Submission - Pastor Joel Urshan

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thank you Lord God is good how many love what you feel in this house hallelujah somebody say it again he's able he's able to do exceeding and abundantly above all we can ask or think according to the power that worketh in a hallelujah the power of the Holy Ghost thank you Jesus thank you Jesus we're going to look into the word of the Lord tonight we're going to study the Scriptures welcome to Bible study and welcome to family night Bible study which means we're all in here together and we're just gonna look into the word of the Lord I want to begin reading from the book of James and I'm going to be speaking to you tonight on the subject of submission everybody say submission submission now the scripture we're going to begin with is the book of James and we're going to read from the fourth chapter of the book of James and I want to read a very important verse of scripture that really shows you the power of submission James chapter four and verse number seven actually we're gonna begin reading at the sixth verse but he meaning God God giveth more grace wherefore he saith God resisteth the proud but giveth grace unto the humble submit yourselves therefore to God resist the devil and he will flee from you so I want to just point out that verse of scripture because when we quote that verse we say verse seven submit yourselves therefore to God resist the devil and he will flee from you but if you're going to quote that verse and recognize the word therefore you need to go back and understand what the therefore is addressing submit yourselves for - God resists the devil and he will flee from you this is the therefore the reference of the word therefore God gives grace to the humble but he resists the proud that's why that is why we submit ourselves to God and we resist the devil and when we do the enemy will flee from us now I want you to know that when the Bible talks about fleeing that doesn't just mean he walks away casually but it means he runs in fear from us when we submit ourselves unto God and resist the devil the devil will flee from us you if you want the devil to flee from you you don't just resist the devil resisting the devil alone will not cause the devil to flee from you it is twofold what is necessary to cause the devil to flee from you and to flee from your life and to flee from the circumstances you're facing and the twofold nature of that causing the enemy to flee from you is to submit yourselves unto God why because God resists the proud and he gives grace to the humble and then you resist the devil in that position and the devil will flee from you he will run in fear from you the devil is afraid of a submitted soul a soul that is submitted unto the Lord the devil is afraid of that individual and so this is so important for us to understand that we are to be submitted now this word submission I know that it's not a popular word especially in 2019 I see brother Jesse artist back there god bless you brother Jesse let's give the Lord a great big hand clap a praise hallelujah thank the Lord we give God the glory a man I'm so glad to see you in the house of the Lord he's come through a trial of fire and trial by fire trial of faith but God has kept him and we give God the praise for that amen and amen amen this word submission is not a popular word it's not a word people like to to really tune into and abide by and to to make a part of their life but the reason is because they focus on the wrong part of the word the root of the word submission is the word mission but many people focus their minds on the the part of the word that that says sub which means under or beneath and so people think of submission as being a position beneath them or beneath somebody underneath someone else and it just is so hard for the human mind for the flesh of man to really wrap his or her mind around the idea of being underneath someone else and so they get caught up in sub I don't want to be sub I don't want to be sub merged under someone else's authority I don't want to be subjected to somebody else's way of doing things I don't want to be under or beneath I I want to be my own individual I want to be above I want to be on top we talk so much about being the head and not the tail that we end up looking at certain facets of the work of God and the kingdom of God as being beneath us we cannot look at it that way we must understand that the root of the word submission is not sub the root of the word is mission it's the mission we've got to keep in our mind what the mission is what is the mission the mission is the Commission it's the Great Commission go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature that is the mission and the reason it's a commission is because we're not doing it on our own God is with us doing it with us he goes before us he overshadows us he undergirds us he goes beside us he indwells us and we are doing the work of the Lord together with the Lord it is his mission his mission is to seek and to save that which was lost his mission is to find every lost coin and restore it back to its original place his mission is to find every lost lamb and restore them back to the fold his mission is to bind up the brokenhearted to set at liberty them that are bruised his mission is to open the eyes of the blind to unstop the ears of the Deaf to raise the dead to caused the