How to BUILD a $500 HOME GYM on AMAZON

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hello my friends this is coop from garage and reviews i'm here in my beautiful garage gym as you can see and today i want to give you a little bit of a different video than normal this has much less editing it's much less pretty but the goal is basically to answer the question that i'm getting a ton of that is coop can you give us advice on how to build a home gym on a super budget like under 500 bucks so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna go on amazon and i'm basically gonna detail my recommendations for somebody building a home gym for under 500 bucks shipped to your door very basic but hopefully it's helpful let's do it [Music] wait wait one more thing if you like this sort of thing i plan to do it for different budgets so i want to do it for 500 maybe a thousand 1500 2 000 maybe always weigh up to 10 000 20 000 so if you like to see that subscribe okay friends you've got 500 bucks burn a hole in your pocket let's build a home gym for most of this or pretty much all of it i'm going to go to amazon here's what i want to do i want to give you some ideas on things you can do to build on for under 500 bucks okay i'm going to give you some basically my suggestions and then i'm going to throw some extras in there so first is a squat rack i think most of your moves are going to center around squat rack so there's a couple options here the ones that i would go for are two that i've used and one is the fitness reality 810 xlt supercar cage great name right so this is one that i think for a lot of people this is a good option again these are for under 500 bucks for the entire gym so you've got to be looking how do i want to spend my money well this is a good option one reason i think it's a good option is because it's got 800 pound weight capacity i think you'd hold more than that i believe it's 12-gauge steel um it's got a multi-grip pull-up bar that comes standard it's got a lat pull-down attachment that's available it's got spotter pins that come with it and it's also got j cups and the spotter pins have jacobs on it too now obviously if you have a nice barbell this is not going to protect your barbell it's going to be a little bit shaky to the ground but overall for the price is going to be hard to beat so 250 bucks 22 cents uh you know that's not the lowest that i've seen on this but that's one i would look at the next one i would look at one i'm going to add to my cart just so you can add some extra stuff it's going to be the cat barbell um oh before i talk about that one the other one as far as like a power cage or yeah would be this one right here this is 250 bucks the cat barbell full cage power rack honestly i probably wouldn't get that one as much as the fictionality due to like no attachments and fewer holes also no multi and it costs pretty much the same but that's your other option in my opinion for this price range however this one right here the cat barbell this is their basic squat stand it's 12 gauge steel you know it can hold they say 500 pounds i think you can hold more than that the jacob's super heavy duty but i think you'd be fine the uprights are two pieces so it comes in one box that's why shipping's so low it's got a standard pull-up bar it's you know it's the stability's not gonna be great um but it's gonna work and get the job done and it's 120 likes so i think for most people this is a fine option so i'd add that to my cart and then in addition to that what i want to do why would i need a protection plan squat rack oh my goodness okay but i would also suggest spotter arms the reason is and this is for safety purposes i hate when people bench alone without spotter arms i know of people who have friends or i actually have a friend who has a cousin who died because he was benching alone by himself the bar went down rolled back on his on his neck his mom found him horrible story but just listen to me don't bench alone okay so you got your squat rack next thing i would look for is a barbell now barbells you can spend a lot of money on barbells but for this purpose i know which one i've got in mind but i'll talk about a couple these synergy bars i've got the games ones in my house difference between these is that one's just got cerakote decently priced another company look for is this go plus another one is x mark this body solid one here for a hundred bucks it's seven feet but it's got really low weight capacity so honestly i would probably suggest avoiding that one and the one i would go for is the cap beast bar okay i have this one in my garage i've had it for a long time one reason i like it just works for the price it's going to use like basically spring steel it's not incredible it's 110k tencel strength for most people it's not going to deform over time as you use it 55 bucks it just works okay this is just a bar that you know if you want to d rebel this is the one i would suggest they've got this ex mark voodoo that's not bad but you're looking at a higher price i think for this price range the bar that i would most look at bad boy right here it just works it's not the greatest but it works next is you're going to want to bench okay well there's lots of bench options but i think in for if you're looking to spend under 500 bucks most people should probably buy a flat bench okay and the flat bench i would look for different ones that are available but um you know a lot of these are actually going out of stock for most people i would buy the amazon basics bench uh however the amp bench does appear to be out of stock i'm going to type