Modeling a Sword from Concept Art in Blender 2.8 [MEGA TUTORIAL]

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[Music] hey guys welcome to part one which is going to be the low poly modeling this bad boy the mosquito blade first thing we're gonna do is we're going to model each part individually low poly nice and simple and then from there and we're gonna be unwrapping cleaning it texturing the whole shebang start to finish so basically you look at something like this and you think where the hell do I start this is overwhelming all these circles and cylinders more cylinders and circles these the bleh the the hood this is all actually very straightforward all you need to do is break it down into small manageable chunks so I've already done that this is probably the best thing to do in my opinion take it into Photoshop or paint whatever you need to do and break it down into its basic basic components you can see the blade itself - this little divot in here really isn't that bad it's a couple of basic shapes nothing like nothing too crazy it's definitely doable the the hardest part is probably gonna be the cylinder here like the handle and then this central energy core or whatever the hell this thing is that might be a little tricky but honestly it's not even gonna be that bad so you can see here it's it's it's it's not as bad as it looks so don't get too intimidated whenever you start a new project so we're gonna be using is we're gonna be using a symmetrized workflow just to speed things up basically we gonna create something on this side of the y-axis on the positive side and we're gonna replicate it on the other side so I'll show you how to do that as well anyway let's get right into it so first thing we're gonna be making is the actual blade itself so when creating a model you really want to target the flat parts versus the easiest parts to work with so it's gonna be this guy right here like this all along the blade all the way up here and down this is the section we're gonna work on first you can see this is actually curved in which we will make with no issue but we'll tackle that next so basically I'm gonna build all the way around first and then we'll build the actual divot inside the little dip inside and we'll take it from there so let's get started so let's start with a cube what we're gonna do is we're gonna shrink it down to the right size so I'm gonna start building this corner like this this guy first so let's move it over here I'm gonna line this corner up properly and we're going to move this to here now make sure that transparent scene is selected because it is a 3d object as you can see so if it's a non transparent and you click on this and you start moving it around it's just gonna grab whatever's in the foreground so make sure that everything is selected at all times because this will cause problems and I've made mistakes like this plenty of plenty of times in the past so we're gonna move this here and we're just trying to make sure everything lines up nicely with the actual concept art this is honestly my favorite part of the stage where we're actually doing the main block out before things get too tricky so we're gonna line that up beautiful and now to get up here instead of extruding or anything what we can do is we can create a quick little loop cut and line it up nicely so basically we're gonna we're not following this line directly because this area right here this is actually tilted in so we're gonna be following this flat face so keep that in mind also so we're gonna highlight this and this and then from here we can safely extrude always to the first angle that comes which is going to be this guy here so it looks Trude out and we'll move it to here perfect so now the next angle that's coming up is this bad boy so what we're gonna do is we're gonna highlight this in this again and we're gonna extrude out to that angle get it nicely lined up perfect so now we're going to loop this into place now there's two options here you can move it flat to keep a nice clean workflow which I would recommend or you can move it up to here if you move it up to every angle possible this will keep a lower poly count but you might run into problems later with tries and quads but and and guns but at the end of the day at the end of the day on flat faces tries paulie's it doesn't really make that big of a difference especially not with if you're importing into a game game engines are pretty powerful now and it's not really gonna be a huge deal so let's continue moving this up up here nice lined up and this goes all the way up to here so we're gonna move up to the next ankle extrude up and line it up nicely now it doesn't have to be perfect I know I'm just getting like a basic a basic idea of where it's gonna go we can really angle these out and straighten them out once it's fully blocked out don't waste your time right off the bat getting everything absolutely pixel perfect because there is going to be a phase for that we're going to move that to here and we're going to move into the final section of the blade now we have to decide how we want it to look do we want to be flat on the backside here coming up the back of the blade or do we want it to be a little angled I'm gonna go with completely flat for now just a simplicity sake now we've got everything nicely lined up you can see it's really starting to take shape we're gonna extrude straight up to this last corner beautiful now I honestly might leave out this little detail here just for now if we really want to hop into substance painter and add some normals and add little details like this absolutely can but for now I'm just gonna leave it nice and simple and keep the the mesh really clean which I like so we're gonna hop up to here move this into the final top corner facing now here we're probably gonna end up with a little triangle which honestly at the end of the day is okay or if you really want to avoid it you can pop this guy right here and then extrude one more time so let's do that just to keep it clean awesome yeah that looks really good so just to keep things simple and keep them in perspective we're gonna shrink this on the y-axis so we're gonna add string why kind of get it into the blade shape so far the blade shape that we're working with also so the next part we're going to touch on is we're gonna finish out this side of the blade here actually you yeah let's let's go into this divot I could see this being a problem later on if we don't address it right now so I'd like to tackle this now so let's grab this is gonna be a bit of a bit of a hack a little hacky but it's not gonna be a big deal I just want to get this this shape blocked out and we can kind of work on we can work on making it look pretty later so we're gonna extrude these points into here and move all the way down I think so basically what we need to do is I'm going to give you my file process here we need to think about how it's gonna look when the when we actually extrude this down so let's grab these two and mess around with it so let's hop in here we're gonna extrude into these two corners and pop these in here that's actually not gonna be too bad so we'll select these and we'll move these all the way down to where they need to go extrude all the way and to here and these are gonna be our two points where things are gonna start connecting amazing yeah actually quite like that next thing we're gonna do is we're gonna create the other section here so okay so this is gonna be a little kind of custom almost so you can see that we've got the nice little edge here and we've got this face here so what we're going to do is we're gonna create some natural corners we're just going to extrude this corner here you can see this is where it curves in and then this is where the flat part starts so let's move this just for now let's turn on snapping and we'll snap it to vertex to vertex and we're gonna put them ice right over it press G and snap it right on there just for now just to see how this ends up looking I know I dragged it along there looks like there's a curve here but we're gonna get that we'll get that later when we bevel everything so this looks pretty good for now so let's mess around with this a little bit and see how we can get this get this to look so we've got two points here which are still in 3d fantastic we've got two points here and then we've got faces here so how do we create an angle face off of this it's gonna be actually not that bad so we're gonna move extrude up this piece up here and then suddenly we've got four points which we can create which I'll do in a second we're going to extrude continue extruding and I'm gonna turn off snapping again extrude again and then we're gonna extrude one more time all the way up onto this bad boy turn on snapping we're gonna snap this together these pieces here okay it's easy cool yeah that looks pretty great and we're also going to snap this all together as well but I'll show you that in one-one second so we're gonna build these edges here so instead of selecting selecting selecting selecting there's another way you can do it you can press C and then just boom boom boom done to connect everything we're gonna press F so here's the issue we have with this guy as well let's go into the side view and let's delete this back half delete these vertices just while we're building some faces just to make this less complicated so we're gonna go see I'm gonna add that face there they're gonna unselect it see how to face by pressing F C face it up and then 1 2 3 4 that's not the prettiest face and we could change that later but for now looks good to me create this edge here that we've kind of got an a all ready got a natural curve in here or a natural dip and here we're gonna need two more so let's loop cut this by creating or by adding that they're snapping is making it acting a little weird and here's a 1 2 3 4 F and 1 2 3 4 beautiful yeah that's gonna look pretty cool very cool actually so next we need to do is we're gonna just fill this in so let's loop cut this guy if we can maybe not hmm there we go that's all one two and we're gonna line these up nicely in a bit three great so one two three four keep in mind this is going to be totally flat so it's not a huge deal it's not angled perfectly four and then we can also use si si had those highlighted and you're gonna add one more one more loop cut in here one two three four awesome and last one two three four beautiful so that was a little bit of a hacky way around it but we kind of have our shape now you can kind of see the 2d way of how it's gonna look and then what we're gonna do in a bit is we're gonna angle this all in but the first thing I want to do is finish up the rest of the blade I want to get this guy this going and get this going yeah just to finish up so let's do that now so we're gonna do is basically the same thing we're gonna extrude all of our points and just start lighting it up with all the edges so let's hop into this corner this is already nine DUP lined up nicely and we can move this guy straight on to this corner here now don't worry about it being a perfect edge we're gonna bevel it and it's going to look really great later very cool next thing we're going to do is we're gonna move we have two ways to do this we could line this up we could extrude these out so we could extrude this out five six if we really want we could extrude this out to here and line everything up which probably would be the quickest thing to do in my opinion or we can undo that and then we can just go one two three and line it up like that and just face it out so now that I've got this done let's just do it this way but just so you guys are aware there's multiple ways to get this done so I'm just going to make this a little more lined up make it a little cleaner also so we'll figure out this part in a second you can kind of see it just goes straight in it's kind of dip straight in so we'll probably create another quick little line here and connect it nicely but we'll worry about that in a minute let's just get these faces lined up for us get these faces collected face one two two three four okay awesome so it's really starting to take shape which is super cool and you guys can start to see the shape of the blade coming through it looks like we've got this dip here maybe this isn't perfectly flat we can figure that out later however just to show you guys if you really want something perfectly flat on a certain axis select everything with a and then we're gonna scale this on the y-axis so s Y and then equals zero and then align everything up perfectly down to the point so still a little funky here so we'll have to figure that out we'll get that later it could just be a duplicate so let's remove some doubles remove two other words anyway so moving on I know what it is anyway but we'll get to that so let's get this connected up again let's figure out how we're gonna do this I think the simplest way to do this is just to keep going with keep going with the trend that we've been doing here and just create a small little loop cut maybe right here I like it I like it okay so we've got one more thing that we're gonna do which is actually get this lined up now you can see we've got pretty much everything blocked out for the most part - this edge let's just start slowly lining this up and then we'll line this part up last so let's grab all the outer edges you can see where everything kind of dips in up - let's move this over as well you can kind of see where everything starts to dip so this piece onward is what we're going to dip in so we're gonna grab all of these and this might take a bit of cleaning and moving around and whatever you need to do to get this done but let's try it great so we've got all of our edges selected let's hop over onto this side and we're moving it on the y-axis so move it on the y-axis and just move it a little bit this is on the side of you here so you can kind of see what its gonna look like perfect awesome and stuff first step into the 3d so cool there's the blade and it's looking pretty good already you can kind of see that we've created a natural divot there which is nice we may have to fix that but so far so good pretty happy with that now you can see it's cut off is just because this image is there so let's hop over that now just cuz this line is bothering me let's forget this tackled I can see that even though this is selected this line is still going through and these edges here aren't highlighted so that means there's a line somewhere cutting through this so it's most likely yeah it's this guy is going straight to here straight to here so what we could do is we could cut this guy on here let's move things around a little bit and you can kind of see that yeah there it is right under there there's a line that doesn't need to exist so let's move this and we're gonna select the line and we're just going to we could dissolve but we can probably just get away with deleting it just make sure it hasn't messed up the mesh perfect and that looks way better so you guys are gonna be dealing with a lot of stuff like that I'm trying to figure out what the hell did I do where does this go blah blah it's just gonna take some time you'll kind of get the idea of how things work as you go so the next thing we're going to do is let's create this little dip let's hop this or let's do this so this is pretty easy since we've done a good job creating the architecture already and a set up we can grab all the pieces that are going to be flat so these guys and all we're going to do is we're just going to shrink it in we're just going to move it again and move it on the y-axis and that might be a little too deep but for now that's pretty good that's actually really cool and you can see it's got a really cool dip in here and we mmm that's not perfect but we'll fix this and it's mostly because this is too deep but I really like the way that looks so if you really want to get this a little cleaner you can move this kind of move it back or will this not work it's actually not terrible let's move this in a little bit remove everything then if we're going to do that cool can worry about this later again awesome so we got the first part kind of done so not as bad as you guys thought it was going to be let's finish this up using what we've learned so far to create a little divot in here our little edges so we're gonna highlight all the pieces that are going to be affected 2 3 4 5 6 and after we get these all selected we're gonna line them up 9 and this is technically gonna be flat well let's do this so we've got all of our pieces that are going to be extruded out and we're just gonna press e to extrude again try and get it just lined up as we can just to save us a little bit of time and let's get to work this is me lined up on this corner where does this go okay cuts in here and then cuts up so let's fix that corners right here sometimes it's nice to have a higher res image but for now this is okay so the corners here and the three points are going to be here here and here let's find the corner right here and let's pop this guy here that that looks pretty good and I'm not gonna be getting things absolutely perfect for you guys but this is just a good enough start just to show you how things are gonna look so we're gonna do is we're gonna select this whole row here same thing we're just gonna move it on the y-axis a little bit this isn't gonna be a crazy dip but just enough just to make sure that it's you guys can see that it's actually cutting it we're gonna take a step back and take a look at it cool and I almost like here's the thing about creating stylized art this isn't perfect and it doesn't have to be that's a really cool part it's kind of cool that it is all little off and a little angled and kind of chunked out this one is a little too far off but I really personally like the effect of it and that's the thing your guy's going to be learning but when you're creating the stuff that it's okay to not be perfect it's really not it's not a bad thing and it actually helps your art stand out a lot let's move this right here so now we're kind of divot deviating a little bit but amazing I really like this cool so let me let me show you quickly how to do how to symmetrize pieces so basically we're gonna be doing is we're gonna be creating a duplicate of this on the other side so we're gonna move this a little bit here just so it's on the y-axis sitting nicely and basically the way symmetrize works I'll show you is we're going to make sure you're in edit mode everything's selected and in mesh you're gonna press symmetrize so basically it's created something across across the y-axis so let's poke around and see which is the right one basically we want to go across the y-axis so let's try the Y beautiful there we go kind of how it's gonna how it's supposed to work and now it's created a cool like 2d or a third 3d image it's pretty piece just like that it's very simple and it does a decent job of connecting the dots in the middle sometimes it doesn't do it perfectly if there's a bit of overlap but we can actually go in and do this ourselves but I am fine with this for now I'm totally fine with this part yep looks cool amazing so let's stretch out the blade a little bit it's not perfect so basically what happened here is I symmetrized it was a little bit it was going over a little bit so it actually cut off everything that was sitting on the other side of the other side of the y-axis which is fine but it's just gonna take a little bit of editing just to get it right put it here here and line this up yeah that's a little more true to the actual the actual blade cool so what we can do now just to kill some time it's