The EMPEROR'S NEW GIFTS For The Primarchs | Warhammer 40K Investigations

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you've probably heard me mention once or twice on the channel That the primarchs are returning to Warhammer 40K this is a big deal for many reasons the Space Marines are getting their dads back the champions of chaos now have enemies to fear but one of my favorite reasons is that with the return of more and more Prim marks we are going to see more and more of the emperor's War gear we found this out when the lion returned and the designers at Workshop told us so a big part of the model is that Shield that he's holding I had this idea that it would be really cool for the loyalist Prim marks to inherit one item from their dad's Armory so we decided that that should be the emperor's Shield if you look at the design on the shield it's a single-headed eagle which represents the emperor with a serpent in his mouth representing evil chaos or Horus himself like the emperor's suit of armor it's absolutely over the top I thought this was a really cool reveal to throw in there and it makes a lot of sense to me because as we've talked about a lot on this channel the Emperor of mankind is influencing things far more than he ever did before now in Warhammer 40K not necessarily more than when he led the great Crusade just the most since he became a battery so for today's Warhammer investigations for which I stream every Wednesday I thought we would take a look at the emperor's War gear or the War gear that we know about look at where it is who has it and then have a talk about what piece of War gear should all of the primar get to start off with let's talk about the emperor's sword this is probably the most powerful weapon the Emperor of mankind ever wielded and it belongs of course to Route gilan nowadays however I do have to do a slight caveat here because there's been a bit of a change to this law so in the Modern War Hammer 40k story Gillman actually picked up the sword in the scouring he carried it with him through the scouring it was placed in stasis with him however if you look at older law and older pictures you may notice that sometimes it's noted that the sword lay across the emperor's knees this appears to have been reconed likewise there was a story where bisari is cool went and found the sword on an ice Planet so I just thought I'd mention that in case you come across any Cannon conflicts but I will say the law has been pretty consistent for 3 or 4 years that Gillman has had it all along now that Gillman is back in Warhammer 40K we have seen the emperor sword be incredibly powerful it is one of the strongest weapons in the Galaxy the main thing that we see it do is be able to permanently kill all but the greatest demons so kugar plague master and morian have a conversation in the book plague War where kugar actually says to mortarion that the emperor's sword in Gilman's hand could kill the primarch of the death guard now it's worth noting that mortan doesn't actually believe this and so it's not actually confirmed whether it officially could kill something as powerful as malarian but certainly it is strong enough to kill a greater demon and actually going to play that scene for you now we cannot be destroyed said septicas we are of the warp he swung his sword back at Gillman the Primark battered it away with the gauntlet of dominion septicas could not beat the avenging son all he had to do was hold him off for long enough until his body disintegrated and his soul could Escape he could feel it going feel the fets of corporeality loosening around his Spirit by his will he hastened the process laughing in anticipation at the look on the primark's face when he slipped from his reach you cannot win galatan comes he pointed a weeping hand up to the sky as the fog sped away a vast shape loomed typhus is here you may Slaughter us all like swine but you cannot bring that down we are legion we can never be destroyed maybe not said rabou gilan but I can make a start with you the emperor's sword burned bright septica shrank back from its blowtorch Roar his eyes shriveled in his head their jelly running in thick tears down his face he never saw the blow that ended him the fires of the sword dowed themselves in his guts septicas looked down sightlessly at the weapon buried up to its Hilt in his heart and when you are driven from this universe said Gilman I shall Purge yours also until the warp is purified and calm comes again to the minds of humanity though you shall never see it no Chronicle would mark septicas his last words as worthy but it was all he said shouting Gilman ripped the sword of the emperor up through septus is disintegrating body cutting through softening ribs cooking rancid organs slicing multiple chins and his skull until it burst from the top of septicas his head in a shower of Gore Blackness exploded from the slain demon Gillman's sword flared bright again driving it into Shadow and out of existence the light of the emperor burn septus away forever so so Gilman now has the ability to literally permanently kill demons and although mortarion is pretty confident that he would be able to survive being stabbed by Daddy's sword I do imagine that most of the demon primarch are at least concerned with this and they're probably pretty wary about taking on Gillman at this point in time or at least they would be if Gillman didn't keep dying in the law the other thing that we see the sword do in the dark Imperium trilogy is in the book godlight when gilan is