this in to see i looked at this yesterday and it was in stock so i would get oh no there it is but it let's see yep it is okay put it in they've got some in so this is the one i would suggest for most people it's 54 bucks um it's usually cheaper i've tested this thing you know like we dragged it behind a car made like a funny video with it um and it just works it's not the greatest it works okay it's gonna they say it's got basically a 600 pound limit i think it could do more after feeling it it's probably got i would guess this is 12 gauge steel but again for this price range that's a good option now you can okay and there's a few that i would look at if you want an incline bench um that are like somewhat decently priced uh one of them is from repfit and the rep fitness incline bench is a good bench you're going to spend a little bit more on it it's the you know ab 3000 i want to say but another option is this cap one here this cap deluxe utility weight bench it's very similar to titan it's not great but it it is good for the price 135 bucks this one from steel body it's a little bit more expensive that one's not bad this bowflex one is super popular 230 bucks it's one of the most popular ones i would suggest staying away from these 80 bucks and below and i honestly for most people in this price range i would just get a lap bench but if you want to incline this bowflex one out of these options at this price point it's a good option or the rep a b i believe it's 3 000 or 3 100 but i'll put a i'll put all the links in the bio below so you can check all these out okay so you've got your you got your squat rack you've got your bar now what you need is you need some plates so this one's going to be really hard right now because of the environment that we're in but i'm basically going to give you the ones that i think i would suggest at any time and if they're out of stock they're out of stock and i'll put some updates to the link you can find ones that work but the ones that i would most suggest for people that are looking for cheap plates outside of craigslist and facebook marketplace because that's what i would suggest going to craigslist or facebook marketplace first if you want to buy new though you could go with these right here these are the cap two inch olympic grip plate i've got a bunch of these uh really the thing that i don't like is the outside diameter of them is a little bit smaller than a standard hydra plate so something worth looking at but for the price you're going to get much cheaper than that if you really want to go cheap even cheaper than those you can go with i don't love these plates you often see these at like you know sporting goods or you know play it again they're just not great plates for right now though these are gonna be ones that are in stock um so i'm gonna add a couple to the cart just because uh right now you need some plates and there's not going to be a lot that are available now i do want to point out if you're looking plates the bumper plates that i would suggest off of amazon if you're just like i said the cheapest bumper plates that are available the cheapest ones that i've seen are made by hulk fish they're also under the name everyday essentials on walmart um man i know i know this it's like i know too much about this stuff but these hulk fits uh they they work okay they're pretty popular in our community on this site under hulk fit i don't know if they have some agreement with walmart or what but they put them under different color codings 45 pounds could not be red it should be blue but for the price it's hard to complain by the way they've upped the price right now just because there's so many that are out but you can look at these at walmart under everyday essentials as well and they'll be a little bit cheaper and i believe the color coding is accurate so if you want some of those okay so you got your bar you've got your bench you've got your plates you've got your back really the main thing that i would suggest getting next is going to be some collars okay and collars olympic collars are great uh you don't need to spend a ton of money um on callers uh you know i like having like you know the oso the rogue type collars or lock jaws but if you just want something cheap i've got a ton of these clout fitness ones in the garage that to review and they're actually much better than the price would uh give and they also have a lifetime warranty they say it's cheaper if they break if they just give you a new one so they don't even repair them or anything they just give you a new one so i would suggest most people buy these i do not like those green tin [Music] green ones over there those ones are not nice uh not a big fan of those but if you got the money you can buy lock jaws or things like that but you know we're we're on a budget bro so if we're on a budget we need to keep it under a budget so i've got five items in my cart let's kind of see the damage here so i've got a rack with spot arms i've got a bar okay barbell i've got a bench beautiful okay i've got plates and others okay i need to add one more of these bad boys here they're going to up the price a little bit so we're going to be around 470 okay 472 so that gives you enough so you hot deadlift bench overhead press yeah it's not a lot of weight but you know i would wait new i would suggest you know just just going with you know some you have on craigslist or facebook marketplace but that's a great option there and you can do a lot 45 pound plate obviously you can add to the bar but you can also do you know ancillary lifts like snatches and swings and carries because it's