Hollow Knight - Speedrunner vs. 4 Hunters

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it's gonna be a lot of fun yes there's five of us how do you think this is gonna go good luck everybody and immediately gets [ __ ] all right wait for the animation to finish it too fast sorry there's a line sir i'm already starting out with [ __ ] help because i got hit on the way up [Music] i feel like this could be this could be a pretty nice setup for an among us version of follow knight okay so he's probably making his way through crossroads right now okay so i placed my dream gate in hornet once so if anyone notes he's there ah there you go sophie passes us [Music] okay so you probably can't see him in the elder boulder room because um all right so what are we looking on time probably three maybe four minutes in so if i have a guess he's probably uh he's probably at lurian he's probably already done we should just pack it in we're [ __ ] finished he's probably pl bastar's probably playing silk song by now now i decided to do a second one just for pity but so fast yeah can you even get to ancestral mountain yeah good although i think our bigger concern is whether or not fireball skips into fungal waste but there's only two entrances in there so we as long as uh [ __ ] where's here oh i i shouldn't have done that holy [ __ ] [ __ ] okay i'm not moving i'm not moving no one hey wait wait where is fire starting off from i'm just gonna [ __ ] holy crap [ __ ] kill him did he get through yeah he used this we gotta we probably shaved a couple help off just keep the pressure on oh he got me i got one hit off on him but he got me yeah you uh you die really quickly with free health right ah dang and he got me too dang it well played fire getting through all of that with the bike that impossible speed run really helping helping give you the practice that's no joke anybody got eyes on him is he at the moss night already yep he just finished moss night and he's going to be at uh what do you call it ah he got me uh he's making his way he's all the way there jesus i didn't even see him this dude anybody see him no he didn't come through here i'm gonna go check for that one is somebody coming out of the hornet room we're in hornet one i don't see him okay um oh that [ __ ] took a shortcut probably [ __ ] sake oh he's coming in is he he's about to be how about he has to uh are there items around here that he might be collecting there he is i found him he's uh outside of hornet room uh downright cool is he dashing yet or is he still just slapping he looks normal he's just murdering me [Music] glad i got this close bench [Music] oh he's at the bench okay coming down no one [ __ ] me okay kamikaze [Laughter] he's probably gonna literally all the way around we gotta watch both sides right he went down from the stag station and like he's going all the way around that's what it looks like oh i see what you're saying or he's going to waste and he's gonna try that [ __ ] fireball skip yep he's at queen station oh you piece of [ __ ] okay i'm there why didn't i just take us i think we bench or is he past queen station keep those callouts coming it looks like we would need all four of us to take him out so okay who is the question does he need mothwing cloak absolutely no you beat the game without [ __ ] clue that's what i thought yeah you can you can fireball well to be able to get into uh what do you call it like a blue lake skip you would need dash nope you actually don't you don't [Music] just trying to think about where fire needs to go because fire definitely is going to fire is definitely almost definitely going to go grab desolate dive and descending dark again yeah yeah he would have to i mean i can't tell if he picked it up already or not but i'm here okay just double checking to see if he was he looped back to hornet again and even if he did we'd have no idea he did because he did that in the first video yeah coming into my space keeping hot didn't warn yourself you gotta announce yourself no violated your personal bubble and all that yeah i heard i heard an enemy or something die off in the distance i'm like this is my time to shine let's go and then you just whack whatever's there yeah fire's here fire's here fire is at the green path stag station that's what i [ __ ] thought oh yeah i mean he's going to station he's going to queen okay maybe the forgotten crossroads his plan was to get um he's farming the geode by the lantern oh [ __ ] i mean because he's perfectly safe in the crossroads so he could do that so where what are the things we need the guard we need the guard mantis claw probably the dash probably uh desolate dive and and then maybe having one person like really searching i mean i don't think he can get into city of tears without dang it you're right good call atlas what'd they say sorry i was pushing to talk when i meant to actually just talk to chat my apologies [Music] atlas yeah atlas called me on a bad dream gate placement i tried fire's here on me at uh mantis claw all right head in there try to stop oh yeah yeah i'm on it this is my time to shine my time i've been waiting for this so if he's a mantis claw he's definitely going to the crossroads next for that the shade skip oh no i hit one of my buddies now they're gonna be against me i've got the high ground now fire he's got more than three hits he took me down he doesn't have it yet but he'll have it in probably about 10 seconds oh i should have placed a dream gate there