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the end of the siege of Terror draws near and the Fateful assault on the vengeful spirit is almost underway in the throne room Constantine valdor strides towards sanguinius and rogul daor who are in a brotherly embrace it will be their last a nearby crowd parts for valdor and the custodes pylorus kneel not yet he growls you applaud it and self- congratulation you are owed much yourself constant says sanguinius if any is owed and any necessary says VOR then it can wait until the outcome is settled no said sanguinius let's imagine it can't none of us may live to see that outcome so I'll make damn sure I say it while I still can and you can both listen you've both excelled and you're both Ed and I am proud to call you Brothers Brothers now Snee V Brothers is it in every way that matters Constantine says sanguinius he S I meant no slight by it Captain General but now I see that stop says VOR he sniffs and his brow furrows I recognize the spirit of your words ninth son he says grudgingly and if this is to be our only moment as you suggest then the night tell you I have nothing but honor in my heart for you both his eyes narrow as he looks at sanguinous but no Embrace is necessary indeed Constantine Valor was such a hero he was considered something akin to a brother by some of the primar few Warriors in the entire history of the Imperium have even come close to the martial magnificence selfless dedication and strategic Excellence of Constantine valdor first Captain general of the 10,000 so exceptional a warrior was valdor that it is said he could even match a primar in a contest of blades yet valor's True Value to the emperor was so much more than as a mere combatant It is believed that long ago the emperor took a huge risk and he carried his armies halfway across Terror solely so he could locate the child that would One Day become Constantine valdor from the earliest days of the unification Wars perhaps even before then valdor was the emperor's Storch companion and his loyalty to the master of mankind was absolute the captain General would rather have taken his own life than risk that of the emperor vor's Devotion to his master was such that there was no act he would not perform no deed he would not consider to ensure the emperor's continued surviv rival Valor epitomized all that it means to be one of the adept's custodies stoic watchful fiercely intelligent and when required a truly inspirational leader valdor was a true hero of the Imperium who never once faulted in his duty but then came abdon towards the end of the siege of Terror Horus lupaca wanted to face his father so he lowered the shields on his Flagship the vengeful spirit and when he did this the emperor VOR Dawn sanguinius and many other Heroes teleported onto the vengeful Spirit however of course this was a trap and when that happened Our Heroes were all split up Valor materialized with many other custodians in a part of the vengeful spirit that was swarming with demons so literally before they finished materializing custodians are already being ripped apart in this area you might think that valdor is having a pretty good time he kills hundreds of demons and traitors in a matter of minutes however killing for Constantine valdor is not as fun as you might imagine because of his weapon the appolloni and spear the apollonian spear is a very unique weapon along with its counterpart the dionan spear this weapon was made by the emperor himself and was wielded by the master of man kind for a time before he gave it to valdor whereas its sister which was given to Leman Russ imparts truths upon those that it wounds the apollonian spear bestows Revelations upon its wielder from the subjects it pierces so in the siege of Terror when valdor is cutting down demons he's actually learning truths from those demons and after he kills each one of them he actually says their name so that he remembers it and gains power over it should he see it again valdor has wondered in the past why did the emperor give him this weapon it's not clear what the purpose was was the emperor trying to temper his ability to kill others was the emperor trying to teach him some sort of empathy or Valor wonders was it to ensure somehow that valdor would stay loyal into the future but the captain general of the custodes never got an answer from the the master of mankind so as valdor is fighting through these demons and traitors eventually he spots abdon the first captain of the sons of Horus now whilst this would be a significant kill for valdor in The Siege I assume a lot of you are thinking right now that abdon is going to stand no chance here and in truth abdon kind of agrees with you so when abdon finds VOR he's got what's left of the justan with him who are the Elite terminators who serve in the sons of Horus some of the best soldiers in the galaxy and yet they are no match for the custodians so abdon is looking upon valdor thinking I'm probably going to die here however who of course should come along offering gifts but arabus so arabus says to abdon you're going to get messed up here however if you take some gifts from the dark Gods it might help you out now typically abdon hates hat the dark Gods he hates what they've done to Horus he's already started to think that Horus is a fool for accepting so many gifts from the dark Gods however he is like well if I just accept a small amount of gifts if I just take like bit of a strength bu maybe a bit of a speed buff that would be fine right so abdon takes these gifts and then he goes to fight against Constantine valdor it's abadon