"The Nurturing Touch of Hell" - Pastor Nathaniel Urshan

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so oh hallelujah let's all stand together and magnify the name of jesus if you know that he's worthy lift your hands all across this building oh let's lift up the name of jesus he's wonderful he's wonderful jesus we acknowledge that you're in this place we love you jesus we love you jesus oh somebody lift your voice and worship the lord with all of your heart somebody worship the lord with all of your mind somebody worship the lord hallelujah hallelujah the holy ghost is in this place the spirit of the lord is moving in our midst in this place tonight hallelujah oh let's love him for just a moment he's worthy the lord is worthy the lord is worthy to be praised oh we magnify you jesus oh no matter what's come against you throughout all last week i'm gonna worship the lord with all of my heart with all of my mind with all my strengths someone give the lord a handclap of adoration well how many know we serve a good god tonight this song is about him sing lord forever you are good forever generations hallelujah all just the fact that we're in an office toilet church tonight represents that forever one more time you hallelujah yes you are yes you are so they're so good yes you are yes yes you are yes why hey somebody all the time all the time all the time that's us tonight oh for who you are who you are yes you are yes you are yes you are oh all time all the times all the time all the time all the time who you are who you are oh you're somebody lift your voice and with the voice of a trumpet say you are good all the time all the time you are good oh i want someone to scout that even if things don't look good in your life right now i want you to say they're gonna get good they're gonna get better they may not look good right now with your health or with finances but they will get good because with jesus everything gets better when jesus everything gets better oh i want you to say jesus oh oh all the time all the time oh from generations uh who you are who you are who you are oh somebody ought to make some holy ghost stories for just a moment oh somebody make some holy ghost stories it's time to look at that problem and say god is good it's time to look at that difficulty and say god is good it's time to look at the devil's train in the eye and say god is good has god been good to somebody this week hallelujah somebody clap your hands to the lord the holy ghost is the game changer you can fight with your physical strength with mental strength you can fight with your education if you want but if you don't have the holy ghost there there's going to be a moment where your strength is going to fail the strength of young men the bible says is going to fail education is going to fail and you're going to need somebody to help you out that's when the holy ghost comes in and it weaves its way through your spirit and it makes its way through through your mind and through your heart what you need to win is the holy ghost that's what you need praise god we're going to pray right now for a few needs let's pray for catherine burke her sister donald ukrainians pray for bishop and mention already let's continue to pray for the han family and the other hand whose sister is currently diagnosed with cancer we serve an able god we serving able god that that that's won before he'll win again if there's a need in this place i want you to lift your hands right now all across the i want you to look around if you don't have a need i want you to focus on someone who's left whose hand is lifted high let's pray right now listen this god to do a mighty work jesus oh jesus you have all power in heaven and on earth to do a mighty work over my bishop is to go there lord strengthen his hands touch lord god brother hand sister lord touch sister darla luke touch katherine in the name of jesus any need that's in this place god that doesn't look like it's getting better we know that with you all things are possible lord we lift our hands in faith i want you to lift your hands one more time in faith believing trusting that god's gonna do a mighty work that god's gonna bring you through is no fear over and over faithfulness over and over is what you are famous for oh god i believe in you release your love inside of me unleash your power for all to see the spirits come and pull on us over and over what you are famous make way through the more than we ask or think lord you will never fail your name is powerful your words unstoppable all things are possible in you is oh anybody is is where there is and i believe there was is is is is midnight is is i'll see you too oh somebody lift up your hands somebody lift up your hands oh i feel in the hole it goes to tell somebody look it looks impossible but if you respond by faith that impossibility can be turned around i want you to respond to the holy ghost right now come on your face is something difficult and does it look like it's gonna get figured out but god right now he's begging you to come just come to the foot of the cross just come back to the foot of the cross come back where it began come on that's it all across this philly i feel the holy ghost oh come on it's gonna work it's gonna work is is it's gonna work again you moved hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah somebody magnify the lord with me tonight has anybody seen him move some mountains has anybody seen him turn some situations around magnify the lord in this place hallelujah oh let's love him all over this house in the middle of your circumstances in the middle of your impossibility ah blessed be your name blessed be your name blessed be your name hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah let's give the lord a handcuff of praise tonight he's worthy i said jesus is worthy hallelujah i feel a quickening in the holy ghost right now david said he makes my feet like iron's feet and he sets me upon my high places because the lord liveth and blessed be my rock and let the god of my salvation be exalted he girdeth me with strength he makes my way perfect my my my i feel like running the devil out of here tonight i feel like running depression out of here tonight i feel like running discouragement out of here tonight i feel like lifting up holy hands in the presence of the lord ah blessed be your name blessed be your name hallelujah who shall go up judah shall go up i came to lead everybody say lead i came to lead with my praise that was the craziest looking army you've ever seen some armies would put their infantry in front and follow it up with the archers and then they'd follow it up with the horsemen but not israel when it came time to go up they picked up a funny-looking box and levites started walking and judah started dancing and shouting and praising our who shall go up should a shot go up i came to lead with my praise i came to fight the good fight of faith i came to get victory in my house victory in my marriage victory in my walk with god look at the person next to you tell me it feels good in the house of the lord tonight glory glory glory glory the old timers used to sing a song they say glory glory glory somebody touched me glory glory glory somebody touch me glory glory glory somebody touched me i know it was the hand of the lord he touched me in a spoken tongue somebody touch me glory to god somebody needs to praise their