actually killed by mortarion and then resurrected as the power of the emperor flows through him it's a very uh long story and something I've done a video on before but essentially the power of the emperor seems to have been able to flow from the emperor either on the throne or the part of the emperor soul in the warp into these Librarians who have conducted this ritual which goes into gilon and then out of the sword and from the emperor's sword The Garden of nurgle is burned and this was a horrific blow for the plague God he was furious at this loss remember that demons are part of gods and so when they are killed the the God is technically weakened a small bit and although the warp is timeless so it's not going to impact their influence on the Galaxy right now it has weakened nurgle in the great game and so this has been a warning to to all of the chaos Gods the reality is striking back and gilan is the perfect man to do so as you saw in that scene Gilman is very intent on not only kind of taking the fight to the demons but he has actually promised the plag God that he will kill nurgle so the emperor's sword is incredibly strong the master of mankind himself permanently slew thousands of demons with it and it is now with wielded by the Lord commander of the Imperium so let's move on to the second piece of The Emperor's wargate I wanted to talk about and that is of course the emperor's Shield so this as we know is in the hands of lion l Johnson and in my opinion it was a pretty clever Choice by the designers so as you can see from this artwork of the emperor originally it was just a tilting Shield that the master of mankind used however it is now a massive kite shield with did by the Primark of the Dark Angels and this kind of demonstrates the fact that the emperor's War gear although it is physical there's definitely physical parts to the empress wargear there's a huge psyche component and that's very obvious because of course the size of the shield has grown so much and in the hands of lion l Johnson this Shield is not just decorative it is incredibly powerful he gets the shield during his novel lion al Johnson son of the forest there's a part of Mira caliban that the lion has been warned not to enter by the Watchers in the dark eventually throughout the journeys the lion starts to regain his memories and power he feels confident enough to go into this path Mir caliban and he takes on a shape-shifting demon again something we've looked at in a live stream if you're interested it takes on the form of all of the Lion's brothers and the lion has to fight all of them one by one he eventually defeats the demon but during the conflict he actually discovers this Shield which has been left there it's not entirely clear how the shield got there to me I infer that the emperor somehow psychically sent the shield into Mira caliban for the lion to kind of retrieve when he's ready so we've actually got the scene where the lion finds the shield this is a pretty big moment in the novel as this is basically the part where the lion reconnects with the emperor the light he saw from outside flares up again from the wool behind him he turns and sees it emanating from a kite Shield which hangs there it is richly decorated and embossed with an icon of an eagle crowned with Laurels the lion reaches for it and as his fingers touch it fire Fury he stands on a battlefield with the shield on his arm and under a dark sky but he can see all the stars and he knows their names and he can feel everything around him all the humans hurting and bleeding and dying all the xenos those Abominations and all the tiny creatures burrowing through the soil and the trees and the grass and the wind he can feel it all it is all connected a web of power and this is not overwhelming this is just how he lives instant to instant to instant the lion staggers the Shield is on his arm he knows the touch of that mind he has felt it before father this Shield is incredibly powerful so to give some context on how we know just how strong it is in ARS of omen angron angron actually destroys a planet with one of his blows because he strikes the planet at the right time and it's got like the power of corn behind him at that moment it's a very long story but basically angron's blow is so strong technically it destroyed a planet however when the lion and angron fight the lion is able to just take blow after Blow from angron when you strike the the emperor Shield it bursts back with like this psychic force and so sometimes when the lion and angron are fighting as angron delivers a blow down on the Primark of the Dark Angels he will be sent reeling just by the psychic backlash of The Shield so it's quite interesting that the shield and sword would have gone to the lion and Gillman because you might think these would go the other way because the lion is the jewelist the emperor actually refers to him as the jewelist and Gillman is not known for his defense but certainly he's not like the the most lethal combatant so you might think a shield might go better with Gillman but it's quite interesting and I think he kind of shed up some of the weaknesses of the primar you know Gilman is now an absolute men the demon Primark will be very concerned about taking him on because he's got this this monstrous weapon and likewise the lion is far slower in his novel than he was before however with the shield he's actually able to kind of compensate for that and easily take on someone like angron which you know hand to hand he's not going to be able to