fill these in fill in the backs it doesn't doesn't fill in the back for you but since you're creating a symmetrized image it's pretty much always going to create it's always going to create really clean geometry for you to to be able to close up yourself once we close this up you can kind of see the shape of this guy in the next few steps moving forward I'm gonna explain my process less and less now that you guys have a basic idea don't really want to waste a whole lot of time explaining how I do this over and over and over again so keep all these tricks in mind as I'm moving forward three four and we will probably be deleting this some of this geometry later as we clean up on that in the cleanup phase but for now I just want everything looking nice and clean closed up and last part we're just going to finish up here now again this is a totally flat surface so tries are going to be okay if we need to create quads we will but with hard surface modeling it's a little with hard surface modeling it's not going to make or break your your model having a couple of tries here and there I think we have two so far two tries which is totally fine the only issue with tries is let me explain this before we move on the only issue with tries is when if we wanted to loop cut this which we don't but in if we did want to loop cut this watch what happens it stops right here can't create a loop cut in the top parts you'd probably have to just line it up you have to do this as well one you have to select it here and create an edge itself which isn't great so keep that in mind that's exactly why we don't want to use tries especially when animating but hard-surface totally okay should be fine now there's a couple things we can do if you want to get this completely like really clean and not perfectly 2 D we could bevel this as well and it creates you know pretty good geometry and actually solve the problem for us so that is a good trick you guys come can can use as well so let's shrink it a little bit a little bit and cool I've got a cool-looking blade it's not perfectly sharp on the tip just looking good ok so let's move on to the next part ok so we're moving on to the second part here which is going to be this little compartment where the ignition or looks like the heat source is held so what we're gonna do is we're gonna take a look at our reference image we're gonna see how it's gonna be broken down which is this little piece right here so pretty straightforward we're gonna be cutting out the circle separately so let's not stress about making a shape and building it around but we can just we can we can just simply cut it out using something called boolean switch I'll show you so pretty straightforward almost like a trapezoid here and then another trapezoid here so this will be a fairly quick one so let's do this using the techniques that I've shown you so we're gonna create a cube and we're going to delete on the side view we're gonna delete the back just so we've got vertices on this side and we're going to shrink this down to the right size and move it into place and start to work so there's always a ton of ways you can work with objects and there's always a ton of ways you can model something so it really depends on your style and how you want to get things done so let's line these up and let's see how this looks cuz I bet once we get it out and match up the corners we might not like it right so I don't like this right off the bat it's not clean and when we extrude this out it's gonna cause it's gonna cause more problems it's not perfect at the end of the day it is okay so let's move this here and let's move it around a little bit and mess around with how it looks so let's move let's shift these and look at this it's already way better this flat face here is what we're working with by the way this is much cleaner this is going to extrude nicely when we extrude here to this corner and then we're gonna extrude again into this corner here I'm gonna line that up see and look how much cleaner that is just by working with it so before I move on basically this looks like a ramp down here so you have to keep that in mind the small details and think about how is it gonna work with your with your image because as of right now this is still sticking out from the image but it needs to connect with this bar at some point so you to have to think about it so let's pop this right here line this up a little better and then we can see this is exactly where our ramps gonna be let's move it back a little bit right here great and we're gonna extrude this guy out to create all these ramparts so before we create the ramp what we're gonna do is I'll show you kind of a little little trick because if we were to just just you know go all the way around and extrude this these lines are connected to so when we extrude and expand it it's gonna create all this extra geometry that we don't need and it's going to be a pain to clean up so what we're gonna do instead is we're going to start on one side extrude it out line it up extrude it up line it up on this side and then we'll connect it that way it's probably the cleanest way to do it so let's do that first so I've already got this side selected so let's extrude then we're gonna map line this corner up here so it extrude that and will start lining up now we're also going to be doing this side so it's going to create a line here and we'll be able to connect this face too so don't worry about that and we don't want you never want pieces to overlap like this this line here never so we're gonna move this a little bit let's get all the pieces lined up first before you really worry about okay move it there just to clean it up a little bit move that there and we're gonna pop this up here just to about where the ramp ends let's say there for now so if you really don't like the way this looks you can move pieces around and make it look a little cleaner it's up to you but we're not gonna stress too much about that again this is really just getting things started for you guys so we're gonna pick this side extrude it down and start letting it up again at this point you guys kind of see exactly how the workflow is for modeling stuff like this hopefully I'm basically going to be doing a few more tutorials like this where I'm going to show you more complex steps but for now this is the basic idea and this is a really great model to show it on so we're gonna connect this part here to complete it pressing F and then we're gonna complete the ramp here as well by pressing F awesome so we've got this thing completely mapped out we're gonna highlight everything and we're just going to move it along the y-axis just like that and then also obviously we're gonna slide it in line here with the rest of the model so cut it depends how you want it to work but and how you're gonna map out the model but you do want these to be overlapping most likely so we're gonna hide these just to give it an idea of how it's gonna work so you can see there is technically a bit of space through here it looks like this piece extends further down in here possibly but for the sake of simplicity we're not going to do that let's just take a bit of artistic freedom and we're gonna take these three pieces and what we do is to make sure it's yeah it's on both sides so we're gonna select make sure everything is selected and we're just gonna move it a little more into the model just line it up nicely and we'll fix this and make it look perfect later but this is good for now move that down just so it's cutting into the model it looks a little looks a little better when we're we're messing around things so that looks okay so there we go we've got a 3d another 3d piece of the model and we really want to you kind of want to figure out depth and see is this piece gonna stick out a little more probably not list piece looks huge and probably will be sticking out further so what we can do is just to give this thing a bit more of 2d or sorry 3d stretch to it we can shift or expand this along the y axis and the origin set to this point here so this is why when I expand it it's expanding from that point technically so let's switch this up as walks you will come across this so we're gonna go to object and we're going to set origin to geometry which will put the center dead center very simple but a very common problem that people have so we're gonna shift this again on the y axis make it a little thicker and we're gonna move it there awesome so we're not done yet we're gonna actually create a circle here and we're going to cut into it using boolean s-- which is pretty cool and to stop distracting me I'm gonna hide that too so what we're gonna do is we're gonna create a circle a flat circle and we're gonna rotate this 90 degrees so it's facing up and we're gonna move this into the center here dead center if you move this is this is a perfect circle you move this into the dead center so when you shrink it it'll line up perfectly just like that so basically that's our first shape done we're gonna be creating these cuts and images later and smalt we're going to add the finer details later so let's just get the basic block out shape done right now so this is gonna be pretty straightforward we're going to press f to make this a circle and then we're going to extrude and expand it out and that is it we're done that's it so all we're gonna do is move this back on the y-axis depending on how deep you want it to be and then we're going to doesn't really matter where it goes I just want to see how deep it's gonna be going into the how deep it's gonna be going into the actual object itself so if that looks pretty good to me because we're gonna need a little bit of real estate in here to create the create these pieces we can actually mess around with that now if we really want so basically what I'm thinking is we can kind of create see if I'm right here you can extrude this in yeah we could do that you really want but for now we'll leave it I won't I won't get too complicated now let's move on let's stick with the boolean stuff so we've got this image here and we've got this object here and we've got this object so let's get this all cut up so this object is going to be the the object itself that's doing the cutting and then this is going to be cut into so let's mess around with it just so you can see what I mean so let's hop in here make sure one of the objects are selected we're gonna add a modifier we're gonna add a boolean the operation itself are here these are the functions that are going to be performed do you want it to combine the meshes using the difference combine all of them together or using the intersection so I'll show you each one here just to give you an idea of how it works so first let's select the secondary object so you could select from the drop-down menu here as you can see or you can just click this and use it to highlight the circle and click on that so what you can see is it looks like it's been applied using the intersect so let's try a difference and you won't be able to tell that it's applied or not here's something that I ran into an issue that I ran into suddenly you do it and this is technically correct I think but you nothing's happened so what you have to do is you actually and before you apply it you have to hide this object still in here so you have to hide it right and now you can see it's done perfectly and let's make sure that's beautiful I like it okay great so that's done so what we can do is we can either if we're happy with that if we're happy that we can do it and we can stick with it if not we can alter it later so what we're gonna do is we're gonna leave it for now and let's not let's not apply this yet because I don't know if I like the way the circle looks and it looks like there's a lot of points if we want a low poly model we could cut this down quite a bit so I might do that later and clean it up so keep that in mind because what I'm thinking about doing is taking pieces like this extruding it in and then kind of like rotating it like this and doing it on every other one but we won't it won't look as good if there's this many points I don't think so anyway so we'll leave that for now but this is the second part so it looks good and the last part is we're gonna symmetrize it make sure it looks all pretty so for now I guess we do if maybe we do have to apply the boolean then okay forget it let's just apply it I'm just showing you guys how this works anyway so now that the boolean is applied we can delete this and it sticks so let's just do this just to get it out of the way so we're gonna select this select everything mesh symmetrize done just like that it's done so if you really want and add a bit of if you want to add a bit of depth to it because I don't necessarily like the way it's just cornered off like this let's add let's add another line so we're gonna bevel this by highlighting everything control B and then moving along the bevel and that's much better so from here we can kind of manipulate it a little better so let's grab the rest of the object move this into the center and from here now that it's lined up we can expand it a little bit that looks great and leave this as well sorry let's bevel this too great so what we can do is we can oops you can press F create some circles there to create the faces and now from here you can see that it actually cuts trunk a little bit again because of the the way the boolean works so we could expand it or we can honestly go back and do it again I think we might have to do that yeah so basically what's happening is since it's cutting over it's cutting over the origin itself so it's actually cutting it in half from here so let's move it a little bit off of the yeah just just to explain how symmetrize works it's going to be cutting it right on this origin point so let's try and move this a little bit more just off the origin point there we go and then we're gonna symmetrize this see cuts it right in dead center from here make sure this is all good okay I expanded it yeah I didn't have everything highlighted I thought I did that's why that's why things like that happen so highlight everything was a and then we're gonna move it again we can do two things we can do it here and it'll naturally create it or you can do it here in just Buffalo so let's just do it here because I'm feeling a little lazy today symmetrize make sure it's all good great and then highlight all this bevel it out and then the faces are already made so we don't have to do that again great I'll bring everything back and we'll move this nicely aligned there that's cleaner much much much cleaner cool so the second parts done so moving on moving along nicely here okay so the next thing we're gonna be tackling is this center compartment here as well this one's gonna be a little interesting and there's a bunch of ways we can tackle this we could do like this part's gonna be the trickiest part getting this actually these outer edges aren't going to be bad at all now this is going to be tricky and there's a bunch of ways you can do this so you could model this little divot here and boolean it but that would create a lot of weird artifacts and stuff on the edges most likely so I don't often want to do that I will be creating probably billions for these guys but we'll see or we could get this later say we hop into substance painter we can act just paint almost paint in normal on this so the light and shading still refract off it properly but it actually is an Indy geometry but this is a this is a modeling tutorial right now so I'm going to show you guys we're gonna mess around with this and we're gonna see a way to model this it might be a little tricky but it'll get the job done for what we're doing so first thing we're gonna do is we're gonna create the actual circle first just to get it outlined so we're gonna create a circle gonna rotate it 90 beautiful now from here we really want to start choosing you want to keep an eye on the vertices so as you can see these are all the points here so as you go up let's go to the top view as you go up and down it increases the amount of vertices so if you're going with if you're creating a game-ready model the less less is better less is better so let's go to its the default is 32 I believe which we don't really need but since it's such a big part of it let's stick with 32 for now just keep in mind that you will have to change things like this in the future or is something to actually keep your eye keep our eye on as you're modeling things so let's put this in the center the first thing we're going to be going is for a flat spot right yeah actually the only flat spot on this is the actual circle itself and this is an edge here this is an edge and then this is actually etched out as well so put this dead center and shrink it in and we'll try and line this up properly now the thing with concept art is sometimes it's not perfect so we're working with what we've been given here and we can rotate this actually this is pretty great well rotate this so it the lines actually line up with the two divots here let's see if we can get that to work oh I like yeah that works that works very nicely actually great so we're gonna do a cliff we're gonna do something a little hacky here which I'm totally fine with but some people aren't we're gonna highlight this and we're actually before we complete the face we're gonna build out this this image we're gonna her start we're gonna build out this little divot here so let's go ahead and do that quickly let's see how this turns out let's turn on this mode we'll get everything lined up the way I prefer to do things is you pick a side and then just line everything up with that right off the bat so let's let's do that now make sure we're all good in 2d great so we're gonna line up this side here one two three and then we're gonna connect these dots for the fourth part and we'll extrude this out later so don't stress too much about that so let's line this up corners about here I wish we had a higher res image to work with but this is gonna have to do don't move this right on to this corner great we'll face this up amazing so now since we're working with quads we can actually loop cut this and dip it through later but we'll do that in a bit so the next part we're gonna do is now that this is all bottled out nicely what we're gonna do is we're going to create the rest of the geometry here we're gonna move out into this edge here and we'll create this divot - so we're gonna highlight everything and this there's an extra line in here I'm guessing which will sort out in a bit but for now this should be good make sure only the outside is selected and he extrude and then expand it out amazing and you can see as we move it actually looks pretty good great so let's make sure it's lined up nicely it doesn't have to be perfect but let's get it closed off great so this is where the geometry for this internal piece ends so let's go ahead and cut a nice little loop cut in here and what we're gonna do is we're going to move everything on this out side down and line it out so we're gonna move it on the y-axis move it in a little bit depending on how far you want it to go and that looks good enough for math for now we're going to expand this and we will dissolve these vertices here as well which I would like to do so let's create let's try that again expand it out onto the next the top corner part and we will dissolve peas this is where the geometry ends you can see it's just killed it so now we have an end gone here which is okay not a huge deal we're going to finally create this is going to be the outer rim which will model using these pieces so this is where I'll show you that it really wasn't that scary