way out of their problem right now somebody needs to praise your way out of your predicament praise your way out of the doldrums if you need healing you can have healing tonight god i just feel it moving from this side over to this side and then it moved back over to that side it's like a wave it's like a holy ghost hey hey hey y'all better calm down if you don't calm down something's gonna break loose in this house tonight hold up the devil says you can't worship like that in 2021 and you can't carry on like that in 2021. don't you know there's coven don't you know that there's wokeness don't you know that there's chaos ah but somebody has got to give god a praise oh let's give him praise right now tell the person across the way the joy of the lord is your strength amen let's give the lord a handcuff of praise tonight thank you jesus you know i don't ever want my worship to be driven by the beat of a drum can we lift our hands and just feel after the lord in this house i want him to do a profound and a sovereign work in my spirit jesus do a holy work in our hearts god let the words of my mouth let the meditation of my heart let it be acceptable in my sight oh god hallelujah created me a clean heart renewing me a right spirit oh god restore unto me the joy of thy salvation ah let's love him in this house thank you jesus what a beautiful presence of god is here what a beautiful atmosphere is here you can find a seat in close we could carry on with the spirit that's here right now and we could move into a place of the miraculous but i feel like god wants to say something tonight amen amen amen god bless you you can be seated in the presence of the lord what a what a beautiful presence of god we're glad that you could be with us here to worship on a sunday night if you're visiting with us welcome welcome to fpc welcome to the house of the lord we're glad you took the time amen it's good to have brother and sister ingle visiting with us tonight god bless you amen brother engel i know what it's like when you're with mama and with your sweetheart but you're welcome to be on this platform with me if you want to just so you know amen god bless you tonight i won't put any pressure on you because when i'm with my mom i want to be with my mom it's good to have tracy thompson and her husband davis god bless you all glad y'all are here in the house of the lord good to have sarah rodriguez here uh brother macy scarborough's fiancee there is an upcoming marriage in the next few weeks and we're praying for them and believing god for them so it's good to have you here sister sarah amen you are the better half no we love brother macy he's doing a great job a fabulous job and we're thankful that they've made durham their home amen and it's good to have james and dana johnson visiting with us and and the others that are here that perhaps i haven't had a chance to meet you you are welcome in the house of the lord we're glad you came to magnify god if you're visiting with us online welcome to fpc we have gotten feedback from people all over the world and it is a new day the gospel is being preached in communist countries there's people from china who contact us and people from asian countries and people from baltic countries that don't have the same liberties that we have but they are visiting fpc amen and we're glad you're here so wherever you are if you're in the mountains if you're in the desert lift your hands and glorify god god will touch you right where you are it's a new day and it's time to preach this gospel to every creature amen what a time to be serving god and i'm excited about it while our ushers prepare to take up our offering tonight if you need a an offering envelope a tithing envelope you can lift up your hand and they will bring that to you while they're preparing i want to mention that if we have any mothers that are here tonight who did not get a gift this morning we have them in the foyer after service so please please take a moment and stop in we love our mothers and we want to say happy mother's day to everybody that is here if we haven't had a chance to connect with you god bless you um i want to announce that my son joseph and my daughter cheyenne we've postponed their wedding reception to a later date we will update you as plans are finalized and finally i want you to remember in your prayers this week the ballistero family remember brother marty balostero he has had a severe medical complication they believe that it's a stroke and we're just asking god to reach down and intervene in his body and touch him by the power of god matter of fact why don't we stand right now across this building let's lift our hands let's ask god to touch elder ballistera right now in the name of jesus dear god reached out in touch my brother touch him dear god you've seen his service hallelujah we're lifting him up before you dear god we're believing your great word he's preached to thousands to tens of thousands now stretch forth your mighty hand right down where he's at in that hospital room touch the ballistero family strengthen them sister marsha balostero help them dear god and heal them and set their hearts free dear god from fear and concern and everybody said in jesus name amen you can be seated amen worship with us as we give unto the lord tonight and as we sing hallelujah hallelujah yes oh is yes oh is hallelujah oh yes hallelujah oh let's clap our hands into the lord oh let's love him glory to god glory to god glory to god amen amen remain standing i feel the presence of god in this house i'm so thankful for the presence of the lord amen it's not something to be taken lightly or to be handled casually but it is a sovereign sacred administration of god and it comes because of a powerful foundation laid by a great man and woman of god bishop and sister godair amen we appreciate them and love them tonight i don't say we loved them i say we love them present tense because sister goldie is alive with the lord she'll be in the resurrection and god's not the god of the dead he's the god of the living amen and bishop is still with us in this earthly temple and while he is we're praying god's continued blessing on him that god would keep him and sustain him thank the lord but tonight i feel very strongly to continue what we were talking about this morning i want you to open your bibles with me to isaiah chapter five isaiah chapter 5 and i'm going to read beginning at verse 11. isaiah chapter 5 and verse 11 and i'm going to then have you turn with me to hebrews 11 following that those of you that are bible sword drill experts we grew up playing bible sword drills we had people that could they could turn there that quick and it was usually the girls that beat the guys those little hands could move quick through the scriptures isaiah chapter 5 verse 11 woe unto them that rise up early in the morning that they may follow strong drink but continue until night till wine inflame them and the harp and the vial the tabat the pipe and wine are in their feast but they regard not the work of the lord neither consider the operation of his hands therefore my people are gone into captivity because they have no knowledge and their honorable men are famished and their multitude dried up with thirst therefore hell hath enlarged herself everybody say herself hell hath enlarged herself and opened her mouth everybody say her mouth opened her mouth without measure and their