How is nobody abusing this? - XAYAH OP BUILD 14.11

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Community consensus is that say kind of got the short end of the stick the split with the initial item rework and meta shift the stats seem to reflected as well this made me a bit sad because I'm actually a big Saia enjoyer she is C or D tier in most people's tier lists as well as websites and the win rate seems to be between 47 and 48% so today I ask you to let me cook and explain why I think say is actually strong it's just that she seems weak because of players building and playing her the wrong way my play style is not very groundbreaking I just have found a slightly different one than the one people are building and we are actually already doing this same exact build and Playa with other Champions it's just that for some reason people think it doesn't work or maybe haven't tried it with sayia but I think it's really good so first why is sayia weak this patch or seems to be we're seeing a lot of long range adcs pop up in the meta again and by the way previous meta it was a lot of Hal of play dayas and lethal Tempo that also cter herir with longer range or better level one but it's been a while since sa has seen a good metaph for her and right now we're seeing a lot of Caitlyn on to Nerf Gan Jinx all Ester then carthus even in botling and say frankly has some issues with those and to make matters worse Halo blade supports are not yet completely out of the meta and we're also seeing poke he getting Hur from multiple fronts at the same time it doesn't seem that she can abuse any of the current build paths as much as before and lethal Tempo being gone also makes it so that she doesn't really have any way of playing with Kraken all that well this is in contrast to Lucian um Lucian likes Kraken right now in certain compositions as I explained in my previous video however sayia likes the crit more than Lucian does in the first item because her e scals with crit whereas Lucian only the old scals with crit so he can delay it a little bit and also luian doesn't care about lethal Tempo being gone he can still broke Ken Slayer just fine but Saia without lethal Tempo can't really Pro Ken Slayer that much so these are the weaknesses right now people are long range she doesn't have the best laning face she needs crit early and can't fight with Ken Slayer and even if she did she doesn't have lethal Tempo anymore so how do we fix all of these well this meta sort of reminded me of early 2022 when zigs and Jinx botling were Perma pi and ban especially in Halo and prop play and as an answer to this people discovered this cild that used to be Max q a and tier and then you has play with q and E from far away quite undodgeable as well this is because her short range couldn't compete with the legs of zigs and Jinx and I think I found a build to get the same approach and apply to the current meta with some modifications the build is simple you're going to go first strike magical footware the goodle cookies and Cosmic Insight in the secondaries it's a bit more optional I personally prefer Gathering storm and Transcendence because I'm scaling in the lane I'm just hitting qes for First Strike 15 gold so I don't care about Scorch that much in Lane and also you really really Spike at the third and second item so I don't really care about the laye that much other than getting the gold out of it as for the build we're going to be using the buffed Essence River it's cheap and it gives a lot of adid compared to any other item the ability haste is always a plus on sa and she's actually quite Mana hungry with this build because we're casting a lot and it also makes it so we don't need to buy tear it's the most optimal item because it gives us early crit for the E feather damage well as cool don't to use it more often it will also give you a lot of AD and you don't need the attack speed early since you're mostly playing off of Q out key or even just Q E poke second item will be Infinity same reason you want even more ad and crit so we are going to be at 50 crit already and infinity gives way too much adid which is really nice you don't really care about the infinity Nerf because you're not using the autod dexs that much in this stage of the game before you get more attack speed anyway and remember that this build is super scaling so you're not going to do a lot of action early so you can sneak a call in one of the rles if you don't have enough for a BF sword during Essence River of course only during first item and third item I usually go Lord Dominic although if you really want you can go ZL before Lord Dominic and then finish the seal if the enemy has three or four range Champions or more that you can't reach like Caitlyn then I go rabbit fa Cannon I don't go navori but if the enemy has a lot of melee Champions you're going to worry last item usually BT because at this point you're the maximum possible crits as for skill Max this is where we see a difference from the 2022 build we're actually not maxing Q because that got nerfed back when that build was meta so we're still maxing e this is because we're actually buying a lot of crit and E SCS with crit so the difference with a 2022 build is that back then you didn't buy crit on sa you would just go tier and damage items without that much crit so you Max Q because the E would scale with crit actually being able to do a lot of damage with it regardless so we don't need to Max Q whereas the most of the damage comes from hitting random e once in a while or simply a q into e combo to chunk after Health from really far away did you know you can get my patreon for free the patreon will give you a discount code for my coaching sessions which is the same or more value than the patron cost itself so if you get both my Patron and a coaching session the patron comes free with it basically if you do the math in landing phase you're going to look for a lot of cues just to hit the first stke on the enemy and the rest of the time you will be farming one thing I like to do is if you miss the que for First Strike you actually can out attack the minions and if a tiny tiny feather hits the enemy in the back it will still give you the 15 gold which is pretty