in the first place fantastic so here we go now let's get the shape of this guy down so this is going to be the main part here which kill that and will kill that and so we're gonna move this all the way up they're gonna move this beautiful now you can see this divot here is already down in the in the bottom so we'll move this piece up now to simulate the same thing create a nice little edge and then this last part is already in line so you can go we kind of have the shape already pretty simple so the next part which we're gonna have to mess around with a little bit to get this sorted out here this might not have been the best way to do it I'm just trying to show you guys how how we can tackle things so we're gonna move this and we're going to before we touch this and this piece we're going to move this in a little bit on the y-axis and see how it looks I'm excited to see how this turns out honestly cool so there we go got a nice little divot and it's actually kind of it's kind of worked out we can move this in or do I want to break the circle not really so we'll leave that there but we can move it what if we move it on the y-axis let's see what that guy looks like now that it's moved up I don't like it I don't even want to break this honestly don't want to break it so I think that's I think that's gonna be good it looks good to me this is just good enough for now I like it so let's fill in the rest of the face here so we're gonna select all these outer edges make sure nothing selected and face all they're selected and face and that's it look at that simply just using manipulation we've created a pretty cool object it really wasn't that bad at all it's not perfect in here we're gonna be painting over it and there probably are better ways to get around doing this but this is a really really simple way to get this done so next we're going to do is we're going to line up all these parts here so let's get started on that so that this corner is gonna go here this corner can dip in here so this isn't also this isn't going to be great perfect either however this actually will line up nicely this actually will line up nicely lining up all the corners and this is where it kind of disappears a little bit so we can build it into this next object that we're gonna be tackling later let's pop this in the corner here pop this here and here's a corner kind of see where this is going now you can see that this is a little this is actually starting to get a little beveled here on this edge let's see where this is beveled all the way it actually might be so maybe we can work towards a bevel not even really okay well let's just work with this for now let's just get the outline for now yeah you can see here is really so if we highlight this and hide it you can kind of see it does bevel in here which is kind of messing with my head a little bit so there's a few ways we can do this we can create a bevel all the way around we can get the inner line as we're starting to shape this out and then just bevel it out or we can just create the outline do the perfect outline and then edge it out so I'll show you how that works as well I will show you so let's just get a lined up one way and I might show you the other way to do it after so let's get the outside corners corner here type this that's in the way the corner is going to build into the other object here now using our reference image here this will probably this is all going to get blocked actually under here so let's move this up and you can see in our reference image that I've decided that it's going to be cut under you can see the orange here actually goes under the pink here so let's do that for now and we'll see how it works out if we don't like it we'll change it again so it pops up there Merson Paradis and this isn't perfect here we've actually short one space which is really good really good actually one or two spots so what we can do is we can kind of loop cut and sort of loop cut in there and add the corner it's actually a lot better turned out really well got a loop cut here I'll do cut heater and look at this move this out here so again not super clean geometry but not really stressing great how does this so how does this look now that it's perfectly solid pretty great honestly really really good so we're gonna do is we'll grab there's a few ways we can do this we can grab this and extrude it out which I'm kind of okay with yeah I'm actually totally okay with this and then we'll move all of this here's what we're gonna do when we symmetrize so we're gonna extrude this again we'll select make sure we're selecting everything and we'll select this whole side and we'll move this a little bit further and then we'll select everything and move this along the x-axis or right here so when it's emmitt rises it'll actually create this flat part here so let's mesh it and we'll symmetrize make sure we have the right one whichever one it is I never remember which one it is maybe X how it said there we go it's flat it doesn't make sense to me and there we go first part it looks pretty good to me that looks really great now we can add in we can boolean in the other stuff as well but for now this looks really really good and this is good enough for basics if you really want to clean this up what we'll be doing is we'll be dissolving these as well and moving a few things around but for now that's the basic shape it's done I'm happy with that okay so onto the next part what we're gonna be moving on to is this blade guard I don't even know what this is but it looks really cool so let's tackle this next basically you can see it's it's curving over the blade so this one's gonna be it not trickier but it's just a different mentality and I'm gonna show you guys how to work around with this so you can see my reference image I've only copied one we're gonna be working on these two parts here it's just this part here and then the nuts and bolt which is just gonna be a circle really two separate objects just for the sake of simplicity and I know you can see that they're molded in here so we could mold them like that if we want but just for now I'm going to keep them as separate objects so I'll show you how to do this let's get the shape here first so we're going to do is going to create a cylinder now keep in mind mindset 212 right now keep in mind yours is probably gonna get to 32 so as we create more and more let's move this and I'll show you we're gonna be creating one two three four so if you want to keep this count as low as possible this is where it really starts to the faces really start to add up when you're doing duplicate objects like this so I'm gonna do twelve twelve should be good enough it's gonna look very low poly but I think this will be this will look look pretty good I think so anyway so let's just go with twelve and see how it looks we're gonna try and stretch it out to get a decent size basic idea of how tall and skinny it's gonna be so that looks pretty good so let's shrink it down there awesome so keep in mind this isn't a full sound cylinder this is going to be a half cylinder it's basically cut in half so we're gonna take this object make sure we're selecting everything we're gonna take half of the object and we're going to delete the vertices so now we've got nice little half and we're gonna shrink it on the y-axis a little bit anyway it's gonna stick over a little bit but just shrink it enough just so it's got a nice curve there we go looking already looking pretty good so we're gonna rotate to get this shape very very easy let's just rotate these guys in a little bit we're gonna rotate these guys and let's move this onto the object so this lines up great and we'll expand expand these a little bit to make sure these are all selected we're gonna select everything here at these edges and move them out and we'll expand these guys move them down a little bit just so it kind of has a better shape and let's pop it on here let's start to work out the shape so let's it ends right here we're gonna line these up this will end about right here line this up and you can see it ends in somewhere under this this nail or this bolt here this one ends we know it ends right here and that looks solid very simple very low poly kind of exactly how we want it so there's a few ways we can mess around with this we can just simply create duplicates honestly that would be very easy we can create duplicates and layer them on top of each other but what I want to show you is how to create a single mesh since we're going low poly let's let's do it that way so starting this way we're going to highlight everything on this side so this whole bottom shell is highlighted and we're going to extrude and try and just copy this outside line here so extrude out to here and they're gonna extrude into the corner extrude here and you can see it does start to curve a little bit so if you really want to add the curves and you can but keep in mind it's just gonna add more geometry here let's go all the way here down and then for the last part here extrude down one more time and that's pretty much it so we've got a pretty basic shape here if you want we can move this here maybe here a little bit and we can extrude this out and kind of create like a some sort of cap for it I like it so let's face this off and let's end this face here now what we can do is we can on the inside here now that this is all made up looks pretty good to me very low poly if we want we could actually add again you can add details like this if you want if you don't like it I typically don't like things being in a perfect corner at the top but if you really want you can add a bevel and you can just add extra geometry to it and that looks a little better for me honestly but that's just me now what we can do is this is all going to be hidden under here for the most part anyway so if you want to add faces to this great if not we can always take these and if you really want you could go on this side actually let's go on this side and extrude and shrink it if you really will see how that looks actually that looks any good mmm that's creating weird geometry so let's face it as well I think that's probably the best thing to do here again I'm just thinking over my thought process and how do I want this to look because basically all that's gonna happen is these edges are gonna go in a little bit that's really it at the end of the day so for simplicity sake we're going to face this out and then we can mess with it if we need to later also we don't need to symmetrize this because we've made it it's already a 3d image so that's great I doing this right now oops so something is extra highlighted I'm two three four goes for great it looks good to me we can do let's see how this looks select all these faces now here's where we could probably mess with this let's see and shrink it in let's shrink it on we want to shrink it on the y-axis oh that's why and we'll shrink it a little bit on the ex-navy or a little bit on this head let's leave that there for now so we'll shrink it leave that that it's okay to me now we've got some geometry we can work with so if we really want to move it shrink it on this head and then shrink it on the why you're so shrinking on the hips a little more you can so now you can kind of see that it dips in but again it's just creating extra geometry so it's not not needed I might end up cleaning this up later but let's leave this the way it is for now just to show you guys how you can manipulate these objects so the next thing we're going to be doing is we're just gonna build the pins so this is gonna be very straightforward so let's actually hide this and just focus on one and we'll duplicate it out so we're gonna create a circle so we're gonna grab a circle let's really cut down on the faces here so let's go back down to 12 and we'll rotate it 90 and move it to the center of the first pin and shrink it so we're gonna will work with the outside and then we'll work the outside I guess our work our way in so let's get the vertex highlighted so it cuts in here and there's a flat part right here and then it just goes down so let's do the first one we're going to extrude into the flat part create the flat part here and then we will extrude straight down move it along the y-axis okay so with this you know it's got to be a little bigger great I like it and that's pretty much it so we saved a ton saved a ton of geometry by going with 12 and we'll face it out there great super simple we could have gone lower honestly but there is a certain level of definition that I want to keep so what we're gonna do is we're going to duplicate we're gonna press shift D duplicate 50 duplicate 50 duplicate and we'll bring it back so now we're gonna highlight all these and make sure it's lined up each one's lined up properly with the actual image it looks good the bolts could be a little deeper because this you're not really seeing a good shadow effect so we're gonna highlight all of them if you want to manipulate objects all at the same time highlight all of them press tab to go into edit mode and then we're gonna move it a little further so let's go here and we'll move it pretty much as far as we can so G Y and that looks a little better hopefully yeah way better you can see it's kind of cutting into the image so we can move this forward slightly and honestly we could even do this select this object and we could even scale this on the y-axis a little bit to come out so it does it is going to need to expand a little bit that looks great to me so there's a few ways we can move on to the next part we do need to symmetrize this so what we could do is you can flip them you can go one two three four try that again select everything carefully and control D so we've got duplicates now and then rotate it 180 degrees and move it here that is a very straightforward way to do it however it is angled as well so again you can see the complications that arise when you're actually working with working with objects like this so that's one way to do it or we can just symmetrize the whole thing and join it because we're gonna have to do that anyway so we're gonna have to join these pieces anyway so let's join everything after all the objects are highlighted this is gonna be the main object that keeps the name so let's press ctrl J and it's all together on one object so let's make sure let's hide everything else just to show you guys how this is gonna go it's when we press symmetrize and we get the right angle it's gonna go off of the center the origin point that's what's gonna get symmetrized so it looks good to me so let's go symmetrize and make sure we get the right one Zed why no they're awesome so that's pretty much done there to make sure it looks clean now this is obviously a little off so now that it's an object mode and it's all connected you can't click individually rigs it's not its own object let me show you how to select objects on the road because technically this is this object this guy's isn't connect to anything it's its own object inside the mesh so if you hide if you hover over something and press L it'll select everything that's unique to it so if you this this is all one mesh so if you press L it'll select that right but it won't suck these guys so if you want to still edit things after you've joined them it's not game over so let's highlight this with L I'll rotate it a little bit just to get it lined up better l and rotated this is why I like symmetrize so much because when you're working with two sides what you can't I guess what you can do I'll show you here so you've got the object out here it's not rotated properly what you can do or both objects aren't rotated properly so you've got two that are off slightly oh I messed that up there we go make sure it's all lined up okay so we're fresh fresh start that's why it's important always like this so we'll highlight this and say it's off like this they're both they're both off-center so we'll rotate this instead of making two changes like I just did you can hop right into this one rotate it get it nice and set up remove this one honestly let's get rid of this and then we can select everything and we'll just symmetrize it over again and it's made the change on this side so that's why I actually like the symmetrize workflow really I have to do things once so I think we're good here so let's move on to the next step okay so moving on to the next part lets trickier part of this out of the way which is going to be the blade handle itself you can see here from my concept image I've broken it up into a few parts so we have the blade itself or the handle itself we've got this guard here which will make separately to keep things simple and then we've got this little object here it's almost like the connecting piece between the this guy here it's a connecting piece between the handle and the rest of the sword so instead of trying to model this all - once connected and then moving things around super complicated so let's break it all up into easy parts and we'll work from there which is the way I prefer to work so this is actually a flat face right here it's more of like it cuts in here a little bit but it's basically a 1:1 edge to edge three edge and then a fourth edge here so we'll do it this way well make that cut in here and then this is also I'm assuming a flat edge as well it's kind of hard to tell with concept art and that's the cool thing about concept art and creating dialyzed art is that you can kind of take liberties with it and you can move things around like this isn't perfect this isn't like dead-on either with the symmetrize which I should have fixed but it didn't bother you know this isn't dead-on it's it's okay that's the cool part about it like things are supposed to be miss proportioned and and put off a little bit so let's move into this let's grab a cube or a yawns - a cube and we'll shrink that down we'll start with the first part or we'll start with this connector piece and then I'll show you how to build the the rest of it - so we're selecting faces right now so let's select edges it looks like it starts about right here and I'm taking a lot of liberties with this one but this is the cool part about it and this is what I really like with 3d modeling let's take that there and we'll move this about here it looks like not super clear if you ask if you ask me that's okay so we're gonna move these out we're gonna extrude this about out here that looks fine and then we're gonna select these two we'll extrude them down because you can see within the image it looks like it's it's slightly angled the two T's actually done a little strangely and we'll shift this down about here and we'll make sure that there's no gaps so we'll move this up a little bit yeah this can be ya pout in here I like it so we'll cut off this side and we'll just work with the 3d so we know you've got a flat face here the only angled stuff is gonna be this and this part right here is gonna be ramped in as well so let's select everything and move it along the y-axis so G Y that looks pretty good to me this is actually gonna be an angled in very very hard so let's move it further yeah that's much more dramatic I like that I like that a lot okay so from here let's hide everything else just so we can focus and we'll we'll symmetrize this I'm honestly I'm pretty pretty happy with this already it does look like it cuts in here a little bit so maybe we can do that too let's figure out the best way to do this one mmm two three we can either turn it into a face but I can kind of see that there's an angle probably lying here so let's let's extrude this point I might have created a double point there that's why it's not letting me select so to if you've accidentally