glory and their multitude and their pomp and he that rejoiceth shall descend into it now come to hebrews chapter 11. and i'm going to begin reading at verse 24. hebrews chapter 11 verse 24 this is what it says by faith moses when he was come to years refused to be called the son of pharaoh's daughter choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of god than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season esteeming the reproach of christ greater richers than the treasures in egypt greater riches than the treasures in egypt for he had respect unto the recompense of the reward and by faith he forsook egypt not fearing the wrath of the king for he endured as seeing him who is invisible pharaoh's daughter and hell has enlarged herself metaphoric language spoken in the language of the prophets that god chose to reveal his purpose i'm going to talk about tonight i'm going to talk about the other woman i'm going to talk about the other mother today's mother's day and we talked about the right kind of mother this morning tonight i'm going to talk about the wrong kind of mother and so for the next few moments and i've prayed about this this is a message that is a sobering message but it is a message that needs to be preached hell's not pulling any punches and so we're not going to pull any punches i want to speak to you tonight on this subject the nurturing mothering touch of hell the nurturing mothering touch of hell look at the person next you tell him you gotta find the right mother god bless you you can be seated i don't know if we have enough hell preaching anymore i can remember preaching in my childhood by great men of god that told us about the consequences of sin and i know it's not popular anymore and i know we're in a very easily offended generation but you need to get over it you need to deal with it because heaven is too beautiful and hell is too hot and i came to preach some folks into heaven tonight by the grace of god and the help of god and i came to preach some people out of hell by the help of god the bible says that we pull people out of the fire hating the garments spotted by the flesh so i want to try to tackle this subject it's a big subject but the bible deals with it explicitly and maybe maybe some people lose this message in all of the metaphoric language there's folks that are so scared of the book of revelation because of the rich metaphors but revelation takes great pains to describe not just one woman but two women i preached about the first woman this morning thank god for the virtuous woman i thank god for every mother that we have in this house that has given their lives and dedicated their lives and we honor them and we esteem them very highly tonight and today but at the same time the bible does say of hell that she has enlarged herself and has opened her mouth without measure and if you read about hannah a little further than what we read this morning and her struggle against peninnah the bible says that when she had samuel that she sang a song unto the lord and she thanked him and in that song she said the lord has allowed my mouth to be enlarged over mine adversary the enlarging of the mouth it meant that you were swallowing up that which was in opposition to you you were gaining dominion over it and hannah was rejoicing that at the end of the day god's people win after enduring the mockery of peninnah hannah was praising god and shouting and singing the praises of god amen i think we need to be able to praise god if you want to know what this praise is all about tonight it's because the lord has enlarged our mouth the lord has given us victory the lord has set us free amen and we're not afraid of it and we're not ashamed of it and we're excited about it i want to dance along with hannah i want to dance along with deborah i want to dance along with miriam when she grabbed the tambourine and she began to dance before the lord i've got a song tonight and that is that the people of god they win they overcome this is how we overcome this is how we over i'll be singing that tomorrow when i'm going through the starbucks drive-through i'd like a mocha frappuccino breakfast sandwich this is how we overcome you just need to sing it when you're out and about they might think you're crazy at the starbucks or the mcdonald's or wherever you're at but you just keep on singing anyway amen they might not know anything about it but you just go on ahead and you sing the songs of zion don't you let this world back you in a corner don't you let this world depress you hey he gave me the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness and when that heaviness comes on you hannah you praise him when the adversary comes against you you sing those songs is any merry let him sing psalms it's a new testament administration praise god praise god and it's a it's a powerful weapon in the fight against hell and the unfortunate fact is that there's a lot of people in the grip of hell and the bible records hell as a she as a her we see this other woman the revelation 12 woman is beautiful in a cosmic way but the the revelation 17 woman she sits upon a great dragon a great beast with seven heads ten crowns upon those heads a scarlet colored beast she's clothed in purple and she is beautiful in a not a cosmic way in a cosmetic way and there's a big difference we've been going through holiness the last several midweek services i want to be clothed with the glory of heaven i want to be clothed with a heavenly ornamentation kindness love joy peace you didn't find anybody that embodied that better than sister godaire sister godair was adorned with a beauty she didn't need the bling of the world she had the bling of heaven and it shone out of her eyes and it it radiated out of her conversation and it sparkled when she talked amen there's a beauty that the bride of god displays that nothing else can compare to now compared and contrast it to the revelation 17 woman she's beautiful but in a sensual way she's a harlot that is significant in the bible because this is not an actual woman this is a vision that god is showing john the revelator and he described this temptress this seductress and she was beautiful um john the bible said the apostle john he's on the isle of patmos that he wandered after her and the angel said wherefore did thou wonder i can just see him hey john john right here buddy we're talking about god here john there is a pleasure and sin for a season that's what our bible tells us but it's nothing compared to the presence of god and the bible says pleasures forevermore before i jump into the theological ramifications of that woman i just want to say that there is an earthly parallel just like there is an earthly woman there's a heavenly woman it's godly women it's the church there is a parallel to earthly women down here that are of that same spirit of the world and then there is a a supernatural entity a false doctrine and worldliness and the lust of the eye and the lust of the flesh and the pride of life and just like you can find the embodiment of godly women and sarah and rebecca and rachel and hannah and deborah and ruth and esther just like you can find a godly example there you can find a worldly example in probably the most famous one of all is jezebel so famous or should i say infamous that even in the book of revelation it says there was a church that suffered that woman jezebel to teach and