The Only Valorant Settings Guide That You Need! (Boost FPS And Improve Gameplay)

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welcome to the video my name is cipher and this is the ultimate settings guide for valerant this guide will show you the best in game windows and N video settings to boost your FPS lower your ping and minimize input lag I did a lot of research for this video and it goes pretty in depth so just about everything that you could want to know settings wise is in this guide I hope you guys enjoy the video and let's get into it we're going to start off with Windows settings and the first ones that we're changing are to make sure that we have nothing extra running in the background eating up our resources go to your computer search bar and type in background apps then once you're here you can just uncheck this box that says let apps run in the background and what this will do is prevent apps from being on the background of your computer literally doing nothing for you but eating up your resources anyway next go to your computer's task manager and just look through what's running and turn off the things that you don't want on by right clicking on them and then clicking end task while you're doing this just make sure that you don't end any Windows processes because your computer needs these running for it to work also you don't necessarily need to have nothing else running but if your computer computer is on the lower end and you struggle to get frames it's generally best to close anything extra now we're going to turn off mouse acceleration because it's on by default with Windows computers and if you're playing any type of competitive game like valerant that requires Precision you always want Mouse acceleration turned off type in Mouse settings on your computer search bar and once you're here click on additional Mouse options now go to pointer options and uncheck this enhanced pointer Precision box click apply and that will turn off mouse acceleration the next thing that we're going to do is optimize the valerant program itself to do this type in valerant on your computer search bar then right click on it click open file location right click on valerant again and then hit properties once you're here go to the compatibility Tab and check this box that says disable full screen optimizations then go to change High DPI settings and check this box as well a note about these settings is that they will add like a 5-second black screen every time that you tab in or out of valerant so some people might want to leave these off but they do lower input lag quite a bit now go to Graphics settings in your computer search bar and turn on Hardware accelerated GPU scheduling and to make this actually apply to valerant go to browse local disk Riot games valerant live valorant.exe then click on valerant down here go to options and choose high performance now that we've changed all those settings our Windows is completely optimize for valerant and next we're going to move on to Nvidia settings if you don't have a Nvidia GPU you can just skip this part there's time stamps below sadly I can't show how to optimize for AMD or Intel just because I don't have a non- Nvidia computer to show an example with but for those who are still here go to your desktop right click on it and then click in the video control panel we're going to start off in the adjust image settings with preview Tab and in here click on this use my preference emphasizing box then move the slider all the way to Performance doing this will boost your FPS and give you a competitive Advantage because it makes enemies easier to differentiate from the background there's no way to have different settings for different programs though so if later you're playing a game that you want to look nice remember to move the slider back over to Quality next go over to the manage 3D settings tab and then go go to program settings and find valerant in this list there's a whole bunch of things to change here so I'm just going to scroll through and you guys can copy my settings what I did in here is basically turn off everything that doesn't need to be on and set everything else to high performance the final thing in the Nvidia settings won't change your game's performance but it just makes things look a little bit better it's under the adjust desktop color settings tab in here there's a setting called digital Vibrance which is basically just a fancy word for saturation I normally set this to 70 and it just makes your game look a little bit more vibrant and colorful that's everything that we want to change in the Nvidia control panel so just hit apply and now we're going to move on to in-game settings all right so now we're going to move on to in-game settings and we'll start off in the general tab the first thing to look at here is your enemy highlight color now if you want things to be as competitively optimized as possible you should choose yellow because that's the color that the human brain notices first but I would say that really anything is viable here as long as the color that you choose contrast with your Crosshair because if they're the same or similar it's not going to pop out and you won't know when you're actually on an enemy the next setting that we have is sensitivity and I actually have a full sensitivity guide so if you need help finding a good sense that works for you you can watch that video it'll pop up on screen now and I'll link that at the end of this so you guys can watch that next for your scoped and ads sensitivity multiplier it's really just personal preference there's no one size fits-all with this there's a lot of highle players who like to have this either higher or lower than their normal sense and personally I leave them set to one so everything feels consistent but the best thing that you can do here is try out different settings and see what works best for you next is raw input buffer and whether you should have this turned on or off depends on your mouse the general rule to follow with this is if you have a 2,000 HZ or above pulling rate Mouse you should have this turned on and anything below that it should be turned off you can find your Mouse's pulling rate either in its software or by looking it up now we're moving on to map settings and these are super important I'd say they're some of the most important settings in valerant for my settings I have the map set to rotate keep player Center turned off mini Map size at 1.1 mini map Zoom at One Mini map vision cones on and show map region names always the reason these settings are so important is because the map gives you so much valuable info like for example anytime one of your teammates sees an enemy it'll show you exactly where they are and who it is and the settings that I just showed you let you see the whole map at all times