created a double you can highlight whatever you want to effect and then mesh and clean up there's a bunch of cool stuff here remove doubles so it's cleaned up that vertices so I should be able to select it perfect so let's cut down in here and what else can we do to make that look a little better you can cut that cut another piece in here just so we're keeping quads and one two three and we'll loop cut right here to add another quad and we'll face these together three four one two three four so you can see we don't even I don't even really know if that's what the image is gonna look like or if that's what it's supposed to look like but we kind of learn as you're going how to manipulate things and how to make them look a little cleaner or how to make things make a little more sense as you're modeling them so that looks that looks good I think we can work with this so let's move these forward a little more move these this way just to make that this edge here a little more dramatic actually no let's just go with these we'll move these back further they could go much back or they can go much further back and there we go so there's that nice little shape we have and if we really want to make this more you want to make this edge a little sharper but you don't wanna move anything on the y-axis this way we can do is you can grab everything and then just move it on the z-axis and bump it above that selected and move this on the set you can see that's created a much more defined and flatter edge now so let's go ahead and see where this symmetry is lined up so let's move this a little more closer or a little closer to the actual circle itself and let's symmetrize it perfect so what I wanted to do is I won I left it a little off-center and left a little bit of space in here because I wanted to create this flat edge so let's go ahead and connect the faces and last part here now I kind of do want to connect all of these because you can see it's it does have a bit of a 3d element to it but let's leave it for now we'll build the cylinder out and we'll see how it looks so let's add well add the face here though because that is going to have to this is sticking out a little bit so you're gonna need to see the bottom of it that's pretty cool actually it looks really great so the next part we're gonna do is let's build the pommel first before we actually add the cylinder and then we'll just add the cylinder to this I like adding complicated parts first and then putting in the the simple layer under it it depends on your workflow that's why I'm building around this the shape is really complicated this arcing piece and it's building in here so that's why I'm building around it so I know that I can really just build a shape here now and a shape that maybe goes under here and not really worry about geometry because if I tried to build this piece first I'd have no idea where I'm putting everything under here so let's work with that so let's build the next piece of the handle which is gonna be this guard so let's do let's choose the there's no real flat flat parts facing us so let's select a let's see we could do a really low poly cylinder which I'm pretty happy with so let's try and make sure that no matter how whatever we're using on this should match it up but let's go with a cylinder and let's make this we'll make this you know what forget what I said let's make this lower poly and then we'll make this the actual handle itself a little higher poly so that is something to keep in mind though so let's go down all the way to eight I think that should work because we're gonna cut it in half the same thing as last time we're gonna cut this in half remove all the vertices let's go line this up so we can shrink it down to the length there's a few ways you can get it to match up size-wise I like to shrink it down to the actual length and then expand it on does that axis so now we can expand it like this and get these to keep moving awesome move this down here and move this up here and that's pretty much it it's very simple very straightforward we can expand this a little bit we want to expand it on the y-axis now the reason it's not expanding again as you can see it's actually pulling you see where the line is on my cursor it's actually pulling from a higher origin point which is all the way up here because I was in edit mode and I moved it take a look at this so when I'm in edit mode and I move things around the origin point actually doesn't change if I leave at a vote and I move things around the origin point will come with me so let's do this we're going to in object mode where you have the object selected and select it to geometry to Center it so we're gonna expand this a little bit on the y-axis have it stick out a little further and we're going to just add a few faces here just to give it that 3d look and again there's one try here but it's not a huge deal if we want to stay perfect which I can do I'll show you guys but I think I've shown you this guy's scheana guys this already will just bubble it and it'll create the extra geometry so it's got a nice little clingy face there that looks pretty good now what we'll be doing later is most likely bubbling this out here so you can see what its gonna look like in the future video I'm gonna bevel this and add a nice little corner to it but that's in the high poly model to add it and give it a little more geometry okay so let's move on to the actual cylinder itself now that we've got the guard pieces let's tackle the underlying part which will be actually very easy now now that we've got the complicated parts kind of complicated pieces out the way so let's create a cylinder and let's go a little higher this time let's go to 24 just because it's a big piece and I want to see a little bit of definition coming out of it will shrink it down move it on to here shrink it down so it lines up just a little light up there and we'll move it on to this piece here you can see the handle breaks out into a bunch of different parts and it's not very clear what's going on down here so this is where we get to experiment a little bit and have some fun with it so let's build it right up to the next part of geometry which is going to be I guess let's do it we could do it here or we could cut right up into here so we have two options I'm actually going to shrink this a little bit so it's still smaller than the guards the guard pieces so what we can do is we can either expand up into here and then kind of create loop cuts here and here and there mess around with it or what you can do is you can move it stop it right here create an extrude here create an extrude here create an extrude and then basically dip these guys down that's a problem yeah well dip these two three pieces kind of in will extrude them in and then if you really want you can bevel the corners I'm just showing you a bunch of options one two three four and then you could bevel this if you really want kind of create like a little face in there which I'm actually okay with that actually looks fine to me now I think in the image it's actually a little smaller it's more of a smaller window so let's let's do this let's grab this two three four we'll grab the inside I'm just shrink it a little bit make sure everything's selected and then shrink just to give it a little more shrink on the x-axis just to give it more of a window look and again you can bevel things as you want and to add it that actually doesn't look great but you can bevel things as you want just to give it more geometry but for now I will leave it here because I'm pretty happy with that and you can see it's really starting to take shape now yeah so that was a pretty easy way to do it so let's grab the next part which is going to be we're gonna build a handle out which we can kind of do however we want so I'm going to shift this over a little bit just make sure it's lined up again doesn't have to be perfect down here it sits once we're past this point once we're past where other pieces are connecting it's not going to be that big of a deal but let's build this out and let's see how this looks so let's mess around with it see we can come up with so we'll move this again down a little bit and we're just gonna be doing a bunch of extrudes this is why again the face count is important so if you wanted to go lower you could go lower and have a much lower face count we're gonna extrude a lot here so let's extrude you kind of see there's a divot here so let's cut in I'll go down to about here and we'll shrink it and it will extrude down shrink back out and you can see it does a weird I'm not sure what's going on here it's actually turning into a bit of a square which we can do and I'll show you guys how to do that actually so let's do that so let's cut down to about here and it's a 2d object so it's expanding a little bit and it cuts down okay so there's this is this this part is is this right here so what we can do is now it cuts in again once it hits this point cuts in and then has like two more sections so it cuts in goes all the way down maybe expanded out a little more and there's one last section there was one last section right here now again if we're creating a super super low poly model we this probably isn't even necessary but I'm just showing you guys how to extrude stuff just so it's easier for you in the future so we're gonna extrude down heads around here and we'll expand it like that and that looks it's a little wide we'll go here beautiful now here's what I want to do I want to show you guys how to create kind of like little curve square shapes so let's go to the bottom actually let's isolate this so I'll show you guys a trick how to isolate things if you have a you know hundreds and hundreds of thousands of vertex and you don't wanna go through select one say you want to isolate this what you can do is you highlight whatever you need to isolate and just work with exclusively and then press control I and it'll highlight everything but and then you just press H and it's hidden so now we've got just this to work with so let's get rid of everything else while we're here I'd hide I'll hop back in and we'll go to a top view just so we can see what else we're working with let's thought this was gone great so we've got the four corners here that we kind of want to basically we want to turn this into a square so if we go like this and mess around with it and then move these parts out sure sure we could do that but there is a much much much easier way to do this and that is to use the proportional editing mode which is a really really great mode and I suggest you guys mess around with it so to enable it you go to this enable and then these are all the different types of proportional editing editing we can do so we've got our 4 points highlighted and when we press s when it's enabled you'll see it's actually too wide to see but you'll see a circle pops out this part this the circle is the area of influence basically and anything within this circle is going to expand or move or whatever according to whatever whatever basically formula you've applied to it so let me show you what happens when everything's in it you can kind of see it starts to take a shape so let's shrink it down and I'm shaking this down by using my scroll wheel you can kind of see as I manipulate it and mess with it that it's changing and creating different shapes and I'm not even I'm not even expanding anything and just to show you if we press G to move things around as well you can see how it manipulates it so really cool and you can create some great shapes this is a very very important part of modeling so let's mess around with it let's shrink this down that actually looks pretty good so I'll probably stick with that but let's all hop into the other ones and I'll show you like sphere is gonna change and creates curved routes that's not bad either and random as you can see will randomly scale things you go out so if you need like mountain terrain or whatever that's really good constants just gonna create in a in a circle it won't really work because it's circle anyway so let's go smooth like I said before I shrink it down and we'll expand it to give it a bit of like a curve look just like that and that's pretty good I mean it's not a perfect square and it's not exactly what the let's shrink it a little bit yeah that's cool not exactly what the image looks like but again this is the fun part about creating art and working off of concept art and you have to do some stuff to make it your own right now it's totally flat which I don't like so let's highlight it make sure everything is highlighted and we're gonna extrude it down amazing so we've got everything thrown together so let's take a look go into edit mode unhide everything and that looks okay I'm honestly not a huge fan of the way this looked this is a little too sharp for me but I'm gonna leave it just just just goes for the sake of time I'm gonna take all of these and we're going to ctrl J to join up there we go that's it this is still a little wide oh yeah okay so let's do it I'll show you we hover over it press L and then again we'll shrink it on the y-axis proportional editing is still on that's why that's happening there shrink it on the y-axis and we'll try and get it so it's just sticking out just barely great so we can also move these a little bit if we really want to edit it and make it look perfect I'd like to move these a little more move these down and we'll move it along the x-axis so it's in a little more great and we'll move these down and all on the x-axis let's see how that looks perfect that is so much better so you can see it's way easier to break things apart and and create them separately if you wanted to do this it would be still just as easy so I'll show you how to do that real quick let's just highlight this make sure nothing else is highlighted hide it and basically what you could do is you could go to face mode and select say these guys and if you really wanted to you could extrude it out as well and shrink it so that's another way to do it but I've done this before and it doesn't look as good if you ask me so there's a ton of ways to do things basically so that looks really great now what we want to do a little bit if you want to add a little more detail like it's not everything looks great when it's at 90 degrees like this so you could you could rotate this let's get it out of face mode will grab one two three three and let's just let's rotate this up a little bit just like that looks a little cleaner it's not actually very much rotate a little more good a little more of a look and that's totally empty also yeah so here's something we also have to keep an eye out for so we'll highlight this hide it and then we'll create the faces for this two because we didn't do that yet so one two three four don't have to go crazy with it simply oops I pressed stage so we're going to control set that one two three four and we're going to press F and we've got a nice little face there let's see what that looks like better it's still very sharp very sharp ends up there as well you can see this piece is sticking out here so to me that looks okay that's not terrible if I were to do this again I'd probably battle this at least a little bit it creates weird geometry that's the only issue and yeah that's not fantastic but that's okay you know what this is gonna be something we'll get when we actually create proper bevels for it through the modifier so that's the last handle there and next let's move on to which we tackle next let's move on to this trigger yeah let's do that next okay so we're getting really close to finishing so let's tackle the next part I'm really saving this guy for the last this part here so let's tackle the trigger I guess is a trigger it must be so basically what you can see from the concept art after I scaled it out it cuts up actually into here as well so we have to keep that in mind and it looks like there's like another piece sticking out as well but the shape is pretty straightforward you can see that there is a bevel as well so we have to keep that in mind it's super important that we're actually paying attention to the concept art that we're working on so let's if if I wasn't really looking at it I probably would have missed this only because he did a good job or the concept artists did a good job of having the glow come off of here so I noticed that so let's create this so we're gonna start off what's the best place to start it's always the best to start off in the most complicated corner if you ask me so let's start right here yeah let's do it in here so we're gonna go create a cube shrink it down and we'll get to work so I'll shrink it into this put on that mode and let's delete these sites now what you could just create a plane and then move it over as well but this is just the way I prefer to work personally so we're gonna move this on to here this onto here and I think I'm gonna create a trapezoid shape first that's normally the best way to do it I'm just taking my time getting the first first shape sorted out because we're going to be beveling basically doing like our own little creating our own edge here so I want to make sure and decide that is this I think this top part that runs along the top is gonna be flat and this part is gonna be edged out this looks good to me just for a basic start so let's grab these and we're gonna slowly start carving the way up so what you could do is you could do this and do it do it on your own and slowly build up but it it is better to grab both sides and do it this way just because you haven't even even faced counts so if you do five on this side and you do six on this side for instance you're gonna have to mess around with geometry later to build it back up together and create those clean faces so let's just do it this way so I'm going to clean I'm going to start building up on this edge and we'll clean up this side after you can see it kind of cuts in here so we'll stop there once we hit the corner great and we'll fix this side up a little bit where it starts to curve it actually lined up nicely so the curve starts here you put that there put that there and we'll put that there beautiful so that's the first start of the shape there which looks pretty great already now what we could do is we could go straight into the bevel but let's since there is more flat face to work with it looks like it cuts in like this as well there's more flat face to work with so let's continue let's keep pushing forward with that so it ends up here and then it looks like it kind of cuts in here a little bit with this there to not be too confusing okay cuts there and then there and then this is just pretty much all straight from here on out so we're gonna extrude once up here into this piece and then we'll move this kind of up and up in here so it's nice and like out of the way cool just looking over it to make sure it's all clean I don't necessarily like this area in here so what we could do is we could honestly just do it again make it a little cleaner but let's work with it for now and we'll see how it looks actually that's already better so we're gonna create this bevel here we're gonna create this edge here so if you also want to be highlight stuff with C cuz see normally it highlights everything if you want to D high light stuff so say this stuff selected and you accidentally touch these sites C and hold shift and just click it it gets rid of it so let's do let's just do this whole site actually just to make things nice and clean so we're going to extrude it out try and line it up as much as we can now and we'll move this bad boy up here all right here so that's just out of the way again we're gonna take all these now they're