Complete FARMING Jungle Guide: How To ACTUALLY Carry In Season 14!

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tell me if I'm right the enemy jungler gets pinged out through your track and ganks your laners and they die anyway problem is you can't really find those opportunities to gank and your farming jungler and now you need to know how a 1 v9 and hey that's great because this video is the ultimate farming jungler guide for season 14 every single jungler needs to not a gank end of story but farming junglers need to gank a little bit less because they're focused more on scaling and farming and getting economy a different way so let's get straight into it we have a Lilia Farming jungler versus a ganking jungler and we will have a second game with two farming jungles battle it off and one gets 10 CS per minute so we're going to look at how to fuse all of these jungle principles into the best way to carry as a farming jungle without necessarily ganking too much and obviously in this game we're going to have a bit of a deficit so surprise surprise you clear down what I would pay attention to as always as a farming jungler tip number one when you're pathing in a certain direction usually bottom Lane have a look to see if they dip out a vision if they move in a certain way that might indicate that they warded your side which of course the blitz crank did and so our PR think should be over the top top and not underneath you want to remain hidden as much as possible as a farming jungler the critical aspect about this is that the enemy jungler the ganging jungler will feel more of a need to invade you to impact Lanes to not necessarily play around your ultimate because let's face it as a farming jungler a good sample size of all the farming junglers you saw at the beginning of the video those are the things that play around their ultimate we are not too concerned about over forcing gangs however we do like to stay out on our first clear if we don't have a gank take a Scuttle crab and leave deep Vision if the enemy ganking jungler can't find a gank and gang's top side like the least does here you know straight up that if you Bas and go to your second spawn of those kugs there's a possibility he runs at your face and I'm happy you know not having that happen so while I'm not a fan of the early little bit of pathing here showing ourselves while I'm not a fan of hovering a little bit too much for that bottom Lane dive I do like that we paid attention to lison where he showed and this allowed us to steal his second camps remember you absolutely must head over to vu. I have a free jungle Improvement Resource as well as a dedicated program where we have jungle video courses jungle coaching coaching VOD libraries weekly free video content See nowhere else as well as Q&A and Patch not rundowns as well as a private jungle Discord and if there's one thing I'm good at it's making junglers reach their goals as we saw with the record number of people hitting them at the end of season 13 if you want to climb faster than anyone you know jungle div every game you play click the link below or head to vu. if someone starts in Raptors they're going to respawn around 4 minutes if they do red kugs Raptors the kugs will respawn around 420 the Raptors around you know 435 440 and the Wolves at around 5 minutes to 5 minut 10 so if someone full clears against you as a farming jungler remember these timers because they're absolutely crucial to your counter jungling here's the thing if the L actually does stay out take your kugs repeat gang Top Lane and then you know get nothing but go for the grubs don't feel the need to contest yes we've covered this a lot now you don't need to always go for grubs either take an opposite dragon or if you've already based which is most likely the case in your games just sequence down even if you have a regular game where your full clear and gang can go back to base and take your kugs and Raptors and he doesn't steal them and he has prior for the grubs just keep sequencing now what's important here is that if the enemy Leon is smart he knows you took his bottom side quadrant he also understands that your red buff is coming up and what ganking and you know invading junglers like to do vers farming junglers invade your second Buffs especially if they know you have to come here to sequence down again now as a personal player of the style I do prefer you know kind of hovering and pulling up my red and then trying to Smite it and run away however not all farming junglers need to be cowards and you can actually Skirmish cuses with exhaust lilas really good skirmisher a heckum all you can really do here is one of three things time it so that you get your red and smite it and run away if you can't Smite it and run away you can just leave it and go to the bottom side quadrant and say you know what have my red so doesn't matter to me or if you are confident you can outs Smite or at least fight even if they do get the smite do the battle do your abilities hit the buttons try and not die is the most important thing here which sounds like stupid advice but it's pretty damn obvious you see way too many times farming junglers get so egotistical about having this red buff you see the Lilia understand this in the next phase because obviously at leis in is on top side invaded and Di J you know kind of helps you out a little bit now where's he going to go big question oh my goodness amazing