The One Thing I Can't Stand About 5.9 Cummins Diesels

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so you guys know that I'm a big Cummins fan and very reliable engine does everything you needed to do include under oiling your vehicle there's one thing I can't stand about them they just leak oil that thing you might remember from a previous video had a time and cover crack and it leaked oil everywhere this thing just showed up it is an old one with the VP and you can see the oil stains just dripping underneath everywhere it's leaking that one had the drain tube leaking I don't know where that green ones leaking from that one have the drain tube for the turbo they came because I use it teeny freakin high you can see that that's my truck the peat pump is leaking it's leaking all over the side of the thing that thing we rebuilt it's leaking oil just in small little itty-bitty pieces but it was a high mileage and I think it was not running for a long time that thing is not leaking oil but that one's getting a conversion done eventually and that one had a timing cover crack on it as well this was actually our parts engine for this one was ran low on oil because that timing cover cracked you can see the crack there so um I like it just won't stop leaking oil and it seems to be that comes in waves like now we gotta fix all the oil leaks on everything what a pain anyway that's my beef lip Cummins they're not fantastic here's your typical ninety-four rotten out piece of junk barely move the lappet ated piece of junk Dodge Ram 3500 where absolutely nothing is the way it's supposed to be except and that noise was just rad no is loose and it's hitting the fan and the fans supposed to be kind of spinning until it locks up it just kind of free wheels but it's spinning inside the clutch housing but purrs like a kitten this one and then I think this one sold you're watching you're watching you're watching you're watching you're watching subscribe
Views: 309,506
Rating: 4.9182906 out of 5
Keywords: cummins diesel, 12v cummins, 24v cummins, 5.9 cummins, cummins 12v, cummins, cummins 24v, cummins diesel engine, everything wrong with cummins, cummins problems, oil analysis, oil leaks, engine oil, diesel engines, diesel engine oil leak, 3.9 cummins
Id: imSncIbLTvI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 52sec (172 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 08 2017
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