you're not just going to use a pull-up bar the eighth essential for a home gym is going to be some sort of conditioning device there's a lot that's out there from treadmills to air bikes to sleds but for most people i think something like an air bike or a sled or a skierg or a concept 2 rower those are going to be your better options for if you're just wanting to get one if you want to do a lot of longer steady state stuff i would go with something like a row or however you're wanting to do more high output hit type training then i would go with something like a sled they're going to be cheaper they're going to take up less space you can use them outside they just work really well and they are pretty cheap and they don't take up a lot of space which is really important for a home gym i like air bikes i've got one over here the the rogue echo air bike is a great bike but i would avoid for most people most people are coming from commercial gym they're thinking themselves i need to get an elliptical i need to get a treadmill all those sorts of things i don't think that's necessary for a home gym i think most people can get by and do really well with doing sprints outside using an air bike a sled a jump rope things like that the ninth essential and this is kind of the foundation of your gym and one that i think is very important and overlooked is your flooring flooring in a home gym is what you do everything on it's what your equipment sits on there's tons of options i'm gonna ignore pretty much all the options that are out there and suggest one and that is horse stall mats i think for most people horse stall mats are the best option i think there are other options out there in fact i'm standing on rolled rubber flooring that's 3 8 inches works really well it looks a little bit better however is it worth the cost over stall mats for most home gyms definitely not however i would say do not buy foam tiles not a fan phone tiles don't like foam tiles i see very little to no reason to buy foam tiles avoid them at all costs okay the last one the final one the tenth homage essential especially for a garage gym is a leaf blower this bad boy not just this bad boy i would say just about any leaf blower i think a leaf blower is an essential to a home gym especially garage i i mean this is kind of joking it's not the most important thing however i do think this is a piece of equipment that is often overlooked in a garage gym because if your garage door is full of crap and leaves and dirt and chalk and blood and all sorts of crap you're going to be less likely to use it so clean up your space get a leaf blower are they cheap and they work really well okay this has been coop from garage and reviews thank you for watching these are the top 10 home gym essentials if you like this sort of thing make sure you subscribe we do a lot more content a lot more in depth and we'll see you next time peace [Music] you
Channel: Garage Gym Reviews
Views: 574,616
Rating: 4.9278774 out of 5
Keywords: garage gym, garage gym reviews, fitness equipment reviews, home gym essentials, coop garage gym reviews, coop home gym reviews
Id: QFq6Dg_0dbU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 8sec (728 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 05 2021
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