Constantine reacts instantly less than instantly he drives his spear with a perfect underarm thrust to pierce the traitor's chest it is a killing stroke a display of the Pinnacle speed and reaction of the legio custodes an action that no aartis could match or withstand the spear stops short of abon's breastplate the sudden arrest of its motion jolts Constantine like a whip crack abon's left hand has closed around the spear tip and stopped it despite the immense strength driving the thrust a few beads of bright blood well up between abon's Knuckles where he is gripping the spear blade Constantine open-mouthed in shock feels the moment the heartbeat the flood of understanding drawn by the spear the world sags and yours losing definition and dimension it is 25 minutes into the fight it is an hour into the fight it is a year into the fight it is a century it is a 100 centuries into the fight the fight has no end it is a long war that slices eternity lengthways with its apping duration a blizzard of Embers Billows past him and each one is a burning world the whole galaxy is in Flames the knowledge transmitted down the heart of the spear and into his soul is not the name of a dead thing that Constantine can take power over it is not some buried warp secret or scrap of encrypted LW that he can learn he can't unlearn it because it is already controlled everything he has learned of chaos until this moment has shown it to be an Essence that lives up to its inadequate name a chaos a fevered contradictory Maelstrom that has no single impulse but which churns without logic or motivation and eats itself and wars with itself and whips and tears against itself in a frenzy its Myriad Parts as likely to to annihilate each other as they are to turn their wild malice upon real space and Materia but this is complete it is whole it is focused it is chaos undivided condensed into one atrocious Force by the imposition of an incalculable willpower Constantine is staring at the future from his time lacking vantage point of the vengeful spirit's deconstructed heart he is gazing down 10,000 years at a far future that is 10,000 years old a future that gazes back at him as though it is standing right in front of him it is chaos entire chained up and enslaved alloyed into one lethal spear tip that will pierce the Imperium of man and ensure its loss The Cutting Edge of a legion in Black the unequivocal symbol of death there is nothing else to learn or know there is only war war war and in a single name that is the worst Fortune any deck of Prophecy cards can ever overturn despoiler he whispers the Revelation is so foul Constantine recoils he lets go of the spear it's the only thing that abdon will not expect him to do no custodian ever relinquishes his weapon especially one so potent he lets go of the spear before abdon has realized what he's done and drives his fist into abon's face so in the fight with abdon Constantine Vador actually had his spear grabbed by abdon and some drops of blood landed on the spear and so when that happened the ability of the appolloni and spear kicked in and because abdon had some like warb juice in him all of a sudden Constantine Valor had this vision of the future and when he had that he saw the rise of the black Legion and how they would be a huge blight on the Imperium for eternity it almost seems to him and then uh there will be only war in the future which of course is war hammer 4k's Mo and this it appears to have been one of the key things that makes Constantine Valor change so much and one thing I need to impress upon you is that there is a marked change in the behavior of Constantine Valor post this scene so Valor is always very cold to the Space Marines and the primar so valdor is actually kind of against the Primark project and the emperor does value his Council and valdor does not put any punches when he's talking to the master of mankind however after his interaction with abdon Valor seems even harsher he's very rude to the Space Marines and even the primarch he seems to disregard though is worth noting he is very sad about sanguinius' death but it looks like Valor has as a response of this Vision changed his outset into how he views his role in the Imperium and this goes back even further into his relationship with the emperor so one of the things that happens in the end of the Death volume one is that Constantine valador starts thinking for himself for like the first time cuz custodians are a weird breed they are of course super Geniuses they are of course some of the greatest uh philosophers and scientists that the Imperium could have in a way because they have all spent time with the emperor and they are all Masters however they're also loyal to a fault and seemingly they have a lack of free will however in the end in the Death volume one malador notes that all of a sudden Valor is thinking for himself and he's doing his own things and he's actually not Consulting with the emperor and malador and this is a good thing this is an interesting development however another thing happens which is that malador has a vision on The Golden Throne where he sees many things happening he sees a sanguinous fool and he sees the master of mankind fighting against the demons fighting against Horus but he also has like little vision where he sees Constantine valdor going insane and I suspect that is connected to this fight with abdon I was going to say the despoiler at this point in time he's not the despoiler but as we know he will become the despoiler so after the siege of Terror we actually do have a bit of an insight into vor's actions and we