lame to walk again his mission is to reach the loss with the glorious salvation of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ that is the mission and listen ladies and gentlemen there's only one head of this body there are not multiple heads to this body there's only one head to this body and the head of this body is Jesus Christ Christ is the head of the church you hear me Christ is the head of the church you've heard me say it and I and I mean it and from the depth of my being I mean it when people ask you whose church do you go to you tell him I'm in the Lord's Church it happens to be the congregation where brother shins the pastor but this is Christ's Church this is the body of Christ hallelujah he's the head he's the head he's the head he is the chief Cornerstone so we are submitted to him we are in sub mission to him it is his mission it is his work it's not my work I don't get to determine the goals of Church the goal is outlined for us in the scriptures the goal is to reach the lost the goal is to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ we are a gospel preaching entity we are a soul Saving Station that is who we are and that is what we do and so that's the mission and you get to decide whether or not you're gonna come up under that mission and if you come up under that mission that is submission so in the process of of doing the work of the Lord and working for God and and and reaching the lost there are a number of things that play into that and and and they are as follows we are not just a a gospel preaching entity but we're a gospel living entity we don't just we don't just preach it we practice what we preach hallelujah so so what is sad in the pulpit has to be lived out in the workplace has to be lived out in the home has to be lived out in the school manat just something that we say so that people will commend us or applaud us we we live what we preach and what we teach and so so in every part of our life there is sub mission why do you live the way that you live because I am under the mission I'm under the banner of his mission I live my life and I choose my words and I make my decisions all under the banner of his mission when I go to a restaurant I am an ambassador for Christ when I'm when I'm checking out at the cash register I am an ambassador for Jesus Christ hallelujah I'm not my own I'm not my own I don't know where this mentality of of I'm my own man no you're not your own man and that's contrary to the Scriptures the Scriptures clearly say you are not your own that's worldly thinking that I'm my own nobody's going to tell me what to do if God can't tell you what to do you are in trouble in fact I literally said stronger than that if God can't tell you what to do you're lost God told you to forgive you've got to forgive God told you to be holy you got to be holy God told you to pray you got to pray God told you to love your neighbor as yourself you got to love your neighbor as yourself God told you to repent you've got to repent God told you to be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ you got to be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ God told you to be born of the water and of the Spirit you've got to be born of the water and of the Spirit what is that it's sub mission I am underneath the mission of Jesus Christ his mission covers me his mission cloaks me it covers the way I talk it covers the way I act it covers the way I treat people it covers the way I dress it covers the way I interact with people in a place of business I am not my own I am purchased I am purchased by the blood of Jesus Christ I am under his mission and so the Bible teaches us what that looks like the Bible doesn't just tell you to submit yourselves under the Lord I know that's all what we all want to do while I'm submitted to God but that's not what the Bible that's not the only that's not the only type of application the Scriptures used to describe submission there are other areas of submission that are important and let me just tell you something you and I can operate in an area of submission when there is a submission that is across the board being practiced by people in their lives people find it easier to be submitted to one another when all of us are submitted to God when you are submitted to God you're a lot easier to respect when you're submitted to God you're a lot easier to love when you're submitted to God you're a lot easier to hearken to to obey notice what the scripture says in Ephesians chapter 5 the scripture says and it's efficient chapter 5 verse 21 submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of God in the fear of God we are submitted one to another we are not jockeying for position we're not vying for position I'm not even vying for position if you know me or I've known me for a little while you know I understand my authority is not my authority I operate in a pastoral authority that's not in my authority that is the authority of God upon this position a pastor and so so I'm underneath his mission and I only have authority when I'm declaring his word and I'm applying his word I don't have authority when it starts becoming my conjecture my speculation my ideas that's not where I have Authority I have authority in the word of the Lord that's where I have authority is in the Word of God and I can I can stand on the Word of God and look hell in the face and declare his gospel and declare