survive a blow of angron giving the the strength of the blood God flowing through him but yeah it was always quite interesting to me that those those two kind of went the other way around so up next let's talk about the armor of the Emperor or the one true armor as it is often referred to it was said that the armor of the emperor was cut up and distributed amongst the loyalist Legions who then used tiny parts of the emperor's armor in pauldrons in the Crux terminatus for Terminator armor and this supposedly has granted those Terminator plates with even more protection we actually see this discussed in the book pandax when azreel the chapter Master of the Dark Angels and Drago the grandm of the grey Knights they talk and Azu actually explains to Dro just how powerful this makes the Dark Angels Terminators the Deathwing however Dro is a little bit smug as you will see brother Gabriel's armor is the most ancient of all the Deathwing suits forged upon the anvils of the Rock in the days when the emperor was already interred upon the throne but the legions had not yet been divided from Terror came a gift to all those Legions who had remained loyal in the face of horus's pery a section of the emperor's own armor so that it may be incorporated into the newly forged Terminator suits of his true Sons The Dark Angels took delivery of The Emperor's right conset and over the coming decades a thousand suits of armor were fashioned incorporating metal from his battle plate in the pauldrons many of those suits were gifted to our Noble successors when Lords daor and Gillman broke the Space Marines down into smaller chapters and though most have been lost down the Millennia some of our Brothers still go to battle in armor bearing the original Crux terminatus Dro did not think it would be appropriate to point out to his Dark Angels count cpart that all Grey Knight cruxes held A Shard of the one true armor nor did he think the time right to challenge azriel's use of the word brother rather than cousin when referring to the dark angel successes azriel held the shell between his thumb and forefinger and held it up this shell is bound with a portion of the gauntlet that struck down Horus just as it laid low the AR traitor so too will it eradicate this putrid cion of the plague God so that scene always makes me laugh the relationship between Drago and azreal is quite funny just as like a side point so in that scene when Azrael calls the success's brother and Dro says oh you should be calling them cousin the reason for that is because azreel is commanding The Unforgiven in Warhammer 40K which he shouldn't do because the success of chapters should be split off from the first found chapter that's kind of the whole point and so technically as rule kind of Breaks the Rules by doing this but this relationship is quite hilarious as you can imagine the Dark Angels who keep loads of Secrets and the grey Knights who find out and discover Secrets don't really get along very well at the end of the book there's a really funny scene where Dro actually punches azreel in the face and the reason he does that is because he thinks azreel has taken prisoner an ancient Grey Knight who was once a dark angel called Epimetheus however Azrael did didn't do this it was actually abdon and so Azu has no idea why the chapter Master of the grey Knights has just punched him in the face and it's quite just quite funny scene thank you so much to the people uh joining the channel you absolute Legends do feel free to join the Discord and there is extra content as well check that out so for a very long time that's been the law around the bulk of The Emperor's armor that it was cut up and bits of it have been put into all these Terminators however people are now wondering whether this law might be Recon I wouldn't say it's above being Rec because you know there's only so much of the emperor armor that can go around likewise specifically I actually question whether that tiny piece of LW around the right gaunet going to the Dark Angels will change because one of the things we find out in the end in the Death volume one is that orite is a very specific material that is used to make the emperor's armor and that is because it allows the emperor to use the warp more easily than if he used like ceramite for example and only when the emperor really needs to like grab the warp and literally kind of rip magic out of the warp would he actually take off his gloves and so I actually can't help but wonder whether these gauntlets will be one of the things passed to loyalist primarch because I strongly have the suspicion that when we see loyalist primarch return to the the fold we will see them come back with psychic powers so for example the lion has his Forest walking ability coras corx as we know has got loads of the powers of the ravengard and he's now very psychically powerful but I also think Primark like Jagger Ty KH Leman Russ I could totally see them having developed like strong warp abilities over the last 10,000 years and so I can't help but wonder whether the gauntlets would actually be a very good prize for some of the loyalist primarch so I will say when looking at the emperor's armor there are a couple of things to also bear in mind there are pieces of armor and weapons that were used by the emperor that weren't used very often however we do have records of him using them so for example it is said that the emperor had a Bolter so we have got very old artwork of the emperor where he does wield a Bol water and additionally we have things like