Hollow Knight Randomizer With New Cursed Settings

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welcome to another hollow knight stream the randomizer has added a bunch of new settings actually chat is kind of blocking them so we've got some new exciting settings for randomizer um i'm going to be trying out all the new ones this attempt and it's gonna be like probably very awful uh we've got randomized swim which will basically make it so that i can't swim in normal water at the start we've also got cursed notches which is gonna be you start at one charm notch instead of three charms are also randomized cost so for example you can have wayward compass with costing six charm notches and then we've also got cursed masks which means we're gonna start at one hp i'm gonna combine this with curse nail and the split items because why not and yeah we're gonna see how this goes let's start at hollow nest's crown i think that'll be interesting start at the highest point who dropped me here at the top of the worlds who did it why am i here why am i suffering i have paper skin and plastic bones wait i only have downwards poco i can't kill crystal guardian i don't have any way to damage crystal guardian i can go through dark room but that's going to be awful well there goes my free money i got at the start we might have to change the settings chat this is not probably not happening oh i found something i can do all right chat we're gonna restart this was a bad idea okay this is gonna be a lot more doable okay like we're actually starting where you're supposed to start we're not starting in like an actual hard area with terrible items and one hp this one's gonna go smoothly isn't this how my last rando started i was just editing that i would know see this isn't so bad we made it out of king's past still my one notch i'm not gonna be able to use anything am i well at least we know like half of the soul refills in the game are here oh soul eater for two i still can't use it though i still can't use this oops charm notch that's i would like that elegant key that's pretty nice a grub for 30. that's super cheap so uh i'll take it i want to get that charm notch at some point so i'm going to be safe and get like every bench that i can get because i feel like you know i might die in the next few rooms just the feeling six lifeblood masks i mean that's pretty useful when i have one hp i almost benched because i i haven't saved this bench yet which i did that in the wrong order i should have benched and then got it but now i have to commit to not using the bench at all so that was a mistake wait no i didn't mean to do this oh my god i'm trapped i'm trapped well i guess we're benching that was a waste of money is this a good idea to like fight these guys ah got him fury that's gonna be pretty good isn't it that's pretty awesome for my current builds oh it's fine forgot about over charming let's go so uh yeah we're just gonna use this until i get more charm notches i guess or i guess masks as well dude please this is scary i have to do pogo false night with one hp that's a little more scary than it normally would be okay let's go easy fight first try hidden station stake can i even do anything there i can't get through this area yet but i can get this which is just to grow so yeah i'm just gonna leave now and save myself the trouble of getting stuck at that wood plank again malik oh geez uh yes i can do that if i could get there i only have pogo how am i going to beat malik maybe i should reconsider this maybe this is a terrible idea i mean if i got something good right here then i would be less worried why do i have so much essence we got this no it was going well okay i might leave this until after we get a few more checks there is my money okay doesn't matter we're out of here let's go for some easier checks oh that's pretty good imagine getting right items in this game i wonder if that's all i'm gonna get for this one oh be careful ah don't die to god's mother everyone will laugh at me grub and let's do a shade skip setup see so the good thing about one hp is that i save some time on the shade skin i have dash oh nice shade's good a thousand for an egg 620 980 and a thousand oh that's good that's a good deal right there though sir give me your one geo all right stonks time stonks time see i i got the money back already let's go sly if you don't have something good for me i might have to go to malik please help your name right shade cloak no it's just the reverse of the last one i'm not gonna find anything to the left and 420 geo cool well i now have right shade club but like nothing else go go away go away what do i do see look at that the shade spawns over here it was all my plan that's how you avoid that gun spores room three that's a scam right it's not normally three i'm gonna be i'm scared of this thing's children right now egg oh god oh god no don't kill me no i'm scared go go ah ah i'm even getting sold there's no reason saved oh i could can i balder kill with spores room that's the thing right queen's garden stag i can check out these stags too let's check those out those are just like free items basically and nothing good is ever free what the heck are you kidding me they're both soul refills don't die on me buddy ah ah don't kill me buddy don't kill me buddy oh god we made it what are you kidding me i thought that was a safe spot what do we got tram pass how do i even use the tram pass oh wait the has to dream nail wait that's good i always forget that tram exists okay something good has to be here right i'm like progression is probably over here or it's another stack crystal heart let's go let's go lurian okay dreamer progression i'll take it things are looking up for me yes give me that it's only one part i need four of those but it's a step hi grab you waiting for the stake me too what wait oh it's because the other one was free this one costs money i was wondering why like the grub wasn't actually here but it's because you have to buy this one that's so much money i'll buy that later i'll i'll buy you later grub assuming i don't lose all my geo to my shade