Instant Pot Osso Bucco

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[Music] hey guys it's Jeff repression look now when I came back from Italy one of the most amazing things that I had there was a neat dish and it's one of those dishes I've been beating to making the instant pop for a while but I said to myself I really want to make sure the flavors are right I wanted to do an Italian style and I want it to be something that's gonna be so melt in your mouth unbelievably good and tender and just fall apart amazingness that it has to be done properly and I'm proud to report that I'm going to bring that to you right now and I've mastered this guys we are making something called osso buco now what is osso buco osso bucco are veal shanks that are cut into about one and a half inch thick pieces and then they're basically braised or cooked to the point where they basically fall off the bone but basically they do fall off the bone it's about the most tender unbelievable meat you will ever have and the flavor of it itself is just naturally there it is so wonderfully good and I feel like osso bucco just the name of it intimidates people on how to make a baby because it sounds so fancy because it's Italian and stuff but don't worry about that because it is one of the easiest things you'll make in your interested in pot I feel like I send it up at every recipe because I know I strive for making things easy but guys trust me on this it is easy it's magnificent and it's relatively quick so let's go right to the instant pot and make some of the most amazing and easiest and quickest osso bucco ever so I wrestled Bugs Bunny for two of these carrots and I want to take them and peel them and chop them up then I want to take a stock or a rib of celery and also slice them up just ahead of the carrots and I want to just add into the carrots and then I want to take one medium yellow onion and dice that up too and you can add that to the carrots and celery too if you'd like now I want to take about 1/2 a cup of all purpose flour and put it on a plate and I'm gonna season it with a few shakes of kosher salts a few pinches in there and a little bit of some black pepper and then grab a fork and then just kind of mix everything together so everything is nice and combined here because we're gonna use this to dredge our veal shanks which are coming up so the cut of meat you want to use in an osso bucco is a veal shank that's absolutely required it's really no other way around that it won't be a noticeable go otherwise and you can find this in the meat section of most of the markets or if they don't have them there you can ask the butcher or go to a butcher but it has to be a veal shank cut a veal to make an osso bucco and the bone will be inside the osso buco and it should be about 1 and 1/2 inches thick you see that just like this like I said these were already prepared for me in the market which is great but if you don't find veal shanks in your market prepared this way have your butcher do it a lot of the supermarket's butchers will do these things for you and cut it for you and I'm using between 3 to 4 pounds of osso bucco I have a whole other package I'm using so I'm using about 4 to 5 shanks and now it's time to dredge these veal shanks in the flour mixture so then just put it inside the flour mixture this is called dredging when you put flour all over a piece of meat it's dredging so to stretch it on both sides just like this nice and good and then set it aside onto another plate and by the way happy early Hanukkah I'm only about one like four months early and repeat the process for all the veal shanks and there are all my veal shanks nice and dredged in the flour and now we'll set those aside now I want to go to my instant pot and add in 1/4 of a cup of extra virgin olive oil now I'm gonna come down on my instant pot control panel I'm going to hit the saute function and I'm gonna make sure it's on the more or the high setting and after about 3 minutes of the oil being heated up we're going to add our osso bucco in batches and then brown it on each side for about a minute I should say seer instead of brown and then flip them over get the other side for another minute and then once they're seared on both sides for about a minute we'll remove them and we'll put them on a plate and then we'll repeat the process until all of our veal shanks are browned on each side and they're it's all of my veal shanks nice and seared on each side and now we're going to just set this aside and then focus on the pot again now I want to add two tablespoons or a quarter of a stick of salted butter to the pot throw it around a little bit well scrape and deglaze the bottom of the pot a little bit to get any of the remnants of the flour from when we see reveal shame once the butter is all melted and we're sizzling we'll add in our onions carrots and celery we stir that around in the pot and make sure it's all mixed up with all the butter and all the olive oil and we're gonna let this cook for about five minutes and then after about five minutes of the veggies cooking you'll see the onions will have gotten a little translucent they don't have to be really softened that much by now put about five minutes to do the trick in terms of how long we want to saute it we're gonna now add in some white wine and I'm using one cup of a dry white wine like a Chardonnay or a Sauvignon Blanc but if you don't have that around you only have like a white cooking wine you can use that but of course this stuff is much better to use now I'm gonna add in one cup of chicken broth and for my chicken broth I use one teaspoon of chicken better than boo-yan mixed with 1 cup of water as well as a 14 and a half ounce can of diced tomatoes and 1 tablespoon of tomato paste and I'll season it with 1 teaspoon of seasoned salt one teaspoon of dried rosemary one teaspoon of dried thyme and a bay leaf and now let's mix all that together in the pot very well so everything gets nice and combined good now we're gonna add back in our veal shanks we'll just simply put them inside the pot try to put the larger ones on the bottom if possible and then we'll just sit them on top of each other and that's perfect just like that now let's secure our lid make sure we're in sealing position now I'll come back down on my control panel and hit the keep warm cancel or just the cancel button and then I want to hit the manual or pressure cook button depending on your model some say manual some say pressure cook and then I want to hit that I want to go for 20 minutes on high pressure guys and that's it now all our osso bucco is cooking inside the instant pot I want to now make this topping that we call a gremolata it take this amazing mixture of some lemon zest garlic parsley olive oil and salt so I want to start with taking simply just the zest of one lemon just like that you see that all the shavings and strands in the lemon skin just like this go right into the bowl that's all we care about and as for