the apollonian spear and the dionan spear these were Spears forged by the emperor himself you can see the dionan spear here wielded by Leman Russ the apollonian spear was wielded by Constantine valdor and so it's implied that the emperor did use these Spears at least for a while before he gifted them to his primarch and Captain general of his custodian guard so this might count as the gift that LE Russ gets from the emperor in Warhammer 40K because he does technically have a weapon of the emperor in the form of the spear however very interestingly Leman Russ never really liked this weapon he actually felt that basically it always kind of looked at him weirdly and he hated using it and it is the focus of a book called wolf ban where he actually stabs Horus lupal and when he stabs Horus lupaca lupaca has truths revealed to him and so his insanity is cured temporarily the appolloni Spear of Constantine valdor goes the other way so when you get stabed by Constantine valdor spear valdor finds out a truth about you and so he for example can learn demons names when he stabs them but I do think that Leman Ross will probably get something else in addition and the reason I think this is because technically like all of the primarch did get gifts from the emperor during the Great Crusade the lantern from mortarion the lion sword is a gift from the emperor that is not something made by the emperor but it was something that was in his Armory and so I can't help but wonder whether the dionan spear counts is basically what I'm getting at and I think it probably won't though I think we'll probably see more so I think that of all of the things that we know where they kind of ended up I think that's all of that covered however there are a few more pieces of The Emperor's War gear that we don't know about we don't know where these pieces ended up so for example we have the claw we have the cloak we have things like the tabards even the pauldrons perhaps we've got the gauntlets as I say and so this therefore begs the question who's getting what who's getting what out of the prim marks all of the prim marks are going to come back at some point the loyalist ones at least the ones that aren't you know officially dead and so who is going to get what there are some things I think that lend relatively easy to the conversation so dor for example is said to have lost his hand when he disappeared so that to me it would probably make sense to give rogul dor the claw of the emperor because he needs a hand I have no better way of saying it than that and so I'm yeah very curious to know what you guys think and I thought that would take me into kind of the Q&A session of today another piece of The Emperor's War gear that I thought would be really interesting to talk about is his cloak however the main thing cloaks are generally associated with is like stealth and you know hiding from people which is absolutely something that the emperor cloak I think would afford you so the emperor is a trickster I think if he was ever to become a warp God he'd probably be like the god of tricks or something like a a chaos version of karak because Horus lupaca continually is infuriated by the fact that the emperor is a trickster But the irony of that is that when the emperor finally defeats his first found son he actually does Trick Horus Lupa when he convinces Horus that he is gar or loan so we do have a loyalist primarch who does love stealth himself and that primarch is corvis korak so I want to say that corvis should get the cloak the only thing about that is that corvis can't really get any better when it comes to stealth Kus already has the ability to basically turn invisible and so he can make himself invisible in the eyes of others there's technically a I guess a small area where he can still be picked up by an automatic scanner for example but I don't really think corus needs a stealth boost so yeah I guess my question is for you guys what do you think is going to happen who do you think is going to get what from the emperor's Armory I think when the lion returned I was pretty impressed cuz that was quite an innovative way to give the Lion a shield use the kite Shield to make a full shield and so I can't help but look at pictures of the emperor now at least look at the old pictures and think like what are they going to do with this say that the emperor's Aquilla becomes a jetpack for Ferris Manis are they going to say the emperor's Halo becomes a Frisbee for sanguinius what are they going to do going forward because they're clearly going to be quite creative in how they approach this topic uh new to 40K will you bring back sanguinius my fave one day they will bring back sanguinius I think it's definitely likely that we'll see a sanguino model that is much larger than the old sanguino model and looks very similar to sanguinius but I don't think we'll see a properly returned sanguinius for decades which is probably longer than you were hoping for I imagine also there is one weird line in the end in the Death volume three when to find sanguinius' Body he does note that it feels like there's no soul in there anymore so I am wondering whether they're going to take that in the direction of sanguinius' Soul was shattered by Horus lupal potentially bringing back sanguinius would be a bad thing to do his sacrifice will go to waste for nothing yeah I I think that it would probably undercut the sacrifice so it would yeah it would be cool to have him kind of um come back in the end times but I don't think he'll probably come back