yeah he's gone okay where so what's next definitely getting uh did he kill false knight because if so then he's definitely going to city of tears for the dive yeah oh no there's new yeah i think we should uh have most of our forces located in city of tears because he's definitely going for that dive it's also a good idea to check wrestling grounds because he might do that shade skip i forget that i don't have spells to use on the regular enemies well does he have well i guess it wouldn't really matter because avoiding us would be the best i was gonna say if he doesn't have dash blue lake would be a little tedious but it beats bouncing around all four of us so he might just do that who's still at hornet blood i can't remember if i saw him dash what if fire like got dash but he was conscious of using dash when fighting you so he just like didn't use it that would be next level yeah that i don't put him absolutely amazing tactics there i don't put it past him also true all right so he hasn't gotten past here noob huh okay that's good i was i was uh clearing out enemies only so that if he does show up it's less less of a problem for us yeah there you go i'm also going to take cranky suggestion and check grounds okay so uh everyone go to the resting grounds next stop is totally dream nailed yeah he could be getting mass shards and [ __ ] power the longer the icon of sin stays on earth the stronger he becomes i'm trying to remember what all we did last time ah ron joe stenja hey do we have those lifelines because even like here's the thing is early on in the game before the dreamers are like in play yeah you can go anywhere once the dreamers are in play then it's like okay no more need for a lifeline we just have people set up at each dreamer but before that yeah it's a little you can be anywhere so where are you city of deers i'm there i am somewhere in the city of tears all right i'm at soul sanctum [Music] i was expecting to run into him at the exact same place i ran into him last time in the sanctum [Music] let's see if we who's debugging whoa what the [ __ ] uh you probably saw you were oh you were taking an elevator okay no i know what i saw you check the uh the boss fight yeah yeah i've been yeah everything behind here is clear um it's not quite somebody's feeling somebody's feeling so that fire doesn't get it wait wait unable to get it without debugging last time the enemies are active in this or someone's in here who's in the room who's in the room before the boss before stall master i wasn't but i can go in now [Music] plus remember our our enemies aren't linked together is that watching like he's watching what that's interesting he has a nail art i'm sorry did you just say he is watching he has a nail art oh son of a [ __ ] [ __ ] me in the ass i ain't dying that's probably the fastest way for me to get there oh [ __ ] i have dream gate yeah obviously i think i'm still i'm in this little thing but i think i've still loved it yeah get the watch mates as quickly as possible [Music] did you still watch your nights yeah dudes there noobs there too yeah hurry up get there i think we got him i think that's one whoo good job don't thank me thank the watcher knights because that's really that was the real yeah i'm not even trying to hit him at all so did he get dream nail already yeah what the [ __ ] i'm pretty sure you get the shape oh my god when did he do that because we keep calling out our [ __ ] she's like oh don't just do this instead yeah we're gonna probably need to do a separate discord call next time yeah i think that's the point and they and the lesson was learned all right so now does he try to go to a different dreamer i mean he'll have to come through here eventually but he could just try and pivot and go somewhere else for now you know yeah he could try for deep nest all right i've got a dream nail on spire oops sorry guys so no one saw him come back down no he died yeah he died at water nights okay and why did you come back to water nights uh i'm gonna try to go to one of the other people he usually needs the geo and grilling from uh the lantern [ __ ] you should have stayed was he dashing when i we caught him i think he was so he probably went back to hornet one at some point yeah i wonder if he just never left the area and he was just hiding okay he's not here [Music] oh yeah he's doing the fight right now he's at soul center oh heck well then let's all go get him at least attempt to i'm just it's down coming [Music] i thought i'd try and think of what his what he's going to do yes rusty let's go [Music] all right so where does he go next he's got a couple of different options well wait did he get desolate dive or no no no he didn't well then he's probably gonna go back well he's either why would he come back here he's either gonna go for he could go for the dreamer he could come back here or he could go deep nest there's a couple of options yeah um i think i killed him right outside soul sanctum but he has dash slash he's probably also going to kill me ah dash slash of course of course why not why not grab the one with the most range well i mean periods no big deal [Music] so he can probably i'd be finding it difficult to get through um just be a tears at the moment we might have to switch to deepness that's what i was thinking [Applause] oh my god oh my he's right here he's right i just exited the [ __ ] room he's right he's uh he's going to the boss again soul sanctum yep on the way did he leave nope where is he