he's going to go to the bottom side that's because he was just tops side and you do not have the prior to take this fight I'm sorry you don't have the reset you don't want to waste your level six on a stupid situation you don't want to help a Twisted Fate ad carry when they have an ezrael for some unforsaken reason finish that whatever camps you have left on the map make sure you go back to base and buy your haunting guys get your booties whatever you can afford and yes now you want to use your level six and that might take many forms a lane gank on the top side a good oldfashioned Tower dive in the bottom Lane to get that second dragon or if the grubs rub maybe you want to enforce a fight to use your ultimate now again the misconception that just because you're a farming jungler that you're inherently weak no you got to play around Prior in this particular case we're going to go for the grubs we have a y with an advantage blit crank is roaming yes and the bottom Lane is useless and you have a gold deficit so sometimes you might need to bring forward that big old second dragon fight I like to tell you guys to take to take control of the game bring it forward to now use your ultimate with your Spike now how do we know our spike is good because we stopped the lease and getting too much obviously the map has been kind to us in that respect but even if he's fed here make the executive decision can I fight this and win it with yon's combination the Synergy between Champions or can I not Twisted fight was moving our bra rotates over cool free win good fight for us but we still have a gold deficit so as always when you win fights and gain objectives if there's nothing you can really do on this particular side go counter jungling say you know what I'm going to take all of your top side now with farming jungl I've covered BAS basically a lot of what you want to look out for in this early game phase again we'll look at everything in the next example as well and you might have to give up your bottom side dragon in this instance you know that you don't really have an ADC and the as still really really fat but your Yona is fat and you are fed ignore the KDA understand that at this particular stage you are strong over the enemy jungler everything we do is to do that so now we can go ahead and maybe we take some camps we acknowledge that map is King and we're not going to over Force anything we're waiting for our ultimate use any pry again that you have to get into the denial the jungle denial can I take your cams can I take an objective can I kill you if you don't have it what are we doing sequencing and waiting for ultimate and looking to make a play off of that now here's where I like to put a little bit of an investment in time because your sequencing has become quite first already at the stage as we transition out of the early game into the mid game you're not going to always have cams popping up with that kind of frequency you're going to take them quickly and then you got a lot of time before that whole entire map comes up again which means you can afford to counter jungle play some Vision try again get look back around can I get midline never mind can I seal this rub off yes Leon is not really in the picture and I don't really care if he does take my red side here I'm willing to invest in shutting down the Ezreal killing the blitzcrank as well and shoving this Lane out so we can get some plates before 14 minutes now unfortunately we're not really going to get that many here but the most important thing is because we invested in time we understood our sequencing of what camps were up what camps were down and we had stolen so much from the Le sin we're okay with the 20 CS lead killing their bottom Lane and shoving the hell out of that wave and you also know because Lon took the dragon and then sequenced all the way up and would have had to go back to base you 100% know that that guy is going to have to come back down to the bottom side so instead of falling back to your blue side cams think aggressively and now you're thinking well vay aren't you talking about like scaling jungl and again same principle just because you're scaling doesn't mean you can't come online sooner the whole point of everything I told you was to have a gold Advantage right now a jungle Advantage right now so that when you can actually make this aggressive play with or without your support you're going to be able to win it if you over you know exert yourself and you die and you give shutdowns yourselves then that was not the right play but as I've been saying in the coaching classes and the private Discord it is fundamental that you understand that 1550 minutes to 20 minutes is when you can totally win games in the mid game in the season so what does that mean for your jungling in the early phases you have to get to that time as you see now we're 50 minutes ahead you have to get to that time in control you have to get to that time with some objectives whether it's a graub or two some dragons a Herald it doesn't really matter you just have to have some sort of control on the map if you are behind the Cs behind KP behind and everything you haven't used your ultimate properly you didn't hang around to gank the right lanes then you're not going to be in this position and that truly was a back breaking play you see the Lilia gets a few more kills snacks herself up a pentac kill as I've been showing you and they win I will