An Updated Peeking Guide for 2024

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peaking is probably the best valent example of easy to learn part to master the basics of peeking techniques are something virtually everyone knows a bit about but even players who are serious about the game often have a lot of misconceptions about what good peaking actually looks like it probably goes without saying but good peing is vital there's no technique that's more important in winning duels and it's not uncommon for it to be the ultimate decider in winning or losing games that's why in this video I'll be going over everything you need to know starting with some of the basic then moving on to a step-by-step technique in order to know how to peek every angle and finally finishing it up with some more advanced insights to take your Peaks from good to great and real quick before the video if you're currently below radiant and you're looking to not only improve your Peaks but also your Peak rank my team of radiant coaches and I can help you with our 10-e premium coaching program that offers a 500 RR rankup guarantee or your money back that's right if you don't see results with our coaching you don't pay we have over a dozen radiant coaching is with VCT experience on teams like Ascend EG B Immortals disguised gen exet Giants and more to learn more and to see if we'd be a good fit use the link in the description below to book a free 45-minute strategy call very because we maxed out all the spots for a previous season and we've just opened up 60 more spots already 42 spots have been taken so there's only 18 left so don't wait first things first let's touch up a bit on the types of Peaks that exist the most widely utilized Peak is just a standard Peak the idea of a standard Peak is that you want to first pre- aim a potential angle then you Peak and before you even see anyone you already stop so that if anyone is there holding the angle you can click on their heads as quickly as possible second a wide Peak and its variations the wide Peak is a peak where your goal is to counter any potential players holding your angle by going past their Crosser placement and Swinging further than you would with a standard Peak how wide you want to go is up to you but it's important to realize that the wider you go the more potential enemies you can expose yourself to so there's a trade-off involved next jiggle Peaks jiggle Peaks are primarily used to gain information on your enemy's position and not so much to kill them you quote unquote jiggle or Peak and un Peak around an angle really quickly exposing only a small part of your body in order to spot any enemies without giving them a real opportunity to kill you there's also a variation of the jigle peak namely the shoulder Peak where your goal is to still get information but this time your goal is not to see your enemies but only to make them see you and fire a shot it should be noted though the shoulder Peak isn't used too often in valant because you can wallbang most walls which hampers the shoulder Peaks Effectiveness instead there's another safer more effective way to get that same information that being the jump Peak jump Peaks are where you briefly jump around an angle in a circular motion to spot your enemies while not making yourself an easy target in case this is your first time hearing about it though it is definitely the hardest one to execute mechanically if you need to learn how to exactly perform each Peak I made a 46 minute video that covers every valent mechanic so go check that out once you've learned what these Peaks are and how to use these Peaks you then need to learn when to use those different types of Peaks that's because knowing how to execute a perfect wi swing won't help you much if you try to use it to peek an operator standing at the back of bite Breeze at that kind of range the extra distance from the wide swing isn't going to result in a big Crosshair adjustment and to add on to that the operator is going to be at a big Advantage even before you decide what Peak to go for due to angle Advantage similarly hitting your enemies with a Flawless jiggle Peak won't win you the rounds if you're doing it right behind a spam box so the biggest takeaway from these examples is that knowing when to use the different types of Peaks is much more important than your actual mechanical ability to know how to execute all the different Peaks that is where the ape method comes in and no it doesn't mean playing like a monkey rather it's a step-by-step decision-making framework that helps you recognize what Peak you should go for in each situation if you watch a lot of my content you might know the ape method is something I also discussed in this older video but don't worry I'll try to go through it pretty quickly and I've added a few new things that weren't there before the first letter in the ape method stands for assess you first need to assess the type of angle you're about to Peak as the way you should approach the angle differs greatly depending on that there are three main types of angles first there are common angles also refer to as on angles by some other coaches these are your standard angles often around cover that people commonly like to play around second you got off angles off angles are almost the opposite of common angles they're positions without much cover often out in the open which makes the player vol vulnerable to utility double Peaks and things like careful jump Peaks then you might ask why would anyone play such terrible angles because off angle positions are so bad they're good a good off angle works because you don't expect an enemy to be there and since there are many agents with escape tools such as chamber Jet and Raina the drawbacks of