actually see him talk to lean Russ of all people lean R is is pretty down this takes place in a story called two metaphysical blades and VOR and Leeman Rush are seemingly opposites so the emperor describes them as opposites and he gives them opposite Spears and in that book it should be noted to be fair that Valor in that scene is definitely the more mature of the two and says like you know the Imperium is not over there's still a lot left for us to do and that scene is of course a nod to the Old Law of Warhammer 40K which was the Constantine Val and Leman Russ headed off together to go and find the tree of life or some way to revive the emperor however now we can be pretty confident they're not together so when valdor does leave the palace he does leave alone and we find out in the book bewin that Constantine Valor has taken on a very specific role so there is a mysterious figure in The Inquisitor Series so this is behind a lot of the EV events in eisenhorn Ravena and beckin and this mysterious figure is known as the King in Yellow and the King in Yellow has a lot of enemies he has enemies in the Inquisition of course he has enemies in the trait Allegiance and even the Elder are concerned with the King in Yellow so multiple craft worlds mobilize to go and attack the King in Yellow however he's incredibly mysterious And he supposedly lives in a well known as the city of dust now the reason so many people hate the King in Yellow it seems is because he's become a legend behind many kind of criminal syndicates and uh nefarious activities going on within the Imperium to the point it is said that he is the most powerful person in the Imperium outside of the emperor he's even more powerful than the high Lords Of Terror but nobody knows knows who he is and we know various legends about him we know for example that he has an inner circle known as the eight and he seems to be obsessed with the number eight we know for example that he has worked with the cognite and the cognite are like the antithesis to the Inquisition their existence is far older however it seems that they are kind of the chaos version of the Inquisition and it seems that the king and yellow kind of infiltrated the cognite as an ally and then has kind of taken over significant part of it to the point that various cognate agents hate the King in Yellow now and they've actually turned on him and now they want to bring him down too so everybody hates this character but he's aast a huge amount of power and chief among his armies are these mysterious warp entities known as GRS and and Grails as someone points out in the chat are positive warp entities separate from chaos that exist in the warp often described as luminous they are also very mean however and they do attack the people on working for the Inquisition multiple times he also has crazy other allies he has allies that are the survivors of IST van 5 but the survivors of V fan 5 also on both sides night Lords working with ravengard working with salamanders these random survivors from M van 5 they're all working together working for the King in Yellow and so he's amassed these incredible resources and he's based in this area known as the city of dust now at the end of beckin book nine it is revealed that the king in yellow's true name is Constantine valdor and beckin actually travels to the city of dust now in terms of how the emperor has played a role in Constantine vor's existence we have to talk about the city of dust because one of the other things we find out in the end and the Death volume two is that the emperor kind of made the city of dust so the city of dust is probably the most important place in Warhammer 40K and it was not always called the city of dust it was originally called The Inevitable City and this is actually some artwork that I believe comes from Warhammer fan FY now the inevitable city has like Old Law connected to it but now we have its establishment in wammer 40K so it's this mysterious realm in in chaos in fantasy but in Warhammer 40K it was a kind of pocket Dimension that was created either by Horus or for Horus the wording around it in the book is not clear and he wanted to create this realm called The Inevitable City and from that realm you could Trav verse into the warp or into reality it would kind of Link everything together and from that City he would rule his new Imperium was the idea however Horus doesn't get nice things so as the Emperor of mankind starts to ascend to godhood in the end of the Death volume two he tears through the inevitable City and as he's tearing through it he actually turns that c City into a city of dust so this is awesome okay so to clarify that means that in Warhammer 40K Constantine Valor lives in an area that was created either by Horus or for Horus again the wording is not clear but it was created to be an area that Horus Lupa would rule over the Galaxy from however this area was then destroyed by the emperor now somehow Constantine valdor made his way back into this realm and from this realm is connected to the warp and to real space you kind it seems like easier to move through it and we actually see that in beIN because when beta beIN is in the city of dust she can actually see the eye of Terror so it appears to be its own little kind of Dimension and in that area Constantine Valor has drawn to himself a massive number of resources so in beckin peniton the penultimate book of the series bab beckin actually finds her way into the city of dust and she is very shocked about what she finds there as you can imagine so she sees a huge city that has been built there and a massive Palace