My Name Is A BAD WORD (Animated Story Time)

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friends it's me and this is a true story about a girl whose name is a bad word I don't know why anyone would name their child a swear word clearly my parents were out of their mind when they chose it because of the stupid name they picked for me I've had to get used to the smell of poo whatever it is it can't be worse than this guy though dudu though Boppity bop bop started when a French boy moved to our school the teacher was doing the register and when she got to my name the French kid started laughing hysterically I looked at him and asked him what was so funny and then he told me in French my name literally means poo Wow did you also know they means poo in Danish that's not bad enough it's also used as a square word we were only 10 at the time but I'd heard my mom and dad shouting at each other using the English version of the word it was a bad word I was so angry why did my mom and dad choose such a horrible name for me did think I was just a piece of poo her name is a swear word but in French so she had no idea until this Florence boy home came along my classmates called me pool girl and no one would sit next to me it was the worst day of my life as soon as my mom picked me up I started shouting at her and then I did something crazy I swore at her I didn't even care how she'd react you pieces like this is what you called me I'm gonna play this you know reverse card I'm gonna call you what you called me keep my doll is ten car ride home I just went insane my mom always told me my name was so cute but she was wrong it wasn't cute it was disgusting when dad got home from work I was still shouting at mom dad went berserk he sent me to my room and said if I didn't sort my behavior out and treat my mom better he'd send me away to stay with the orphans nothing fixes bad behavior you know take you for a nice Drive and drop you off at the orphanage they'll send me there then I shout it and I can change my name and live a normal life things just got worse from there I hated my parents for this now everyone in school knew what my name went and kids can be cruel every morning when I left for school there would be a fresh dog poo waiting on our porch it was only one kid on our street with a dog and it was that nasty French kid how convenient that this little demonic child lives on the same street as her and he gonna let his dog take a big fat Dookie on her doorstep every morning you know just a little reminder in case you forgot we're his parents you must have come before he woke up so one day me and my dad woke up extra early and waited we saw him coming up the path and that grabbed the garden hose and just as his dog started doing its business dad threw the door open and aimed the hose right at him the water came out so fast he actually fell onto the ground and started crying I filmed him and couldn't stop laughing he deserved this saying right he deserved that oh she posted on YouTube you won't ruin my life pool boy strikes again I then grabbed his dog and said if you ever let your thug poo here again I'll show this video to everyone after that he always walked his dog on the other side of the street but then one time we were playing hide and seek at school I've been hiding for ages and no one came to find me and I heard a girl in my class saying oh hey merde that's not a very good hiding place is it I was so confused and then I saw what she was doing she was talking to a piece of dog poo by the school gate sick burn bro ten out of ten mean oh I mean you didn't even try on Halloween last year I decided to join in on the jokes I dressed up as the poo emoji and went along with my friend Sara to the party it was at the French boy's house excuse me what you know I really don't understand why people do this this can frustrate up bullying you roasting you letting his dog take a Dookie on your door on the daily and you're gonna show up to his Halloween party don't you just straight-up pull ahead at Baker why would you go to a party knocked on the door and his mom answered Sara was dressed as a cute pumpkin and his mom let her in and then she looked at me and shook her head and said I wasn't welcome in their house because my name offended her and her entire country and she slammed the door in my face I didn't get it I thought if I made fun of myself people would laugh with me it's not how it worked apparently are you kidding me that mom is just straight-up petty like it's the child can't pick what her name is hey Siri how do you say seal in French in French Sheila's suck seal sorry you're not welcome here and then the universe decided to play with me even more or art teacher announced a trip to Paris so now I'd be going to the land where my name was the swearword great I need to change my name what if they wouldn't even let me enter the country as I was thinking that I went to my locker to get my art supplies I could smell it before I even saw a huge steaming turd lying on my books it looked like a human one this time I heard a bunch of guys laughing behind me I gave them a death stare and tried to use a tissue to scoop up the poo I wanted to throw it at them but they ran off the poo left a big smear across the front of my book gross oh just throw the whole thing away rip out the pages are you seriously trying to wipe Dookie off your textbook ah that's nasty also surprised we're going to France oh wait she can't come okay I'm gonna look up what her name is oh so her name is Mary mayor de merde now this man sorry that's her name and I guess it's a pretty name until you know what it means in French suddenly the girl next to me started sniffing the air yeah what's that smell she said I could smell it too and then I realized what it was there was poo on my face and in my hair when I'd scooped the payoff my book I must have touched my face miss Mertzes like a real murder and you open a window please another girl said I couldn't take it I ran out of the class and I slammed the door behind me I could hear everyone laughing I went home and man to the bathroom and scrubbed my hand until they were Red Rock then I took the longest shower and decided it was time to change my name it's actually kind of sad I mean not nearly as bad but kind of relatable cuz I was chilling in art class once and some dude came over and poured a salt packet in my hair and then I chewed the biggest wad of gum and I took it and I put it in his head you see I got bullied but I believe back okay