dying again i can't get to blue lake oh shoot uh ah why are we infected why is it infected dude why did i pick up lurian i didn't know it was lurian i have to deal with infected at one hp now lurian why oh i can poke off the fly right and i'll need the sea dash to get across because i can't swim right now dude are you kidding me how am i gonna get there without dying like i'm dead i don't know if you noticed chat but there's like acid rain in this frickin room and there's the stray acid rain okay this is no longer worth yeah this is why i don't do damage list in this game because damageless in this game is terrible you'll just get hit by some random ass enemy yes it worked it worked it worked it worked don't touch the water the water is gonna kill me fragile heart two oh i should use that i can have extra health oh god dude how am i gonna get through this room oh my gosh this is the worst ah i don't like this room why does every steak suck all right i can take one hit let's go oh i can't swim forgot about that come on the skip sucks i hate the skip i hate this skit yes yes and now it's time to just pogo uh gorgeous hux for like five minutes glad i have two hp king's idol oh pick it up up slash that was worth that was worth oh my god [Music] bam okay i'm out of here ah ah like this is a dead end now i don't have anything to get up here why are you talking about up slash what do you mean was it i can pogo elevators if i wanna oh no i poked an elevator the world's over dude you know what i'm just gonna pogo elevators this whole stream to like annoy people okay this is a dead end actually but what i will do is open this up get money and get nail one can you do like a mosquito pogo here oh i think you can i think you can yep yes mosquito i love you let's go okay now we need to figure out where to go next oh i've got an idea okay we're gonna have to go back to one hp for a bit because i want to kill the balder ah i'm gonna die like this balder baby isn't there one here too oh that's two that's two mask shards do this oh drained three mask shards three mask shards is this really a good idea to head to green path right now with one hp and 1700 geo i'm gonna spend some money first give me that let's go that's still gonna kill me though i'm still dead in one hit i'm still dead in one hit why not okay i no longer am worrying about losing all my money because i only have 100 bucks don't rain on my face oh god oh i forgot about this dude how do i get rid of this prick that works bam got him all right so now that i have green path access uh uh i think i'm gonna get my health back so this gives me two hits which is the exact same as if i just don't have it on i have to spend more soul for healing yeah you're right i didn't think about it the perfect flank dude i didn't know this game had adaptive ai what the hell this is the scariest rando of all time like i'm in constant fear okay i'm gonna do the smart thing and just take it off can i cut these down with like are you serious i can't cut this soul refill i thought a cell that had all the soul refills in the world i'm supposed to not be getting any charm notch yes my beloved let's go look at all this health i got four health now i don't think i have any one notches right now i have baldershell sure all right we're in business now i don't have to worry about dying constantly we have the the hollow knight beta amount of health [Music] oh see i don't have to worry about dying egg watch this be another egg nope that's a sick charm for one notch yoho you know sometimes randomized charm costs are super helpful it balders balder shell was equipped for like 10 seconds and i didn't use it a single time dude we should route in quick slash to call grass percent look how good this is mark of pride six that's a bit of a scam i'm gonna need your help mosquitoes because i can't cut down the thing i literally can't cut it down so you're my only hope there we go left claw left claw let's go left claw right dash we're mixing it up and a grub i'll take it so we can claw one direction and dash the other this is gonna be very confusing for my brain it i am already like falling into spikes okay another math chart we can work towards the base amount of hp that would be cool i can't do the normal strat ah i'm gonna die to moss charger never mind mossy's journal steak stegnest egg oh i mean i can get there anyways like through dirt mouth but oh you've got to be kidding me so i can't get this right can i get this oh i can't i wish i hadn't gotten it like i can get the items at the top here and then i can get uh rates or i could just actually get rates that works too using wraiths to beat the race arena best strat yo charm notch i actually love getting charm notches now it used to not be a big deal but with these settings that's huge it's time for more balder shell chat until i inevitably remove it in like a minute from now damn i'm that broke that's a fantastic deal though i just spent like 300 on one right shade cloak again i already have that why does this always happen i want left i'll take that charm notch though oh new charm notch i i think it's time to get rid of balder shell chat i think we can switch out balder's shell now okay i'll take dash slash but i can only do it to the right it'd be nice to like be able to swim that's kind of something i want to have because evidently it's a pretty big problem oh no you better help me up like and not die before you help me up you died is this dude i don't think this dude responds right i might be able to do a background object pogo though like with this one yeah there you go master i'll take it like i actually only have two hp i'm using a charm but with that charm we'll have five hp soon okay well i have this key so might as well check this out while we're here oh no don't do it i hate going for upswings like it's so easy to just bump into them i'm sorry for calling you not a boss okay you're a boss if you believe in yourself ah never mind you suck no oh it was a soul refill refilled i got stuck in the animation are you serious two soul refills i guess that's why they call it soul sanctum if every single