for a long time I think a big thing to think about is they will probably create new items like with the lion like they will probably make a Bolter an amulet and any other item that's true you could go with things like amulets and Rings I definitely think we're going to see this kind of leaning more into the psychicness of the prim marks because I think the response to the Lion's Forest walking ability has been very popular people really like the fact but the question is what are they going to get I do think that Leman Russ will probably be far more like Odin when he returns I think that's the obvious symbolism with Leman Russ is to have him kind of transfer from being a Thor type figure to an Odin type figure and so I imagine Leman Russ coming back with like some sort of lightning powers or maybe he'll be wielding the emperor Spear and able to direct lightning at people crazy stuff like that cloak to corvis so he can replace another piece of equipment which is focusing on stealth right now maybe maybe but I think his stealth ability is kind of natural it's one of the reasons that Conrad K really hates kis korak so it's said that coners doesn't actually hate his brothers except for kis KX and the reason for that is because coris kx's stealth ability is just innately part of him and so it's something that Conrad Kur can never match because it's basically that line from Batman corn URS is basically like I have adopted the Knight but coros was born into it and so he hates coris KX because of this and is incredibly jealous which is quite funny the idea that Conor because doesn't actually hate anyone is kind of an interesting statement in and of itself there's also symbolism in terms of who gets what G gets the sword as the avenging son lion gets the shield and is portrayed as the defender of the people that's a great shout the question is what are the other roles of the prim marks going to be it's one of the reasons I think that seeing Vulcan or Jagger Haan come back next would be more interesting because they would have probably a more defined role within the Imperium so Leeman Russ is a fighter rodor is a builder they're kind of similar to The Lion and Gillman already uh Vulcan probably makes his own Hammer that's the thing about Vulcan I guess it's quite hard is that vulcan's Vulcan makes his own stuff and he does it very very well well what could Vulcan get of the emperor Vulcan has his Perpetual ability so maybe something that kind of goes along with that I see Vulcan coming back in being the technical Master of the Imperium realistically and I think his purpose will be to save the emperor Jagger taan is the real wild card they could do kind of anything with him if you watch my video on Jager taan you'll know that I think Jag taan basically abandon the Imperium and so I think maybe jagan will get one of those big eagles probably be probably be very symbolic to kind of talk about the fact that jagai has now returned to the Imperium he's no longer you know roaming around the the webway I also do like the idea that one of the Eagles becomes an actual eagle and maybe it serves Jagger taan or someone somehow we do see the white scars use Hawks Jagger Tan's nickname is the Warhawk so I quite like the idea that jager taan just has a massive Golden Bird that he can have fly at people and stuff hammer for Vulcan claw for corvis power fist or Bolter for Dawn spear for Russ Cape Wings jetpack for Khan oh jetpack or like some sort of vehicle would be a great one for Khan like just him getting the like Emperor's Jet bike that would make a lot of sense to be be fair that would work roller blades for Jagger tyon I'd love that the emperor Crocs with rollerblades on that' be so good just like special sneakers would just be really cool loved your latest vid about the lion great thank you so much man I never get stuff early but technically everyone who bought the Dark Angels CeX got it early because they released the Codex before they released the Codex they released like a second version later on which is the official release date it's very strange I don't know why they do it this way but yeah definitely buy that book if you're interested in the Dark Angels I think Balden did a reading of actually so you can check that out what if instead of armor or weapons one Primark gets the imperator somnium would make more sense for a Primark to get a ship rather than a shoulder plate so I have bad news they say the imperator snan was destroyed during the siege of Terror very very sadly it does end up saving the emperor's life to be fair but basically the emperator snan is sacrificed to allow the Dark Angels under Co way to reach Terror and they end up saving the astronomican and through faith kind of restarting the astronomic in the emperor gets like the power boost that he needs that's implied to kill Horus so I would love to see that ship back I'm pretty certain it was the largest ship ever made by the Imperium if they could bring it back somehow some sort of warp Shenanigans I would be really up for that that would be a great gift for a Primark the only appropriate biggie artifact for Vulcan would be an even bigger Hammer than dawnbringer yeah I mean Vulcan uses a different hammer in the Beast of Rises series that I forget the name of a hammer for Vulcan would make sense vulcan's quite hard purely because he kind of makes his own stuff so vulcan's hammers having their little pieces of tech within them are one of the things that make it so cool I guess you know people mention Andi Vulcan did create the