his peace and declare his power not because I have authority but because he has Authority and I am under submission I am under the mission of God I'm covered by his mission so I know he's gotten my back if I'm preaching his word I know he's got my back if I'm sharing the Word of God we do not vie for position we're not trying to step on folks to get them out of our way we are not territorial we're not territorial in the kingdom of God this isn't this my space and you can't come near it that's not how it works in the kingdom of God in the kingdom of God this is God's church and so we're not territorial in the kingdom of God the scripture says submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of God you don't always have to be right you don't always have to win the argument you don't always have to have your way in fact you do well to follow the Scriptures submitting yourselves one to another we're in the fear of God this is why we submit ourselves one to another because we have a healthy fear of the Lord now listen to what it says wives submit yourselves unto your own husband's I know that's not popular in 2019 I'm just reading the scriptures wives submit yourselves unto your own husband's now now now you got to hear this because brethren that puts a great deal of responsibility on you and I because the Apostle Paul is telling our wives to submit unto their husbands but then he gives them understanding of why and how as unto the Lord so brethren you've got to be like the Lord now I know what I know what you think that means you think that means in the sense of being able to demand what you want no no you be like the Lord like the song said I got a long way to go just to be like my lord and so your wife will find it easier to submit unto you when you are conducting yourself in the integrity of the Lord verse 23 for the husband is the head of the wife even as Christ is the head of the church and he is the savior of the body therefore as the church is subject unto Christ so let the wives be to their own husband husbands and ever thing notice now brethren you're feeling good right now right this just validated quite a bit of what you've been saying around the house bless God but buckle your seat belt you might want to put your shin guards on because the scripture goes on to say husbands love your wives even as Christ also loved the church and gave himself for it you've got to love your wives even as Christ loved the church and gave himself for it so let me let's go back to how Christ loved the church and how Christ gave himself for the church because we've been reading about how that the wife is supposed to submit herself to the husband as unto the Lord but then we learn that the husband is supposed to lay the template he's supposed to preface the relationship by loving her as Christ loves the church and how did Christ loved the church by giving himself for the church so let's go back to when Christ did this you find him in the Garden of Gethsemane and what did he do in the Garden of Gethsemane he came under submission he said let this cup pass from me if it be your will then he realized it's not the will for the cup to pass so he said not my will but thy will be done that's how you love your wives you are just as submitted to your wife in love as she is submitted to you in reverence so the scripture said husbands love your wives even as Christ also loved the church and gave himself for it that he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of the water by the word that he might present it to himself a glorious church not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing but that it should be holy and without blemish so ought men love their wives as their own bodies he that loveth his wife loveth himself so so when you're talking about a submission it's not just the wife being submitted to the husband she is as under the Lord in reverence that's what he goes on to say in verse 33 verse 32 he said this is a great mystery we all knew that marriage is a great mystery he said but I speak concerning Christ and the church nevertheless let every one of you in particular so love his wife even as himself hallelujah even as himself and the wife see that she reverence her husband so notice the order that that comes in when you brethren love her the way Christ loved the church she responds with reverence and this is the way that submission works I wanted to go ahead and tell you furthermore not only does it work in the marriage relationship but it works in every relationship if you will preface every one of your relationships with love there will be a reciprocal reverence to the love that you have shown so so instead of getting getting your your anger up and getting up in arms someone when they come at you so to speak instead of doing that show them the love of God when you show them the love of God what happens they respond with reverence this is what the Bible means when it says that a soft answer turneth away wrath it turns away wrath so but Grievous words stir up anger when you respond to an altercation with a soft answer you are showing submission you're showing submission and grievous words will stir up anger so so you're not under submission when you respond with grievous words Grievous words are just going to stir up strife stir anger but when you respond with a soft answer it turns away wrath not only will it turn away wrath that is coming at you