jezebel had been dead a long time and suffered the wrath of god for a long time so how could jezebel be teaching in the book of revelation but jezebel is an archetype she's a metaphor for for femininity that has gone awry for a woman that traded beauty true beauty for seduction and they are not the same thing that traded grace for sensuality and we're living in a world where jezebels are exalted we're living in a world that uh the porn industry and the subduction industry and the advertisement industry and big corporations understand that that sensuality sells i'll couch it in nice words i don't want to get too graphic tonight but i'm just telling you it's the spirit of this age and it's destroying men and it's destroying young men and it's destroying women and young women by telling them a lie that this is the way to make it and this is the way to be beautiful it's a lie it's a lie it's a lie from hell and it's causing marriages to fall apart and it's causing people to turn into monsters and it's causing them to lose their minds and be trapped in the quagmire of worldliness and ungodliness thank god for a church that preaches righteousness and preaches truth and fights the good fight of faith because there's got to be something that looks back at that world and says you are not my mother you are not the one that i follow i i've made a decision to serve god so i i want to talk to the earthly dynamic first i want to tell our women you are beautiful when you are godly there is a beauty of holiness and there's a protection in holiness that keeps you and sustains you and and for every young lady that's tempted to go off into the world and dress like the kardashians and dress like god only knows who else i for everybody that's tempted that thinks that you're being stifled or held back that's a lie from the devil there are things there are worldly dynamics that make you think you're free when you go into the world and you leave what feels like the restriction of god's people but but this is not restriction this is godly restraint there is a power that is only supposed to be unleashed in the covenant of marriage and if you begin to follow the world's standard of beauty you are not going to find a man you're going to find a boy you're going to find a predator you're gonna find somebody that'll promise you the world and that will leave you in devastation that is only there for the pleasure of sin which is only for a season and you're not gonna find the life you're looking for you're not gonna find the acceptance you're looking for it's a lie from the devil hear me now beauty is not taking more clothes off beauty comes from god and it's grace and it's it's kindness and it's a lot more than cosmetic addition it's a lot more than face paint it's a lot more than putting some ornaments on your body and saying i look better now i feel better now there's another kind of ornamentation and it's the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit which is in the sight of god of great price amen and a godly woman is not in a position of weakness she's in a position of great power the hand that rocks the cradle rules the world and that's because when a godly woman is in sync with the things of god she plays such an exalted role in the kingdom of god thank god for godly women but i i watch younger generations this generation i was talking to to bishop von morton uh yesterday morning before i flew out uh friday morning maybe it was before i flew out of idaho and and he said he said brother urshan i'm i'm 81. and he said i'm glad i'm going to die soon i said bishop we don't need you dying he said oh no no i see the site you know there's a time where you see the sidewalk in front of you he said i can count the squares left i said bishop we got some ready mix over at home depot we'll just pour you some more squares you just keep on we need men of god that understand that understand the purpose of god i want to hang on to our bishops as long as we can and he said i see this world by the urshan and he said it's a world unlike anything i've ever seen if you keep reading here in isaiah 5 it says woe to them that call evil good and good evil is that called darkness light and light darkness you are living in that world right now you are living in a world where complete insanity is celebrated and that's because there's another mother there's another woman who changes and distorts things it's what jezebel did jezebel introduced things into israel that that corrupted them that caused them to falter it's one of the reasons why god was so enraged at balaam when balak called him to curse israel balaam said i can't curse that which god has blessed and he blessed israel but if you continue to read the bible this tells us that that balaam said i can't curse them but i can teach them teach you how to make them stumble and he brought in worldly women and he said if you can cause them to fall into sin it will bring the curse of god on them and balaam taught balak how to cause israel to stumble it grieves my heart when i see weak men yield to the spirit of this age yield to insecurity and to seduction and and it's so sad to me that listen precious women of god don't ever think that your clothes need to be tighter for you to be beautiful if you ever yield to that you are being objectified that's that is that is not something that needs to be part of a godly woman's life oh brother urshan you're just trying to hold us back no i'm trying to make your marriage strong i'm trying to keep you out of divorce court i'm trying to keep you from now that kind of rampant sensuality and sexuality has brought us to where we are to where you let that thing keep running and keep turning it doesn't stay tied up it eventually goes uh it doesn't stay sequestered and quarantined sin cannot be controlled it is a it is a crouching animal the bible says that it crouches or lieth at the door and it will take dominion over a person and it doesn't stay locked up with uh sensuality in a woman but it'll creep over into men and it will it will cause men to lust for the wrong thing and women to lust for the wrong thing and eventually it'll get so distorted that they begin to look at one another rather than the opposite sex that is where we are and it starts when people begin to violate the promises of god it's an old thing jezebel brought baal worship and it caused israel to do the exact same thing there's got to be a church that stands up that says i am not a victim of my society i am a son of god and i know what the lord has said come on i need some men in this house i need some women in this house to stand up and say i am a child of god i'm going to live like a child of god dress like a child of god talk like a child of god i'm going to dress modestly i'm gonna humble myself before the lord i'm gonna crucify flesh oh i i'm not preaching holiness tonight but i think i'm gonna keep on tuesday night though we're gonna dive a little deeper in tuesday night but the more you indulge your flesh the more the presence of god leaves the more you glorify flesh and try to flaunt your body and ornament your body the less the power of god moves in your presence flesh has to be fought it has to be it can't be contained it can't be subdued it can't it can't be um somehow mitigated flesh has to be crucified it's going to be crucified in a prayer room it's got to be crucified by fasting it's got to be disciplined and