off angles can be largely eliminated this makes off angles extremely powerful on agents with escape tools finally there's something I like to call roulette angles these are angles where you're forced to Peak two likely enemy position positions at once meaning you have to gamble on which side you want to pre- aim your Crosshair before you Peak these angles are actually quite common and are extremely hard to deal with without using any abilities for example think about entering hookah if you go in without using any of your teammates abilities you are quite literally playing Russian roulette now after assessing the type of angle we're peeking the next step in the AP method is to prepare for how you'll Peak the angle the first step of preparation is to imagine the angle you're about to Peak from the point of view of an enemy holding it it might sound a bit odd at first but it's really important since how good your Peak is depends entirely on how it looks from the perspective of the person you're peeking so ask yourself how might the enemy be holding this angle and what kind of peak would work best against them for example are you peaking someone who has a high probability of holding the angle closely then it's a good idea to use a really wide Peak to run fast past the crossair is there a chance you might be peeking an OP around a common angle then maybe it's not a great idea to use a standard Peak but instead you can jump peek to safely gain info and even Bait out a shot thinking about your opponent's perspective allows you to be more aware of enemy positions and it also prepares you to utilize the t- ru in case you haven't heard of that before the t- roll is a neat visualization tool introduced by a good friend of mine Royal G he recently joined our coaching team so he's going to be teaching a few lessons inside our program as well he talked about it in depth in this video which you'll find linked below but the idea is actually quite simple imagine the line of sight of your enemy as the letter t and the top of the letter T is the ideal pathing you would want to take in order to maximize the speed of your Peak this works because your movement is exactly perpendicular to your enemy's line of sight if you know the Pythagorean theorem A2 + b^2 = c^2 the length of the hypotenuse is always longer than the sides this means if you add in any vertical movement from the enemy's line of sight you're going to always be moving less in the xaxis or like left and right on the enemy screen compared to just moving in the xais therefore if you Peak diagonally into the enemy's line of sight you'll appear to be moving slower left or right versus peeking completely perpendicularly and one final tip for the t- roll if you're hitting someone with a wide or standard Peak using the t- roll your goal is to kill the guy on the other side so don't second guess yourself if you're unsure if you want to Peak the enemy then it's probably best you don't instead go for an information Peak or use an ability instead okay now that you're locked in and ready to go it's time to move on to step three which is to execute from your preparation you already know what angle you're peaking how it looks from the point of view of your opponents and what the best Peak for the situation is now it's time to take that preparation and execute your Peak the most important thing about executing a good Peak is that you do it with confidence the way you achieve that is actually quite simple since you've already done all the preparation you now only have to get mentally prepared to shoot and just go for it these your well prepared and have visualized your opponent you'll notice your reaction times are quicker and if your preparation was good you just a kill now that you're familiar with the steps let's look at an example of how I pulled off a 1v4 clutch using the ape method starting off the clip you see me and my teammates running into hookah after we rotated from a through the teleporter unfortunately my two teammates die as soon as they jump out of hookah and since I'm also stunned I decide to take a step back and hold CT for a swing that loock Peaks me I somehow get the kill and I use a heal right away and as soon as I activate it I hear clove running towards me here I assess that they're probably greedy for a trade so I quickly take a step back and prepare for a wide swing I get the kill jump out to sight and as soon as I land clove activates the alt I quickly assess that this likely means an enemy will be swinging from Spawn since they probably don't want me to kill CL for free so I prepare to Peak the angle and execute it right away unfortunately Sky Peaks right after I do so I'm not able to land the shots I quickly reposition myself to fight clove again without being exposed to CT now I'm not really sure where the jet is yet but I assess either sky or jet could be playing in CT trying to come out and trade the clove it's possible they can be together so I prepared to jiggle Peak CT again without the intention of committing to a spray this time because that would make it easier for jet to trade me and sure enough as I execute the peak she's there and it turns into a 1v1 at this point I assess it's quite likely for Sky to try and walk out so I tap the spike and prepare to peek her from an unexpected angle as I execute my Peak I notice she's actually out already and luckily my angle was indeed unexpected and I get a free kill nevertheless to round off the clutch of course in this situation things all happen quite fast but don't worry in most situations you have a lot more time and as you get better at using the ape method you'll notice it'll become second nature to you and you can do it without much thinking all right now that you know the basics of