but it will actually turn away wrath that is rising up within you how many have ever been in a conversation with somebody and the wrath started boiling show of hands come on now what we got to have honesty here honesty the wrath just started boiling and you couldn't wait for them to get done because you had it all set you're gonna lay into them the Bible in the Bible tells you listen there's a bigger mission than you setting them straight there's a bigger mission than you giving them a piece of your mind there's a bigger mission than you establishing your territory there's a bigger mission than you showing them who's boss there's a bigger mission at hand and you if you're under that mission then you will respond to them with a soft answer and that soft answer will turn away wrath in them and that soft answer will turn away the wrath that is boiling inside of you and so this is what we're talking about when we talk about submission submitting ourselves one to another in the fear of the Lord well nobody's gonna talk to me that way do you know how they talk to your Lord do you know how they talk was anything they said about him true when they were mocking him when they were when they were ridiculing him when they were persecuting him why do you why do you feel like you should defend your position in a way that he would not defend his own position he really is the king of kings he really is the Lord of lords you and I we're not much to write home about but he really is the Lord of all I mean III hear people talk so much in it's worldly philosophy they talk so much about about us you know just kind of staking their claim and and and and showing people who they who they are and who they aren't and they pride they take pride in themselves in being in being tough and hitting back but but that's not the way I Lord operated and and when he did it you might think that that's weak really weak he overcame death hell in the grave with this with this particular modus operandi he subdued every principality and power with this particular method of doing things so so I would I would not call it weakness I would call it all power in heaven and in earth that's what you have when you are under submission to the Lord that's what you have when you are submitted to your wife and love and wife when you are submitted to your husband and reverence you are under the submission of God it's not just submission to your husband you do it in the fear of the Lord you do it in the in the acknowledgement of God's nature and of God's great grace 1st Peter chapter 5 we're gonna look there as well 1st Peter chapter 5 and we're gonna continue talking about this matter of submission 1st Peter chapter 5 and verse number 2 feed the flock of God which is among you taking the oversight thereof now notice what he says here not by constraint not by constraint there is no that the kingdom of God doesn't operate when a shepherd tries to take oversight by constraint that's not how it works but willingly you do it willingly and the people respond willingly that tree of life church you know that you're here because you chose to come here tonight you chose to come and hear the word of the Lord you chose to come and worship the Lord you chose to come and be in fellowship with your brothers and your sisters nobody constrained you to come nobody made you feel guilty nobody threatened - blast you on Facebook if you didn't show up you're here because you know where you can find the presence of the Lord and where you can find food for your soul hallelujah that's what happens when the body of Christ comes together we don't do things with with us strong hand we do things by feeding the flock of God which is among you taking the oversight thereof not by constraint but willingly not for filthy lucre we don't do these things so that so that people can be taken advantage of be careful of those who are after your wallet but don't care about your soul but of a ready mind Oh hallelujah neither as being lords over God's heritage pastor cannot lord over God's heritage this isn't this isn't my heritage this is God's heritage so we do not lord over God's heritage but big examples are in samples to the flock and when the chief Shepherd shall appear you shall receive a crown of glory that fadeth not away the chief Shepherd see we're moving through this weary land and through this pilgrim land but there's a chief Shepherd that is going to appear and when the chief Shepherd shall appear you shall receive a crown of glory that fadeth not away now notice what he says here likewise ye younger submit yourselves unto the elder yay all of you here says it again be subject one to another all of you and you younger be submitted unto the elders submit yourselves unto the elder there needs to be in 2019 the Lord knows we need a healthy revival of respect for our elders hallelujah you show them respect you listen to what they're saying you listen to what they have have to impart unto you they have life experience and knowledge and wisdom to share and you receive that you glean that they've lived here longer than you have and you and you help them if you see them in need you help them if you see them in a position of requiring assistance you help them you don't smart off to them you don't rebuke them did you know that the scripture teaches us not to rebuke an elder and we've got we've got folks that just spout off to whoever they want to spout off