The OBVIOUS Thing BAD ADC's Must Learn! - Skill Capped

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I don't think tarek is thinking about long term like yeah I mean it's kind of hard to fight them here it's hard to like chase them down boy stop fighting in the wave like what is wrong with him you can't really Force anything here what am I watching what what is going on as an ADC you all know that what you just witnessed is a standard Tuesday night and unfortunately as the most team Reliant role it feels even worse to have Partners like that because it feels absolutely hopeless since you're incapable of doing anything about it by yourself we constantly send our Challenger expert Hector into low ELO and he has to deal with Partners like that on a daily basis but the difference between how his games go and yours is that his terrible supports end up looking confident throughout the game he doesn't flame them ping them or anything and it's not as crazy mechanics that are making them look decent he's just applying one simple technique that lets him turn any support he's playing with into a reliable partner and the best part is you'll be able to apply this instantly in your own games after watching this guy once you learn a single concept you'll be able to turn almost any bad support into perhaps a lifelong Duo partner and keep in mind this is just one of hundreds of famously effective guides that are designed to help you climb stupidly fast over at skill capped along with our Challenger tailored courses that focus on the things that will actually help you climb just like the this video does if you're serious about improving in League of Legends then sign up and use our service actively and if you don't significantly rank up you can claim a full refund so there's no risk and with that said let's get into it when dealing with a random support that you don't like playing with the first thing you need to do is not immediately think that they're bad but to Instead try to label them for what type of player they are when it comes to climbing like it or not the support you hate playing with is the same ELO as you it may not seem like it but it's obviously true and understanding this can let you overcome even the most ridiculous circumstances this means that they must have some redeemable quality about them that allows them to climb to the same ELO that you do some supports are good mechanically some of them potentially watch guides like ours and know how to make good strategic choices or some of them are just playing really easy support Champions who have high impact every game no matter how unskilled they may be even the enchanter players who stand 20 yards behind you the whole laning phase have a redeeming quality they're likely less prone to making mistakes and are probably just going to sit behind you the whole game provide adding you Shields and Buffs while having to identify your support strengths as a player every game may sound tedious it's usually very obvious what type of player they are a lot of players especially in low ELO who seem to be really bad at one particular thing tend to be bad at it because they put way more care into developing another one of their skills basically this just means that what they're bad at will be the opposite of what they're actually competent in for example if your support is blind as a bat and never reacts to ganks or that sort of thing then that just means they're more than likely quite good at trading fighting all ins and so on and if your support is messing up every trade skill shot Etc that likely means your support will make better strategic decisions than usual get better Vision or something of that nature the simplest way of understanding this is sort of like point allotments in another video game every player in the same ELO has the same amount of points for example Platinum Players all have a hundred points but the way each player distributes those points is entirely different since everyone climbs in their own unique way while most players tend to spread their points evenly in a bunch of different skills the supports you hate playing with tend to forego certain areas and only focus on a couple of skills to climb we're really emphasizing this because trying to understand your supports in this specific way can make playing with them infinitely easier going back to the replay that we had at the start of this guide we'll be able to see Hector simply apply this principle to make playing with this Tarik much easier during the earlier parts of the lane he and Tara got ahead instantly off the back of one of his engages this seemed like a good sign that his support was actually competent tarek knew when to go in and how to play out the 2v2 so that they came out with two kills but we already know that the Tarik is not a mentally stable player as Hector found out right afterwards coming back to Lane we can see the beginning of what we previewed at the start um I kind of want to let the way it push into us a little bit ugh I don't think tarek is thinking about long term like yeah I mean it's kind of hard to fight them here it's hard to like chase them down okay to clarify what Hector is saying here he's just trying to play around the main strategy we always preach in matchups where you have a melee versus a range support in most cases a melee Champion cannot properly engage into a ranged one when they're too close to the safety of their Tower what this means is that you typically want to bounce waves closer to your side of the lane which will give your melee support way more room to work with this lets them chase enemies down the lane and allows your support to find engages more consistently the Tariq is clearly not aware of this he's hitting the wave here which delays it pushing it into their side he's actively working against his own win condition that's why the following engage was so awkward they can't really Chase and fight milio and Kaiser since they can fall back to their Tower really easily so you can see how easy it is to categorize this type of teammate they seem competent in fights but don't actually know how to set themselves up consistently with these types of players you're going to have to compromise on strategy in some way and your main goal should be to set up some sort of fight even if the engage itself isn't perfect playing around your supports one strength is better than trying to go against it later on we see this happen Okay so Mike Tarik this guy does not care so I want to clear the wave instantly so we can just fight at engage they chase down the lane and first get milio and then clean up kaisa as well for their second double kill of a game looking back at the start of things this isn't a great fight to start with to get the Skirmish going Hector has to tank and clear the wave while also keeping kaisa and milio interested he tanked a fair bit of damage just to keep them in range to fight but as he said this is all worth it to enable his crazy support watch tarek this fight he actually plays it fairly solid at least way better than an average gold support he's weaving his heel and auto attacks where he can and when Hector swaps his focused Emilio he instantly swaps to finish him off as well this isn't much but you guys know that it's more than you could ever ask for from your supports right compare that to the enemy Emilio who flashes super late and had poor positioning that entire fight and it's clear to see why Hector wanted to just brawl when you have someone who knows how to press their buttons then just find any