Constantine noor's Palace is known as the palace as Thor meisen and it is absolutely massive though we don't see a lot of the inhabitants however when beta beIN is there she does run in to some of the inhabitants and one of them most interestingly is identical to her now beta bequin is a blank which if you're not familiar a blank is someone in Warhammer 40K who has not even just no soul but a negative reflection in the warp and so they are soulless beings and they are very useful the sisters of Silence are blanks as well but they are very effective against psychers and they can massively hurt anybody who has a soul if you're just in their vicinity anyway and when beta beIN runs into her she and some other blanks they are quite shocked to see her there because beta bequin unlike them hasn't been filled with a Grail she hasn't been filled with one of these luminous warp entities and that I think is getting to the Crux of what Constantine valdor is doing so Valor has a series of armies one of them this is very very bizarre one of them is a army of winged blood angels and they are seemingly like I think slightly larger than normal Space Marines and he actually keeps some of them stuck in like the red thirst it's very surprising that he would do this to the sons of sanguinius to seemingly experiment on them and keep them in like a tortured form because as we saw right at the start of the video in theory valdor and sanguinius are actually kind of as close as valdor gets to anybody and he was very sad about sanguinius' death but then for 10,000 years he kind of tortures his sons so that's one Army and the other Army it seems are and this is where I think people get it slightly wrong I don't think it's so much that it's an army of blanks more that it's an army of these vessels who have Grails within them so it appears that Constantine Valor he has various programs running throughout the Imperium that kind of grow these cloned blanks and when they get mature enough they become these vessels for Grails and we don't really know what the ultimate goal of this is however I suspect ECT it is going to be connected to the Starchild story line now the star child is a story line in Warhammer 40K that is talking about how there is a part of The Emperor's soul that exists in the warp and this is the part of the emperor's soul that he cut off himself when he went to face Horus lupac cow on the vengeful spirit and he did this because he couldn't have any of his love loyalty compassion with him when he goes to essentially try and kill his own son because he knows those things will make him weaker so he cuts off this part of his soul and sends it into the warp and malador actually sees this happen and it's not clear how valdor could have found this out but I suspect he could have found a way and it is seemingly in the warp and that is the part of the emperor's soul that it appears empowers Imperial Saints the Legion of the Damned all these kind of Miracles that happened throughout the Galaxy that's not the emperor on the throne I think that is the part of the emperor that has grown in the warp as the chaos Gods grow malor says this to us he says that this part of the emperor is going to swell in size and get more and more powerful as more people believe in his divinity and as We Know by the time we get to 40K a lot of people believe in the emperor's Divinity it is essentially a mandated law in most systems and in Warhammer 40K today the word bearers especially are very concerned because the prophecy of the star child is almost upon us the star child is going to be born and that will be this part of the emperor Soul reborn into a child and this for me is matching up very closely with what is happening in the city of dust because what Constantine valdor is doing is taking these warp entities these luminous warp entities and putting them into bodies that is the plot of the star GI that is exactly the plot of the star child and so I suspect we are getting to the stage now where valdor is going to somehow try and find a vessel powerful enough to contain the emperor's soul and that is my theory I guess as to what valdor will do it leaves the question of course who could contain such a soul it appears that valdor needs blanks to do this so for example you know a lot of people have thought but maybe Alpha Primus would be a great candidate for someone to carry the emperor's Soul he's not a child he's actually very very old but in theory he's very powerful however he's not a blank so I'm not entirely sure that matches up but I guess is worth saying that the science here is not exactly clear but I suspect the final bequin novel will end and that is far more impactful than Constantine valdor returning to the setting are we assuming Valor is obsessed with the number eight because it represents the eight-pointed start of chaos that's a great question something I actually thought about today so the original Law behind the eight-pointed star is not clear why Games Workshop chose it you know all that time all that time ago it could be just to do with the idea that you can go like in any direction which is nice um some people have thought like even had theories like maybe there'll be eight chaos guards one day or something but I actually like the idea that it's connected to the athame dagger which killed Horus so that athame dagger is said to have killed eight people Horus was the eighth death of the athame dagger and um the of the deaths have varying levels of importance but I quite like the idea it's a nod to something like that or that was why Dan Abnet chose number eight there to kind