Talisman of seven hammers which I imagine he does still have its eventual purpose is to be a dead man switch for The Golden Throne causing it to fail which would create an inferno that takes Terror with it so Horus was instructed by the emperor to use this should it looked like Horus is going to win because at least this way the emperor could deny Horus Terror however it is shown to have other abilities in addition so it guides Vulcan back to Terror and it was able to give a permanent death to a great unclean one of nurgle so it is a very strong Relic certainly the emperor clearly greatly trusts vulcan's judgment because he gave Vulcan the task of deciding whether to destroy Terror or not which is a pretty big big deal didn't sanguinius' Soul get ripped apart by the chaos Gods officially it's not clear but it might have been things come out of the ground and like clammer for sanguinus so maybe that's what that's representing did he mention the armor L Menace I guess that kind of counts as a gift from the emperor that was one part of the book that was really weird so the line basically just kind of stumbles upon a planet and the people there go oh you're massive aren't you that's really funny that you say that because we have this massive gun that's too big for any of us to use and it's said that the emperor left this gun here 10,000 years ago did you want it and the lion says yeah and that is how the lion gets his his gun in 40K which is I can't really fot Mike Brooks on too much because he had a lot to fit in that novel to be fair it's understandable Dawn definitely has the power claw that I think would be cool fullrim can regrow a limb in in Angel exterminatus before he's a demon Prince he can regrow his limb when he's basically sniped and it's not exactly clear whether that's the thing all Prim Mars can do because full gri is already under the sway of slanesh at that point however I I wouldn't put it past the writers just to allow daor to regrow his limb yeah it would be cool to see dor with like some sort of bionic hand the emperor's Halo yeah the emperor's Halo is an interesting one I wonder what it would do perhaps it could Jager Tai KH would actually be quite an interesting one again maybe it could be the case that you know that's the reason Jagger Tai comes back to the Imperium is because he's granted some sort of clarity from the emperor's wreath maybe it gives him that that would have been a great gift for Gillman to be fair but Gilman got the sword Vulcan can get a flamer that would be cool something flame related or yeah potentially you know the Emperor has other guns that he hasn't seen I do think that part of the fun for the designers is going to be to give the Primark weapons from like the classic Emperor art I think that's part of it so that's why I'm thinking the shoes the you know anti-grab shoes from the emperor some sort of invisibility cloak there's some animal skin here there's a e bunch of eagles everywhere I think that's part of the fun for the designers is to find ways they can kind of use the emperor armor to give gifts I defin I like the idea of the wreath on his head I think that would be a great give potentially you know maybe curing a Primark of their Insanity maybe vulcan's Insanity comes back and that's how it gets cured something like that that could be quite interesting weirdly when they wrote Beast arises Vulcan was still insane so he's a bit all over the place in those novels however later in the heresy Vulcans Insanity gets cured so there was a slight kind of Cannon thing there Vulcan gets the ferite or athame dagger so the athame dagger used to kill Horus is destroyed but there are others that might come up um fite would absolutely work I mean to be fair that would work in and of itself just like a massive F Gite weapon but not entirely sure what they would use it for would would be the main purpose there's not really a big evil Perpetual in the setting right now which is what you where you'd want to use it Vulcan being the one to stabilize fix The Golden Throne would be cool yes definitely check out my car video if that interests you crown or hammer for Vulcan who gets the keys to Big e/ malador klepto horde of spiky Dark Age of Technology Tech I think the custodians is the answer to that question so yeah there's all they have the custodians do have access to all kinds of crazyy stuff personally I think Dawn getting the claw isn't fluffy Rush should get that Dawn should get armor KH the cloak Vulcan and korax get something symbolic I do get that with daor and the cloak like the the claw I do think the claw would probably be better for maybe Leman Russ I'd probably go with corvis I think corus would just look epic to have one golden claw and then maybe the Whip or a black claw it would just look really cool to me but yeah I get where you're coming from sanguinus is soul being gone is really interesting we have seen him multiple times recently as a spirit so I do not think they are going to wreck on that what I think maybe he merged with the emperor I think there's potential for maybe some sort of plotline around combining maybe all the parts of sanguinius' Soul apart from the bit within miston into one and then that is like a new version of the sanguinor something like that it does make me wonder whether they're going for like a sanguinius' soul with shattered type thing if Ferris Manis is alive does he get the emperor's Bolter I am very confident we will see Ferris Manis when the Legion of the dam come out whether he gets a model I don't