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let's get these benchmarks underway up first we have multi-threaded rendering turning this on allows valorent to use all cores (and threads) of your cpu if set to off it will only use the first core (first few threads) when we benchmark the options we notice a significant drop in fps as expected the drop ranges from about 18 to 22 percent and will certainly be much higher on older cpus valorent should really just remove the ability to turn the setting off since there is no use for it whatsoever moving on to material quality taking a look at the actual difference in render quality we can notice a very little difference at all between high and medium setting we also notice a clear downgrade for the low setting this certainly doesn't justify using the high setting over medium when we can boost four percent fps using the medium setting using the low setting provides another four percent fps boost while also removing some of the shadows in darker corners which is a good thing as a result low is going to be the recommended setting here for better vision in dark corners and a significant fps boost moving on to texture quality we see no visual differences between the settings we see no difference in fps i've also cross-checked with forcing the setting via nvidia and the results are still the same this setting changes nothing so we shall set it to medium for no reason at all moving on we have detail quality we start to notice some bigger differences here high setting has additional cosmetics like this foliage here and extra texture detail below the window over here these extra details come at the cost of seven percent to our fps performance comparing medium and low settings we see no visual difference and as expected there is no significant difference in fps between the two either here we once again notice the texture differences on the far wall we will go over recommended setting of medium here as the seven percent fps increase is too big to pass up for just some scattered wall texture upgrades if you're well above your monitor's refresh rate and you have the fps to spare this will be one of the settings you might want to bump up to high next up we have ui quality there is nothing to compare here this setting has no effect on in-game visuals or fps at all so let's take a look at what exactly does the setting do if we bring up our menu and change the ui quality setting we notice the low setting gives the menu an opaque background with almost zero transparency moving to medium quality we gained some background transparency and the ability to still see some of our game while in the menus going higher to the high setting adds some blur effect visuals to the background it is worth noting that holding tab to look at the scoreboard during gameplay is not affected by the setting at all given that there is no performance hit here at all during gameplay we will set this to medium as that offers us the best visuals for competitive play in the off chance that you are changing settings mid-round up next we have vignette vignette has no real effect on fps performance at all the visual effect added to the game by turning this feature on is a very minor shade at the top and bottom of the screen given there is no real benefit to this option other than making us feel slightly more sleepy we're gonna recommend setting this to off next up we have v-sync normally we'd recommend setting this to off but we won't just skip benchmarking this setting as there is some things we can measure here taking a look at the first two tests we have a comparison between a 240 fps limit set via nvidia control panel versus the same limit set via valorents menu as is often the case in most games we notice a much cleaner performance with less noise if we use nvidia control panel instead of the game in order to limit fps if we compare the v-sync option the same way we see no real difference between using it via nvidia control panel or using the valorent in-game menu in summary if you're experiencing tearing then it's worth giving vsync a try as it will eliminate tearing but if you don't need v-sync i strongly recommend setting this to off and taking full advantage of higher frame rates up next is a very interesting one anti-aliasing let's start with the performance differences msaa 2x gives a seven to eight percent fps drop and msaa 4x adds an additional five percent fps drop fx aaa provides a relatively low performance hit of only three to four percent in fps to figure out the best settings we need to compare the visual differences here this first still image here shows how the fxaa settings shines by providing the crispest image of the knife edge the image improvement provided by msaa 2 and 4x seem rather minuscule in this next test we will take a look at the performance of these settings during movement here we notice fxaa provide worse flickering of texture edges and the worst clarity when reading text coincidentally this is also where msaa 2 and 4x really shine msaa 2x reduces some of the slickering but forex almost completely eliminates it given that valorent is a third-person shooter we can safely exclude fxaa as a choice since it will degrade visuals and performance unless you're standing still camping a spot msaa 2 and 4x provide substantial visual improvements that will help us see more clearly especially when trying to accurately aim at long distances but this improvement comes at a reasonable fps cost if your fps is high enough that you can run msaa 4x and take the 12 to 13 fps hit then it is highly recommended as it provides a necessary improvement for aiming clarity especially at long ranges however if your fps is cause for concern or you're not reaching your monitor's refresh rate then you might want to consider msaa 2x at the cost of only seven to eight percent fps drop up next we shall take a closer look at anisotropic filtering visually we see a difference of absolutely nothing excluding the fact that 2x seems to always be a couple of frames lower than expected even after repeat tests the trend seems to be a slow linear fps drop totaling one percent fps from 1x to 16x but the real question here is what does anisotropic filtering actually do for us i'm glad you asked because it's a subtle one taking a look at this still image reveals an improvement in crispness of the neon lights on this vandal from 1x to 4x unfortunately there is no visual improvement between 8x and 16x making 4x the clear and uncontested winner here next up we have improved clarity this is the most interesting and controversial setting taking a look at the fps performance we see a substantial drop in fps ranging from 4 to 11 depending on what is being rendered so what do we get in return for this performance drop one would expect an improved visual clarity as the name implies unfortunately if we take a still image and zoom in to see this controversial clarity we end up seeing no difference to further verify this result we set up a camera on a tripod and took still images to compare zooming in on these images again shows no visual improvement finally busting the myth that improving clarity actually improves clarity now we can confidently set this one to off knowing we are gaining a lot of fps and losing nothing in return moving on to bloom we see there is definitely a noticeable fps drop it seems to range from one to two percent fps so how does bloom actually affect us taking a look at this still here we see the bloom effect creating a brightness effect on the vandals neon trim even though bloom on might make the game look slightly more realistic the truth is it only gets in the way of clearer vision we can confidently set this one to off and save that extra one to two percent next up is distortion the pattern is a very slight fps drop when turned on which is usually below one percent difference so what does distortion actually do likely distort some visual elements of the game but whatever they are we struggle to find them we can confidently set those on to off for the extra couple of frames and possibly get rid of some subtle distorting up next we have first person shadows lowering our fps between two to three point five percent for this one we can only hope for something in return unfortunately this setting has no effect on the game world and even more unfortunately the character models in this game have no ground shadows so what does first person shadows actually do it adds shadows and lighting effects to our hands and firearm which you need to pay special attention to in order to even notice we're going to recommend off for the setting as it is not needed and the 3.5 fps is a more welcome boost to our game before we wrap this one up there's one more benchmark i'd like to do since i know lots of us prefer to game in windowed borderless mode so we can watch youtube or twitch during those lengthy warm-up periods without doubt as expected we see a drop in performance in the range of three to four percent fps if you'd like to further increase your valorem performance i have another video on improving performance through windows settings if this video helped you at all a sub would be amazing thank you and i wish you all many happy frags
Channel: ALBU Performance
Views: 2,634,297
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: valorant best settings, valorant settings benchmark, valorant best settings benchmarked, valorant eliminate stuttering, valorant fps boost, valorant fps boosting, valorant settings tweak, valorant benchmark, valorant settings tested, valorant improve clarity, gaming benchmarks, gtx 1070, what are the best valorant settings, valorant pro settings, which settings are best for valorant, how to set your valorant settings, valorant fix lag, valorant fix stuter, valorant fix
Id: as0VBriMh6A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 24sec (624 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 29 2020
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