leave a link to the match history in the description below and you guys can have a look at the Go graph they were behind let's jump to the heum game now and as you can see there is a bit more adversity we are against a Graves who's also farming jungle but a different style of aggression can befall you this is why we always W that opposite above this case being the blue buff on the top side of the map this is very very important because if you don't place this Ward against your kindred's Graves Javin nle is and shos you're going to get invaded and lose stuff in fact you could have even been invaded by the Lee sin and so while we love having those Wards for deep Vision you know to track the enemy jungler second rotation it's also important to use one of those progs to actually you know track if you're going to get invaded because once you've done your redite Quant now we can vertical jungle and go and steal his stuff but don't let this problem with your sequencing make make you think oh no now I could get all my farm 10 CS per minute is just a goal a dream for dreamers no be a dreamer you can still get it don't let anything compromise your ethics when it comes to destroying jungle monster lives except of course a bottlan gank make sure you do gank that if you can you got a nice little angle of approach you know while you're in his jungle and then go back to his Grom because if that sucker had actually decided to cut you off he would have shown his face already and brought back the milk but dad's gone the milk is warm and we're going to trade sides of the map so it's a little messy but in the end we go back to base with an assist the graves goes back to base without an assist skill issue but you have the same Cs and now you're going to look for that grub fight and here's where that crucial fundamental principle comes into play especially with heum at the moment he's strong enough to climb no one who's playing hecm can complain that you can't climb you've had him for three seasons in the matter he's still damn strong when you play correctly watch this give up the grubs go back to the grub go now and say I'm going to sequence down if the grave shows himself and you see him topl lineing you know go take his Grump and then you're six which means you can use your six on the bottom Lane which means now you have a cohesive lead and you're already dominating and it's only 7 minutes into the game and sure now Graves is going to show up and you might have to give up the dragon but what do you not have to give up more your cams so clear your quadrant we only leave our sequencing we only leave the cams when there is an objective to snack for free because enemy jungle is being dumb or a gank we can have like we showed earlier when it's a freebie CU a great angle of approach or there's an 80% probability you can go ahead and you know kill a midliner even if it's 3v1 know your kit know your limits understand your champion and make sure you're making those gangs and it always seems like something quite obvious to say guys make sure you're ganking but I still see it way too often with farming jungles you do not gank enough you do not play around your ultimate you do not react to situations where you can actually leave a camp and get some kills you do not react to situation where you can just give up the objective and get some cams that balance is critical for farming junglers and the thing is when you've got a CS lead and a KP lead over the enemy jungler and in fact you have an experiened lead these enemy junglers always feel the pressure if you're carus who suddenly level 9 enemy jungle level s you don't have to wait till 25 minutes to come online these strategies in this video from the Lilia and the HEC in terms of competing contesting using ultimates when you pick a chance to rotate when you pick a chance to actually fight this is what defines you as a farming jungler if you succeed in these reads and you can see them on your screen you're dominating and it's not even that difficult to do the enemy jungler has to G has to invate has to exert pressure you just have to make sure you're making the right jungle decision all the time sure you're allowed a few mistakes here and there but I mean it is a stressful role to have all this decision- making but you understand the point yes it's really not about ganking or farming or rotating it's always the balance of all of these things just knowing when you can compete for Stuff rotate to stuff and enemy ganking in aggressive jungles they take higher risks because they don't have that fullback of naturally scaling but farming junglers do in a while I understand that Lilia had free real estate after the grub fight to go ahead and counter jungle the hecm was a little bit more greedy with this so I'm not always an advocate for doing what he did here you know kind of bait your team and you can see this situation you've got a big ass leap but this game now despite the fact that you are all winning goes on for 30 damn minutes because these kinds of plays just stole things and make things worse for your team they throw leads another farming jungle tip as you've noticed is we continue the sequence but after the Raptors we take the RNG Scuttle it's free we know Graves is sequencing down as well we know we can get there before him outside en R take the thing furthest away from your jungle before you fall back to your jungle because now it's gone and they can't cross that