highlighted and move them on the y-axis so we're gonna G and Y and move them in and that looks about right to me and let's clean them up so with this so too far and it is a lot better if you can kind of keep them lined up with the rest of the geometry as well it looks great when you guys are also you know showing off your work it looks a lot better to have clean geometry as well for portfolios for even when you have stuff on say art station as well people do judge judging quite a bit for your your art your line flow so it looks mutt this looks much cleaner so that looks good we also have like a little almost like a secondary trigger or something some part here as well that will build as well but we'll get into that in a second let's hide everything else here now that we've got it all lined up hide all these pieces so eventually as pieces get more and more there isn't what we can do is instead of selecting one thing one by one you can select this like I showed you before control eye and I guess we'd have to unselect this and then hide just to make things a little easier for you guys so let's now that I think that's pretty much good to go sure let's symmetrize it so we'll take everything here we'll figure out where the origin point is it's dead center pretty much with a piece sticking out I like it and we'll symmetrize great looks good so now let's build it let's build the faces in now you guys may hate this part but this is a really essential part of building 3d models especially hard surface modeling I personally really like this part I guess it's maybe the OCD in me that actually likes watching everything slowly come together so you probably will learn to like it great triggers done hmm okay so how do we want to do this since we're working with quads we can just loop cut it eventually anyway so let's not even stress it right now and this is why I said I didn't really like this area up here it's just creating a lot of unnecessary geometry that adds a few more steps to it but at the end of the day this should be okay we're not really going for a super super crazy optimized bottle and let's close this off anyway just in case we need to great so that looks pretty good to me super cool while we're on this part let's fix up or let's add this trigger in as well let's do that so going back to my drawn out reference image oh I hit it so coming out to the drawn out reference image you can see the trigger right here I built it into this line this can actually go here it's it's gonna be its own separate piece so let's start on that again select it control I will unselect that one hide it so we're just working with this and what we'll do is we'll create a cube again shrink it down and we'll move it in let's see if we can get this size to be about the same before we rotate it because once we rotate it so I rotate it like this and we're trying to match it perfectly if you start shrinking it so you want to shrink it on the Zed axis it starts acting a little funny so it's always a little better just to just to work with it this way okay so let's get it lined up now so it cuts in about here and here's the problem see I can't move it perfectly on the set axis so let's line it up like this let's move it in a little bit so it's gonna have to be it's it is smaller than the actual trigger itself so let's select it and shrink it on the y-axis pretty thin so let's expand this on the y-axis a little bit more and have it just so it's kind of sticking out under cool now mmm it looks okay like this but something's still a little off so let's see if we can add some bevel to all the corners and make it look a little a little prettier so not really it didn't make a huge difference if you ask me but for now this looks pretty good honestly let's ditch the bevel and then we'll just get it later so we'll keep it like this we'll just keep the basic shape for you guys just so it's not super I'm adding too many complicated parts so there we go we've got the trigger with a nice little little piece on the end this is I'm gonna resize like it doesn't line up perfectly right now but I'm gonna resize this and start and manipulate the meshes a little bit probably at the very end once we've got this piece this piece and this piece and this piece lined up alright so next part what we're gonna do is we're going to add I guess let's add these little detail pieces let's throw in let's hide everything and select everything except this so we've got a little piece sticking out here super simple another little glowing part here great and then it seems like to circular discs sticking out along with the cylinder so we'll do this all in one I'll do this all in one go here so let's start off with this guy so it looks like he shaded this part a little darker than the rest of it so I think what he wants it to do is it's this is sticking out from like a big or cube so let's let's let's see if we can put that into action I'm gonna shrink this piece down again it's a cube so very easy and this is all gonna be straight faces so let's line this up and we will extrude it up to this corner and move these only the x-axis just so it's sticking in perfectly and we'll move this on this edge so we can kind of line it up here that looks good move this in a little bit just so when we create the second part it's really sticking out and we're gonna shrink everything a little bit on the y-axis here no symmetrize necessary today and again we'll create a second cube so instead of joining it let's just create a second one shrink it down and move it in just so it's sticking out a little further move it down and perfect so unselect we'll make sure we're selecting all the edges here and to move this up cut it in just slightly okay great so this action piece is actually going to be smaller so since this all technically one objects I added it in object mode what we're gonna do is we're going to highlight it and press L just to select it on its own we're gonna shrink it even further on the y-axis and I think we're pretty much done on that one that looks pretty good to me let's add everything back and see how it looks good that is fine with me again I'm gonna be expanding this so we could not too stressed about really adding making sure this is right but we can pull this down a little bit a little bit more again we'll get this in to clean up after we clean everything up nicely so the next part is this little cube will make a cube and then we'll kind of cut in and then make little cuts here in there so let's that's out of cube shrink it and looks like it lines up right here maybe here yeah that looks good to me and we'll move this down select both these move this over here and where does this cut in exactly I'm just moving out of the way to look I have a better look okay cuts there and we'll move this just to make it a little smaller we'll cut it yeah we'll cut it right here so now the way that these four face is selected we can shrink it a little bit on the y-axis just so it's inside at least a little bit get a better idea of what it looks like okay and what we can do is we can select the front face to select the front face here one two three four and then we'll extrude and shrink it in like this just so it kind of matches up what you can do is if you want to add a ton of detail to this we really can't I don't mind doing that so let's do that just so you can see how it's done so there's a little piece here so let's get an edge loop let's get an edge loop in here and this is the front piece so let's do that to help let's get an edge loop here and then an edge loop here to make the top of it there's a piece there it's a little confusing with the the way it looks here we could have an edge loop here as well and then we can add in another edge loop here and another edge loop say here and close it off with this I know it's a little confusing but and then the pieces we want to dip in are gonna be something like this one two because we know this piece is gonna stay sticking out 1 2 3 4 this piece sure we'll keep this sticking out 3 4 5 6 like that why not it doesn't have to be perfect then what we're gonna do is we're gonna strew that in and just like that there we go we've actually got it looks fine to me and so if you really want to do that you can I have no problem with leaving it like that for you guys just so you can follow along so let's do that I mean yours doesn't have to look exactly like this at the end of the day yeah I'm cool with that okay so let's get bad it was awesome it's okay in terms of thickness the only thing we're gonna have to do is symmetrize it so it's on the same on the other side so what we'll do is well hide the reference image so I can tickle it on the other side select everything symmetrize and pray it worked yes awesome okay so we're good let's leave it at that and let's move on to what we have now okay so we've got this part here which I know my tackling and then we've got the disks inside so let's do the disks this is gonna be a little weird because we have to get the shape sorted out first of these guys we haven't got the thickness sorted out but there are two pieces in here that we need to fix or then we need to make this is definitely a disk so let's do that first so let's choose a circle again and we're gonna decide how many faces we want it to be will stick with twelve rotate at 90 and shrinkage and let's open that up a little bit so it's going to be pretty close and that looks pretty good to me so all we're gonna do is extrude it and expand it out so it's kind of lined up nicely we're gonna move that on the y-axis done and that's pretty much the desk right there and what we'll do is we'll move it out of edit mode and we'll bump it forward just a little bit there so it kind of sticks out and then this part here is it's it's there's not really much of a shape going on in there let's assume it is another disk so we can create a we can just duplicate this one move it maybe expand it shrink it shrink it on the y-axis a little bit so it's kind of under so we've got the this guy here let's try that he can so let's shrink this we'll make this a little flatter and then we'll create another one and we'll move it down to line it up and we'll fatten it a little bit just so it sticks out from just so it's kind of standing out from the other one that looks okay to me so it's all lined up it doesn't look great you ask me yeah so this is where we're gonna have to play with the shape size a bit I don't mind doing this right now so let's expand I know the whole thing is probably going to need to be thicker so let's take everything so let's highlight it and press C just grab everything and let's expand this on the y-axis like as much as we can without it looking you know too ridiculous it's gonna be a thick sword that looks okay just so we have a little more to play with we almost don't need to okay so we want to always highlight everything except this so let's expand this account on the y-axis just to give it ya a little more room so we can wiggle around with this stuff on the inside with these interior pieces and again we'll move this go into edit mode and move will move it a little bit just so the origin point is on this side so when we symmetrize it'll look a little better go it must be this guy great I'm going to delete this now that we've got this piece symmetrized we can just duplicate this one and shrink it on the y-axis a little bit where's this sitting oh it's not dead center that looks okay to me shrink it a little bit just so it's not overlapping anything and so from what I've been messing around with maybe another disk won't work we can add in something in here to make it look a little better maybe even just a flat piece honestly might help we just need something in here just to fill it up this piece is gonna be really insignificant but let's add let's just sound like a cube and let's rotate it like this it's got a bit of a curve to it so let's pop that in here not select everything and just select these two corners yeah this will be better so let's have like we're gonna have like a swooping a piece that kind of swoops in or the swoops under and just cleans up everything that's going on under there yeah almost like that and we're going to do one more and we will edit from here great it's not overcomplicate this right great honestly I am totally okay with that shrink this all the way down let's see how that looks way better I guess no it's okay and let's expand this and let's expand this let's move it a little this way there we go yeah I'm I'm okay with that I can live with us again we can paint this if we want and detail a little better down here this is a small detail I'm not really gonna go crazy for now that it's looking up it's looking pretty good in there okay cool so while we're here let's do let's do a clean up okay so I've been I've been thinking this over a little bit and I don't like this I really don't like this so we're gonna delete this and what we're gonna do is we're gonna delete this also and I'm gonna make this one big disk just to make I think this is what this anyway this is like a small inner ring of the disk and that's the bigger piece so let's create a circle and let's add more definition to it so let's go to 32 this is gonna look way better and sometimes this is just what we need to do to make sure that everything is all clean which is kind of cool that we can actually like mess around with this so let's create the circle I think I already have it perfect let's do this and we'll extrude it out again so let's extrude and scale it and then we'll extrude and scale it one more time and that actually doesn't look terrible at all that feels way better awesome so kind of shift and move this up a little bit and we're going to shift and move this back I guess I'm not sure how that looks in there let's hide the surrounding pieces at the face on and see how that looks yeah not terrible not terrible at all so let's give this back a little further and let's see how well this lines up and fits into our fits into our piece or fits into our entire object as a whole yep already a hundred times better a thousand times better so let's stick with that so let's highlight everything else hide it and extrude this piece out a little more along the y-axis let's take a look at where the object is and we'll symmetrize it just so the origin the Oringer point is just on the inside I don't want to create these faces all over again and we'll symmetrize awesome now we can shrink this if we need to and we bring everything else back in it's definitely gonna need to so we'll shrink along the y-axis until everything's back in a picture and ends up looking pretty flat that's okay so we can select this face also expand this a little more can afford to go a little thicker it'll move this just more just so you can kind of see the definition of it a little better you can see it's actually created symmetrize has created some additional an additional line here through the center which is fine but we'll just solve it just to save save about 60 faces there so I like the way that looks before we move on to this next part this bad boy and this guy I want to get this cleaned up a little bit because now and have it look a little more how'd it look cohesive so let's let's start tackling that so let's go back into the blade and let's move everything around just so we can get a better idea of how this thing should fit so let's move this let's move this down a little bit just so everything is overlapping again great this piece will move in a little bit and we'll expand it nice and thick perfect and roll we will thin this out it's still too it's a little thick that's okay for now what else is overlapping will hide this needs to be cleaned up here so what we can do is we can move this part oops we can move this part up in two I'll shrink this so it moves in actually like the way that ankles in anyway shrink that part and I'll move these guys up a little more see how I ended up moving this around but what we're gonna do is I can manipulate this side all I want which is great and then all I have to do is press symmetrize and make sure it gets I get the right side I'm just gonna cycle through the list maybe negative Y I'll have to do is press symmetrize and we'll actually create something that's actually create it properly but for now I'll just mute it I'll just manipulate stuff from side to side just to show you guys how we can how we can do things on either way so let's do that this is okay this little piece here I would like to get rid of so let's move this let's see how this looks if we move this up maybe up a little more and let's shrink it as well let's shrink it on the y-axis again we're just cleaning up making sure things overlap that's better orbits overlap properly and let's expand this this can go a little wider yeah that's good let's see what else just line up this piece here doesn't line up properly so what we can do is we can hop into select mode here and we can manipulate these pieces so this will go in here this piece kind of cuts in here just move this in here too this is gonna come out all the way out here and this just got a little messed up when we did the symmetrize but that's okay we can refix we can fix these pieces now and kind of clean them up a little bit that looks better and we can move this back out it's like I said don't don't really stress about getting everything every time you move anything you don't to fix it right away it can all get fixed up later kind of like in one big phase which I prefer doing personally anything else we want to line up maybe clean this up move this around a little bit span this here pop that down into the corner that stuff's not gonna be a huge deal and we could fix up the length of the blade if we want so we can take this whole side take this whole side and move it my ex it's not selected so make sure everything is selected this is actually selecting the pieces underneath if you're curious let's get a little closer to pick those out select select select and let's move it a little bit the x-axis so it pokes out yeah that guy back in on the x-axis so a little cleaner and you can see it's it's cleaned up nicely now like there's no real overlapping this goes under a little bit we could probably fix that by making this a little skinnier if we really want but other than that this thing is looking it's looking pretty good great so let's add alright so the next part is we've got a few choices here we can add this cap we can leave that last and then we've got the got the cylinder piece but that's I'll leave that is the very last detail so let's tackle let's tackle this guy okay amazing this is looking really good so we just need basically three four more pieces so we've got the cylinder cap and this like swooping internal piece that's kind of holding a lot of this together that's why I've been leaving tool asks it's an important piece what we're gonna do is we're gonna build this out first and then we can build this little whole thing after so let's do this piece first so what we can do is just to understand the piece a little better you can kind of see that when if I hide this this actually has a bit of a dip a bit of a dip coming in to probably all about here so we'll make sure to keep that in mind as we build this so let's go ahead and tackle this so let's create a cube and we'll tackle the flat part of this first what I want to do is I want to have it flat and then kind of angle in angle into the top so we'll shrink this down and we'll get it like this and let's leave a bit of room I'm gonna leave a bit of room all the way up all the way until we get to the bottom part so let's angle that there and we'll put this kind of here like that and we're going to trace