invisible no no no no no no he didn't leave he didn't leave i think he may have rerouted him i don't think he got past us he's by left by where webb okay maybe he's gonna try and sell stuff for geo exactly so maybe he's trying to take that shortcut by the bench or where he's trying to take the other way that's up from lem right or you saw him as you yeah i don't know he went back i'm pretty sure he's got the neil smith already was he not in there cranking i didn't see him it's good that we've managed to stop him from watching knights and soulmasters so far okay i'm going into deepness to check same i'm i'm already in the beast and don't worry about it i don't die at least don't have all three of us come in i'm also better uh get to vista but yeah we need to be careful because if he went to slash um he's had the geo for that so he probably did get relics and might be able to already get the lantern i think if we pay sly enough he'll attack fireborn for us he seems like that kind of character give us intel at the very least yeah up foreign oh well i just left oh you totally did not leave that spot where i that's what i'm saying there was a good amount of time where we didn't know where he was in what if he did beast den first oh god could he i don't know i'm i'm going to a place without crystal dash or wings i think he already got bashed that's we haven't seen him in a while he's yeah i'm getting scared that's true that's true yeah i'm in uh ancient basin is that what the area is yeah what what is ancient mason yes okay what he's going for double jump that's what that is no he wouldn't he wouldn't do shade cloak that seems a little far out of reach okay so with double jump does that mean he wouldn't need crystal heart for one of the dreamers i think he'd still need it unless he got isma's tear i think you still needed to get the bottom on either is mystery or crystal hurt you need one of those yeah yeah there's no way the the runs are too long and dunk defender takes like five seconds to defeat so chances are we were all faffing about in the city of tears he probably just killed him he ducked like he absolutely has to do the dreamers right so 100 yeah oh he's at the bench he's got right by um lost king bench oh oh okay was he going towards not he went up to the tram going up the tram okay are you oh fire he's here okay he is going for him found him he's going he's going for watcher nights and i am dead he's in wk he's like in the room right now oh is he yeah like by the time you get to him he'll be in the room are you i could have swore i saw somebody there did you die i died but i had a dream i died right at my dream gate so i was disabled wait so is he did he survive watch your nights and do i beat him i don't think so i could on my way [Music] jesus christ three health you are you are squishy as [ __ ] going around with free health yeah that's right it is yeah i'm already there well i'm going to be there as soon as this elevator [ __ ] hurries up whoever's at wk don't leave no he just slipped it went down yeah um he's in the [ __ ] uh bridge to uh cornifer i think so he probably got double dive you think that was him leaving unless he broke the wall oh where could he have gone right now you saw him on the on the [Music] is that watching [ __ ] hell yeah he's trying to split us up and he got shade soul he's using shades that's why oh yeah i have a dream gate nope take him down down he's down good job good job did confirm he died so who knows i think it was a watcher knight to kill them though okay soul sinking's clear at the moment actually the fact that fire has shaped a lot of real scary because we can no longer be standing just on the ground waiting for him because he could just pop up in the boss room no one [ __ ] me um oh he got [ __ ] uh i got i got destined to die by accident oh right because it's a level one spell so it wouldn't hurt him or us i think well it might hurt us anyone's still guarding wk yeah okay that's like the v-technique every time fireboard joins the chat and laughs i'm just like is has anybody checked b stand in a while i don't know okay the problem is it's rather hard to tell if he's here or not um watch your night's room clear yeah turn away look at my dog and then turn back and there's a night above me like oh [Applause] what's the [ __ ] noob was that you yeah it was just me it's just me okay okay i didn't i did nope just me i thought that was fire for like a half second and i was about to be very concerned uh but there's only one way to to get into and out of uh the teacher's archives right it's from that right side because the left side should be locked well both sides can go down deadly path unless he's just already unless he's already done it yeah because we are it no less the time it took us for setup and uh this this perfect run it's been about an hour so yeah he should be about there that's where i'm going oh i'm really scared i feel like he's been acting oh yeah i would ask my friend that's true too but then you can't get back in yeah our biggest concern is whether or not he's killed him before we started posting so i'm guessing that room is clean yeah i didn't see him in the boss fight okay i'm coming back i wouldn't be surprised if he goes gets shake flip top [ __ ] yeah because he was at lockheed's bench before so yeah he had crystal heart i'm pretty certain yeah i am uh i'm definitely a fan of the uh separate discord call the next time we do this [Music] yeah he's hunting for everything