Get Master Sword With ONLY 4 Hearts In Tears Of The Kingdom

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what's up gamers in this video I'm gonna be  showing you how to get the master sword but I   dressed for this video with only four hearts and  the fastest way I could find on how to do it as   soon as possible in tears of the Kingdom you don't  have to have a lot of hearts in order to get the   master sword however you need to have two full  bars of stamina in order to pull this off good   thing link comes with one full one already the  first step you need to do is complete 20 shrines   trust me it's not as long as you think there's  literally a bunch of them in eyesight that you   can mark up on your map the four Sky Islands do  not count as that was already used to get you   your first heart in the game once you complete  20 shrines like I did go to a goddess statue I   went down to the underground shelter in Lookout  Landing and got a stamina upgrade remember four   lights of blessing equals one-fifth of a stamina  bar filling up repeat this four more times until   you have a second bar completely filled up now  this part is optional if you feel like you are   not that powerful while you're fighting or if  you aren't in Esports level Zelda player and you   need some gearing items to help you out for the  upcoming fight what you want to do is head over   to Gerudo desert and farm some gibdos they are  everywhere until you clear the lightning Temple   gibdos actually have an OP drop called gibdo bone  that does 40 fuse attack power that break easily   so we'll be using them on Arrow attachments  gibdos are extremely easy to kill if you hit   them with any Elemental attack and some of them  roam around with arrows in them so you can just   grab some arrows off of them as well after you're  done farming while you're still in the desert head   over to this location by a shrine called siwa Kama  Shrine just be careful of the malduga while we're   heading towards the sinking sand area head over  to this exact Circle here and sink down below   when you drop down open up that chest and there  will be Phantom Greaves in there that will give   you attack up another thing that you can do before  we head over to our next destination is scan some   amiibos so you can get some goodies from them if  you have the amiibos I just got a bow from the   Twilight Princess smash Zelda and I got a fierce  deity armor top from my Majora's Mask link amiibo   if you don't have any amiibos don't worry there's  plenty of weapons in the game that you can look   around and search for and they'll probably be on  my channel in a different video if you have any   rubies or topaz from rare rocks that you found  in little caves make sure to bring that along   with you because that is going to help out a lot  now once you're all prepared for this fight we're   going to be heading towards korok Forest but  as you have noticed or if you have tried you   can't really get in if you try to walk into it  it's going to reset you back to the front if you   try to paraglide or even dive into it it'll also  return you back to the entry of it so to get here   we're going to have to go underground you want  to teleport from ikochu Shrine over here which   is north of the Woodland stable on the map over  here you want to keep going through the minchi   forest get ready to dive down into the underground  here so just dive straight down use those lights   as a reference and you notice there's like almost  a little pathway lit up for you really interesting   here once you're down here you're gonna do this  nice trick which is called pen adding up your   map so you can see the surface one and whatever  map you leave your game on on the Pura pad it's   going to stay like that on your mini-map so what  we're going to do is we're basically going to   follow this pathway that leads us into the korok  forest so now that we have the mini map of the   above surface there we're just gonna follow that  pathway but make sure to light up the area just a   bit it's just lighting it up so I don't make any  mistakes here there we go now that it's all lit   up I'm just gonna follow this pathway and you can  see it's almost like I'm I'm on a giant tree bark   for some reason your mini-map switches back to  the underground you can't see anything you can   pan it back to the top so you can get it back  so you're looking at the top part to see the   reference to the underground there you go I just  did that right there keep following this pathway   okay nice and quiet feel safe here and then you  notice that the coric force is right over there   and that lines up with it pretty much and that  looks like a spot that you can also Ascend there   you go oh that looks like the one we gotta go to  we're gonna head right to the edge here and this   is the part where we just you know we just want to  see because we're getting close to something that   we weren't supposed to get into right so danger  only can be here make sure to quickly run over the   the Gloom otherwise you're gonna lose your heart  and then run all the way should say korok Grove   perfect keep going and then Something's Gonna  Pop Up that's terrifying and the music's just   gonna oh yeah yep you're gonna run run for your  life here we're not gonna waste any resources or   anything fighting this thing right now oh yeah  and if it grabs you it just yep once it gets you   it's it's pretty bad it's pretty bad especially  if you if you don't have all your stamina okay   uh after after surviving that I'm I'm now  headed toward my final destination up here   so go ahead and just climb up over here again  this is in reference completely to the surface   map so if you're lost just use a surface map but  you're heading to the spot that does have a send   before you ascend up make sure to quickly just tap  this light root over here just to reveal the area   so you don't have to come back and do this again  and the reason why this light root is here is   because there's a shrine right above it then these  light roots are actually connected to the shrines   their names are literally just the backwards  version of the shrine above all