the lemon itself I don't know make lemonade or something with it and to those who don't have national snapping powers I'll show you how to do this you just take a lemon zester that looks like this hold it like on a flat surface and then just kind of scrape away just like this all we really want to do is shade the lemon basically and all the little lemon strands that come off a little shavings like these guys over here that's our assess so now I want to go to a food processor or a mini blender of some sort and then add about 1/2 a cup of some Italian parsley that's like the flatter kind of parsley not the kind of super curly and my lemon zest three cloves of garlic 1 teaspoon of extra virgin olive oil and a quarter teaspoon of kosher salt lid on there and we're going to blend it up [Music] and then we're done let's take the little and there is our gremolata wonderful we're gonna add that as a topping for the final touch on our osso buco when we serve it transfer it to a little Bowl around Caen and then we'll just set that aside and a little bit of this stuff goes a long way guys we don't need a lot of this it's gonna dollop a little bit of this stuff on top of your osso buco while you serve it if you even water on there it's not necessary but it's a really fantastic touch and our pressure cooking cycle is complete and now we're gonna allow a 10-minute natural release that means we do absolutely nothing until this counts up to 10 which is going to start counting upwards now and then from there we'll finish with a quick release so again to those who might be new to this whole entire thing we do nothing for 10 minutes the seams gonna naturally release on its own for 10 minutes in the pot and then we'll do a quick release and it just counted up to 10 that means 10 minutes of a natural release have passed which means we follow it off with a quick release and now that our pins drop let's take the little oh boy oh it smells amazing there's our osso bucco now because I want this unbelievable sauce to become a little thicker and turn into like almost a gravy I'm going to take my osso bucco out and put it on a plate for the time being it's just in these super tenders to be very delicate with it and we'll just let our meat sit here for a few moments on the plate while we focus on our sauce I'm gonna come down here and hit the keep warm cancel button and then I'm gonna go to the saute button again and this thing on the more of the high setting and wait till we bring this to a bubble now I want to make a cornstarch slurry so I can thicken up my sauce I want to take 3 tablespoons of cornstarch mixed with 3 tablespoons of water and then blend them together until they form a nice smooth slurry and once our sauce is bubbling I'm going to immediately pour in my cornstarch slurry and stir it up at the exact same time and this sauce is gonna thicken almost instantly oh and by the way you can get that bay leaf out of there let it bubble for about 30 seconds so because I want the bubbles to die down I'm just going to turn my pot off and once the bubbles begin to die down you'll see we have a nice fantastic gravy like consistency which I love for this sauce now what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna plate up an osso bucco che now I'm gonna pour that amazing sauce right over it and now I'm just gonna put a little bit of the gremolata on top of it and guys doesn't that look gorgeous there is our beautiful beautiful osso bucco all ready to serve and there is my osso buco I don't even need a night to cut this because it's that tender it just comes right off the bone won't the shank I swear osso bucco is one of those things where the meat is already so naturally full of flavor you don't even have to do anything to it this season it it already has incredible flavor to it and my my my is it ever tender what Elvis was singing that Love Me Tender song I'm telling you he wrote about osso bucco and the gremolata on top makes the most amazing compliment to the sauces the osso buco itself I highly recommend you do make it but this is up there with the most tender things you'll ever have like short ribs or pulled pork anything in that class of tenderness this stuff right here is right off there amongst them if not the most tender look I just falls off the bone and look watch this I'll show you myself you see that there's zero toughness it just literally melted into my mouth I'll show you again look melts right into your mouth oh and the sauce mmm that wonderful wonderful lovely sauce you can serve this with a pasta with the rice it's an Italian dish so it goes pretty much with anything good that has carbs in it and serving it over rice is actually great too because you're the sauce will just go right into the rice and it's perfect that way but I'm literally just taking my fork and traveling around that shank bone and I have all this amazingness and actually the little strand of fat that in case is the entire thing I love eating that it's actually delicious mmm still tender and the flavor is amazing all right right down to the bone look at this nothing left but the bone oh and this is a marrow in there too oh if you like bone marrow look at that we're right through the bone I love bone marrow I'm not gonna lie guys this thing is so good I literally ate everything around the bone and it's one of the most amazing things you can make in your instant pot braise it so beautifully guys if you like these videos go to pressure a lot cooking calm because I have so many recipes I'm losing track and more coming out each week the portfolio keeps growing so keep checking it out share it out to everybody and also make sure you pin any rice he likes you favourite board on Pinterest I make it in friendly for you so you can pin the tail on the Jeffrey go to slash pressure while cooking and like the page like it or follow it or whatever you know what's cool to do that anytime a new recipe drops you'll see if there any time as a sell an item I will let you know and that pressure look for my youtube subscribe there cuz all my videos live there you don't want to miss that and also for Twitter Instagram and Pinterest Pinterest is everything right now so make sure you pin guys thank you so much and osso bucco is one of the greatest things you can make in your instant pot it literally is melting your mouth heaven so forget making one shank three shanks or five makes seven thank you so much again for your support this is a wonderful summer meal or any time of the year especially in the winter as well and enjoy life family friends and good food take care [Music]
Channel: Pressure Luck Cooking
Views: 48,985
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Instant Pot, Pressure Luck, Pressure Cooking, Osso Bucco, Veal, Veal Shanks, Bone Marrow, Tender, Veal Chop
Id: 1my_rZnaqks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 8sec (728 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 28 2018
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