know and whether he gets part of The Emperor's War gear I don't know I'm very confident we will see him at some point it's quite a weird one where the Legion of the damed haven't had any focus in the novels for a little while but it is said in the Dawn of Fire series that the Legion of the damed they actually pretty common now because the emperor's power has grown so much that he's able to kind of summon them far more often and Gilman's actually like a bit concerned about that which Primark alive or dead combined or alone has the capability to learn how to fix the Golden Throne definitely vcal I speak about this actually in my Jager taan video so I would check that out if you're interested omon turns out to be a loyalist all along and gets Big E I'm not going to say that but yeah gets Big E actually that is something I did want to talk about she I forgot to write down which is that weirdly with the reccon to Gill having the emperor's sword in 30k potentially and this is a wild Theory and I have no reason to think this but in my head potentially this provides an Avenue for how omegon could survive the scouring so I don't really know why they Recon the position of the emperor sword they didn't have to but I wonder if this is why because if gilan kills omegon with the emperor's sword perhaps omon doesn't like properly die and the emperor somehow saves omon soul and that is an Avenue to allow omon to return in 40K or I guess omon and alarus because omon and dararius are one Soul they are one soul and two beings they're not just twins so I can't help but wonder whether that was the reason that they reconed the placement of The Emperor's sword Khan gets a webway ship leading the hunt across the Galaxy Vulcan could get material to make his own piece of equipment that's a really good call I like that idea potentially yeah Vulcan just gets raw you know orite material and he is able to craft his own stuff you know in theory the dark Angel's got the gauntlet the Imperial F's got parts of the shoulder pad maybe some of it still survives and that's gifted to Vulcan I like that idea dozen Dawn's old have all the Imperial fist chapter Masters names engraved in the bone that would be cool to implement with a bionic hand oh you think actually just give Dawn his older handb I mean it would be cool it would be a very cool idea quite symbolic I guess the idea that all of the sacrifices of your sons over the last 10,000 years get kind of put into your body that could be cool also would it be a psychic Halo like a permanent Shield potentially maybe you give the Halo to Leman Russ then because when Neeman Russ comes back undoubtedly a fight against Magnus the red will come in quick succession and Leeman Russ struggles against Magnus the red in just a one-on-one fight because of the fact that if you let Magnus do his thing he is so psychically powerful basically no one stands a chance the Feats of Magnus the red which is a video I did for the members we go through like the most incredible things that Magnus has done and nobody really comes close when it comes to the raw power of Magnus however if you give Leeman Russ some sort of like a Halo that provides some sort of psychic defense I like that idea a lot that would make a lot of sense that's gone right on my list who suggested that Blake not Donna great shout mate daor would the claw would be way cooler than Leman as Horus said Dawn's weakness is his wols I would like to see Dawn and 40K that is more vengeful and attack oriented that could be very cool I mean that is the story of the iron cage and didn't go didn't go so well who's going to get the emperor's vast pile of Shame oh wow I mean who's the fastest painter out of the primarch probably the khah I reckon I want to say he's just very fast do you think they're going to wait for the other Prim marks to come back before they start to reunite or have them reunite one at a time I think it'll be a mix I do think the lion and Gillman are going to reunite in the near future purely because their relationship is so interesting from my point of view so I think it would be a bit of a shame to not have them reunite for a while but I think after that it'll probably be a bit of a mix maybe the next two to come back they'll link up and then later those two will link up with the lion and Gillman probably be a bit of a mix but don't know who gets malcador staff so to IUS has a staff that is kind of implied to be Mador staff because the staff Whispers to tarius when he's fighting and it's incredibly strong it protects tarius in Shadows of Leviathan I think the book is called when tarius kind of has another little kind of battle with the hive mind so it's very very strong stuff of course an ultramarine gets malador staff this is from the time when the ultramarines used to just get everything in the law it's where the resentment comes from maybe the full great aame could be used to permanently destroy chaos greater demons such trait to Primark I mean if they kill a trait Primark that would be wild like because it's a lot of money for the Games Workshop to to kill a trade to primar where in the warp is this join button uh it should just be on the page below every prediction so far is wrong because the Blood Ravens just get all the emperor's gear probably you know what throwing quet I wish I'd thought of that joke before you said it that's so true of course the Blood Ravens will get it all absolutely that's the way it's going to go down now isn't it classic Blood Ravens joke and it didn't come to me this is what I