right now just   go ahead and Ascend up right through this yeah  it takes a bit don't worry your game's not broken   all right once you get to the top you realize  that you actually made it into the korok forest   and you notice it's not looking too nice in here  it looks like some craziness is going on here once   we're we're here you're gonna want to head over  to the shrine over there tap it so you can have   a fast teleport to this area so you don't ever  have to go through that hell that is down below we   don't we don't want to go through that again once  you're done with that you're just gonna go ahead   and walk up into this area wherever you see this  malice this Gloom This calamity coming from that's   where we're going to go while we're falling down  this Chasm you should hit that subscribe button   so link can get all the way to 500k be Ganondorf  seriously subscribe we're posting a lot of Tears   of the Kingdom content so once you make your way  down into the belly of the tree or the bottom of   the tree you're then going to have these hand  spawns so I get ready by taking out some topaz   arrows because it's a whole group of them right  so I do an AOE effect I hit them with that I   then go ahead and use a ruby for an explosion here  boom Another AOE so it's doing massive damage and   then I'm like hey let me just cool them down  here that's it and they are pretty much down   so that's phase one and then you're gonna get a  phantom Ganon that spawns just based on the title   there I was terrified my first time but it does  show up and I missed my first one complete waste   I shoot my second Ruby arrow and I just waste  some Opals here just to do a little chip damage   here it doesn't really do anything at all uh he  can teleport behind you and completely wax you   at this point I try to get some distance away  from Phantom Ganon and remember what I told us   to farm before well we're gonna be using those  gibdo bones here and I want you to see well it   came back again okay like I was saying we're  gonna use those gibdo bones on him and you   can see the crit how much damage it's doing so  headshot stop him from his charge usually look   at that look how much damage they're doing there  we go it's just it's just eating Phantom ganon's   Health do a little Dodge there look at me so cool  Shield surfing underground let me go with another   shot boom on the face he's coming at me again  and he's gonna get the hit gonna waste some raw   materials because I did not cook enough so just  eat that real fast I'm gonna get back up here   and you don't want to step in these puddles you  stay in there long You're Gonna Lose hearts and   they're not gonna be able to be recovered down  here because this is technically Underground   in the depths so here he comes I'm trying again  I'm not the best Archer but getting the shots and   doing massive damage with gibdo bones just imagine  if you had a Lino bow that did like three arrows   a piece all right he whacks you down here he's  just consuming more raw materials at this point   I I think I want to be cool and take out a weapon  to try to fight him after this next shot there we   go he's almost done then just go for the final  shot and he's down and you're gonna see all the   Gloom disappear from underneath the tree which is  basically going to be fixing korok Forest so these   these guys are corrupting the area that's gonna  go away You're gonna find some dark clumps which   you can use to make Gloom resistance the Demon  King's bow and you'll be picking up the Gloom   sword which is 41 attack so pretty good stuff  here a good upgrades especially for your weapons   um in the game and also these These Hands on these  Phantom cannons will just randomly appear wherever   you fight the hand so it's always the phase two  when you kill those those big five hands just to   let you guys know in case you bump into the begin  okay once you're done down here just teleport back   to the shrine right above in the korok forest now  go ahead and climb over to the great Deku Tree and   talk to him to proceed on with this Quest you're  then going to unlock a memory but I'm not gonna   show anything of that on the screen after that  the great Deku Tree tells you that it's senses   the master sword in the air and the only thing to  me that constantly moves around the world at all   times is a dragon so that's pretty much what we're  going to get the master sword is in a dragon by   saving the korok forest from the Gloom this is  the only Quest that will allow you to properly   track the exact location of the master sword  so I looked at my map and saw that the dragon   that had the master sword was heading towards  a certain direction so I teleported over to the   ulri mountain Skyview Tower and right after  I unlocked it the most beautiful scene I've   ever seen happen look below the dragon is  right there with the master sword I see   something glowing below me and that's exactly  where the dot is it's like the most perfectly   timed scene ever so remember when I told  you that you needed to get your stamina   the two bars this is where it's going to  matter and now you're just going to hold   this thing and you're going to see your stamina  bar start to deplete and then once you're done   you'll be dropped off and the dragon will fly  away and you'll have the notification that   you have the master sword now that you got  the master swords you're also going to need   to get something else you should click on this  video because it's going to help you out a lot
Channel: PhillyBeatzU
Views: 377,566
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Zelda Tears of the Kingdom, Zelda Tears of the Kingdom How To, How to Tears of the kingdom, how to get Master Sword Tears of the Kingdom, How to get Master Sword Early game tears of the kingdom, Master Sword with only 4 hearts Tears of the Kingdom, How to get Master Sword Start of Game Tears of the Kingdom, How to get Master Sword TOTK, Master Sword TOTK, Early Master Sword TOTK
Id: a9fvneW-ncE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 31sec (631 seconds)
Published: Thu May 11 2023
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