nice you shouldn't look for long trades or fights because you don't have lethal Tempo obviously or press the attack so if you extend the trade a long time you will actually lose so this is more like scaling but really safe and far away once you finish Essence River you can actually start being a bit more aggressive and the thing I like to to do is with the infinite Mana you just begin pushing every wave without stopping and you're just a PRI machine that's q auto then double you Auto e and that's the whole wave in fights you're still not super amazing at extended fights but already with a gold on blast Transcendence you're around 30 haste so the extended face are not that bad anymore because now you can actually pull the first twice in a fight but now you're good at fighting also so I wouldn't worry too much like after s you can definitely start being more aggressive and get more PRI play with the Mana spam your abilities as much as possible after that I like getting bers completed unless it's a game that you're super snowballing and you just go for the BF sword straight up it depends on what kind of game you're playing but it's either bers or BF sword some games I don't finish ver circus until later especially if I'm not out attacking much also talk about a bit of an elephant in the room which is upcoming First Strike five gold Nerf and also the collector and infinity edge Nerfs The Collector Nerf doesn't affect us at all Essence re got buff which sayia likes then the infinity edge Nerf is not actually big for Saia because most of your damage is the feather spool which don't scale with infinity edge bonus crit they only scale with normal crit so we're fine in that regard and now I want to talk about the last thing which is something I like to talk about when I make these build videos and that is what are the pros and cons and whether this is actually worth it I want to preface by saying this I think this is the best way of playing S at the moment I think this is way better than every other build that people are trying to do rushing kren is incorrect and I say this as a kren salesman which made a kren build for Lucian bootless which was famous the other day and I think this build covers so many of the weaknesses without a lot of drawbacks the pros are this build and setup is much more playable in Lane especially in the current meta and you don't suffer a lot against long range like other setups do you get to scale way more reliably and say was always a scaling champion and good l but this one is way more reliable I'm getting three items or four every single game even if they're really short games or even if there are games that I did B initially that means that even in games that the lane isn't amazing I still find a way to carry with this field it's insane how good it feels the biggest selling point in my opinion is the fact that you don't need to buy attack speed early so you get to spend all of your gold in raw ad and crit so your e hits like a truck very fast your e with rushing ID and crit only without worrying about attack speed so much damage is insane and why can't you skip getting attacks spe early because you have the first strike you're playing off of the pulls of the feathers and because you have a lot of cool down with Essence River and Transcendence especially after getting an assist past level 10 or so you don't really need the attacks with that in fact you might think that you need it but if you get used to how this build is played and you don't play it like Auto attack only you actually play it smart with the feather pulls this build is actually really strong you actually do objectives insanely fast which is something I didn't expect when I cooked up the build it's really nice we have longer effective damage range and poke than any other build on sa now as for the cons I think that one of them is that you don't have extended fight potential early meaning that if a fight happens that is very long with for example you know these usual fights that jungle comes or they have like Saka or Lulu and the fight is going to be very long this build you need to be smart to play it it's not a brain that build you're smart it's really good drawback is that you have a bit less attack speed and a last drawback is the fact that against tanks this might not be the best and maybe I would recommend that if the enemy has like three tanks you should still go press the attack perhaps I'm recording this a bit later than the intro and I have played 15 games now I only lost one or two of the 15 games in master grandmas lobbies and one of them was a game that I went into many tanks in the enemy team I stealed it super well but I felt like that game I could have carried better if I had PTA I think that you shouldn't pick this field every single game I would say this is a build for maybe 60% plus of your games in ranks below emerald and 70 to 80% in emerald diamond and above to higho the higher ELO you go the better this build will be usually lowow players are not going to be the best at getting the value out of this build because I do think this build needs higher skill floor my last advice is that you don't play it like you would normally and adapt and play with q e and maybe one Auto Etc I would be all guys I want to announce that I'm now finally a YouTube partner so I'm going to start making my content and yeah you can tell me in the comments if you like this type of build content or if you like coaching session Contents I am a full-time coach so you can also get a session with me or get my patreon so you get access to more than 800 sessions as well as discount codes for my sessions so basically patreon is free so tell me if you trade this build and you like it like And subscribe and I will see you in the next video thank you
Channel: Sagittarius - League of Legends Coaching
Views: 10,325
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #leagueoflegends, #lolcoaching, #coaching, #lolcoach, #loltips, #lolprotips, #leaguetips, #leagueprotips, #coachingsession, #procoach
Id: iT_0PSMogtI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 55sec (655 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 02 2024
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