I'm going to trace this outside line first cuz that's the most important so we'll go here connect to this corner keep it really close and go here go down to about here and for now we could leave this for here you can leave that for here so let's fix these sides up we're gonna make sure that they're hidden by this guard here or else things are gonna start poking out and not look good and we're gonna continue - it looks like in here it's gonna just simply continue to swoop there's no divots and there's no it doesn't kick in or anything so we can just continue to build this out so I'm gonna ignore this for now and I'll build over this in a second let's continue straight on to about here and this is gonna have to cut in but here now let's keep going and well the top stops about here so let's move this piece let's say here and we'll expand it one more time in just so it's covered inside the piece and then inside this is like copies and that looks fine to me so we're gonna do is we're gonna extrude here so we're extrude these guys highlight everything here and mmm this part I'm okay with just extruding up to here for now so let's control E and expand it out let's move it to we're just gonna move it under the other under the other piece so I'll move this so it's under cuts under again cuts into the corner line it up a little more so they're not sticking out great and corner to corner just like this so that looks pretty good like that and we'll highlight everything move it to the side view and we're gonna move this on the y-axis you can see how that looks you can see it's cutting in really nicely and we don't have to even worry about doing anything on this side you just see since we've planned it out ahead of time you can see how well this is cut in and we'll symmetrize this in a moment let's take a look up here is there anything missing you can see this is sticking out so we'll fix that simply done by moving this piece up a little bit just like that now that looks great to me okay so I have planned out how to do this part yet I'll be honest but I want you guys to see my thought process and how I am going to create certain things like this there's a few ways we can do this I think the best way we could model this and we could just fill this piece fill this face in and model it out but what we could do is we could just get this general shape let's hide this we could make a shape like this and angle it in and just make a boolean and cut it out which I am totally totally okay with doing it for this so what I'm guessing is this this this piece here is actually kind of covering more of the corner so I'm guessing it looks a little more like this simple square with a little top sticking out and then it's angled in also so let's build that piece and then we'll use that as our boolean and then we can kind of take this and if we really want we can take these pieces and like extrude them in here so they're covering everything let's see how that looks yeah so we'll just shrink it a little bit but that's fine let's grab oh yea it's hidden that's why I can't see it so let's hide that let's hide this piece okay and we'll expand this on the y-axis so it sticks out again again we'll shrink this we should shrink this on the y-axis to cool I like that yeah I'm gonna be happy with that you can now really see the shape it's starting to take now that this is filled in properly it's just really exciting so let's see what we're gonna do is we're gonna create this this piece here so we'll create the cube very simple rotate and let's get this piece here move it so it's cutting it here oh that looks pretty good and we'll create two loop cuts perfect and extra done don't have to over complicate things this is really as simple as it gets that is already much better now what we're gonna do is I've noticed that this almost seems to like cut in a little bit like it's not perfectly going straight into the hole it's actually angled in a little bit so we can we can we can do that as well with this and with this piece so let's hide this and we'll work with this a little more so let's expand this out so it's actually reaching each corner so it's gonna look more like this and then on this side we can actually on this loop we can actually let's just select it from this side let's do if a select from this side it's better actually just shrink this and kind of create the effect that we want to create just like that create a much more dramatic look on the actual image itself we'll shrink this on the y-axis see how that looks yes cool so let's also figure out how we're gonna get this to cut into the boolean too so let's move this a little more now we want this shape to affect both sides so we can either symmetrize it dead center like this almost so it kind of cuts in and creates its own little angled shape on both sides so let's do this and let's see how this works I like it I actually do like that and now that that's created we'll go in to edge select mode and we'll select one I'm gonna select this ring here and I'm gonna julienne it and so we've now created pretty pretty cool shape there and that should be good to go so let's hide everything else so we're going to take now that everything's selected we're only going to take these two now that they're the only two that selected things control I will unselect the image hide it I'll go back into this mode so now we're gonna set up another boolean like I showed you guys before going to select this cube and change it to difference now let's hide this guy and see what lis see what we've got pretty close yeah pretty close now let's see what's going on with the cube that I just hid this cube seven also we should be naming these but I'm not yeah so okay so it's just not that Center this and we'll shift it on the y-axis so now it's cutting out both sides very cleanly so let's take another look there we go and that just like that it's cut out very very cleanly so we'll bring back cube 7 and let's apply this right now just so we're not and delete it done so let's see what this looks like awesome super happy with that honestly super super happy with that we can mess around with the corners if we really want so let's grab the vertices and we can kind of pull things in just to make it not just so it's not perfect it's looking a little too clean for me and I kind of like when things are a little angled in and messed around with so let's move manipulate these a little bit let's cut this in just so it's not perfect like that let's see what that looks like oh yeah there we go that's that's how you do it cool big fan of that okay so two more parts left so the next piece we're gonna be working on is this last little hubcap at the very end I don't mind up calling it a hubcap and peace and peace I guess for the for this blade guard and the connector piece here after that we're gonna moving on to these similar and we're done so let's figure out how to do this again I want this to be again low pal low poly and kind of matching the theme or matching the the flow of this guy so let's let's make this a cube and kind of take one this edge is gonna be flat here I think so one two three four maybe something like that so let's grab the cube and we'll start with these pieces here let's see how this looks and if we don't like it we can change it manipulate this or move this over here move this here let's pop this up right here actually just keep it simple I'm gonna pop this into the corner and flatten it so pretty good I think we're good let's leave that yeah that's fine I think now the next part we're gonna do is let's cut this out and let's use this bevel here a little bit so let's mess around with the bevel so extrude and we're gonna move this a little bit more G I was sticking out over awesome and just like that I think we're pretty much good to go with this so let's move over extrude this in as we've been doing amazing and let's now symmetrize this so origin of symmetries right here which I don't want it to be that close or that far away so let's move it to about here let's see what it looks like when we symmetrize this perfect perfect inside this so we can mess around with it and let's build this up something's doubled up here yeah there's some doubles there's some extra pieces going on here but that's totally okay we can dissolve vertices and it looks better to me now I should be fine again we'll clean this up in a final like in a separate video we're just adding faces for now it's like these and the last part is here 1 2 3 4 so symmetrize is great because it creates quads and clean geometry as well which is really really awesome now I don't this needs to be pointed a little bit on the top here so we're gonna create a loop cut go here just so you can see better loop cut and we'll loop cut this here and what we'll do is just these points let's see if we can move these up a little bit just like this and we'll shrink it in so I don't like necessarily like the way that looks so if we could somehow move this a little better Shoji like let's go here yeah even like that and the point here we can move kind of along this that is better that's better yep much better okay so issues I can see what this right off the bat is we have a try which should be okay right now but it's just something to keep in mind and that's pretty much it so I can see that everything else looks everything else looks good to go honestly this this doesn't look terrible and we're kind of at the end here so I'm not going to get too finicky with these pieces now let's take a look see how everything looks so it's a little little thin so let's expand it out much better and actually like how this piece cuts in and under the under this piece you can kind of see how it's actually building into it which so it looks nice there all right so let's finish off this modeling part with with the cylinder which would be really easy so we're gonna create a cylinder and 24 pieces or 24 edges vertices should be good that's fine so again I'll shrink it down go to the close enough size and the only hard part there's gonna be easy but the only hard part really is making sure it's lined up and kind of angled properly so let's rotate it and just kind of get a matching idea of how it's gonna look yeah good enough for me so that's close enough so let's rotate it back and then shrink it on the side a little more just gonna make it a little chubbier so it's gonna need to connect into the piece somehow I don't think they're showing anything but let's have a little compartment or a little like a bit of a nozzle so let's shrink it and just move it up slightly perfect so the reason I'm doing this without rotating at first is exactly this so when I'm moving stuff on you set axis when things are rotated moving this on these that axis and having it move in a perfect line isn't gonna work so just just a heads up that's why I'm doing this this we could divot that or you know kind of extrude this a little bit as well but and kind of cut it in I can see it cuts in here but for simplicity's sake let's just cut it out like this and shrink it in and pop it back like that and we're done I I like that let's add a little connector piece just a small tube like that just to connect it and that's it that is all we need for this guy let's rotate it make sure it's lined up and now we're gonna mess around with it a little bit just to make sure that we have it correct so which side are we looking at here okay so we're looking on I'm gonna look on the south side here I have it rotated about 45 degrees and pop it about here it looks like it's going yeah it's kind of cutting into I'm sure we're pretty close we're gonna move it about here let's have it about here maybe rotate it slightly more and on this axis let's move it in ever so slightly and we should be good to go it is cutting in a little bit so let's rotate it out a little more and move it this way this is all just kind of tweaking and making sure it looks it's kind of connected lice nicely at this point let's move it out on the y-axis shrink it a little bit so I don't want it I don't really want to cutting into the piece or the rest of the object that much and with this let's move it in again let's try that it's still not perfect so let's rotate it so it's like this shrink it again one more time we should be good yeah I'm cool with that it's actually a little small so expand it rotate I just really want to get it close as close as I can so you guys can see how how well silhouetted things can be okay so instead of struggling with this over and over again let's drink this to just drink this on to why that helps a lot it's actually very wide anyway shrink that a little more let's move this we can do two things we could expand the neck and so it's sticking out a little further or we can just keep messing around let's push the neck up into the piece a little bit there so it's connected that's good enough for me I like the way that looks amazing so this looks pretty good to me I think we're good what we can do is we can actually symmetrize this as well so it's perfect on the other side or we can just do this as well so we can control D and then rotate it 90 negative 90 and then move it along the x-axis kind of pop it in right there so we know it's pretty much gonna be the exact same let's line it up a little more just so it's nicely lined up let's get it on this size we can see a little better it's cool not perfect but I honestly kind of like the fact that it's a little off as well amazing that was looking so good so good okay so let's just make sure through our image that there's nothing really else going on we've got all the parts we need and I think we do so let's take a quick look at it and tell me what you guys let me guys all right let me know what you guys think about this looking so so good so far really happy with the way it's turning out actually so I believe what do we have next coming up we're going to be doing most likely UV unwrapping just so we can get it textured and I'll also be creating a high poly model as well okay one more thing before we move on from modeling I actually forgot about this there is the little piece in here like these almost like it's almost like an aperture like a shutter that we working with we could again we could paint this and we could texture it black and in whatever but there is a probably pretty pretty easy way to do this and I really want to show you guys some more modeling tricks so let's do that so let's only highlight this and make sure this is also highlighted to control I and then hide everything so let's just work with this now the best thing that we can do is we'll highlight the circle and we're going to go to vertex mode and we're going to extrude and shrink it all the way in so what we can do from here is something pretty cool we can actually just rotate it actually as it goes this way technically so let's rotate it like this not too dramatically because once we start overlapping things it gets a little crazy let's rotate it slightly if you expand it out a little bit and we'll go to face mode so what we can do is we can have let's say these three parts it's going to look like this these are the parts that are going to be sticking out and then this part is almost going to be you can see from the image like kind of these are dipped in really and then this is also a pushback also so let's bring that back so what we're gonna do is instead of highlighting these parts and pulling them extruding them forward that's going to cause kind of issues here and it doesn't look super clean so we're gonna do is we're actually gonna select these pieces the ones that are going in and we're gonna put three I guess we'll do three in the middle cuz that'll add up nicely three one two three space one two three space one two three space one two three space and two space so that actually adds up very nicely and then what we're gonna do is these are going to get extruded back into creating these almost shudders including this guy so we'll have all these selected and we'll extrude them down pretty much as far as we want and this actually looks super awesome yeah I really like that what you can do to make this a little better is go back to edit mode grab all these edges that are kind of sitting here and we'll push them down a little bit just so it's looking a little cleaner so we'll move those in so yeah that looks so good yeah that looks amazing like that great so that's just like that so now let's mess around with the symmetrize to make sure that we get the the symmetry of this bad boy right so let's hop over here and highlight this and we're going to symmetrize and now we pray that it worked I think it did right so since we I didn't delete the this face when I simmer tries so we can delete this and there we go there she is looks really good if you ask me really really good so let's alt H and do a few things and bring back the everything and let's clean up a little bit just before we move on so now with everything selected press tab and alt H just so it brings back other stuff that you've hidden in the past select everything press a go to mesh cleanup and there's two things we're gonna do we're gonna remove the doubles as you can see it's removed 86 vertices these are with extrudes that we forgot about maybe symmetrize has doubled over a few things so we just dramatically lowered our count there we're also going to go into shading and our sorry normals and recalculate outside this is going to make sure that all of the all of the pieces and all of the faces are facing outwards so when I press that you noticed that this actually started reflecting light properly so I'll go back and you can see that it's not quite right there's a few like it the blender doesn't really know where or it seems to be confused on where that where to be reflecting so normals recalculate outside and it's kind of cleaned it up nicely okay guys so I think we're done now we are now we're done the modeling I think we're done for now so what we're gonna do is move on next to either creating the high poly model which is super cool and really fun and it actually makes things really pop in and and kind of have it take form and then we're also gonna I'm going to show you guys UV unwrapping as well and then once the UV unwrapping is done we're gonna texture this guy so I think we're gonna do this in a separate video we'll do the high poly and UV unwrapping in a for video for now if you guys are okay with this and you just want to move on and mess around with this yourself what you can do is I'll show you how to create this or make it all one you can select everything by pressing C and then scrolling your mouse wheel select at all and you can just press let's see let's have a main piece and then ctrl J and now you can see that it's all connected into this one piece it's all connected so if you want to export this and mess around with it just like that go for it but me I'm gonna keep it I'm gonna keep these pieces separate for now before we move on okay guys let me know what you think in the comments below and we will we'll move on from here hey guys welcome to stylize station and this is part 2 of creating a stylized sword and in this part we're gonna be cleaning it things up and then creating a high poly model as you can see here I've already named everything and broken it down nicely so if you want to go ahead and do that on your own time name than whatever you want that is totally fine so let's get right into the cleanup so the first thing we're gonna do is we're gonna take a look at all the end guns that we have we've created earlier so let's take a look at this guy this is the first one I found which is this one here and this guy here so as you can see that there's if we go into edit mode there's