to the Bible even speaks against speaking evil of dignitaries dignities we don't speak evil of dignitaries we pray for those who are in leadership and listen it listen it doesn't matter I'm talking to Republicans and Democrats it doesn't matter who you are or what party you affiliate with you needed to pray for President Obama and you need to pray for President Trump if you don't like something about who's in charge you pray that God deals with their heart you don't just sit around and criticize and lone and groan and complain and gripe that's the way the world operates you go to a prayer closet and you say Lord I'm concerned about who's in charge of this or that in my nation God speak to them right now Lord move upon them right now I'm talking about real spiritual warfare hallelujah I'm gonna tell you and listen 2020s almost here and the devil is gonna try to tear our nation apart in 2020 but you hear me he will not tear the church apart in 2020 we pray we seek the face of God we submit ourselves one to another we subject ourselves one to another that's the Bible way and that's how we live our lives Oh hallelujah we do not rebuke elders we subject ourselves one to another notice what he says in first Peter 5:5 be clothed with humility be clothed with humility why here says it again different apostle same message why be clothed with humility for God resisteth the proud I'm gonna tell you be careful when you start puffing out your chest you be careful when you start raising your head you be careful when you start start walking like you've got something to prove or something to show God will resist you be meek be humble now listen listen there is a time don't misunderstand me I'm not saying be weak again there's a time for boldness but it needs to be a holy boldness there's a difference between boldness and bravado there's a difference one is fleshly and one is holy one is spiritual you know bravado will get you in all kinds of trouble bravado will have you signing checks you can't cash you you know you're all big and bad and tough and and honking your horn and then four or five guys jump out of the car in front of you and you're trying to get that thing in Reverse why cuz you got a little too you've got a little too too involved with your emotions there holy boldness will come when it's necessary there are some things you need to take a stand against there's some things you need to dig in your heels and say I shall not be moved that is not unchristian it is not unchristian to set your face like a flint and dig in your heels and say for me in my house we will serve the Lord I love you but that's not coming in my house I will pray for you but that's not coming in my house this is the house that God has put me over as Christ as the Saviour of the church I'm the savior of the body concerning my family and I will pray and I will love but I'm gonna set my face like a flint that's holy boldness but when you just start grabbing folks by the lapels and you got stuff flying out of your mouth and you got eyes that are rolling back and you're angry angry angry you Bible said be careful when you get angry because you're getting really close to sinning you can't help it when you get angry that's it's an emotion but don't let it get into your hands don't let it get into your feet don't let it get into your mouth be clothed with humility be subjected one to another humble notice what he said for God again he says for God resisteth the proud do you know what that means that means God becomes your enemy he resists you he resists you you're not gonna get done what you think you're gonna get done you're you're not only taking on whoever it is you're showing that pride against but but but you're you're turning your back on God if God be for you who can be against you the antithesis of that is also true if God is not for you anybody can take you down so so God resists the proud but he gives grace to the humble notice what verse 6 says humble yourselves therefore goes back to therefore Peter and James two witnesses saying the exact same thing humble yourselves therefore why because God resists the proud and grace to the humble you want grace be humble you want God to put his hand against what your efforts are be proud God will shut you down God will shut down what you're trying to accomplish you don't want that humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God and now listen to this that he may exalt you in due time you want God to exalt you you don't want to exalt yourself you don't you don't want man to exalt you you don't want man to exalt you to a position that God didn't anoint you for and man I'll try it man will absolutely try it because man looks upon the outward appearance but God looks upon the heart and he sees the heart and he knows who you are and what you're capable of doing and what He has called you to do and you you want to know how that position comes how to let God exalt you in due time he's giving you a he's giving you an absolute prescription for that submit yourselves unto the elder all of you be subject one to another be clothed with humility for God resisteth the proud and giveth grace to the humble humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God that he may exalt you in due time you're being exalted has nothing to do with you positioning yourself posturing yourself by any worldly means the only positioning and posturing that is to be done