of Link the two so I thought that was quite a cool idea if they all made from warp stuff anyway wouldn't them choosing a patron make them onedimensional but incredibly strong in one aspect but undivided from all the gods but not as strong it's not clear GRS can serve the Imperium they have done that in the past they are not exactly demons they're a different thing they're just warp entities and so exactly what Constantine valdor is going to do with them wants to do with them it's not entirely clear it's also not clear whether they like will retain their kind of blank abilities when they've got a warp entity inside of them because there is a soul there as I say I I think that's the slight misapprehension people have when it comes to beckin is that it's an army of blanks so people go like oh it will clear out the webway that might be valor's plan but I don't think an army of blanks is how he intends to accomplish that because they're now no longer just blanks he could have just bred blanks if he wanted to do that did the emperor want Magnus to look within for answers than seeking old and possibly correct ult knowledge the emperor's relationship with Magnus is quite weird there's a part in magnus's Primark novel where the emperor actually says to Magnus that he wants Magnus to be better than him which I think goes a huge way to explaining magnus's arrogance as it were and to as to why Magnus attempts so many things because to be fair the emperor himself kind of told Magnus he could and should do all these things arabus has to be killed by Samus somehow true is it confirmed within the law that blanks are indeed solers or is the belief solely on their ability to affect the war there are many soulless beings in Warhammer 40K they don't all have the impact that blanks have on reality and on psychers so necrons are solar psychers can be around necrons they don't feel the pain that they feel when they're around blanks blanks have a negative reflection in the warp so it's like another level Vador is going to roll on abdon with the new Army he's assembling I mean I think there's a good chance that that's his ultimate plan maybe one day they'll build up to like a second or third Siege of Terror and VOR will come in this like you know last hour Char of the roim hundreds of blood angels and they're going to absolutely you know beat the ever living hell out of abdon his forces one thing that be really interested in to see and I don't know if we'll find this out in the next book because the timelines are a bit weird but has the Great Rift affected the city of dust because that would be fascinating because malador foresaw the Great Rift being created and potentially Constantine valdor might have also found out that it was one they're going to be created that wording there that we listened to at the start about valdor versus abdon it's a bit cryptic but potentially he could interpret the Great Rift coming from that I don't know certainly not the part of the Emperor who talked to Big G there was no compassion or love there absolutely if they can grow blacks why don't they just create an army of those yeah I don't know if if that's his goal I think he has probably quite a specific goal and there's a huge amount of expenditure on valor's part in trying to understand more about the warp and anuna so he clearly has like a specific goal involved I will say that is also I think going to be strongly connected to the storyline and potentially how he's going to like make the star child and potentially the final missing piece there is parts of anun that VOR is trying to learn he might even trying to get a complete lexicon if he does that he can like completely change the game so it's yeah potentially he needs those words to maybe reform the emperor is it still assumed kowor will be returning with Russ no I wouldn't say it's assumed that um VOR will be determining uh with Russ the question is of course what happened to lean Russ it was always the rumor that they had gone off together now as I said in the Jag taan video the Thousand sons have said or they've heavily implied lean Russ is trapped somewhere and so it looks like that is the future of the Lan or a storyline on a wild guess I would probably say the lion the Dark Angels and the Thousand Suns will probably go on a quest to free Leman Russ at some point that's what I suspect the future of that will be however they make no mention of Constantine valdor and valdor is in the city of dust so they seem to have separated at one point whether they bring Russ into it I don't know I should say when Dad Abnet went to write this storyline we do know that he had to ask permission from the CEO of Games Workshop to do this because it is so radical and so different it's not like anything we've ever seen before so the idea that this has changed like that old law about valer and Russ being together absolutely matches that I will say as well actually another piece of evidence that I think exists as to why the emperor is going to be connected to the Constantine Valor story line and this is something someone pointed out in another one of my videos actually I'm so sorry I forgotten your name but it was actually on the cipher video and when the emperor communicates with a custodian and this is the first time the emperor talks to someone in like 10,000 years he's in a Dusty City and so I suspect maybe he's doing that because that's where he's talking to this custodian from it could be a good plot point for Cipher to go down I don't think Games Workshop know what to do with Cipher at this point he's quite a tough thing to decide because we have