a about one two three four five there's a ton of vertices here and it's it doesn't create a great effect especially when we try and subdivide this so I'll show you exactly what I mean so let's add a subdivision modifier and you can see it's just an absolute mess and there's no way to fix it because as you can see when I try and loop cut in here you can see it gets killed here we can't even loop cut right here so there's no point so let's fix this up a bit there is there is an easy way to fix this so what we're gonna do is we're gonna create we're gonna create polygons which is very simple so we're gonna do is going to turn on snap which is up in the top corner here and we're going to make sure it's set to edge and from here we're gonna create we're gonna create basically four vertices for each face so what we can do is we're gonna take Yi for extrude and then snap it to the edge all the way around and then from here to here what we can do is we can actually just create a face here by pressing F let me turn on shortcut you v's for you guys so you can see what I'm doing much better we're gonna continue extruding this this one and this guy we connected so just slowly making our way around and you can check to see if this is working by if you press ctrl R to create loop cuts you can actually see that it should be working actually it's not working right now because we still have the face underneath so I'll show you in a second how it's working then I'll show you what I mean about the face we're gonna extrude this as well here so we've got the four face here we're gonna have to also remove this face and clean this up as well but I'll do that in a in a minute after we've gone all the way around this one in this one okay so now we're gonna delete the faces that really need to go we're also going to extrude these guys these end guns here because technically this is five points here one two three four five and we're gonna extrude this down and now we're gonna go to face mode delete the face that's underneath because we've just created lines really delete this face delete this face delete this face these are all the end guns we're gonna press X delete all the faces so as you can see a bit of a mess right now and we're gonna clean this up so let's get the guys in the middle first so one two three four press F amazing okay perfect so now we're gonna create an extra extrude extra point here we'll extrude it back on to here to complete make sure the end guns are all completed but what we can do I've noticed is to create four points we'll just grab them from here from that corner that's already there there I want two three four perfect then it was this guy okay great so now all the way around we have we've got polygons all the way around as far as I know we'll find out when we start to put in the faces so let's do that let's start creating all the faces here just slowly work our way around you can see the shadings weird on this it's most likely because blender doesn't really understand which way this is facing it probably thinks that this is the backside so what I'm gonna do after I get this face is cleaned up is I'll show you how to fix that as well I'll show you what I'll show you what it looks like when when the light bounce off of it bounces off of it getting there got all the big pieces done and there we go okay cool so that part is whoops let's try that again face great so you can see that this guy is bounced weird and you can see actually when you loop cut it it ends right on these two points that I pointed out right here and right here that's most likely because the normals are flipped the wrong way so we're gonna highlight everything highlight everything we're gonna go to mesh and normals recalculate outside and let's see if that helps with anything it doesn't look like it no it doesn't look like it's done in anything I don't really see what's going on with this guy so what we're gonna do is we're just gonna select this face we'll delete it and we'll rebuild it and we'll see if that fixes it one two three four and it looked like it did let's grab this guy which is the one that doesn't work this guy one will delete the face just rebuild it and our two loop cut great and it looks fixed to me so now we can press control art you can see is nice and clean loop cut all the way around so this is going to be able to we're going to be able to put the subdivide modifier on this with with really no problems looks great the next one we're gonna move on to is not that that's cleaned up nicely we're gonna move on to this guy I know this guy's a little bit more tricky and I don't necessarily think I'm gonna spend too much time actually trying to fix this we can try something real quick and kind of do the same method if we really want to make sure that this is cleaned up properly however I don't think it's going to be necessary as I think you guys get the idea of how it works I basically be connecting and creating polygons in here and we just won't hit this guy with the subdivide modifier to clean it up we're just gonna hit it with the bevel and probably fix it up a little bit just so you can see it looks pretty good like that so I think we'll maybe skip this one just for for time sake so next one I think everything else is going to be pretty much okay - maybe this guy so there's another in gone in here so let's select it and to isolate it control I and H so I know there's an end gone on here basically it's going to be this guy this face and this face so what we're going to do is we're going to do the exact same thing we did before to make sure to make sure that everything's lined up properly but this way or but this time around it's gonna be a little easier since there's less there's less faces let's hop into here vertex select mode make sure snapping is is selected and we're going to put these here and this here to make for and then we've got 1 2 3 4 4 here 1 2 3 4 5 here and let's see where else we can fix this but this guy this guy over here that might work 1 2 3 4 yeah let's put it here and let's put this guy here 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 okay and then 1 2 3 4 just to create a little face here and we're gonna delete that face and then we're gonna kick the dots we'll just do it on this one first just so it's not super confusing 1 2 3 4 awesome so that's looking much better and now we're going to remove this face that we just had as well and we're gonna connect bees as these guys do so one two three four now normally I wouldn't show you guys this but I think in future videos I'm going to be skipping this part but since this is kind of like the first video showing the workflow of how I do everything I'm gonna keep this in for now three four just so you guys can see exactly what happens with the cleanup and now we should fingers cross be able to loop cut no problem beautiful I get a nice clean loop cut in there now instead of doing that again on this side as you you guys probably know what we can do from last video is highlight everything symmetrize and then I think it's negative Y beautiful negative Y two positive Y and you can see here that it's nice and cleaned up and that looks really good and looks pretty much ready now there's only one other area I think that's going to cause some issues which is this little guy here on the blade so we're hopin will highlight the blade control i.h and it's kind of this corner here this end gone one two three four five I really don't like it so what we're gonna do is we're gonna delete this face and probably create our how what's the best way to do this we've got one two three four and then a triangle here so maybe we'll just create triangles and delete this face let's delete this face and see how it looks so one two three and four one two three and I'm okay with this this is just gonna be a lot better and a lot prettier thin yeah now we can loop cut all the way through it's all gonna be a lot prettier than the end gone because when we subdivide this we won't be able to manipulate the subdivision at all so we're gonna delete this side or mesh symmetrize and just pray it worked on this side it did great I love I love symmetrize it's amazing so one more quick overlook on everything else and I think we're good to go on here this piece is gonna be fine I can tell you that this piece I really don't want to deal with it so fantastic these pieces are gonna be easy this is a piece of cake now this piece let's take a quick look and see how this looks yep that's gonna be fixable we'll be able to work with that no problem fantastic okay guys so make sure you guys remember to save these so basically blender two-point it's a lot better but blender does crash a lot and I know I haven't been around you guys to say but please save your work so in the next video we're gonna be actually moving on to the high poly model which is pretty exciting I'm gonna try and make this in all one video but we'll see if I mess up I'll have to break it up okay guys welcome to part 2 of creating a stylized sword in this part after we've cleaned up everything I guess this is part three so now what we're gonna be doing is we're gonna be creating the high poly model which is my favorite part so basically what I've done is I've created a safe point for the low poly and kind of protected it so what I did was I hit it and highlighted everything here and let me put on that so you can see that and I highlighted everything pressed M and moved to new collection and I named the collection LP save so this is going to be my low poly and I want it to be kind of untouched so I'm going to deselect disable collection and disable collection for a viewport selection as well now after that I highlighted everything pressed shift D and created a second copy so now I've got in the main collection I've got the high poly which this is what I'm gonna be manipulating and then I've got the low-poly nice and safe all its individual parts unable to be touched down there so we're gonna leave that there for now and then we're gonna start to work on this high poly so let's start tackling this basically what we're gonna do is we're gonna add a bunch of layers of different types of subdividing and smoothing we're gonna make this really clean because you can see it's it's it's got a very low poly look you can see these edges are very brought out very distinct so the first thing we're gonna do is we're going to basically break it down piece by piece and then from there we're going to manipulate each piece and clean it up you'll see what I'm talking about so first we're gonna break it down piece by piece so let's start with the blade what we're gonna do is we're going to enable smoothing on everything you'll get used to the pattern as we go along mesh shading smooth faces you can see it's kind of added a smoothing effect on the actual blade now this is a little dramatic so what we're gonna do is we're gonna add an edge split as well and now the edge split will actually count and continue to smooth things for anything that's under 30 degrees once it hits 30 degrees it's going to stop smoothing so something like this which is almost 90 won't count so let's keep moving this up and you guys can see I'm talking about and as I move it up the smoothing is going to kick in so let's kick up it down to 30 down to zero and you can see it's completely on smooth so let's put it back to 30 just so you guys understand how it works and that's already looking much better the next thing we're gonna be adding is the subdivision modifier so let me do that before we do that let's control I and hide everything else so we're going to add the subdivision surface now it doesn't look perfect right now and it doesn't look right there's all these gaps this is because it's overlapping with the the edge split so we're going to do is we're gonna bump up the subdivision to the top we're gonna do this every time as well now you can see it still doesn't look great so what we're gonna be doing is we're going to be adding edge loops into our sub devised surface and kind of bring the edges back out so we can also bump the view up a little bit make it look a little more defined but as we add pieces this will get a little complicated so let's start so what we can do is we can start with these edges here we can add edge loops so hard ctrl R and we're gonna add I'm gonna show you exactly what it looks like we're going to add loops right up to the very edge as close as we can get without actually touching it great let's turn off snapping as well and you can see that it starts to bring out the edge a little more and we're gonna bring it down here anywhere where you think there's going to be an edge that needs to be added an edge then used to be sharpened you can kind of bring the edges right up and you can see that's already looking way better and let's do it on the backside here for this side back side for this you can see that back corner is already nice and clean we're gonna add it in here as well so basically we're adding a ton of geometry and this is why it's the high poly model so that edge is looking pretty good we're going to need one to see how it's too curved here we're gonna need to add edge loops here and an edge loop on this side too basically any side any point where there's a curve try and add edge loops onto both sides now to get this divot part pointed out nicely and add that one there and to the oops and to the bottom this isn't the bottom actually it's down here so let's add it in here right in here that's what we're gonna add it and then here to clean up the edge and we're gonna add edges here here and there's one tucked in here as well let's tighten that up here great you can now see how it's really starting to take shape it's a little funky down here we're gonna add one here on this corner nice looking good add an edge loop down here as well bring up this edge and what else do we have a problem with this doesn't look great but we can move these around and fix it up there's one here clean up a little bit pick that you're a bit and on the backside here we're gonna have to have edge loops too you can see it really starts to push the pieces back in right back up into the corners looks great let's get this backside amazing and we'll get one more edge loop in here let's see how it's affecting the rest of the model good looks awesome there's a few parts we could clean up as well like in here this is weird geometry and this is kind of what I was talking about with adding some more subdivision and messing around with it a little bit to get the effect you want maybe adding a piece and here will help no so let's delete that at a subsidized piece there it's already there and let's try adding one more to the bottom didn't really help and you can see it's right here with this end gone right here or sorry with this piece but we're not gonna I'm not going to spend too much time stressing about it right now we can get this later now there's this piece here which needs to be pulled up tightened and this piece is already done so now you can see there's tons of geometry that's been added and how much how much work it actually is so you can actually see what happens if we move this around yeah you can see it's just pulling it isn't doing a great job pulling it but that's that's okay from a bigger perspective there's not a whole lot that's going on here that's really going to make or break make a break anything at all this part here we could add another edge loop here just because this is a corner here and we'll add one on this side too just to clean the back up and there you go that actually cleaned up that side there nicely let's see if we can't add anything to clean this does that cheer didn't really seem to help but that's okay so we've got one piece done here and that's looking really really great now there's one more thing we can add to kind of control this even further which is a bevel which is going to clean up these corners nicely so we're gonna add a bevel and we're gonna bump the bevel up to the top you can kind of see how now it's cleaned up these corners let's put in an orthographic mode it's really cleaned up these corners and sharpen the edges quite a bit with the bevel we can add a bunch of segments to it too and mess around with it to get the effect we want we can also do to make sure this is set up nicely is select everything or control a and rotation and scale and set everything down its gonna make sure everything's scaled nicely so you can see the difference when I remove it whoops yep so this is the clamp overlap so basically the clamp overlap is making sure that nothing's gonna be overlapping for lack of a better word that once it hits a certain point it's going to stop creating a bevel yeah and let's move this down and right now it's kind of acting up so let's remove it and we'll just work on adding bubbles later so you guys can see how how they work so let's move on to the next piece let's hide let's move on to this guy to be a good one to do it'll highlight everything and will smooth the faces and add an edge split and will kind of mess with this one a little bit to get the smoothing effect on here that we want I'm gonna go up a little bit just so this smoothing is kicked in on these top parts or nothing too heavy just like that great that looks good next we're gonna add is the subdivision bump it up to the top let's start working on it so let's cut the sides worked out first again anywhere where you want a real edge to be defined this is where we're gonna be creating our edge loops pull this up here so let's see how that's looking so far looking really good really smooth and the back doesn't need to be done because as we're creating edge loops is actually creating edge loops along the back you can see if we really want to if we really want to clean this up a little more look at this side pull this out pull this side out now we're not able to manipulate this side because it's an end gone but but honestly if you ask me this looks good like this looks okay on the top so I'm not really too concerned about I'm not really too concerned about fixing it up the only real thing if you want to be super finicky is fixing the insides of these guys I'll do a couple just to show you and then maybe I'll do them off video is pull this down on the inside pull it down to the bottom and maybe we'll add an edge loop up top and then one here but again this really isn't going to be necessary you can see it does clean it up nicely on the inside but again not too super necessary it's just adding extra geometry but let's go ahead and do it anyway for practice that actually does look really good I really like that so let's let's keep doing this anyway that's not manipulating anything awesome now let's symmetrize this and see what happens I'm actually curious see if it'll do it on this side as well and let's try a negative Y - negative Y and it did great so you can't do that and you can affect the opposite side as well hopefully that brings no complications around later I doubt it but I'm glad to see that work anything else no that's looking pretty good so it's not a bevel again maybe it'll work a little better on this one just so just I can show you guys how it works bring it up to the top and we'll have it bevit on an angle which the angle would be let's increase it a little bit you can see it's only gonna bevel certain corners it's not really working that great which is okay just bump this down a little bit that's probably why it's doing that as well 2:05 yeah it doesn't look great so let's forget about the bevel maybe for this tutorial and I'll show you a proper bevel tutorial later on but right now this looks really good okay so this one's done that's my piece too and let's move on to this guy