is a position of humility a position of submission a position of subjecting yourselves one to another and submitting unto the elder a man thank the Lord and so so we understand then that the scripture teaches us casting all your care upon him for he careth for you you know we've talked about that that what that's talking it doesn't that's not necessarily even though this is true that scripture that scripture is not saying cast all your care on him for he loves you he does love you and that is why you can cast your care on him but that scripture is telling you to cast all your care on him for he careth for you he carries your cares for you and when does he do that not when you're proud he does it when you are humble and what's amazing about humility is that is that we can't achieve humility on our own I can't be humble dear lord have mercy if I try to be humble it's a train wreck I start I start trying to be humble and then I began to get real proud of how humble I am and I start making sure everybody knows how humble I am and they you know I start like making sure they understand all the stuff I did that's more humble than what they did and and if you think your humble waiter you hear what I did yesterday it's gonna blow your humble I am that's not humility that's pride and so so humility is a thing you can't get on your own you have to say Lord make me humble and impart humility to me I loved what Bishop TF Tenny said when he said humility is that unique virtue where the moment you the moment you know you've got it you don't the humble don't know they're humble the humble are in a constant state of of seeking to please the Lord and it and it generates humility in them and and they are so keenly aware of their own fallen state as a human being that that they don't even realize humility is within their reach so if they're humble the only one to know they're humble is God the only one to truly know they're humble is the Lord he knows the heart a man Philippians chapter 2 if thou be there for if there be therefore any consolation in Christ if any comfort of love if any fellowship of the Spirit if any bowels and mercies fulfill you my joy that you be like-minded having the same love being of one Accord of one mind the Apostle Paul said to the church at Philippi you fulfill my joy when you are like-minded having the same love there is no greater joy to a parent than to know that their children walk in truth and there is no greater joy to this apostle than to know that the people that he brought to the Lord are loving one another and there's no greater joy to our God than to know that his children love one another you and I can't even fathom the grief it brings to God when we don't have love one for another we can't even fathom the grief that brings to God let nothing be done through strife let nothing be done through vain glory let things be done in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves that means you've got to esteem the person next to you better than you esteem yourself he's taking it he's taking he's clearly defining what the word means to love your neighbor as yourself esteem one another better than you esteem yourself notice this look not every man on his own things but look every man also on the things of others then he tells us where this comes from let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus who being in the form of God thought it not robbery to be equal with God but made himself of no reputation did you hear what that just said he made himself of no reputation he didn't have a logo he didn't have a brand he didn't have a social-media handler he didn't have a committee to help him present himself he didn't have teleprompters he didn't have speech writers he didn't have a clothing line he didn't a was not brand conscious he literally did exactly the opposite he made himself of no reputation none he would heal people and say don't tell anybody that just make sure you tell no man that this just happened why he obviously one of the Gospel to go forth he said to tell every creature about the gospel of Jesus Christ so it's not that he didn't want the gospel to go forth it's that he didn't want people as people do to start worshipping man he wanted them to worship God so so because of this no I want you to notice he made himself of no reputation and that is interesting because here we are two thousand plus years later and every one of us are worshipping Him billions of people are worshipping Him billions of people are calling upon his name magnifying his name we towed into the baptismal tank to take his name upon our life he never put his name on a piece of clothing he never put his name on a piece of luggage he never put his name on a skyscraper he never put his name on anything but but all of us are wanting to put his name there's power in humility the real power the real power is in humility because humility allows God to exalt you in due time he made himself of no reputation and took upon him the form of a servant do y'all just have to indulge me I guess I'm just having so much fun with this because I'm realizing he could have taken upon himself the form of anything he could have taken on himself the form of a king he could have taken on himself the form of an emperor he could have taken upon himself the form of a governor he could have taken upon himself the form of a tycoon he could have taken upon himself the form of a mogul