get hello I'm new in the Warhammer world the stories are very impressive oh great welcome and I do have a beginner's video so do check that out I think there should be a link in the description is it established that Gman had the sword during the scouring yes he's put inter stasis with the sword I think in the reprint of dark Imperium he wields the sword versus full grim and in the original print he just used his Gladius and originally bellisari cool finds the sword in like an ice Planet if I remember correctly but later on yeah they just kind of changed it so and I can't think as to why unless you want to do something really funky like you know allow omon to live that's as wild Theory I have no reason to think this I should stop saying it but it's just I thought it was cool how big a lightning Clause it looks different depending on the rendition yes they have shrunken lightning claws a lot because in the older models lightning claws are like also power fists could V could be keeping vigil over the void Dragon I really like that theory I can't remember if this is something I've mentioned already whether we're just in sync TJ but yeah I really like the theory that he is watching over the void dragons I should say or someone is watching over the void Dragon out of the prim marks because the timelines are a bit weird here but there is something that has to be done about the void Dragon will then mared very soon relative to the setting because in the book mechanicum this is a classic example where Games Workshop in the heresy go like this is going to be fine for 10,000 years they do this all the time in the book mechanicum they sort out the problem of the void Dragon for 10,000 years at which point they'll need to be a new Guardian for Mars and that takes us to 40K So in theory the Guardian from mechanicum will be dead soon and the void Dragon would break out having a Primark deal with the dragon and Mars would be a pretty good reason to explain their absence so I I actually thought it's very similar thing to you there TJ maybe Vulcan been building something that could contain it I don't know who gets the emperor's unopened books on parenting I agree golden armor for Dawn I mean Dawn already has golden armor so maybe just a little piece from the emperor would be quite cool Bol for Dawn he likes a standard equipment that's true bolters are an imperial fist thing especially they love a Bolter what war gear does the thief traing have that's a very good question you could have all kinds of stuff you could have half of it we just don't know what's your theory on Dawn's whereabouts daor I think is probably the loyalist Primark that they have the least figured out even the iron cage incident hasn't been written about for a long time it's obviously like referenced but the actual LW on it is like from fifth Edition we're currently on 10th edition so they haven't Revisited it the circumstances around what the deal was with that Black Crusade we just don't know so is it a all related to abdon is it just like a Black Crusade which is just like an incursion from chaos is it connected at all to The Disappearance of sigismund Sigman also dies because of a Black Crusade I just don't think they've got it down yet whereas when I talk about Vulcan or Jager tyan we've kind of got the law on their disappearance down but in terms of theory the obvious thing is of course that he cut off his own hand to allow for his own Escape which would be wild I think potentially some sort of secret mission for the emperor maybe they'll revisit the law around the emperor in tournament on The Golden Throne and give the emperor some sort of last words for rogul Dawn rogal Dawn's purpose of course is building he is the petorian potentially he is off building a perfect Fortress somewhere maybe that will come into play maybe he'll make a fortress that could replace kadia so if Bellisario cool cloes the Great Rift they put an equivalent of kadia back I'm literally spitballing but yeah I don't think they figured out Dawn yet being honest with you but that is it for this stream I stream every Wednesday for freev View and I also stream on Sunday for members so do check me out there as well do let me know in the comments is there anything else about the weapons and armor of the emperor that you think that we've missed is there any other theories that you have around who is going to get what out of the prim marks I think that the designers are being pretty creative around what they're doing as we saw with the lion and the shield so I can't wait to see what they do next and let's face it we all just can't wait for more Prim marks to return because it is just it's just kind of awesome but thank you so much for watching this video I hope you enjoyed it and I'll see you next time
Channel: Sandman of Terra
Views: 116,246
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warhammer 40k, Emperor of Mankind, Primarchs, 40k lore, Horus Heresy, Space Marines, Warhammer Figures, Warhammer 40000, Imperium of Man, Chaos Space Marines, Gaming Community, WH40k, Wh40k lore, W40k, Imperial Guard, Adeptus Astartes, Chaos Legions, Lion El'Jonson, Fulgrim, Perturabo, Jaghatai Khan, Leman Russ, Rogal Dorn, Konrad Curze, Sanguinius, Ferrus Manus, Angron, Roboute Guilliman, Mortarion, Magnus the Red, Horus Lupercal, Lorgar, Vulkan, Corvus Corax, Alpharius
Id: VDUG2aSze48
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 49sec (2869 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 25 2024
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