killed by the power of god and it's not something you do every once in a while that a big revival you got to die daily every single day that flesh that arrogance that self-will that self-pride it tries to turn young men into ahab's and young women into jezebel's and it'll steal the glory of god from the people of god you got to make up in your mind i'm going to be a man i'm going to be a woman of the most high god i hope you don't mind if i just get right down where the rubber meets the road i was overseas on missions and i would get emails from people back in the states one and it was people saying praying for you brother urshan praying for you believe in god on your behalf you know we're praying for your family and i would respond to them thank you appreciate that a woman emailed me she said we're praying for you i said thank you she said i want you to know that we really love you and appreciate you i said thank you she said no i really like you and i said sister urshan because i don't like you and i didn't want to make it personal but i know the spirit of jezebel it's what happened she she had seduced her way to where she was and she had made treaties and contracts with with other nations and she was bringing in things that were going to destroy israel and and i knew that for what it was maybe a foolish man would be flattered by that but you need you need to be secure in who you are and you need to know who you are and that is not a compliment sir when that happens that's an attack against your children that's an attack against your wife that's an attack by the devil and don't you ever forget it's not about that woman it's about the devil behind that woman that wants to destroy men and tear down the things of god and there's got to be a man that's man enough to stand up and say not today not this one i'm a son of god and i'm going to serve him with all my heart there's got to be a joseph that runs out of the room there's got to be a jehu that says throw her down it's not going to happen in my life and i'm not going to destroy my family and it's the spirit of this age i weep over the assault through social media that comes to our young men and young ladies i weep over the prison that young ladies are in when they're objectified and the more that they reveal on social media the more predatory young men say that's it baby and you delete it so your parents don't see it and you don't know that you're sending out a signal to a wolf that's just where we're living right now and it's not it's not of god if you're not careful and this this causes the most distress if if there's a weak minded man sometimes even weak minded preachers that don't preach this anymore you've got to learn how to preach it like the old-timers preached it you got to plant your feet and say don't tell me what i want to hear tell me what i need to hear don't tickle my ears don't placate me don't cater to my flesh well hold on to the ocean you might offend somebody if it offends the flesh that's what it's designed to do i want the offense of the cross i've got to be crucified my pride has to die my self-will has to die every ungodly thing praise god the old-timers used to sing a song they say everything that's not of jesus shall come down my brother shall come down my sister shall come down everything that's not of jesus shall come down i want to throw down everything that's not of jesus i want to tear down every imagination every high thing i want victory in my mind victory in my eyes victory and how i walk with god young men think that they're being current and they're being relevant and they stop preaching the powerful things of god and the things that that come against the flesh they get afraid to say the strong language of the bible use the strong language of the bible they don't want to talk about hell anymore i talk about hell and my title and people go what's he going to preach about tonight and preach about hell hell's hot and i don't want you to go there and i don't want to go there i'm not going to hell you hear me i'm not going to hell i'm going to heaven and i'm taking you with me by the grace of god and i'm taking my wife with me and i'm taking my sons with me and i'm taking my daughter-in-law with me and i want to take my grandbabies with me i thank god for the church i thank god for the covenant that god made with his people now those are my preliminary remarks now i'm going to get into what i want to talk about when i see women get up on the platform and pants and cut hair and in every worldly accoutrement and apostolic churches that used to preach this truth it breaks my heart because there's a covenant that comes with god there's a beauty of holiness that comes from the presence of god and when things are out of order the glory departs from israel it's an old story it's not new to apostolicism it was true in israel it's true today so the bible describes this other woman and i'm talking about the earthly now let me let me get more into the heavenly now because as it is on earth that's how it is in heaven there's a spirit that's driving that and you find her in revelation 17. she's covered in jewels she's wearing purple proverbs described it as the attire of an harlot it's so sad to me when i see twelve-year-old girls that are made up to look like they're 25. don't you think that there's predatory men that are circling around and you're and listen listen to me now when when when when you when that when we see it in so some that are so young and so vulnerable and so innocent and they don't know what it is that they're getting involved in they've just been told that's beautiful and all these nice people are paying attention to me it's the wrong kind of attention and and you can't stop it at 12 if you're doing it at 35. and it's not okay for mom and it's not okay for daughter and there doesn't need to be dad who's looking for it man i'm i'm trying to get to the theological side but i need to say one more thing i'm not just beating up on women i'm pointing my finger mostly at men because men have the power to move mountains and if men would stop lusting and men would stop pursuing the wrong thing if men would make up in their mind that i love the things of god and i don't want the dysfunction of this world if i come on i need some men that understand they're made in the image of god and understand the beauty that god's given to you understand the the beauty of the holiness that god has imparted to you praise god we'll talk more about that tuesday night but jezebel this is this is a picture of her in revelation 17 in spirit not only is she all dressed up with this but the bible says she's drunk with the blood of the saints the blood of the apostles and if you keep on reading in that chapter the seven heads of that beast are seven hills and this is a city and she's typified as a woman a seductive woman if you keep on reading eventually it comes out she's romeo and out of that romish ideology would come just like the godly woman mirrors the church the worldly woman mirrors the false church she mirrors false doctrine she mirrors a lie not only is she a harlot but the bible calls her a mother of harlots she's a mother too she's the wrong kind of mother she gives birth to the wrong thing i wish i had the time and i'm not going to call names i'm just going to say that out of that roman foundation came every unclean doctrine that has corrupted this world today there's