he could have taken upon himself the form of anything but but he took upon himself the form of a servant and was made in the likeness of men and being found in fashion as a man notice what he did he humbled himself and what else did he do he came obedient unto death even the death of the cross you know why sub mission under the mission of God was the death of the Lamb and he said not my will but thy will be done under them I'm under the mission of God and because of that I am obedient unto death even the death of the cross wherefore God also hath highly exalted him and given him a name which is above every name that at the name of Jesus every knee shall bow of things in heaven and things in earth and things under the earth and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father my lord have mercy true true promotion comes from humility to true promotion comes from pahst raishin laying yourself down assuming others better than yourselves true promotion comes from clothing yourself with humility hallelujah knowing that you're always in need of humbling by God thank you Jesus let brotherly love continue you know how brotherly love continues brotherly love doesn't continue just because we all say oh man alright fine I'll be nice whatever that's not how brotherly love continues brotherly love continues by each of us subjecting ourselves one to another in the fear of God each of us just laying aside ourselves and our self defense see the Bible says we die daily I'm supposed to die every single day I'm supposed to die everyday this flesh of Joel Ocean is supposed to die everyday and and and and you go into the prayer room and if we make it there if we make it to the prayer room and we think that's where the flesh dies is in the prayer room right weary cry and we ask God to forgive us for anything we may have done wrong or for something we mean we know we've done wrong and and we ask God to forgive us and cleanse us and washed us and we think that's where we die that that isn't always where you die you need to do that every day you need to you need to lay yourself down on the altar but here's where you die daily you die daily when somebody puts a spear in your side verbally emotionally spiritually and when they do notice what Jesus response was to that that guy made me mad and I'm coming to a close that guy made me so mad when he put the spear in Jesus eyes of everybody at the crucifixion that guy made me the most mad you know why because I'm seriously like the guy hasn't been through enough he's been wounded bruised chastised smitten stricken afflicted he's been he's been completely decimated he's been mutilated he's hanging on that cross and then I don't know where you just gonna come up with a spear and shove it deep into his side like he hasn't been through enough but notice what Jesus did and what his response was the only thing that happened he did not wince he didn't brace himself he didn't he didn't intake air all that happened was blood and water flowed that's all that happened he there was no reaction other than blood and water flowed you want to know why there was no reaction he was already gone he was already crucified he had already died if he had not died there would have been a reaction when you have a reaction to those who wound you it's evidence you're not crucified with Christ I can tell I can tell when my flesh needs to die because I felt the tip of their spirit react yeah but but but when I but when I'm crucified with Christ hallelujah they can bring whatever they want to bring and all they're gonna get is the blood the blood the blood the blood the blood the water hallelujah the blood in the water Oh glory hallelujah thank you Jesus there are three that bear record in the earth the blood the water and the spirit the blood and the water flowed because his spirit was already at one with God that's what happens when your spirit is one with God blood and water flows unity we tell you the most beautiful thing about Calvary about Calvary's cross that when it was all said and done and he had gone through all of this submission he was under the mission could have called legions of angels at any time he could have smote everybody with blindness he could have caused the earth to open up and swallow man shut the earth on top of him he could have done anything brought fire from heaven could have done anything but he was submitted because he was under the mission under the mission my will is under the mission my emotions are under the mission the mission comes first the glory comes first reaching the lost comes first and when he gave up the ghost and when the Sun went dark and when the earth did quake there was a Centurion who had blood on his hands if you please standing off to the side and he saw the reaction of the earth to this one upon the cross and he said truly this was the son of God people don't know if your message is right or real or true just because you say it is they know it's real right and true when they see how your response is to the blunt attack of the enemy when the enemy comes in like a flood and the Spirit of the Lord raises up a standard I'm not gonna raise my hand against you I'm not gonna raise my hand I'm not gonna cut you with my tongue I'm not gonna do it jesus said to Peter put your sword away Peter took the sword and sort of just flailing this cutting folks ears off cut malthus's ear off and and Jesus is like put your sword