so you always get that info we're going to skip past the privacy settings and move on to other most of the stuff in here is set to what it should be by default but double check that your network buffering is set to minimum so you're getting the lowest possible ping I also like to have my show spectator account turned off because if it'sit on and I see that I have a whole bunch of Spectators I'll start feeling pressure which usually makes me play worse and if the same thing happens to you I definitely recommend turning this off in the controls tab there's really not much that you need to change here W did a really good job with the default controls and they work really well the only things that I've changed are my jump I have that double bound to space bar and mouse wheel up and then I have my equi Primary Weapons set a mouse button one and equip secondary weapon sets a mouse button too some common changes that I see people make in their controls is the'll bind one of their util buttons to a mouse button and I also see a lot of people have an equi last use weapon button if you want to see some Pro players configs so you can see what top level players are doing I'll leave a link to a site which shows a whole bunch of them in the description in the Crosshair tab there's of course a million different crosshairs that you can use but I'll show all of my favorites on screen and if any of them pop out to you and you want to try them out I'll leave the Crosshair code in the description so you can do that next we have the video Tab and the settings in here can really vary depending on your PC and what your goals are since this guide is made to help you get the most FPS possible and give you a competitive Advantage I'll show settings that are focused on that starting with the display mode make sure that this is set to full screen because if it's set to anything else you'll get a bunch of unnecessary input lag resolution is something that you're going to have to mess around with to see what runs well on your PC and whether or not you want to use stretch Dr make sure that the resolution that you choose lets you get an FPS higher than your monitor's htz so you're getting the max frames that you can limit FPS on battery is for people on laptops and if that is you I would turn this on and set it to something pretty low so your PC doesn't die while you're playing and if you're on a desktop just leave this turned off for most people you can leave the limit FPS and menu setting turned off because we'll limit it later with limit FPS always but if you do have like a really low-end PC I would turn this on and set it to something pretty low turn limit FPS and background on and set it to something like 60 because you can't even see it and this will just save you some resources whenever you're tabbed off limit FPS always is definitely the most important setting in this tab and what I like to do is set this to something a little bit above my monitors hurts the reason that I set this above instead of at my monitors Hertz is because that way if I ever get a frame drop I'll still be getting the max FPS possible because the frames most likely won't go under my monitors Hertz set Nvidia reflex low latency to on plus boost and if this isn't here for you it's just because you don't have a Nvidia GPU moving on to the graphics quality tab make sure that you have multi-threaded rendering on so your PC uses all of the threads that you're CPU has for material and texture quality you can set these anywhere low to high just depending on what your PC can run no matter what you choose here you're not going to lose any competitive Advantage as long as you're still getting FPS above your monitor's Hertz for detail quality no matter how good your PC is you should leave this turn to low and that's because if this is set to anything higher than that there's things that will pop up on the map that can block your vision and mess you up while you're doing lineups for UI quality this really doesn't change anything so I just leave this set to low I like to leave yet off but that's just personal preference and vsync definitely make sure that's turned off because it'll add a lot of input delay for anti-aliasing I like to set this to none and anistropic filtering I set to 1x and I do this because that gives you the jagged lines that makes enemies easier to differentiate from the background I like to leave improve quality on and also experimental sharpening these signs are both personal preference but I just think that they look nice Bloom is something that you can turn on to make your skins look a bit nicer but this is something that will lower your FPS a little bit so again just make sure you're getting frames that are higher than your monitor's Hertz turn Distortion off because when your screen's distorted it's harder to see what's going on and for cast Shadows it's similar to bloom where it makes your skins look nicer but it does lower your FPS so again just make sure your frames are higher than your Hertz under the stats tab I'm not going to talk about everything here I'll just go over all the things that I found useful through my time playing client FPS is definitely something that you're going to want to have turned on and set this to text only if you want to see your input delay you can turn on game to render latency CPU plus GPU and also set this to text only and the final thing I want to show you in here is shooting error which is super useful if you set this to graph it'll show you how much shooting error you have for every shot that you shoot moving on to the final tab we have audio now there's only one setting that I want to look at in here and it's called hrtf what it does is it makes your 3D audio much more accurate so like it says down here as long as you have stereo headphones and you have spatial audio disabled you're going to want to turn this on and when you do you'll notice a huge difference on how easy it is to tell where footsteps are coming from now you have valerant completely optimized for your PC I hope you guys enjoyed the video and if you want to watch that sensitivity guide that I mentioned earlier it's going to pop up on screen now thanks for watching peace
Channel: Cypher In Real Life
Views: 114,011
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: valorant, valorant settings guide, valorant settings to improve gameplay, valorant settings, valorant settings for low end pc, valorant settings for fps, valorant settings for better aim, valorant settings guide 2024, valorant video settings guide, valorant optimization guide, valorant guide, valorant tutorial, cypher in real life, cypher irl
Id: yUIHnjogk6c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 15sec (615 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 29 2024
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