a lot of people that call themselves church a lot of people that hang church out on the placard are out on the church sign but they are not the right woman we can see this played out when john the baptist comes to herodias when he comes to herodias he looks at her and he tells her the word of the lord there's a lot of people that the right woman will take heed to the word of the lord but the wrong woman will hate the word of the lord there's plenty of godly women that took heed when the word of the lord came to mary she said be it unto me according to thy word thank god for a mother that took the word of the lord when the word of the lord came to the to the widow woman with the sons she said let it be as the man of god says and the lord provided her for her because she believed the word of the lord there's plenty of the right women that took heed to the word of the lord but when the word of the lord came to herodias the bible says she hated john john looked at her that old prophet that old prophet had eyes that could look right through her he saw her lust for power do a little digging into herodias and herod i find it amazing that herod married herodius here's the thing about wickedness you think you get what you want you're just getting a mirror image of yourself and liars have a way of connecting with liars and fornicators have a way of connecting with fornicators so sin never pays ladies and gentlemen it never pays and herod marries herodius and she left philip phillip was herod's brother what happened to philip he's not good enough this was the original gold digger this was this was this was this was the original i had a prince but now i got a king i was driving a volkswagen with philip but i got a bentley with herod so i'll see you later and there was an old prophet that looked right through that we need men of god that can look right through that the bible says that herod loved john that he loved the word of god and there'll be a part of people that love the word of god but you've got to make sure that your love for the for god outweighs your love for the other woman it's got to outweigh the love for the world and the sensuality of the world and herodias could see that that john was beginning to get to herod so she sent her daughter the daughter of erodius came in to dance before him and the devil knows how to cause the dancing and the entertainment to cloud the mind and to blind the eyes of weak men and the dancing it seduced herod but it did not affect john john looked right through that you've got to look through that and you've got to see to the core of what's in the wrong woman praise god can i hang that on my shelf for a second because i want to talk about this what we're talking about that woman it's denomination it's false religion and and people will immediately point to roman catholicism as the start of it it wasn't it was a false jewish narrative this started in the old testament when god began to rebuke israel for her idolatry and her paganism and he called her an unfaithful woman that was the original unfaithful one and it morphed into it when that false judaism met with rome it created a monster it created a false church that took the old testament trappings of priests and ceremonies and it morphed it into the message of jesus christ and it produced something that would dominate the world for the next two thousand years it's a false woman and that false woman would give birth to a lot of denominations would spin off a lot of lesser harlots that would come out from her and it would seduce herod it would seduce the populace it would seduce the listening audience and whenever people got wise to her she would just create another daughter who had come out dancing it's the old song and dance it's given the audience what they want it's keeping them entranced and and and that is that false woman you've got to take a moment and you've got to realize the devastation behind that woman because there's a lot of things that people can't see the bible says that she's so devious that she's so devious now she's drunk with the blood of the apostles and the prophets and i want to take my time can i take my time with this tonight because i don't want you to miss what i'm saying and i don't want to get lost in the weeds but i want to i want to i want you to see her clearly the bible says god when god tried to portray her and show her that's why it's called revelation i'm trying to highlight this i'm trying to open this up for you to understand so when god spoke about this false religious system another way he described it was a lamb that that came and it had horns like a lamb but it spake with the voice of a dragon that means it's going to look like jesus and it's going to have a nature like jesus false religion does a lot of good things it has a lot of benevolence they've gone to a lot of leper colonies and they've they've started education initiatives and they've created hospitals and in that it is lamb-like and because it is lamb-like it fools people that don't take the time to look under the surface and see what she really is this was this is what i'm trying to capture with with the daughter of pharaoh because there was a mothering touch to pharaoh's daughter there was a nurturing that mothers have a nurturing influence mother bears nurture they also kill and there's never been a killer like this mother let me hang that on the nail for a moment let me i'm trying to pull this principle out here so i don't people don't get lost you ever hear of the huguenots anybody ever heard of the french huguenots it's not a real popular thing folks don't know much about them these days it's kind of lost anybody ever been to st augustine st augustine florida beautiful beautiful city when you go down there you can walk along the the boardwalk and see the sights and they have all kind of tourist attractions you can you can slurp on a slurpee and you can enjoy it they got coke slurpees and blue slurpees and red slurpees and ice cream cones and elephant and ears 2021 you can walk down in saint augustine florida it's a beautiful place back in the 1500s it wasn't so beautiful because there was a group of people that came from europe they came from spain from france to spain then to the united states to escape that woman they were persecuted if they didn't if they didn't baptize in the father son and holy ghost she would kill them that's what it means when she's drunk with the blood of the people of god there's never been a greater killing machine than false religion and for everybody for everybody that wants to point to the church and say the church is responsible for the worst killings in history with its inquisitions and with its holy wars and its crusades and it killed muslims and it killed every other ethnic person that got in their way it's blood thirsty it's responsible for the worst crimes atheists will tell you that they will they will that's one of their chief criticisms and my answer to that is you've got the wrong woman you've got the wrong woman the real bride has healing in her hands the real bride lays hands on the sick and they recover the real bride when when god's people tried to pull out the sword jesus said put up your sword if my kingdom were of this world my servants would fight for it that's not the right woman the wrong woman is the killer she's the murderer she masquerades as the bride but she's drunk on the blood of the innocent