away ha man Peter good grief goes over picks up the ear puts it on mouth cuz his head's all right sorry about that he gets a little carried away sometimes let me remind you how sharp this is it is sharper than any two-edged sword there is no two-edged sword more sharp than what I'm holding right here so I'm not gonna come up in this place and just start flailing it and flinging it and cutting folks no we're gonna handle it skillfully with love we're gonna speak this in love this is this is not like a this is not a samurai sword this is a surgical instrument we anesthetize people with the grace of God with the love of God and then this word moves inside where other places can't reach in it it cuts tumors off of vital organs and it it cuts away at deadly things that are inside of people that's what the word is designed to do well I don't really care just as long you're just gonna put it out there well you you can put it out there but if you're really truly under the mission then you will do it God's Way you won't just go flailing at people and cutting their ears off they need that ear to hear the gospel how shall they hear without a preacher the preacher on the day of Pentecost has cutting people's ears off and there are a lot of people who can't even hear the gospel because of how we have mutilated the only way they can perceive it some people won't even darken the doors of a church because they've been wounded by people who just come rolling out here with their big machete think there's our oh it's godly sorrow that worketh repentance not godly sorrow that worketh repentance this is a surgical instrument glory to God hallelujah the sword of the Spirit which is the word of God the sword of the Spirit which is the word of God I'm under the mission I'm clothed with the armor of God I'm clothed with humility helmet of salvation breastplate of righteousness feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace loins Girt about with truth the sword of the Spirit which is the word of God above all taking the shield of faith wherewith you shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked come on ladies and gentlemen when you're submitted to God you'll be submitted one to another you'll pay them that have the rule over you you hear what I'm telling you you'll honor your father and your mother you will respect your elders you will submit to your husband you will submit in love to your wife it's called living under the banner of his mission i esteem you better than i esteem myself thank you Jesus come on let's stand to our feet right now and lift up the name of the Lord in worship and praise hallelujah come on let's lift up his name right now glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God blessed be his name blessed be his holy name blessed be his holy name blessed be his holy name blessed be his holy name thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus submission submission is you don't know how submitted you are until submission requires you to do what you don't want to do you can you can shout about submission you can preach about submission teach about submission you can you can talk about submission but until submission requires you to do something you don't want to do that's when you're gonna know whether you're submitted or not and I'm gonna tell you something when you're not submitted to the things of God and to God himself folks you're walking a dangerous road you're open to every attack of any enemy but all when you're under the submission of God I'm submitted this is submission hallelujah he brought me to the banqueting house and his banner over me was love I'm covered covered covered by the blood walking by grace living in love come on lift up your hands under the Lord right now all across this building and ask God to help you be submitted right now in the name of Jesus hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah I want somebody to come to the front right now if you want to if you want to there's a good gathering of people here hallelujah I feel like we need to come down somebody and just say lord help me to be submitted to you my flesh likes to rage my flesh likes to get in the way Lord my anger gets out of control sometimes lord I have trouble sometimes with none now Lord I have trouble loving the way I need to love and being humble the way I need to be humble lord I had trouble respecting my spouse respecting the ministry respecting my brother my sister in the Lord Lord I provoke my children to wrath help me God help me go Lord is this rebellious streak inside of me I don't want it to be there or better yet maybe you do want it to be there that oughta terrify you Lord I'm laying down this rebellious streak right now in the name of Jesus this attitude and nobody's gonna tell me oh god take that from me this attitude of I'm my own person Lord take that from me Lord that's the way lucifer talks Lord that's the way Lucifer lift heavy table help me God oh yes Lord yes Lord yes Lord yes a little yes Lord come on that's it pour it all out to him right now pour it all out to him right now thank you Jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Tree Of Life Church Cincinnati Ohio
Views: 1,695
Rating: 4.8620691 out of 5
Id: AkfRWkUwpeY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 8sec (3728 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 04 2019
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