item here is a slow refill i'm not finishing this random hey at least it's not a soul refill journal oh like all those journals right there in the background why don't i pick those ones up oh my god we got a left dash and a right dash it's i'm not sure if it's a bug or not but currently when you get one dash you get the other shade cloak as well so we actually do have left shade dash too i guess this was worth even though i still don't have dives so i can't check the rest of this mass shard love to see it i think there was a charm not here wasn't there yeah i got it okay nice i'm like about to warp out wait new plan new plan you thought i was just some weak bug that you could crush over and over again steal all my money well i've come back stronger it's over for you you cannot defeat me i'm too powerful i can damage tank everything where's the money you stole from me did you spend it on that cursed grub oh don't kill me don't kill me ah don't kill me oh my god oh i think that's my final mass chart i need let's go five hp oh geez ah i didn't have anything to get rid of those wayward compass 2 compass has been slightly balanced i don't think it's balanced enough though in my opinion i think that's still 2 0p oh dude corny with the deals this this rando god damn corny you realize you could get a lot more money off of those nobody tell them you know what i don't know if i want this crap they're not even gonna give me anything at this point i got all the good items [Music] as nice as up and down swing are um not being able to do directional kind of getting on my nerves dude your butt yes i was killed by but very unfortunate listen there's worse ways to go you know oh man the sword she should not have left this here yeah uh shriek's pretty good against against these girls uh i can't get back up i can't get back up mantises are friends unless the stash is bad in which case they won't be friends anymore never mind they're friends let's go we found one finally this is the first one we've gotten i can't well jump there wait how do i do this uh oh no i have to go through the dark room if i want to get to tram pass it's okay everyone i'm a trained professional ah i know what i'm doing ah wait i can't get up to this wall can i are you kidding me guess that's not happening for now what is with deepness and hating me having only left claw it's almost like team cherry designed the game in a way that you should only have like a full claw at all times how could they do this to me nice that was fast drop all geo into the fountain for a soul refill some king that guy is thanks for another spicy deal cornifer i don't even need that grub but i'm saving it anyways like i'm probably making more money if i go to grubfather than 112. so i think i'm i'm pretty sure cornfield just ripped himself off again come on hit him he's too short oh you've got to be kidding me and i'm softlocked i can't believe the devs are sabotaging my randomizer on right now dude how is it how the only way to damage out of stagger with upwards attack is to take damage like this hitbox extends into my face uh pogo that's the only way to do it yes there we go these fights are so all right what did we get for that like a two minute long fight that's exactly what i needed yes and a decent move here too i think i think we're fine now left claw and wings there's no way i need like right claw at this point oh god ah big b i know you're happy to see me but chill that is the biggest scam i've ever seen dream wielder 5 that's like one of my favorite charms what have you done finally balanced if this is balancing i don't want the game to be balanced don't die the bench is really far away it would be a very bad idea to die here oh that did not hit me well time for the long trek back there we go so refill time this better not be a solar refill i'm just like no that was not worth i'm fed up with these grubs i swear you've given me this deal before cornifer but since you've been so nice to me i'll take that egg it's the least i can do for like probably losing you thousands of geo on your other deals plus i can get more than that wait can't i get more than that from selling to uh the steel soul person isn't that still a rip-off yeah i get 450. now this is gonna be worth am i being cursed is that karma am i gonna like only get grubs until i go and back and save the one in hive is that's what is that what's gonna happen the curse of the grub never mind curses the curse is not real no such thing as curses i'll take that i'll take that that's good i'm sure that'll be useful egg egg and grub the curse isn't real the curse isn't real the curse isn't real all right chat turn down your headphones that's why ah the water hold on we got this we got this watch watch watch that dude why can i not clean we'll do this that's so far you can't do that oh this might be possible i can't place this here that's done oh no i have to double jump out of that oh no did that even is that even possible if i have to double jump out of that i can't wall jump okay you can do this you can do this water skip my inability to swim is actually screwing me over now we got this though there's a there's a thing here watch it be swim nope i'll take that math chart though a lot of effort just for an egg you don't know it's an egg you don't know that watch it's gonna be something good dude let's go oh well that wasn't worth go back to high frequency no the the curse isn't real okay i'm not doing it i can cure myself by going back to hive no it's it's not real it's just normal randomizer bad luck you know watch these are going to be good items it's not real it's not real it's not real it's not real the good item is up here i told you i told you what did i say it's not freaking there's no curse there's no curse freaking grump okay i'm saving your grubs all right the only one i'm leaving is the stupid hive one oh water oh god wait this is fine this is fine right this is just a little yeah it's like knee deep i'm not gonna drown in this seriously never mind it appears there's something else i have to do it better i better stop finding grubs after i do this okay i