so self-defense I looked up how to do it online and realized I'd only be able to do it after the trip I couldn't miss the trip or I'd risk failing art I just have to grin and bear it the trip arrived I was pretty nervous as I stood in the line at immigration when the officer took my passport to stamp EDD you stared at my name for a while I lowered my head waiting for the insult but none came instead he started laughing like really loudly and then he called his colleagues over I felt like a freak show and that was just the beginning wait I have to go on this international art trip or I fail my art class that avocado on your lies right there what if somebody does I have a passport you can't force a student to take an international trip or any trip for that matter like some parents just don't let their kids go on school trip hello yes that's me when we got to our hotel I went to the bathroom suddenly I heard my name being called and then everyone in the hotel lobby started tutting and shaking their heads and disgust at my teacher I even saw a mom covering her kids ears clearly these people were shocked to hear an American lady shouting merde if only they knew it was my name the next day we went to see all the sights it was amazing after going up the Eiffel Tower our teacher gave us a free hour to do what we wanted me and my best friend Sara decided to go to an art museum literally why don't you just go buy mer mer mermaid there's so many ways to say it that doesn't sound like the swear word I like mer maybe you're just dirt ma something horrible happened we got lost like legit lost in Paris we couldn't find our teacher anywhere neither of us spoke good enough French to ask for help and we had no Wi-Fi so basically it was a recipe for a disaster it was a man nearby and he was saying my name I ran over to him thinking maybe he was a security guard looking for him but then I realized he was stinking drunk and maybe even crazy okay yeah he was definitely crazy just somebody swearing in another country and you look over and you think they're saying your name but they're just really pissed up the world he wouldn't stop following us he just kept chanting my name merde merde merde if we weren't so scared it would have been funny he caught up with us and grabbed Sara's backpack he was trying to mug us I'd heard about pickpocketers but I wasn't prepared for this I panicked picked something up off the ground and threw it at him I didn't want to hurt him I just wanted him to go away only after I threw it did I realize what it was dried up poo Wow sick sorry bro it just keeps getting faker and faker here I pick something off my god oh it just happens to be my ultimate ability throwing that'll show him I noticed that everyone around us was giggling and filming something I stopped for a second and looked around I couldn't see anything interesting but then I heard it our names well my name on a loudspeaker a policeman appeared and started escorting us towards his man I had no idea what was going on were we in trouble I realized he was taking us back to the hotel our teacher was standing in the entrance waiting for us looking so worried she kept apologizing for taking so long to find us explaining that no one would take her seriously when she'd reported us missing all because of my name a lot of people in France know some English like you'd be like I have a child this is her name okay you know what if the roles were reversed and it was America and you were like my child's name is the F word go home you're drunk ain't nobody got time for this how bad can it be having a swear word as a name and then now like this girl she's suffered the following day we went on a cycling tour along the river and we stopped to buy some water well hell you won't believe what was on the front of the newspaper my eyeballs almost bulged out on my head when I saw it it was me on the front page I couldn't read it but I knew exactly what it was about was my name that much of a shock all my classmates saw and started howling with laughter and the man selling the newspapers started telling a random passerby that I was the married girl okay but why is the bad thing is like great publicity all the cloud in the world Instagram page - in shocked a little if it was that bad you we're never even went on the Hart trip to begin with why are you spending so much time with classmates that you absolutely can't stand in a country that can't even deal with your name my cousin sent me a message telling me to check Twitter I was trending on Twitter someone had actually created a hashtag for me I couldn't believe it was this what it was like to be a celeb I wondered and you'll never guess what at the airport on the way home the exact same immigration man gave me my exit stamp he couldn't stop grinning at me and in broken English he said you are so big celeb in France no married girl he wasn't wrong there how would this happened I'd gone from being someone who found dog poo on her doorstep just someone who people actually tweeted about I mean okay they were mainly making fun of me but still I was pretty famous now okay but it's like everybody's gonna make fun of you you might as well like own it Bonjour it's me the poop girl this Dookie coming at you good you got to stop being upset about it it builds character you know this like just the right amount of trauma to make you into a really funny person I did a google search and there are people out there with way worse names than me I mean imagine if my name was testicle and I guess that dried up old poo saved mine and Sarah's life what you told me somebody's name is testicle oh no can I get in the chat for my dude penis gen-i doctor wet fart it's French by the way but anyway that's all for today I hope you guys enjoyed this video comment below let me know what your name is and if you guys don't have a super weird name make sure you smash that like button then make sure you turn on notifications today and subscribe to the wolf pack I love you guys so much thanks for watching bye guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 10,424,476
Rating: 4.917089 out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny, true stories, animation, actually happened, animation short film, story time, share my story, animated story, my animated story, animated story time
Id: MCBD4Md1dQ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 21sec (741 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 06 2020
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