an obvious conclusion to his character but he is such a popular character I don't think they want to conclude his story line too quickly once the emperor has been born into the star child the next plot point and I would say this will probably be like 10 years after that they'll milk the Starchild story L for a long time as is their right but the next plot point will be connecting the star child soul with the part of The Emperor's soul on The Golden Throne and so the next big kind of plot device in Warhammer 40K will be trying to find out how to rejoin these two parts of the emperor's Soul because malador basically tells Us in the end of the death that that is the ultimate goal that is how 40K will end basically that will be the end game but you know they being a star child alone will be such an incredible thing and so that will take ages to kind of wrap up I think the fact that valdor found the city of dust at all is impressive because how on Earth he managed to discover what had happened and understand the nature of the city of dust is a bit of a mystery and that is why I actually suspect that in the long run Valor storyline will be connected to lus and Leu is a very interesting figure I'm not entirely sure what to make of him so he is ell2 one of the first space he's ever created and he has no Primark he was made before the primar he just says his dad was the emperor and his mom was erder and he's a very interesting character in that regard God because he is nameless so he actually joins the emperor Logan and the custodian Kus in their fight versus Horus lupaca and when the emperor gets knocked out I should say when one of the times the emperor gets knocked out because the emperor gets knocked out multiple times in that fight K cus makes his final stand and Logan's off fighting against centur long story Le runs over to the EMP Emperor and he's shaking the emperor's saying you've got to get up you've got to get up and he says ER sent me ER sent me because you know you have to get up you have to get up and fight your demon son I believe is the wording that he uses and then Horus comes up behind him and like picks him up now the Horus has demonstrated this ability at this point to like read people's names from like the air using his War Powers and this is a very effective thing to do against custodians because custodians have loads of names they have like 220 to like 100 I think Valor has like over a thousand but if you can say them all then in theory going you some sort of ability because names have power in 40K anyway when Horus tries to read Leu L has no name he just it just say ell2 he's just a number and so Horus is like very confused by what L is he's like what are you and then Horus says you were saying the word erder weren't you like and a really interesting point about this fight is that at this point Horus reveals that he knows who AR is he knows that he has a mother and that's the first time we find out that any of the primarchs Discover they have a mother and Horus actually says to Le like she can't help you the Apostle arabus has told me that he's killed and L has like a very like visceral reaction he like crying because to him he's just lost his mother he sees ER as like a mom and the Emperor as a father he doesn't have a Primark or anything it just says my mother was uh my father was Neo and then at that point Horus and this is not an exaggeration whatsoever Horus throws L hundreds of meters and he throws L at corn so like hits corn and when he looks up he sees like a Archway and then he realizes that that that's not an archway that is an Axe and so he's realizes that he's looking up at the blood God and K like looks over and looks down at Leu and I think the last line of the chapter is something like he doesn't scream there's no point but what's really weird and this is not elaborated on in the next scene he appears he's just like fine he runs into Logan and I think they're trying to take sanguinius down again and Le's like oh yeah you know like uh I just had this crazy thing happen anyway back to the fight and they just carry on but I suspect that being thrown at a chaos guard is probably going to have some ramifications so I don't know what they're going to do with this storyline but I suspect Le is going to have a big part to play in something and given that Valor has so much information around the emperor's fight versus Horus the inevitable city the city of dust the emperor probably the emperor becoming the dark King perhaps he has a cons a consult in L and so I think there is a good chance we will see Leu into 40K or in at least in the scouring and I can't wait to see what they do with that because he's a very interesting character and I don't think they would do like a simple possession but I suspect one of the chaos Gods must have done something to him um I don't entirely know it's a wild part of the book and as I say it's then like not referenced after that L leaves with like Dawn Etc when they teleport back to Terror crazy part of the book I mean the emperor's Soul was split in the city of dust so maybe that's where it stayed that is a great Point barley yes it's very very true maybe that's where it lives or yeah I don't know um is a big Palace there or maybe that's where it returned to yeah it would make sense there's there's a lot of things that are adding up here what if Valor is going about the wrong way and the star child has to come naturally and trying to force it could harm Big E the good old the road to hell is paved with good intentions could be some you could go down something like that and maybe that's what the