and if you think i'm just talking about old stuff that doesn't matter anymore that spirit of sensuality and unchecked fornication and immodesty that spirit is responsible for millions of babies being murdered every day she's still drunk on the blood of the innocent it's my body i can do what i want to and they murder in the name of convenience the huguenots came to the united states and they began to worship they began to praise god they began to serve the lord and they were free and when the spanish inquisition heard that they had done that they sent over the jesuits and they brought an army with them they encircled the camp of the huguenots and there they murdered them google it google huguenot massacre florida and up will pop a wikipedia article that will describe in graphic detail they have diaries that they found later on among the rubble and among the burnt items they leveled that settlement right here on united states soil the blood of worshipers of god soaked into the ground as that woman persecuted the people of god and today we walk across it with our trinta slurpees and iced coffees and and we don't know that the screams of men and women a few hundred years before rang into the night because of the woman and i could go on and on about the atrocities that she did i i'd like to tell you that that almost every single apostle died of martyr's death that's what they got for preaching this gospel and it happened at the hands of rome it happened because of accusations by jewish persecutors that later morphed into the violent entity known as the false woman it's that other woman it's that other mother that has that has done this that's the dynamic and and there's a hatred for the word of god that comes from that john baptist looked right at that woman and said it is a sin for you to marry herod there's got to be something on the inside of you that stands up and says this is the word of the lord and you've got to have boldness and you've got to have a backbone god give us a backbone to stand up for the word of god there's got to be a spirit that rises up says i don't care what religion says there's none other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved hear o israel the lord our god is one lord hallelujah without controversy great is the mystery of godliness god was manifest in the flesh justified in the spirit scene of angels preached unto the gentiles believed not in the world and received up into glory it was not a trinity it was god and there's got to be an old prophet that looks at that woman and says i see you when that daughter came in herod said give me what you want herod said ask what you want she went to her mother what shall i ask and denominations will always go back to that false mother you know why false religion hates us so much because we're in love with the husband we're the actual bride we're we're the one who insists on monogamy we don't have the polygamy of the trinity we have the monogamy of the one true living god and we will not be unfaithful to him you want to know why she hates the jesus name church because yet the jesus name church has the name of the husband you know who the father is you know who the son is and you know who the holy ghost is and i won't betray his name and i won't give up his name can i have a few more moments write down the name of this book out of the flames out of the flames i'll say it one more time out of the flames out of the flames is the story of a spanish man named miguel cerventes who had to change his name and anglicize it anglicize is a big fancy word that means make it english and he had to change it to michael cervetis because that woman was after him why because he wrote a little book that talked about the power of the name of jesus and the one true living god michael cervedas baptized in jesus name during that time spain was not known so much as spain as it was hispania it's where we get the word hispanic from and he lived in moorish spain which was heavily influenced by muslims and jews the moors were a powerful conquering force in the world and michael cerritus miguel cervantes at the time grew up a christian there and there the trinity would not be tolerated and so he learned about a jesus that was the father son and holy ghost as preachers in those late middle ages had a revelation that there's only one god everybody needs to know that there's only one god this world hey hey covet 19 there's a lot of three god churches going down but there's a lot of one god churches that are coming up because the harlot can't stand the heat but the bride says bring it on put me through the fire it'll just burn the ropes off put me through the fire and i'll meet the son of god in there oh man we need to learn that there's one god durham needs to know that there's one god devils know that there's one god we should know that there's one god praise god somebody say jesus praise god you can be seated i know i know sweetheart i've gone too long i'm trying ignatius loyola tried to write against him john calvin tried to write against him but the first book printed by gutenberg on his press was the bible the second book was michael cervetis book on the oneness of god when that woman found out she sent the warriors after him they went into the villages have you heard of a of a miguel cervantes no we haven't we don't know any miguel we got a michael he was a brilliant man he hid from them he dodged them they would write books and and it's a fascinating read um they pressured gutenberg they pressured cervetius finally they caught him they caught him that cornered him after years of living and hiding and hiding undercover and that book you know you put something on the black market you try to tell people not to read it they want to read it they bought up every copy they confiscated every copy to where now only three copies survive they caught servitus they put him in prison and they said we're gonna have a trial and then we're gonna kill you that's not good and they brought cervetis they left him in prison the history says they left him in prison for almost a month they fed him gruel they fed him a watery gruel with a little crust of bread his beard grew out his hair was grown out his clothes became threadbare he was weak and emaciated but the historians say there was fire in his eyes and finally they had the trial they brought him up they wanted him to look terrible he'd lost weight he was skinny as a bird they sat him up in front of everybody looked like a wild man and they brought in the best and the brightest to argue and force him to recant the oneness of god and the more they brought in their priest to try to trap him the more he confounded them and day after day michael cervetis was converting the people in the courtroom john calvin the father of calvinism the the esteemed theologian of their ranks they finally said to him if you don't go down there and deal with michael cervetas he's going to convert the whole city and so calvin had to come off his throne and had to come down and talk to cervetis and there the man in rags talked to the imminent theologian and they said for three days they battled back and forth those people could not even understand half the things that those scholars were saying back and forth to one another and john calvin would eloquently talk about why there had to be a trinity and when he got done cervetius would let that look at him and smile and say that's