River and walk to your crugs to compete against you can they no they can't so you can do your kugs relaxing knowing you go to Scot crab and because those enemy junglers now again don't know what to do oh I lost a Scot crab I know he's on the kugs I need to fight they force it they take these high-risk plays and always with your tracking if you can Shadow we know Graves is going down I'm going to go down as well I will be present in case he does something so I can react to it and be immediate with my impact which of course we did and we have a gall as well so that's nice now you see this investment in time again because the camps haven't yet spawned the sequencing is so quick we go and Clear Vision we go and look to see where people are we have a little bit of a cheeky Alien Probe where can I give you my impact that gives you the greatest pleasure teammates and then of course when you see the grav Top Lane we rotate to that as well and what this does is create prior for the objective that we want to snag so in this particular case we're going to go for those four grubs and now at this stage it's about how strong do you feel if you do not think that you can contest for this Dragon because your body is behind your mid is behind simply do another sequence do your Grump do your wolves do your red side quadrant to revent C jungling quickly nice quick sequence go back to base and hold if however you happen to be a champion that's pretty damn strong at this particular stage which you are and you know you can rotate to this cuz you're also using G keys to watch stad of bottom Lane do it walk on over push midwave and kill everybody and take the dragon nice triple kill alternatively what you could do as you watch that occur is push mid lane so if it's before 14 minutes and you could you know with your four five6 grubs shove mid a little bit and you know take some plates before that dings go ahead and do that as well just escape to the the top side counter jungle will fall back to your blue side quadrant there is more risk with that play but I do kind of like that in situations where you know where the enemy Champions are in this case we didn't really we just knew we could kill everybody so we did that but do factor that in for your early game to Mid game transition decision making now ultimately this guy will have the highest KP in the game he will have 10 CS per minute and a large chunk of that is a skill set that I really love in my own game style I don't always you know say those kinds of things but I really do love that my mid game farming is pristine and it's through this mechanism that I call the swoop me that the hec's doing right now on your screen watch it if my team is pushing Lanes pushing and sieging I'm going to farm a quadrant in their Direction I'm going to shove up with them create the pride to take the enemy jungle cams push other waves to force TBS and rotations fall back to my own cams cross the river and do it again get into his jungle make pics where I can make pics as you would have seen and you're watching this go through really really quickly just pretend you're a beautiful hunting eagle swooping from side to side across the map if someone's in your way you kill them then you take some food and then you take their food away from the other nest because you're cruel and then you go and push the wave again you fall back to Jungle Camp you swop again kill other people over pushing it's a very powerful thing to do now you saying he can only do it and she can only do it because it's HEC and Lilia respectively no I do this in Zyra you can do this in carus what is your gimmick that allows you to do this my particular case is Zyra it's about farming over walls so I can swoop without having to move around the walls cuz I can just quickly take them and carry on moving into the enemy jungle into the lanes to shove it out if you haven't do it cars it doesn't matter if you're basically doing something else cuz your ultimate will have the global impact so whatever Champion you play to enact this swoop method to get all of this mid game farm to get all of the shove that you need to get that Baron pryo think about it in terms of your Champion's unfair advantage on the map and leverage that to be able to do this and I know how it works because I just got a bth m who has the lowest damage I've ever seen for a bth m to Diamond by basically focusing on this kind of strategy which is wild to think because Bess are usually kind of crazy but it's really the ultimate way to play this game and if you happen to be a little bit curious about how to actually apply this to your own MMR to get that 81% KP and that 10cs permitted with that high damage I hope this farming jungle video has helped you but this video on your screen now will take it to the next level
Channel: Virkayu
Views: 28,884
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Virkayu, league of legends jungle guide, jungle guide league, how to jungle league of legends, eason 14 jungle guide, how to jungle, must know farming jungle tips, how to be a farming jungler, farming junglers, how to farm jungle league of legends, jungle pathing, how to farm, jungle gameplay guide, jungle gameplay tips, farming jungle tips, jungle carry guide, virkayu
Id: ch0lRzenRe0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 10sec (970 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 07 2024
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