let's see how clean this guy could get so again same thing we'll add shading smooth shading and in xsplit and just so the edges look a little smooth as well smooth it out yeah that looks good great it's not a bevel or let's add a subdivide and bump it up and let's start cleaning it now that we've recreated this this is exactly I wanted to do I wanted to do this and create a clean edge loop just so we have a nice clean look and clean geometry so when we actually do change this around and do manipulate this we aren't facing problems up and down the road I'm just working on each corner nice as doesn't look right here but once we clean up the bottom and stuff it'll start it'll start looking better as well just adding all of our edges here this is an end gone here so we're not really gonna be able to mess with this it's fine to have a little guy in there every once in a while what else are we missing here this corner doesn't look super cleaned up let's tighten up that corner do what we can inside the end gone and not much we can do on that corner but that's really starting to look nice and clean anyway so let's clean this top part in the back here as well the reason we don't leave too much space between or we don't directly overlap the edge loops is also so we know exactly where the edge loops are - it can get very confusing this looks good it's looking a lot better make this edge more defined great seats for the star that stick out now let's get down here to ideally we don't really want any mesh actually sticking out over it pull that all the way out nice and we can add something here and close that into nice it's a few stretches in here you can kind of manipulate a bit and clean up okay so let's see exactly what's going on here grab some faces let's delete this face and you can see that face was the problem there so that's one two three four let's build it back and we'll see if it still appears yeah so this is what's causing the tearing right now so it looks like it's rebuilt let's add that face in there see if we can add some sort of edge loop somewhere or do something to clean this I can see it's just getting a little torn or if we increase the views actually that's a little better yeah it just looks like this face really isn't perfectly straight maybe if we pop it something's overlapping somewhere so face somewhere pulling on something but really at the end of the day it should be okay for now we'll just leave this because the other side's affected by it too it's okay normally what happens is once we add our bevels everything kind of cleans out everything tends to clean up quite a bit we can also do is I can show you guys a little trick too if we really want to clean things up we can do this as well we can create points on there but you know what let's not do that either we can always add a bevel too you can kind of see that it might clean it up a little bit and it does so you can see the bevel kind of tightens all the corners and makes everything look super clean now there's still a bit of tearing there but at least we can kind of work with it a little more now and this bevel actually has worked very nicely so what we can do is to increase the segments and we'll leave that the way it is for now okay so we've got these pieces left so let's tackle some of the easier guys here let's move on to this guy let's isolate everything and we're going to add smooth faces shading you guys get the hang of this now edge split it's all really sharp edges so I'm not super concerned about this we're going to add these subdivision and move it up and from here let's start creating our edges not looking pretty good so far I'll swing this anyone here yeah it's one here and one here it looks like yeah these edges and these edges how does that look good to me great let's add a quick little bevel as well move it up to the top and tighten those edges up that looks amazing we can also move the segment's up to two just to tighten it up and clean it what I'm gonna be doing in another video is there's a way to isolate and more granularly manipulate bevel weights which is a really great way to do it I'll be doing this in a different tutorial video probably when I model something else but basically it's using the weight instead and we're going to be manually setting everything ourselves but for now we're going to be just leaving it with either none which is going to basically bevel everything or angle which is going to filter the bevel based on the angle so let's leave it this one on none for now and great that looks good now let's move on to this piece and so we're gonna highlight everything and add smooth shading this is gonna take a lot of little pieces and since there's a lot of faces here let's just double check to do this every once in a while make sure the normals are recalculated so we're going to add the edge splits this is all sharp edges anyway so not gonna make a huge difference and then we gonna add our subdivision and move to the top great just let's get started on this sharp edges there you know I really don't wanna do this side a second time so we'll be we'll just symmetrize on this guy let's get these definitions cleaned up pull this in pull this in there's just something so satisfying about when you're cleaning up your subdivision like a subdivided surface I'm just watching everything slowly pop into place pop this over and clean this side out great what else do we need one here bring up this edge and make people one here as well to clean this edge to tighten that up this edge needs to be brought out a little further and let's do the inside as well that looks really good and honestly yeah will symmetrize that side too because I really don't wanna do that mesh symmetrize and we have a beautiful result here inside the bevel and move the bevel up to the top now you can see this is probably too small that's why it's not actually doing anything because it's set to clamp overlap so it's just instantly clamping let's go to 0-5 see if it affects anything this might even be too small to bevel which I'm fine with let's go to 0-2 and see if that starts to work it looks like that was 0.02 let's go zero zero two now it's too small to even make a difference so you know what let's kind of forget about beveling this and that looks nice and clean there anyway let's do this corner too let's get this guy cleaned up pull that down nicely there we go it's all about just like finding little pockets and corners and making sure they're all clean just like that so you can see how much geometry is just generated just from this guy pretty ridiculous pretty ridiculous so I don't know if those change for John that's are affected on both sides so symmetrize that great just bring everything back and let's move on to we're just slowly working our way down you can see it's really starting to get nice and clean let's move on to this guy this guy might be a little tricky just because there's so many little pieces of geometry to work with this is kind of why I wanted to paint things on in the first place but this is good practice for everyone and I really want to show you guys how this works smooth faces and we're gonna add the edge split you can see that's really smooth it out and let's drop it a little bit great I like that that's not the subdivision see how bad this is okay not terrible we're gonna have to add a lot of pieces here so let's start let's add the edge loop here which we've already created wow yeah it's gonna be a little hard to use cut this in see if that's the right thing to do we'll find out already looking pretty good yeah so let's bring that out I'm gonna bring another one down that should help quite a bit yes looking so good so good it's not perfect we really want to be extra detailed we can probably do this let's see how this is affecting yeah that's that's adding a nice clean edge to it let's go ahead and do it over here this is very slick that's moving around a lot of geometry and creating a lot a lot of a lot of mesh and a lot of calculations to do you can just see how impossible this would be to work with we didn't have a low poly model in the first place to bake onto this see what happens if we add another piece here yeah tighten that a little more but just coming off barely that's not necessary okay guys so that's looking nice and decently clean anyway so let's work on the outside and thank God for symmetrize so let's start cleaning up these edges on this side here almost there bring this down into here to tighten up this corner slowly great looks like maybe I didn't bring that corner in and far enough or we need to also add a little loop here this is an end gone here that's why this isn't looking too great actually that's exactly why well two options we can remove this subdivide which might be a best option since this is so complicated we could remove a subdivide and just bevel it so let's try that let's just add a bevel and we'll throw the bevel on top and just for now let's remove yep so let's stick with this guys let's scale this nice that make sure it's scaled properly and let's see if we can scale this down to a zero five again so let's just remove the subdivide happens when we add a pack what's the difference there I'm just trying to work out if it's really worth keeping it which it doesn't look like it is so when we remove it let's get this bevel set up a little cleaner let's set it to angle you can see it's kind of clamping itself it looks like just based on the fact that there's probably so much geometry here now that looks fine to me yeah it's not going to be beveling it properly just because of most likely cuts these edge loops yeah so if we remove the clamp let's see what happens we mess around with this a little bit drop the segment's so that's that's the problem it's just the clamps too tight so let's go 2:05 that's not terrible and let's go to zero zero two that should be good enough pretty good increase the segments to make it look a little better as well but for now I am okay with having two and that looks a lot better still nice it's got some nice definition to it and it doesn't look that bad either great okay guys moving on to this piece here so let's isolate it and we're going to mesh smooth face head split make sure it looks all good it looks decent to me but we can kind of mess around with it make sure the corners pop in and perfect now like I was talking about before if we subdivide this this is probably going to be an absolute mess not great honestly not great at all and we can't really do much with this guy but I can pop this in yes you can see it's not going to look fantastic and there's gonna be a lot of issues cleaning it up so what we're gonna do is we're gonna go ahead and skip this step and a drop out of all of these and we're just gonna add the bevel bump it up and now you can see it's kind of looking a little better with the clamp with the bevel kicking in there and this end gun is gonna cause problems there we go as you can see here you can drop the clamp and then we can move it down to fraction of a number move it into after we scale it make sure it's all rotated and scaled there we go that's probably a little better cut to 0-2 again and add the clamp overlap so it's adding basically adding it to everything right now so if we cut down on the angle yeah you can see it's beveling everything there look so good about right here make sure there's no duplicates to see if we can clean up yep there we go so it was a normal problem so we just recalculated the normal and now it's looking a lot better everything's look nice and cleaned up it's actually looks really good really really good okay great so let's move on to the next piece here let's hide everything here that we've done already moving very quickly actually this piece let's leave that for now and let's tackle these two so what we're gonna do is just to save some time we're gonna join these actually no we'll leave them separate let's leave them separate so we'll just add one and duplicate do this real quick so adding now we don't really need to subdivide these guys we can probably just get away with the bevel bevel is is kind of my go-to for something like quick and dirty if we just need it set to angle and then we'll increase the bevel to like that and we'll add the rotation tip rotation scale and there we've got a nice bevel object just like that very simple and then onto this guy do the same thing for practice bump it up to the top two three and we'll add it to angle to Pebble the ankle great done hide these guys disk same thing we're going through these a little faster now because you guys kind of understand how this works at the edge split make sure it's all nice and clean and then this one again we could bevel and we can subdivide as well so let's subdivide just because I know this has a bunch of nice clean nice clean lines no end gods - the circle in the middle which doesn't matter great and let's bevel this outside point just like that beautiful disk and if we really want to bevel these edges we can - and it creates a nice little geometry right on the edge there I had some more definition with the segment's amazing looks great so I'll hide that next is the trigger edge split and subdivide move it up and let's start cleaning this guy up after we hide you bringing this up bring this over remember anywhere where there needs to be a sharp corner here here and let's start kidding let's get this back end here just bring the definition back into the corners great how does that look good already pretty happy at that right off the bat anything else we're missing just on this side just this push here that looks really good well increase the view a little bit as you can see how it's how clean it is and let's add a bevel to this move with bevel up to the very top we remove the clamp this should be okay and we're just messing around the angle to make it look nice and sharp will increase the segments of sharpen it a bit and there we go we've got a nice very defined edge okay moving on to believe we have three pieces because I had one back here so let's move on to this counter piece here and we'll save this one for last because there's a lot to do on this one edge split subdivide bump it up and we'll start manipulating here oh this is an end gone here so this might be a little tricky since there's an end gone in here I believe one two three or a try it might be a little tricky so right off the bat that tells me since we missed that we can probably get away with the bevel bump it up just increase the segments and that looks good enough for me for a small piece looks really good if you ask me and let's drop the segment's down to about 0.3 0.4 great and I'm okay with that quick and dirty so let's bring back the other piece that we missed which is that just the tiny guy here the little trigger side piece will isolate it and not much we can do here I wouldn't even bother excuse me smoothing I would just add a quick little bevel personally and we can increase these segments to 3 and change the width and move the width back a little bit you can really see this is how really see how the bevel works so let's move down the segment's a bit you can see now it's just kind of one edge one bevel you know to resolution doubles triples quadruples fantastic and that looks good to me having it set to let's put it to three nice okay so I'm gonna take a quick break and then we're gonna come back and tackle the final part which is the trigger or the handle and then we should be good to go okay so just had a minor recording blip wasn't recording while we created the high poly for the last part but that's okay you guys fully understand how it works basically isolated this high poly this or edge loop this first subdivided it then this part and then this part very easy you guys have basically seen like several hours of this already so we kind of have the basic idea so next part is kind of molding it all together and making sure that everything is in one unified piece now so let's start moving on one at a time we've got our low poly save here and we've got our high poly so let's start tackling this high poly and then what we can do is we can combine it all together so let's make sure this is all subdivided nicely will increase the views you can see edge loops are in and what happens once we apply them now so let's apply subdivide and the edge split you can see now it's nice and subdivided in very details so once we move on we'll hide this and we'll start slowly doing this for everything else applying apply apply hide making sure that's all good apply that's gonna take some time that's can also take some time and apply alright this is just basically adding the math and adding the geometry to all the pieces you can really see how much geometry it's creating this guy can probably fix it up quite a bit I can move this to one yep that's gotten rid of quite a bit and can increase the segments will put the segment's at - yeah that looks like it's cleaned it up already so no need for that so we'll apply the bevel and the edge split and it's just you can just see it's applied all the bevel and everything they're done IQ I know that's good so I'll hide you this one should be fine also I just like to give it a quick check to make sure everything's subdivided properly and hide great okay so we've got that all done now let's move on to actually let's bring it back and what we're gonna do in the next video I'm just gonna get a few things set up is we're going to combine it all into a high poly and we're gonna combine all the low poly and we're going to actually be ready for baking in substance painter very exciting okay guys last thing we're gonna do well we've got our high poly and low poly here is we're going to combine everything now that we've applied all the changes what I've done is I created a duplicate of our low poly safe and I've created a blade low poly and this is going to be our low poly our low poly sword and we still got the high poly blade which I've just disabled right now so now that we've got the blade low poly this is the only thing selected everything else is hidden and unselectable to save and the high poly I'm going to take everything make sure it's all selected and controlled date should join it now we've just got blade underscore low poly in the collection here so now we're gonna double check it just to make sure and yes this is indeed the low poly lower poly anyway and now we're gonna move up into the high poly we're gonna actually let Sun select everything make sure it's unselectable and move into the high poly double check this is indeed the high poly select everything and we're going to press ctrl J to combine it I took a second so this is this guy we're gonna go blade underscore underscore high poly so when we put it in edit mode you can see just the insane level of detail that's on this guy looks really good honestly if you ask me very clean I might do if you render this just to show you guys how the high poly looks [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Stylized Station
Views: 64,062
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, tutorial, blender tutorial, blender (software), blender 3d, blender tutorials, blender fluid tutorial, tutorials, blender3d, blender render, beginner tutorial, blender water material, modeling tutorial, blender online, blender curves, 3d modeling tutorial, blender 2.8, how to model a sword, blender 2.8 tutorials, blender 2.8 tutorial, blender complete beginner tutorial, modeling a custom sword, beginner tutorials for 3d modeling
Id: Ca3qRDfsf5g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 222min 48sec (13368 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 17 2019
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