opportunity to actually let them press their buttons this is the super simple concept that you can instantly apply which makes solo queue so much easier to play through make a good play with no Synergy will likely result in things going wrong but making a bad or mediocre call with actual Synergy will have a fair chance of actually going well the best way of making any teammate look good is to sometimes just drop the ego and see if you can match their way of playing it's not just being aggressive either let's take a look at an example of a support who's the complete opposite of that taric in this Kaiser game Hector finds himself with a nice lead by cheesing the enemy Emilio who's walking to Lane now he walks the bottom where he gets a massive experience lead by getting the first three melee whereas the enemy Jinx and milio missed that exp amumu has seen all of this let's watch how he proceeds for the next few minutes oh he can cue because I was gonna hit level two but a member doesn't really need level two well I can't really do anything on my own like if I try to trade with drinks Melia just uh Shields her and then I lose the trade all I can do is kind of wait for a mumu he's not really making opportunities for himself but I can't really do anything more to make opportunities for him like the waves in a good spot for him to control this brush and stuff once this wave equalizes maybe we can go aggressive typically in melee Lanes when the wave equalizes a tower like this uh the support can start playing aggro we'll see what he does we'll see what he does I think we can just cue The Melia there but it's fine kind of explained this way like I mean it's not how I want to play but like as an ADC in Lowell like I mean you can't force like trying to force the issue is like why people don't climb like you just have to adapt to your sports skill level and you have to not tilt about it well it's usually enchanter players who play like this engage supports can be just as guilty of it as well it's really frustrating having a support who has had plenty of opportunities to fight just do nothing meanwhile the enemy support is throwing spells and just being overall annoying is not fun and it feels hopeless to play these Lanes but his final thoughts are the difference between him and most low ELO players like we said he's not doing anything particularly special he's just realized that he has a support who climbs by playing safe a ton of low ELO players climb to decent ranks by playing the way this amumu does doing nothing is honestly a pretty consistent way of winning games if you never put yourself at risk your opponents are bound to make mistakes that you can punish and capitalize on for a win boring your opponent to death is a genuinely good strategy in solo queue so all Hector has to do is be patient and play with the MooMoo style he's preserving his health and just conceding Lane pressure and Hector's patience will eventually have payoff maybe oh Poppy's coming is he gonna move up Poppy's coming is he gonna move up Poppy's coming he gonna while the gank itself isn't particularly great it does relieve the pressure of being 1v2 in this Lane so he can push and set up a recall timing to get out of this Lane but the enemy Emilio is hungry for Action please please surely this is the time to go in thank you all I want is that guy doing even with a completely AFK support Hector manages to make the enemy meleo look even worse and again it almost looks too easy these are the types of supports ADC players hate the most the Tarik was mindlessly aggressive the entire laning phase it's just constant fighting with no thought behind it the amumu was literally AFK the whole Lane outside of outright feeding you don't get worse supports than this but both lanes were easily salvaged by Hector just adapting to his teammates playstyles in fact it's almost unbelievable that such simple adaptations could have such drastic effects in your own games when dealing with a bad partner but when you watch what a regular low ELO ADC does in comparison you'll see why bad supports can have such a huge impact on the laning phase so let's do that let's tune into a gold ELO twitch and see how he adapts to a soraka's play stop even as they barely walk into Lane you can immediately draw conclusions as to both of these players play Styles twitch is constantly moving forward trying to begin contesting space and heading towards this brush to have more Lane pressure meanwhile Soraka tried to land a cue on Swain missed and then just began conceding ground then as the fight begins let's pay attention to soraka's movement Swain is overextending at the moment plus twitch and Soraka have the positional advantage over Swain and Ash despite that throughout the fight Soraka consistently moves backwards at the same time twitch showed no hesitation and clearly wanted the trade to continue it cannot be any clearer what type of players these two bot laners are twitch is probably a very aggressive ADC who likes cheesing kills by coming out of stealth and abusing how strong twitch's early game DPS can be Soraka on the other hand is probably an enchanter who likes to play on the safer side she'll throw out cues and a heel every now and then but she's probably not going to fully commit to fight play for a positional Advantage help you contest the push Etc she's likely a slow pace type of player unlike our previous examples though twitch will refuse to adapt to that let's take a look at this moment twitch sees an opportunity to trade if they kill one cast or minion they'll hit Level 2 and be able to take a good trade as long as they Dodge Swain's e this is an easy fight to win after seeing the early parts of the lane do you think that Soraka is going to see that same trade angle yeah of course not twitch goes for the trade and watch Soraka the entire time she was not ready to fight at all unfortunately this tilts twitch out of his mind he popped ghosts to make that play happen so he keeps moving forward gets caught out and dies a pointless death hopefully it's painfully clear how simple of a tip it is to match your playstyle to your support skill set you need to stop thinking of everyone in your elos being capable of the same things as you are everyone has different strengths learning to avoid your teammates weaknesses and playing around what they're actually good at will make climbing as ADC infinitely easier and remember to consider joining us over at skillcap it really is the best place you can be to start ranking up in League of Legends I personally recommend getting started on our master and minutes courses to quickly power your way through the fundamentals you're also guaranteed to learn really useful tricks that very few people know about thanks for watching and we'll see in the next one
Channel: Skill Capped Challenger LoL Guides
Views: 157,493
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: league of legends, league of legends guide, lol guides, league of legends tips, league of legends coaching, league of legends season 13, how to get better at league of legends, skill capped, lol tips, lol tips and tricks, league of legends pro guides, how to improve at league of legends, lol coaching, skill-capped, adc guide, how to adc, adc guide skill capped, lol adc guide, how to play adc, adc how to play, adc learner guide, adc lol, best adc, best bot matchups
Id: LsoxNvzI3Uo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 27sec (747 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 25 2023
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