got handles and you can use it for ab work things like that so for 470 bucks you've got a pretty good setup there this isn't set up like i'd suggest this being like a starter setup and you're gonna want to upgrade pretty quick but for somebody that's just one i got 500 bucks coupe i need help what do you suggest for outfitting an entire gym that's what i would suggest outside of looking on craigslist or facebook marketplace now i do want to give you some extra options for things that maybe are out of the ordinary and one is adjustable dumbbells i really like adjustable dumbbells and there's actually quite a few cheap options i'm thinking of are bowflex selecttech 552s they're these right here they're also often often had for like oh i think 250 bucks or that is a great option um and they go up to 52 pounds not bad i like power best but they are quite a bit more expensive in most cases but you can get this five to fifty pounds for 296 bucks right now this 24 pound pack of two here you get it for 147 and then there's this yes for all set they may be sold out yeah they are sold out but they look like these um they're style plate and they're very cheap and they're pretty popular you know amongst people that well dumbbells so that's one option and then another option i want to point out is sandbags so sandbags are another piece of equipment that you know it's like high effect they're very effective but they're also cheap so i'm going to type in workout so we can get it online here okay so you're going gonna see a lot of different options so they like brute force sandbags they don't sell them on amazon um rogue makes good sandbag good sandbags but if you're looking for something cheap these garage fit ones are probably gonna be your best bet on amazon these some of these cheaper ones i don't love oh these on here i would definitely suggest the rep ones the rep ones are great they're gonna be very similar i fit i wouldn't be surprised if they're from the same place but they appear to be a little bit cheaper and i also prefer dealing with a company like rep because they're a lot bigger and they're going to be more likely to service and things like that so i i love these you can do 25 to 75 pounds i think sandbags are super underrated you can do a lot with them and they just work so then kind of give you guys is uh kettlebells so kettlebells again effectiveness you know low amount of space low expense they just kind of work i'd avoid some of these like adjustable kettlebells kind of gimmicky i would just go for like a 53 pound kettlebell something like that this little grip um we're gonna do a review on that in the future i've got a couple of them they work great if you have some dumbbells you could turn them into like a kettlebell for carries and swings it doesn't work great for cleaning jerks that sort of thing but it works for 35 bucks super cheap and then beyond that you know you have all these basic options the one that i would choose from you know option would probably be this amazon basics one because they're going to any of the other companies because amazon's the biggest company so these aren't they're not gravity cast these are kind of welded handles on but for a lot of people they're gonna work and it's just around a 53 pound kettlebell and you can get that right he found kettlebell 59 bucks it just works so there's some options for you another thing i do want to give you one other thing and that is resistance bands there's a lot of resistance bands that they're i know resistance bands are really popular for people to train with that don't have a lot of space i love resistance bands i added a lot of movements not just barbell movements but just movements yeah you see all these like popular like you know basically hip circles booty games like i get it but i'm not looking for that what i'm looking for are these type of bands right here these pull up assist bands they call them oftentimes these x-bands that sort of thing that's what i would suggest there's quite a few companies that are making these um and all the ones they're giving me are basically just made for instagram influencers who wants to show their butts off so looking for rubber bandits they they probably are making some of the best ones on amazon um a lot of these you got to watch out for because they're using really cheap rubber and latex they're not using natural latex they're using dipped and they're iron bowls are going to be okay but for the price i'd look to iron bowl or probably most likely rubber bandits okay so basically i've shown you how you can options i'll put a link to a lot of these the ones that i suggest um in the bio below but these are your options and to build a home gym you can get some for around 500 bucks a lot of this stuff may be out i'm watching so i can update the links for you guys um but this is a great option build homes okay 500 bucks out the door gym equipment coming in games to you okay that was the most comprehensive obviously video that we've done but based upon what's out there right now on amazon a lot of people building home gyms that's what i would suggest thanks for watching hopefully you subscribe see you next time [Music] uh
Channel: Garage Gym Reviews
Views: 3,244,610
Rating: 4.7172909 out of 5
Keywords: garage gym, crossfit, garage gym reviews, fitness equipment reviews, excercise equipment reviews, budget home gym, cheap home gym, coop garage gym reviews, workout at home
Id: 7zR_5o6NvmE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 15sec (1035 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 19 2020
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