better stop finding them i have to go through this entire damn section just to satisfy chat because you know the curse isn't real i'm just doing this to satisfy you all i'm not doing this because the curse is real we've already disproven the curse i'm just trying to make everyone happy here so at the end of the day that's what we're here for to make people happy if i die i'm not going back okay this better work if marmo is a grub i'm ending the stream okay you're saved chat you're safe awoken your email okay we can check all the white palace totems now i'm doing water waves let's do it i've held it off this long it's fine the strategy is working it worked wait no it didn't work he's not dead yet that's it okay i mean i can at least attack left and right now without having to dash that's pretty cool i might use that a bit okay i have like a feeling i can do this i don't have fireball i've rates though or if shriek yes let's go down to see if i can actually do anything here i think all i need is like left grab right for the most part okay okay let's go let's go double jump yes i've made it we did it hey okay there's one more one more thing this is the good item here oh i knew it i knew something good was here for you got any more hot deals for me i mean i'll take it it's the least i could do with all the deals i've gotten this random oh my god seriously it's definitely a unique experience having to avoid the water here okay i made it here nice and it was just a map it's time i've been told that you can do this with only left claw so time to try that out for myself look at this very important looking grub the king's pet i free you okay i can't do my normal strat here what i can do is this never mind i hate this path i don't i never do this path this is the true path of pain this little section here because you can easily skip it normally ah i have 2 000 essence cha you want to send the c or later because i think we're going to be able to can't make it we'll do this there we go uh-oh how do i do this part how do i do this part ah ah do i need long nail or some it did so much notches dude i still can't make it no that what no way no way no way no way no way i was so high up there and it didn't cling this makes no sense i don't know who said it was possible but i can't do it for some reason another incredible deal from corny see that's that's what i get for uh paying for that soul refill earlier how much notches is it one this is the greatest thing ever spell twister how much costs oh my god i'm so lucky i'm getting all these good charms for one cost and another mask i don't think i need fragile heart anymore nice okay one more dreamer and then uh and then we're good and of course the dreamer is that galion it must be nope vengeful spirit a little late to get that but i mean i'll take it also i can't believe that we are this far into the rando and i don't have peaks access i i can't go there still like this is insane how have i not been able to get to peaks yet egg at least i'm getting mask shards i guess at least i'm getting mask shards i guess like this you may have to wall jump to do that that version yeah there we go completely worth oh i can't get over here i still can't do this other side oh maybe that's super low that's super low one more chance here it works okay i didn't know about that i didn't know about that king's brand let's go oh are you kidding me wait i can go this way never mind i thought i was going to shade skip obviously i can just go this way sharp shadow at shade cloak kind of fitting okay downgrade of an egg what seriously it just moved over here uh these freaking grubs come on dude this whole room is cursed right here dreamers dude i i don't i don't know where else to go i don't have dive okay i'm doing dark room here as we all know i'm a professional at dark rooms and i would never mess up here taking the swim taking the swim the power of buoyancy is yours this doesn't even help me progress but i'm still happy i can swim okay so this is where the grub is oh that's convenient because you don't have to deal with darkness anymore hold on i need to leave the dark room to turn on my lantern though for some reason click now we're good oh yeah we can go to peaks finally okay this room is very not cursed though shade soul and lantern and isma's oh i need that oh my god this is the best room ever do you believe in the egg do you believe in the egg oh you shouldn't have it's fine there's like a billion other things like this other egg useless map oh my gosh you know what i should have just never went here at all peaks is terrible oh it's a grub oh my god this is the most cursed area so far okay as we learned last time it's actually the three fireball technique not the four fireball technique the three fireball technique dude i shouldn't be cursed anymore i got the grub from hive why am i still being cursed rip peaks has nothing actually nothing jonis haven't done that yet that's true i always leave joni's because i hate the dark room so much oh my god dude it was here the whole time okay we just got like a billion checks now there's also um a couple dive floors in peaks so after i get the checks here i also have to check those grab i should i should just left and not hidden whatever i'll save it just for the absurdity that i have 39. like how do i have so much this is like as close to a 112 rando as i've ever done okay last check last check in peaks there it is i always forget where that is there it is oh my god it wasn't peaks the very last check all right randall's over there we go finally done with this stupid rando that's for cursing me with grubs and soul refills for hours deserved does this bother anyone else that i have like one health down behind all the blue heart i could heal it right now chad i don't know if i'm gonna
Channel: Skurry
Views: 1,767,381
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hollow knight, randomizer, mods, cursed, skurry
Id: tY-b7GmcQvI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 1sec (2521 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 27 2021
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