the ape method let's go over its more advanced uses for the first step I told you to assess whether the angle you're about to Peak is a common angle off angle or a roulette angle because this will determine what Peak you're going to use but if you truly want to master your Peaks you have to be able to assess the different types of advantages you have to repair and execute your Peaks different types of advantages can make or break your duel and there are quite a few of them you can utilize so let's go into each of them the first is regular angle advantages if you're playing hideand-seek with 5-year-olds the technique if I don't see you you don't see me is quite valid but in Valor it's not and if you're standing closer to an object compared to your enemy they'll be able to see you first so for example playing off angles that are combined with an angle Advantage is really strong because you'll see an enemy that doesn't see you on their screen while they're trying to slice the pie but in reality angle advantages aren't the end all be all of winning or losing gunfights in fact there are even cases where giving yourself an angle disadvantage actually works in your favor for example if an enemy is close around the corner you can hit them with a nasty wide Peak maybe even with something like a spectre and also if you want to maximize your angle Advantage remember that first and foremost you should respect the t- roll since if you bump into walls or objects in an attempt to optimize your angle Advantage your Peak actually turns out much worse than if you had just taken a few steps forward this the second Advantage you need to learn to assess for your Peaks is gun advantages the type of weapon your enemy has makes a massive difference in how you Peak the angle especially when considering the distance of your gunfight we mentioned it at the start of the video but if you're peeking an OP at extreme distances chances are your disadvantage is so large there's no way to overcome it so your best bet is to First bait out a shot with a jiggle Peak or preferably jump Peak before you go for a wide swing to punish the missed shot but there are also cases where you're peeking someone with a judge or you actually want to keep your distance so to counter judge you can fake getting closer to the angle with footsteps only to take a step back as you wait for the judge to come jumping around the corner similarly it's good to be a bit careful when dealing with someone with a sheriff if you hit them with a standard Peak you're giving them the ideal fight they want to get a quick one tap on you whereas if you first jiggle them to be a bit annoying and mess up their first bullet accuracy you can then wh swing them which gives your opponent a much tougher shot to hit of course every gunfight is going to be a bit different depending on the distance and the weapons of both players but if you factor this in into the AP method you'll win a lot more of your gunfights the third Advantage you need to learn is info advantages which as a name implies means that depending on how much info you have or don't have the way you Peak and take gunfights will look different the more info you have on the enemy the more you can confidently Peak and take the fight but if you have less info on the enemy you want to resort to using safer Peaks like jiggle Peaks jump Peaks and slicing the pie or example if your enemy is getting scanned by a dart you'll know exactly where to pre- aim when you Peak and take the fight but if you're lesser about an enemy's position you should try to jiggle for info and incorporate pre-firing angles now info advantages on their own are really nice but they become really powerful when you also have this fourth Advantage which is a timing Advantage a timing Advantage is when you catch an enemy while they're busy with something else maybe you Peak them as they start a Reload maybe they're more focused on trying to shoot a sky dog or boom boach or maybe you force them to move because you Ed a damaging ability like a Molly or nade though their gun is going to be less accurate if you can get a timing and seize the moment you can easily get a kill and if you're lucky it even comes with a nice chat message and finally you have ability advantages these advantages are nice to have but the level of Advantage you get varies widely it ranges from someone literally being detained or stuck in a deadlock Al or even someone who's just breach stunned which is almost a buff at this point because you best believe they're going to be one tapping you gaining ability advantages is a large part of what valer is all about and if you're a good player you'll utilize your abilities in creative ways that create info and timing advantages and that should be all for this video if you'd like to learn more about the AP method check out this other video I made link will be available in the comments below and if you'd like to know a bit more about the t- ru rolles video will be available right there as well thanks so much for watching I'll see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: Konpeki
Views: 429,772
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Valorant, valorant tips, valorant rank up, radiant valorant, immortal valorant, how to, valorant beginners, valorant guides, gaming guides, valorant help, valorant counter strafing, konpeki, Valorant coach, radiant, radiant coach, valorant peeking, types of peeks valorant, valorant guide, valorant peeking guide, valorant guide for beginners, valorant update guide, valorant peeks, how to peek valorant
Id: W-Qce5B9ChM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 47sec (827 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 22 2024
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