Oklahoma (Onion) Smash Burger | Bona Fide Bites

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so i've been craving a burger for the past few months and i wanted one that reminded me of summer pool parties when i was a kid but better so i went on youtube and i looked and i found this video from a channel that i subscribed to called not another cooking show and he talks about this oklahoma onion burger and i've never heard of that before but after seeing how cheap and how easy it is to make i had to show it with you guys so let's do it so the oklahoma onion burger was made during the great depression and because of that it only has three main ingredients the beef the onion and the bun the small list of cheap ingredients allowed cafes at the time to produce something that still tasted good but at the same time gave them profits and ever since then it's become a staple in oklahoma so here we have two sets of ingredients one for the burger and one for the burger sauce so to get started we'll work on the sauce first so to make this we have some mayo mustard relish ketchup and my special ingredient smoked paprika and i don't have any of this measured out because i believe that sauces are one of the best places to learn how to cook to taste if you like your sauce sweeter you can add more mayo or honey mustard if you want more acidity you can add more relish or ketchup the final flavor of the sauce is completely up to you when that's done just set that aside and we can start the prep for the burger one of the most important ingredients here is the onion and i have a regular yellow onion and that's the perfect balance between sweet and acidic you want to cut them as thin as you can get it so that they can cook fast and get nice and caramelized over a short period of time so for this i'll be using a mandolin if you don't have one of these at home you can use a regular knife and just go slow so you can make the thin cuts now you're going to want to portion out your beef and for a smash burger you're going to want a pretty fatty choice of ground beef i'm using 80 percent lean 20 percent fat today then portion them out to three to four ounce patties i like to make them a little bit smaller so that you can make them flatter and get more of that delicious golden brown crust now that we have all this prep done we can finally make this burger start by getting a nice toast on your buns we're toasting them dry with no mayo or butter so that it can form a crust and protect the bun from getting soggy from all the burger juices with the buns done take your burger patties and press them down just a little bit to help with the flattening place the patty on the grill and firmly press down until it's about a centimeter in height you want to be able to get as much of the beef in contact with the heat so that you get nice and even brownie this should only take about a few minutes while this is happening take about a handful of onions and place them on top of the burger to let the onions sweat before they get cooked after a few minutes check the bottom to see if the crust is formed and don't skimp on the step the beautiful golden crust is what gives this burger a lot of flavor once the crust is properly formed flip the patty place the cheese down and let the onions cook until they're kind of starting to brown when the cheese is nice and gooey and melty place the bottom bun upside down on top of the patty flip it onto the bottom bun spread your burger sauce on the top bun and form your gloriously perfect burger so here's the final product i love this burger because it looks so humble but tastes so good because everything works so well together the main thing that sticks out to me is the burger patty since we didn't mess with the beef too much it has that nice crumbly texture while being perfectly seasoned and having that deep umami flavor from the crust we formed the onions are also sweet and kind of crunchy which is exactly what we are going for the buns are nice and soft not dry at all but one of the biggest winners for me is the burger sauce it really does taste like the in and out special sauce with the smoky earthy flavor of the smoked paprika so as you guys saw this burger was super easy and super cheap to make so for the process you're paying i don't think that you can get a better burger than this try this at home let me know what you guys think and special shout out to you for making it to the end of the video i really appreciate all of you guys support and i love each and every one of you guys catch you on the next one
Channel: Bona Fide Bites
Views: 14,560
Rating: 4.8791208 out of 5
Keywords: burger, oklahoma, onion, bona fide, bites, chef, food, cooking
Id: 3jvu8Bwe7WI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 23sec (263 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 02 2020
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