mask shards geo he's gonna be a [ __ ] bear by the time we get to him and none of us are gonna be able to kill him well that's why we have an endless number of hunters [Music] okay at least in fog canyon there's plenty of uh bubbles to pop we did say the time limit was 80 minutes right uh yeah not exactly a lifeline usage but uh what's your timer say fire we're gonna do this boys i wouldn't count your chickens before their hatch yeah fire's just at the hollow knight right now just not telling us watch out i'm stopping at the bench okay okay okay why do i feel like he's hunting us right at this point apparently we became the prey yeah he's just waiting to pull out all the shade souls and descending guards yeah the entire time we're doing this [ __ ] and just faffing about he's like getting all the mask shards and he's just gonna be a bear by the end of this he's gonna be getting thk with like eight [ __ ] health charges at the end maybe at the end the technique will be to just throw ourselves at him one at a time that's what worked last time for contact damage oh he's here he's at the uh what what am i at no no no bad idea uh teachers hit me okay it's all right i got a bench he wasn't okay jesus christ that [ __ ] reaction fire oh he's oh you want to sit at a bench i get it i get it okay he's going down he's going down he's going to the fight for sure oh and now that he has shades all that things can be [ __ ] quick but he's got to fight me and dodge everything at the same time let's go you're not oh he just hit [Music] is yep good game yeah oh yeah he's got the bench oh yeah so [ __ ] i'm down oh hey god was that into something dark holy [ __ ] yep that's what we get for messing around oh you die too no i'm close though okay i'm coming holy oh my god it's raining vessels oh my god that looked amazing on my screen [Music] oh damn it okay so now that there are three of us here he's definitely not trying this again he might peace out somewhere else unless this is the only dreamer he has left in which case he kind of he did drop down he did drop down i forgot i wasn't pushing to talk he's in he just went from the bench and yeah anyway that's where he is he's on top of me never mind he's he's one stop down from the bench it's a reason oh he's trying to get soul i almost got hit by something what the [ __ ] just happened i only saw that like in the peripherals of my screen he was hitting the uh the jellyfish oh is he trying to like use the environment it's coming left now right again dang it fire's still like in that room above um oh i'm sorry i don't see him i don't see him left anywhere you okay where they're cranky yeah i know i'm just messing with you it just looks fine from here oh no let's get him [Music] dang it you got me again run into you guys more than anything else yeah that kind ends up being the problem we each need to like pick a quadrant and then that way if he runs into us that's probably not a good spot to be he's down he's down good job i think he beat who moved though i thought he was trying to get out of the arena i think soon enough oh yeah probably yeah if we don't see him in the bathroom again oh we still haven't so dirty let's do us the dream ow no true he's he's using those jellyfish against us just called protected they they track like the nearest player or something i don't know wow he's in the boss room and he dashed me down is he fighting the boss or is he on the next thing yeah he's fighting bosses he's like i'm coming back all right irelia's bottom left i'll take bottom right okay oh he's down yep done done done nice oh we only whoo i think time for this just about up oh i think he's got another 10 15 minutes all right he's in yeah he's a [ __ ] i'm just gonna have to throw myself out of it i love we all the idea of like oh post post desolate dive let's go yep and yeah it definitely doesn't have eastmaster just fell into acid and uh respawn so it does not have he did he did it he got the dead nice yeah this one that's pretty good we put up fellas good job this must be his last dreamer because otherwise just go to watch our nights would have happened yeah i think that's oh hell yeah he's done again dang it i'm fine i'm coming back there he is here's the left side upside down yeah it seemed like you would have peaced out and attempted another one if this wasn't your last one did you get the beast then super early no i got that last uh just before this okay i thought you were there i when did he when did he do this this goes back to like like we constantly have to call out our [ __ ] so fire could just be like okay you're here you're here i'm gonna go here right yeah so did you do laundry nights when nobody was there yeah [ __ ] or a dance party i'm stupid [Music] no
Channel: fireb0rn
Views: 4,334,217
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hollowknight, hollow knight, hk, team cherry, tc, indie, independent, indie game, independent game, metroidvania, metroid vania, metroid, castlevania, exploration, hard, hardcore, difficult, challenging, expert, video game, game, games, pc, computer, steam, gog, speedrunner, god gamer, walkthrough, guide, walk through, faq, help, manhunt, dream, hunters, man hunt, hunt, hunting, survival, pvp, player vs player, online, multiplayer, multi player, battle royale, hunter
Id: R-w47OsjKiA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 13sec (2713 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 13 2021
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