final beckin book will be maybe they'll discover this plot and maybe they'll stop it because they realize it won't work that would be like a reasonably fitting end to the novel and then you can do the time Jump and have the starch child story line coming in naturally that will kind of make sense um Ellie could be the second Primark uh I don't think so because Horus didn't recognize him Horus knows the second Primark and a super chat from II Ador the whole VOR thing makes me think uh OD damn a new warfront for some reason I don't think anything good will come of it uh I think it will serve a purpose it could be connected to the Vash door storyline potentially it will derail their plans I guess what's going to be so interesting is like do the do any the trait Legions figure out that it's valdor apparently not chaos agents are working with Valor in the novels the tree of life is Aisha that would work that would be a good plotline for Russ maybe he was captured by nuggle somehow in this attempt what if nurgle gets a hold of the silent King Shard and locks it up with Slash near Isa and lenan Ras and valdor pull a rescue I mean that could work May maybe that is the plan I just feel like they wouldn't do that in the near future future because they've just burned the guard of nurgle so like they've already dealt a big blow to nurgle and to go back again and make him look pretty weak but it's not out of the question but any means so Constantine valdor has become one of the most interesting figures in Warhammer 40K his return to the setting might have more impact than any of the primar and I really do think that Games Workshop and especially Dan abet is working towards this idea of Constantine Valor finding a way to create some sort of vessel for the star child and in that respect the emperor will be reborn into the setting now whether that's true or not certainly valdor has some very mysterious goals he does live in this mysterious Place known as the city of dust which is in view of the eye of Terror and has some of the most interesting inhabitants we've ever seen Rosen Rose are blood angels that have wings blanks that are turned into vessels for these mysterious luminous warp entities known as Grails and there's even a suggestion that there are custodians it's not entirely clear whether custodian will mean one of the emperor's custodians or whether custodian will just mean somebody who guards the King in Yellow but potentially the resources at his command rival that of you know the high Lords of taror and as I say officially it is said that he is stronger than the high Lords Constantine valdor is certainly going to have to take on a huge number of enemies in the future only a small fraction of people know that the King in Yellow is Constantine valdor however he has enemies in the Imperium and serving chaos and enemies even that are xenos so what he's going to be up against in the final beIN book it could be a hell of a force and a massive final fight I absolutely think beckin book three will kind of be a secret ending to the Horus heresy and I think that that will have huge ramifications into Warhammer 40K it seems that this all started with the emperor treating Valor very specifically you know valdor is larger than other custodians he's the first custodian he's seemingly a bit more powerful he's almost on a pride Mark level the emperor spent a huge number of resources to grab this child that would one day become Constantine valdor and so it's pretty clear that the emperor knew that valdor would have a huge part to play in the future of the Imperium he must have had some sort of vision that played into this through this storyline of him serving the emperor do unification Wars into the great crusade to him then kind of you know taking his own initiative starting to think for himself without the emperor and maldor's guidance and seeing this future whereby there is only war and this evil Blackness will invade the Imperium the the black Legion and ultimately it may well have broken the man but we're pretty sure Constantine Valor will have stayed loyal to the emperor and is working in his own way towards the goals of the Imperium but let me know what you think you know is there anything else you think that I've missed I mean certainly you know there's a lot going on exactly what his goals are with aun are not clear why does he want all of this secret language what is valo working towards why does he need all of these resources I'll be really interested to hear in the comments what you guys think's going on but that is it for this video thank you so much for watching I hope you enjoyed it uh I try to stream every Wednesday for you guys on the channel and I also stream on Sunday for members so do consider joining the channel if you like these kinds of videos but thank you so much for watching and I'll see you next time
Channel: Sandman of Terra
Views: 120,904
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: emperor of mankind, emperor of mankind tribute, master of mankind 40k, yellow king warhammer, the yellow king warhammer 40k, the king in yellow warhammer 40k, the king in yellow warhammer, king in yellow warhammer, king in yellow warhammer 40k, adeptus custodes, legio custodes, adeptus custodes lore, constantin valdor, constantin valdor lore, constantin valdor vs primarch, constantin valdor return, king in yellow constantin valdor, warhammer 40k, warhammer 40000
Id: 6uk7vMDfxLs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 2sec (2702 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 08 2024
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