such a beautiful statement now could you show that to me here in this bible just show that to me and and finally at the end of it they finally with a rigged jury convicted cervetis and john calvin screamed at him to recant as they tied him to a stake they tied him to a stake and they piled green wood around him so that it would burn and torment him and then they plastered the papers of his book on him that his work might die with him and there in the flames as they screamed at him to recant jesus you confessed the trinity and michael cervetis would would cry out i can only confess that jesus christ is the son of god and there is only one god and his name is jesus somebody's got a makeup in their mind somebody's got to look at this world of false religion and say it doesn't matter all the good that you've done you've got to look at pharaoh's daughter and you've got to say i'm not your son i'm not a product of this world i'm not a product of false religion i'm not a product of false doctrine i'm a part of the original bride of christ i'm a part of the acts 238 church i'm a part of the jesus name people and i refuse to be called the son of pharaoh's daughter musicians can come you can remain standing moses looked at pharaoh's daughter he remembered every lullaby she sang he remember every night that she put a cold cloth on his head there's a mothering touch that hell has there's a nurturing touch that hell has with all of her hospitals and all of her good deeds this was a false religious system that looked like a lamb but spake with the voice of a dragon it looks like jesus but its message comes from hell and so it doesn't matter how many buildings they have it doesn't matter how many good works they do it doesn't matter how many good deeds they're involved in the bible said if you don't have charity it profits you nothing it profits you nothing if you give your body to be burned if you give all your goods to feed the poor if you have all faith so that you could remove mountains and you understand all mysteries and have all knowledge it profits you nothing how do you get charity sir how do you get charity ma'am i'll tell you how you get charity the love of god is abroad in our hearts by the holy ghost you get the love of god by the holy ghost hallelujah all the good deeds in the world doesn't change the fact that i don't belong to that woman and moses had to look back at his upbringing and say it doesn't matter what my dad taught i've got to follow my heavenly father moses look back you've got to look at the false religious system and say it's been responsible for death and bloodshed and war and murder there's a real pride it's the bride of jesus christ and she loves him and she worships one god and she bears his name i refuse to be called the son of pharaoh's daughter let's lift our hands in this house but that's how i was raised pastor ursian you got to look at pharaoh's daughter and say i've got to suffer affliction with the people of god i'd rather be with the jesus name people i'd rather be with the one god people come down into the brick pits come down with the people of god because the reproach of christ is greater riches than all the treasures of egypt somebody's got to look back at the wrong woman and say i know you were there i know you raised me i know you're my upbringing i know my parents went to that church but i'm not your son i'm a son of god i'm a son of god let's lift our hands to heaven come out of denomination come out of denomination i'm going to open up this altar somebody come somebody lift up your hands this is mother's day on this mother's fall in love with the people of god do is you are famous for is foreign foreign is lord you will never fail your name all things are possible me oh oh what was it like the day that your heaven came to moses and said moses that's not your mother moses hero israel the lord our god he's one lord and thou shalt love the lord your god with all your heart and all your might and all your soul and all your strength moses the real mother is the one who's been here all along the real mother is the hebrew woman moses look back at pharaoh's daughter and said you killed my brothers you killed my sisters there's bloodshed in your past and i refuse to be a son of that system don't be a son of the false doctrine system of this world but be a son and a daughter of the apostolic jesus name church of the living god come on down to where we live come on down to the isle runners come on down to the top talkers and the shouters those are the ones that's the original book of acts church that's the original mother that's the mother of us all that's jerusalem which is above come on moses come on moses that's your mother it's the right motherly is is oh is foreign i'll see you too i believe when there was no way thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus blessed be the name of the lord blessed be the name of the lord hallelujah hallelujah let's love the lord all over this house let's love the lord pharaoh's daughter herodias jezebel it's all the wrong mother and people that are blinded by a false religious system and the good thoughts and the good intentions and the good memories and how they were raised and what their parents and grandparents have always been are being nurtured and mothered by the wrong mother that's why hell has enlarged herself i want the right mother tonight i want to be part of the bride of christ i want to be part of the marriage supper of the lamb i want to hear the midnight cry behold the bridegroom cometh and i want my lamb to be full and i wanted my wick to be trimmed and i want to go forth to meet him praise god praise god is there anybody here that's never been baptized in jesus name that you'd like to be baptized tonight anybody here if you've never been baptized please see one of us we want to talk to you we want to baptize you in jesus name the bride is not afraid to take the name of the one husband amen amen what a beautiful presence of god what a beautiful spirit is in this place let's take it with us as we go let's believe god let's trust god let's ask god to help us this week every bible study that's being taught i'm praying for you there are scores of bible studies being taught right now and and god's filling up his church god is birthing new people into the kingdom and i'm excited about it amen man i wish i had another hour if i had another hour i would say that when you refuse to be called the son of pharaoh's daughter god raises up a moses and moses brings the people out he takes him through the water and into the cloud and ladies and gentlemen that's an acts 2 38 bible study when you make up in your mind to be part of this with all your heart you'll pull people out of egypt you'll take them through the water you'll take them into the holy ghost you'll teach bible studies you'll go into the highways and the hedges you'll paint the blood of the lamb over the doorposts of people's houses that's what happens when you refuse to be called her son amen all right i'm done preaching i got to stop we love you we appreciate you take the word of god with you as you go you're dismissed in jesus name let's come back tuesday night ready to praise god you
Channel: First Pentecostal Church of Durham
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Length: 121min 0sec (7260 seconds)
Published: Sun May 09 2021
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